PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1948 CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene Sheffer ' 2 5 '0 n 8 |9 50 [HORIZONTALY 41. memorial' (3. variety of =, | letiuce ' = 42. indefinite article 43. urticaria' 44. obsequies) 49. senseless 50. ashes (Scot.) $1. mountain in Crete 14. open 15. etd . 52. takes out ' 53. thing, in Jaw; 54. Republican, 7 12-21 . 6. South American rty 3) a) bi . VERTICAL 1 Oriental tea 2. lubricate 3. ocean 4. aside ' 5. rubber), y 10. supplicates 11. sweetsop 16. the judiciary 20. wine vessel 21. insane tate #5 e (27. ie TY membranes) 18. symbol for / erbium 19. Sards with three pi 20. bie 24. apportions 125. German, painter '26. imitator) .28. Biblical character, 29. meadow 30. mountain in .__ Thessaly 34. gull-like, 1 bird 0 L [) T D EIN Clo 0 E T AlV]I TRIE L A ] L Answer to yesterday's puzzle' 22. epoch 23. auctions 0 VIAL 30. adjua EIL judge 31. hold session 32. dry, as wine 33. forest tree 34. verb forms 36. American jurist 37. com 38. godde: of vad 40. declines gradually 41. rebuked - =] =| 2 titor, BLE >| -{Emiv|ojn]w]|~|n =| |=] E ries D 44. distant | '35. A .36. looks into slyly 89. hc: 0 Jerk Avergge time of solution: 34 minutes. Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. 45. employ 46. outfit 47. commotion 48. fold over Brougham W.L Plans Classes In Handicrafts MRS. T. C. BROWN Correspondent Brougham, Dec. 20--Dec. 14 the regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the township hall with a good attendance. The President, Mrs. R. Birrell' was in charge of the meeting which open- ed in the usual manner with the opening Ode and the Lord's Prayer. A letter of thanks was read from Miss Hancock of the Oshawa Children's Aid Society, showing ap- preciation. of the" generous dona- tion of children's clothes which had been received from this Institute. Mrs. L. W. Sheppard was appoint- ed a director to represent the In- stitute in the Community Club which has been recently organiz- ed in this district. A committee was appointed to try and secure a cupboard for the dish- es recently purchased by the In- stute. Mrs. William Gray gave a report of an executive meeting which she attended at Brooklin on Nov. 22nd, at this meeting, the date of the District Annual was set for May 18th, and it was adVised for the Institutes to hold their annual bus- iness meetings in April. The Institute Euchre will be held as usual in the township hall on the fourth Tuesday in the month; December 28. Two large boxes of warm cloth- ing were packed and sent to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. Mrs. M. H. Harlock will start a class in Handicraft the second week in January. Mrs. L. W. Sheppard held the attention of the meeting in a very interesting report of the and 12, at the Royal York. The result of the Roll Call was a fine collection of Christmas gifts for the Children's Aid Society. At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served by the foll- owing 'hostesses: Mrs. A, Gray, Mrs. G. Gray, Mrs. M. Ellicott, Mrs. J. Mitchell, Mrs. G. Duncan, Mrs, Robert Malcolm . Dec. 16 meeting of the W.MS. was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Philip with a fair attendance. Mrs. Ellicot was in charge of opening devotions and bus! session. The nominating co! had not completed their work so officers roll was left over till next meeting. Mrs. Gordon Duncan was conven- or for Christmas the program, and the members helped in a very ap- propriate program. This was a bus- iness meeting and no refreshments were served. Monday evening S. S. entertain- ment was held in the Township Hall, Friendly Bible Class bearing the responsibility for children's treats. On Sunday afternoon service, the Baptist friends of Claremont, Min- ister and Quartette, helped in a great measure to make the Christ- mas service more inspiring. The Candle Light Service in the evening was arranged by the W.M.S. Aux. and had good attendance. Mrs. Holtty continues seriously ill, Mrs. Ross Middleton is improv- ing, though slowly. Mrs. Charles Liscumb has ar- rived home from Pickering nursing home with her little son, congratu- lations. Old Timers, of Broughton extend congratulations to Mrs. Nancy Dia- mond, who has recently