THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1948 PAGE FOURTEEN US Air Force Experiments With B29s Washington, Nov. 22--(AP)--The United States Air Force is trying to stretch the global reach of both the present workhorses of its bomber force, the B-29 Superfor- tress, and the giant new B-36. This was disclosed in two develop- ents today: mes oY iat fleets of flying "tankers" are planned for six of the groups of strategic bombers oper- ated by the Air Force. These con- verted B-29s will be used to refuel the Superfortress bombers along their route to a target, thus ex- tending their range. 2. Tests of a B-36 with new en- gines of more power and presum- ably greater fuel economy to prov- ide more speed and range. The Air Force has high hopes for the aerial refueling system. Air Secretary W. Stuart.Symington told a Congressional committee last spring that with such a system B-29s could bomb any part of Rus- sia from bases in Alaska or La- brador. Techniques and equipment dev- eloped in Air Force experiements for more than a year are believed to hav evolved a system whereby a Superfortress could be filled with virtually a full load of gasoline in 15 minutes while flying along the course ta a distant target. It was learned taht current plans contemplate equipping six groups of being B-29s for aerial refueling. In doing this, the size of the groups will be expanded not only by ad- ding the tanker B-29s but by put- ting more combat bombers in each group. The Air Force is described as proposing to keep the composition of a B-29 group at three squadrons, but each squadron would have 15 instead of 10 bombers. The total number of bombers and tankers in a group would be 65 instead of the current 30 bombers only. Experts Discuss Russian Wheat Winnipeg, Nov. 22--(CP)--Cana- dian exper re intased today that Russia's cla of experiments with a branched wheat ¢apable of pro- ducing five times as much as stan- dard varieties sounded like "extra- vagant talk." Dr. P. J. Olson of the plant sci- ence department at the University of Manitoba said he doubted "very much, pudging from past experi- ence, that they have been able to grow a wheat of the branched var- jety that would yield five times as much as our standard varieties." The "mere fact" that it is a branched variety "doesn't necessar- ily mean that you can multifly, the contents as compared to that of "single-headed wheat," Dr. Olson said. He added that this was not the first time that claims had been made of the discovery of branched wheat with further value than other brands. Code Amendment Adds To Costs Toronto, Nov. 22 -- (OP) -- A change in the Criminal Code which becomes effective next Oct. 1 was discussed at a week-end meeting of the executive board of the Crown Attorneys' Association of Ontario. The change, made at the last ses- sion of Parliament, gives an accused person the right to elect trial by judge and jury on several petty offence charges now tried by a] magistrate alone. Delegates to the Crown Attorneys' meeting expressed belief that, as a result, municipalities will face high- er court-operating costs. They de- cided to advise municipal govern- ments' to study this question of higher expenditures now and to de- cide just how far they are willing to go in helping to shoulder the ad- ditional load. Eire Subject Of Ministers' Talk Belfast, Nov. 22--(Reuters)--S8ir il Brooke, Prime Minister of orthern Ireland, discussed the im- pending repeal by Eire of her ex- ternal Relations Act at a meeting this week-end with Prime Minister Clement Attlee. It is understood the Northern Ireland government is being consulted about the posi- tion arising along the 240-mile land frontier between Northern Ireland and Eire if Eire repeals the act and b an independent republic, SHORTAGE ENDS Halifax, Nov. 22--(CP)--A power shortage that threatened this area 6f 200,000 persons has ended with tepairs to machinery, Nova Scotia Light and Power Company officials announced Sunday night. The com- pany requested voluntary reduction in consumption Friday when a leak in a steam boller was discovered at its plant here. Business firms dous- ed neon signs and restaurants oper- ated in semi-gloom, HANGS MARCH 30 Calgary, Nov. 22--(CP)--Stanley Donald McLaren of Toronto and Calgary will be hanged March 30 for the holdup slaying three years ago of Chinese grocer Lum Lum Wing. The 23-year-old plasterer was convicted of Murder in Supreme Court late Saturday following a six-day trial. mm ------------ BLOCKADE A. SCREEN Ottawa, Nov. 22--(CP)--Hon. Lai Lien, member of the Yuan (Legisla- tive Assembly) in China, said Sat- urday that Russia is using the Ber- Jin blockade and threat of war in Western to screen warlike activity in supporting the Chinese on Army drive in China, : Elements Start Talk On Hydro Kentville, N. 8, Nov. 22--(CP)-- A Nova Scotia downpour started Prime Minister St. Laurent