LN DEI wolf Bn dh OH ct HLT A a EN an =) | with easy-to-see charts and photos, | ih i | Bo often strikes in the night. 25 cents, | PAGE SIX THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1948 Mrs. McLaughlin Installs Officers, Advises Study of Present Trends Educational groups should study | est in a movement to promote Can- present trends of public events in | adian music. The Rotarians are co- order to meet emergencies when | operating, and Mr. Gordon B. they ccme, declared Mrs. R. S. Mc- | Thompson, Toronto, publisher, had Laughlin at the annual meeting of | published a splendid book, "Canada the Oshawa council of Home and | Sings" containing both secular and School Associations, Tuesday even- | sacred songs, suitable and familiar. ing in Centre Street auditorium, Quoting Jam the Mare B42 | Mrs. J. H. Valleau presided for | number of the Reader's Digest, Mrs. the routine business, i which | McLaughlin cited Dr. Gallop as the reports of the various officers | saying that as a nation the North and conveners were received. In her | American continent needed to ob- address, the president expressed her | serve. three things; a spiritual re- appreciation of the splendid sup-| vival; much greater economic de- port given by the officers of council, wip hg better informed and the co-operation of the asso-| C - ciations affiliated with council. | Quoting further, Mrs. McLaugh- | During the election and installa- | lin pointed out that the greater per- | tion of officers, Mrs. B. C. Colpus, | centage of the reading public, even | convener of the nominating com- | usiness heads, were not Yeading | mittee, presided. Mrs. E. A. Mounce | important news, but rather the en- tertaining material' published. Mrs. George Jackson and Mrs. P. G. ot} Darling assisted as tellers. | Turning to the newly-elec | ficers which are, Mrs. J. H. Valleau, Mrs. Colpus strongly urged all, president for her second year; Mrs. women to use their franchise at| Norman Hinds and Mrs. S. E. Mc- the forthcoming election, This priv- | payish, vice-president; Mrs. Earl ilege had been too hard to win to Hoy, recording secretary; Mrs. Lloyd be so lightly considered, she declar- | Courtice, corresponding secretary; ed. | Mrs. Sidney Sharples, treasurer; Miss Janet Spratt of Whitby, ac- | and Mrs. George Fletcher, Mrs. A. companied by her mother on the | McGlashan, Mrs. John Payne, Mrs, piano, and introduced by Mrs, E. L. | Ira Travell, Mrs. C. A, Weldon, exe- | Pipher, delighted her audience with | cutive members, Mrs. McLaughlin two songs: A Heart That Speaks, | pointed out that constitutions are a and Morning, followed by a request | means of strength. : number, Comin' Thro' the Rye. "As we take care of our constitu- In asking Mrs. McLaughlin to in- | tions, so is our strength," she said. stall the officers, Mrs. Colpus pre- In closing, she charged council sented her with a corsage of roses. members to contemplate seriously Mrs, McLaughlin expressed with | what Home and School meant to sincerity, her appreciation of the | the members, and to co-operate in | honors tendered her during the past | every way possible with the new | year. She spoke of her great inter- officers, Oshawa Yacht Club Has Gala Opening | Honor Mrs. McLease At Birthday Party | Gay multicolored nautical pen- | Mrs. Thomes Corn, Oshawa | nants festooned the ceiling of, the | Boulevard, entertained at her home newly decorated ladies' lounge of | in honor of Mrs. A. S. McLeese, on the Oshawa Yacht Club last Sat- | the occasion of her birthday. Many urday when the official opening of guests were present, including Mrs. the season took place. Vases of pink | Thomas Miller, of Scotland, sister and yellow snapdragons and carna- | of Mrs. William Duncan, Simcoe tions were arranged throughout the | Street North, and Miss Jessie Gray, | clubhouse by Mr, Lloyd Oke. | also of Scotland, and sister of Mrs. In the afternoon, tea was served {| Robert McNab, Alexander Street. | by the Sailorettes. The lace covered | Mrs. Corn and Mrs. McLeese pre- | tea table with its vase of sweet peas | sented the two Scottish guests with | and carnations was presided over | corsages of pink carnations. During | by Mrs. George Hart and Mrs. Personals Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the city are appreciated by the Social Department. TELEPHONE 35 Mrs. David Morrison has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Kellett of Solina. * kb Miss Nola Winters has been vis- iting Miss Mary Lou Widdecombe at Hampton, * » Mrs. T. E. Kaiser and Mrs. T. G. Kennedy visited "Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dewell at Hampton recent- ly. * + » Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Herring and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Welsh were guests of Miss Wilma Leach, Hamp- ton, at the week-end. * bo» Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke vis- ited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke at Enniskillen during