Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Aug 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1948 WANT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE ION "755s By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten 29--Rooms For Rent 32--Automobiles for Sale THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Female Help 1--Auditors 8. T. HOPKINS, eral countant and auditor. A INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Wanted coioocee. 38 and sssecces BA sessansence 4 Auditors ...ceeeeve Automobiles For . Sale cessssese Automobiles Wan eresscsas Automobile Su Balristens fs Ee: ANS AIT Norta. Prons 61. ed. 25 1. (Sepl) SelsE8 8 CONANT & ANNIS, . AL~ lin P, , K.C., ia Simcoe Street South. Phone 4, Residence 769. (Sepl) 160. W. °C. Pollard, K.C., Ushridge, Ont. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Thee Bank of Commerce (Sepl) 8, K.C., BARRIST! ER, 8 West. residence 3207. (Sepl) R. D, HU Solicitor, etc, Phones: Office 814; Money to loan. JAMES R. MacBRIEN, a and Solicitor. Me 201, 70 King East, Hotel. Phone 349. (Sepl) P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS- Money to 1080. Office East, Oshawa. Phone 3 (Sepl) ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- citor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55. R 368TR. (Sepl) ONE INSERTION ... TWO CONSECUTIVE iN ONS ordered new BERTI THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS . oe EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .... Above raves apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions Subsequent insertions constitute a E at a later date order. per month for All Classified Advertisements hat, A J. PABEHILL AND J. A. LL) Barristers. ortgage loans, Natio Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North. Fnone 1614. Res. 1975J. (Sepl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, SARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. 287TTW. (Sepl) BE an and Surgeons 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Optometrist 1516. JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 pm. Wednesday 9 to 1. A, BE Johnson, Optometrist. Pubs 20 28. Sep! 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE gonsutt 1 ue for any of your insurance of | ing lite Ty ine Street East, Phone Res. 4318R. (Sepl) 7--Veterinarians '14th, could accomm 20 words of less. gs Roig hy Fords over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, §$ and full word. Box charged 10c additio: publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. © sign, Stu count mw MUST be in by 6 pam. the day 24--Personal 25--Real Estate For Sale DRIVING TO MONTREAL SATURDAY, odate up to four passengers. Phone 3430w2 after e oa a) THANKS TO OUR_SAVIOUR FOR FA- vours a JL. (187a) CRESS LING SALVE HAS CON- sistently pal sure relief. Your drug- gist sells the best and it's "Cress." (July 19, Aug. 11, Sept. 3, 27.) 2ouepeal Estate For Sale MODERN ROOM BRICK BUNG- alow at 82 S St. (1851) FARM, 80 ACRES, THREE MILES FROM Cobourg, on main road, very good buildings, plenty of wood and water. Will sell as going concern or farm separate. High school bus passes door. Bradshaw, 711 Burnham St, Co- bourg, Ont. Phone 1042W, Cobourg, TORONTO New, 4-room modern brick bungalow, with stairway. Could finish and have 2 more rooms upstairs. About 2 blocks north Jot Danforth, under N.H.A, Im- LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Sepl) DR. E. H WEBSTER, small animal surgery. St. W. Pl W. Phone 2010. i North, Phone 1314. mn Trades 87. 700. Cash, $3,000. WILFRED McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M (186b) INCOME APT. HOUSE, 6 apts, 1 office fully Jented, space suitable for store, ete., Jrogressive village near oe awa. Hyd water, For price, re and iA reliable service. 