PAGE TWELVE » +E. DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE rfHURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1950 PENSIONS FOR ALL EXPENSIVE When a special committee of the House of Commons studies old age pensions it will have to face some formidable figures, relates the Win- nipeg Free Press. These were giv- en in the House hy Mr. St. Laurent pot long ago but unfortunately do not seem to have received the pub- lic attention which they deserve, The financial problem of provid- ing the larger pensions which the public evidently desires was describ- ed by the prime minister (Hansard, uage 61): Scale of Costs He said that as of September, 1049, some 265,000 old age pension- ers were qualified under the means test. If there had been no test and the pension had been paid auto- matically to all over 70, some 670,- 000 individuals would have been en- titled to it. With the means test the expenditure was $99,000,000. Then he showed what it would be without it at different levels of pensions payable at 65 and 70; Rate At 70 At 65 $40 $322,000,000 $528,000,000 $50 $404,000,000 $660,000,000 $60 $485,000,000 $709,000,000 $100 $807,000.000 $1,319,000,000 All these are figures which have been suggested When it is remembered that the government of Canada spent some- thing like $500 million a year alto- gether before the war; when it is remembered that it spends about $2.4 million now, it will 'be seen that any expansion of old age pens- fons must involve a complete over- | haul of the federal budget and of | existing taxes Extra Revenue { The proposal that pensions of only $40 a month be paid to every- | one at the age of 65, a proposal | widely advocated, would force the | government to force some $400 mil- fons of extra revenue. The more | popular proposal of pensions of $100 a month at 656 would require extra revenue of about $1.2 billions or a 50 percent increase in the gov- ernment's present total collections Those who advocate such a reform must consider what a 50 percent increase in existing taxes would mean every Canadian and whether the Canadian people are ready to pay it Looking at these figures, Mr. St. Laurent concludes that "the only practical way in which an old. age pensions scheme without a means | test could be provided is through a | direct contributory system. It is that goal toward which we are working. to Taxes Inadequate In other words, the gigantic cost | of an enlarged old age pension | scheme--even though it is not en- | larged very much -- cannot poss- ibly be financed out of the exist- ing revenues of the government or by. any enlargement of the exist- ing taxes. It will have to be fi- nanced mainly by new taxes in the form of direct contributions from those who, in their working years, must accumulate the money to be paid back to them in their years of retirement. t Even with the best of manage- | ment, howeyer, the direct contribu- tions to this central fund can hard- ly cover the entire cost-of pensions, since there arg some. people in the lowest incom® groups who cannot pay into the fund as much as thev will eventually take out In all such schemes the state, out of gen- eral . revenue, usually pays the deficit. Security Impost It can, be seen, therefore, that the kind of general retiring allow- ance which the government and the public seem to desire must compel the citizen as an individual pay a substantial new social se- curity tax and, as a taxpayer, to provide the state with money to cover any deficit which may accrue This price the public may well wish to pay in exchange for security | in old age. But it is desirable at | Ready To Work --Central Press Canadian. Hendrike Van Helverts, seven, is 1eady to start right in on the prob- lem of doing farm chores in her new Canadian home, She Is one of a family of 12 from Holland who have taken up residence on a farm at Uxbridge, Ont. Other Dutch families settling in the area 18 months ago now own their own the start that the full cost be clear- ly understood, as Mr, St. Laurent has explained it. It is equally desirable, as Mr. St. Laurent says, that the scheme should be on a contributory basis so that, at every point when in- creased pensions are proposed, the future beneficiaries shall know precisely what these reforms will cost them as individuals in their working years. Seve 4. HERES How: Ingredients: 1 Ib. Canned Salmon, flaked; }2 cup grated cheese; 2 eggs, well beaten; 1 cup milk; 2 tablespoons melted butter; 8 rolled crackers; juice of 1 lemon. Directions: Combine Salmon and cheese, add beaten eggs and milk. Pour into buttered casserole. Cover with buttered cracker crumbs. Over all pour Cover, set casserole in pan of water and bake in moderate oven, 350-875° F., for.30 minutes. This Canned Salmon. Casserole serves 4. lemon juice. CANNED SALMON All Food No Waste * ASSOCIATED SALMON CANNERS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 50-29 Try HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS on your MASTIC TILE--prove for yourself how convenientitis to use Self-Polishing It's so easy to keep floors bright and cheery with HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS--and inexpensive, too. Applied with a cloth ot FLOOR - GLOSS applier, HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS spreads quickly and evenly with so very little effort. Allow about 20 minutes for drying, and PRESTO!