the holiday. * + » Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, Ty- rone, had as guests last week-end Mr, and Mrs. R. A, Pooley, Jarvis Street. * % » Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Simmons and their son visited Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Metcalfe of Hampton on Sun- day, * +» Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crossman and their daughter spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bruce, Fer- gus, Ont + Miss Georgina Matthews were in Wash- ington D.C. and Richmond, Va. for the holiday week-end, +* * Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brownlee, Brock - Street West, returned last Saturday after a motor trip to Ot- tawa. J + Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turrfer and their daughter, Helen, Gliddon Av- enue, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dorland of Ennis- killen. * + + + * Stella Wengler and Miss | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and their daughter, Patsy, have been visiting M1. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, | Warren Avenue. | + bb | Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell | and daughter, Margaret, Cadillac | Phillip Phillips, the wife of the the evening, Mrs. Duncan, accom- | Avenue, visited Mr. and Mrs, Nor- | . GAZETTE Pattern commodore. Tea assistants were Miss Grace Luke and Mrs. Leon Rolson. In the Blue Room, downstairs, hungry yachtsmen were served a Reid, sang "Bide a Wee" and made | a recording, sending ggreetings to | her people overseas. Miss Jessie Gray, who comes | from Kirkintoch, Scotland, is a hot dinner, which was convened by : i | Mrs. Jack Sanders. Winners of the | inn i 3 David Borg, Senoreue hash i argu | ald, Denna Boulevard, one of the Phillips. guest. : In the evening the club members| The beautifully appointed table | and their friends enjoyed dancing | WS centred with a long gatland of and a social time, | | . iced in pale green and decorated | | with apple blossoms, was a gift of | | sent Milton Little. Mrs. Corn pre- sented the guest of honor with al | large decorated basket of fruit, and | | Mrs. Duncan presented her with a| | set "of crystal sherbet glasses on | behalf of those present. . | Lasting Beauty | Croydon, Surrey, England -- (CP) | --Children of Croydon are 30 per | | cent better behaved than in the | rest of the country, a probation of- | ficer told 90 representatives who | met to discuss charges of "child | | hooliganism" in the town. | Social Notices Engagement Announcements $1.00 Marriage Announcements $1.00 ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Karlo Lindquist wishes to announce the engagement of her eldest daughter, Dorothy Eleanor, to Douglas Edward Phillips, only | son of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Phil- | lips, all of Oshawa. The wedding will take place quietly early in June. LR SS © Mr. and Mrs. Wrighty Howe wish to announce. the engagement oft their daughter, Betty Lou, to Paul Arnold Smith, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Smith, all of Osha- wa, The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 5. * +p Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, Raglan, Ontario, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Verna Maud, to Mr. Harvey Ernest Attwood, son of Mr, and Mrs. Her- bert Attwood of Uxbridge. The marriage will jake place in Myrtle United Church on Saturday, June 19, at 2.30 p.m. Most popular of all chair sets! Crochet these love-birds in flight and bring your living room right up to date. Simplest pineapple design. The chair set everybody loves. | | Bermuda, where she spent the past panied at the piano by Mrs. John man Woodley, Tyrone, last ase) end. * + | Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Allin and | their daughter, Donna, Church | Street, were week-end guests of | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelso, South | Lake Lodge, Minden. | * + # Mrs. Robert Sanders, Simcoe | Street North, with Mr, Sanders, who | will be leaving Oshawa next month ning at a farewell party. o* oh * Mr. David J. Manning, son of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Manning, | of Oshawa, will wed Miss Mary ! Elizabeth Schneider, of Bayside, | New York. Mr. Manning, a former resident of Oshawa, now resides in | Ironia, New Jersey. LER BE | Out-of-town guests. who attended | the Keetch-Monro wedding which | took place in St. George's Anglican | Church last Saturday included: Miss Marguerite Monro, Mr. Ronald Monro, of Bewdley; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gausden, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Padden, of Toronto. LE Those from Oshawa attending' the 45th annual convention of the Ontario State Council of the | Knights of Columbus, held in Lon- don over the week-end were, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan, Mr. and Mos. Harry McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. John Sammut