THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1948 : THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE: ' . PAGE NINE g : Gen. Charles De Gaulle' party | Moch also disclosed that the the Canadian Weekly Ne r retary. | [cross WOR D ec oo = By Eugene Sheffer) Charges de Gaulle maintains a 15,000-man police force | French Army had been giving De N S. Man to Head | ne canac Tai adi ic i Sang Sireeter ary ee y a Has Police Force OS ON Ainistsr vile: Moh bald} Gaulle YanSporiaLion and gasoline N G the association's convention here, He| Directors of the Ontario associa. s Mc sa is political campaigns. He sai eessds R. A. Giles of Lachute,|tions are Werden Leavens, Bolton: 3 2 |) 4 C3 3 % 8 ol the security force maintained by |the army furnished De Gaulle with ewspaper r oup |g © Laird "Milter, phy Cecil Bond, 7 De Gaulle's Reassemblement' Du|750 gallons of gasoline monthly, Li elected were: First vice-pre. | New Liskeard ané Kenneth Walls, 1" - Paris Sept. 23 -- (AP) -- The |Ppeyple Francais "constitutes the be- along with 12 cars and eight motor- | * ident, M. Bean, Waterlo Barrie pS %, French Government, beset by snow- | ginning of a private and motorized | cycles, 2 I Niagara Falls, Ont. Sept, 22 -- sei BM Hoel 0, ont} : esiGer balling strikes and attacks from | police that is inadmjsable and un-| Moch is a Socialist whose party | (CF)--C. J. Allbon of Springhill, N | Times-Gazette classified a - extreme right and left, reports that | democratic." 8 | opposes De Gaulle. pasty i today was elected president ALLS Be, Vo Mcoariney, A ina sw £53 ; -'9-2% HORIZONTAL 45. mpetucus VERTICAL 9. happening attack 1. small ' 10. leases A 44. British drinking 11. completes legislative vessel 16. avows record lower house 2. single unit 20. hostel 7. cubic metric 49. riverin 3.light brown 21.bern unit France 4. more recent 22. duct oe No 12. Spenseriaslf 50. salutation 5.lyric poem 23.cornered character 51. city in Brazil 6. aeriform 24. recreation 13. feminine 52. serfs matter centers fame 53. dance step 7. removed 27. epoch LA i) T YE, 14. refuge 34. linen hair 30. German 15. Etruscan vestment 8. domesticates poet 31. personal ods 17. Answer to yesterday's puzzle. pronoun 18. Odin's 32. native metal brother AIN A 33. printer's 19.openings AL Hieasires N 20. turn upside T 34. adh down E mixtures vi 36.h izes . Ee rcs 3 Nard resin With food prices the way they are, every cent counts, and every cent that can be saved is mighty welcome. That x, Dy peace is why we say here's a list worth checking, for here are items that you use regularly -- th=t are priced as low, or . DESSERTS rs 19 1 D i . . . 28 headland oS 10. Swelling lower, than a year age. 