PAGE FOUR = - - > & i L * = - 3 ? + 3 Tr > Ed 1 ¢ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1984 BUSINESS OFFICE 'G. MACPHERSON PHONE 703 WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS EDITOR ROBERT CORBETT PHONE 703 Programs For All Is Aim of Whitby Recreation Body Proper use of leisure time as a major community and "social responsibility was discussed last night at a general meeting of 'Whitby Recreational Association in the Library Hall. Leading the discussion was Edward Stalter of the Community Programs branch of the Department of Education. LL A good attendance, representing™" some 30 organizations in town was there. President Rev A. Gordon Channen presided and was assisted at the chairman's table by the sec- retary, Miss Jean Stewart. Mr. Stalter, a fornfer principal at Markham, told the group that rece reation programs must still be "sold" to most communities. "Recreation programs are not only for the children but are for all the community, all the year around," he said. Recreation was defined as being not only pleasurable activity but more akin to being a way of life, Satisfactory recreation finds the participant happy in it and de- riving a sense of achievement there- from, The case for recreation should not rest upon the negative view that recreation is something to keep people out of trouble. In fact it was conceded in the discussion, that it is quite possible for = recreation undirected, . to take undesirable forms. A serious discussion followed Mr. lter's talk, Thinking out loud, the participants tried to' define what they meant when they spoke of recreation and the informal talk was productive. Director of Recreation Gordon McMahon gave an interesting re- port in which he reviewed various categories of community recreation giving very brief comments upon whether or not activity in Whitby is satis®actory in those realms Of active games and sports there is no real dearth; music is reason- ably well covered by private agen- cies. .Arts and crafts are largely WANTED! Good Cement Block Layers * Woodhall Mines Job To Start Monday, Nov. Ist PHONE 591 WHITBY for Appointment or Call on the Job lacking in the current program but a move is on foot to introduce a leather-work class in the current program. Emphasis on social ac- tivities is only "fair." Nature ac- tivities are now limited to the Gar-, den Club which is prospering. Spon- sorship of collecting hobbies is somewhat difficult to promote on an organized basis because so many collectors are individualists. Men- tal recreational activites such as discussion groups and forums are lacking in Whitby; public speaking tas been tried with some success and may be again revived, The Director asked the group for some direction in the matter of whic of these forms of recreation they thought should be. promoted to best advantage. Donald Gaine, chairman of the Swimming Pool Project, gave a comprehensive report reviewing progress to date and noting, with deep regret, that the cement short- age Had caused actual construction work to be delayed until next year. Meanwhile the raising 'of finances will contimie for only half of the estimated $8000 needed has yet been subscribed. No Relief Found For Snore Victims Montreal--(CP)--If you have a life. partner. who raises the roof with the "common or garden snore," you have little hope of respite. The Canadian Medical Association journal reports that practically no progress has been made against snoring. "Marriages can be broken up and camping parties may be ruined by snoring," the journal says. "Can tragedy go deeper?" Two forms of relief suggested-- are a piece of cotton sewn into the back of the pajamas to prevent the person from sleeping on his back, and a special splint or adhegive plaster [for keeping the mouth closed. | < "When all is Rig, however," the article doncludes sadly, "snoring is a symptom of unbalanced breathing which, may be accompanied by either' pathological or physiological conditions. "Isolation may be the only effec- tive measure." | CALL US For Your INSULATION STUCCO PAINTS o ROLL ROOFING - GYPTEX © ASPHALT SHINGLES JAS. SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. -- Whitby -- Phone 524 { ~ TYRONE P NOW PLAYING Shows at 6:30 and 9:00; Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Saturday Evening Show Starts at 6.30. This Program Only st Gonquering a new world of adventure! Orected by HENRY KING produced by LAMAR TROTTI § snruav-ron S| GN ATURE Planners Allow Limited Trade In Home Area In its blueprint of the future for the town of Whitby, the planning board decided Tues- day night that it will be neces- - sary to make provision for certain areas within residential sections to pe designated as business areas for the p of allowing a limited classifica- tion of essential business to carry on there. With the ex- ception of one or two areas already decided upon, it Ras not been specified where these will be. Types of business men-' tioned as allowable are, retail drug, grocery, meat, hardware, theatre, clubs, hotels, filling . stations, restaurants and fu- neral parlors. Zoning and building studies of the planning board are largely predicafed upon the belief that Whitby will expand greatly within a comparatively small number of years, Earphone Melodies - Drown Dental Drill Winnipeg (OP).