THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1948 TH E DAIL y TIMES-GAZ E TT E - PAGE ELEVEN . | 7 » { \ plowing match which was held at . . | cott, Sandra and Donald, Peterboro; | of Mrs. James Burgess, Orono, and | with Mr. at ¢ ibbs, Osh- Institute Plans | Lindsay last. week. Bosch wivendet Parting Gifts To Forbin a Ci Yowless and | also visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Bur- awa. a MY W. Go On . an . A. Beec | ~ - ' ampton, were |gess. Mrs. L. Virtue, Milton, and Mr. Gifts To Cobourg te Poin anksgiving Service Tyrone F amily | guests of Mr, and Mrs. Neil Yellow-| A large number from here char- | Willie Hamley visited Mus." Elva | Mr. Murray Tabb, Tyrone; Miss lees, on Sunday. tered a bus on Thursday last, and Beckett, Bowmanville, | 8 Old Folks Home M. Murdock, Maple Grove, were MRS. W. RAHM oii and Mrs. Richard Hawkey, attended the plowing match at| Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bellman and | Sunday visitors at Mr. W. Black- | Spindihdid wmanville, visited Mrs. G. Phair Lindsay. Janice, Bowmanville, visited Mr. Correspondent | and Lance. | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd -Ski : Ss M. H HORN bufn's. | 'i i | Mr and M oy inner and and Mrs. J. Hill. Correspondent Mr. and Mis. Louis Ashton and Tyrone, Oct. 20---Some 50 friends | Jack, Mt rs, G. McCoy and Teddy, also Miss Dorothy samnery Mrs. W. Thiesburger has returned Hampton, Oct. 21--The October | family, Toronto, visited relatives aud neighbours of Tyrone met at ville, ars. ft Mutton, Bowman- | visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown! home by plane from a clas reunion meeting of the Women's Institute in the village on Sunday. t e home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy hi aised r. and Mrs. A Haw- | Newcastle. of Carnegie Tech., Pittsburgh. was held in the church basement on Mrs. D. MacKenzie and family, Hayward and girls, on Thursday, poy v rs. Mutton remaining | Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Mr. and Mrs, H. Breckenridge, Thursday, October 7, with a very Toronto, visited her parents, Mr, | October 14, for a farewell presenta- re ov ays : | Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Norman and Leona, Centreville, goad attendance, Mrs. J. R. Knox, and Mrs. A. McNeil, tion. They are leaving this month i rew and Miss Nellie Skinner. were with Mr. and Mrs, G. Rosevear. | vice-president, was in the chair and bs to reside in Bowmanville. Mrs. W. Seoigle, Ohawa, Mr. and Mrs. w.| Mr. and Mrs. W. Mutton, Mrs.| Mr, and Mrs. R. Clapp vicited opened the meeting with the use of Park, Jr, read an address and Mrs, | Trainer, Harmony, visited Mrs. W.|Irish and Ann, Miss Nellie Mutton, ' Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Clapp, Belle- the Institute Ode. The minutes of Ham ton Cou le W. Miller presented them with a |T. Worden. | Colborne, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. ville, the last meeting were read and ap- Pp D tri-lamp and little Carol Yellowlees | Mrs. Henry Miller, Hali- [Pe | Many thanks to Mr. W. Thieshur- | proved--also minutes of meeting R on Gi ft presented Mrs. Hayward with a |burton, visited his mother, Mrs. W.| Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pedlar, Toron- | ger who donated a trophy for' the October 1, held at the home of ecelive 11ITS bouquet of red roses, while Marie | Miller. (to, Mrs. R. Hunt and Kenneth, | winners of the softball league, won | Taylor and Patsy Phillips presented | = Mr. and Mrs. H. Martyn, Oshawa, | Bronte; Mrs. W. H. Rahm, Burke- this year by Courtice. Mrs. I. L. Brown, which was a . Thanksgiving it Te minutes M. HORN (Marion and Grace with hymn | visited her mother, Mrs. E. Shantz. |tOn, were with Mrs. W. Rahm, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perger, Ham- | . | books. Each one responded, thank-| Mrs. Harold Skinner and Dorothy | 'Mr. and Mrs. Lofne McCoy, |ilton, visited her parents Mr. and PREMIUM read of this meeting proved inter- y / esting. polo Bl and bills| pam tor repent Saudia Ing their friends for their kind re- | accompanied Harold Skinner to |Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. N.| Mrs. W. Rahm, with Baby Perger, were dealt with and following mo- | ayen; 4 community friends wey membrances. Cards and crokinole | Woodbridge Fair last Saturday, | Woodley. {Jr., returning home with them. tions were carried: 1, That we send a the Co 2 iT gro were played. Refreshments were | where he exhibited sheep. 8S. Saywell, Oshawa, was guest| Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson, Mr. for nemes to Old Folks' Home at | ning®hnd to honor' a Secent bride served, after which a sing song was| Mr. and Mrs. J. Goheen, Ruth |speaker at Tyrone Church on Sun- | ang Mrs. T. Hamilton, Toronto, vis- Cobourg, to whom we may send |and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Harland enjoyed. : and Dianne, Bowmanville, visited |day, and Rev. A. E. Cresswell [ited Mr. and Mis. C. Stries. ; Christmas cards, this being so much | Trull (nee Ruby Clatworthy). La- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cation and | Mr. and Mrs. PF. Wright. preached at Raglan. | Mr. and "Mrs. W. Ral Cl x Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cation,| Mr. and Mre. R. Burgess, Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs, Mr. and | {and Doreen visited Mr od ry appreciated by them last year; 2,|verne Clemens acted as master of : That we charter a bus for convey- | ceremonies and explained the | Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Elli- |W. H, Taylor attended the funeral | Mrs. J. Gibbs and Michael visited | I. Griffin and Jean, Purple Hill. ance to Toronto convention, Nov- | nature of the get-together and led | _.. ~~ ember 11, each one to pay $1.00, and | in a sing-song and asked Mr. and Institute to pay balance; 3, That we | Mrs. Trull to take seats at the | send for Red Cross sewing, 6 quilts | front of the room, and Harold Wil- | and one dozen various other gar- | kins and Orville Hindman made | ments; 4, That the bazaar be held | the presentation of a lovely floor | on Tuesday, November 9; 5, That |lamp and picture after appropriate Ms i 2 Reynolds receive 9 Jor | Lines had Seen ged ho Maly work in the Blue Cross group. Mrs. | Niddery. e ofr couple, | Cole reported net proceeds from | though much jaken by Surprise, | Park Committee, $47. fittingly responded in a few wel The North group in charge of | chosen words, thanking their friends Mrs. Joe Chapman, who presided |for the gifts. Violin music was for this, Bis ni a splendid pro- | provided by Franklin 'Trull with | a | a tone. wi gos | ul piano solo s. Edwin y ' =i Bovine Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees | ments served by the Ladies' Service gave a very interesting and helpful | Club formed the evening's program. paper on social welfare. Some | Visitors at S. Kersey's were Mr. thoughts expressed were that medi- | 8nd Mrs. Ted Kersey and Miss cal be made available to all people; | Joyce Scott, Toronto; Lloyd Ker- that education be more closely |Sey, Bradford; Mr. and Mrs. Ray- | linked to our everyday life, whichy|Mmond Burns and Barbara, of wovld mean beiter