Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Dec 1948, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE WANT AD SECTION: Business Professional DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT A Articles for Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. 37 Agent Wasied oe 40 1--Auditors 8 T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alg Street East accountant and auditor. 2---Bar.:sters LOUIS S. HYMAN, KC, BARRISTER, etc. Mortgage Loans arranged. 25 Sim- coe, North. Phone 67. Residence By el er Bldg. King Phone 2127. Consulting (Feb.1) l Auditors .. .. ... 1 'oie Wanted Automobile Repairs 18 Barristers .... . Bullding Trades Business Oppor- tunities ... .... 20 NANT AND ANNIS. BARRISTERS BATH F Annis K.C. 7'; Simcoe Street South. Phone 4, Eidos 739. (Feb.l) WS GREER B.C. BARRISTER. Bouciior, etc, 6 King Street East. 3 por- ns Whomed 2 Chiropractors hone 3160 3514 W. C. Pollard. EC. UzbHidze Ontaric. (Feb.1) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & oa Bar-isters, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. (Feb.1) H D. HUMPHREYS, kG. BARRISTER * Bolicitor, etc. Ki Phones: gffica, Sais: oy Bh 3297. Money to LL (Feb) ' STR "MacBRIEN. BARRISTER hy Suite 201. 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone > 349. (Feb. 1) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C.. BARRISTER, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 1413 King Street East. Oshawa. Phone 445, Residence, Phone 8 83 (Feb. Feb.1) ERNEST I MARKS, BARRISTER, TER, SOLI- citor, 11 King Fast, Room 2: Phones Office, 55; Residence 3687R, (Feb.1) \. J. PARKHILL AND "J. A. YANCH, Barristers. Mortgage loans, Nationsl Housing Act loans 26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res. 1975J. (Feb. MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Mouey loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. Phone 282. Res. TW. (Feb.1) CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION ard Busi Money to Loan ... Nursing Service TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS © THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION ... Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. D CLASSIFICATIONS Rooms for Rent .. 29 Room and Board .. 30 Room and Board Wanted Women's Column . Wanted to Rent .. Wearing Apparel .. AD RATES 20 Words Each Add Word ce 13 £02 031% 108 4 00 per months for $5. 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. . Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure, count as a full word. Box charged 10c additional. all Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 pm. the day before publication. C?fice hours: Daily 8-6. . Seturdays, 8-12. CHR! fresh cut. | Latest type, fourteen pastel shades in 25--Real Estate For Sale | SIX-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, FULLY | with hardwood floors 3a2---Physicianis ana Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: 11 to 12, (except Wednesday and Saturday) 2 to4 and 7 to 8 . (Jan.1) BO . H. 'l'UCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 5 "to 12, 2 to 5 and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 'to 9. Phone 1516. (Feb.1) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 3 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, 9 to 1. . B. it Optometrist. Phone 28 el 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S E'S INSURANCE ; SERVICE. Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance, includ- ing life 22!» King Street East. Phone 5400. Res., 4318R. (Janl) 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR | id Jnorizages. B10, NHA. : a Bassett i SH IRST MORTGAGE FIR MONLY WE BUY AD AGREEMENTS 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH North Shore Realty Co. Lid. PHONE 81. nav Tues.