Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Oct 1949, p. 16

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PAGE S{XTEEN THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE C Business - Professional DIRECTORY 1--Architects ITECTS, HANKS & IRWIN, Prince Street, Oshawa. Phone Also 2848 Bloor St. W., Toronto. Phone LY.7785. Evenings phone Whiiby To (Nov 47 1a--Auditors T BOpRINS: CERTIFIED GEN- Alger Kiug Bldg. hone" 2127 + Comsulting accountant and auditor. (Nov.1l) 2--Barristers [OLLAND, MACBRIEN AND CAD- well, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. 95 King Street East, To- ronto, PLaza 6396, 30 Richmond Street West, Oshawa, Phone 34 349. (Nov.1) 1 afternoon, 22--Lost and Fo.nd 25--Real Estate For Sale 32--Automobiies For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale LOST--BROWN PAPER BAG, CON- taining two Metropolitan Insurance policies and receipt book, downtown district, Mopasy afternoon. Phone 1333-R. (245b) LOST--TOY TARRIER, BLACK, FEW white . hairs under neck, "Bubbles", Tuesday. Phone 5159-R. (245b) 7-ROOM COTTAGE AND GARAGE FOR sale or rent. Apply W. Lang, 393 Pleekes St., Toronto. ' (2441) 6-ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW, FIRST- class condition; all conveniences; beau- tiful large living-room, modern kitch- en, built-in bath downstairs; land- scaped. Phone 5133-W. (2 44c) TOST -- DRESS BOX, CONTAINING clothing left at Perfection Bakery, Sim- coe N., Wednesday afternoon. Would person who picked it up, please call 3279-3 after 5. Reward. (245b) LOST--LADIES' LIFETIME SCHAEF- fer's pen, in south Loblaws, Thursday last gift from favner. 25 ward. Phone 3113-W. 23--Women's Column NOW! PERMANENTS AT REDUCED rates. Hazel Parker, consultant oper- ator. Phone 5590-W, 8 Simcoe Sou, = Nov PEGGY'S BEAUTY PARLOR OIL Permanents $2.50 up. Shampoo and Fingerwave 50c. 72 Ay St. Phone 371. (Nov. 11) TER C. THOMSON, K.C. "MP. Barrister, Solicitor etc, 221, Simcoe Street South. Hours: 9:30 - 4:30. For appointments phone $031. (227t1) PRENTICE'S BEAUTY SHOP OIL waves $2.50 and up; cold wave $4.95 and up. 10 Church Si. Phone 4491-J. oe a aac Alger Bulld ORNS - Sing Bast. Phone 07. Residence 3051. (Nov.1) CORaNT AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS Alila F Annis. E.C., 7}; Simcoe Stree' et Phone 4, Residence 739. (Nov.l) Ww. 8 Gi B.C. BARSISI: Suciior, otc. 8 King sid Resiaz: pak one noe partner, W. OC. Pollard. K.C. Uxbridge Ontario. (Nov.1) GRIERSON. CHEIGBTON & FRASER Barristers, etc. Bank of Cammerce Bullans R D. MPHREYS, K.C. Soiitor etc. 6 I 814; Phones: ce, pd to loan. v orjey oan. Cf hg & East, Oshawa. Phone "5 fia. Phone 837. (Nov.1) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER SOLI- citor, 11 King East, Roum 3. Phones Office 55; Residence 3687R. (Nov.1) Ad P AND J. A. YANCH, Barristers Morigage loans, National Housing Act 'loans coe North Phone 1614, Res. 1975J. (Nov.1) MANNING P. SWARTZ, BARRISTER | Solicitor, Notary. Money to Ican Bassett Block. Suite No. 4 Phone 282. Res. 2877 (Nov.1) 3--Dentists PETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, OSHA- wa Clinic, 117 King St. East. Hours: 9 to 6 every day. Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 4569 or 4577-R. (Nov.7) 4--Chiropractors G. B. THOMPSON, D.C., CHIROPRAC- | tor. X-ray. Consultation by appoint- | ment. 185 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2927 | 4a--Chiropodists T. M. VANT, D.S.C, CHIROPODIS specializing in diseases of the foot Rad | log. General chiropody work. Suite 2. | 47 Prince St, Phone 3947. (Nov.1) | biome riste ©. B. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, ®to13 2 to 5 and Moaday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9. Phone 1516) (Nov.1) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, 9 to 1 AB Jom Optometrist. Prone = ov. 6--Insurance PEACQCK"S INSURANCE SERVICE. Confuls Hy Jo op 2 of your insurance s of insurance, includ- ing tie" Yul E King Street East. hone Nov. 9----Money To Loan MORTGAGE FOR SALE, AP- FIRST proximately $2,600. Box 8, Times-Gaz- ette. (245¢) CLIENTS'. MONIES AVAILABLE FOR free mortgages. Also N.H.A. and Bulld- rs Loans, M. Bwarts, Bar Fister, Bassett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. (Nov.1) 10--Instruction VIOLIN LESSONS FOLLOWING THE Toronto Royal Conservatory grades. Phone 2118-W. (Oct. 28) THE OSHAWA DANCE ACADEMY -- Ballet, Toe, Tap. Register Saturday. Adelaide House. Irenie Harvey, Alors) (Nov.3) LILLIAN MAE MARSH, SCHOOL OF Danging. Ballet, Tap, Toe. Character. , Masonic Temple, Centre St Saturdays. FOX TROT, V WALTZ, | RHUMBA, & Samba, Jitterbug, taught at the shawa Studio of Dancing. 