standards of | Oshawa. Phats. Mi living. As examples of progress in Me oa Js son | ih Shilh the right direction the University | $7¢ "Tr. Hf Yoo ET AT rd of British Columbia was mentioned. ih BR TS aL Jeon er ii { Once, only a class with part-time to ON R Sh ez pl teachers, the social work course is unday an 5. ¥EusS . now a full cousse. An awakened | "yi. "aq Mrs. Fred. Wright, | social conscience is needed every- | \oune and Kenneth, Ebenezer; where, and the concluding thought: EY Rub A hove reve | y Dewell, Oshawa, were That the word does not need more | visitors at Percy Dewell's | cleverness, but better characters. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Williamson Ladies of the group favored with y " i ROP " »|and Miss Mary Keith, Toronto, a chorus, "Smile, Smile, Smile," | yisiteq Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. | which contained a splendid senti- Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy | ment, and responded with an en- | yisited Mr. and Mrs. W. J Challis core, both of which were much en- | at Bewdley. Joyed by the meeting. Mrs. Wood | Mr, and Mrs. Russell Luke are favored with another very enjoyable | now occupying their attractive new | piano selection. A contest to dis- | pungalow, centrally located. Mr. | cover which lady had the fewest |and Mrs. Sam Dewell have also | articles in her purse was won by [moved into their smart new bun- | Mrs. Lewis Trull, with an all-time | galow at thé south end of the vil- | low of seven. Some ladies did not | lage, 'both being on the main | complete the count, too many ar- street. Other new residences are ticles having found their way into | being made ready too. their handbags, evidently. Music for | A number of ladies met at the ihe aiierncon was arranged by Mrs. | home of Mrs. E. H. Cole on Wed- y reenaway and N. Horn. Lunch |nesday and Thursday afternoons, By ! was supplied and served by the [for quilting, when a beautiful quilt : group and a pleasant social hour | was completed. Afternoon tea was | QUALITY MFA AY FRUITS & VEGETABLES spent. Next meeting on November | served by Mrs. Cole. 4 will be in charge of the Centre | Mrs. Theron Mountjoy was host- . ONT. NO. 1 Eroup, when Mrs. O. W. Rolph, | ess for the Women's Assogiation " rono, district president, will give | which met at her home on Thurs- PORTERHOUSE ; an address. day afternoon; a pleasant social STEAK McINTOSH APPLES PATING vf 6-Qt. half hour at.the close of the meet- | ing, with refreshments served by | § WING or 1b ; . DOMESTIC WA. Meeting Is [Ms Mountioy, was much enjoyed | if y A : WOLF ROVER Held At Haydon |, save | BONELESS ROUND ROAST Snow Apples 3 > 23: | Apples wou 3» 19- occupied the church pulpit on Sun- | SODA CRACKERS day evening and presented a prac- | ; : i tical discourse. Rev. E. S. Linstead i MRS. Comespndent | preached at Enfield, special service. SIRLOIN STEAK or ROAST 1b. 72 ONT. NO. 1 POTATOES hu gle Thin J, The Public Speaking Contest for Haydon, Oct. -- W.A. meeting | Bnet ge | for Color was invited io be he | Pupils of the Darlingion Tonnubiy | at the home of Mrs. Theron se oO 1 8 t ihe churcn on | FRESH (HOCK OFF) FRESH (WELL TRIMMED Mountjoy, Hampton, on Thursday nf] £0 oo oom 0 | . . y Afternoon. Oc is. gay Sigh. 1 egiviatug on Sat Pork Shoulders 1b. c Pork utts Also in Plentiful Supply from Our Fruit Department The president, Mrs. Cecil Slemon, s\| N opened the meeting with Bible | 295Y 2 erseos, vs Wien Siewert) GREEN, RED, or SAVOY CABBAGE, TURNIPS, HUBBARD adi fy Te os ang. uk} devotional wag taken Unrough ihe Bight £0 Batt of Sune [A FRESH (EITHER