-Thurs.-8 -Sat.) ) P. Swi £08 suite No. 4. Phone | (Peb.T) | Amador BALLET T AND > TAP "DANCING, LLL and Bulld- | Bar- | throughout, sun porch and garage, tiled kitchen and bathroom. walls and floors, everything in new condition, storm windows, storm doors; centrally located; immediate possession. Phone 705. Chas. Shaw, Bowmanville. (209b) "and ~ 66 CENTRE St., Oshawa. Good apartment house site. Owner will" exchange for Califor- nia property. A. E. Murdoch or your own broker. (300c. NEW HOUSE, PARTLY FINISHED, good well and from one to five acres of land. D. Bothwell. Phone Bowman. ville 2633. : (298d) 26--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS with cash. If you are thinking of sell- ing contact this office wooriiential service if required. Wilfred McAuley, Realtor, 150 Division St. I 3510M. (Dec. 30) 27--Real Estate Exchange | 2 STO! AND 8-ROOMED HOUSE. 1 | store ren possession of the rest. In good business location in Oshawa--for a house and cash. Box 827, Times- | Gazette. (300b) 2y--Rooms tor Rent TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. PHONE 1241-J. - (300a) FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR two, In clean, comfortable home. Indi- | vidual conveniences; warm; very cen- | tral. tral. Apply 10 Centre St. (300a) | ATTRACTIVE OFFER TO MIDDLE- | aged Christian couple to share home | with elderly Jaay. Apply after six. 22 Gladstone Ave (209b) TWO UNFURNISHED, UNHEATED rooms, suitable lin Soupls.o > middle-aged by Irenie Harvey. Register Jan, 8, at Adelaide House, 199 Centre St. (Jan. 23) DO YOU DANCE? NOW 18 THE TIME to learn. Expert instruction in all latest modern dances. For appointment call 4666-J. , (Jan. 9) ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, new DIC- com- mence each M Or College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone 1314, 11--Building Trades Bw, (abc) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, 220 BLOOR E. Phone 5541. 8c) 29a--For Rent STORE POSSESSION JANUARY AST. Phone 589-J. 99c) OFFICE BUILDING, HEATED, ie tral. About 1200 square feet. Also store, centrally located. Phone 2388. (299¢c) 7-ROOMED HOUSE, ALL MODERN conveniences, close to h school. Pos- FOR SAND, GRAVEL OR FILL, OR, IF you are moving, give us a call at po PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER, SAM- ple book delivered. Phone 3288-R. (Thurs,fri., sat.) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS, ALTERA- tions, also specializi in recreation rooms and waterproofing basements. Free estimates. A Woods, 3870J3. (Tues. wed.,thurs.) BRUSH AND. SPRAY PAINTING AND , decorating, paperhanging. Harold Car- ter, 188 Bruce St. Phone 3289.W. (Dec. 29) 12--Personal Services P. A, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 Xing _ Street West. Your patronage solicl . (Jani 1) 13--Nursing Service NURSE COMPANION, MIDDLE-AGED or would care. for elderly couple. Ref- erences. Light duties, Qisshgaged 27th. Box 905, Times-Gazette (300b) 14--Household Repairs CHESTER) RESUILL. RECO- vered. Like new. y more? Our rates are a able. Be ietaction on, Epiar- antebd. Phone 5280W nights, 3344 da (Jan3if) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See ou for clans. House wiring, repairs, base Se 212 Bloor E. Phone 1334-J. (Jan. 16) REPAIRING WASHERS, | VES, irons, toasters, oil changing, reasonable prices. 218 Bloor E. Phone 5362-W. Dec. 24) 16--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS at 130 Colborne E. (Janl8) 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. 3y ison & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone (Jan2) 22--Lost and Found LOST -- NEAR HAMPTON, hound; name Ruins; Pg reward. i W. Willoughby, R Hamony, | mile west of Taunt. 