attained 90 years. Is with her daughter, Mrs. Dobson, Port Perry, R. R. 1. Mrs. Diamond was born and grew up in this district. p EARLY TRAINING A baby chick, peeping in its shell British Plan Will Allow! Improvement London, Dec. 21 -- (Reuters) -- ritain's four-year plan under Uni- ted States aid, disclosed Monday, foresees enough expansion in home production to allow a slight im- provement in the national standard of living as well as to earn the sur- plus needed overseas. Even this would give Britain only a precarious dollar balance and would leave the continental Mar- shall-Plan countries a serious prob- lem of shortage of sterling. "This is one of the difficult prob- lems "which may call for mutual adjustment, " the report on the plan sia. Stafford Cripps, Chancellor of the Exchequer, said that there would be no over-all reduction, dur- ing the four-year plan, of Britain's imports from Canada, compared with the current rate of buying. However, there would be a reduc- tion compared with the peak im- porting period during the war and immediately "after. Imports from Canada now are lower than then due to the dollar shortage. Though imports from the western hemisphere are assumed' to be cut by about 20 per cent and exports there increased by 55 per cent compared with the first half of 1948, Britain will still havea de- ficit of $291,000,000 with the west- ern hemisphere in the year starting July, 1952, She also expects a deficit equal to $174,000,000 with Russia, East- ern Europe, the Middle East and certain other countries. Britain reckons to outweigh these and earn a world surplus equal to $400,000,- 000 by a. surplus equal to $816,000,- 000 with the sterling area and a small but troublesdme surplus equal to $49,000,000 with the continental countries. To cover the dollar deficit with the . western hemisphere, Britain would have to reply on the gold production and dollar earnings of the rest of the sterling area and .|ment in sterling-area countries. on American commercial invest- But the program admits this bal- ance would be precarious, depend- ing largely on factors outside Bri- tish control--especially on the read- iness of the United States to buy manufactured goods, petroleum and raw materials from the sterling area. Ottawa, Dec. 21--(CP)--Further withdrawals from the remaining portion of the Canadian credit grant to Britain will be authorized early in 1949, it was learned Mon- day night on good authority. Withdrawals on the $1,250,000,000 credit authorized two years ago were frozen when the outflow of dollars became too swift for Can- ada's economy absorb and Can- ada was forced into an austerity program of her own at the end of |] The balance remaining at that time was $240,000,000. There was never any suggestion that the credit would be cancelled and it has been generally known that fur- ther withdrawals might he author- ized shortly. Withdrawals in 1947 were at a much higher rate than anticipated when the grant was authorized. It was no surprise, therefore, that when the United Kingdom's four- year economy plan was announced in London Monday it took into ac- count further withdrawals from the Canadian credit without mention=, any amount. NO COMPROMISE Washington, Dec. 21--(AP)--Un- ited States government officials said Monday Russia must make conces- slong 3 a new four-power attempt ite an Austrian peace treaty is to succeed. The United States will go into the forthceming conference, they said, determined not to com- promise on any basic issue which would jeopardize Austria's territor- ial integrity or economic indepen- dence, EGGSHELLS A plant in' Omaha, Nebraska, US.A., dries and grinds about 500 thousand eggshells daily. The prod- uct is. used as a substitute for bone- meal or limestone in livestock feed, and it is also used for human nu- trition as a source of calcium. Long Route Opened For Pilgrimage Jerusalem, Dec. 21--(AP) -- A roundabout route has been arran- ged to enable Christians to make the traditional Christmas-Eve pil- grimage from Jerusalem to Beth- lehem, the birthplace of Christ. A United Nations ccommunique Monday night" said Jews and Ar- abs seeking a means of permitting the pilgrimage had agreed to op- en opposing lines between old and new Jerusalem