END) BONELESS or PEPPER SQUASH, VEGETABLE MARROW, SPINACH, : 4 ay. Monday broug ner, clearer Gerda nek N Pork Loins 99 | Veal Shoulders 0 PE EL I> CanRuTs, ' ; . ler, turning cléudy with ) . T. Mountjoy, Mrs. Olesen, Mrs. much: coo 8 . BEETS SPANISH or COOKING ONIONS ETC. Potts and Mrs. A. Beech. Mrs. A. scalierey snowflurries in the after- ' ' ad gave an instrumental A con- 3 i : : test was enjoyed and dainty re. |, COLT, Me on Moriday svening SMOKED PORK BREAKFAST FLORIDA, Seedless RED DELICIOUS freshments were served. Everyone | of officers Bgement Jor elastin | Shoulders Shank 0ff 1b. Bacon SLICED ! § present had a very fine time. i ; G i i 2 C h Ya Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | ,, omens Missionary, Sociey, mel | A rapetruit si. ss: -FANNEITIeS ib. Pks. Roland Thompson on the birth of a : | 4 42 Tuesday afte . " little dEugier. Fings Has. cubd. on FUeSCay Silernoon FRESH. (SMALL LINK) MAPLE LEAF VALUES EFFECTIVE IN OUR All Merchandise Sold at Your Dominion farm to Mr 3 Liptay of Hoole. SUPPORTS TRUMAN Bb rk S 1b 4 : 3 OSHAWA STORE Store is Unconditionally Guaranteed to Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jegerings and | Washington, Oct. 20 -- (AP) -- | 0 ausage 00 e am THURS., FRL,. SAT., OCT. 21, 22, 28 Give 100% Satisfaction. family moved on Saturday to Font- | Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt has hill, where he has accepted a posi- | written President Truman: "I am . jon in Wellington and Davidson uyiquatifiedly for you as the Demo- AYLMER--FA [UY --KERNEL BRIGHT'S POPULAR BRANDS--CHOICE urseries. cratic candidate for the Presidency." 2 os if 20 Oz. PY 20 Oz. Mr. and Mrs. J. Liptay and fam- | Mrs. Roosevelt wrote the President Tin ¢ Tin C ily moved into their new home on |Oct. 4 from Paris where she is at- " Oo at w £ w AJ [- # M 20: Pp E A C Bh E S Sock ' i i 1 ASPARAGUS Cuttings \ i4 BLUE, AND GOLD SaaS Tormers the Aunge; tending the Usted Nawonms | As- NIBLET--FANCY--V.P, no arm. nn e 4 t 4 2%. dts Ee ETH eit ll KERNEL CORN 18: HALLOWE'EN KISSES 33: FANCY PEAS 19 of 2 tree on Sunday. BBs 1a om PERMITS TOTAL $462,499 ALL BRANDS--FANCY--B.C, ; GAIETY--DELICIOUS 20s WAUPOOS~No. 4 0s ongraiu a 'S. -- -- 's y . . Pore mg Bg Ba gl I TR Bn SOCKEYE SALMON i 39¢ MACKINTOSH Toffee r« 25 CHOICE PEAS 2.29 Saturday. privately-owned dwellings totalled POPULAR BRANDS--FANCY--B.C. ALL-PURPOSE GRIND COFFEE SUNNY SPAIN Lb. 16 07. ' i 3 ine village are suffer- | $114,300 here. Peterborough's total 14 REID OG em, At our. | ory dns st monn ves i COMOE SALMON 1 33c MAXWELL HOUSE -: 59 BROKEN OLIVES =::29: rard and R. Graham attended the | September last year. "HENLEY ' MEATY HOT DRINK ORANGE CHOICE TOMATOES . 19 OXO CUBES "mn 29 MARMALADE SHIRRIFFS "i" 38: STELLA--CHOICE CHOICE--READY CUT CLARKS--WITH CHILI SAUCE nS " / A x CUT WAX BEANS 27225. CATELLI MACARONI 2:25. PORK and BEANS 27027 ENJOY ITS FENDER GOODNESS FRESHLY GROUND AS SOLD ENGLISH BREAKFAST STYLE 1) »; RICHMELLO = 1)¢| |RICHMELLO ¢| I DOMING ¢ ALTINE 4 BREAD id COFFE re 26: |b. ITE A ib. pkg. EF Pes. - 43 Children vo KRAFT DINNER 17. ROMAN MEAL %I31c SOLEX LAMPS «15 Li FRESH ROASTED - VEGETABLE--CELERY--GREEN PEA PRIOR--WITil PECTIN 24 FL. PEANUTS owsuewy 1.29: HEINZ SOUPS mn 13¢ STRAWBERRY JAM ....36c HEDLUNDS MITCHELS DELICIOUS T-BISCUIT MIX ""41. MEAT PASTES 23:31. APPLE JUICE " & Pkg. WEESE--CHOICE BUTTERSCOTCH--CHOCOLATE--CARAMEL--VANILLA nO Oz. 15 Ox. SHIRRIFF'S Desserts 2 +: 19. APPLESAUCE "10. LIBBY SPAGHETTI 2:25 10M LimIT Sa" § HEINZ BABY FOODS 3': 25. IZ THEY LOVE / 77 SOUP MIX Envelopes Re y/o te a ee ee ---- et A ee ET Ar FPG