3 2981) LOST--WHITE | AND TAN IE PUP, brown studded harness, black rin each eye. Reward. Phone 19. ( o8c) LOST--SPITZ-POM, FEMALE, SAND & grey, "Pal", ohlldren's pet. Phone ) 23--Women's Column CHRISTMAS SPECIAL; OIL PERMA- nents, regular five dollars for three dollars; guaranteed. Phone 2653. - ward's Haird! ing, 5 Celina. (Jan. 1. 21) LADIES--TRY OUR SPECIAL $5 OIL permanents, for $3: alsd machineless, 84.95 Peggy's Beauty Parlour, 72 Church St. Phone 371. (Dec. 24) 24--Personal Winners of the Holy Cross Turkey Draw' are as follows: 4817--Mrs. Hub- bell; 1452, Marg Rospond; 2250, H Phillips; 342, 8. Rospond; 1334, W. Martin; 3500, Patsy Hickey; 1893, Diana Nosaf; 3241, J. R. Parker; 2169, E. J, 2244, H. D. an. (300a) Leveque; 4 OF BATHE FARK BICYCLE Sr R..1, Oshawa; 3%, Bons et] (3000) at once. Box y Times: Gaz. vel or lime for sale. Oshawa Ryreery, one 3235. ) FOR RENT 5 To reliable couple, furnished bungalow, hot water heating, near bus stop. Apply 323 King St. W. (299b) 30--Room and Board IN COMPORTABLE FUL lage home, accommodation available after the New Year's, for elderly person Reasonab! Box or semi-invalid, le rate. , 'Times-G (Thurs. trl.) 32--Automobi'2s for Sale 29 WHIPPET, GOOD SHAPE -- APPLY 299 Simcoe S.: after 6. (300a) AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS IN- sured and financed--Murdoch General Insurance Service, 23)2 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. (Jan.1) BILL NICHOLLS OSHAWA's LARGEST USED CAR DEALER WILL SELL YOUR CAR ON CONSIGNMENT FOR Only $1. Drive In. And See "Ken Vin Courte" gat 71 KING WEST Remember Nicholls Saves You Dollars (292t1) 33--Automobiles Wanted 36--Articles for Sale 39--Male Helo Wanted COAL OIL STOVE WITH OVEN, COAL and wood stove, Sollapeible baby bug- gy. wine, pink bunt ng bag, good cou- dition. Phone 1526-W, (208¢c) -PIECE size 4, $15. '00D Phone (299b) ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES, AT reduced prices. 52 Cadillac N. (291t1) - MacIntosh, Spys, Sweets, Wagners Potatoes, Onions, Carrots, Wax Turnips -- Delivered Shaw--262 St. Julien St. 5490-W or 3816-J NEW BLUE winter outfit, 4980-M. (208¢c) ALL SIZES, Phone 2714J. (Dec. 23) TREES, 33 Hall St. GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS flexalum, steel or we Venetian blinds No "quality is our only business. Removable slats if desired. * Budget terms available. D.V.A. credits accepted. PHONE 4101 J. W. MELLEY 21, OSHAWA BOX 4 Met Wo Industries, Limited (290t19 CHRISTMAS TREES -- FI CENTS, hudson seal coat, chrome chairs, porce- lain table, washing machine, radio, bed, refrigerator, Phone 5405J. Jan. 15 NEW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, ONE year guarantee, an excelent Christmas gift. P Phone 244. (2961) DRY MIXED WOOD, $4 SINGLE, ( CORD; cement, gravel, fill; dump stake truck, forms. Phone 5405-J. (Jan.15) AWNINGS ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY. Order for spring now: folding chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Simcoe N .- (Jan3) CHRISTMAS TREES--FIVE HUNDRED to choose from. Spruce and Scotch Pine; all sizes, apartment, table, home, church and school sizes. Order early. Glecoff Grocmeateria, 170 Ritson Road South, Phone 3235. (Dec. 30) PAIR GIRLS' C.C.M. WHITE FIGURE skates, size 3!2, good condition. Phone Whithy,_509. (299b) KODA-CHROME, 2"x2", SLIDE PRO- Jjector, S.V.E., new, leatherette carrying case, $80. Phone 2346-J. (298¢c) MAN'S BICYCLE, PZ PAINTED & OVER- hauled, $10. Apply 358 Lakeshore. Phone 2080-W. (208¢c) CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine White Pine PHONE 4596W (298c) ADDING MACHINES, PORTABLE Typewriters. New. Easy to use. Smith- Corgna Models in stock. Reddick's, 182 (Tues., wed. thurs.) MORE CASH FOR YOUR OAR ar Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road So Phone 2872W. kt? aa?) CASH FOR YOUR CAM! BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcne Street Nortn Phone 4695W, (Jan3) 34 --Pets and Livestock COLLIE PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS, good stock, males'ss; females $3. Phone 3430J1. (298c) BUDGIES, GOLD FISH, HAMPSTERS, cages, and all pet supplies, The Pet Shop, 9 Celina St, Phone 2075. (Jan, . 