and Miss Lorraine Mec- Guire. * + Pp Mrs. -O. M. Alger, Celina' Street, returned last night from Hamilton, thpee months visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Gurr, and Mr. Gurr, Mrs, Alger arrived at Malton Airport, about two weeks ago, but remain- ed in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. D. D. MacLachlin until] last evening. | * + » Miss Barbara Keys, Toronto teacher, received a gift from the members of the Women's League of Health and Beauty at a party fol- lowing their last class of the season last night. Mrs. George Morgan, pianist, Mrs. G. P. Morison recep- tionist, and Mrs. Jack Aldwinckle also received charming tokens of appreciation, ' P} Easy to make. You won't tire of | this! Pattern 7188 has directions. | Our improved pattern -- visual! and complete directions -- makes | needlework easy. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in colns (stamps cannot be | accepted) for this pattern. Print | lainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS ATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES Department, Oshawa. e 2 DAYS A. B.C. YARD GOODS MOVING SALE Everything Must Go! FRIDAY, MAY 28 -- SATURDAY, MAY 29 ONLY 2 . BABY'S 64 KING ST. W. COR. CHURCH UPSET STOMACH QUICKLY CORRECTED BABY"S little "Tummy" is often easily up. | set. It is easily righted again, too, if you know just how to do it. Let Mrs. M. 8. | Alway, of London, Ont., tell you: "Baby's | Own Tablets are a great help at the first sign of upset stomach, during teething time or when a cold is coming on, They work quickly yet gently to carry away poisons and promote restful comfort." And Mrs. W. R. Sharp says: "I nursed my baby shortly after being alarmed over ® motor accident and her stomach became quite upset. I gave her Baby's Own Tablets and she soon stopped crying -- and quieted wn, A Equally effective for teething troubles, | constipation, simple fever. Sweet-tasting, | easily crushed to a powder, if desired -- | prompt in action. No "sleepy" stuff -- no | dulling effect. Buy a box tcday for sickness BROWN BENGALINE 54" ...... BLACK CREPE 36" - GINGHAM 3 WHITE SLUB SHIRTING BUTCHER LINEN 36" DIMITY 36" REP CORDUROY, PRINTED SILK FLANNELETTE (Flower) .. COTTON PRINT 36" WHITE CELANESE WOOL PLAID 54" Sima rveianes reg. 2.50, sale 1.59 reg. 1.98, sale 1.39 reg. 98e, sale 69¢c reg. 98¢c, sale 69¢c reg. 1.44, sale 1.10 ... reg. 98c, sale 69c . reg. 2.49, sale 195 ... reg. 1.49, sale 1,15 Vaan si eee.. reg. 75¢, sale 55¢ . reg, 2.49, sale 1.89 reg. 1.65, sale 1.20 + reg. 3.49, sale 2.50 . reg. 9.95, sale 6.95 reg. 19.95, sale 8.95 Wed in Double Ring Ceremony MR. and MRS. MACK VAN ALLEN who were married last Saturday. Formerly Miss Sophie Porayko, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Porayko, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, William L. Van Allen Sr., all of Oshawa. --Photo by Campbell's Studio Gordie's Grandma's Boy JACK GORDON JAMES PERRY apple bl . The bi | to live in Niagara Falls, Ontario, | son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perry, Arlington Avenue. Eight-months-old | PD e Digssoms he birthday cale entertained a few friends last eve- | Gordie is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hammond, Harmony, and | --Photo by Hornsby Studio Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perry, Oshawa. Yarmouth, N.S. -- (CP) -- There | they are plentiful. The rifle girls | from the cotton mill claim to be] may not be any pistol-packing mamas at a local mill--but when it | the only organized group of femin- comes to feminine sharpshooters, ine marksmen in the province. . . .» and the handsome accessory- essential is your new pair of white shoes to go with everything. How cool and light they are . . . how smart-looking. Some with plat- form soles, others styled the new Parisian way . . . other contrasted with rich browns. Choose several pairs of bright whites here today. Women's Dept. -- 2nd Floor | COR. KING & SIMCOE STS. PHONE 248 «| in Muskoka and points north. The Stewart Keetch Weds| Mrs. J. R. Weir Gives Inspiring Talk To Members of First Baptist Girl from Bewdley | | Stewart William Keetch, son of | | Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Keetch, of | | Oshawa, took as his bride, last | | Saturday, Jean Edith Monro, | | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Yeo, | of Bewdley. The Rev. D. M. Rose | | performed the ceremony in St. George's Anglican Church. The bride was gowned in ivory! satin with 'long sleeves ending in! points over the hands. The yoke | on the fitted bodice was outlined in lace flowers and th» back inter- est of the dress was a large peplum bow. Her long veil was caught by a beaded tiara and she carried a cascade of red roses and white carnations. , Matron of honor was the bride- groom's sister, Mrs. Denis Linton, who chose a pale pink gown with brocaded bodice. and double net skirt. She carried a cascade bou- quet of pink carnations tied with a large blue