-- Brahms, Bach and baseball scores now are serving as sedatives for the patients of two Winnipeg dentists. The -musical sedative is adminis- tered by means of a stethascope- like instrument hooked up to either a tape recorderor the dffice radio. The headset fits into the patient's ear, thus blocking with pleasant music' the unnerving sound of the drill, The: practitioners who have al- ready equipped thelr offices with this psychological "shét in - the arm" report their patient are "tickled pink." Said one: "You can't fill teeth faster to three-four time, but the; customer is 'a 160 happier." Patients who fised to sit tense and. ashen in the chair how can relax and submit to dental repair work: with a degree of comfort. One dentist said the earphone- anaesthetic appeals most to the adolescent, although not: one of more than 100 patients tested with the instrument have objected to it. Even the most nervous patient, he continued. can sit as long as an' hour without growing restless, The next step, say radio- mechanics, will be to equip dental- chair headrests with earphones. The idea arose from the realiza- tion by dentists tha} heat and noise were major factors' contributing to nervousness in their patients. To combat heat, drills were made hollow and water pumped through them into the mouth to keep the drills cool. The problem of noise was solved with the use of earphones to plug the ' ears and provide soothing music. Now, let someone find a way to eliminate the drill entirely and we'll all be happy. FIRST U, S.. TENNIS The first lawn tennis tournament in the United States, a handicap event, was held in Nahant, Mass, in August 1876, \ PIII IIIA INI KY Cities. Service Garage 401 Dundas Street East Whitby -- Phone 2317 City Service & Goderich Products LRI0I0I0ICICICIIEICIICICICICICI III IIT [Whitby Sports Council To Be Proposed At W.M.A.A. Annual Meet A major item of business at the annual meeting of the Whitby Minor Athletic Association will be a proposal to form a Whithy Council. For this reason an invitation to attend this meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, Nov. 4th, is extended to all organizations concerned with local sport activities. The activities of the association have expanded tc the point where some alteration in administration is necessary to maintain efficiency. This could be done by an internal re-organization, but mindful of the welfare of sports in general, it is believed that an agency which would act as the co-ordinating hody Jor all sports would be a decided as- set. More Autonomy Acceptance of this proposal would undoubtedly limit the sphere of operation of the Minor Athletic As- sociation in that certain, if not all, of the activities which it currently sponsors, would operate on a semi- independent basis. The authority vested in the Council would of course depend on the wishes of the affiliated organ- izations but it is presumed that they would control matters of major policy while leaving all operation of detail to the individual clubs. They would assist in the organiza- tion or re-organization of clubs as required and act as mediators in case of disapprovement between any of the affiliated clubs. Hockey League Another item likely to be discuss- ed is' the formation of a hockey league of Industrial League calibre. Such a league would, in all pro- bability replace the Juvenile Sec- tion in the Town League and might be appropriate particularly if there is no Intermediate entry in the O.H.A. this year. All in all it would appear that this will be a very important meet- ing and it is to be hoped that all sports organizations will be repre- sented. Church Essential To Good Citizenship, H & S Hears "If our children go out on the 'Highway of Life' without the pro- per training by parents, then they are unequipped to be good citi- zens," Rev. F. T. Darnell told members of the Dundas street Home and School Association in an ginepisitina) talk of good citizen- "Three fundamental which. are necessary to good citizenship are namely: the home, school and church" Mr. Darnell continued. "Should the home fail in its efforts, then the church and school struggle along in vain" Discipline and reverence are two factors which must be in every home, Mr. Darnell pointed out. "If they are not, it is the fault of the parents in most cases" he sald. "Parents today do not spend the time they should with their child- ren." "Most child psychology is just a Whitby Classified FOR BALE -- DU SALE. -- DURANT "COUPE, 1031, good running order, 6 tires, also 5 acres of good garden land. Phone 72r22 Brooklin. (Oct. 30) FOR SALE -- TWO-ROOM CABIN traller, cupboards, clothes closet, elec- tricity, winterized and partly furnished. For particulars phone 517 itby. (Oct. 30) FOR SBALE--FIVE YOUNG | SOWS, DUE to farrow_ next month. Apply Harold Spencer, RR. 1, Myrtle Station, ont. Phone Claremont 7524. (Oct. 30) FOR SALE-- QUEBEC GIRCULATING cabinet heater, almost new. Write for dx. to J. Eastwood, 32 Cedar t., Ajax BUILDING LOT WANTED WILL PUR- chase a bullding lot in Whitby business section, suitable to pulld store, olicue 2189. t. 