14) CANARIES FOR SALE--400 MONTRAVE Ave. Phone 2862-J. (298d) SPECIAL THROUGH DEC. COCKER Spaniels, chea; eap for quick clearance. De- posit will hpld til Christmas. Waubena ennels, mile west of Oshawa, new highway. (Dec. 30) PUPPY PALS FOR ( CHRISTMAS, RED and black cockers. Pick yours now. Will hold till Chisanag. Knowliton's Ken- nels, Five Po! (Jan4) BABY Fig 'READY FOR TRAIN- ine; lovely colors; also oun canaries full song. 114 'Elgin gue 3745. (Jan. 8) SINGING CANARIES See Silver for Birds 158 Gibbon St. Phone 1633M (Dec. 34a--Farmers' Column MILK COWS, FRESH MILKING GOOD and young Soe. G. K. Pratt, Pick- ering, R.R. 1 . Phone 23R33. (300b) BTARTING TO LAY. (299b) 2) 39 i: Phone 1656-W. 35--Wearir.g Apparel BEAUTIFUL GOWN, STRAPLESS worn once, size 16. Phone 4874-W. (3000) 31--Wanted to Rent 3- OR 4-ROOMED APARTMENT OR flat, adults. Phone 811 Bowmanville, collect. (3008) CHRISTIAN COUPLE, EXPECTING first child; would like three unfurnish- ed rooms or small apatimient, Please phone 4988-J. (208¢) MAN'S ALPACAMA COAT, N new, size 38-40. Phone iy GIRL'S FUR LINED BLUE CO. NEW condition, size 10-12. Boos Tori, (209b) BRIDESMAID'S DRESS, PINK BRO- caded satin Lop with' peplum, double fiat 2k skirt, size 16; worn once. Phone EARLY and WANTED TO RENT 6 Room House urgently needed for an employee by Feb. 1, 1949. Phone or write FITTINGS LTD. ; W. R. Branch Personnel Manager 32--Automobiles for Sale > a, Job; coscH: org Bons paing ob; seal beam : 800d mo- 35 Celina. Phone 449-J. a pees GLASS, CUT AND INST. or any make car or truck Walker, located at Sianents 8 het Station. 102 Simcoe N. Phon A ani) GOOD CONDI- Wd tires, radio, (299b) '36 CHEV. tion, new paint; heater. Phone 5 (300¢) | handles ; NEW | BO! WE BUY AND SELL U! 36--Articles for Sale 3.re. TWO ne green, rand n | cost $275. will salt or Has Terms, 'Phone 811, Bow- manville collect. __ (3008) C.CM. TRICYCLE, MEDIUM SIZE; also ladies' brown coat, size 16. 23 Connaught St. TWO PAIRS BOY'S SKATES, SIZE 5 and 7; pair Skirite harness, practically new. Phone 4819-J. (300a) BABY'S SLEIGH, RAILING, WITH new condition, used two weeks, $4. Phone 5204-J. (300a) EVANAIRE OIL SPACE "HEATER, NEW condition, $35, Phone 1564-W. (300a) DY HARDWOOD AND SLABS, CUT in stove lengths. Phone 3714-M. (300b) WINE, Appl (30a) |- A puri BH STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Bidgulph, 63 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Dec25t1) LARGE CABBAGES, FOR SAUR- kraut, etc., 99c dozen, 6 for five dollars; also wooden barrels. Glecoff Grocmeat- eria. Phone 3235. (Dec. 24) VENETIAN BLINDS. GUARANTEED Igife-Flex. All steel blinds at reasonable prices. Complete jepaty service. Wood siats replaced with Life-Flex Steel. 4-day delivery. Phone Merv. Tuck, 4674-W. (Jan. . 4) VENETIAN BLINDS, THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling de- velopment in Venetian Blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will-not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates with- out obligation. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bond St. West. (Jan. 16) MADE-TO-MEASURE AGENTS, SALES- men, agents, wanted to Jo-menture § suits of fast Skin" finish tropical ig mon- ey. RT a it and state experience ahd references. Henry Fa- ber, 268 Yonge 8t., Toronto, Ontario, made- Apple- BE YOUR OWN Bossi Dis] to ler Street, Montreal, P. 41--Employment Wanted (GHTS, RA Rn ah noun clectrical Frank Snudden 'Phone 0 107 A Athol East. (Jan18) 43--Auction Sales Take notice that Charles Titus, Whitby, js indeb to Oshawa Co, for $87, ted and Weldi e on a 1 International z or work ct R.8.0. 1937, Chapter 200, Section 48, the said truck will be sold at Oshawa Engineer- ing and Welding Co., Limited, at 2 Er on' Wednesday, December 29, by . J. Pomeroy, Afictioneer. Terms sash, (2041) Mayan Ball Park Echoes The Past Chichen Itza, Mexico--It. was. .a night to remember--in a storybook sctting. Here we sat 80-miles deep in the scraggy jungles of Yucatan--in the heart of ancient Chichen Itza, rev- ered city of the Mayas, In the pitch blackness of tropical night stars by the millions blazed above us. As guests of the City of New Orleans our party of news- papermen had dropped our official duties of helping the city celebrate its International Trade Mart Week to fly across the Gulf 'of Mexico and explore this classic exhibit of arch- aeology. Stone Bleachers We sat on ancient stone bleachers in the hush of evening. Our guide spoke in conversational tone to a string quintet at the other end of the field. His voice was Ttesonant, demonstrating the marvelous acous- tics of the place. Then the music began--soft, plaintive, clear. It was uncanny. Our applause roared through the arena. All became start- lingly quiet again. No more acoustically perfect audi- torium of this size has probably ever been built. Yet this one has no roof. Its rectangular form is not even complete. It is open at all four corners, The burning Stais--lose enough to pluck from the skies, it seemed-- set the magic spell for the evening. No wonder the Mayans knew these heavenly bodies so well. No wonder they put them to such good purpose in their amazing astronomical and mathematical . calculations, Even if they did not know of the wheel or the true arch, they knew acoustics. 1) Just Arrived! SUNBEAM MIXMASTERS, AU- TOMATIC TOASTERS, ELECTRIC SHAVERS, AUTOMATIC IRONS. | LIMITED SUPPLY MANTEL RADIOS -- all colours : $28.95 and up WANTED Morning® Carriers or Globe and Mail Routes Very good earnings Apply-- F. McCammond Phone -- 2086-J 7 = | Mayans playing in a similarly built Unless, of course, this phenomenal feature was an accident, which seems doubtful after studying some of their other accomplishments. Echoes Reverberate Sounds made af either end of the stadium sound loudest at the center of the Side walls, we found out later. A clap of 'the hands at the side walls sends some 15 echoes reverber- sting back and forth across the f What was this amazing structure or? Spaniards who observed the early stadium reported that it was used for a game closely related to mod- ern basketball. It is believed that the king stood at one end on an elevated stone platform and the nobles stood on a larger stone eleva- tion at the other end to watch the game, . Other spectators lined the tops of the high walls to peer.down at the players. The object of the game, apparent- ly, was to knock a ball through vertical rings of stone built high on each wall at the center of the field. Hitting the ball with their heads, shoulders and clenched fists--but not throwing it--the players bounced it skillfully off the wall through the ring. Seven-Man Teams Drawings on the walls indicate that seven men comprised each team. They also hint that the cap- tain of the losing. team may have been decapitated by the opposing captain. But this custom didn't fol- low until the Toltecs overcame and replaced the earlier Mayan people. Legend also has it that the winning team