47 Prince St. Phone 4271-J. (Nov.9) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, DIC- taphone, comptometer. New classes | start, each Monday. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314 (Nov.15) A, TAN- 11--=Building Trades (Nov.1) J FIRST-CLASS PAINTER AND PAPER- hanger. Phone 3283-R (Thurs., Fri, Sat.tf) | CEMENT FLOORS, SIDEWALKS, driveways, work guaranteed, for satis- fied jobs, phone : 3808-M (2451) BACK FILLING, 1 LOTS GRADED AND levelled, driveways excavated and built up. Prompt service. Phone 3690. (Oct. 30) BUILDING CONTRACTOR, QUALITY carpentry, planning and remodelling specialist. Homes built to order. Thom- as Gill, phone 1503-J. (Oct.22) MCKENNA'S YOUR GLIDDEN PAINT Dealer. The home of Spred Satin, 12 Richmond East. Phone 1640-R (Oct. 20) BRUBH A ND SPRAY FAINTING D DEC- raving, Thang! Harold Carter 20 RB Ron Ra. B.° 8. A 3378-W. HILLSIDE FLOOR SER laid, sanded and finished, rubber and mastic tile. B. Mosler, 206 Hiliside Phone 547M. (Nov.15) 12--Personal Services SPRING MATTRESSES, REBUILT AND returned like new. Quick service. Eider- downs recovered. Ontario Bedding Co. Phone 4538-W. (Oct. 30) P A VON GUNTER, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage solicited (Nov.1) 14--Househoid Repair: MATTRESSES REBUILT AND RECOV- ered. 'Have us renew the comfort of your old mattress; also comforters re- covered Call Oshawa Upholstering, 3344, for estimates. (Oct.21t1) Ci REBUILT, RECO- vered Like new Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable Batisfaction guar- anteed. Phone Oshawa Upholstery 3344 Nov.3tf) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- aphoilisied Bee our materia's for ering Bruce R Dalton 75 Charles Phone 401 (Nov.3) 18--Gardening & Supplies A-1 GC GREEN SOD, LAID OR DELIVER- ed: Lorna, 66Wi3. (242¢1) 21--Business ( Opportunities LONG | TABLISHED BEAUTY PAR- lor with ilving quarters, modern equip- ment; newly decorated; large clentele; located in downtown district. Owner BeLINg; Aue Ww Times-Gazette, 2~ ost and Found Aiea, ACE. BELT, | BEADED TRIM, | Phone 3536-J, LOST (245a) - (Oc1.26) 24--Personal STUBBORN SKIN AILMENTS REs spond to "Kleerex" quick healing salve --Eczema, Psoriasis, Itch, Impetigo, Ringworm, etc. Two strengths--med- ium, strong, Two sizes, 59¢ $1.09. All druggists. (Oct. : 20) UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOING TO Toronto, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs- days. Arrive oronto 7 p.m.; leave To- ronto 9:45 p.m.; new car, Phone 3194J. (243c) 25--Real Estate For Sale SELL OR EXCHANGE, 68 ACRES, 1ST class house, chicken, barn, garage, north of Belleville. School and church near. Write Box 6,.Times-Gazette. (244c) $7,000 60 acres, 15 miles from Oshawa. 10 room frame house, all conveniences, Hip roof barn. electricity, water on tap. Spy orchard, nice creek, some bush, balance of farm good productive soil. Immedi- ate possession. $1,600 2 56 acres. Good creek, no buildings. GORDON K. HARDY Real Estate Broker 18 BOND WEST PHONE 5380 $4,000 Cash. (2452) $9 5()()--Putex. Division St.