3470. SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED, ALSO small cementing jobs done. For in- call Ww. (Sept. 5) GENERAL CONTRACTING. CHIMNEYS built or repaired. Houses built or re- modelled. Verandahs, Shingling, Brick- work, Spbosrds. Building of all kinds. Dial 4 for quick service. (1811) FOR CARPENTER WORK, ROOFING, alterations. Phane 4423-W, (Aug24) EXCAVATING, ALL KINDS; SEWERS, drains, cellars and grading. 418 Park oe South. Phone 2872W. (SepT 1) TERING, BRICKLAYING, BLOCK- FLosT sidewalks, driveways. All cement work and plaster repairs. Workmapstip guaranteed, Free estimate. PO 39300. Sep! PORTLAND CEMENT, SAND, GRAVEL, loam, mushroom, weedless 'and sheep manures. Dump trucks. Prompt Jeryioe. Phone 39. 3930J. (Sept.11) LOAM, M, CINDERS, GRAVEL, 4 cement work. Dump, stake truck, forms and mixer for hire. Phone LL 12--Personal Ser Jices P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage soliciied 14--Household Repairs write Box 837, Times-Gazette. (186¢) --Terms. $6, 50 dwelling, 3- bath, oak floors, insulated, air-cond tioned, good furnace, garage. ediate possession. $11 5007 Ta, 8-room solid ' brick dwelling. Center hall plan, large rooms, oak floors throughout, oll, hot water heated, mod- ern 355 bath upstairs, 2-pc. down- stairs. open fire-places, sun-room, in- sulated, large lot, good location. BERT PEYTON Real Estate and Insurance Broker M. DICA, Salesman 13 BOND ST. EAST T7-room brick (187b) FRAME HOUSE, 13-ACRE LAND, DOZ- en fruit trees. Dan Kube, R.R. 3, Bow- manville, Grove, on No. Highway. (Augl4) 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, BATH, FUR- nace, all conveniences, hardwood floors downstairs, good condition. Ap- ply after 3. 2 Liberty St.,, Bowman- ville. (186¢) Maple EXCELLENT BUSINESS $4,600 Modern 80 Sauipn grocery business on CHESTERFIELDS, REBUILT, RECO- vered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. "Badinfuction guar- anteed. Phone 5280W nights, 3344 days. (Aug.3tt.) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See our maigHals for recavering. Bruce 5 Charles phone 401. gi 17--Radio Repairs REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Jilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. one includes scales, walkin "ref: rigerator, meat counter, cash register. New stock, butcher equip- ment. Stogk and equipment at very reasonable ¥price. This business will provide an excellent 1nyeq ment. Owner selling ouiy because of ill health. In- intment. Ask for Mr. Nash at 2400. EARLY OCCUPANCY $7,950 Lovely 7-room brick home with 4 bed- JoomS-gast section of Sie Strichy ep2) 18--Automobile Repairs MOREY"S GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN and Gliddon. Expert repairs to G.M., hrysler products. Sp a lalizing, re. Suiting knee action. Phone 657. (Aug13) 22--L.ost and Found LOST -- LADIES' WRISTWATCH: Gruen-Veri Thin--on Simcoe St. South near Loblaw's--Sunday p.m. Yalyable for sentimental reasons. Phone (186) LOST_FRIDAY NIGHT, SUNGLASSES in leather case. Guarantee inside. Cali- ore lens. New. Reward. Phone 4543M. (186¢c) LOST. SATURDAY NIGHT, VICINITY 461 Simcoe St. N., lady's Westfield wrist watch. Finder please phone 1962W. Keepsake. (187a) BLACK BILLFOLD, LOST VICINITY Mike's Place, Saturday night, valuable papers to owner. Phone 2150W. Re ward. (187b) 23--Women's Column NU BONE FOR FREE FIGURE ANA- lyses and expert corsetry setvien, Tele- phone Mrs, Mills, 3333W, Sept.7) STAR LAUNDRY, PICK-UP pi DEL- very. Prices reasonable, We give satis- faction on all work. Phone 6d or 13 Celina St. Aug.17) 17) FASHION [ON IN SPRING 1 area, One block fr us stop. This house was carefully