on a train of thought here Saturday that ended in a bit of long-range need- line regarding the Ontario power shortage. Speaking at a complimentary din- ner to Rt. Hon. J. L. Ilsley, Mr. St. Laurent said "I would like to say something about your beautiful No- va Scotia scenery, but due to the elements, we've seen very little of it." "Mind you," he added, "in our part of the country, we also have troubles, The elements--and other contributing factors--have resulted in a power shortage." In a tlinly-veiled reference to the power controversy between George Drew, national leader of the Pro- gressive Conservatives, and Trade Minister Howe, Mr. St. Laurent re- called a "challenge for open debate made by one certain gentleman to another certain gentleman." "This challenge was accepted by the second certain gentleman. The place to be the House of Commons on any afternoon or evening when thep lace was not in darkness. "It would not be fitting to hold such a debate by candlelight." 'The speed of sound decreases with | sai decreasing temperatures. ~-- R-- Communism Cannot Ignore Influence Of Religion Washington, - Nov: 22--(AP)--A United States Congressional come mittee, in a report released. today, says: "You cannot be a Communist and believe in God." That, the report adds,"is "the long and the short of it." The House of Representatives un- 1 oD the o a on entitled "100 things you should know about Communism and religion," it d: ; "The aim and object of Com- mupism is always the same--com- plete control over the human mind and body, asleep and awake, in and in health, from birth to death. That i$ why Communism marks religion enemy No. 1... "Communism cannot dominate life, for example, until it has fought its way past the in- fluence of religion upon the family. "Communism cannot dominate unless it has the power to remake the life of the people. ignore religion and do that." It cannot The committee's report was in the form of 100 questions it asked and then answered. Here are a few of the new ques- tions and answers supplied by the committee: Ro Q. If Communism should come to the United States, could I belong to a church? A. You would have to choose at once between church and Com- munism., If you should choose the church, then prepare for persecu- tion. Q. Would the Communists destroy the Bible? 2 A. Every copy they could find. And they would jail anybody trying to print new copies. Q. Could my child be baptized or christened in the church? : A. At the risk of prison for parent and pastor. Q. Would my child go to Sunday school? , A. Not only would Sunday school be illegal, but also your child would be taught to report you to the police for trying to send him. Q. How would my child learn his religion, then? : A. Only through what you might tell him at home, to offset the positive atheism he would learn all week at the government school. SMALL TWISTER Fort Erie, Nov. 22--(CP)--A small twister ripped through Bay Beach, near here, Saturday, uprooting 100 trees and wrecking cottages. Most of the damage was done in a strip a little more than a mile wide. Robert Hobson Towed To Dock Duluth, Minn, Nov. 22--(AP)-- The Great Lakes ore freighter Rob- ert Hobsonblown aground Priday night, was freed Sunday and tow- . ed to shipyards at nearly Superior, Wis., for repairs. TheHobson was ldown against a concrete pier at a Duluth-Superior Bay channel entrance, forcing the captain to order it beached to pre- vent further damage. The excursion vesselWayne, blown from its moorings at the same time, was moved to another dock for re- pairs, > When jpeople everquhere aghee on x - ~ . . . More Value in Riding Comfort Your own tests will show that Chevrolet has more riding comfort. That's because Chevrolet brings you Unitized Knee Action -- per- fected by Chevrolet's experience in building more than 6,000,000 Knee-Action units. 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There's extra insulétion in-doors from sponge rubber mouldings and interior windlacing + « «+ extra insulation at seams and joints from special Safti- seal sealing compound . , . exfra insulation in the roof from dead air space and headlining. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS It is not by cliance that Clievrolet's bodies by Fisher are so beautifiil, so luxurious, so safe! Behind each body is forty years of motor-car coacheraft experience nite rty years of building master bodies for precision-minded Canadians. To match- less craftsmanship have been added the methods and the metals of modern body engineering. Today, in your, Chevrolet Body by Fisher, you are protected by steel welded to steel . .. you are cushioned by materials that add ease and relaxation to- every driving mile. And to think that such body-comfort, such body-Juxury, such body-safety is available, through Chevrolet, at lowest cost! 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