THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE -- 2 --saw MINETEEM FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1950 Business = Professional DIRECTORY ~ 4--Architects » TRests? ee ARCHITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, 47 Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone 14--Instruction THE HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, new classes forming, ballet, toe, tap. Register Saturdays, Adelaide House. Irenie Harvey, A.C.C.M. (AG) 15--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE Agents Wanted.. 68 Architects ...... 1 Articles fcr Rent 40 INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Nursing Services 6 Optometrists .... 7 Personal sscesees 20 Articles for Sale 39 Articles Wanted 41 SERV- ice for better in in all cl 221; King St. E. Phone 5400. Res. 4318R. (Al) oe cesscese B 2001. Also 2848 Bloor St. W., T 3 Phone LY. 7755. Evenings phone Whitby 792. (A12) Ja--Accountants, Chartered . §ONTEITB AND MONTEITH, ChartereG Accountants, 37 King St. . i. Phone 491:-R. Gordon W. Rien ©. A. Resident Partner. 2--Auditors 17--Loan Wanted URGENTLY NEEDED -- A LOAN of $50 for 6 months. Who will grant this loan? Please write Box 41, Times-Gazette. (76a 19--Money to Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE for first mortgages. Also N.H.A, and Build Loans. Apply M. F. Swarts, + §. T. HOPKINS, C.G.A., CPA, B King Street East. Phons 2127. Month- Barrister, Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. (A1) ~ 1} ing, 3-- Barristers WALTER C. THOMSON, K.C. M.P., Barrister, Solicitor, etc. 223 Simcoe Street South. Hours: 9:30- #:30. For appointments phone saL, fOUIS 8. HYMAN, K.C., BARRIS- fer. Mortgage Loans arranged. Alger Building, 37 King East. Phone 67. Residence 3051. (AD CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- » (A11) * gers. Allin F. Annis, K.C., 7% Stmcoe x a . . ' . ' 1 r a (oem arnavenasnsnnne - - " - - » - - - = » - asswe cms sm aeny as we Ee bE EE EE EE Aco hs ans Street South. Phone 4. Residence 19, A. W. 8. GREER, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, otc., 6 King Street 20--Personal DRIVING TO OTTAWA EASTER week-end. Would like three passen- gers. Phone 1984-J. (76a) CUSTOM SHIRTS MADE TO MEAS- ure, best English broadcloth. Phone 49, (A27) 21--Personal Services FOR DEPENDABLE CLOCK AND watch repairs, phone 4503-J. North Oshawa Watch and Clock Shop. Pick up and delivery service. (Al) PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS. Free estimates. S. Hoffman (former- ly with Gerhard Heintzman). Phone 550R. (A3tD) PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING AND East. Phone 3160. d Resident partner, W. K.C., Uxbridge, Ontario. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc, Bank of Commerce Building. (Al) R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street C. For free estimate call Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe St. N. ) (AStf) 23--Women's Column EASTER SPECIAL. $5 MACHINE- less waves for $3.75. Oil waves $3 up. Peggy's Beauty Parlour, Puope Si. West. Phones: Office, 814; Resid $207. Money to loan. (Al) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C.,, BAR- rister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Of- fice 141; King Street East, Oshawe. Phone 445. Residence, phone i A ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, 11 King East, Room 2. Phones: Office 65; Residence wn A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. Yanch, Barristers. Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim- coe North. Phone 1614, Res. 197%-J. (Al) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Notary. Money tn loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. (Al) 4--Chiropodists ¥F. M, VaN1, D.S.C., CHIROPO- dist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St. Phone 1 E--Dentists PETER EB. WILLSON, DENTIST, Oshawa Clinic. Hours: 9 to 6 every - day. Evenings by appointment. Phone 4569 or 4577E. (Al) 7--Optometrists A. E. JOHNSON, OPTOMETRIST - Jury & Lovell - Office Hours: 9 to 6; Wednesday, 9 to 1. Phone 4164. GAL J EDWARD BIND, OPTOMETRIST, 22); Simcoe South, above Home Dairy. Phone 4221-W. Evenings by appointment. (A10) C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OF- fice, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 1 to 9. Phone 1516. (Al) 8--Building Trades FIRST CLASS PAINTER & PA- -hanger. Phone 3288-R. per 8 (Th, Fri, EXPERIENCED CARPENTER, building, alterations, remodelling, trim and repairs. Modern kitchen cupboards built to suit your home. Phone 4812-J. (T4c) HILLSIDE FLOOR SERVICE. Floors laid, sanded and finished, rubber and mastic tile. B, Mosier, 296 Hillside. Phone 547M. (A27) LOOKING FOR 'NEW SPIRELLA garment? Phone 467-W or 1188-W. (A.25) PRENTICES HAIRDRESSING machineless $3.95 and up; cold wave $4.95 and up. 10 Church St. Phone 4491-J. (A4) Rep Automobiles for Sale ...cc0. 33 Automobiles Wanted ...ccco - Barristers . o Building Trades § = Er nied ire 10 ww & Dentists cecocnce B ONB IN: ON Above rates apply only to Supplies ..coee0 12 Household Repairs Wanted ....... 43 Male & Female Help Wanted., 44 Money to Loan.. 19 CLASSIFIED AD RATES SERTI ese scetareorssse ne FIR TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTION THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ... « EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION original Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. Professional and Business listings, 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ full word. Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Dally 8-6. Saturday, 8-11, Services .....e0 21 Pets & Livestock ..... 3b Radio Repairs .. 23 Real Estate Agents . ....c000 28 Real Estate For Sale ...... 28 seesess 81 Veterinarians .., 35 Wanted to Rent.. 29 Wearing Apparel 38 Women's Column 23 8B ..00 sssasesse 1.00 25 orders for consecutive insertions. $5.00 per month for , figure, count as a 25--Real Estate For Sale 280 FT. FRONTAGE X 132 FT. deep, Elgin W. off Park Rd. $2.50 r foot cash, F, D. Boire, 162 Par . N. (751) 6-ROOM, STOREY & HALF BRICK house, 3 bedrooms, hot-air furnace. $3,000 down, balance Payable $39 per month. Phone 5260-J. (T4c) 6-ROOM FRAME BUNGALOW, ALL conveni ; good 1 ti for any kind of business. Possession 30 days. Apply 63 Colborne St. E. (T4c) TRY PEGGY'S "WONDER CURL", $2.50 up. Peggy's Beauty Parlor, 72 Church St. Phone 371. (A20) CHARIS -- PHONE YOUR COR- setiere, Mrs. McPherson, 4559J. Ex- pertly fitted by Mrs. Blatter. (A4) 25--Real Estate For Sale TWO-FAMILY DUPLEX, 3 LARGE rooms upstairs, same down, - with heated sunroom. Water heating with oil. Refrigerator and range in both apartments; washing machine, in well-equipped laundry; lots of ex- tras. Apply to owner, 346 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 6251. _ (6c) BRICK BUNGALOW, THREE BED- rooms, large living-room, oak floors, modern kitchen and bathroom, oil years ago; newly decorated inside and painted out; landscaped; many extras. Perfect condition--new south- east section. Price $8,500, aboutls cash. Phone 1055. (76b) MODERN HOUSE, FIVE ROOMS and sunroom, for sale or exchange for larger property. Apply any day after 5 p.m. at 253 St. Julien St. 3372-W. (M14,17,21,24,28,31-A4,7) $1,500 DOWN--6-ROOMED BRICK house, 1!;-storey, North Oshawa, nearly new. Possession two weeks. Don Meredith, Real Estate, 15 King St. E. Phone 3956-W; Res. 3778-W. (M29,31) RANCH 60 ACRES, GOOD GRASS, lots of water, 4th Con., Reach Twp. Immediate possession. Apply to Fred Ballard, Phone 171R31, Port, Perry, R.R. 4. (75¢) BUILDING LOT, 51' X 112', ON Mitchell Ave., second lot east of Ritson Rd, Sewers, sidewalks, fruit