> FOR -SALE--TWO SATURDAY, DECEMBZR -4, 1948 'THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIVE HITBY NEWS Here's Where To Cast Votes On Monday ' Hours of polling on Monday are "10 o'clock in the morning until 7 in the evening. Polling subdivisions are 'as follows: No. 1--Public Library Basement. No. 2--Public Library Basement. No. 3--Anglican Parish Hall, Cen- tre Street. 'No. +--Strowger's Furniture Store. . No,:5--Donald Motor Sales, Dun- daa 'Street. No. 6--Council Chamber. ' No. T--Council Chamber, + No. :8--United Church Sunday Séhool, 'Centre Street South. No..9--Baptist Church Sunday School, Centre Street South. 'No. 10--Parish Hall, Anglican Church, "No. 11--Parish Hall, St. John's Anglican' Church. Whitby Classified POTLTRY -- W HIGHEST 'pad for py Kinds' of poultry; Pao: 'new 20a used feathers. N. Lem- Bérg, Whitby. Phone 644, Whitby, or 695-J, Oshawa. FOR SALE--CHRISTMAS TREES, ALL Apply 908 Byron Street North. Phos 2411, Whitby. a i FOR RENT--3 ROOMS, Ba. one or partly. ran Whitey WANTED TO YARD Hg also new and old feathers. market prices. Apply J. Parker, 321 "Brock North. Phone 486 or Obtiawa 1850. 45" GALLON: DRUM, SUITABLE FOR stove. of]; delivered at $3.75 each. Phone 5W, Oshawa. (278¢) FOR SALE-2 TEN-WEEK-OLD COCK- ef. sp Diels, inoculated. Apply 617 Brock | . 'South, Whitby. re (283c) FOR Fin ROOM EXTEN- sion iable, sink 26x14, hot water tank with D.'& 'H. electric heater. Apply PO.. Box 47, Whitby. (Dec. 4) WANTED -- HOUSEWORK BY THE our. or office cleaning. Phone 2243 by. 14" UNDERWOOD typewriters, price $35 and $60. Apply bs Manning, Clerk, County of On- tario. (Dec. 4) FOR SALE--CHRISTMAS TREES FOR sale, perfect beauties, all sizes, will de- liver. Toms, 7068 Green Street, Whitby. Phone 2372, (Dec. 4) BALE-TWO WOMEN'S COATS, one grey ang one brown, size 14 and 16, rl almost new. go POF & (Dec. 6) rt sult business couple. Phone y. FOR RENT FURNISHED HED ROOM, GEN- tleman oR. Apply Box 15,: Times- Gazette, Whitby. SLENDOR T. TABLETS ARE CTIVE. 2 weeks" supply, $1; 12 Weeks, $5, at Allin's, Save & Courticve's Dru Stores. , (Dee. 4,11,18.27 CARE "BRIGHT . ROOM R -- IN THE VILLAGE OF brn, 8 room brick house, hardwood Roars, 'bath,' Hot. water heating, + 21} of land, garage and Stabila comBIed: hefihouse. Apply Brooklin 4 (Dec?) R SALE HUDSON COACH, A-1 pon) tires, immediate ac- tibn. « Telep! she, Whitby 689, Bowing, ville 825 or 409. Dec8) FOR SALE--PINE CHRISTUS bd at 604 Dundas Sires East. We deliver. Phone. 2341, Whitby. (Dee?) FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE FURNITURE, including china cabinet, desk and chair, book . case, valuable antique rockers, mahogany dress n wicker chair 'esser, brow sad 4 other articles. Phone 75J, Picker 1 2 TEN WEEK-OLD COCKER | SPANIELS, | Whithy. on 617 Brock St. 8, Your Vote and Influence 'Respectfully Solicited ' To Elect OSCAR J. MOORE Daal" AS ** COUNCILLOR + A Veteran of World War II. promise to serve t citizens of Whitby [Saith- a tally. A Young Man's Viewwoint I Hereby Solicit Your Vote St. John's Full House Sees Good Staging Of Demon in the Dark At its second presentation last night "Demon In The Dark", by Whitby Modern Players, drew twice the audience of the night before. Knowing they were playing to a full hall, the rast did excellently. The mystery-lomedy was particu- larly appealing to the younger gen- eration eliciting sqheals, lahghter or shrieks of terror throughout the three acts. As the plot progressed, the story unfolded that residents of the F'storm-swept old lodge were at- tempting to frighten away the new owners because the lodge had been used as headquarters for criminals. One genuine demon, one eerie mov- ing hand, one scary owl with hyp- notic powers provided plenty of hor- ror for an evening and a number of the character parts gave scope for comedy. Particularly effective were the stage sets and lighting. At the close of the performance last night, Chairman of the Swimming Pool Committee Donald Gaine thanked the audience for their patronage and the players for their generosity in dpnating net proceeds to aid building of the pool. The director of the play, Mrs. Anne Wilson, received hearty ap- plause when she was called on stage. Club Calendar MONDAY Monthly meeting of V.O.N.,, Lib- rary Hall. Scout and Cub Mothers at Mrs. J. Sutherland's. TUESDAY Dedication of Plaque at Court House, 2.15. Rotary Club. W.M.S. installation of officers in United Church, 3 p.m. Bishop A. R. Beverly at Confir- mation Service, All Saints' Church, WEDNESDAY Red Cross business meeting. FRIDAY Churches' bazaar in Baptist S.8. Hall, Anglican Men's Clubs at St. John's, 6.30, dinner and address. HYDRO BOOST Ottawa, Nov. 29--(CP)--A near- record monthly rainfall of 4.69 in- ches for November will permit a 50- per-cent reduction in the capital's hydro blackouts, the Ottawa Hydro