--8- ' room brick, oak floors, 2 complete baths and kitchens, new hot-air 'heating; laundry tubs; garage; large lot. A good investment. Terms. NORTH OSHAWA New 5-room unfurnished house, size 24" x 30, good 7' basement. Owner has been transferred to Toronto. Lot 65 x 132. Price $3,500. Make offer. See NOLAN Broker 19 Ontario St. Phone 328 Oak Crawford, salesman ((245b) (AJAX BUILDING), to be moved from present location anytime," F. Von Pilis, Bokar Farm, Whitby, Kingston Rd. W. Phone 950. CASH--Buys 40 (244c) $ 7 ,00 good garden acres of land, large house, bank barn; all in good state of repair; hydro available. Close to Osh- awa. --12 cash. 9-room brick-- $8,000" Fis sr $8,000 $5.800-52% = * $7,700 58 050 $7, 5002 mane house -- Albert $3,90 --$2,000 cash. 8 $6.80 Park Rd. S. FRAME HOUSE ( 7 rooms-- rooms-- rooms-- ~$1,500 cash. 6-room brick Warren Avenue, Phone 3109) W, J. SULLEY Broker and Auctioneer 346 Simcoe St. S. $1.80 galow. NORTHEAST section, 4-roomed bunga- low; estate settling; sacrifice. NEW 5-ROOM clapboard bungalow-- Bloor St. W. Fully modern, 4-pc, bath; reasonable offer accepted. $6 00 --$1,000 down. 6-room brick. ' Possession. Ritson Rd. 8: $7 30 --12 cash or best offer, 6- ' roomed brick--Clark St. $4 800% down, 5-room frame. ' -$ $3 20 --=$600 down, 4-roomed in- I) sul brick. LY 50N--#5%0 down, 3-room frame. Listings NEEDED, in northeastern sec- tion of city. H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 446 Simcoe S. Phone 5430 John Penicka, salesman Oshawa (2458) DOWN---Cadillac N. Five- roomed new brick bun- (245a) $7,200. A delightful, ultra modern 5 roomed brick bungalow in King- Highland Ave., district. Full sized living room, dining room and hall have stippled ceiling, and newly decorated in light buff. Open fire- place, first quality maple floors. Large modern kitchen and 4 pc. bathroom nicely tiled. Two gener- ously large bedrooms. 'Fully insul- ated. Hot air heated, and Hydro Water Tank, coal bin and shelving. Included are all light fixtures and venetian blinds for all the windows: Landscaped lawn, Exclusive listing. THOMAS STREET $5800. Situated in excellent residen- tial area, owner offers immediate possession of this lovely 4 room frame bungalow. Features 14'x11' living room, 2 bedrooms, and mod- ern kitchenette with plenty built in cupboards, and 3 piece' bathroom. Fully insulated. Basement is 7'. Ef- ficient hot air heating unit, Electric hot water tank gnd fruit compart ments, Jight fixtures, heavy duty wiring, and venetian blinds included. Down payment $2650. Exclusive listing. | Seloficld INSURANCS <Agengy 6 Simcoe St. N. Realtors (245a) double | 6-ROOMED INSUL-BRICK HOUSE Wl garage; part cash. Apply 201 Hibbert St. (243¢) HARDWOOD BUSH CONTAINING AP- proximately 1,000 cords for sale, or could be cut on half share basis. Phone 1408-R. (245¢) HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT, WITH 30 acres optional, 8 rooms, 3-pc. bath, sun-room, hot water furnace. Posses- sion Nov. 1st. Phone 805 die) C MODERN 4-ROOM BRICK BUNGA- low, 4-pe: bath, nice landscaped ° lot, ood location on, Leslie St. Possession ov. 15. $6,500 with $2,300 down bal- ance as rent. W. McAuley, Realtor. Phone 3510. (245¢) BRICK HOUSE, TWO STOREY, 3 BED- rooms, living-room, dining-room, kit- chen, bathroom, large hall upstairs, nicely landscaped, new hot water heat- ing, hardwood floors, newly shingled, storm windows - throughout. Phone 975J after 6 p.m, to inspect. Te Sain) ( $a0s. --BUILDING LOT, 45' x 115, WEST ear school. Phone 2562W. (244b) = 200 DOWN--PRICE $3,700. 6-ROOM- ed frame house, North Oshawa. Apply 225 Arthur St. Phone 3448-J. (Oct. 31; 25 ACRES GOOD LAND, 5-ROOM house, good well and hydro, west of Myrtle, $3500. At least $1200. down, or exchange for small house in Oshawa. W. McAuley, Realtor. (244c) $2 00 DOWN---Five rooms, three ' bedrooms, double lot, all modern conveniences, garage. This house is nicely located on Simcoe North. Balance, only two thousand dollars. - $2,50 maker, DOWN--Eight rooms; cen- tral, This is a money- DONALD SCOTT Broker 25 Prince St. open evenings (244b) 26--Real Estate Wanted 4 TO 6 ROOMS, WITH CONVENI- ences, moderate price; cash. Box 9, Times-Gazette. (245b) LISTINGS WANTED--HOUSES, FARMS, walting clients for 10 to 100 acre-farms. U. Jones, Real Estate Broker, 612 Prince St., Oshawa. (2431) HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS WANTED for clients. List your property now for quick sale. W. McAuley, Realtor. Phone 3510. (2401) We have tHe clients but we need some good listings. If you have a 7-roomed house in a good residential district or a modern 5-roomed bungalow, phone us today. Prompt, courteous attention will be given your listing. EVERETT G. DISNEY Realtor PHONE 1550 (Nov. 1) 82 SIMCOE 8. Do you want to sell? If