trees. Low taxes. Phone 5667. (75¢) POSSESSION AT ONCE of this lovely 6-room stucco, oil heated, steel venetian blinds, oak floors, garage, well landscaped, north end. $6,750--only $2,400 down. Don't wait. Contact G. Barrow, Real Estate, 25 Burk. Phone 3165-W. (76a) INTERESTED IN MODERN KIT- chen cupboards or Goodrich rubber floor tile? Consult Alex Vajda. Phone 4117-W. (A25) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, BLACK Immediate delivery. Dump trucks for hirc. Phone W, F. Es- sery, 3470. (70£) CHIMNEYS BUILT & REPAIRED, all types of plastering repairs; cel- lars whitewashed. Reasonable rates. Apply Gordon May, Phone 920W12 Oshawa. (A9) WE RE-ROOF AND REPAIR ANY type of buildings, also experienced bricklayer to do any type of mason- ry work, large or small jobs. Free estimate. Work guaranteed. H. W. Tucker, 119 Verdua Rd. Phone 4392-J. (AT) PAINTER AND DECORATOR, work guaranteed, 1950 sampls books. J. Jensen. Phone 1435-M. (AY) BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING, decorating, paperhanging. Harold Carter, 210 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 3378W. (AT) 200 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM: Linoleum of all kinds, felt base and inlaids, Congoleum and Rexoleum. Laying service available at Brad- ley's, 40 King St. W. (M20tf) 13--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELD, CHAIRS, ETC. reupholstering and repairs. Lots of beautiful samples to choose from. Guaranteed like new, Free estimate. Phone 4450M. (A22) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered, See our materials for Jecovering, i Dalton, 75 Charles. Phone #01, (A3) 200 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM: Linoleum of all kinds, felt base and inlaids; Ci I and R Laying service available at Brad- ley's, 40 King St. W, (M20tf) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RE- covered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rateo are reascnable. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Phone Oshawa Upholsterers, iy (A COTTAGES FOR SALE ON LAKE Muskoka. Summer home, 6 rooms, hydro, inside conveniences, land- scaped. Summer cottage, fireplace, hydro, etc., 4 bedrooms, Summer cottage, 3 rooms, hydro, road door, on lake. Cottage, roughed-in, 28' x 30°, (bargain). Beautiful lake- front lots. Good fishing, swimming and boating, P.O. Box 278, Graven- hurst, Ont. (76b) EMIGRANTS CHANCE Specialty business, no opposition, old established, showing excellent profit. Store on rental. Price for business including fittings, etc., $2,200, stock extra. Owner who is returning old country. will accept whole, or part payment by cheque on English bank. BOX 42 TIMES-GAZETTE (76b) LLOYD STREET Good rooming house, 9 rooms. For quick sale. Full price $5,000. Quick possession. URIAH JONES Broker 6%2 Prince St. (75b) 5 roomed modern brick bungalow, on LaSalle Avenue, (near Athol). Oil burner, many extras, only $8,500. URIAH JONES Broker 62 Prince St. (75b) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6-ROOM BRICK, 2-storey. Hardwood floors, new furnace, vicinity Oshawa Blvd. and King St. Required down pay- ment $3,000, balance $3,900 -- re- duced $600 for quick sale. PHONE J. BALLES 4808 (M20t1) GROCERY STORE All fixtures, and business living uarters, 6 rooms; reasonable rent. nly $3,000 cash plus stock at in- voice. See W. McAULEY Broker 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510 anytime (76a) $7 80 --8 acres, beautiful large ' house, all conveniences. Hardwood floors throughout. City edge. $11,600 un: "win "a" very tral location. Good possibilities, $8,900 gum. nice--Central Park Blvd. 5-roomed Something Have many others, make enquiries. GORDON K. HARDY Real Estate Broker 18 Bond St. W, Phone 5380 open evenings (76a) $2 500% down, 2-room insul- ' brick. Rooms can be di- vided. Water, lights and stool, good basement. --$1,000 4 , 4 d $3 ,800 frame, ._ and darter garage. Large lot. heat, screens and storms, built two good business. New equipment. Cen- 25--Real Estate For Sale WELL DRAINED BUILDING lots, northwestern section; water mains in; 20-minute bus service. Phone 1896R. (A9) BUILDING LOT, 80' X 108', ON Ritson Rd. 8S. Phone 1218-W for in- formation. (75¢) FRAME BUILDING Approx. 