PAGE FOUR: THE DAILY TIMES.-GAZETTE bh ee a i THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1948 LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Rusiness Office: Miss G. Macpherson. Editor: Robert Corbett, phone 2589 Phone 703. All Departments 'Many Notables 'Make Merry At Warden's Picnic The differences of the councit forum were forgotten and everyone had a marvelous time yesterday when Ontario County councillors, their wives and families and invited guests were entertained by Warden Wilmot Bain at Mossing- ton's Park on Lake Simcoe. Whitby was well represented with ®-- Reeve Andrew Muir, Deputy-reeve Duncan McIntyre, employees of the county and the press present. At the. races and sports, the local cele- brants showed enviable enthusiasm if little physical excellence. The park setting on a sand beach was ideal for the occasion, At seven o'clock a buffet lunch was given by the warden at Briar's Golf Club, Among the notable guests present were three members of parliament: Arthur Williams, M.P.; Col. Arthur Welsh, Ontario Minister of Travel rand Publicity; Thomas D. Thomas, L.A, who is also a member of ">the council, Possibly the highlight of the ports was a ball game between "Smembers * of council with line-ups was follows: . 5 The Eastern Ontario County ildcats vs. The Western Ontario =County Whizzers. #1 Wildcat Line-up:--Tommy Thom- 5 (Captain), Bill Noble, Tom Hard- ing, Earl Heayn, Ernie Hayes, Norm nderson, Tom Harrison, Howard 4 Dobson, Jim Moffat, Garnet Wilson. Alex Thompson, Bert Hawtin. Whizzer Line-up:--Bill Westney (Captain), Heber Down, Dunc. Mc- Intyre, Andy Muir, Isaac Cather- wood, Stuart Ball, Rae Ferguson, Wilmot Bain, Ernie Camick, Dr. Neil McEwen, John Bruce, Vince Beaton. The game ended in a 7-7 draw, and immediately after many of the players led by Mr. McIntyre high- tailed it for the swimming beach for a badly needed cooling off. The race program and prizes had been prepared by County Assessor Ralph Wilson, Clerk William 'Man- ning kept track of the winners which were as follows: Men's 100 yards--Mr. Dane. La- dies' open--Mrs. W, Manning. Mar- ried Men's race--Mr. Clayton. Pluinp ladies' race--Mrs. McKnight, Coun- ty council race--Duncan McIntyre. Ex-warden's race--Thomas Harding Bean race--Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Ball. Rolling pin tos§--Mrs. Man- ning. Shoe race--Mr. apd Mrs. Rus- sell Wallace. Shot put--George Mc- Pherson. Other honored guests Included GE Bafaacamau---- TEEN 'N' TWENTY CLUB Summer Frolic Friday, July 23rd AT THE BEAUTIFUL Club Bayview * EVERYONE WELCOME »* BUS SERVICE FROM OSHAWA THE MAGIC Phone 333 Jor Vorumes or Ew. SIT BACK AND RELAX... TO THE IMMORTAL STRAINS C. FAVOURITE COMPOSERS... BRCUGHT TO YOUR LIVING ROOM BY RECORDINGS HEAR THEM TODAY WHITBY HOME APPLIANCE "THERE'S ALWAYS A LEADER" OYMENT/! @e OF VICTOR 124 Dundas Bt. W. Give Shower For Popular Bride-To-Be Miss Joan Archibald was enler- tained at a miscellaneous shower Tuursday evening held at Marian Rowe's. During the evening the guests made a bride's book which was pre- sented to Joan She received many lovely and useful gifts which were attractively arranged in a pink and white basket with a pink and white umbrella handle, Afler games were played, a lovely buffet lunch was served by Mrs. Rowe with the assistance of Jeanne Fallow and Betty Peake. Boarding Here Man, 40, Stricken A Cannington man, Campbell Warrien, aged 40, died suddenly at his boarding house on Perry Street yesterday When he did not ap- pear in the morning it was discov. cred that he had been stricken with a heart attack during the night. Funeral service will be held from his home in Cannington. BE Auto Useless, Minister Rides Bike To Service MRS. WES ROUTLEY Correspondent | Ashburn, July 