PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY T IMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1949 [crossworD - - - 'By Eugene Sheffer HORIZONTAL , 42. ancient name 54. was , for Lerida 44, tattler 46. sweetsop 49. Hawaiian wreath 50. American 'composer 51. split 52. bitter vetch 53. Italian noble family 1. adjoin 5. book leaf 9. lofty mountain 12, country road 13. feminine name by way of singing voice : 68 8. corrode / 9, the birds 10, Italian coins 11. go by 17. English painter 19. deputies . feminine name . paper measure . less difficult cognizant VERTICAL 1. linen vestment 2. cry of lamb 3. disturb 4. experiment 5. condiment 6. narrow passage . 7. dull . large dishes . Russian stockades employs worthless bit spouting hot spring 25. written com- munication 27. northerner 31. Greek physician 32. prophets 33. catkins 385. fire whistles 36. landed property 38. tiny 39. death notice .(abbr.) 23. Answer to yesterday's puzzle. Average time of solution: 26 minutes. Distributed by King Features Syndicate . dogmas . Canadian district 9. cagle . being . short stalks (Bot.) . English writer . vigilant . eye , South African Dutchmar . Egyptian goddess . somber 45. General Eisenhowe:'7 nickname twilight stitch 47. 48. News of Balsam And Mount Zion MRS. LORNE JONES Correspondent Balsam & Mount Zion, June "he Men's Club will meet in the hurch on Thursday evening, June Oth. The International Harvester Jo. is putting on pictures. Every- me welcome. A large number from here took n the Brooklin Fair and report a rand fair. . The friends of Mount Zion and Jalsam extend their deepest sym- " pathy to Mrs. Rodd Appleby in the loss of a loving father, Mr. Andrew Pegg. Mr. and Mrs. Will Day of Port Perry, called at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson on Sunday. Mr. Burnett Jamieson and his father Mr. Victor Jamieson, called at the hospital in Toronto to see their cousin Bert Dobson. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Stan- | Look, Bare Hands p) William Dennison demonstrates method of handling bee-covered frames to convention of York County Beekeepers A wears a veil, iati But Denni --Globe and Mail Photo. also visited there on Sunday even- ing. Mrs. Reg. Hoskin and new daughter who have been in Lon- don with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsmill returnéd home last Sun- day. The Circuit entertained Brough- am W.M.S. last week and report a very interesting meeting at the Mount Zion church. Supper was served. Mr. George Wilson is feeling better and able to be out and do- ing some work. His friends hope he keeps on improving. The Mount Zion Church_ service at 7.30 will be withdrawn on Sun- day, June 12th, to unite with the Union Church at Claremont in memory of those who lost their | lives in the past war. Rev. A. C. | Luffman will te the speaker. Sun- | day School will meet at the usual | time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Disney visi- |ted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | Alf. Parrott at Ashburn, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Evans and Donald, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jones and family. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Jamieson, Mrs. Lewis Jones and Myrna Jones motored to Picton one day last week. Rev. 'A, C. Luffman exchanged pulpits on Sunday with Tyrone, it being their anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jones at- tended the wedding of their niece. ERUPTION ENDS Messina, Sicily, June 8-- (Reuters) --The volcano of Stromboli relap- ley Lewis of Altona, and Mr. and | sed Tuesday night into sullen si- Mrs. Kenneth Jones and Eric of Fergus, visited with Mr, and Mrs, G. C. Jones and Myrna. Mrs. W. Sadler of Creek visited a week with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Morrish and family Highland lence after a day of terror during which it vomited streams of mol- ten lava. Most of the island's 500 inhabitants began unpacking be- longings they had hurriedly bun- dled together in preparation for flight. Salvation Army Officer Spoke Maple Grove, June 8--The Even- ing Auxiliary of the W.M.S. en- tertained members of the After- noon Auxiliary for their May meeting when Lieut. Farmer of the Salvation Army, Bowmanville, ad- dressed the gathering on "House- cleaning." She challenged her hearers while cleaning tHeir houses, to do some housecleaning mentally and spiritually as well. "But," she said, "it is not enough to houseclean our lives and leave them empty, swept and garnished as we do our houses, We need to fill them with worthwhile deeds and thoughts lest some evil greater than the first comes in and we will be like the man whose last state was worse than the first." She said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." So let us think on "Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report." Several ladies of the Afternoon Auxiliary repeated their playlet "Newcomer to Canada" depicting the problems of these people, and how all can be friendly to them and help them. Mrs. Ken Sum- mersford and Mrs. E. Twist sang a duet. Worship service followed the theme of "Newcomer to Canada" and was in charge of Mrs. E. Twist assisted by Mrs. B. Stalker and Mrs. Wallace Munday. The June meeting will not be held till June 30, when Mrs. S. Jeffery, Mrs. L. White, Mrs. Rahme, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and Mrs. S. Barraball will be in charge. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the members of the Evening Auxiliary and a social time enjoyed. ------ Don't Wait! send Your Entry In NOW ...for THE FIRST ANNUAL 5.R.A. HOBBY FAIR To Be Held at the RECREATION CENTRE 100 GIBBS-STREET 14 SECTIONS WED. - THURS. - FRI. - June 15-16 - 17 LEATHERCRAFT, SHELLCRAFT, FLY-TYING, WEAVING, MODEL-BUILDING, COLLECTIONS OF STAMPS, COINS, MEDALS, AUTOGRAPHS, MATCHBOX LABELS, ETC. PIC- TORIAL ART AND DESIGN, METALCRAFT, CERAMICS, RUG-MAKING, SMOCKING, SCULPTURE, PHOTOGRAPHY, PLASTICS, RADIO & ELECTRICAL DEVICES, PLASTICENE MODELLING, CUT-OUT DESIGN, DRESSES, DOLLS, LAND- SCAPE DESIGN. / 9 GRAND AWARD TROPHIES Awards and Prizes for Every Age and Every Interest EXHIBITS and ENTRY FORMS must be delivered to the C.R.A. Building 100 Gibbs Street, not later than 12;0¢ noon on Saturday, June 11th. Admission by programme 25c, obtainable from C.R.A. or from your Neigh- bourhood Association, to whose funds profits from this project will go. [Field Crops Treble In Value Since 1939 Value of fruits, vegetables, pota- toes and turnips marketed by On- tario farmers in 1948 were valued at $79,960,000, almost three times the total for 1939, G. F. Perkin, Commissioner of Marketing, On- tario Department of Agriculture, disclosed today. Mr. Perkin had occasion to compile figures on the value, of this type of produce, sold in the province during the nine year period and he himself admits he was amazed at the substantial '| expansion experienced in the in- dustry, "The steadily increasing total annual net value of goods sold, re- flects the increasing importance of this branch of Ontario's agricul- ture," he said. "It also indicates the growing interest in produc- tion of garden crops generally." | 959,000; 1941 -- $37,594,000; 1942 -- |. Total value of all field crops sold Figures giving the total for each | $42,895,000; 1943 -- $43,395,000; 1944 | by Ontario farmers since 1939 has year from 1939 to 1948, are as fol- | -- $57,392,000; 1945 -- $55,826,000; | more than trebled. Total field crops lows: 1946 -- $66,586,000; 1947 -- $73,-|in 1939 were valued at $150,288,000. 1939 -- $26,791,000; 1940 -- $26,- | 124,000; 1948 -- $79,960,000. In 1948 the total was $369,349,000. | we BALANCED BLEND! Plain fine knit rayon briefs --first quality, white, yellow and blue. Well made, tail- ored style RAYON BRIEFS! 11 Simcoe St .S. -- Phone 73 (Next Door to Kresge's) J Presents . . . FIRST QUALITY NYLON HOSE | : Extra Sheer ® Dark Seams ® Equal to 51 Gauge ® Summer Shades ® Limited Quantity -- Shop Early 99:. ry TA REGULAR 69c 2 pair for $1.00 SIZES 9 TO 102 Gabardine SHORTS REGULAR $3.98 VALUE 'Cuff knees, roomy fully cut seats, beautiful colors -- pink, grey, navy, black, brown and wine. Sizes 12 to 20. $9.98 All wool plaids, and American corduroy shorts $4.98 beautifully tailored Midriff Blouses REGULAR $2.98 VALUES Rayon, Jersey or Cotton in plain and prints el- astic, off the shoulder style and button front styles. Cool and com- fortable. SPECIAL VALUE $7.98 Famous name lines, CATALINA and BEA- TRICE .PINES,. newest and shirred front styles. Models from 56.95 up. oo hs 3 Cotton HO Gay, colorful and above all washable housecoats full of beauty, color and grace of style, sizes 14 to 44. USECOATS 53980 Small and dainty large and roomy. style and material prices in town. ERWINNE'S ® GUELPH BRR OH pia pa White & Straw | HANDBAGS suit you at the lowest J eam ® GALT © ST. CATHARINES @ TORONTO LJ STORES LOCATED AT... © OSHAWA Lace Trimmed RAYON GOWNS REGULAR $4.95 VALUE Fine English rayon yarn with lovely lace at top and bottom $2.9 lines for better fit. All sizes 32 to 40 -- -- also a cocktail SPECIAL VZLUE white and tearose.. SUITS! Alpine that will stand up to lots of wear. Cute tailored styles in white, grey and beige. New length skirts and well made jockets. Out- standing value-- or A to front style--princess up Carry a large Assortment of ® JEANS ® STRIDES @ HALTERS @ SLACKS @ SLACK SUITS @ T-SHIRTS Etc. For Your Summer Enjoyment! ... Always Leading a In VALUE! shoppes HAMILTON