29) FOR SALE--DELICIOUS NPL $1.28 and $1.85 Jez bushel, sold only in bush- el lots. Bring your own containers. Ap~ ply C. Black, orchard, Athol Street, south end, Whitby. (Oct. 30) WANTED-YOUNG MAN FOR LIGHT factory work; chance to learn trade; steady position. Apply Empire Pant & Boys ear, Brock Street orth, yy Tite y. ' ) factors Sr WHITBY ELECTRIC Earl "Jake" Bryant INSTALLATIONS, FIXTURES WATER HEATERS, FARMS Phone 650 Whitby LOST -- PAIR GIRLS HO RIM glasses. Finder please phone 344 Whit~ by, or 5377-W Oshawa. FOR SALE--HOOVER VACUUM CLEAN- er with attachments, good condition. Phone Brooklin 88. _ (Oct. 28) WANTED--BABY-SITTER DESIRES TO get a few regular customers, middle aged and reliable. Phone 721, nit (Oc ) WANTED TO BUY -- ALL Pim "or Poultry. also new and old feathers, SEWER PIPE and FITTINGS As local distributor for National Sewer Pipe, We offer immediate de- livery from stock. 4 in. SEWER PIPE 4 in. TRAPS 4 in. BEUDS 4in. YS 4 in. TEES ® McINTYRE HARDWARE Phone 560 -- Whitby prices. Apply J. Parker 30 Brock. St North. Phone 486" of Oshawa 1859, TOR SALE--SWEET CIDER. BRING our own container. R. A. Phair, 800 Eentre Street South, Whitby. Phone RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED -- IMMEDIATE 130 Brock. St. N., Whitby, Tel. 707 matter of common Mr. Darnell said. "The school must be the place where moral character and good citizenship should be taught." Mr. Darnell stated in reference to the school and its influence over the child in good ciizenship. "Teachers today have too much on the curriculum," he said, "so much that they haven't time for a half hour a day for Bible class." Mr. Darnell went on to say that in order to lay a foundation so that the future generation will be good citizens it is up to the parents and the teachers to allot time for train- ing in good citizenship. "The nation that does not believe in God will perish," Mr. Darnell emphasized reférring to the church and the part it plays in good citi- zenship. "No man is a good citi- zen if he does not go to church and send his children to church." Mr. Darnell said this could not be ac- complished by sending the children to church in order 60 get rid of them, Consideration is being given that five members of the club be sent ta the Oshawa District Council of the Home and School Clubs each month to atend the council meet- infs." An Invitation 'was extended to the members to atend a confer- ence of the Home and School As- sociation at Ajax. Several speak- ers on child psychology and educa- tion will be present. Mr. Darnell «was introduced to the members by the president, Mrs. W. R. Emerson and thanked by Mrs, James Ross. A piano trio was played by Jo- anne Strowger, Marion Hare and Margaret Frost. sense," Canada rates high in literacy. more than 96% of all adults being able to read and write--~Quick Can- adian Facts. Engagements Mr. and Mrs, Charles C. Gay, Whitby, announce the engagement || of their daughter Marjorie June, to Vernon Williams, son of Mr, and Mrs. G, E. Williams, Whitby. The wedding will take place in Whitby United Church at 8 p. m., Thurs- day, November 4th, DONALD'S GENERAL MOTORS FALES and SERVICE for WHITBY and DISTRICT NEW BEAN WHEEL BALANCING EQUIPMENT FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP FACTORY PP OVED MECHANICS PHONESO4 Comfort and Warmth WITH AN 'OIL SPACE HEATER "YOUR ROOM DESERVES ONE" ENE GER EEGEES ChODET GENGENND GEE CEGGND CEN GE Complete Winter Supply of OIL GUARANTEED With Each Heater ----_--_--_------_Sm--, Shop --t__naniph op mnios, _ sopnon, Whitby Home Appliance PHONE 383 124 DUNDAS ST. W. Whitby News In Brief Accounts of social events, any news item of local interest and qi of visitors are appreciate PHONE 703 ON SHORT TRIP Alex Norwick, proprietor of the Bell Taxi, is on a short business trip to Manitoba. * + % MOVING INTO TOWN At a recent meeting of the Friendship Group, of King Street United Church, Oshawa, Mrs. Rob- ert Richardson, who is leaving shortly to reside in Whitby, was presented with a silver deposit ware vase. Mr. and Mrs. Richard- son have purchased the property on Brock street south, recently va- cated by Mr, and Mrs. Harold Elms and was formerly the property of his grandmother, the jate Mrs. BE. Richardson * 4b AT BOARD MEETING Mrs. H. Boyes of Pickering is at- fending the October board of man- agement meeting of the Synodical Society of Toronto and Kingston, W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada being held in Calvin Presbyterian Church, Toronto. * + + TEACHERS MEET The local unit of the Women Teachers Federation held their fall meeting on Monday night, Oc- tober 25th in Ajax-School.. There was a large attendance of teachers from Whitby. Ajax and surround- ing schools. The business meeting was followed by an enjoyable game of cards. Sandwiches and Hallow- e'en cakes were served with a cup of tea.' Golden Wedding Reunites Family In Pickering Twp Pickering--Three sons, a daugh- ter, nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, more than a score of family friends, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.. Wilson Sheridan, 4th Con- cession, Pickering Township, Tues- day to celebrate the golden wedding of Mr. Sheridan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan, Sr. for 40 years residents of Toronto, for the past two years have lived in Stirling. Mr. Sheridan, of UEL stock, was born in Halifax in 1873 and Mrs. Sheridan in Newfound- land in . 