20 x 50. In good condition, to be moved off property by April 25th, 1950. BUILDING NO. 2065, AJAX, ONT. Owner wil be at building every day from 1 p.m, till 4 p.m., until sold. (76d) TO CLOSE AN ESTATE 6 Roomed Brick Bungalow on Christie St. for $5900 Hot air heating. Insulated. Oak floors in living and dining rooms. Garage. Stairs to attic. Private sale. Apply 605 Mary St, Phone 387M (76b) Addled-Ads (From the Nation's Classified Columns EMMANS PA. +3 |For fine condition. Sale--Running pool table, cue balls and sticks, 7 28--For Rent 32--Automobiles For Sale 2-ROOM APARTMENT, GROUND floor, separate entrance, furnished or unfurnished; conveniences, heat, light, hot water. 5405-J. (76¢c) SMALL APARTMENT, HAS BED- sitting room, kitchen, sink, built-in cupboards, 2-pc. bath, heated, hy- dro; central. Business couple only. Phone 2529-J. (76b) SEVEN - ROOMED FURNISHED house May 1st. Phone 966-W. (76b) 5 - ROOM BUNGALOW, FULLY furnished, in north district. Apply Box 40, Times-Gazette or 3193-J. (76¢) FURNISHED TWO-ROOMED APT. private toilet. Suitable for business couple. Available April 15. 1104 Green St., Whitby, Ont. (75¢) EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE FRONT bedroom suitable for two or three adults, in good residential area. Phone 1170 or 28 Buckingham Ave. (76c) 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS IN new home, Air conditioned heating. Continuous hot water. Telephone. Apply 556 Grierson, or phone da ( 3-ROOM FLAT, SINK IN KITCHEN. Now empty, at 143 Agnes St. Phone Mrs. Parish, 2789J. (76a) $1 2 0002 iisnttul family ' home of six spacious rooms, also recreation room; hot- water heating; built-in garage; in Dest residential district with large ot. DONALD SCOTT Real Estate 25 Prince St. at Bond Phone 4153 open evenings (75b) WHITBY 10-ROOM stucco house, $5,500. Five rooms for owner and separate self- contained apartment rented at $36.75 monthly. Situated on large lot with plenty of play space for children, near public school and only a few rel 0 $4.80 --$900 down 7 -r a frame, 3-plece bath, conveniences, garage. $6 500% down, 6 - roomed ' frame, 3-piece bath, ex- tra stool, hardwood floors, garage, large lot. H. GOLDSTEIN, Broker 16 Bond E. 446 Simcoe S. Phone 5430 John Penicka, salesmen John Ukrop, (76a) WHITBY $9 50 --T-roomed modern brick, 4 storey & half; modern kitchen, large living-room, dining- room and den, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout, hot-water heat- ing with stoker; extras and large lot. --Lar, A $14,000 00 2 over 200 ft. frontage on highway; large pine ve; 9-room brick house. A g business site. OSHAWA $9 3()() Modern 6-room, 2-storey ' brick, hot - water heating with oil; extras--north cen- ral, --Gibb" St. B 6- $ 7 ' Z 00 room a Dn t; ext h on bungalow. $7,50 down, $8 00 --T7-room brick, 2 bath- ' rooms, large lot--King St. West, or exchange on smaller house, --New B-room,* 3-bedroom brick bungalow. $1,060 See or call W. 'McAULEY 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510 anytime (76a) DUPLEX AT 1472 SIMCOE SOUTH 2 bathrooms, separate entrances. 