SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1948 os i AAAI PARTIE 155. Seg Southern States Split From Democratic Party By CHARLES F. BARRETT Atlanta, July 17 -- (AP)--Many leading southerners expressed be- lief today the civil rights battle marks a major turning point in American political history. The United States is witnessing, they said, either the first pangs of a new party or the beginning of a significant shift, a new line-up of supporters and policies under the old Democratic and Republican labels, Some of the South's larges® naws~ papers saw an end to the half- century of one-party Democratic rule in the South. Editor Ralph McGill of the At- lanta Constitution summed it up today with an emphatic: "An era is ended." A remodelled Democratic Party, he said, will swing a little to the left of the late Franklin Roosevelt and will be based on the big-city and labor vote. Meanwhile, "the Republican Party moves slowly into the South. An era is ended." Among Southern political leaders, closer to the fray, some professed to see a major new party in the making. : Senator Richard Russell (Dem.- Ga.) under whose banner 263 southern votes rallied at the Dem- ocratic convention, said in an in- terview: : "I believe ft is inevitable, and has been proven in the history of our nation, that thése of us who feel alike must unite in a single party. "We can only 'speculate on a spe- cific form fer a constitutional party which would uphold Jeffer- sonian Democracy and the right of * local self-government. States rights certainly would not be the only issue, "But if the Democratic Party is to become a tool of the big-city machines, as it now appears, then we Southerners must take some other steps." Railways, Unions Sign Agreement Montreal, July 17 -- (CP) -- An agreement between the railways and 18 International brotherhoods giv- ing effect to the 17-cents-an-hour wage increase which settled a com- pany-union dispute Wednesday was sighed here Friday. The agreement was reached Wed- nesday afternoon 15 hours before the unions threatened a general - strike to enforce wage demands. Frarkk H. Hall, chairman of the brotherhoods' negotiating commit- tee, who headed the union signa- tories, said today that the agree- ment in Ottawa was with the gov- ernment, not with the railways. It did not become official until signed this afternoon. Privy Council Adjourns Hearing On Sask. Board London, July 17--(CP)--A seven- day hearing before the law Lords of the Privy Council of arguments as to whether Saskatchewan's Farm Security Act is valid was ad- journed yesterday with a statement by Viscount Simon that a second question relating to the Act need not be argued. 'The question was: If section 6 of the Act is within the legislative power of the Saskatchewan Gov- ernment, can it be applied § mort- gages under the National Housing Act or mortgages held by the Can- adian Farm Loan Board of the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation? Lord Simon said that the law Lords had decided not to call for | argument on this second issue. Previous argument had been over the question whether the Saskat- chewan Mediation Board had pow- er to decide if 'the farmer has been a victim of crop failure. H. Cronkite of Saskatoon, clos- ing his argument, thanked the five law Lords 'hearing the appeal for their "most patient hearihg" and other Canadian counsel bowed their assent. Earlier Cronkite replied to argu- ments by J. L. Ilsley, a former Ca- nadian Cabinet Minister, and C. F. H. Carson that the provincial Me- diation Board, which the Saskat- chewan Government proposed set- ting up to decide on cases of crop failure, was not constntutional un- der the B.N.A. Act. Carson repre- génted the Dominion Mortgage and SINGER SEWING CENTRE RENT a PORTABLE ELECTRIC n your own home per month $6.00 REPAIRS To All Makes of ine--We Pay New and Used, Port. AVAILABLE NOW! BUTTONHOLE ATTACHMENTS UNIVERSAL OT0RS SEWING STOOLS SKIRT MARKERS Immediate Delivery on New Machines Sewing Machines WE BUY ables, Cabinets, SINGER LIG! 16 ONTARIO ST. Your sewing mach- Cash. WE SELL Treadles SINGER CABINETS OSHAWA