Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Dec 1948, p. 7

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\ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1948 C'S i 7 THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE P nil = BEAUTY FOR YOU - Beauty Superstitions By BELEN JAMESON When Mrs. Heavyweight rubs Ep- som salts on her overplump arms I' / and expansive hips in the hope that she will dissolve fat cells she is wasting her time and her efforts. Adipose tissue is solid substance. It will not evaporate under light fric- tion, Yet women are still doing this very silly thing. However, it does "no harm, as will certain freak diets 7" An which the misguided ones have ©. faith. In those so-called good old days, superstitions abounded. To make little daughter's hair grow logg and luxuriant, her tresses were cut © 'when the new moon appeared. If you had a sty on your eye, you rub- bed a gold wedding ring on a rug, then over your eyelid and the hor- rid Jittle red blemish was supposed to. go off and die. A sty is a small boil, or pus sac. It goes through certain stages. Hot, moist applica- i» tions will bring it to a head and it + will lance itself. Friction with a + ring, or anything else will not stop :. Or retard natural processes. A notion that still seizes some of the sisters. is to the effect that the use of creamy cosmetics will cause a growth of superfluous hair. Noth- ing to it. Electrolysis operators af- firm that the worst cases of fuzzers have developed on the faces of women who never used cosmetics. Beauty shop operators who give facial treatments see red and are ready to go through the roof when - some knowing customer tells them that she wouldn't have a facial under any circumstances. She af- firms that, once started, facials must be continued or wrinkles will form. How that idiotic idea ever started nobody knows. A facial treatizent cleans the skin. The creams used work favorably on the texture; the delicate manipulations strengthen fibers and tissues, help the glands to function normally. . «Some women purchase cosmetics with the idea that they will work miracles over night. They use a certain cream for a time, expecting the bloom of youth to return, and, when it doesn't, they try some- thing else. Cosmétics are helpful. Distributed by Komp Features Syndicaie im. Some women think cosmetics will work miracles over night. * bP They' should be used faithfully to keep the skin surface soft, smooth and clean. But it won't do to de- pend upon them . entirely, The health of the skin is dependent upon 'good eating habits, deep breathing, plenty: of sleep and daily outdobr exercise, as well as upon fragrant emollients and lotions, Beautifying methods are based on sound, hygienic ideas. The trade has taken strides in the last few decades. Operators are constantly urging the customers to make every effort to keep in fine physical con- dition. For health is the foundation upon which the temple of pulchri- tude is built. Ancient Traditions Give Way As Malayan Women Loose Bonds By MARGARET BOWES Singapore, Dec.--(AP) -- Malay + Women, compelled for centuries to + live sheltered, self-effacing lives as semi-slave wives, are moving to- ward the freedom and independence' enjoyed by their sisters in other parts of the world. On conservative Singapore Island the symptoms. of the new way have become. increasingly evident since the war. The career girl concept is ... foreign to Malay culture; but it is +! 'being accepted gradually, { 7 Some modern' parents 'encourage i, their daughters to buck tradition. More do so All the time. No. longer jrdoes ac Malay -girl at 14 marry the nian' of -her - parents' cholog:: Now "+ | she waits -a few years, does her + own ¢hoosing-and marries for love. © Nog does she veil her face. The + | Malay veil-scarf has become a . glamorbus aid to coquetry rather | than a dictate of custom. ! Road women in Singapore admit 'that their Chinese sisters have led the way for them. Miss Salma - Binti Ismail is" the first Malay girl ever to earn an M.D: degree from Singapore's King Edward VII College of Medicine. Now she is practising at Alor Star general hospital in up-country Ke- dah State. Miss Hasmah Binte Mohamed Ali, 22, is a first-year medical student ' at the same college, the lone Malay . girl in a class of 87 men. "When I'm through," she says, "I'm going to specialize, probably in children." To Aid Villagers Hasmah decided to become a doc- tor during the Japanese