super- vised by owner during construction. tstanding values in this home Stove vestibule Garege XI Fim overhead doors Butltin ruts cellar pooupistion doors (Front and side). ayment SpRIoTImALely y payments $29.63 MR ) is right. This ok provide an investment to the thrifty purchaser who knows a 'good Dion oh excerfent and buy". Inspection by appointment only. We have exclusive listing. Please ask for Mr. Nash at 4400. howe 4400 chofield INSURANCE cAgendy REALTORS 6 SIMCOE ST. N.,, OSHAWA (Aug.11,13) --Half cash, 7-room house, with 1 acre land. --=$1,500 down, 8-room brick house. $4,30 $4.50 $3450" 2 oer ne $6, 500%: cash, 7-room house, $5 00052 am 6-room brick $4, 500m cash, 5-room house, $7 50 --$2,300 cash, 7-room brick, ' Agnes Street. $3 80 Grocery store, A-1 busi- ' ness, good location. ALL PROPERTIES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION VAN DRIEL REAL ESTATE BROKER JOHN PENICKA, SALESMAN 442 SIMCOE ST. 8. (Aug.11,13) $700.00 DOWN If your income is sufficient to carry low monthly payments, on a modern new home, here are a few of the many outstanding features you get: 1.--A good location. 2,--An excellent investment as well as a home. 3.--Repayment of mortgage is prob- ably less than your present rent. 4.--Efficient floor plan. S.~Laige rooms with plenty of light and air, 6.--Brick construction with full 7' basement. 7.--Hardwood floors. 8.--Fully insulated walls and ceiling. 9.--Ample SUPDIY OF ¢ of Souble electric plugs in al 10.--Some houses ready or occupancy soon. 11.--Bullt by contractors, who know their business, to N.H.A. specifi- cations. PRIORITY TO VETERANS OF WORLD WAR 2 Don't delay seeing us for further de- talls, illustrated booklet and prices. These homes are selling Sefore they are finished. You must act quickly if you want a home of your own before the snow flies again. Monthly Payments start at } 3580 per month, (pr. & int. PLEASE ASK FOR MR. NASH AT 4400. Dhowe £000 chofi ld INSURANCS SAgengy REALTORS 6 SIMCOE ST. N.,, OSHAWA (187a) $1 5, 00 --3-suite apart. house, brick, hardwood floors hroughout, hot water heating, every conveniences in fen apartment. Cen- ay i good house. HAVE OTHERS GORDON K. HARDY REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 5380 25b--Farms for Sale 75-ACRE FARM, GOOD BUILD! will exchange on Oshawa Nolan, Brokers, 6; Prince Jones an St. (186¢) A FARMER'S FARM acres in the heart of Ontario Soun- By 's choicest land, situated on OWNER'S NEW 5-ROOM BRICK house, north section. Close to school. Modern Shrdugnout, Oil heating. Com- Plstely lak Imm te posses- sion. Phone oes 083 (187b) CHARIS--FOR expert fitting, in and brassieres. Blatter, (Augll) 24--Personal CITY-WIDE CONTRACTORS SPECIAL. izing in roofing, asphalt hing e and cold built-up Fooling ov eh built. Free estimate. H. Phone 4392J. PRIVATE SALE. hardwood floors u Arthur St. Apply X 8t. E. Terms 6-ROOM _ BRICK, irs and down. 239 ord. Clark, 48 Brock ed. (187¢) 2 BLOCES Ro OF KING ON SIM- coe St. Nearly new brick bullding, 2 stores and parties. Good Tevenus producer. mmediate possessio: stores. Jones and Nolan, Brokers, 6% Prince St. (187¢c) FILMS RETURNED SAME DAY RE- ceived, 6 or 8 ite films ped + and printed, 30c. ts 4c each. Dept. 7-8, Utterson, on (16781) 3 ROOMS. PLASTER | throughout. Triple floor. New roof. 165 Verdun Road. (1 Jessie Ann Bake Shop 461 FLOYD AVE, Home baking, cakes, pastry PHONE 1606] (185¢) HOUSE ONLY, 87b) HOMES AND BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale. Mortgage and building loans ara ed. Whether buying or selling, I am your service. Let me know your TequIzeMents. I can hel on hi Ww. McAuley, Realtor, 150 Div! Street. Phone 3510M anytime. (1871) MS, mony School; - nearly ern