so contact DONALD SCOTT Broker 25 Prince St. Phone 4153 open. evenings (242e) 29--Rooms tor Rent NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM. AP- ply 53 Division. (245¢) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, PHONE 4094-W after 6 p.m. (Oct. 20, 21, 24) FURNISHED | ROOM, HOT AND COLD running water, bullt-in cupboards, business girl preferred. Phone S057, (245¢) LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, SUIT one or two girls; private home. Phone 1021-M. 265 Albert St. ~~ (245¢) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, GROUND floor; private entrance; self-contained; continuous hot water. Phone So (245¢) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping: sult married cou- ple, no children. 382 King W. Phone 3140-J. 245¢) TWO ROOMS, IN NEW TE, business couple preferred. Phone 4414-W. \ (245br FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM, FOR business woman; light housekeeping facilities, including use of electric range, refrigerator. Phone 3529- eV iin ( ) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT TWO young ladies or business couple; dou- ble bed, spring, mattress; 'hot water; central. Phone 1509. (244b) 3 ROOMS, BUSINESS COUPLE PRE- ferred. Apply 466 Albert St. (244b) FURNISHED BEDROOM, BLOCK FROM bus line; gentleman preferred. yew. (243c) i 1 FURNISHED DOUBLE BEDROOM, spring mattress; continuous hot water; central. Suitable 2 gentlemen, or busi- ness ness couple. 57 Division St. (2421) ROOM TO SHARE WITH BOY, or without board. Phone 198M. 29a--For Rent OFFICE FOR RENT. Everson. Phone 118. 4-ROOMED APARTMENT, castle, 3-pc. modern bath; Phone Clarke 3231. 30--Room and Board" ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO MEN, abstainers. Apply 134 Barrle, (245h) 31--Wanted to Rent YOUNG COUPLE WITH SMALL BABY require two or three furnished or un- furnished rooms. Phone 2384-M after 6. (Oct.19,21) BUSINESS MAN, PERMAN- ently in Osh de- sires apartment house or duplex. "Ref~ erences supplied. Box 2, Times-Gaz- ette. (24411) HOUSE OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, between Pickering and Bowmanville, near highway, by middle-aged couple; no children. Box 945, Time-Gersite, 245a) OGRGENT, SMALL HOUSE OR THREE unfurnished rooms by young couple, with two-yr.-old child. Phone 4276-M. (245¢) YOUNG COUPLE WITH CHILD DESIRE 2 unfurnished rooms. Phone 4737-W. _(244b) BUSINESS COUPLE, NO CHILDREN, desire apartment. Phone 3805-W. ay ( ) BUSINESS COUPLE REQUIRE 3 OR 4- roomed apartment, unfurnished. Phone 1344-J. (243¢) YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE REQUIRE an unfurnished house, apt. or flat, by Oct, 31, Phone 1209-J afte WITH (2401) 8. F. (245b) APPLY 244b) LOCAL LOCAL BUSINESS MAN DESIRES house, duplex or apt, by Nov. 1st. Good references. Phone 522-M. (24341) GARAGE, WANTED VICINITY JOHN and Centre Sts. Phone 4018-M. a5 (2 c) MARRIED - COUPLE, NO CHILDREN, want to rent house or 3 or 4-roomed unfurnished apartment in Oshawa or vicinity. Write oack Hawkins, Hoter Quinte, . Belleville. FOR 6 OR_7 MONTHS, YOUNG ple, no children, want to rent house or 3 or 4-roomed apartment furnished or unfurnished, Box 948, Li 43c) IN N - fireplace. |, ( '48 SILVER STREAK PONTIAC DE- livery, 18,000 miles, good. condition, $1500, 778 King St. E. (244c) 37 PLYMOUTH, EXCELLENT CON- dition; good tires. Quick sale, not nec- essarily cash. Phone 1970-R. (245¢) '31 CHEV. COACH. APPLY 389 PINE Ave. - (244c) 1949 FORD !4-TON PICKUP, ORIGINAL owner. Excellent condition. Reasonable. For appointment call Pickering 40 ( C '39 NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN, LOVELY finish, rear seat convertible to bed, good. tires. $725 or nearest offer. Gordon Johnston, 5 Edwards St., Ajax. Phone Pickering 40J3. y (244c) 48 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY, 3,000 miles, perfect car, reasonably priced. Phone 4500J, (244c) "49 CHEV. FLEETLINE, MODEL 1007, underseat heater, defroster, for quick sale, $2150. 