--a rich, gleaming lustre that enhances the beauty of lovely floors--and remember--no buffing or polishing. To obtain the best results, "Just Wipe It On", \ 43 ! FLOOR GLOSS ods -of recognizing possible addicts This is the second of a series of four stories on the drug addiction problem in Canada; By MEL SUFRIN Canadian Press Staff Writer Ottawa, April 19--(CP)--It's not unlawful, to be a drug addict in Canada, It is an offence, however, to be in possession of narcotics without a licence. This legal paradox is one of the things that makes the job of police 50 difficult in attempting to stamp out'~drug addiction. In the larger Canadian cities where the problem is centred, police inevitably get to know dozens of addicts. But these persons may go about freely for months before they are caught with drugs in their pos- session. Police are well-trained in meth- Police know that a chronic opium addict is usually a pale, anaemic, malnourished individual. They also know that tiny pinpoint scars on the arm or other parts of the body | 1 Legal Paradox No Help To Narcotics Agents often indicate that dope has heen | taken by hypodermic: needle. A report on drug addiction in Canada, written by Gordon H. Jo- sie and published last year by the Federal Health Department, something about addicts. He quotes authorities as saying the mortality rate among addicts is high in comparison with the gen- eral population. This is due in part to the fact that many are diseased when they contract the drug habit any also because narcotics lower general vitality. Lawrence Kolb, an authority on drug addiction, describes the ef- fects of narcotics on personality | and character in these words: "The secrecy of the habit, the practice of evading issues and of solving difficulties by blotting them out through use of narcotics, the parasite lives that so many addicts are compelled to live, the conflict with the law, the poverty and mal- nutrition that result from the spending of so much money to se- cure needed narcotics in the illegi~ tells | timate market bring about physi- cal and mora] deterioration." There are various ways in which a person can become addicted, Op-~ portunity is one, applying espe- cially to persons working in hos- pitals where drugs are handy. An- other is the injudicious use of drugs in medical treatment. Others in- clude curiosity and thrill-seeking. From various statistics on crim- inal addicts arrested in Canada in the last 15 years, it might be pos- sible to roughly describe the typical addict in this country, He would be a man, probably ranging between 25 and 35 years of age, likely married, living in a city and Canadian born. His job is probably either that of a laborer, or in domestic services, commercial, manufacturing or construction work, He probably did not get past elementary school. From figures on convictions, it might be assumed that about 89 per cent of the 3,500 known criminal addicts in Canada are male, About 31 per cent of the male addicts and 45 per cent of the fe- male addicts are in the 25 to 35- year class. About six per cent of maje offenders and 19 per cent of the girls are 26 or under, SMALL-HEARTED LION 'The lion has the smallest heart of all predatory animals, Ao. | ernment | L { W ill Not T "| for trifling services: "home office Lona fides of private individuals palms have to be greased" To Hamper Contact Men By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer London, April 20--(CP)--A gov- committee has decided that trying to curb "contact men" in Whitehall] probably would do more harm than good. After a year-long investigation, the committee reported that there aren't many contact men in Bri- tain, and that they don't do enough damage to call for specific govern- ment action, The investigating panel, headed by Sir Edwin Herbert, was set up in February, 1949, after a tribunal had cast a lurid light on persons acting as intermediaries between government department and the public. In its report, made public last month, the committee mentions 29 contact men, as well as "the well- known Sydney Stanley," whose case was considered by the tribunal. These 29 include a "Mr. Z," said | who complained about high fees Here's what the committee found in its study of the British counter- part of Washington's "five per cen- ters." 1. There are persons acting as: specialists "in the submission of ap- | plications or permits," or otherwise as liaison between government de- partments and ihe public. 