engaged in hilarious pursuit of the spectators, stripping them of any ornamental possessions, or cloth- ing if they had no ornaments, But that was long ago. Tonight the theme was music. This was the first evening concert here--as far as anyone knows--since the ancient civilization disappeared. Chichen Itza means Mouth of the Well of the Ituas, and refers to the so-called sacred well found here. It is only one of some 400 Mayan ruins scattered about in this area. It is perhaps the most spectacular since it combined both the Mayan and Toltec cultures. We reached the Mayan ball park on a pleasant stroll from éur rooms al the Mayaland Lodge. After the concert we returned to sleep here among the banana trees, coconut palms, and flame trees. A newspaper just poked through the open window by a dusky Yucateco says snow is falling in New York. Oh, hum! Pass me another papaya, Times-Gazette Classified Ads Get Good Results. LOST TUESDAY ONE PAIR LADIES' GLASSES LIGHT COLORED FRAME NOT IN CASE Please Phone 188 VACUUM CLEANERS -- with attachments $69.50 and up TRI-LIGHT and reading $13.95 and up ALARM CLOCKS $245 and up ELECTRIC CLOCKS $6.95 and up PRESSURE COOKERS $12.00 and up STEAM IRONS $1795 and up HEATING PADS $695 and up RECORD PLAYERS $16.95 and up WASHING MACHINES £69.50 "and up COMBINATION RADIOS $49.50 and up REFRIGERATORS $289.00 and up RANGETTES $37.50 and up ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS © $59.50 and up . ELECTRIC RANGES $220 and up CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS $195 and up BARONS' RADIO and ELECTRIC First with Television in Oshawa Open every evening till 9 p.m. 426 Simcoe South Phone 249 lamps (299b) 37--Articles Wanted 1319. X TY; PT. latform complete with racks, in excel- ent shape. Box 907, Times-Gazette, (300b) DOLL CARRIAGE; BABY GO-CART; gas water heater; heavy steel bicycle carrier (for paper boy); all in excellent condition. Phone 4505-W. (300c) COACH, GOOD CONDI Wintertzed. Terms it desired. 4679-W. (299¢) $10.00 "SELLS YOUR CAR BELMONT MOTORS Have a waiting list of cash buyers for '36-'42 Chevs. and Pont. Get the high current 'price by sell- ing your car on consignment. OUR! CHARGE, $10.00 137 KING WEST i (29111) 1941 PONTIAC $1150; 1937 PLY- MOUTH, $450; 1833 PONTIAC, $350; 1920 NASH $85.--KINGSWAY CARAGE, 8 "miles east on King- ston Road. ' (298¢c) '30 tion; wi GIRL'S BICYCLE; ' GIRL'S WHITE tube skates, size 5; skis 5'. Phone 5300-W. (299b) TMAS TREES -- SPRUCE, ALL .and prices, delivered. Phone 5085-J: (290b) 7-FOOT SKIS, USED SIX TIMES, CA- ble harness, aluminum poles; Dhoust sk} boots, size 11. 118 Rosen 01 (299b) CHRIS' sizes ELECTRIC TRAIN WITH SEVERAL ours large track, switches; pair youth's Phone 4021-W. (298c) Div SOFT BLABS, $3.75 SINGLE CORD $14 full cord. Phone 4336-W. TREES, SCOTCH rey 458 Floyd Ave. Phone (298d) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, $5 $5 or $3 lots, delivered. Phone ww ) WHITE ENAMEL GAS STOVE 4 BURN- ers with oven ke new. Bargain. pe (298¢c) CHRISTMAS delivered. 4187-R. 21 Church St. Phone 2908. HARDWOOD TRUCK | TW 0 OCCASIONAL OR CHESTER- field chiirs; also chest of drawers. Phone 4913-R. (3008) COLLIE PUP, IMMEDIATELY, PHONE 3713-M. (299b) 22 PISTOL. PHONE 37673 1. (298c) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER. rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up Phone 635, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100° Annis St. Fast of CNR Station. (Jan3) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. Ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters 58 King West. 3326. (Janll) CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED FUR- niture, ice box, Quebec heaters. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Jan13) 38--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED WAITRESS REQUIRED, live in. VApply Balmoral Hotel, Bow- | manville, (298¢c) 3Y--Male Help Wanted REPORTER TO BEND NEWS OF NEW buildings, lres, and engineering infor- y and sup- Pied. In'eresting work for spare time. rite now stating qualifications. Mac- Lean Building Reports Ltd., 345 Ade- Intde Street West, Toronto, Ontario. } £ CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer 2 3 A J 8 9 [CHE [1 7. / 3 4 Z 1 7 2 [1] 9 7 % 7 /i 33 rr [50 37. rodent 38. won through effort 41. component HORIZONTAL 1. equivalence 4. Persian fairy 8. Arctic parts . exploration 45. labor union base (abbr.) 46. god of love 47. river in Egypt 48. unit of work 12. land- measure 13. the lily 14. Biblical . 12-23 49. knocks 5. cupid 50. gratified 6. alcoholic £1. bishop's liquor office 7. pleads . VERTICAL 8.come into 1. section view 2.operaticsolo 9. make lace 3. Dutch edging painter 10. grow old 4 walks with 11, secreted even steps 17. comes ashore wise men 15. 16. fulfilled 18. articles of furniture 20. Etruscan god 21. thing, in law 22. most lengthy 26. graphie 28. garden tiller 29. chu. setts cape 30. gh. of 31. pret three 32. small her 34. lish schoolmaster 35. land ded WLI [TIS] RIA E] GIL IE [E] Answer to yesterday's puzzle. SEE MERHIATY JUIN [SIM [EIRINIERNAIRINIOBENIE[O] LIVINIGIE[RIEID| IRIAIFITIS | EIS|TIAITIE] TIR[E[AITISINVITIE] LATTER] RIE[TIRIEIAITIS I VIAINTS [1 [DjoMNAINTE]T] MANET] [ole MIN[E[S[S 19. guided 22. dens 23. adits 24. anti-toxins 25. trig 26. tardy 27. son of Seth * 28. welcoming '30. place of ' sacrifice 33. hazarders 34. demeanor, 36. devastated 38. feminine MOIR IE] name 39. independent Ireland [E]TIU[1] 40. Venetian 42, wine vessel ge time of 36. narrow rine 43 . Dist. by King Features Syndicate. | Inc 44. be unwell : 38 mi . acme Today's Short Story | PART OF THE TRUTH By Lébnard Butts SUE EDMONDS folded the pap- ers and slipped them into her bag. After frequent consultatioff" with Mr. Smink, veteran real estate agent, Sue was now owner of two modern apartment build- ings. She had paid cash for the property which had left her a bank balance of twenty dollars. And that wasn't a part of her legacy, anyway. At twenty-three, Sue, sole heir to her father's estate, was still amazed at its value, For her reticent father had mentioned only his mining stock, which after his death had been appraised as worthless. About as unsaleabie as Stanley Heath's stories. Stanley wanted to marry Sue, whose mirror made her wonder why. What beauty could he see" behind her little blunt nose and face too rough and shiny? Af- fection, yes, but . . . "Well," said Mr. Smink, "guess that's about all for the time be- ing. wYou've converted your cagh into good rental property." "Thanks for what you've done, Mr. Smink," she said, rising. "And. please keep this quiet until tomorrow." "Don't worry about that," he said, smiling. "The afternoon papers have gone to press." Since early childhood, she'd swapped things, dolls, ribbons, hats and even dresses, Now she'd exchanged her thousands for real estate, with its monthly income. Out on the street, Sue looked at her wrist watch and decided to board a bus. Her auni would have supper ready in an hour. She had come to live with Sue after the death of her father. "Sue," she'd said, "I'm not try- ing to meddle, but it looks mighty funny to me, for him to ask you to marry him so soon. Why, you hardly know each other." ; "But we do, auntie," Sue had said, knowing that she was blush- ing. "We've been together a lot. In one month I feel like I've known him for years." "All right, dear," her aunt had said, "guess I shouldn't have said anything." But whenever she'd looked