conveniences. Jones and Nolan, highway at easy sho) as distance from Whitby and CL Large solid brick house, all prions rooms, four bed rooms upstairs, good dry cement cellar under whole house, large barn and granary; Wonderful stables, well equ d for the easy handling of stock. ned e hen house, and Jbrooder house. plendid milk house; good garden, lovely lawn, splen- aa; revenue from strawberries each year, Twelve young apple trees. It lis impossible to appreciate this farm without seeing it. Arrange an ap) Dpotat- ment, $17,000. is the price wh much less than the value of the build- Ings, It is all that the name implies-- armer's farm, GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE BROKER, grey J. E. Shields, Salesm: Office Phone 522. Evenings 2473 ( 1878) 26--Real Estate Wanted WANTING ONE ROOM FOR RENT, SINGLE MEN with breakfast if desired; quiet home. Phone 1237R. (186b) 2 SEPARATE ROOMS ,BOTH FUR- nished for light housekeeping, suitable for ladies or married Souple;, in good home; every convenience. Apply 164 St. (186¢) G! TO SHARE APARTMENT. bh 5037W, after 6:30. FLAT TO RENT--3 ROOMS & BATH; private home; central. Box 835, Times- Gazette. (186¢ price ii a FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for 2; also bedroom for single person. 299 Simcoe South. (186b) 2 FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms. All conveniences. Abstainers. Business couple preferred, Phone 5408M. . 4 86¢) ONE FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 466 Albert St. Phone 5224 (187a) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUIT- able for one or two gentlemen, Phone 2934W, (187a) TWO TUNFURN OR PARTLY furnished housekee pin rooms, All ooh veniences. (187¢) TWO eh ROOMS, FOR light housekeeping, Suls married couple. Box 941, Times-Gazette, 29b--Summer Resorts TWO HOUSEKEEPING CABINS, FROM Aug. 14 to 28, at East Lake, near Dic. ton. Good fishing, free boat. Appl: non H. Lowery, Cherry Valley, Ont. hone 520W2, Picton. TWO COTTAGES LAKE D. Ey from A 14 to 31, and all September. Apply 2 'Gibb St. Phone 3489W. (187b) 3- MED COTTAGE TO RI AT Wasaga Beach. Central. Vacant now. Phone 288W3. (187¢) COTTAGE FOR RENT, REASONABLE, after Aug. 21. Phone 3407, evening 3274W. (Aug.9-11) 30--Room and Board M WITH OR_WITHOUT .BOARD, abstainers. Apply 62 Division. (1871) 31--Wanted to Rent URGENT, LIVING ACCOMMODATION, by September 1st, by young couple, 2 bo Dre in Oshawa or vicinity. Phone 4248M. (1831) $25.00 REWARD. SELF-CONTAINED apartment, duplex or small house. 2 bedrooms. Possession September a Phone 2774R. (1831) LOCAL BUSINESS MANAGER Family of 3 desire house or private apartment, 4 or more rooms. Price no object, will pay high rent for real good accom- modation, PHONE 4904 MR. VANCOURTE Until 8.30 p.m, (187a) STUDENT AND WIFE DESIRE APART- ment or rooms from Sept. 15 to April 30. No Shildren, Reply Box No. 840, Times-Gazette. ( 187c) COUPLE, NO CHILDREN, REQUIRE small apartment or rooms suitable for Rousegsepme: in quiet surroundings. Reply Box No. 940, Times-Gazette. (187¢) 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FOR 14 couple. P! (187¢c) TWO SCHOOL TEACHERS REQUIRE self-contained apartment, in good dis- trict. Phone collect 45R10, Orono, after 5 p.m. (187 c) SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT OR small house, for middle-agsq couple, steady employment. Box es Gaze! tte. ita) 2 OR 3 ROOM APARTMENT WITH bath and private entrance by young couple by October 1. Apply IWoa: Teresa Boatman. 