227 Dearborn. Phone 3898J after 5 o'clock. (244c) 40 DELUXE SPECIAL CHEV. SEDAN, heavy radio, heater, defroster; many extras; motor like new. Phone 2091-J. 207 Court St. (245b) '41 CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT CON- dition. Phone 1982W after 5. (244c) '35 PONTIAC SEDAN, HEATER, DE- froster; good condition. Price $400. Ap- ply 112 Eldon Ave. (243c) '28 CHEV. GOOD TIRES, SEALED beam lights; perfect running order. 303 Hillside Ave. (245b) '48 PONTIAC SEDAN, HEATER, Sir covers, 8,700 miles. Private, $1,850. - ance arranged. Phone 4558-J. (240) '46 CHEV. STANDARD ZEDAN, bs pre @ 5b) condition; must be s ciated. Apply 106 Hierote, $625 Casa BUYS 1039 PONTIAC AT 173 Park Rd. 8. (245¢) '36 FORD TON-PANEL; '42 FORD !5- ton panel; '41 Chev. 3-ton stake body. Rahme's Garage, 26 Athol W. Phone 486. (2451) '37 CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT CON- dition. Apply 230 Mitchell Ave. (245¢) '46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, EXC] condition; heater and defrosters; win- terized. Phone 1519-J after 5:30, + (245¢) 46 CHEV. COACH, hill-top' grey, radio, heater, defroster, slip covers; 32,000 miles. Excellent con- dition. ® ble price. Phone STYLEMASTER FOR A SQUARE DEAL, SEE JOHNNIE Walker. Bramley Motors. New and used Phone 5505: evenings, 1463-J. A 0v.3) '48 CHEV. COACH, ORIGINAL OWN- er; excellent condition; good tires, heater, slip covers. Apply 618 Mary t. (24 '35 2-TON DCDGE TRUCK; TAKE trade or $175 cash. Phone 678. (243c) 48 ,PONTIAC COACH, UNDERSEAT heater, defroster, 6,500 miles; winter- ized. Phone 2346-W. (243c) AUTO SAFETY GLASS INSTALLED while you wait, Andy Nagy's Body Shop. Phone 4437 (Oct.28) PRICES ARE DOWN DODGE COACH, clean, MPR Spi LL CHEV. COACH, see this one, reduced to $1795. PONTIAC SEDAN, radio and heater, .... $1095. CHEV. COACH, 2 tone $1050. CHEV. COACH, radio and heater, ...... $645. CHEV. COACH, a stan- dard, $595. CHRYSLER SEDAN, radio and heater, ...... $275. CHEV. COACH, real good vss 0 vi Sn 195) BUICK; GOUPE, $250. ' Irwin Motors Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 105 SIMCOE NORTH Stoney's | Car Market PRICES ARE DOWN SEE AND COMPARE '47 CHEV. SEDAN, radio and heater. Full price $1295, '47 CHEV. COACH, heater. Full price ...... $1495, 47 DODGE OPERA COUPE, air-conditioning, spotlight etc. Full price $1595. '47 DODGE COACH, light blye, heater. Full price ensues vrs 31495, '41 OLDS. SEDAN, a real buy. Full.price ....... $795, '41 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN, fully equipped. Full price thi arvana $895, '40 HUDSON CONVERTIBLE this type very scarce. Full price ,.,....®% 38 FORD COACH, perfect motor. Full price $395. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 25% down on all late model and up to 36ymonths to pay. 1/3 'down on all others and up to 24 months to pay. green, cars open every evening till 6 p.m, St THE GREATEST NAME IN THE USED CAR BUSINESS Listen to CKEY at 12. noon for our newscast and from midnight te 6 a.m. 5c) | '37 CHEV., with TTW. Al CONDITION, LOADED accessories, best offer. Phone 3 ( RAY BENNETT MOTORS (USED CAR BRANCH) OSHAWA'S * LARGEST USED CAR DEALER MAKE US AN OFFER 1949 CHEV. 14-TON PICK- UP -- Brand new. 1949 MONARCH 6-P A S- SENGER COUPE -- very low mileage. 1948 CH EV, FLEETLINE SEDAN -- just like new, 1948 CHEV. STYLEMAST- ER SEDAN -- clean car. a 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN -- a «real buy. 1947 BUICK SEDANETTE --a very low mileage car. '47 OLDS. SEDANETTE, two-tone Hydramatic, white-wall tires, '47 PONTIAC SEDANETTE, one owner car. 47 CHEV. COACH, thing original. 46 OLDS. SEDAN, Hydra- matic, beautiful through- out. 1946 BUICK SEDANETTE --every extra you can think of. MERCURY PANEL -- well taken care of. PONTIAC SEDAN -- --new motor. DODGE SEDAN -- a good solid car. OLDS SEDAN--every- thing original. PLY. SEDAN -- worth the money. DODGE SEDAN -- a real buy. CHEV, COACH -- one "owner. 1935 DODGE COUPE 1934 PLY. SEDAN. 1933 OLDS SEDAN 1932 PLY. SEDAN. ASK THE PRICFS OF THESE CARS. = WE'RE OPEN FOR OFFERS RAY every- 1946 1940 1938 1938 1937 1937 1936 Addled-Ads ( From the Nation's Classified Columns ) 'By Lutke SOME PEOPLE HAVE ALL Take out an accident insurance policy. One customer broke her armthe other day and we paid her $500. You may be the lucky one tomorrow. 