Daily Times-Gazette, 20 Apr 1950, p. 9

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THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1950 THE OAILY TIMES-GAZETTE _ "AGE NINE Groups, Clubs tn cliarios RITSON H. & S. ASSOC. Mrs. Arthur Radway presided at the meeting of the Ritson Home and School Association held in the auditorium on Monday. The room attendance prize was won by Mrs, Arthur Barton, grade V teacher. Mr. Wallace Young introduced the est speaker of the evening, Mr, y Fenwick, director of music in e Department of Education in 'oronto, spoke on "Music in the Curriculum of Education." In 1935 he was appointed to the t he now holds. He stated that ere had been continual advance in music then. Reports of the convention held in Toronto during the Easter week were given-by Mrs. F. C. Piper and Mrs, William Bradbury. Grade V choir under the direction of Mr. Wallace Young entertained with "The Wind," a three part song, "My Shadow and I" and "The Running Brook." Final arrangements were made for the Spring Tea and home baking sale which is being held in the school auditorium on Wednes- day, April 26. Refreshments were served by mothers of Grade II pu- pils. . 8TH SCOUT MOTHER'S AUX. Twenty-five members, six new members and five guests attended the annual meeting and Birthday party of the Mother's Auxiliary of the Eighth Oshawa Sea Scout Group held in the Hillcroft St. Bcout Hall on Monday. Mrs. Charles Stainton presided and opened the meeting with the Lord's Prayer. The annual reports, were read by Mrs. Wm. Bradbury and Mrs. F. J. astings and showed a successful ear. Mrs, Alfred Harrell presented er slate of officers and called up- on Executive Commissioner Stan. Richardson to preside at the in- stallation of the officers as follows: President, Mrs. Charles Stainton (re-elected); vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Abthorpe, Mrs. Rudy Pine; recording secretary, Mrs. William 3 Bert Terwillegar; flowers convener, Mrs. John Kellington. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Higgins and' Mrs. John Francis. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Ansley, Ross- land Road West. OVER-20 CLUB : The weekly dance of the Over-20 Club was held Saturday evening at the YYW.CA, An evening of novelty dancing was enjoyed by an excellent crowd. Winners of the spot light dances were: Miss Lillian Belenduke and Mr. Peter Willison, Miss Jean Corn- net and Mr. Robert Sheffield. The next dance will be on Satur- day. 1ST. OSHAWA MOTHER'S AUX. The annual meeting of the 1st Oshawa Mother's Auxiliary took the form of a "pot luck" supper. Twenty-two members sat down to enjoy a very festive meal. Mrs, George Walton presided for the business meeting. Annual re- ports were given and a bank bal- ance of $132.92 was reported. Mrs. J. B, Jackson presided over the installation of officers. Mrs. Wolton presented Mrs. Jackson with a cup and saucer for installing the officers. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Mervin Gatchell and Mrs. Clarence Yurran for convening the supper. During the following Social Period, games were played and many amusing and useful gifts were won. Mrs, Albert Payne won the door prize, 4TH GUIDES-BROWNIES AUX. The monthly meeting of the 4th Guldes-Brownies Mother's Auxiliary "That's A Good One!" JILL KATHRYN FORSHEE daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forshee, Burton Road. old Jill is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace McMurter and Mr. Orville Forshee, all of Oshawa. =~Photo by H was held on Tuesday evening at Six-months- ornsby Studie. Westmount school. Mrs. J. B. Jack- son presided. - Final plans -were made for the spring tea and sale of work to be held on Friday, April 28, in Guide House from 2.30 p.m. till 4.30 p.m. A discussion was held on suitable gifts to be given to the best guide and brownie patrol of the year. New members were made wel- come, The meeting closed