185¢) ENGINEER, WIFE, NO SEE RE- quire 4 unfurnished rooms, npryste en- trance; to $75. Phone 4987 (186¢) BUSINESS MAN WITH ADULT FAMILY urgently requires living accommodation for winter. Furnished or unfurnished house or large -apt. References. Phone 86¢c) 32--Automobiles for Sia AUTO GLASS, CUT AND INSTALLED, for any make car or truck, 'Johnnie" Walker, located at Clement's Service Station, 102 Simcoe N. Phone 842. (Aug.14) YOU WEAR THEM OUT, WE FIX them. Bill Moring's Garage, North Osh- awa, (Sep8) MOTORCYCLES--500 C.C. HRD VIN- cent with spring frame, chrome fenders; . 47 Shoe) 74 Indian, saddle gs, $995. Will trade. Curly's Sports nop. Trenton, omignr Cc 1937 FORD TRUCK, STAKE BODY: Al condition throughout. Apply Gelssberger, R.R, 1, Hampton. PA 3 Oshawa. (185¢) 1948 AUSTIN, defroster. New car to sell. Best offer. Phone 3278-J any time. (185¢) 1840 DESOTO SUB COUPE, RADIO, heater, new motor, good tires. Apply 1100 Brock St. South Whitby. _ (185c) 1939 MERCURY FOR ®ALE. GOOD condition. Apply 186 Nassau. Phone 1106-J before 8. (185¢ 1941 21%,-TON DODGE TRUCK WITH 178" WB. Good condition. Phone (1850) 1300 MILES. HEATER, uarantee. Forced 1940 CHEV. SEDAN, oa CASH OF- fer. Phone 3563W af (186¢) '30 GRAHAM COAC sl SHE $175. Naiman"s Garage, 181 Albert St. (1860) '39 BUICK SEDAN; EXCELLENT CON- dition. Best cash offer. Trade terms. 298 Kingsdale Ave. 2-TONE GREEN. sli Sovers: . BE. after (186¢) PANEL TRUCK; GOOD RUN- Best offer. Phone (1860) '41 BUICK TORPEDO, Radio, heater, defroster, vay clean car, 152 Bloor '38 FORD ning order. 20 CHEV. COUPE, 2 NEW TIRES "AND tubes; yoo running condition. 174 Ritson . 8. (186¢) LANE SED. GOOD Phone 3528J, DA re ® iden) "38 CHEV. PANEL TRUCK, , GOOD tires, good condition. Apply Gerrow Bros., Port Perry. Phone J (186c) $450 -- BUICK CONVERTIBLE CLUB Coupe; 2 condition. Cash-- terms. K ingsdale Av e Ave. e. (186 e) 1930 1 Th COACH. . Apply 30 Al 30 Alexan- der Blvd. (186b) '36 CHEV. SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. Apply 376 Short Celina _St 8t. (186b) 30 MODEL A FORD ) COUPE, A-1 condition, all round. Phone 1073J after 5. (186¢) 46 TORPEDO PONTIAC, ALL ACCES- sories, 14,000 mileage, just llke new. Apply 14 Ash St. between 5 and 7. (186¢) 1930 FORD COACH GOOD CONDI- tion, 6 good tires. 185 Court St. after 5. (186d) * TERRAP! condition. St. '34 Chevrolet Coach; '34 Chevrolet Cab- riolet; '34 Hudson Cabriolet; '35 Chrys- ler Sedan; '37 Pontiac Coach; '42 Dodge Coach. Trade, Terms or Cash. NAIMAN'S GARAGE, 181 ALBERT ST. N (186) Today's Specials AT Stoney's '41 FORD COACH. Perfect condition. $1,095 BUICK SEDAN. Radio, heater. $1,050 HUDSON COACH. A real buy at $695 DODGE SEDAN, A very popular car. $750 HUDSON COUPE. Good running car. $395 FORD COACH. Extra special. $295 MANY MORE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. 1-3 DOWN, AS LONG AS 24 MONTHS TO PAY AT Stoney's THE GREATEST NAME IN THE USED CAR BUSINESS 429 King West PHONE 4183 J Open Daily Wntil» 9 p.m, Saturday Until 6 p.m. (187a) '40 '39 '38 '36 '33 "40 OLDSMOBILE DE LUXE SEDAN, in A-I shape. Phone 3634W. (186c) 33 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, RADI 0, heater and other accessories, $350. cash, 222 Tresane Street. (187b) '32 CHEV. COACH. GOOD TIRES, NEW battery, Apply 116 Westmoreland af- ter 5. (187¢) 1941 FORD DELUXE NEW tires. Excellent, Apply So Ey) Nel, 26 McGregor Street. (187a) 1930 CHEV. GOOD RUBBER AND good running. Phone 5031W. 69 Shady stone Ave. 87b) 1935 DODGE SEDAN, FAIR ad tion, $350 cash. Apply at 42 Glynn Ave., Ajax. (187c) '33 FORD WITH Running order. '36 MOTOR, $150. 908 Byron St. N., Whitby. (187¢c) 1915 FORD, 3-TON COMBINATION du mp ur truck, in good condition. Phone roo 1D B2R2): rims IC), '36 GRAHAM COACH, $300 '46 STUDE- baker, 12 ton truck. Good condition. Phone 4786W12. Mike: Healy, Ritson Rd. North. (187b) '32 CHEV. COACH. GOOD CONDITION, 398 Division Street (187¢c) '33 HUDSON ¢ SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion. Cheap. 