32--Automobiles For Sale 34--Pets and Livestock '20 CHEV. COACH IN Al throughout, new tires, body in good condition. Must gi regardless of loss. Phone 4643M. SHAPE palpt job and Dew (2455) RED IRISH SETTER, 1 YR. OLD, sale. Phone 3067. 34a--Farmers' ( Colin >. FOR 244c) 38 PLYMOUTH COACH, WOULD trade for older car and buyer take over payment of $150. for Michael. (245b) 214 Bloor East. Ask '32 FORD, GOOD TIRES, GOOD RUN- hing condition; cheap for quick sale. Grooms. (245b) 47 3,-TON CHEV, PICK: UP TRUCK, in excellent condition; privately owned and operated. Phone 4503-W before 6., (245¢) i Dodd Motor Sales USED CAR SALE 47 CHEV. lots of extras .. FLEETLINE SEDAN, 47 MONARCH SEDAN, radio and heater, perfect car 47 CHEV. 5 PASSENGER COUPE, like new 47 CHEV. SEDAN, bargain. 41 CHEV, SEDAN ... 41 FozD COACH, radio and heat- 39 a. SEDAN .. 38 CHEV. COACH . 38 PONTIAC SEDAN, lovely car ..... 36 CHEV. COACH .... 36 PACKARD SEDAN . 34 CHEV. SEDAN . 46 MERCURY %-TON PICKUP 42 CHEV. PANEL TRUCK LOTS OF OTHERS CASH, TRADE or TERMS 300 ParkRd.S. Phone /49 low mileage, $695. (245a) 33--Automobiles Wanted 20 OR i. MODEL | wy terms. one Mr. er, Station, 2300; Local 497 afte MORE Dodd's Car Lot. 300 Park Phone 4749. FORD, ON First Ald 5. (245) (Nov.7) 34---Pets and Livestock PUREBRED OXFORD RAMS,. ages. Priced to sell. Foster Snowden, RR. 2 hawa. (245b SINGER CANARIES, GUARANTEED, 100 to choose from; also hen birds, $1.50. Phone 1633-: M. BENNET] MOTORS (USED CAR BRANCH) 428 KING ST. WEST Phone 4554 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. for Stoney's House Party. (2458) (243¢c) ALL (245b) PUREBRED MALE POLICE PUP, BEAU- tifully marked, 6 months; reasonable. Willowdale Fam, Tporaion's Corners. Phone 416J11 AIREDALE PUPS, registered; also 'Airedale female, months old, registered. Phone Caio) 4c BLACK & TAN HOUND PUP, 7 MOS. old. 117 Yonge. LABRADOR RETRIEVER, (245b) 0 WEEKS OLD, ) (244b) HEGISTER- ed, black male, age 6 months; ready to train. Apply Fred Frayer, Caesarea. (2440) IRISH SETTERS, EXCEPTIONAL blood lines, males and females; reason- ably priced; registered, 200 Maple Lea Drive, Toronto. MUrray 6720. (244b NICELY BRED Pupp: Zz (2440) f ) D COCKER SPANIEL ies: 2 blonde, 1 black and tan, 2 pure black. Reasonable. Phone 2508- W. ) COCKER_ SPANIEL PUPPIES SEVEN weeks; blondes, blacks, reds and pertl colours. Waubena Ke of Oshawa on new (Oct.30, ay. els, mile west ) 39 FORDSON TRACTO UHRYN, Stevenson's Rd. S. A 2820W1. i aie (244c) YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. PHONE 43693. © _ (244c) TRACTOR, JOHN DEERE MODEL B, on Lot 12, Con. 1, Cartwright, 1 mile | north Burketon. C, Robertson. | =Kansas City 5 | | (1 | | | (2411) WE BUY POULTRY OF ALL KINDS, highest prices paid. Will call at your door. Phone 3344. «Oct. 22t1) | 35--Wearirg Apparel IR BLACK OPOSSUM FUR COAT, "SUIT short person, worn few times; new condition, Sell half original price, $60. Phone 4435-J. (245a) CHILD'S 3-PC. WINTER OUTFIT, size 6 yrs. Phone 2098-J after 6 ; (245¢) SKIRTS, | esses itanbrni GIRL'S COATS, JACKETS, | size dresses, jumper, ski boy's plaid jacket, size 12; figure skates, size 6. Phone 2552-J. (245a) BLACK WOOL COAT, QUILTED LIN- | ing, size 12, reasonable; also wool and | crepe dresses Phone 4450-W (245a) | LADIES' silver fox collar, reasonable, size 34. 12-14; | also white | excellent condition, | Phone 2195¢tM (245a) | LADIES' BROWN FUR COAT, oti rel, size 14-16; man's brown overcoat, size 36; both excellent condition. Ph. 1055. " al (Oct. 21, 24, 25) BLACK AMERICAN BROADTAIL COAT, Persianl' collar, size 14. Phone 3336-W. | (245a) | BLACK FITTED SPRING AND FALL eoat; black crepe dress, long sleeves; | wine gabardine tailored suit; teal blue | fitted winter ceat. All size 14. Gray alpine slacks, size 40. 3288-R. (244b) | BOY'S WINTER OVERCOAT, BROWN; | tweed sport jacket, teal; gabardine raincoat with detachable lining; all! size 12-13; leather coat, size 10-11, 106 Oshawa Blvd (245Db) | GIRL'S WINTER COAT, GREEN; FALL | coat, brown; turquoise wool suit; jer=| sey dress, all size 12-13; cheap. 