occupation, she says. "The people in the kam- pongs (villages) had no one to take 'care. of them." 5 Hasmah's family worried about her coming to Singapore from her Kuala Lumpur home, but her mo- ther encouraged both her and her older sister, Saleha, to study. Sale- he now is in England studying so- cial service on a government scho- larship. At Raffles College the feminine "revolt" has a staunch ally in Mrs. P. C. Khew. She looks after girl students in residence at Old Flag- staff House. Of her 30 girls only two are Malays. There are only five in the whole college. But 10 years ago there were none. Teaching and social welfare claim the greatest number of the new Malay career women. A handful have made a start in such widely tional standards were raised re- cently many acted, as midwives. Still fewer work sn.offices. At the college level, Mrs. Khew said, Malay 'women attain a de- gree 'of self-reliance and indepen- dence unknown 10 years ago. Already they are making their influence felt. The Mohammedan religion to which almost all Malays adhere, permits a man to have sev- eral wives. But modern Malay wo- men insist that their husbands have only one wife. The modern Malay girl feels that a career and marriage can go hand in 'hand. Mrs. Halimah Binte La- | titf of the nutrition 'unit of Singa- Pore's department of medical ser- vice vouches® for that. She 'has a husband, a six-year-old' daughter-- and a career. FOR A SUPPER PARTY Make a butterfly for a fancy gare nish on green pea soup. Use a thin piece of almond cut lengthwise for the body, narrow strips. of .pimento for the antennae and thin lemon slices cut in half for the wings. slice of lemon and place the pieces on the soup with the cut side out. Stick two whole cloves in each half Large Size Range ii a y w Hollywood Highlights By BOB THOMAS Hollywood -- (AP) -- Ralph Ed- wards, parent of the giveaway pro- gram, surveyed the radio situation and shuddered, "Are these my step- children?" Edwards is the man who touched off the epidemic of radio shows which give contestants everything ut M.G.M. studios and the Pen- tagon. Here's his comment: "There are too many giveaway shows on the air. The listening public is getting too much of this type of show._ The situation has gotten out of nd." ! This wouldn't have happened, added Edwards, if the National As- sociation of Broadcasters had taken action. "Instead of ng regulations about giveaways," he said, "the N.A.B. should do something to pro- tect the 'creator' of air show ideas. "We spent years perfecting the idea for the 'Truth or Consequen- ces' show. It was patterned after 'Information Please' and 'Prof. Quiz,' but it was the first success- ful show in which the contestant participated in the fun. We had a hit--so what happens? NBC permits: a show like 'People are Funny," and other programs pop up with the same ideas as ours." Although 'he has no kind words for his competitors, the 35-year- old quizzer upholds' the giveaway show against the onslaughts of critics. . Capsule Review "Command Decision" (M.G.M.) is high-gear entertainment. The suc- cessful war play carries a lot of punch on the screen. The all-male performers comprise the best cast of the year, with Clark Gable de- livering his best postwar job. Wal- ter Pidgeon follows closely and Van/ Johnson registers well, al though he has little to do but open doors, ' Frame or Line It Just picture this in your child's room! Kiddies will love these pre- cious pussies, done in bright-color- ed woolen yarns! Simple embroidery is fun to do. Kitten-picture Pattern 7185; trans- fer 15 x 19! in. picture. Our improved pattern --- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (26¢) in coins (stamps cannot be 'friends and relatives will GLAMORIZING Keeping the Slender Shape If you have nice figure keep it a 4 .» KEEP figure wise. If you have a slender, willowy shape, don't fancy. that it is going to stay that way the rest of your life. You must have 'exercise, you must mind your eating habits, It's smart.now to enroll in a gym class, You've no jdea how. many women are working to maintain the youthful silhouette. If you observe that you are a few pounds heavier, that the frock you bought last autumn is a bit snug, let that be a warning to you. If the poundage has upped to twen- ty, you are in for some muscle flex- ing. Also, you' must not be a sissy and be tempted when the cute little cakes are passed-at the tea party. Let fat cells get a start and it is not easy to