3 rooms in top tenanted at present, lower 5 rooms vacant for purchaser. Steam heated. Full price only $6,500. Mortgage arranged. Excellent condi- tion throughout. Garage. See this from the outside, if you like it phone me for appointment to inspect in- terior. WILSON ROAD SOUTH Good 6-room frame house. This is an exceptionally good home for the money, Full price, $3,400. Half cash down will make you the owner. At the present time I have some llent list in h in Bow- 14--Instruction LILLIAN MAE MARSH, SCHOOL of Dancing. Ballet, Tap, Toe. Charac- ter. Studio Masonic Temple, Centre St. Saturdays. (Al) FOX TROT, WALTZ, RUMBA, Tango, Samba, Swing taught at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing. Private or class instruction. 47 Prince St. 'For appointment, phone ¢271.J, (A3) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. Dictaphone, comptometer. New classes start ~ach Monday. (Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314, LAL). $8750 6-roomed, storey and half brick home on LaSalle Avenue. 16' living room, dinette, kitchen with tiled sink, 1 bedroom downstairs, upstairs two bed- rooms, and bathroom of pastel glass tile. Abundant cupboards. Hardwood and mastic floors, hot air heating. Fenced and sodded back yard; also blinds, automatic water heater, ex- pensive fixtures, etc. Down payment $4350. PHONE 5386) £M28,30,31), gs in manville, Oshawa and Whitby. Every rice range. If you are hard to suit come and see me. I try to give seller and purchaser a square deal. I have a fine highway farm for sale, stone house, good barns, at only $9,000. Near Newcastle. Buyers are flocking to me like spring chickens, don't miss the boat, come and get first choice. JOSEPH SHEHYN REALTOR D. MacLachlan, Agent 306 KING ST. WEST - OSHAWA pping district. Many extras, such as garage, hot water heater, laundry tubs, etc. This is one of the older style houses, built more for living than to look at. If you want a well-built: home and need no more 'than five rooms, you can throw away all your rent worries and have a good investment income as well, Must have at least half cash, INCOME brick & frame, $9,700. near business section in Whitby, 10 large rooms make good boarding or room- ing house. Extra buildings on lot could be converted into dwelling or tourist accommodation, Owner must sell. Make offer. 7-ROOM modern brick, $9,250. Situ- ated on large lot near modern school. This is one of the better homes of Whitby with hot water heating, fired by bin-fed stoker, modern kitchen with tiled floor, sun-ropm or study and three roomy bedrooms. This home is in immaculate condition and in a section of town that you and your family would enjoy. For these and other real estate see GORDON OSBORNE roker 109 Dundas St., Whitby Phone 522 Evenings 858 (M31-A3) 26--Real Estate Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, 100 acres, good buildings, trout stream, sugar bush, wheat, hay and plough- ing done, stock and implements. Hy- dro available. Owner can handle mortgage. Contact Charlie Sequire, Brighton, R.R. 1. (76¢c) 27--Real Estate Wanted 4 TO 6-ROOM HOUSE, REASON- able; conveniences. State price. Will pay cash. Box 38, Timeegareltt: » (76 I WANT TO BUY 1 TO 5 ACRES, near Oshawa; Harmony-Courtice dis- trict preferred; fair buildings re- quired. . Write Box 36, Times-Gaz- ette. (76¢c) 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE. PURCHAS- ing through V.L.A. Must have two acres. Not over $6,000. Phone 5462-M. (M.25,27,31,A.1) SUMMER COTTAGE, CEDAR Beach or Corbett's Point, for sum- mer, at least 2 bedrooms. Phone 1635-J., (75¢) BUSINESSES, FARMS, SMALL acreage, and houses wanted or clients. Give us your listing and we give you results. Co-operative Bro- ker. W. McAuley, 13 Prince St. Phone 5356 or 3510 anytime. (72f) I NEED A 5 OR 6-ROOM BUNGA- low in good residential district. Must be modern with fair-sized rooms. If you have such a home I have a client with the cash. Please phone me at 1550 during the day or 4757-W in the evenings. I need your house for sale. Call me now. If you want to discuss your present real estate problem with an expert drop in and see me at 82, Simcoe St. S. Everett G. Disney, Realtor. (T4c) 28--For Rent FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GEN- tleman, abstainer; continuous hot water; central. Phone 4895-J. (76a) 3-ROOMED APARTMENT, SELF- contained. Business couple preferred. Box 43, Times-Gazette, (76a), 4-ROOM UPSTAIRS APARTMENT in Westmount, adults, Phone 5049-W. (75b) NICELY - FURNISHED LARGE bedroom, suitable for two. Apply 299 Simcoe S. (73d) '36 CHRSLER, RADIO, HEATER-- $400. Phone 5175-M. (76b) '31 FORD--$150. A-1 CONDITION. Must be sold this week. Phone 3037-W between 6 and 7. (76b) '48 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion, private. Phone 4383-W. (76b) MOTORCYCLE, '47 B.S.A. 350 CC. Best cash offer. Apply 176 Olive Ave., front door. (76b) '29 OLDS., GOOD TIRES, SEALED beam lights, reasonable. Phone 3598-J. (75¢) '49 CHEV. SEDAN, HEATER, whitewall tires, privately owned; bought in December; mileage 3,000. Phone 1774-M. (T4c) '35 PONTIAC, SMALL DEPOSIT, take over payments; accept older model as down payment. Apply 219 James St. (4c) '33 CHEV. COACH, SLIP COVERS, heater, in good condition, Apply 111 Prince St. (75b) '47 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH, low mileage, one owner. Upholstery, motor and tires perfect. Heater, de- froster, radio and other extras. Price $1,495. Phone 1542M. (76b) '40 NASH, EXCELLENT CONDI- tion; radio and heater, new slip cov- ers. Must be seen to be appreciated. 123 Elgin St. E., after 5 p.m. (75¢c) FOR SALE--MONARCH SEDAN, "47 model, green, excellent condition; radio, fog lamps, visor. Dr. Osborne, phone 551, Whitby. FRONT BEDROOM, SUITABLE for one or two persons, in comfort- able private home, on King St. E. Box 24, Times-Gazette. (T4c) 3 - ROOM FURNISHED APART- ment, private entrance; hot running water; in Whitby. Apply 135 Byron St. S., Whitby. (T4c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, NEAR Motors. Phone 1638-M. (T4c) 29--Wanted to Rent BY TEACHER WITH WIFE AND 3 children (aged 12, 10 and 7), 3 rooms in large farm house with hy- dro, mear safe woods and creek. Rental on yearly basis but occupancy during summer, Christmas, Easter and holiday week-ends only. Colum- bus-Raglan-Ridges district preferred. Mail particulars to Arthur Slyfield, c/o Oshawa Collegiate. (76b) URGENTLY NEEDED, 4 OR B5- roomed house, for three adults and boy, 4 years, Whitby or Oshawa. Steady income, reliable tenants. Box 35, Times-Gazette. (76¢c) EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER wishes accommodation suitable for hairdressing on highway in North Oshawa. Box 32, Times-Gazette. (75¢) UNFURNISHED APT., 3 OR 4 rooms, 2 adults, one child. Ask for Bill Graper. Phone 4038-R. (75¢) SMALL HOUSE, OR 3 OR 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment. Married couple, two children. Urgent. Good references. Write Box 34, Times- Gazette. (75¢) MARRIED COUPLE WITH ONE child require furnished 2 or 3 rooms in Bowmanville. Apply' Box 16, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (74¢) $100 TO $125 Modern house or apartment, furnish- ed or' unfurnished, 3 bedrooms or more, In Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering area. No objections to country. Short or long term, lease preferred. Substantial rent in advance for suit- able accommodation. Excellent ref- erences. Phone 'Bowmanville 609 collect. ( 76¢) 30--Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO refined gentlemen willing to share room, near Motors. Phone 4834-J. (75b) 31--Room & Board Wanted REFINED YOUNG BOY (OFFICE worker), desires board and room in good home. Phone 5158-W, (76b) ROOM AND BOARD, FOR GEN- tleman, private room preferred. Phone 4462-W. (76b 32--Automobiles For Sale '47 FLEETLINE CHEV, AERO- Sedan Torpedo body, perfect condi- tion, equipped. Phone 3550-R. 98 Albert. (76a) 48 PONTIAC COACH, UNDER- seat heater, other extras; 7,300 miles. Bought in December, '1948. Phone 5347-R. (76b) '41 