106 | Oshawa Blvd. yo (243) | GIRL'S LOGANBERRY WINE WINTER | coat, size 13, $12. Phone 4834-J. (245b) | HUDSON SEAL COAT, HARDLY WORN, $50; lady's black wool coat, Persian lamb trim, both size 42. Phone 2356-R. i : (245¢c) COAT, WINTER WHI' IE, | size 14; new. condition, full-length Phone 4560-J. x = 245a) BLACK SUIT, EVENING GOWN, CERI- | se, both 16 to 18; 4 dresses, size 12; sult, rust, size 14; cheap. 238 Mitchell. (245a) | CREAM, "SHAG CLOTH COAT; ~ SKAT- | ing outfit, turquoise and brown: blue | suit; navy tunic; green pleated flannel | skirt; 2 dresses, gold and turquoise, | all size 8-10. Reasonable. Phone 3458- rl after 6 o'clock (245b) BOY'S 3-PC. WINTER "OUTFIT, 2-PC. fall outfit, 3-pc. sailor suit, all size 5-6. Phone 4249-W. (245a) GIRL'S FITTED T WINTER COAT, green, mouton collar and cuffs. e 14; perfect condition. Phone PURE SHAG 2051) (2450) BLUE COAT, GIRLS SIZE 12, $i; also high chair and rocking horse. Ap- ply 54 Brock West. (2458) LADY'S BLACK COAT, 38-40; GIRL'S shorty coat, 16; silver fox scarf; lady's green coat, 16-18; girl's 3-piece outfit, 2-3 yrs. All nearly new. 4056-W. ho ( C PAIR WHITE FIGURE SKATES, SIZE | 413B; boy's skates, size 4. Phone 5078. | (244c) RED, WINTER COAT WITH 100D, | good as new, size 14. Phone 2648J. (244b) SINUS DARK GREEN WINTER ¢ COAT, ze 6, $5; white boots and skates, Se a ah 50. Phone 2856-W. (244b) POWDER BLUE KENWOOD COAT; also navy blue gabardine coat. Both like new, sizes 12-14. Phone 4361- oS (243c) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHES. Pay highest prices. Sterilized, cleaned and pressed, like new. Men's clothes only. 25 ladies' fur coats to clear, $10 up. 100 winter used' coats, slightly worn, clearance $10 up. 150 used suits, slightly worn, to clear $10 up Men's used fall coats, 75 of them to clear out at $5 each. Sam Senwarte 21 Bond West. _(Nov.. 7) 36--Articles for Sale APPLES: BLENHEIM, BAXTERS, PE- waukee, Greening, Baldwins, $1 bushel Tolman Sweets, Spy, Snows, MacIntosh. Also appleg, 50c bushel. Bring con- tainers. Frank Ballard, 1'2 miles east i (245a) ONE GIRL'S AND "ONE BOY'S So e, in good condition. Phone 1393-M. 8 4 (245b) APPLES: "SPYS, MACINTOSH & PIP- pins. Robert Flett, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Phone Brooklin 19R22. (245d) CARROTS, CA BBAGE. "515 BLOOR, ST East. - Phone 2992-W. 245b) MCCLARY COMBINATION FEAL AND as stove, cream and black enamel, 0. 144 Mary St. . (245¢) COOK "STOVE, "HAPPY THOUGHT, hot water front, high closet. Phone 900, Bowmanville. {(245¢) CHINA CABINET; INDIAN RUG, 9 X 12; 15 yds, stair carpet; all new. Phone 4979W. (245¢) REA- (245a) SQUARE DINING ROQM TABLE; sonable, 246 Gibb b Se MONG | door, brand new; cheap. Phone Soon | SPRING MATTRESS, } | cheap. | 4~ BURNER BLECTRIC "STOVE, MOF- used 3 | Phone 2517. WINTER COAT, TEAL BLUE, i2: | 1233-R | PREMIUM | 3467J2 ; | bead front sight. Phone 1879W. | 3, Times-Gazette. | 36--Articles for Sale ANTIQUE WALNUT SIDEBOARD, GER~ hard Heintzman piano. Apply 308 King West. (244c) IVORY GENDRON PRAM, lent condition, $15; also pair dancing shoes, size 12. Phon hitby. LARGE COAL OIL HEATER, GOOD condition. Phone 1636-W between 4 and 7 (2458) 10'2 CUBIC-FOOT ELECTRIC REFRI- gerator, one year old. Cost $425; will sell for $300. Apply 28 Durham 8t., Ajax. (245) NEW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS, 7 cubic foot. Immediate delivery. Easy terms. Barons Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. Phone 248. 5b 4 NEW ( GURNEY "ELECTRIC & COM- bination ranges. Immediate delivery, Easy terms. Trade-ins accepted. Bare ons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe S. Phone 249. (249 DOOR, 2'8" X 6%" X EXOCEL~- girl's ta one 252i (245b) 13; 2458) FULL ¢ oe perfect condition; lady's' coat, black, mink trim, size 16; also go-cart. 149 Agnes. (2458) LARGE SIZE QUEBEC HEATER, Phone 4450-W. (2458) fat; good condition--$25. Phone 1341-W, (2458) NEW 'RUGS, ALSO EQUIPMENT SUIT- able for bakeshop. Phone 383. 