PAGE FOURTEEN 3 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Chapter 73 O.E.S. Institutes New Chapter at Port Perry The officers and members of Sunbeam Chapter No. 73, OES, Oshawa, were privileged to be pres- ent and active in the institution of a new chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at Port Perry on Wed- nesday in the High School auditor- jum. Following the institution of the new chapter and the installa- tion of its officers, the Sunbeam Chapter officers filled the various offices for the ensuing meeting held for the purpose of demon- the work and degrees of the order. Mrs. May Lang, Worthy Matron, greeted the Worthy Grand Patron, Mr, Donald Currie, and he was escorted to the East, receiving honors. , Agne§ Dean, Worthy Grand , was unable to attend since Helen Ross, past Worthy Grand Matron, was also greeted and accorded grand honors. Elected Grand officers as previously listed were welcomed as was Mrs. Amelia Bthel Wilfong, Mrs. Allison Drew and Mrs. Mary Willis and the Dis- trict Deputy Grand Matrons, Mrs. Nana Moore, 'No, 11; Mrs. Elizabeth Sidders, No. 10; Mrs. Nan Smith, No. 19, and Mrs, Alice Cameron, No, 9, were welcomed. Nine Honored Guests Mr Alex Creighton, Worthy Pat- ron, welcomed the guests, express- ing his joy at having so many hon- ored guests in the East, Nine past district deputy grand matrons and the presiding matrons and patrons were greeted. The demonstration of balloting and initiatory work followed. Mr. Donald Currie, W.G.P,, then ad- dressed the assembled members, expressing his pleasure in the insti- tution of Blue Roy Chapter (U.D) and thanked Mrs. Nana Moore, D. D.G:M., No. 11, for the organiza- tion that made it possible. He con- gratulated Sunbeam Chapter offi- cers on their work. Miss Helen Ross past: W.G.M., in speaking, felt that there was significance that from members of Mystic Star Chapter came members to Sunbeam Chap- ter 'and out of it came Blue Ray Chapter, and stressed that growth of this kind is essential. Mrs. Palmer was recipient of many gifts given to the new chap- ter and thanked everyone for the generosity shown. Among these gifts were the emblems of the Or- der from Sunbeam Chapter, seven white Bibles from the past matrons and past patrons of Sunbeam Chap- ter and the broken column from Mrs. Betty Weir: of Sunbeam. Mr. Palmer echoed his wife's thanks. Closing followed, the fare- well being given by Mrs. Nana Modre. Prior to the demonstration by the Oshawa Charter, the Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chap- ter of Ontario, Mr. Donald Currie, conducted the meeting. The following Grand Chapter of- ficers were present in their respec- tive offices: Associate Grand Mat- ron--Mrs. Florence Andrews; Asso- ciate Grand Patron, Mr. Albert Lowery; Grand Secretary, Mrs Lil- lias Turiff; Grand Conductress, Mrs. Emma Campaigne; Associate Grand Conductress--Mrs. Pearl Mc- Donald; Grand Chaplain -- Mrs. Marjorie Hitchman; Grand Mar- shal-- Miss Margaret Bell; Grand Adah, Mrs. Barbara Sparling; Grand Esther--Mrs. Phyllis Gerring. The following members substi-- tuted for absent officers: Grand Treasurer, - Mrs. Nellie Currie; Grand Orannist, Mrs. Edna Ander- son; Grand Ruth, Mrs. Nana Moore; Grand Martha, Mrs. Eliza- beth Sidders; Grand Electa, Miss Helen Ross; Grand Warder, Mrs. Nan Smith; Grand Sentinel, Mr. Walter "Lane. Institution of the Chapter After reading of the petition for institution of the chapter by Mrs, Turiff, Grand Secretary, the petl- tioners were brought into the meet- ing by Miss Bell, Grand Marshal. After acknowledgments and pledges were given, the Worthy Matron, Worthy Patron, Mr mer, were escorted to the East and the Worthy Grand Patron present- ed Mrs. Palmer with the scroll of dispensation, the rituals and the copy of constitution, Thirty-eight petitioners plus four absent ones were reecived as members of the Or- .| der of the Eastern Star, Miss Mar- Bell, Grand Marshal, then de- calred Blue Ray Chapter No. 288 under dispensation, duly instituted. Mrs, Palmer named her officers as follows: Associate Matron, Mrs. Helen Col- bear; Associafe Patron, Mr. Leon- ard Colbear; Secretary, Mrs Jeanne Dymond; Treasurer, Mrs. Jessie * | Robertson; Conductress, Mrs. Sadie Durkin; Associate Conductress, Miss Mildred Palmer; Chaplain, Mrs. Jessie Espie; Marshal, Mrs, Rosetta Palmer; 'Organist, Mrs. Rebecca Bruton; Adah, Mrs, Jeanette Hut- chinson; Ruth, Mrs Margaret Cor- nish; Esther, Mrs. Esther Chap- man; Martha, Mrs. Vivian Lane; Electa, Mrs. Mabe] Chapman; War- der, Mrs. May Watson; Sentinel, Mr. Howard Durkin. Following the closing, a social hour was enjoyed. Sunbeam Ch. Honours Its Past Officers When Sunbeam Chapter opened the first June meeting, the past matrons and past patrons of the chapter were escorted to their ¢hairs by the officers. Mrs. May Lang, Worthy Matron, and Mr, Alex. Creighton, Worthy Patron, conducted the meeting. Mrs. Grace Walker, P.M., and Mr. Karl Cliff, PP, served as honorary matron and patron of the evening. The following past matrons and past patrons were active