20. Regular | church and Sunday School services were conducted at Burns: ghurch last Sunday at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 pm. It seemed -somewhat like pioneer 'days when the minister, | Rev. J. Riddell arrived on his bicyc- |le from Port Perry, his car not be- ing in working order. Next Sun- | day, July 25 the Odd Fellows Lodge of Brooklin will be present as {guests at the evening service and | will assist with special music, etc. | Miss Ruth Richardson of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, ,Toron- | | to, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- ! sell Richardson. | Miss Helen Jordan, R.N., of the | | ick Children's Hospital, Toronto, | | visited with relatives in the village | {over the week-end. | Several members of the Masonic | | T.odge attended their annual picnic | | it Geneva Park last Thursday | | Mr. oJhn Parker of Port Perry is | viziting with his mother, Mrs. M. {~arker, Several from this community at- 'ended the Mitohell-Heron wedding: 2t the BrookIni United Church on Baturday, July 17. Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Hines of To- ronto are visiting with relatives in the village Congratulations te Mr. and *Mrs James Burroughs on their marriage on Baturday, July 17. | | | the warden of York county R, T | 'Thompson, and the following ex- wardens--Lyman Gifford, Thomas \ Harding, Mr. Reesor, Mac Forsyth, Mr. Letcher, J. A. McDonald, James | Blanchard, . Jack Rae, Dr. Devine, John Lowe and Oscar Downey. Music and dancing were also provided. When another historic Warden's picnic was concluded those present agreed that the name of | Warden Wilmot Bain, of Zephyr. | should go in the annals as a royal | host along with his many worthy predecessors. Whitby Classified CARS FOR SALE~'36 PLYMOUTH FOR sale. Mel Burgess, Brock St. 8. Phone 569. (171d) FOR BALE-CASE GRAIN BINDER, 7 | ft. cut, on truck, only used a few sea- sons. Phone 414 Whitby (Jly24) | : ' - | FOR SALE---NEW MODERN FIVE. pom frame house, p salon within a week of purchase: N.H.A, financed. For further particulars phone 2185, Whitby, (Jly24) STRAYED--FROM RINGWOOD FARM, one Guernsey Heifer. Anyone knowing hereabouts of animal, please phone hitby 926 (J1y23) | OR SALE_TWO TENTS, IN GOOD | condition, 9'x12'x4" wall and - 8'x8'x3' wall. G. B. Whitfield, Whitby FOR SALE--'32 FORD V-8 COUPE, EX- cellent condition, 4 'new tires, newly reconditioned motor, Telephone $36 Whitby, WANTED-~IMMEDIATELY, TWO UN. furnished rooms, by widow and son, reliable and steady workers, abstainers adam daa shock 3 sa wey of 4 AIR-CONDITIONED NOW PLAYING Shows at 7:00 and 9:00; Sat, Matinee at 1:30 Sat. Evening Show Starts at 5:30 The toxes 0) I § FU We AVY HEX HARRISON - MAREE DRAMA ~ D AND FIRE! and non-smokers, 129 after six o'clock. i POULTRY WANTED: -- HIGHEST | prices pald for all kinds of poultry, also new and used feathers. N. Lem- ers: Whitby. Phone 644 Whitby, or )5J Oshawa. re xen FOR BALE -- CHOICE REGISTERED Yorkshires, bred and open sows, boars fit for service, also boars and sowssix weeks old. W. F. Crosier, R.R. 4,. Port Perry. Phone 18-4 . (Jly22) FOR SALE--1937 PONTIAC SEDAN, $700.00. Phone 822 Whitby. (jly24) FOR SALE---MAN'S BICYCLE, GOOD condition. Apply 213 Pine Street, after 3 pm (Jly22) References. Phone | Goal In Sight As Total For Swimming Pool Hits $2,967 Even Lhe oppressive heat of yes- terday did not discourage donations to the Whitby Swimming Pool Pro- ject fund which marched along apace with the sum of $350 being added, This brings the total to date to $2,967. Notable in today's contributions is the chieque for $200 glven by the Whitby branch of the Canadian Legion. At a recent exe- cutive meeting, Legion officials agreed that this community enter- prise for the benefit of their own children was wel] worth substantial support. Further amounts are listed as fol- lows: J, C. Taylor 25.00 Can. Legion Branch 112 .. 