2. Such activities could give rise to abuse, "but we are not satisfied that these activities are on such a scale as would justify the attempt to apply any general restrictions to them." 3. "We should be very reluctant to make any recommendation which might have the incidental effect of restricting liaison between government and public." The committee urges Whitehall to make things easier for the pub- lic, and thus remove the confusion on which contact men thrive. "Every department should keep constantly in mind the desirability of assisting applicants in present- ing their cases," the committee says. It warns against anything which would discourage legitimate argan- izations or individuals acting in a Laison capacity. One proposal for restraining con- | ment departments check on the | where the department con: s these. individuals have a finandal literest in the result of the appli- cation | NO DECISION | Brockville, April 20--(CP)--A vir- tual standoff was recorded Wed- | nesday in a vote ordered by the On- | tario- Relations Board to determine which electrical union will repres- ent employees at the Phillips Elec- trical Works here. Of 671 eligible voters, 661 voted. The tally: 331 | for the International Union of Electrical Workers (C.1.0.); 329 -for the United Electrical Workers, pres- ent bargaining agent at the plant; one ballot spoiled. Union off* ls said it will be up to the labor L. +d to untangle the results; ASK RECOUNT Ingersoll, April 20--(CP)-- The Ingersoll Citizens' League tonight decided to ask for a recount in Tuesday's plebiscite which approvy") ed by narrow margins a governs ment liquor store and a brewers' warehouse in this town which has heen "dry" 35 years. Officials of the league, which led the "drys" in the campaign, will confer Thursday | with Oxford Crown Attorney Craig in the report to have told clients |tact men recommends that govern- | McKay, Signpost of Satisfaction %+DOMINION Zi: Fruits & Vegetables CALIFORNIA NEW TASTY FRESH ASPARAGUS + 23: WASHED AND TRIMMED TEXAS SPINACH ein. coo, 10-0z, TEXAS NEW CROP FRESH WASHED CARROTS KILN DRIED NO. 1 LOUISIANA YAMS ONT. NO. 1 POTATOES FIRM RIPE. * 75-1b. Bag 19. 319 20625 1.55 FLORIDA -- SIZE 216's PRACTICALLY SEEDLESS Size 96's Size 64's 21027 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS Size 220's GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS SWEET CUBAN RIPE PINEAPPLE BREAD | FRESH FRESH SHANK OFF LEG ROAS) OR CHOPS UNSLICED 24-o0x. loaf 11 12 BLADE ROAST IDEAL FOR SLICING EXCELLENT FOR PRESERVING LARGE RICHMELLO SLICED LOINS Sh i NEW SEASON MILK-FED VEAL KNUCKLE BONE REMOVED lb. $5: | RUMP ROAST Ib. 59: | BONELESS Freshly Ground b 88. s 55. SHOULDERS Pkg. of 30 bn. 5. b. 37 BACK Either End Ib. 65: Ib. 49: By The Piece SWEET, THIN SKINNED, JUICY ORANGES i: 53 THIN SKINNED and JUICY FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT J for 28: NAVEL ORANGES doz. 49: bn. JO. SIZE % 5 5 ATTRACTIVELY PRICED TEA BAGS Pkg. of 60 37 67 PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS Ib. $5 PEAMEALED BACON Centre Cuts or Slices 69 JUMBO NO. 1 SMOKED FILLETS lb. 39- LIPTON TEA 1, PRICE SALE TWO HALF POUNDS ORANGE PEKOE TEA (Banded Together) Regular Price Deal Price SAVING " "Heinz Famous INFANT & JUNIOR--ASSORTED TOMATO MUSHROOM --CREAM OF CHICKEN Products" | BABY FOODS 3° 25 bic 1 1 wor 4 7c HEINZ--WITH CHEESE--IN TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI HEINTZ CHILI SAUCE HEINZ--PREPARED Yellow MUSTAR! HEINZ--PURE TOMATO KETCHU FOR STEAKS & FISH 2:27: wo 3c 9 24 6 Ox. Jar 13 Or. Bottle [HEINZ "57" SAUCE ::. 14 HEINZ--OVEN BAKED--IN TOMATO SAUCE PORK & BEANS CIDER--MALT--SPIRIT HEINZ VINEGAR "16 es 14k Canned Vegetables €.C.Q.--CHOICE--CREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN , PRIDE OF THE VALLEY--SiD. GREEN PEAS REGATTA BRAND--STD.--HAND PACKED TOMATOES 20-0z. Tin 10: no 25 yi 0 23: ALL PURPOSE FLOUR FIVE ROSES ve 35. les' s1.57 8 TREE BRAND --SINGAPORE--SLICED PINEAPPLE LYNN VALLEY--STD. QUALITY DESSERT PEARS HEART'S DELIGHT--CALIFORNIA LARGE PRUNES DOMINION---FULL NUT FLAVOUR # PEANUT BUTTER FACIAL TISSUE KLEENEX SIZE 9:10 wo 29 no 17 or 26¢ wo 35: 22535 "Housecleaning Supplies" TOT CLEANER KURLY KATE MHOUSEHCLD CLEANSER OLD DUTCH JAVVEL---CON CENTRATE SUNBRITE LOOK FOR THE HIGH POLISH AERO-WAX 25 - 40 - 60 WATT SIZ8 SOLEX LAMPS NE CLOTHES PINS COTTON CLOTHES LI SPRING TYPE PASTE OR LIQUID 2 ~ 23 22 239. = 15 a 24k x23 VALUES EFFECTIVE AT OUR OSHAWA STORE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 20 - 21 - 22