stop them. A lot of their appear. The first thing you know there wiil be curves where: you don't: want them. Mona Freeman, of the' 'health, hygiene and beauty goes on A Physician Advises You FOLLETT | By HERMAN A. BUNDESEN, M.D. mse, NEED FOR FAT Practically everyone .has a crav- ing for some fat in his diet and it does help to make food taste better. Fat is taken up slowly from the | bowel and empties slowly from the stomach. Therefore, it has a satis- fying value and delays hunger be- tween meals. s containing fat are easy to eat. For example, bread with some fat on it is easier to eat than dry bread. : Non-Fatty Foods Fat has more than double the caloric or heat value of other foods. Since most non-fatty foods contain a higher percentage of water, diets can be less bulky if they have a Silver Screen adv high fat content. In addition, fats y 4 TY are less likely to ferment in 'the >» ps " Thowel than are starchy foods and J : sugars, Furthermore, there may be These.days when the crusade for| gone 00ds for 'fats, not yet recog- that way with regular exercises, ises, : _ Fat can be made from starchy foods and sugars in the body, as many 'overweight people know. - It is not necessary in the diet as a source of known fat-soluble vita- mins, since a person may get vita- min D from sunshine, vitamin A from carotene in vegetables, and vitamin E in bread. under flying banners, there is no reason why any woman should en- dure spread amidships. A well fit- ted foundation garment will exer- cise restraint "on bulge, but it will not restore tone. to slack fibers. To avoid over-weight lie on your back in bed, hands under the but- tecks. Lift the legs slowly until you are fairly standing on the back of your head, Lower them slowly. Do that movement ten .times. Relax, take five or 'six' deep .inhalation, ther at it again. When there is a little shelf abaft th> waistline, it is possible for the internal organs to become displaced because of lack of reascle support, When that condition is present, physicians recommend this exer- cise das being beneficial. Easy-to-Make Candy Confections Bring Exclamations of Delight By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer Ottawa--(CP)--Visions of sugar- plums are dancing through just about everybody's head at this time of the year. And if mother will arm herself with a good cook-book and disappear into the kitchen for a couple of hours, she usually. can turn out enough goodies to delight the entire family. : Stuffed dates are the kind of sweet the youngsters in the family liked to make themselves. It gives them the feeling of having a share in the Christmas preparations. The dates are pitted and their centres filled with cake icing (made with icing sugar, small quantities of butter and milk). For variety different colorings may be added to the icing and as a finishing touch the dates are rolled in granu- lated suger. visu (anole ofs¥r-- Glorified marshmallows are also simple to make and add an addi- tional patch of color to the. festive board. . 'Plain; white: 'marshmallows 'are used--if dry they are dipped sep- arately in milk and allowed to stand for half an hour. Then they are covered with butter icing (icing sugar, butter, small amount of milk) and rolled in cocoanut. Again the icing may be. colored for variety. If candy is desired, here is a re- cipe for the always popular maple cream. , Ingredients: four cups brown sugar, two level tablespoons flouy, two level teaspoons baking powder, salt, one small teaspoon vanilla, Toub tablespoons butter, one cup top accepted) for this pattern. Print plainl, SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE, Pattern Department, Boil tp soft ball stage, stirring gently. Remove from heat and beat. Add chopped nuts if desired. A variety of small cakes always is important at Christmas. Gum Drop Cookies--Ingredients: | one cup shortening, one cup brown sugar, two eggs (well beaten), one cup cocoanut, one cup gum drops (cut .in pieces), two cups oatmeal, | one teaspoon vanilla, one cup white sugar, two cups flour, one-quarter teaspoon salt, one teaspoon soda, one teaspobn baking bowder. : Cream the shortening and sugar and then add the other ingredients. Make in small halls, flatten on a | pan and bake slowly. Swedish Tea Rings--Cream one- half cup butter and one-quarter cup brown sugar. Add one beaten egg yoke and into this blend one cup flour. Shape into small balls and. dip in slightly beaten egg white. Roll Of course, fats may be obtained TO MIX A SPICE CAKE Just add one cup of milk or water to Campbells Cake Mix--stir and bake. Enjoy fresh homemade cake--always light, tender and delicious. Try it. (AMPBELLS CAKE MIX 403 WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT Displaying Christmas Cards? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Our family has never displayed our Christmas cards, but last year I sa - Christmas cards very at- tractively 'arranged on -mantel- shelves and .other places in the living-rooms of several friends of mine. I like the idea very much and so does my mother. But my father and my sister insist that this is "show-off," that it isn't in good taste. But they promise to abide by your point of view about this . 80, Mrs. Beeckman, do from cream, 'butter, margarine, you approve? fatty meats, and eggs. A reason- able amount of fat in the diet is desirable, but just how much is -essential must still be determined. | out-for-Christmas plan for dis- In aime, + nae 'eu foun | Becmine has Cot Let Baby een, found | i ell o that a lack of certain fatty ls | ae Ye pe Be sister ion! present in fats will cause the growth | your father won't 'be so stuffy and to stop and the animals to develop | unyielding as to continue to regard SED disgases, such 8s eogema, th i] this idea as "show-off" (which it some evidence at | isn't), d won't hold back their these same fatty acids are necessary | Ing), and won only is this a de- a Pp still no avail | mas decor, but think how proudly iT pres, ¥ has been complimented your friends will be very low in fats. There is some | 2¢ | Lnaing h: thes 1 Saree evidence, too, that a diet high in| Palices 50 shalmingly displayed: fot hd Jon oh starch ! | suggest you and your mother try a starches and sugars | hit" or wheedling to persuade your | Fedpess Zhe susceptibility to colds | gainer and sister an a irifjar inlgctions, ut wher also, [their ingenuity and imagination | example, one individual lived for] le the designing of he display: H | For example, red and green and - Margaret Indeed I do approve of this all- Perhaps if he had continued on this diet for a longer time, ill effects | Secured 10-4lle: FibbowS With ny would have been observed. | paper clips. Or a large sheet, or Excessive amounts of fats in the | Sheets, of red or green or radiant- diet, particularly in - middle-aged | ly gold or silver paper can be and elderly persons, would seem to | Numb-tacked to the wall-or-pic- be inadvisable, since there is some | tUr¢ molding - and the Christmas evidence that excess fat may con- | Cards attached to the paper with tribute, in part, to, liver disorders, | (fansparent Scotch tape. Or an en- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS | tire Christmas A Reader: My father has pains | white one, may be decorated with in his abdomen and everything he | €ards (very @ala), or a small tree eats upsets him. He has been using | ¢20 be devoted fo this holiday laxatives, one after another. What A card-decoration. Or a large mirror would you suggest? | may be the radiant background for Answer: Your father should have | the cards. Or they may be arrang- a careful examination made by his | ed over the firplace in the forma- physician to determine the cause of | tion of the initial of the family- his difficulty. The continued use of | Surname. PN to ' contribute |. tree, a green or] laxatives may irritate the bowel and in finely chopped nuts. Put on greased baking pan, press a. hollow in the centre of each.. Bake in slow oven five minutes. Remove and press centres in.again. Return for 15 minutes. ile still warm fill centre with jam or jelly. LOVE'S LABOR LOST Port Elizabeth, South Africa -- (CP)--A native girl, Katie Libbok, asked the local Red Cross to find her brother, whom she had not seen or heard of for 35-years. After a five months' search, officials found her brother on a farm near Hum- ansdorn, but now Katie has disap- peared. JUST NOT DONE Edmonton--(CP)-- Two Edmon- ton sisters who moved their belong- ings from one lodging to another in a taxi--but didn't pay the driver-- hav e found out that you just can't do such things. They were given a week's remand dnd ordered to bring a receipt for the paid fare. . produce abdominal discomfort and part about one-third full. If too lit- tle water is used, it' may boil away before the food in the top has fin- ished cooking. other symptoms. = ! It is advisable-to treat constipa- tion. in. .other .ways,. such as by means of diet, exercise, and the for- mation of right habits. | HOUSEHOLD HINT When you are using a double boiler, it is best to fill the bottom Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Whe Gives The Housewarming? v1. Is it proper for the owner of a new house to give a housewarm- ing, or should a friend or relative give it? ~ : 2. Is it proper to send invita- tions to the housewarming, or an- nounce in the newspaper that an Open House party is to be given? HBS. 1. Customarily it is the host and hostess of the new home who give the housewarming... However, it is correct for a friend or a group of friends to give the housewarming . . . generally then it is a syrprise party. 