e Hundreds Attend Opening Of Second Annual Hobby Fair vy -------------------- . THE DAILY TIMES-GAZET TE laree Attendance OSHAWA Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle VOL. 9--No. 92 OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1950 ® Awards Presented [Gas Station At Second Annual C.R.A. Hobby Fair ovis Pollowing is the complete list of | C.R.A. Awards CLASS A--A. J. Forest, 157 Centre | Smith, founder of the Smith Trans- To Replace Smith Home An old Oshawa residence on Sim- pear in the interests of modern pro- gress. The old Smith residence, occupied for many years by Phil Demolishing House to Build Service Station ~= we By Fine Display Hundreds of enthusiastic hobbyists and their admirers dropped into the Gibb Street Community Recreation Asso- ciation Centre last night where the association's three-day second annual Hobby Fair, with 2,000 exhibits, was unveiled and some 26 Challenge Trophies presented. Over 600 ii vidual awards were handed out Tuesday. It seemed evident that many ste the exhibitors, young and old alike, |'w. Kirk was a quartermaster as had concentrated their creative ac- |gne of the camps and unknowing= tivities to a corner of the kitchen, jy one of the P.O.W.'s carved ous or a card table set up in their bed- | his figure on wood, rooms or at the C.R.A. workshop. If any person would like to look s and awards at! Yinmers of trophies Hobby Fair be- | 2b MIS. A. Kory, 45 Harmony Rd.| port, Limited, and his family, at y (2 awards) ; Miss Rose Hahn, 4 Sim- | go7 Simcoe Street South, just north ing held under the auspices of the|coe St. S. (2 awards); Miss Edith| of Bloor Street, is being demolished. Oshawa and District Community | Brooks, 243 Gibbons; Frank Singer, | 1, jts place will be built a modern Recreation Association in the CR.A.| 117 Conant St.; Mrs. Eric Pearce, | service station associated with the Building: -- [79 McGregor @ve.; Mrs. Vera Wir- | business of Ray Bennett Motors, LEATHERCRAFT DEPARTMENT |Sching, 130 xborough Ave.; Mr. | Limited. Announcement to this ef- Hobby Fair Award and . the | George Hester, 41 Sandra St.; Vii was made today by Michael Lewiscraft, Supplies Trophy--won A be pe Sossin, president of Ray Bennett J Kathleen Curtis, 3 Albany | Mrs, obog l g | Motors, who said that demolition of Yoru. : [Arthur St. | way, and that as soon as the site Hobby Fair Awards CLASS B--George Olliffe 91|{s cleared, erection of the modern CLASS A--Miss Wilma E. Werry, | Gibbs St. | service station will be. started. 49 Warren Ave, (2 awards); Mrs.| CLASS C--Jackie Cornish, 211 | The property which has been pur- Barbara Kryworuchko, 218 Arthur |Monk St.; (12). chased by Ray Bennett. Motors ex- 8t., Mrs. Vivian Dilworth, 215 Athol] CLASS E--Joyce = Kilburn, 51 | pre from its present service gar- | 8t. E. (2 awards); Mrs. Kathleen | McLaughlin Blvd. age northward to the bridge over Curtis, 3 Albany Ave.; Mrs. J. R.! Commended Awards Highway No. 2A. The only building | Robinson, 247 Simcoe St. N. #, CLASS A--A. J. Forrest, 157|at present on the property is the | CLASS B--Bobby Jackson, 98 Centre St.; Mrs. M. Swanger, 163)|old Smith residence, which, by the | Cadillac Ave, S. (12). | La Salle Ave.; Miss Wilma E. Werry, | passing of years has become some- | CLASS F--Jane Doelle, Ontario |49 Warren Ave.; Miss Isabell Swin- | what of an eyesore. The lot ex-| Ladies College, Whitby (19). | dells, 137 Huron St us Rose | tends for 250 feet to the rear, and Speci b Hahn, 4 Simcoe St. S.; rs. L.|in addition to the service station, a| CLASS Sposa) Auarls ; (Knapp, 303 Kingsdale Ave. (2! used car sales depot will be estab- S Miss Joan Lambert, awards); Miss Wilma Werry, 49] lished on the property 481 Masson St, | Warren Ave; Mrs. C. Robinson,| "We are going to build one of the | 625 Masson St.; Miss Joyce Kerr, | most beautiful and modern service | Y.W.C.A.; Mrs. H. Wright, 109 Wood | stations that can be devised," said | Street; Mr. A. Forrest, 157 Centre| Mr. Sossin, in conversation with | St. { The Times-Gazette. "We have great | - CLASS B--Bobby Jackson, 98 | confidence in the future progress of | DANCE -- N 0 R T H O. SH AW A Cadillac Ave. S. | \| the city of Oshawa, and we believe | School." Admission 50c. Don Brear | CLASS C--Carol Edwards, 2 and Orchestr A Nortt