636 Somerville Ave, Phone 2164W. (187¢c) '30 FORD, MODEL A, PICK-UP, GOOD condition, $200. Phone 3870J3 ater 53 ( 33--Automobiles Wanted *40, '41 AND '42 CHEVS. AND PONTIACS wanted badly, highest prices will be ald% Belmont Motors, 137 King W. hone 4808. (183t1) SALESMAN HAS $1,000 FOR BEST CAR offered. Phone 5239. (178t1) CASH FOR YOUR CAR! BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe Street North. Phone 4695W. (Sep3) MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR AT Dodd's Car Lot, 418 Park Road South. Phone 2872W. (SepT) 34-37 STANDARD CHEV. TO EX- change for '47 B.S.A. Motorcycle. Orig- inal mileage 5,300. Call 45005 LL s 34--Pets and Livestock DOGS BOARDED, BATHED AND TRIM- med. Reg. red red cocker upples for sale. Knowlton's Kennels. Phone ns, 7 Aug. DOGS BOARDED BY DAY OR WEEK. Twin Birch Kennels. Phone Yi 839. (Aug.10) KENNEL REDUCTION SALE a RE- glistered cocker spaniels, blacks, blondes 2nd arti-colors. We also trim, bath ard Joes. Waubena Kennels, oe west of hawa, new rah FOR SALE -- REGISTERED BLONDE Cocker Phone 2956R. {180c) EX- COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, gy A pets. Phone 3407, eve- ning 3 Aug. 9-11 35--Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, sterilized, cl an like Z bh A R TEN, SHE REFUSES AN : MRS. PJ. MARRIOTT, FERNDALE 20, MICH." 36--Articles for Sale MIXED WOOD, SLABS, wood, $10, half cords, Phone 3903J. ACETYLENE with truck 5 cedar ( BODY posts. Augl9) WELDING GENERATOR and torch and gauges. Acme - white enamel cook stove with silent glow oil burners. Apply 1100 Brock St. 8. Whitby. (185¢) MAN'S BICYCLE 1 FOR SALE, CHEAP, Phone 2873R. (186c) GURNEY 1 FOUR-BURNER GAS RANGE with automatic oven control, and storage; new condition. 2009-J. GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS, 12 different colors. Flexalum steel or wood, Made to measure for any win- dow. Free estimates and installations. Met-Wo Industries Limited. J. W. Mel- ley. Phone 4101. (Sep2) NEW INGLIS WASHING MACHINES. Immediate delivery. Colvin Electric, 339 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1082. ((Aug.16) AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY available. Order now. Chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa. (Sep4) FOR YOUR BUILDING We can supply you with wonderful spruce for your building needs. 2x4, 5, 6, 8, 10, any length. Also 1 in. sheathing, door and window frame material, baseboards, etc. 1 and 2 in. rough pine, dry. 473 RITSON RD. S. (Mon., Wed., Fri., tf) 3-PC. SINGLE BED, ENAMEL FINISH, dresser, chest of five drawers, Guitar, in case. Apply 102 Alice St. (187b) MODERN VANITY TABLE AND ONE bench. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone 4144W. (186b) RUNABOUT V-BOTTOM BOAT, WIND- shield, steering wheel, with 10-hp. late model motor. Apply M. Bowden, 120 Walnut St Whitby. (186¢) BEDS, DRESSERS, STOVE, Ee mower, couch and many other articles. Good condition. 248 Celina St. 1860) KITCHEN CABINET WITH PORCELAIN table top; latest style. Also high back sink with taps. Phone 3264M. (186¢c) COAL AND WOOD RANGE, ALL white enamel. Phone _4307J. ___(186b) 6-PC. DINETTE | SUITE, RADIO, NEW; ASR ice box, pram and crib. Also gther articles, Apply 37 Aflingon ve. CEMENT AND LIME BRICKS AND MORTAR CEMENT Also concrete and cinder blocks. Rock- face, silo or plain. D. STRADESKI 320 LOUISA STREET PHONE 3288J (Wed.-Fri.-Sat.) TWO-BURNER ELECTRIC RANGETTE with oven. 837 Simcoe St. 8. _(186c) KITCHEN CABINET, LIGHT BROWN, Phone 4764R. (186¢c) 3 RESTAURANT DINING-ROOM TA- bles. Electric motor }4-hp; brand new. Phone 5073. ie 186b) COLEMAN OIL HEATER 45- gallon drum. Apply 359 My i Zz I> A. Te Cm Ce (1 i] %. 