in her mirror, Sue'd doubted. For always with her, was the nag- ging reminder that she hadn't met Stanley until after she'd re- ceived her legacy Before then, no man had ever dated her more than once or twice. Yet, she'd try to console her- self with what he'd said one night after a movie. "Sue, I like you because you're different and so down-to-earth." Then she'd tried not to look different, which had only served to draw her attention more to her funny little nose and the face that refused to improve. All of which made her expres- sion somewhat serious and de- termined, as she sat staring through the bus window. After supper she went to dress for her date with Stanley. May- be, the last one, she thought. She did little to her face, much to her hands, for they were smooth and definitely feminine, She'd always been proud of hep hands. At exactly nine o'clock, Sue heard the familiar tap of the door-knocker. Stanley preferred the knocker to the bell. "Well, here I am," he said, grinning. "The time slipped up on me." "Must have," she said, a half-hour late." "I'll make it up," he said apo- logetically, "by staying later." "Maybe," she said, wondering. For a while, they sat on the chesterfield, Stanley doing most of the talking, Sue trying hard to understand the real motives be- hind his dark eyes. Naturally, people would say he'd married her for her money. His arm circled her shoulders and he was staring at thé class ring on the third finger of her left hand. "How about lending me that ring," he said, "until tomorrow night?" "Why?" she asked. "I'll tell you tomorrow night." So that was his idea. They had been engaged a week, and he was thinking about the custom- ary diamond ring. "Stanley," she said, feeling the throbs of her heart, "there is something you should know about my legacy. Dad left me some mining stock he thought was worth a lot of money. It isn't." . Slowly, Stanley slid his arm from her shoulders. His brows raised. "You mean you thought you had something but' haven't?" "That's right," she said, watch- ing his lids flutter and his eyes flash. He grunted and stretched his "you're "long legs before him. "Know exactly how you feel. It's like sending a story off to an editor. You think it's got every- thing, should bring at least five hundred, but back it bounces, It's a dud, not worth a dime." "I'm glad you know how it feels," she said. "It helps." "How's your cash balance?" he asked casually. "About twenty dollars in the bank." "Gosh, we're paupers, equals. It may mean hard sledding for a while. Think you can - take it?" "Sure," she said, "if you can." He was moving his arm around ° her shoulders again. "Sue," he said, "you know how it is with a writer. He writes for years, a little check here and there maybe. Then suddenly the door opens. He's arrived." "Yes, I know," she said, "but could we live on that, now?" She wondered if she was ven- turing too far, Silently, he slid her around her finger. "No, we couldn't. I've about decided to go back to bookkeep- ing. Write in spare time, like I used to." Meeting his eyes, she said, "I believe you're serious, Stanley." "You just finding that out?" "Uh huh," she said. Slowly, he slipped the ring from her finger and dropped it into his vest pocket. Her plan had word By tell- ing him part of the tPuth, she'd found out that he loved her for herself. Later, she'd tell him the whole truth. oh (Copyright), &¥" ring THERE IS STILL TIME TO SEND THE © DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE A gift for every day of the year. We even send a greeting card which incjudes your name. Everyone in the family: will enjoy this gift. For information just PHONE 35 NOW (|

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