2, The very best plan, when the hosts of the new home are giving the party, is for them to mail in- vitations, cards or-notes. This is the practical procedure, for then the new address will be clearly re- gistered (perhaps the telephone number, too), the occasion, the date, hours. The news that the party is to be given may be sent to the society column in the local newspaper . . . but this should be regarded merely an announce- ment, not an invitation. .Every guest should be. sent an individual invitation. Lier Name Only The Hour When Party Is To Begin Dear Mrs. Beeckman: When a surprise party is to be given to celebrate an engagement, are the hours of the party specified on the invitations, or. just the hour when the party is to begin? day, S.N. Just the hour when the party is to begin , . . and for a surprise party, of course, the arrival-hour must be most definitely stated. : * + b PRAYER FOR PEACE By Mrs. Beeckman * * +b An 'appealing message, prayer, on one of this Christmas cards: "May the Joy and Hope of long ago Be yours on Christmas Day, And. Peace like a benediction, Go with you on your way." like a year's FEARLESS RIDER AT 73 Ross, Tasmania--(CP)--Mrs. Ar- thur Bennett is 78 and an active member of Midlands Hunt Club. She has been riding for .69 years and still enjoys taking fences with the youngest of the hunters. To remove the fat from hot soup, pour the soup through a cloth that has er rinsed in very cold water. Most of the fat will remain in the cloth, : WATCH!... OPENING OF ° 75 SIMCOE ST. N._ for at divergent occupations as movie acting, radio broadcasting, tele- phone operating and newspaper work. There are very few Malay nurses, although until the educa- TUESDAY, JANUARY 4 Oshawa's Own Shop -- for -- ® Cottons ® Woolléens © Draperies ® Patterns © Knitting Yarns ® Dressmakers Supplies (Lord Tennyson) To all our friends; we of the neighbourhood Laura: Secord Candy Shops sénd cordial ° Season's Greetings. A May the ing of the bells find an 0 in the sound of happy laughter within your home at Christmas. . . and ring the promise of good.things to come for you and your loved ones in the New Year. Sincerely, Farry 8 SIMCOE ST. 8. PHONE 100 ® Silks Catch Those Fleeting Years! If. the s are just flying by for you ... you can make 'them' linger a little by always feeling physically fit to meet "the many opportunities for en- 'joyment they offer. : .* Any year seems longer when it.is filled with a sense of ac- complishment, and marked by many well remembered pleas- ures. When you have good J health you can enjoy life to the fullest. Depend upon your physician to help you achieve good | health or maintain it. A regu- '| lar physical checkup will give 4 him the chance to advise you how to keep well. . Depend upon an experienced pharmacist to fulfil your dru needs. ' [J Karns Drug Store Next to Post Office 28 King St. E. Phones: 78 and 79 Oshawa, Ont. . PROMPT DELIVERY At this Joyous Yuletide Season we would like to v Wish all Our Friends and Prospective Patrons, Compliments of the Season with the hope that Qnne Adams. we may have the opportunity of serving them in the near future, Here's the dream-gown you've been seeking! With slender lines, slim waist-tucks, it«fits well, is soY easy to make, Sleeveless, long sleeves, or cap-sleeves, Pattern 4660: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52. Size 36 takes 3% yds. 39-in. Flower transfer inc. This pattern, edsy to use, sim- ple to: sew, is tested for-fit.. Has complete. illustrated instructions, Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS (25¢). in coins (stamps cannot be Se a this pattern. Print ain , NAME, ADDRE PATTERN NUMBER. 5 | Send your order to DAILY TIMES l GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa. :

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