with a social period, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bradbury (re-elected); treasufer, T. Coolidge and Mrs. F. W. Amey. flag and in parliamentary nomen- clature. She added: "This idea seems to be conta- geous. Now we are given to un- derstand that it is the intention to delete that most unique, artis tic, symbolic crown from our On- tario motor licence plates." Speaking of Communism, the president said she deplored the fact that "our Canadian freedom is so broad" as to admit into legisla- tive assemblies persons with alleg- iance to a foreign power "intent on the destruction of our British way chapters and to strengthen exist- ing ones to endorce the ranks of the order "in upholding its ideals and meet the challenge-now facing freedom." MASTERED BY MAN Nanda Devi, a 25,645-feet-high Himalayan peak, is the highest summit ever climbed by man, COST OF LIBERTY The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor is estimated to have | cost between $500,000 and $600,000. Mrs. F. J. Hastings (re-elected); corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. N. Lewis; conveners: social, Mrs. Art Clark; telephone, Mrs. James Mc- Naught; sewing, Mrs. F, M. Wil- liams (re-elected); flower, Mrs. Robert Clayton; executive, Mrs. Clifford Umphrey, Mrs. Irwin South- well and Mrs. Dwight Bunner. Mr. Richardson gave an inter- esting talk on international scout- ing and told of some of the work done by European cubs and scouts during the last war. He conclud- ed his talk with the reading of "What is a boy?" Mrs. Arthur Clark moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Richardson for his informative talk. Print for the making of aprons for the fall bazaar was given out to the mem- bers, The meeting closed with the Scout Mother's Promise. A social half hour was enjoyed . with refreshments being served by s, Harry Woods and the mem- rs of her group. As this was the eighteenth birthday of this Group Mrs, F, J. Hastings donated a birth- day caye beautifully decorated which was cut by Mrs, Frank Sturch one of the charter members of this group. CANADIAN LEGION AUX. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Branch No. 43 was held on Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs, Daniel Guiltinan presided. A good asortment of articles were donated for the bazaar which will be held next Tuesday evening at 8 pm, The chartered bus going to the Zone Rally on Friday leaves the bus terminal at 2 p.m. The secretary, Mrs. Robert Wil- liams read letters and cards of thanks. Mrs. Charles Lamb, first vice-president gave the sick vet- erans' report also reported on some kitchen utensils she was designated to buy. An invitation from Bowmanville Auxiliary to visit it on May 15 was received and accepted. Arrangements will be made at the next meeting on May 2. - STH OSHAWA MOTHERS' AUX. The regular meeting of the 5th Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. A. L. Bryant at Bond Street East. There were 12 members present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and annual reports of the sec- retary and treasurer were given also reports of various conveners. The following officers were elect- ed for 1950: President, Mrs. John Brock; first vice-president, Mrs. Reginald Wilson; second vice presi- dent, Mrs. E. G. Higgins; treasurer, Mrs. George Ansley; secretary, Mrs, Lloyd Salter; press reporter, Mrs. a pe = CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE Mrs. E. Masten won the attend- ance prize. IODE President Raps Attempts to Eradicate British Symbolism Hamilton, April 19--(CP)-- The president of Ontario's Provincial | Chapter, Imperial Order Daugh- | ters of the Empire, today predicted | "a new pattern of an equalitarian | democracy" will emerge from what | she called Britain's present "grey | and grim experiment." [ Mrs, Cecil L. Brown of Hamil- ton, told the opening sessions of the chapter's three-day annual convention