200.00 Goodfellow Printing Co. .. 25.00 Total to date ...... 7. $2,966.86 Summer Brings Many Guests To Myrtle Station M. V. LUERY Correspondent Myrtle Station, July 21 -- Mrs, Doukett of Toronto, who is taking the Layman"s three months' study course, was the -speaker Sunday morning at Myrtle United Church. He used the parable of the prodigal son and the elder brother as the basis of his sermon. Mr. Doukett also sang a solo that was enjoyed by the congregation. He will oc- cupy the pulpit next Sunday at the regular hour of service, 11 o'clock, Mr. 8. Saywell, president of Myrtle. branch of the Bible Society, would like to have the annual col- lections made as soon as possible. Collectors will be appointed next Sunday and you may expect them to eall on you shortly for your an- nual subscription. Do you know that when the Society was founded in 1804 there were then only sev- enty-two languages inte which some portion of Scripture had been translated and the world circula- tion of the Bible probably did not exceed 20,000 capies a year? To- day, the Society has circulated Holy' Scripture in over 760 langu- ages. Our gift this year, as in other years, will help to make an- | other translation, W. A, Meets Thirty-three ladies gathered at | the home of Mrs. Harry Stacey Wednesday afternoon in the regu- lar monthly business and social meeting of the Woman's Associa- tion. "Christ's gift of Peace," was the theme of the worship service led by the - president, Mrs. W, Duchemin. Psalm 61 was read in unison, with prayer by the leader. Mrs. A, Paynter read the scripture lesson, John 16; Mrs. Duchemin read a poem covering "Peace"; Mrs. D. Luery read an extract from one of Patience Strong's books, "Peace of Mind'; Miss Viola: Butson read Edward Henry Bickersteth's heau- | tiful hymn, "Peace, Perfect Peace." | After the minutes were read and | approved, the treasurer's report | heard and roll-call responded to, | a short business period followed. | A special feature of the program | was the presentation of pins tn five ( members: Mrs. R. 8. Long, Mrs. W, | J. Cook and Mrs. H, Hudgin, who are the oldest members; Mrs. O. H. Downey and Mrs. Harrison, for long and faithful service, Mr. 8. Say- well made the presentation and as he fastened a pin on the dress of each member in turn, he congratu- lated her and expressed the wish that she would enjoy many more years of service, Mrs, A. Eyers read Joseph Kron- thal's poem, "Be Careful What You Say." Little Miss Kathryn Hamil- ton told us, by a recitation, how Martha Washington conducted her- self (supposedly) when she was a little girl, but decided that she preferred her own happy present days to those of Martha's days. The guest speaker was ' Mrs. Charles Pilkey of Brooklin, who was introduced by the president. Mrs, Pilkey told in a most interest- ing manner of her six weeks spent in Florida at the beginning of the year, Colored postcards were pass- ed among the ladies, showing many of the places visited and things seen, which helped enjoy Mrs. Pilkey's descriptive talk. This concluded the program and a pleasant half hour was spent $oc- ially while enjoying lunch. Personals Sgt. R, Mason, Mrs, Mason and the children were week-end guests of Mrs. Mason's parents, R. A. and Mrs. Cox. Mr. and Mrs, John Briggs of Brooklin were Sunday afternoon and evening visitors with Frank Lewis and. his sister, Miss Viola Lewis. Mrs. Harold Stredwick returned home on Saturday afternoon with Rev. A. Whitehead, Mrs. White- head and daughters, Mrs. L. Coleen and Betty, after spending a week at Muskoka Baptist Camp, Hunts- ville. Shortly