for 24 hours. By this means Christians in the new city could cross into the |' old city' and proceed to Bethle- hem along an Arab military road for 10 miles via Bethany. The traditional, shorter route direct south to Bethlehem will not be open, apparently due to objec: tions by the Egyptian Army. U.N. otfigibls are pressing for use ot thi route, however, and hoped to get a reply today. Almost every foot of the or: al route is under the guns of . and Jewish artillery placed on surrounding hills. The opposing armies, from the church of the Nativity. Visitors to Bethighem will be searched for security 'rea sons. The number of pilgrims, sometimes as high as 10,000, will be much smaller this year. SEEK NON-PEELING MARKER Victoria--(CP)--Tests are being made here to make sure that paint for' the new British Columbia licence plates will not peel. Due to peeling, cause of which has not yet been determined, 25,000 of the 1948 plates had to be replaced. sTOPSCRATCHING Relieve Itch in ¢ a Jiffy) | ~~ -- Relieve itching due to eczema, mpless athlete's foot an be minor, Bch Ht Sie ve ing medicat (ordinary or ny s 2.2 stainless. A Doctor's formula, Soothes es calms intense itching quickly. Se trial bottle TPO money ack. your druggist D. Prescription, BLUE AND GOLD DELMAIZ LIBBY--FANCY HYATT BRAND FANCY PEAS GLENWOOD OR HARVEST--YANCY ASPARAGUS TIPS CORN NIBLETS MIXED VEGETABLES CUT WAX BEANS CHOICE TOMATOES Uoo A) 2 or. 1 9: no 36 nod 8c wm 17 16 STD. QUALITY--MINNIEHAHA CAN LYNN VALLEY- . BRIGHTS BARTON--CHOICE AYLMER FANCY MISS CANADA--CHOICE CULVERHOUSE- -CHOICE GREEN PEAS D FRUITS APRICOTS s74n0ar0 Quauty RED CHERRIES FRUIT COCKTAIL FRUIT SALAD HENLEY BRAND--HALVES CHOICE PEACHES HED RASPBERRIES 2 Os. 1 0: 20-0z, Tin 31 ne he = 39 = 39 Eg XI 3c % 28 Or. 20 KEIFFER PEARS Sods "Christmas 19 ARAL * A Large Variety of Xmas Cake and SHhortdread To Choose From COLORFUL XMAS CRACKERS C. & B. PLUM PUDD sox 69: ING "53 WESTONS--""SELECT ASSORTMENT" FANCY BISCUITS HIRBIFF S. --CRABAPPLE PURE JELLY OYLER--PURE CRANBERRY sauce LIBBYS--ITANCY TOMATO JUICE EXCHANGE MITCHELLS APPLE JUICE WELCHS GRAPE JUICE V-8 VEGETABLE ne 54. ne Re 1 or. 29: "or 23 2: wo 15 48 OZ. TIN 20c 2 Or. & 1e.0n. = 25 COCKTAIL JUICE > 16 BRIGHTS OR CULVERHOLSE--FANCY TOMATO JUICE V.C. OR GUARDIOLA--UNSWEETENED PINEAPPLE 20 Os. Tins 2 20 Ox. Tin JUICE 19: 19: ! GET MORE FoR RED R, Ip) ' CARREY xy Also TURN; S, CRJs, PE PA C ARs, iARSN py ERY, x ia ONS, ETC. PICKLES AND OLIVES SPANISH--PLAIN AND PIMENTO . BROKEN OLIVES CLUBHOUSE--PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES ROSE--SWEET 12 Or. Bottle 25 Bottle 37: 16 Or. 29: Central Ontario Convention, which she attended on November 10, 11, before hatching, will be quiet at the hen's warning cluck. SAVE :30 On a 1948 Model Smith-Corona CASH REGISTER The smart, modern Smith-Corona Cashier is the simplest solution to the bookkeeping problem of any retail business and is IDEAL for a small busi- ness or garage. It protects your cash, provides an easy way to balance up at the end of the day, and a businesslike record of the entire day's trans- actions, ONE ONLY Sale $1 Ww Price learn what a big Ask for a demonstration , , . ga of service this low-cost machine can give GOODFELLOW PRINTING Co. § 57 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 35 RIES | ROSE-SWEET WAFER PICKLE 29. GINGER ALE 2::27. ORANGE CRUSH 36 KIK COLA 25 25¢ TOM COLLINS MIX i 24 DELICIOUS COLA DRINK NOTE: All Beverages Plus Bottle Deposit, Refundable ENJOY ITS TENDER GOODNESS RICHMELLO BREAD e® BROWN ¢ WHITE o FRESHLY GROUND AS SOLD IRRESISTIBLE FLAVOUR RICHMELLO COFFEE ww 26» 3k ENGLISH BREAKFAST STYLE--BLACK DOMINO TEA he - 83 Pi. 85: JELLY POWDERS 201 7c SHIRRIFIS--1. x 16 PIE FILLING ) oe, 35: VI-TONE~--~CHOUOLATE fr 17 FUDGE MIX ar 37 FRESU--IN SUELL JELLO PUDDINGS PEANUTS fhe 1 12 All merchandise sold at your Dominion MAPLIL LEAF Store 'is unconditionally guaranteed MINCEMEAT to give 100% satisfaction, 16 Os. Jar - 10 FRENCH CREAMS ::31 CHOCOLATES TRILBEY = 35c FESTIVE MIXTURE = 33: CREAMS and GUMS 31 BRILLIANT MIXTURE: 33: LICORICE ALLSORTS =: 26¢ CONVERSATION LOZENGES. 2k VALUES EFFECTIVE IN OUR OSHAWA STORE WED, THURS, FRI, DEC. 22nd, 23rd, 24th DOMINION STORES LIMITED / DOMIN JON flere