that the south end of the city is] a. Auspices orth ; ; Oshawa C.R.A.. Park Funds. | Albert SE. (9) {going to see much. development. | (92a) | CLASS D--David Edwards 238 When it is completed, the new sta- | . : Je 1 Albert St. (7). | tion will be a credit to Oshawa, | RUMMAGE SALE--ST Boi ih CLASS E--Joyce Kilburn, 51|and will do much to brighten up | Basis Jiall, Centre St... Friday, | McLaughlin Blvd. | the Bloor-Simcoe corner. We are | Fob hai. Narparet Hart} CLASS F--Rita Donaldson, On-|now in negotiation with contractors, [ : 22) | tario Ladies College, Whitby; Kath- | and it is our intention to start work | RUMMAGE SALE -- CENTRE ST. |leen Anne Lake, Ontario Ladies on it as soon as the site is ready | Church, Friday, 2 p.m. W.C.T.U.| College, Whitby; Gwendolyn Olive for building." : (92) | Lake, Ontario Ladies Oollege,! Ray Bennett Motors, Limited, | RUMMAGE SALE--ST. ANDREW'S | Whitby. | moved to the location at Bloor and | Church, Friday, April 21, at 2 pm.| SHELLCRAFT DEPARTMENT | Simcoe Streets, formerly oc cupied | (92a) | Hobby Fair Award and The | entirely by Smith Transport, Limit- | HON I BAKING SALE, MEAGH. | Houghton's Drug Store Trophy ed, last fall. There the company | er's, 92 Simcoe North, Friday, established a beautiful modern | { Coming Events ! ment of a used car sales depot is | Oshawa Builders Above photograph shows the property which has been purchased by Ray Bennett Motors, Limited, on Simcoe Stret South, and on which a modern service statlon is to be built. The property extends from the | present service garage," at the right, to the bridge over Highway No. 2A, to the left. The old Smith residence, shown on the property, is now being demolished to clear the site for the service station. ~--Times-Gazette® Staff Pheto. information regarding the new leg- islation in connection with low cost a logical development of the busi- | housing and additional mortgage ness, and will round out the ser-; At Convention money available to new home own- 3 €rs, BRE AL FAIL S vice Shel to the public by Ray | Be Mot SRR 'In Winnipeg | : . ofs | Vancouver, April-20--(CP)-- Five Tipplers Soviling { convicts attempted a break from . A I In South Africa mong the "Oshawa nawa builders at- suburban Oakalla Prison Farm | tending the annual convention of g | the National House Builders Asso- | wednesday but, foiled by the work Johannesburg, South Africa -- {ciation in Winnipeg this week are |°f @ former naval officer, were back (CP) -- South Africa's whisky |S. Jackson, A. Johansen, T. Mosier, | In custody only 30 minutes later. drought is being relieved by a | wm. Hidgley and Leon B. Nash of | Mervin Millman, son of ° Warden drink which is prepared locally. Its | the Schofield Insurance Agency. |Charles Millman, apprehended base is a concentrate imported from | This important convention brings | t11ee of the escapees singlehanded Holland, but it is blended and out all the best in home building [and helped his father and a guard broken down with spirit in the | methods and new materials and [Surround the others. Union. mode of building. Sue of a service station and establish- | Nearly everything imaginable was on view from a stool made out of an elephant"s paw--the. elephant was killed in Kenya, East Africa-- to a child's artistic painting. Exceptionally High Calibre The work accomplished in the turning out of lamps, candlesticks, ashtrays showed an exceptionally high degree of craftsmanship and interest on the part of the hobby- ists. Garbed in railway engineers' at- tire, 16-year-old George Weltz, 826 Simcoe Street North, with his hand- made scale model train was a centre of attraction as his models whizzed around, and through tunnels to the delight of the children and grown- ups as well. * It took George nearly six months to make his model rail- | at price catalogues, Mr, Kirk has one--an Eaton's catalogue of 1907, He also has a Ladies' Journal, 1900; Ladies' Home Journal, 1910; Women's Magazine, 1903; Farmer's Advocate, 1886; The Gazette and Chronicle (Whitby) 1918 and the Whitby Chronicle, 1883. Kirk has a collection of over 1,000 badges 'on display also, not forgetting a dol~ lar bill 109 years old and a com< plete set of shinplasters (25 cents) dating from 1870 to 1923. The sou- venir hobbyist was kept