that "Britain will still remain the laboratory of democra- cy and that she will blaze the trail for a new type of communal capi- talism." Mrs. Brown struck out at what the called "a designed attempt by scme leaders in-our references to the Commonwealth. She said "even the word British" is being eliminated from references not only to the Commonwealth. but also to our Dominion, to the of life and our Canadian freedom." | She ur~=1 i 4 "bend every effort" to form new Classified Ad and the deal is made. | rTA---™ - Want to buy, sell or trade -- a IN VACUUM > | YOU DON'T WIPE AWAY THE WAX WHEN YOU WIPE UP SPILLED THINGS! GLO-COAT STAYS ON YOUR FLOORS. CLEAR WATER MOPPING SWISHES OFF THE DIRT AND LEAVES THE GLO-COAT SHINE ! WATER-REPELLENT GLO-COAT REALLY SAVES MONEY...THE SHINE LASTS UP TO 4 TIMES LONGER! S.C. Brantford, Ontario, 1950. OHNSON & SON, LTD. "Johnson's" and "Glo;Coat" are registered trademarks. Lj GREAT GEF ACQUAINTED OFFER ON WATER REPELLENT GLOCOAT avesny- wash away © a Glo-Coar she! Hurry to your dealer's! For a limited time he is offering a bargain you just can't afford to miss! Here's 7 yoursel shine that mopping won't wash away! our, chance . . . at a real saving . . . to prove to that Johnson's Glo-Coat will give your floors a You can buy 114 pints of Water-Repellent Glo-Coat at the regular price of 1 pint...and 114 quarts at the 1-quart price! But don't delay. Your dealer's supply of Giant Can last long . . . because women al covering that Johnson's Water-Repelleat Glo-Coat regular s won't over Canada are dis- ives floors a tougher, longer-wearing, brighter shine than any other self polishing wax in the world . a Radio's Fibb hy Si Tueglay nights--CBC brightest half hour o YB) nfs and Molly ' SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. 222, held its fortnightly meeting in the lodge rooms with a large attendance Vice Grand Sister Ruth Leavitt presided in the Noble Grand's chair in the absence of Sister Marie El- liott due to the death of her father. Sister May Woods was in the Vice Grand's chair. A number of mem- bers were reported ill by Sister Leavitt. Reports were submitted by the secretary and other offic- ers. Sister Elleanor reported on the lunch at the last meeting and a hearty vote of thanks was extend- ed to this sister. Of general inter- est was the annual report covering the various activities of the lodge during the past year which was sub- mitted by Sister May Wood. A vote of thanks was extended to Sister Wood and her committee for this summary necessitating as it did considerable time and thought. Sister Flossie Johnson reported on the stuffed animals sold, and the thanks of the lodge were extended to Sister Johnson. Announcement was made that the degree staff of Kawartha Re- bekah Lodge of Lindsay would be present on the evening of May 1st to confer the degree. This is also the birthday of Sunshine Lodge, and it is hoped a large number of members will be present. The Past Noble Grand Officers of Sunshine Lodge offered to look after the birthday banquet; this committee CRAMPED QUARTERS $| square miles and a population esti- Japan has an area of 147,600 |mated in 1949 at 80,500,000. to be convened by Sister Agnes Kemlo. . It was decided to charter buses for 'the Sunshine Degree Staff to travel to Orono on Tuesday even- ing, where they will confer the Re- bekah degree at Heather Rebekah Lodge. Any of the members who are desirious of attending should con- tact Sister Kemlo. During the business session, a proposition for membership was read by the secretary. Sister Beatrice Chute reminded the members to bring in their tickets on the quilt at the next meeting. Mention was also made of the forthcoming bazaar, which will also feature a tea room. Following the closing of lodge, a draw was made on a table lamp the lucky ticket being held by Sister Emily Booth. DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND The regular meeting of