14 % 48 HORIZONTAL 50. twilled cot- 1.away ton cloth 4. freshet 51. aptitude 9. inquire 52. growing out 12. blemish 54. personality -13. large 55. ocean sea duck 56. American 14. work party rails 15. appearing gnawed 17. moving swiftly 19. toothed CAL 1. Hebrew measure 2. Z 8° / (22. small strong barrel 5 16. anti-toxins 18. rotate 20. single voice' Sompsiiong | 4 2. game of chance 3. intractable 4. blinds 5. jumbled type 6. annex 7. river-duck $7. sister (colloq.)' 8. eccentric VERTI 9. dwell 10. Japanese - coin 27. resound wheels 21. extol Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 28, prefix: against 30. prongs 22. malicious 33. fabrications |) burning 34. ancient * 24. negotiate 27. Amazon estuary wl» om ascetics m|z]o|r WO] >| 29. classical language Mimi oj-- 31. note in scale 32. finish 33. type of lens 34. - 18mprey mire Zi »|-4]| z|C ni] »|S y ll 45. mountain in Switzerland: 46. minor prophet R| 47. Huet o|ml4lr|clul ZI = miZziojw|ri={o]+4 E[M| 48. before 44. Biblical chieftain 47. risk oi 49. auditory organ Average time of solution: 26 minutes. $3. symbol for Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. tantalum BOY'S BICYCLE, ROLL FAST. B loon tires; good congnion=--428. | Roxborough Av Ave. CANNING - MACHINE, LIKE ak about 100 cans. Phone 4057W2. (186b) GOOD WICKLESS OIL BURNER, IN condition. Phone : 33753. pra HARDWOOD, $18 PER CORD, lengths, delivered. Phone 1962W. ere) BED DAVENPORT; COGSWELL CHAIR; tri-light lamp; carpet, 6'9"x9'; Book case and table; expanding kitchen table, 4 chairs; table radio; double steel bed, complete; dresser; 2 rugs. Sold as one lot $350. Phone ew (187a) COAL OIL HREE-BURNER, small oven, SE th Had Apply 192 Bloor St. W. Phone 3393! (187c) 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD ME WINE and green mohair, must be seen to appreciate. .51 Arlington Ave. __(187c) 4-BURNER TABLE TOP GAS "RANGE, with control, Clare Jewel, never used. Phone 4368J. (187¢) BLUE PRAM, IN GOOD CONDITION. Phone 3385W. (187b) GENDRON GO-CART, WINE, REASON able. Phone 5549W. (187a) REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- er, hardly 1 used, $60. Phone 2146W, 222 Tresan (187d) CUCUMBERS, ALL SIZES, FOR DILLS, herkins, slicing. pickling, from 39¢c ris up; ets IF pickling. Gle- coff. Phone 3235. 174 Ritson Road South. (Sept.11) WALNUT DRESSER. WALNUT STEEL bed. Spring mattress. Oak chair. Slane bench. Phone 3984R. 87b) new. Carrying a Die = stock of id 8 Sousa, suits and pants. 21 Bon am Schwartz. BEAUTIFUL, FLOWER GIRL'S i) and bonnet. Fit 4 to 7. Never worn. Phone 2828, 617 Masson St. (185.) DRESSES, SUITS AND COATS. SIZE 14. Phone 386. (187a) MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT, 36; GIRL'S turquoise winter coat mouton trim; blue winter coat; rose wool dress; skirts; jumper; Senso] tunic, all 16. (] 9 Harmony | Road South (187a) NURSES UNIFORMS, cor Li] SET for Nurse in training, Oshawa Hospital, like new.Phone 411 Whitby. (187¢) 36--Articles for Sale PUSH-BUTTON CAR RADIO a PE- digreed Scotch collie, female. Must have good home, $40. Phone 2549, Whitby. (187b) HONEY--FRESH CLOVER HONEY. Call 83 Patricia. (187c) GAS HEATER, RUDD, A-l SHAPE; Moffat handi-chef; electric sandwich grill, Phone 5031W. 69 Gladstone Ave. (187b) SMALL MOFFAT RANGE, 10 YEARS old. Perfect condition. 