'With careful planning and careful buying you can stretch your food dollar. Count on your PTR I eh T A SHIRRIFFS ' 20. wander places 0 30. Sootweny Sle ; A SL Medsored + Dominion Store to bring you more for your money. . RENNETT Powders "> 11¢ [] 38. duration MIP |E 44. top AYLMER--BOSTON STYLE MISS CANADA--CHOICE--NEW PACK GLASSCO--WITH PECTIN fee Lee 48 Xrelo- Saxon . PORK and BEANS 2% 27¢ 25. RASPBERRIES 37¢ 51. PLUM JAM &% 25¢ Candis 0 39. sea coasts money ; . . . SALTED PEANUTS iio 18¢ 41. adits 75 47. nothing CLARKS ; NENL.EY--CHOICEL NEW PicE PRIOR--W ITH PECTIN Tater Duan Howe Forte rian, > contutmosy . PORK and BEANS, 272 2 26. STRAWBERRIES = 34c 52. RASPBERRY JAM 37. 32c pp eC RCAF Di oS AGEY eur cs 27. KRAFT DINNER 7 " tk GLO COAT LIQUID = 59¢ ISCOovers rt 18 Or. . LH ¢ AYU EDE un. HAWES Two Big Islands five $0 flamage ht hig : BEANS Vegetarian i Ie - CATELLI--LONG OR READY OUT 33. STRAWBERRY Jams: " 36¢ : Pp A S TE w A X 1th. 49: Race In the celiar ai, 33 Pak Bey YAN cAMP 28. : M A C A R 0 MW | Jeon, 25¢ AYLMER--PURE BITTER oak v Off Baffin Coast day. It was the first time the fur- 2 Oa 1%] . SPAGHETTI 2% 21 hy 5. MARMALADE £531 g CTEANSER 2 13 nace had been lighted this fall. The wp. Ba A (CPI-Distov. HENLEY--CHOICE QUALITY--NEW PACK 29. BAKING POWDE 1 on. 17¢ PRIOR--ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT ike house is occupied by C. Crawford. crew of twe previously-unk FROGS VALUABLE 20 0s. Ar ian oft the west cowl | pac commen ou, rg tc cai y TOMATOES, lk opment angio igs 55. MARMALADE 2%27c go) ClEANSER "2 0 be worth ai least $8 annually te WENLEY--NEW PACK--CROICE : ' AL {APPLE Tor us | SET Rite te bet TOMPTOLE wn ys, 30 RAISING Skane dh 29: 'Gash mme ole between two and three times the . ¢ 56. M A R Mm A L A D E On. Jar 37¢ Size of Prince Biwarq Jelang, lie - ! : VALTONS--JOLLY GOOD . C LE A N S E R 6¢ were found by the crew of a Lan AL . PITTED DATES 3 29c SE Quit "ie op pUTCR cover of a 43 "Proto" Sunes IWANIS - FANCY PEAS = 19 in 57. NO. 1 HONEY "x 2% g4 | EANSER Me in the aeri " . the aerial photography of Baf GREEN VALLEY--STD.--NEW PACK 15¢ BEEKIST--BLUF, LABEL hey will add more than 5000 . QUALITY PEAS 2% 23 32 MIXED PEEL 58. NO. 1 HONEY o. 49% . SPIC AND SPAN == 23: 23¢ square miles to Canada's territory. Typical of Arctic islands, they are . LARGE SIZE 30-40 iis Y mad, hen ARNIVAL acPons Ne. 3 33. PRUNES tie 19 OLD COLONY BRA the two islands is about 85 miles . CHOICE PEAS 2% 29 : Tate 59. MAPLE SYRUP ux 43¢ X DRAIN CLEANER Jong Jaa 2 Ailes wide, the smaller 0 CLs AUSTRALIAN--(VACUDM CLEANED) It was also in Foxe Bash, the ctober 1 ? 11a, A TOMATO OR VEGETABLE att ty" of water gorges th - . APPLE JUICE "= 8 34 CURRANTS 2 17¢ (0 0c) ppks SOUP 2132 15 87. DRAIN CLEANER =~ 29 BON AMI RCAF. photo crew two years ago CLARKS--DELICIOUS hits were shown on 1 ing at the 11. G R A p E J U | C E 18 Os. 19 04 35. M i N C E M EA T (bg 27¢ ie 6 1. TAPIOCA Minute 2 on 29¢ . CAKE or POWDER 12 had not beén seen for years. Bottle SEE LARMOURIES | | 12 Svein sce == 190 30 3m sons 3s 25, 1 POTCIEMER long struggle extending over cen- turies. BRIGHTS --FANCY--NEW PACK 37. 