Daughters of England was held Tuesday even- ing in I.O.F. Hall, Worthy president Sister Beatrice Hurst presiding. A hearty welcome was given to members from Princess May Lodge, Wuitby, Election of District Deputy followed and Past President Sister M. Matthews of Whitby Lodge was elected for the office for a term of two years. Arrangements for a delegate to Grand Lodge were completed, A Euchre is planned to be held in the Lodge Room on Tuesday afetrnoon, May 2. Sister Mosier and Sister Russell in charge. Lodge closed in the usual man- ner. Refreshments were served. ® Sweet-toasted fresh, because folks eat Kellogg's Corn Flakes fast as we make 'em! Get you bargain in ness, ellogg's Comm es. flor? CA MSTH Custom Ground 8 o'clock Coffee Ib 719: FANCY RED COHOE SALMON --57: Sts always house-cleaning time at A&P. d Like our, customers, we, too, want to be good house- keepers. We consider it an impor« tant part of our job to keep YOUR A&P VEGETABLE BUY OF THE WEEK TEXAS, FRESH GREEN, Large Bunches, No. 1 CARROTS 2-15 CABBAGE SPINACH CELERY STALKS TOMATOES CUCUMBERS BANANAS APPLES FIGS A&P FRESH CANDY A. B. GUMS JET BLOWN NEW LUX CLEANSER OLD DUTCH °~ " ° WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP - HAWES LEMON OIL ~ BREAKFAST COCOA 29¢ FRY'S & Tin KIRK'S CASTILE BATH SIZE CAMAY SOAP - SCOURING PADS MAPLE LEAF FINE CANADIAN FRE b- 39¢ eo eo so |b, 73¢ - Pkg. 12¢ CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP - CANADA FIRST ASSORTED CELLO PACKED CHINESE RICE AYLMER SWEET MIXED PICKLES TASTY SHREDDED WHEAT 2" 27¢ CHRISTIE'S PREMIUM SOBAS © SPRINGVALE TOILET TISSUE AUSTRALIAN CURBANTS ~ ° DONALD DUCK PEANUT BUTTER MARGARINE PARKAY ~ = Florida, Fresh Green, No. 1 Fresh, Washed, Ready to Cook, No. 1 Mexican, Hand Selected, No. 1 Hot House, Sweet, Tender, No. 1 Golden Ripe, No. 1 British Columbia Winesap Excellent for Eating Portuguese, Natural Ib. b¢ Pro. 19% 2 for 19¢ Cello Pkg. Florida Pascal, No. 1 Ib. 19¢ 2 Ibs. 23¢ Ib. 25¢ 23: | Each 23 our stores clean, cases and. refrigerators scrubbed, shelves well-stocked and ore derly, aisles uncluttered. If there's anything we can do to make your A&P a neater, pleasanter and more convenient place to shop, please let us know. Please write: Customer Relations Dept. 135 Laughton Avenue, ANN PAGE Mayonnaise . 8-0z jar 19¢ Toronto, Ontario - lt * 20¢ Pr. ga 27 23¢ 3 col 29¢ "an 29¢ Tin 49¢ 3° 28¢ - cake Jog "Pad Lae Pkg. VITAMIN SLICED 24-0z. Loaf RAISIN PLAIN Ann Page CAKE MIX MILK mdse BREAD White or Brown 12 LOAF "= 18¢ | DONUTS > 19¢ AP SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEATS | | FEATURING RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF IONA (Pectin Added) ; STRAWBERRY JAM 2: 39c A&P CHOICE TOMATOES - - 2:-25¢ A&P CREAM STYLE CHOICE CORN - 2:0: 25¢ IQNA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE - - - xix 26¢ HALVES IONA PEACHES 2: 29¢ VELVEETA KRAFT CHEESE ro sis 26 | RED LABEL -- !; PRICE SALE | LIPTON TER uc: von 796 Il KRAFT SALAD TARD or 106 TILBEST WHITE war B Pkg. ROBIN HOOD 7-1b. Bag SHORTENING SWIFT'NING CLOVER VALLEY LINK CHEESE ROBIN HOOD GATS - © YORK BRAND BOLOGNA ~ ° ° CORONATION LARGE PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES Ib. Ya-lb. Link 48-ox. Pkg. 12-02. Tin 16-ox. Jar . e Ibs 39¢ YOUR A&P MEAT BUY OF THE WEEK WELL TRIMMED, EITHER END PORK LOINS - - 43 2 Tins 21¢ §or]9c . Ib. 15¢ 2 Cakes 15¢ 16-02. Jar 24 1-1b. Pkg. 27 2 Pol" 15¢ - Ib. 16¢ 29¢ 1b. 35¢ = 9-0z. Jar PRIME RIB ROAST VEAL LEGS VEAL ROAST COTTAGE ROLLS BREAKFAST BACON PORK SHOULDERS BACK PORK RIBS PORK LIVER BOLOGNA WIENERS . PORK SAUSAGE Swift's Brookfield Pure, Country Style RABBITS COD FILLETS First 5 Ribs 1b. ¢ Genuine Milk Fed, Whole or Shank Half Shank OF Sirloin or Rump Peamealed Smoked Sliced Smoked Shankless, Picnic Style Meaty Choice Sliced Swift's Premium Sliced Ziamrock or Swift's Premium, Loose Choice, Cleaned and Dressed

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