CHEV. COACH, HEATER, DE- froster, 4 new tires. Payments can be arranged. Phone 1118-J, even- ings. (76a) SEE... THE NEW 1950 VANGUARD DELUXE SEDAN Canada's most talked about car, now on display at BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING WEST PHONE 4808 For your demonstration today. (M20t£) ¥ Wm: Sharp Sales Ltd. 080 Simcoe North The cars listed below have all been taken in on new Hill- mans, and are to be sold at these reduced prices to make room for the largest shipment we've ever received. '49 HILLMAN, ..... $1299 '42 PLYMOUTH, ... $ 899 'Wo OLDS., ¢....... $ 699 '40 FORD, .:vssees¢ $ 699 '38 BUICK, «.vevevs $399 36 OLDS., ........ 5 337 36 CHRYSLER, .... $ 399 34 CHEV, ....:..2 3 299 35 OLDS, sve v.. 3139 Wm. SHARP SALES Lid... 33--Automobiles Wanted MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodds' Car Lot, 300 Park Road S. Phone 4749. (My1) AUTO SAFETY GLASS INSTAL- led while you wait. Andy Nagy"s Body Shop.. Phone 4437. (A28) 32--Automobiles For Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted '88 STANDARD CHEV. FOR quick sale. Moring's Garage, North shawa. (T4c) YOU BREAK 'EM!--WE FIX 'EM! Bill Moring's Garage, North Osha- wa. Phone 5785. (A28) Bramley Motor Sales North Oshawa Trade-In Specials '49 CHEV. COACH '49 METEOR TUDOR '49 ANGLIA '48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '47 CHEV. FLEETLINE '41 FORD COACH '41 MERCURY 5 - PASSEN- GER COUPE '40 HUDSON COACH '39 BUICK 5 - PASSENGER COUPE '38 FORD COACH '37 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN '36 BUICK SEDAN '35 FORD COACH '32 CHEV. SEDAN Many More to Choose From For new and used trucks see us first, OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 (76a. ) SPRING IS HERE! ! ! The frost is gone -- warm weather is on the way Time to be thinking of your: holiday. Be it April, May, June or July Are you thinking of the car to buy? Come in and see what we can do for you On an excellent used one or one that's new. We are one of the better firms, Low down payments, longer terms. COMPARE--comparison proves that cars 'sold at Belmont Motors are better -- priced lower, 1950 VANGUARD ESTATE CAR New. completely equipped. The most versatile car of the year. Immediate delivery. 1950 PONTIAC SEDANETTE New. Heater, defroster, seat covers. Immediate delivery, No trade neces- sary. 1950 VANGUARD DELUXE SALOON Lovely maroon, radio, white walls, air conditioned. This car is a demonstrator and is selling below list. 1950 HILLMAN MINX SEDAN Only 700 miles, must be sold im- mediately. Below list. 1949 METEOR DELUXE TWO DOOR This car has been carefully driven 1300 miles. Selling for $450.00 be- low list price. 1942 CHEVROLET COACH Custom built radio, heater, clock, etc. Immaculate inside and out. 1941 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANETTE Two tone, grey, radio, heater, slip covers, backup light. Low mileage of very carefully driven car. Demonstration without obliga- tion on the above cars. THESE MUST GO! 1939 OLDSMOBILE "SIX" SEDAN Neat and clean .... $695.00 PACKARD "SIX" CLUB COUPE--immaculate $775.00 PACKARD SEDAN--darn good running car .. $575.00 DODGE SEDAN new motor ........ $295.00 FORD COACH--radio $295.00 DURANT FOUR popular car ...... $ 99.00 FORD COUPE mechanic's chance $ 75.00 PONTIAC SEDAN new paint job, needs transmission ...... $ 75.00 Belmont Motors -- 133 KING ST. WEST -- Oshawa, Ontario OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 p.m. BETTER BUYS AT BELMONT (76a) 1939 1938 1936 1932: 1931 1932 1932 33--Automobiles Wanted BELMONT MOTORS WILL PAY highest prices, for '37 to '49 cars. 187 King West. Phone 4808. (M28) CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR SELL on consignment. Tom McKenzie, 582 King B. Phone 5780W, £M28tL, 35 TO '38 MODEL, NO DEALERS. Phone 6297-J. (76b) FOR A BQUARE DEAL, SEE Johnnie