0 C 0 A MN U T ton 15¢ AR 13. TOMATO JUICE 2% 19c WLENWOOD 63. INFANT FOODS 2' 15¢ . CLEANING PADS 14c ; INZ--FANCY--NEW PACK 38. |} AN | LLA Borie 10¢ SOLEX--(ALL GUARANTEED) THIS DECISION MAY 4. TOMATO JUICE 2% 23 64. LAMPS Jn 20ese 15 BRUNSWICK--IN OIL \VLMER--COCKTAIL 39 SARDIN ES ! 15, TOMATO JUICE 23% 2c someon © 65 PICKLING SPICE 3 9 91. WASHED Carots 3w10c C ; 1 AMERICA DRY 40 COLOSSAL Olives *. 1.00. cow Asn ONTARIO No. 1 - ba : ; : 92. MARSH Potatoes 10: 35¢ DECIDE NOW! EOUIP YOUR CAR WITH 16. GINGER ALE 2%. 25¢ roision 8, Sk N --_ Migs a 41. PEANUT BUTTER "ix 35: oalT-- . . 2015 95. COOKING Onions: Susi: GOODJY EAR 7. ORANGE CRUSH 2: i 36 7. ATLUER EY tee 11 Os. GRANUL -- ONTARIO Xo. J CULVERHOUSE--CHOICE--NEW PACK 42. TOMATO CATSU Bottle - ip 924. WASH ED TURNIPS Ib. 5¢ LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES] 18. PITTED CHERRIES > 29¢ irr 66. SUGAR. . . . 43 WASHED Blowouts never give warning . . . they caf cause serious BRIGHTS--CHOICE--NEW PACK 43. TOMATO Ketchup Bert Bava 95 FRESH SPINACH 2 Ibs. 19: With LisGuars Safty Tubes ou a. 19. PEACHES, Halves ™= 23. a ws : g 69. GELATINE J Lop owout dangers . . . free from worry. The LifeGuard x ag : i r 3 ou. t OGILVIE AB is an entirely different kind of inner tube. I i PHAMER-CHUICLINDY Sa ; 1a on. Each o 35 rerve air chamber + that ture blowouts 20. LOGANBERRIES "% 37¢ * moveosem van 70. GINGERBREADMixiz 27¢ 96. FIRM CABBAGE wh 13: into slow leaks. LifeGuards fit any make of tire . . . n ARDEADEL WHITE ONTARIO No. 1 they're economical, too . . . often outlast several sets REGATTA--SOLID PACK 45. MIXED PICKLES Jar 23¢ NEW POT ATOES 107: 23¢ 4 8 ONTARIO No. 1 of tires. 2 . p i E p E A C H ES Sn 19¢ AYLMER--SWEET : . SERVIETTES 2% 25¢ : 97. ; WHEN A TIRE L a 46 SWEET RELISH ! 23 ine COMBINATION GRADE ORDINARY PT Owe ah i AY LMER--CHOICE . A C OMINIO! : . } cA 22. BARTLETT PEARS "% 29 swim 72. DOG FOOD Kibble: 25 98. WEALTHY Apples 31.25 "pa O coo rasa--caocs 47. CUCUMBER Dilled = 19¢ - om nie PARSLEY oe bunch 5 23. DESSERT PEARS "= 22 4g 'Wp" SAUCE wa 29 73. COFFEE ax 26c& 51 99 TRRSWED fwsrind aR LH | i= | | 24 PRUNEPLUMS 2 15 49 °C SAUCE tn. 19c 74. TEA BAGS 2x 34ers, 67 100. SPANISH Onions 2013 i tire tke : permits a safe.» cn coptrol dif. A gradualstop with yi ST. WILLIAMS p n.8.E . VALUES EFFECTIVE IN OUR ' OSHAWA STORE As Bo = 50. APPLE JELLY #29 75 BLACKTEA: 37¢h2 73c moma, FiiSA%. 36 mn su DOMINION STORES LimITed C All Merchandise Sold at Your Dominion Store is Unconditionally G t ive 100% Sat . 67 KING ST. EAST - yaranteed to Give 0 isfac ; : 3 tion. OSHAWA PHONE 3939