Commission announced Sunday night. Starting Monday, daily cut- offs will be reduced from one hour to 30 minutes, Firemen Stop Dance Partners: As Siren Sounds It must be fate but whenever there is a Fireman's Ball there has to be a fire alarm. It hap- pened in 1947 and it happened Thursday night when the 75th annual all was in progress at the Club Bayview. Just after 10 o'clock the siren sounded and a number of dancers dropped their partners in centre: floor to make the two-mile dash to Brock Street North where a truck engine had caught fire. Two members of the brigade who had not "yet gone to the dance rushed the first truck out in "nothing flat." After a few minutes, they were able to re- turn to the dance. Oshawa Fire Chief W. R. Elliott and his dep- uty, Ray Hobbs, and their ladies attended the gala affair. Music was by Arthur Godfrey and his orchestra. Councils Reach Agreement On Snow Plowing BARRY MURKAR Correspondent Pickering, Dec. 4--At a meeting of the Pickering Township Council last Thursday, an agreement was arrived at with Whitby Township Council, whereby Whitby would come into Pickering Township along the Range Line with their snowplow. The two councils agreed that Pickering has more town line road to look after than Whitby and by Whitby looking after this snow- plowing, it evens things up. It was also decided that where culverts are needed or any hills taken down, the costs would be born by both townships. Frank J. Prouse, building inspect- or, disclosed that 197 building per- mits had been issued so far this year to a value in property of $559,- 000. The council has purchased a new plow for their snowplow at a cost of $684. This was the last council meeting of the year and was held primarily to finish up the year's business and pass all unpaid accounts for payments. Next Monday is the election date for' Pickering Township. All week, election talk has been running thick and strong. This year the date is a month earlier and the voting hours have been changed to 10 a.m. to 8 pm. This means that the re- turns will be late coming in, but it also means that great many of our Pickering people who get home late from the city will have a chance to vote. All the candidates are anxious that everyone with a vote get out and exercise their franchise. Mr. Ross Irwin is the new mem- ber of the Pickering Village police you lend a helping hand. "Miss Christmas Seal" Canadians are introduced to little "Miss Christmas Seal for 1948," two- | year-old Pamela Lamphere of Chicage, who poses for this picture as her contribution to the annual Christmas seal s2le sponsored by the Tubet- culcsis Institute. The Chicago tot wears a little dress ahd hat made of Christmas seals. Most of her recent pictures have been made in her litt'e nightie as she lay in a bed in hospital where she underwent a series of rare abdominal operations because she was born with a bladder outside her body. The Oshawa Kiwanis has done great work in Oshawa, and it is to finance its pregram to help erase T.B. thst you are asked to buy T.B. Christmas seals this season. The death rate of this disease has been reduced by 80 per cent since Grandmother's day when T.B. was considered almost incurable. Doctors claim if the disease is detected early enough and ticated at once, 9 out of 10 cases can be cured. Gifts Given To Davidson Family At Greenbank Greenbank, Dec. 4 -- His many friends are very pleased to hear that Mr. George Gaul who was taken to Lindsay Hospital last Tues- day night and operated on imme- diately, is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. "Andrew Davidson were agreeably surprised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Till last Tuesday evening when a large number of their friends gathered there for a farewell party. They are leaving their home on the farm in the near future to reside in Ux- bridge where - they have recently bought a House, After a pleasant social hour an address was read and presentations made to Mr, and Mrs. Davidson of an electric floor lamp and a wall mirror, also to Andrew Davidson a smoking stand. All wished them many happy years in their new home. Owing to the approaching mar- riage of Miss Jean Thomas in Greenbank 'United Church on Sat- urday afternoon, December 4, a large crowd of friends and neighbors to the number of 150 met at the home of her parents on Wednesday evening for a surprise party. Many miscellaneous gifts 'were tendered the bride-to-be, among them the gift of a blanket and sheets from a Greenbank group of well-wishers. A pleasant social evening was spent by all. At 'the community meeting held in the United Church: basement last Wednesday night it was decided to go'ahead with the proposed pro- ject of an open air skating rink in the new community park. Mrs. Tomlinson has returned to her Greenbank home. after spend- ing several