after their arrival, about thirty friends from Oshawa and Myrtle came in with picnic baskets and supper was spread on tables on the lawn. Later, a sing- | | song concluded the happy evening. | Mrs. W. Poulter of Oshawa acted MANY GUESTS (Continued on Page 10) WHITBY ELECTRIC Earl "Jake" Bryant INSTALLATIONS, FIXTURES WATER HEATERS. FARMS Phone 650 Whitby CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS Whitby News In Brief Accounts of social events, any news item of local interest and names of visitors are appreciated PHONE 103 8 | HELP POOL FUND Last night Noel Corbett put on a sale of soft drinks at the ball game and raised $1.50 for the swimming pool fund He was assisted by John Sandford. * FROM PORT ARTHUR Lloyd Slichter, of Port Arthur, Ont., this week visited his brother, Maurice Slichter and Mrs. Slichter, Dundas 8t. E. - b* HERE FROM WEST Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McPherson and Mr. and Mrs. George McPher- son of Winnipeg are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Euclid Street. > + * NEARLY WELL AGAIN | Lavina Upton, aged 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Upton, Whitby, is now well on the way to recovery from the effects of the accident on June 15 from which she suffered a broken leg and head in- | juries. The little girl is very bright | and now has the cast off and her parents are hopeful that she will be home this week. LEE BRED AT PICKERING Residents of Whitby farming area, noted for its many fine herds of Jersey cattle, were pleased to note in the papers yesterday that | Frank Chapman of Pickering was mentioned as having bred "Picker ing Favorite Juanita" which was awarded a "Ton of Gold" certifi- cate at Woodlands Investments for record production of butter fat. Mr, Chapman's Jersey herd has won many distinctions in the past year. LE GIVE SHOWER A shower for bride-to-be Lois Sleightholm was given Tuesday ev- ening at the home of Jeff Martin, Brock Street South. * * Auctioneer William Maw will sell a quantity of good household furni- ture from good homes in Whitby, on Saturday afternoon at Heard Bros. | Garage, Brock Street North, The' sale will start at 1.30 p.m. ' * hd Ld AUDLEY W.A. MEETS The Audley W.A. met at the home of Mrs, Mac Hedge on the evening of July 17th, with 32 mem- bers present. Following the busi- ness part of the meeting the west group took charge of the program. | Mr. Murkar was introduced as guest speaker. Everyone enjoyed his interesting and informative talk on the history of Pickering. A pleasant social hour followed when lunch was served. The bazaar art. icle for August will be an article for a man For the roll call every- one will bring food suitable for overseas boxes + + + VISITING HERE Mrs. Ben 'Dalby, Smoothrock Falls, Ont., is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ernie Stafford, | 217 Mary St. E. Mrs, Dalby is ac- companied by her two daughters, AUTOMATIC HEATING WILL BE CLOSED FOR STAFF HOLIDAYS from SATURDAY, JULY 24TH MONDAY, AUGUST 2ND, INCLUSIVE {Marilyn and Ruth Ann. CHRISTMAS IN CHINA The Chinese know the Christmas festival a Cheng Dan Jich--the | Holy Birth Festival. Their Christ. | mas tree is called "Tree of Light". | Births | HEFFERING--Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hef: fering, Whitby, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Jamelle Lynne, on July 10th, at Oshawa General Hospital, FOR SALE CHERRIES " BALE. $1.30 six-quart basket 2491; or apply 900 King Street. (31y2:) WANTED--YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE | desire unfurnished flat or apartment three or more rooms, in Whithy. Apply Box 88, Times-Gazette, Whitby (Jly22) WANTED TO BUY--ALL KINDS OF | Poultry, also new and old feathers Highest market