1878. They married in Halifax; going to Toronto 42 years ago. Mr. Sheridan and his son conducted an ice business in the city until his retirement two years ago. Congratulations were brought or sent by four sons, Albert, Richard, Ted #nd Wilson and one daughter, Mrs. Andy George. There are 16 grandchildren and four great- grandchildren. OLDEST DEFENDERS Bob Fitzsimmons and Jack John- son, each at the age of 37, were the oldest world heavyweight kings to enter the ring in defense of their crown, All Ready For Big Kin Hallowe'en Party On Saturday Organized fun for all the boys and girls of the com- munity is arranged for Hallowe'en night according to an announcement by the Kinsm best costumes in six classe en Club today. Prizes for 8 are being offered. The festivities will start promptly at 7.30 when a parade will be marhalled at the rear of the town hall. After marching around a few blocks to get in the spirit of the occasion and work off a little surplus energy, the boys and girls will assemble in the town kall for ® 2 4 together with | Heavy Vote For Literary Executive With practically 100% of the student body casting ballots, elections were held yesterday to name the executive of Whit- by. High School Literary Soci- ety. From a good slate of nominees, the following were chosen: President -- Maybelle Rowley (accl); Vice-president --John Wootton; Secretary-- Edith Akers; Treasurer--Dav- il Bunner. Results were an- nounced by the returning of- ficer, Roland Simonds. Jack Moss was poll clerk. Indian, 107, Visits Vancouver Each Year Vancouver--(CP) -- Once a year for the last 30 years an old Indian has paid Vancouver a visit. He's generally rated the oldest native of British Columbia, and re- presents more than a century of B. C. history, Now 107, Joseph Joe, or "Tlamosh" --as he is known among the Tyee tribe at Anderson Lake Reservation, D'Arcy, B, C.--today says his longe- vity is a result of living as Indians should, on herbs and roots. "Now our younger generations have decided to switch to the white man's way of eating. They won't get to my age with that," he said here, His mother lived to 120, which might have something to do with it too, There are bargains galore! -- on | The Times-Gazette classified page, | a Let Us SERVICE and EQUIP Radio and Ref rigerator Call WHITBY HOME APPLIANCE Phone 383 124 Dundas St. W. to the undersigned. TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon on the 2nd day of November, 1948, for the supplying of such quantities of groceries, fruit, vegetables. household supplies, meat, bread and milk as may be required for the use of the Corporation of *he County of Ontario at County Home for the year 1949. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply the County Gaol and the WM. G, MANNING, Clerk, County of Ontario, an entertainment. Prizes will be given for the most colorful and startling costumes. Classes are for both boys and girls: under 8, under 10, under 12 and under 14. Comedy movies and car- toons will be part of the program, not to mention other items of fyn which are being hatched by mem- bers of the club. Stan Martin's Mudcatters will be on hand with a barrel of mirth and music, Treats will also be a big attrac- tion of the evening. Refreshments will be served. Though it is all free to the chil- dren, the club will be under con- siderable expense in this enterprise. Contributions of not over $1 per person are asked to help defray the costs. These can be left with the treasurer of the Kinsmen Club, Ben Hamilton at the Dominion Bank, or given to any member of the club. London -- (CP) -- There are "at least" 128 unexploded bombs re- maining in parts of the United Kingdom, says the War Office. Those engaged in removing them are mainly volunteer German ex- prisoners-of-war working under British officers. Since 1940 nearly 600 Britons and three Germans have been killed or wounded in bomb clearance. Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shearer, Perry Street, wish to thank all kind friends and neighbors who helped in any way during their loss through fire, also the Whitby Fire Brigade for their pguick response 4/hich saved their home. Sunday October 30 All electrical consumers on the east side of Brock Street and in the area east of Brock Street are hereby notified that there wili be a power interruption Sunday -after- noon from 1.30 to 4.30 For the purpose of making repairs to the distribution system. WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION W. M. Pringle H. L. Pringle Chairman Supt. Whitby, Ontario. Su % All Children in Whitby Are Invited to The HALLOWE'EN PARTY and PARADE Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Whitby Evening Parade forms at rear of town hall with entertainment after in town hall PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES MOVIES © FUN © FREE TREATS » Donations of $1.00 or less to help defray expenses will be gratefully received by the treasurer, Ben Hamilton, at the Dominion Bank. at 7.30