weeks with her daughter So--won't | in Madoc. --Central Press Canadian Cyril E. Morley, J. S. Balsdon and Ross Irwin. On the water project, it is understood that the plans have been approved by the Provincial Board of Health and are now in the hands of the local municipal coun- cil, to have a by-law prepared on which the villagers can vote. Mr. Ross Irwin has been appoint- ed County Representative on the Pickering Township High School Area Board. This move was made following the request of W. C. Mur- kar that he be relieved of the ap- pointment. Mr. Irwin has served for three years on the local school board and is vitally interested in educational affairs, RANKS THIRD Only the United States and Rus- sia have more railway mileage than Canada. NOTICE MACKEY BROTHERS and of trustee board. He takes the place of Frank J. Prouse who has served the village well, for the past 26 | years. The 1940 board comprises | Have purchased the truck P.C.V. Class "A" License M. ATKINSON For 'service phone Whitby 2461 Here's The Answer For Busy Christmas Shoppers! Telephone 324 It's quick and easy to send beautiful flowers by wire to anyone, any- where . . . They're so in- dividual, so 'exquisite a gift. And note this! .,. They're sure to arrive there, on time, too! WHITBY Limited Whitby | --Villagers are discussing how to crops and peaching, and publicans refuse to serve them, but the gypsies are law abiding--and will not leave. WHITBY ELECTRIC Earl "Jake" Bryant INSTALLATIONS, FIXTURES WATER HEATERS, FARMS Phone 650 Whitby Clavering, Essex, England --(CP) shift gypsies - encamped nearby. Farmers complain of damage to VOTE Greenland, with an area of 827,300 countryside of Domremy. LARGEST ISLAND Largest island in the world is square miles. MAID OF FRANCE Joan of Arc, the French patriot was born on Jan. 6, 1412, in the DISCOVERY OF PLATINUM Platinum was known from very early times but not introduced into Europe until the 18th century. WORK GUARANTEED Complete check-up. Wringer grease and gear oll changed. Wringer rolls in stock. Special price on complete overhauls. FOR COUNCIL Voie E. POGSON . > - ll] i o n- > b >! = Bn, Smet Ii of I H™ is the new Iron Fireman Coal-Flow stoker, which brings to home owners advanced' standards of comfort, fuel economy and convene ience. Installed in your present furnace or boiler, : it feeds direct from bin to fire; no coal handling, i Equipped with precision controls, designed and' built by Iron Fireman. Why wait longer for the | finest automatic heating. Get the facts--phone us now for free heating survey. HARRY JERMYN TO 1949 COUNCIL 1. 2 years' experience. 2. Open-minded atten- to business, tion municipal The interests of every citizen are my inter- ests. Guarded development of Whitby's favour- able tion. industrial posi- Close scrutiny of mu- nicipal expenditure. Special study of town and county relationship with view to cutting county rates in Whitby. THE PROGRESS OF WHITBY IS IN YOUR HANDS ARE YOU INTERESTED? You SHOULD Be! December 6th is Election Day and you are in the position eof selecting the Candida who will represent you on all matters concerning the welf-re and progress of the Town of Whitby and Port Whitby. It is your duty to vote and when you vote select the Candidate whom you think will do the most good for our Town. That is the issue at stake. I am offering you my services. It is for you to judge and decide. The services I have rendered for the Town of Whitby and Port Whitby are as follows: 2 Years Chairman of Streets. 1 Year Chairmen of Town Property. 1 Year Assessor and Superintendent of Works. 1 Yea: Deputy Reeve. 2 Years Reev., 1 Yr. Chairman of County Property, 1 ¥r. Finance Committee, 4 Years Me aber of Whitby War Effort Committee. 2 Years President of Canadian Legion. 2 Years "arden AR.P. 14 Donations of Blood to Red Cross. 4 Years Trustee -of Canadian Legion. 6 Years' Service Imperial Army, 2 Yrs, 10 Mths., France. THE LIQUOR! There is definitely NO Liquor Store issue at stake. This question was turned down by the L.C.B.O. and is-dead as far as I am concerned. Decide and VOTE for the candidate who will serve you best. If you think I can fill the bill, then VOTE MUIR /- REEVE AUTOMATIC HEATING Phone 652 for Plumbing and Heating 1100 BROCK ST. S. 'MASTER BATHROOM FIREPLACE FURNACE WA HEATER FOR YOUR FAIRBANKS-MORSE STOKER , The Tweed Steel 'Works Fireplace Furnace draws the cold air out of the room, heats it and sends it back inte the room hot. It saves fuel. y install an old-fashi josed replace ie let the heat go up out 10 heat the outside pind Send yd free catalogue and list of satisfied users. You wi Fireplace Furnace. "PUMP PRESSURE HOT AIR .HECLA FURNACE a Automatic Heating Installed Now! Have Your com tfionmo GEORGE HAMERS HOT WATER AND STEAM HEATING--PLUMBING : SHEET METAL WORK 212 BROCK STREET SOUTH TELEPHONE 963 WHITBY