prices. Apply J, Par- ker, 331 Brock St.'N. Phone 486 or Oshawa 1859. : FOR SALE-MONTMORENCY CHER- ries and red currants. Apply C. Black, Orchard, Athol Street south end, Whitby. (Jly24) FOR SALE-GOOD A BUILDING LOT sale on Byron street south, Whitby. Phone 2510 Whitby. (J1y23) RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED - IMMEDIATS BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE FO! pial 130 Brock St. N., Whitby, Tel 707 LADIES! PUMPS 2x0 STRAPS Various Styles and Colours Broken Lines, to clear 98 Ladies' Black Suede and Suedine SANDALS Regular $3.50 to $4.50, ~ clear Special! Reductions of 257, - 507. On All White Footwear! & 10% Discount On All Luggage Purchases! See Them At COLLINS S 119 BROCK ST. S. PHONE 476 SPECIAL 98c For Children and Junior Misses! Canvas Sandals White and Coloured HOE STORE 'Whitby Juniors Shade Cobourg 4-3 Helps Darkness ~~ With the sun fading fast in the west, darkness moved in to help Whitby Rotary Juniors salvage a 4-3 win over Cobourg Juniors last night when Umpire Bennett called the game after the visitors had taken the lead in the top half of the ninth. Leading 4-3 going into the last®- frame, Whitby was hanging on the ropes as Cobourg uncorked a two- run rally to forge ahead 5-4 before the game was called because of darkness. It went down in the re- cord books as an eight inning duel. What could have been tieing and winning tallies were made when with Cobourg runners on second and third, D. Goody grounded to Gord Neil, Whitby . hurler, who threw the ball past first base. Both runners scored on the play. ~ Whitby jumped into an early lead in the first frame when Bernie Tu- ransgy beat out a bunt to first and then stole second. Loreno doubled, sending Turansky home, and then stole third. He crossed the plate af- or McGregor lofted a long outfield v ~The local club added another pair in the third by virtue of stalwart batting by Loreno and McGregor. With or» down Loreno poked out a triple and then scored when Mec- Gregor laced out another three- bagger. Ken McDonald hit safely to send McGregor home, giving Whitby a 4-1 lead, The visitors scored one run in the third, added another in the seventh, one more in the eighth, before bang- ing their two belated runs in the ninth. Both sides used two hurlers, Gord Neil taking over from Ken "Mc- Donald in the eighth for Whitby, and Harret replacing Kilough for Cobourg. R COBOURG: .. 001 000 11x-- 3 WHITBY... 202 000 00x-- 4 Lineups H 0 i 7 | Ballerina SHIRLEY CORMACK Age 10, daughter of Mr. and Mra | Harry Cormack, St. Peler © reet, COBOURG :--Hogan, ss; J. Goody, |is showing promise as a dan-'ng cf; W. Jamesen, rf; McMillan, If; | pupil of Miss Irene Harvey. Shi-lsy D. Goody, 2b; J. Jameson, 3b; Fish- |is also competent in ber school er, ¢; F. Goody, 1b; Kilough, p; [work and took honors in grade five Harret, p. WHITBY .--Turanksy, 2b; Loreno, | | piano. ss; McGregor, lf; Neal, cf (pitched in eighth): MacDonald, p; Yuill, | 3b: O'Reilly, 1b; McLoskey, ¢; Mo- watt, rf, MUSICAL ENGLAND London, England, now has three permanent opera comvanies, play- ing at Covent Garden, Sadlers Wells and at the Cambridge theatre. Let Us SERVICE and EQUIP Your Radio and Refrigerator Call WHITBY HOME APPLIANCE Phone 333 124 Dundas st. W FIREPLACE x FURNACE POWERFUL ) HEATER FOR YOUR HOME to heat tales The Tweed Steel Warks Fireplace Furnace draws the celd ai the room, heats it and sends | in o 100m ot. | ves f 3 old-fashione: at §0 Ui 81 catalogue i i users. You will be interested in » Fireplace Furnace, out of bi T AIR HECLA FURNACE SEE THEM AT... WHITBY MASTER BATHROOM George Hamers HOT WATER AND STEAM HEATING--PLUMBING SHEET METAL WORK 212 BROCK STREET SOUTH TELEPHONE 963 Se \%% PRESSURE PUMP conpiTioN ING UNIT WHITBY e -