P We specialize in getting Investments Association, which al- so opposed the appeal. "The provisions of this Act (The B.N.A. Act) could not possibly re- late to a board of this kind," Cronkite contended. "No such board existed at the time it was passed." CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE Snowflakes are transparent rath- er than white but their crystals re- flect light in so many directions they appear white, Joker? i , rid THAT Oleg 0, Sry coo WATER you the most for your "Hot Water Dollar". Phone or wtite for "Hot Water Susvey" which will be mailed to you free of charge. Colvin Electric 339 SIMCOE S. - PHONE 1092 FOR RENT RADIOS WASHERS REFRIGERATORS SUN LAMPS ELECTRIC FANS RANGETTES ELECTRIC HEATERS VACUUM CLEANERS FLOOR POLISHERS RECORD PLAYERS MEAGHERS ELECTRIC PHONE 4600 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE OUT AND IN' CHATHAM, Ont. --(CP)-- Re- leased from police custody- one-day after paying fines totalling $28.90, a local man was found unconscious | on a street the following morning end again arrested on a drunk charge. Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 1246 ' PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled -- at -- MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. _ Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 4 * Burner ELECTRIC RANGES $139.50 Immediate Delivery RANGETTES with Automatic Oven Control $74.50 Connor Washing Machine Trade-in Accepted ' PITTS Electrical Agencies 12 Bond St. E.--~136 Simcoe S. Phone 3287 ° MAKES OLD WASHERS WORK (S148 13 J : WASHER SERVICE QUICKER CHEAPER BETTER Phone 3800W Jock BIDDULPH avrvoue BET; senree;' 68 SIMCOE ST. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front" By Dudley Fisher ey NISHT/A5 DANNY PALE, RED FEATHER AND BAZO BLUE /LODICONIIHE SHANNEES STAGE A WAR DAN THE BEAT OF THE WAR DRUMS INCREASES IN TEMPO LIGHT OF THE CAMPPIRE --~THE FRENZIED HOWLS 'OF THE LEAPING. By Lee Falk and Ray Moore FLASH INTHE FLICKER) TOMAMANKS , TWISTING WARRIORS R AFTER THIS, IF YoU SEE TWO PRETTY WE'LL TAKE THEM TO THE HOTEL FOR IDENTIFICATION... ™ OH THE POOR KID! TY WAS SO HARSH WITH HER! A SUICIDE! DON'T BE TOO SURE YET... 1 HAVE A REQUEST. B MAY T SEE BETYA'S ROOM 2 JGE PALOOKA oA LIL ABNER HOW COULD ANYONE RUN AWAY FROM AS GLORIOUS AS LIRE. TAAT JOR BOY Aa Atty COULDN'T - IF YOU DOUBT . 7-19 SECRET AGENT X9 PA BE CRUEL, T00... CHILDREN ARE A BLESSING...BUT THEY CAN AN, SHE'S GOTTA RUN HOME TO HER (LF THIS BOY Fo COX'S AS NOW ME IS Ze 274 ABNER ~ 'ONGA Wits Wn an LN | ABNER ~FO PRES +) ~ Foul Ball Lafless BOor- ("AH NEVAN DOVE Sorgen £12 GRE Ang A155 TIS 7 KEEP LIL ABNER S72) LO 5 CAN'T BLAME THEM , oI GUESS -- BUT THEY ?> WOULDN'T TALK THAT WAY, IF MOTHER WOULD ONLY TAKE PADRY 1948, King res Syvdicae, Ine, World tights rea C(1)ub Reporter Quits! MOTHER WANTS ME TO LIKE THAT. "LAFFLESS" PERSON, BUT HE TREATS ME AS IF IM ONLY IN THE WAY ... MAYBE I OUGHT TO TELL DADDY ABOUT HIM= 1-7 THINK T wil! COME IN, CASPER THE COLONEL WILL BE SURPRISED TO COLONEL HOOFER, YOU'RE THE MYSTERIOUS LOOKOUT" YOUVE HAD ME IN HOT WATER FOR DAYS' IT COST ME $20.99 To FIND YOU OUT! 1 KNOW, PEN MAY BE MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD ~ BUT THIS CHARACTER BOSS, THE WANTED: REPORTER TO HANDLE LOCAL. NEWS INQUIRE WITHIN. So enos THE WRITING CAREER OF "SCOOP" HOOFER. oE--i JIMMY By Brandon WalsR A MAD DOG IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS -A MAD DOG THINKS OF NOTHING BUT DEATH AND DESTRUCTION; 'I CAN'T HELP THINKING THAT VALAGGA AND HIS VILLAINOUS CREW MIGHT BE PLANNING A WAY] TO HARM ANNIE AND THE LITTLE, CHILD GODDESS = {WE AIN'T GOT, NOTHIN' TO WORRY '80UT, NOW-EAPTAIN DICK 15 U GETTIN HIS SHIP READY, AN PRETTY SOON WELL BE FAR AWAY FROM TH ! re Td a eH BLONDIE "ON PURPOSE THIS MORNING Not Daylight Saving and Blond JEST Vina CONSULTING Cod) PHYSICIANS -- OHH- MY. WORD! CALLED IN AT THE LAST MINUTE, HELP SHARE THE ie Time, Too!! REFUSE AFTER I SAVE HER LIFE ¢ \'1 7\F 1 ASK KIM TO LEAVE CLARK ALONE, HOW CAN SHE KIM= I'D LIKE TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT) WELL - IT'S REALLY | |A KIND OF FAVOR.