busy ex= plaining where his articles origin- ated--and there are hundreds of them. The walls of the 12,000 squave~ | foot centre are adorned with some hundreds of pieces of art work, myr~ als, handpainted pictures, many. -af road, which incidentally is not yet | them depicting scenic spots in the completed--another three swifehes | Oshawa area, oil painting, water are yet to be added. { colors, silks and photographs. In George Marsh, 18 Patricia Avenue, | the CR.A. Club Lounge are over was a source of information as he | 200 examples of leather work, many explained the mechanical workings | of them original creations of local of his model steam power plant to | craftsmen. In the same south build- scores of persons. His unit was | ing are Ceramics and the Shell De= also widely admired at an R.CAF. | partments which fascinated the show held in Toronto during the hundreds of visitors last night, as war years. Marsh walked off with well as new Departments caterihg the Chow's Restaurant Trophy. to the fisherman, the worker "in There is an impressive display of | plastics, the metalcrafter and the model aircraft set up in the audi- | sculpture. Finally in the south torium and if the hobbyists con-| building is the Weaving Depart tinue their aeronautics some day | ment, most of it the work of mem-~ Oshawa may be able to boast an|bers of the Oshawa Weavers Club, aircraft building factory. | with drapes, 'suitings, bedspreads, Outstanding Display | runners and rugs; and a vast as- Regulations do not permit the| Several discussions will take place APPLY FOR AID néw drink to be called "whisky," |on Mortgage Financing, Small| Toronto, April 20--(CP) -- The | but in barssand bottle stores it is | Homes Projects, and new recent | Toronto Builders' = Exchange Wed- offered as a substitute by its trade- | amendments to the National Hous- [nesday applied to the Ontario gov- name when Scotch is not available. | ing Act. One of the important |ernment to appoint a conciliator It has been widely accepted and | events of the convention will be a |because of a deadlock in its wages customers regard it as "the next|talk by George Prudham, M.P, |dispute with the Bricklayers Union | best thing" to Scotch. Asst. to the Minister of Resources| (AF.L). The urion voted 603 to.3 -- -- and Development, and Past Presi- [Saturday against contract propos- Want to buy, sell or trade -- a dent of the NNH.B.A. It is expected |als offered by the exchange, which One of the highlights of the sortment of handwoven fabrics. : show is the display of J. C. M. | In the North building the Wood= Kirk, of Whitby, who walked off| work Department appeals to every | with four awards, including the man amongst the spectators, in- | Queen's Hotel collection trophy | cluding as it does everything from Fi two commendation ribbons. Mr, | small kitchen gadgets to large Kirk, along with his elephant paw | | pieces of furiture. Beautiful work- | stool, has a carved figure of him- | manship is evident in lamps, nut | = sitting behind a desk in a| Canadian Prisoner of War Camp. | FAIR OPENING (Continued on Page 2) CK of. QUALITY , En OTTOM PRI he LEG ROAST | Rump & Sirloin Roast = " Loin & Rib CHOPS STE AKS Smuom - WING 13 -PORTERHOUSE " JV Cottage Rolls» 53 Ae rR FT EGGS! PEANUT BUTTER | Choice Qusiiv ; ' Homogenized -- Bulk lb. 35: 3 15-0z. tins 25: BLADE P 2 i ' 2 p.m. Auspices St. Gregory's HOBBY PRIZES { Showroom for Ford cars, and a com- | Parent-Teachers Associatioa, in | (Continued on page 19) jpiete service garage. , The building | | Classified Ad and the deal is made, | he will bring with him first hand | represents 62 general contractors. It was a souvenir made by a P.O.! CLUB HOUSE TOMATOES Peameal Bacon 541 GRADE "A" End Cuts -- By the piece lb. 59: BOLOGNA bb. 33 MEDIUM MILD CHEESE SHINLESS ) 5. 39 WIENERS » 39- 2 a= 7 CLOCK WINNERS THIS WEEK WERE: TUESDAY ! WEDNESDAY ! THURSDAY ! MRS. L. CARNATH, MRS. G. CAMPBELL, MRS. NEMZ 146 Centre Street, Oshawa 579 Ritson Road North, Oshawa 261 Ritson Road S. MRS. €. BOURNE, MRS. R, SALTER 240 Nassau Street, Oshawa 186 Arthur St. MRS. G. EYMAN, MRS. S. FISHER 506 Bloor Street East, Oshawa 314 Golf St. While they last - MRS. F. C. DURHAM, Harmony Road North, Oshawa MRS. H. TIPTON, 227 St. Julien Street, Oshawa PHONE, 1147