in these offices: Associate Matron, Mrs. Isabel Train; Associate Patron, Mr. Frank Train; Secretary, Mrs. Alice Mc- Diarmid; Treasurer, Mrs, Iva Cliff; Conductress, Mrs. Laura Stewart; Asscciate Conductress, Mrs. Meta Moore; Chaplain, Mrs. Elizabeth Weir; Marshall, Mrs. Isabel McDon- ald; organist, Mrs. Marie Lott; Ad- ah, Mrs. Maricn Grigg; Ruth, Mrs. Martha Dunlop; Esther, Mrs. Ethel Woodhouse; Martha, Mrs. Irene Saunders; Electa, Mrs. Tam Mid- land; Warder, Mrs Ann Creighton, PDDGM.; Sentinel, Mrs. Clifton Moore. In this capacity, the past officers assisted in the opening ceremonies and initiatory work Also honored at this time were Mrs. Marion Nay- lor, past matron of Beaver Chap- ter, Beaver ton; Mrs Bertrice Wright, past: matron of Durham Chaputer, Bowmanville, and" Mrs. Edythe Phinney, past matron of Mayflower Chapter, Windsor. These members attend and are active in Sunbeam Chapter. Mrs. Lang welcomed the follow- ing, Mrs. Ann Creighton, past dis- trict oeputy grand, matron; Mrs. Emma Savell, presiding matron of Unity Chapter, Toronto; Mrs. Eli- zabeth Tupel, presiding matron of Durham Chapter, Bowmanville, and Mrs, Myrtle Palmer, presiding matron of Blue Ray Chapter (ud.), | Port Perry. Also greeted was 'Mr. George Palmer, presiding patron of To Be Wed Soon at MISS ISABELLE JODOIN whose marriage to Mr. John Joseph Murphy, of Ottawa, is to take place on Monday. Miss Jodoin is a mem- ber of the staff of the Bell Tele- phone Company in Ottawa, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jodoin, lived in Oshawa for many years. June Bride MISS BEVERLY OWEN whose forthcoming marriage to Mr. Kenneth Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wade of Windsor is annouficed.. Miss Owen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .David .Owen, Warren Avenue, is a graduate of Windsor Grace Hospital. ~--Photo by Josephine Smith, Windgor. Blue Ray, Port Perry. Thirteen past matrons and three past pat- rons of Sunbeam Chapter were welcomed. These guests were greeted by Mrs, Lang and presented with a memento of the occasion, from Sunbeam Chapter. Mrs. Eliza- beth Weir expressed the apprecia- tion of these members for the hon- ors given to them. Visitors were present from To- ronto, Bowmanville, Beaverton, Ottawa, Windsor and Port Perry. Mr, Alex. Creighton, Worthy Pat- ron, repeated the welcome and ex- |. pressed his pleasure at the .presence of so many members. Life membership in Sunbeam Chapter was given to Mrs. Martha Dunlop, P.M., and grand represen- tative of Grand Chanter of Okla- homa, and to Mrs. Elizabeth Weir, PM. Mrs. Dunlop is a charter member of Sunbeam Chapter and has labored diligently in the work of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Weir affiliated with Sunbeam Chapter in 1923 and she is a valued member, having been appointed Worthy Grand Chaplain for the year 1932. Both these ladies respond- ed and expressed their appreciation | of the honor bestowed on them. The degrees of the order were conferred on a new candidate, Mrs. Marjorie Osbourn sang "My Task", during the signing of the secretary's registry. The address to the can- didate was given by Mr. Clifton Moore, P.P. Mrs. Lang thanked the past offi- cers for their assistance during the evening. Mrs. Grace Walker, P.W. M., responded, thanking Mrs. Lang for the privileges of acting as Hon- orary Matron of the evenng. Mrs. Savell, presiding matron of Unity Chapter, Toronto, commend- ed the past officers of Sunbeam Chapter on their work during the evening, adding that she was to be 'in Sunbeam Chapter on this occasion. Mrs. Naylor ex- pressed the thanks of the visiting past niatrons for their memento of the evening. Closing followed, Mrs. Walker giving the farewell. The chapter room was pretty with lilacs of purple, mauve and white hues. The lace-covered table was centred by lily-of-the-valley and deep purple lilacs offset by pink candles. The past officers' cake was cut by Mrs. Walker, The thanks of the chapter was given to Mrs. Nellie Charlton and her Steel and cast iron pipe are still in short supply in Canada owing to the shortage of cast iron and steel. H decorating committee for the beau- tiful floral arrangements. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ethel Martin and her commit- tee.- A social half-hour followed. Social Notices Engagement Announcements $1.00 Marriage Announcements $1.00 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Starr wish to announce the enagement of their younger daughter, Doro- thy May, to Peter Andrew Shmyr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shmyr, all of Oshawa. The wed- ding will take place in St. Andrew's United Church, on Saturday, July 3, at 3 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reader, of Scugog, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Lois May, to Harold G. Luke, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Luke, Raglan, The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 26, at 2.30 p.m. at Scugog Head United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Audley wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Margaret Mann, to Keith Corwin Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fletcher, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 3, in Simcoe St. United Church at 2 pm. Mr. and Mrs. David Owen an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Beverley Mae, to Mr. Kenneth Wade, san of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wade, of Windsor, The wedding will take place on Sate urday, June 19, ai 4 p.m. in the, Salvation Army Citadel. Mr, and Mrs, George Wiggans wish to announce the enagement of their youngest daughter, Marjorie Alice, to Joseph Henry Southwell, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Kpyrle Southwell, Whitby, Ontario. The marriage will take place in Albert Sb. United Church, July 10, at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. David Crockatt, of Oshawa, formerly of Winnipeg, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys, to Mr, Reginald Dempster, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Dempster of Midland. The marriage will take place at Dovercourt Presbyterian Church, Toronto, June 26, 1048. arnin ~ MUD-SLINGING AHEAD ~ VOTE WITH CARE C.C.F. Repeats Its Warning Sent Through The Mails To All Electors WATCH OUT FOR OLD PARTY TRICKERY «ONTARIO C.C.F. RIDING ASSOCIATION 3 A Few People Still Doubt... The TRUTH Abou SASKATGHEWA These FACTS... Tell of some of the marvellous achievements of the Saskatchewan C.C.F. Government during their first term in office. FINANCES WERE NEVER BETTER! FINANCES WERE NEVER BETTER! The 1948 Saskatchewan Budget shows ... a $121,029.97 surplus . . . The provincial debt was reduced by 32 per cent . .. Total municipal debt reduced from 68 millions in 1939 to 17 million dollars in 1947 , . . Sinking fund increased by $39,000,000 or 50 per cent, giving Sas- katchewan the second highest sinking fund in Canada ... New sources of revenue included $5,000,000 net profit to the provincial treasury from the Governnient-owned industries . .. one large corporation now pays the province $1,250,000 in royalties compared to $70,000 formerly. BEST LABOR CODE IN CANADA! Collective bargaining and check-off enforced by law . . . penalties for unfair labour prac- tices . . . Two weeks vacation with pay . .. Civil servants granted $1.00 increase for each point rise in cost-of-living index above 140 (now approx. $120.00 per year) . .. Highest minimum wage in Canada . . . 44 hour maximum work-week . . . Highest workmen's compensation benefits in Canada. EDUCATION! Free textbooks in grades one to eight . . . Teachers salaries highest minimum in Canada + . . Grants to school districts up to 75 per cent of the total cost of education. CANCER AID AND V.D.! Any person in Saskatchewan with, or suspected of having cancer may have free diag- nosis--surgery--hospitalization--radium and medicines--there is no charge . . . all doctors are supplied without charge penicillin for treatment of V.D. -- Saskatchewan V.D. rate the lowest in Canada. COMPLETE MEDICAL SERVICES! All pensioners, old age, blind, mothers allowance pensioners and dependents receive FREE medical services, including hospitalization, medical care, surgery, dental work, teeth, glasses and medicine . . . Ninety per cent of Saskatchewan old age pensioners receive $35.00 per month compared to $30.00 per month for 90 per cent of Ontario old age pensioners, COMPLETE HOSPITAL SERVICES! For $5.00 per year Saskatchewan citizens receive all services available at the hospital for as many days as are necessary, including nursing, special diets, operating rooms, dressing, casts, drugs, anaesthetics, X-rays, radium, physcotherapy, etc. . .. In four years the CCF gov- ernment doubled the number of hospital beds, now the highest per 1,000 population in Can- ada . .. additional hospitals are being built... The number of physicians in Saskatchewan increased by 30 per cent during 18 months ending April 1947 , . . Four health regions are now in operation. . SECURITY ACT! Saskatchewan farmers are now protected against the dread of mortgage foreclosure . .. The fear of losing his farm because of crop failure is now removed . .. his farm home and 160 acres are protected against foreclosure and eviction. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE! All Saskatchewan citizens, pedestrians, passengers as well as owner of the car is fully covered including doctor and hospital . . . collision $1,000.00 . .. property damage $1,000.00 « + » $20.00 per week disability benefits . . . public liabdity $10,000,00 . . . death benefits up to $10,000.00 . . . no court wrangling .". . no legal fees... Entire program paid for from a $1.00 fee with each driver's license and $4.50 for owner ($6.00 for large cars) . .. same coverage cannot be had from private companies less than $45.00. IT CAN BE DONE! Don't Be Fooled By Old Party Propaganda! VOTE C.C.F. Elect THOMAS | Elect WILLIAMS TO PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE TO HOUSE.OF COMMONS ~ ON MONDAY ON TUESDAY | GR Ada AL FARM A £2