3. (245p) GOOD "QUALITY APPLES: 8PYS, Kings, $1.25 bus; others, $1. We deliver 3 bushels or over. F. J. O'Connor, Whitby. Phone 956 after 5. (2458) TEMP MASTER, DAMPER CONTROL; months. Apply 108 Hijleroft. (245b) INDIA RUG, 9 X 6', RED AND BLUR predominating, Phone 5183-J. (245¢) NUMBER OF STOVE AND FURNACE pipes and elbows. Phone 1484.W. (245¢) SUNSHINE, "CONVERTIBLE | STROLL- er, wine; in excellent condition. Phone 3925-4. (245¢) ELECTRIC 1 RANGE, WESTINGHOUSE, 4 burners; good condition. Phone 444, (245b) WASHER, $35; GOOD ELECTRIC large tricycle, $9; boy's tube skates, size 4, $2; ladies' black tube skates, size T- 8, $2.50. Phone 4757-W. (245¢c) SNOW FENCING, 100 FT., CHILD'S carriage sleigh. Apply 536 Grierson Ave. (24 158) complete with press and cover. (2452) BRIGGS AND STRATTON AIR COOL ed 1 h.p. gas engine, in good condition, $30. 22 Orchard Avenue, Harmony (2458) JACKET HEATER, GOOD CONDI- tion; reasonable. Phone 1104-J. (245¢) ROSE RUG "WITH UNDERMAT, 8I1ZB X 10'6": used only six months, $55. Ys size 16, practically new, $12. Lined chintz drapes and slip cover, $8. Phone 1136 (245¢) WALNUT "DINING- "ROOM ° TARLE; 60" X 44", 6 chairs, real leather seats. Ph. 2585. (245¢) guet | 3-BURNER GAS STOVE; ALSO LARGE heater; both good condition; 279 Celina St. thesd: 245D) | DOMESTIC HOT WATER JAC ae: Phone 1035-R. rr a aa i) WINGHAM CLIPPER RANGE WITH OR without oil burners; cheap. Phone 5309-W (2451 b) USED BRICKS FOR SALE. APPLY 1 121 Byron St. N., Whitby, after 5 p.m. Foi (245¢) BUNK BEDS, COMPLETE WITH LAD~ der and spring-filled mattresses; also ivory pram; both: good condition. Ph. (2458) | BABY'S PINK BUNTING BAG, 3 BABY'S bath. Phone 5144-M. (2458) CYLINDER VACUUM cleaner, new condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 4019-M. (2452) | GIRL'S: WINTER COAT, HOODED, brown, size 10-12, good condition; oil drum, 45-gal. Phone 3375-J. (245¢) WESTINGHOUSE COMBINATION COAL and electric range, high back, white enamel, black trim; good condition. Phone 3767J2 (245d) FRIGIDAIRE; MCCLARY 4-BURNER stove; large size crib, good condition. Priced low for . quick sale. Phone 2523-W ( 245¢) | APPLES; "MCINTOSH, . SPYS, WOLF | River and Greenings; also clean cider | apples, 25¢ bushel. Mi ox, 113 miles north of Training School, Bow= manville (24 245b) | RECORD PLAYER ATTACHABLE; convertible folding go-cart, both excel- lent, condition. Phone 1053-J. (2458) LARGE SIZE STUDIO BED COUCH, new; bargain. Call after 6 p.m. Nassau St 245) TWO-PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, lue; reasonable, S heater; new condition. Apply 214 Rion Rd. 2452) CIRCULAR SAW -- 8" ORE Extra blade and a 1/3 horsepower G.BE. motor. Almost new. $50. Phone Sage). > (245¢ | MACINTOSH, SNOW AND OOOKING Phones Ca (245¢) DEER RIFLE -- MODEL 10 WIN= chester, .270 calibre, perfect condition, 48 W.J.S, Lyman rear sight and Shite (245b) 2 WALNUT SINGLE BEDS, EDS, BOX springs and mattress, $150. a piece, Box __ (244¢) ALL, WHITE COOK STOVE -- NEW condition, $50. Phone 5509M. 886 Robe son St. (244b) GAS STQVE, 3 BURNERS, IN GOOD condition. Phone 3025M. (244b) apples. Delivered by the bushel. | WHITE BROCADED CHESTERFIELD and chair, $250. Box 3, Times-Gazette, (244¢c) 75 RECONDITIONED RADIOS, MANTEL and console models. Only $9.95 and up while they 'last! Baron's Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. Phone 249, (244¢) DINING-ROOM SUITE, DARK OAK, nine pieces, used 10 months, modern furniture; also chrome kitchen: table, two chrome chairs. F. Staudaert, Brooklin. (244c) WALNUT FINISH DINING SET -- 6 chairs and table. Blue upholstery. Like 1349R (244d) ARVED ED SCREEN, REEN, MIR rofed top. £300, Box 3, Times-! 'Gazette, ae) PIANO "AND BENCH, EXCELLEN condition; 3 pe. chesterfield suite, ply 322 Colborne East. (244b) FREE FILL -- APPLY 887 ROBSON ST. Phone 1902M. ait 244c) GURNEY RANGE, COAL AND WOOD, almost new, cheap, terms. Phone 161W2, (244d) COMPLETE STORE EQU PMENT' IN splendid condition, including Sherrer meat counter and pop cooler, both nearly, new; meat slicer, scales, cash register, oil heater, showcases, etc. Phone Pickering 13. (244¢ c) CARVED WALNUT SIDEBOARD, I cabinet type doors, $250; walnut glass front bookcase, $250. Box 3, Times- Gazette. (244c) ROASTING -CAPONS large orders taken for banquets, etc. Choice apples, cooking and eating, _F. HOAG PHONE 416W12 ROSSLAND ROAD (West of Airport Corner) iv nai (24D) (Continued on Page 11» N

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