110 or 220 volt. Ideal for small apartment or cottage. a 4860R. (187 R-ROOM FRAME HousE REA- LL Quick Wig nice lot. Apply 1 132 Ch er Blvd. "Phone (1810) ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! LET US convert your treadle machine into a lovely ectric Portable Sewing Ma- 14 FT. V BOTTOM OUTBOARD MOTOR boat for sale. New. Apply 3412 Lloyd Street, after f five. (187b) chine. For a Ir we can change over for po Write or hone for a gdemonatrasion in your own ome. Singer Se achine Com- pany, 16 Ontario St. oly 696. (181tf) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and beits for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph, 68 BSlmcoe St. N. Phone 3800W, (Jul25tn) DINING-ROOM SUITE, $20. PHONE 3446W. (1878) MIXED . WOOD, $8; BODY wood, $10, half i LE posts. Phone 3903J. (Sept.11) 6-PIECE DINETTE SUITE. ENAMEL finish (black and white). Like new. Phone 4161W1, (187b) ic) | 37--Articles Wanted 39--Male Help Wanted : HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, ags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up ree. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station. (Sep2) TWO SETS OF LEFT-HANDED MEN'S and ladies' gat Sate and bags, in good condition. Phone 54. (186¢) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. Ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 26. (Sep10) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED fume ice box, Quebec heater, cook ves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. (Augl3) WANTED URGENTLY. REFRIGERA- tor or ice-box, and washing machine, Phone 3882W1, (187a) 3&--Female Help Wanted SALESGIRL FOR RESPONSIBLE PO- sition, must have personality and meet the public, good education, age 30-45. Apply giving qualifications and refer- ences in own handwriting. Box 922, Times-Gazette. (1 81tf) EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, PLEA- sant work, steady position. Apply Wil- son's Furniture Company, 20 Church St. (186¢) HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO DO ha housework at summer cottage for last 2 weeks in August. Apply, in Jerson to Atkins Hoslery Shop, imcoe South. (186¢) BOOKKEEPER, OFFICE EXPERI ENCE and references. - Apply Box 938, Times- Gazette. (186c) 39--Male Help Wanted FULLER BRUSH COMPANY NEEDS dependable, neat appearing, middle- aged man to help handle local bustness. Special ay to start and steady work. one 3341 or 382J1 for appointment; (184e) EXPERIENCED ARC WELDERS WANT- ed. Apply 78 Bond St. W. (187c) DISH WASHER AND WAITRESS. AP- ply Grand Cafe. (1851) SALESMAN WANTED Car essential, for detail sell- ing in Oshawa. Salary $50 weekly, plus bonus. Apply between 2 and 4 p.m. at 283 Byng Ave., Oshawa. / (186 t) WANTED--DIRECT SALESMEN --Ape ply Pitt's Electrical eencies, 136 Sims coe St. 8, 7Tto 9 p (176t1) - PLASTERERS WANTED Highest Wages Paid APPLY Anderson Plastering Contractors 369 DREW ST. PHONE 547TW (184g) SALESMAN WANTED FOR FILTER Qusen vacuum cleaners, in the New= and Port Hope territory. Phone ois 'or call 334 Athol E, Oshawa. 36 ) 39a--Male or Female Help CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS -- WER have the finest selection of Christmas cards, everyday cards, and accessories. Over 25 items from which to choose, Also French and Personal cards. Good commission and excellent service. oils W. V. Jeandron Sreeling Card Ci Kensington Ave. N., Hamilton, gu. " ug?) +1 --Employment Witt REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical sppil- naces. Frank Snudden. Phone after 5. (Aug18) BY THE HOUR OR DAY, ANY TYPE of carpentry or concrete work. Phone 25420. (186b) JANITOR, AN ELDERLY MAN W WOULD like work as janitor, Good references, Phone : 3528J. (187c) WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TUES- days, all day. Phone .5224W. Ask for Dorothy. (187a) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS AND GARDEN TOOLS sharpened by experts. Pickup and de!i- very. 1 day service. Victor's Sports and Cycle. Phone 918. (Sep3) LAWN MOWERS, 8 sharpened and repaired Somerville Ave. Phone 2164W: oods, 6: (Sept.3)

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