Walker, Bramley Motors. TOP PRICES '46 - '50 All Makes & Models write or phone EAST TOWN MOTORS 1042 Danforth Avenue, Toront: GL. 9171 » 36--Pets and Livestcck YEAR OLD BLONDE COCKER spaniel. Phone 3523J. (76¢c) 37--Farmers' Column SEED CLEANING AND TRBATING by modern machinery. E. R. Swain, one mile north of Burketon. (75c) HAY FOR SALE, 1949 CROP, $25 ton; 1048 crop, $20 ton. Apply Peter Kessler, Newtonville. Phone Clarke 2203. (75¢) 38--Wearing Apparel LADY'S WINE GABARDINE SUIT, size 12, llke new--$25. Phone 4591-R. (76c) LADY'S SUIT, SPRING COAT, SIZE 20-40. Shoes, size 815, like new. 5082-J. (76c) LADY'S RAINCOAT, GREEN SA- tin, size 16; men's suits, different sizes; man's all-weather raincoat. Phone 731. (M31-A3) GIRL'S LIGHT BLUE SUIT, 12-14 Years; navy blue coat, size 18. Phone 4173-J. (75¢) LADY'S SUIT, COAT, SHORTIB coat, several dresses; reasonable. Sizes 13-14. Phone 3143-M. (74c) LONG SEMI - FITTING NAVY blue coat, size 36. Worn twice. Phone 19089-J. (T4c) 39--Articles For Sale KITCHEN CUPBOARD; TA lamp. Phone 1395R. 58 Kenneth A a (76c) 2 VENETIAN BLINDS, 60 x 60. Pickwick Cleaners. Phone 64. (76c) CHROME KITCHEN TABLE, fold-away cot with spring mattress, just like new. Gingham cook stove, very reasonable. Phone 6248-W, (76¢c) BEDROOM SUITE, CHESTER- field, ironer, boy's bicycle and mise cellaneous. No reasonable offer ree fused; leaving country immediately. 84 Cadillac South. (76a) LEATHER-COVERED CHESTER- field, Chippendale chairs, pettitpoint fireside bench, Indian rug and vari- ous antiques. Phone 2632. (76b), RUG, 6 X 9; %-SIZE CONTINEN- tal bed; tah'a vith jack-knife leaf, Phone 350 .. (76a), STEEL CRIB, ALSO SMALL TRI- cycle. Apply 297 Buena Vista. (76b), MAROON PRAM, IN CLEAN CON- dition, $10. Phone 5266-W. (76c) DROPSIDE COUCH, MATTRESS & cover, used one month. Apply 274 Willlam E., 1st floor apt., after 5. Grom a a (T0D) EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER RE- possessed, practically new. Will sell for unpaid balance of $79. Terms $10 down, $5 per month. Meagher's, 5 King West. (76c), RENT A PORTABLE ELECTRIC sewing machine in your own home-- $6 per month. We deliver and pick up. Singer Sewing Machine Come pany, 14-16 Ontario St. Phone 696. (M31-A3,5,7,10,1 WHIZZER MOTOR BIKE, L new. Low mileage. Appl David Pallock, North Whitby. rely (76b), HOTPOINT WATER HEATER, wiring, switch--$5. Blower, thermoe stat, wiring--$15. Phone 396-W. (76b)| WATERLOO GARDEN TRACTOR, 3 h.p.; plough and cultivator acces« sories; used one day. Phone 3878-M, (76b) KITCHEN TABLE AND FOUR chairs, like new; drapes and dishes. Apply 41 Buckingham Ave. (76b) INCUBATORS, FIFTY AND ONE- fifty, egg size; also brooder stoves with canopy; reasonable. J. T. Is- bell, Kingston Rd. West, Whitby, Phone 931. (76b) WEEKEND SPECIAL Girls' Gabardine Strides, all shades and sizes. $5.95 pr. at MAE DUNCAN DRESS SHOP 27 BOND E. Phone 2369W Ee (16a) BLUE RUG, AXMINSTER. APPLY 237 Edward St., afternoons or 7 to 9 evenings. (76a), VACUUM CLEANER, NEW CONDI« tion; complete with attachments-- Phone 3130-M. (76a), PIANO ACCORDION 120 BASE, Perfect condition. Phone 1734J af ) six. (7 CARROTS, $1 BUSHEL. APPLY Davidson's, Kingston Rd. West, at Thornton's Corners. (75¢) GOOD. NEW SEASONED OAK lumber, 1 and 2 inches. Phone 2534 Whitby. ; (T5c) USED OIL BURNER, 2 100-GAL. oll drums. Apply 135 Byron St. 8.; Whitby. (T4c) KITCHEN BUFFET, MODERN, white and black, chrome trim; good condition--$25, Apply 148 Wilson Rd. 8S. (75D), Ladies' Betty Barclay Jr, Half Size Dresses sold exclusively by MAE DUNCAN DRESS SHOP 27 BOND E. 'Phone 2369W USED RADIOS RANGES 'WASHERS ICE BOXES ETC. Reconditioned and Guaranteed Priced to Clear - Easy Terms HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC 50 Prince St. Phone 341 (76b) New and used cars. Fhone 8005; eve- (A3) ) ! nings, 14637, ( (Continued on pags 19) ?