ribbon. Best man for the occasion was Mr. Henry Bulkowski. The reception was held at the home ot the bridegroom's parents. The bride's mother wore a street length dress of robin's egg blue, trimmed with white pearl buttons. Her corsage was of carnations and roses. Mrs. Keetch, the bridegroom's mother, chose a blue two-piece suit with white accessories and a cor- sage of white roses. Silver bells, pink and white streamers decorated the rooms where the bridal lunch- eon was served. The honeymoon is being spent | bride wore for travelling a grey | day. "God's Promises" was the sub- Hary Norton and Mrs. Edward | ject of a talk given by Mrs. H. J.J Weir, of the First Baptist Church, to .the. members of the Senior! Woman's Association of Albert Street United Church, last Thurs- Mrs. Weir quoted a number of p ssages from the New and Old Testaments, making comments oni the promises made in each. ; God's promises do not include an; easy life, pointed out the speaker. At tRe same time, the Christian life needn't necessarily be one of sorrow a.d weeping, she said, but on the contrary should be a joyous, blessed one. Mrs. Weir continued in her talk to interpret the word of God, concluding with the thought that prayer is a great help to one in time of joy as well as trouble. A poem, "Jesus Is Always | There," brought Mrs. Weir's re-| marks to a close. Mrs. Clayton Lee presided for the | business. A letter of thanks was | read from the Muller Orphanage in Bristol, England, for the parcel | they had received. Plans were made | to produce a play in the fall. Plans | were also made for catering to Wau Ss. 1 Jun: cn1: was also planned. | The minutes of the last meeting | were read by Mrs. Victor Phair and | Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire gave the | treasurer's report. Thoughts for | the day were read by Mrs. Howard | Stacey, Mrs. Henry Hogarth, Mrs. | prayer 'was said by Holland. Mrs. Edward Holland was in charge of the devotional period. A Mrs. Arthur Walker while Mrs. Leonard Vann. read the Scripture. Mrs. William Graham, who ace companied herself at the piano, | sang two solos. Lunch was served later by Mrs, Harry Longbottom, Mrs. Arthur Walker, Mrs. Josepa Wiltshire and Mrs. Harry Norton. Groups , Clubs tnrilinsd Y.W.C.A. CLUBS Miss Phyllis Haslam, general sece retary of the YWCA in Trinidad, will speak and show movies and samples of the handicraft done by ,irls in the YWCA"s in Trinidad, to= night at 8 p.m. in Adelaide House, Ther¢ will be a round table discus- sion. Mis Haslam is a graduate of Havergal College and director of Camp Oolahwan, the Montreal YWCA camp. Times-Gazette classified ads pay-- Why not try one today? suit, with a contrasting pink blouse and white accessories. Her corsage | was of red roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Keetch will live in Oshawa. FOOT INFECTIONS A serious problem in many sports and industries is fungous infection of the feet, popularly known as "athlete's foot". It thrives in showers and locker rooms where warmth and moisture encourages | | propagation of the fungi. | Troublesome symptoms of the! disease include an intplerable jtch- | ing, swelling, redness, cracks in the | skin and small blisters. The skin | between the toes is moist and rubs | off easily. Regular disinfection of | floors, provision of special footwear | such as wooden clogs for use in| $9.50 Down 1 $2.25 Week BURNS CUARANTEED PERFECT AND shower rooms, ang foot bath disin- | 32 KING ST. W. fectants are suggested to meet -the | FOR HAPPINESS INSURED FREE AGAINST LOS! 2 $4.75 Down $1.25 Week CREDIT JEWELLERS PHONE 389 problem, | | Hardly a day goes by that the children aren't hurt at play or that some member of the family doesn't suffer a painful cut, burn, bruise or scrape. Be prepared to answer their "emergency calls" for the first aid treatments that soothe pain and prevent the serions consequences of infections. Stock up with these first aid necessities that should be in every home and car. Surgical Powder Adhesive Tape--214-yd. Tincture lodine Boracic Powder . .. Gauze Bandages--10-yd. .. Bisma Rex for Indigestion Mercurochrome Solution BE PREPARED Take a page from the Boy "Scout's Code and adopt the motto qf Be Prepared! Be prepared to render immediate treatment in the event of in- jury by keeping first aid sup- plies in your medicine chest. Prompt -- but careful -- treatment often staves off the possibly serious consequences of even minor injuries. The observance of First Aid Week emphasizes the importance of this promptness and prepar- cdness. It's better to be safe than sorry. Dertal Heedd Mi 31 Tooth Powder Tek Tooth Brush Tek Deluxe Brush rane +... 296s 456 Fie 29g, Be 25¢; 45¢, 75¢ Briten 29 Paste .... Polident .. 86¢, 1.25 .. 1.00 Liquid Sunshine Tussy Sun Tan Lotion REXALL MILK of MAGNESIA FIRST AID z a0: FOR THE First Aid For Teeth TUMMY DR. WEST'S macle-Tuft a0 BROMO- SELTZER FIRST AID FOR HEADACHE g 'WILDROOT CREAM-0IL FIRST AID 59 FOR THE HAIR cold CREAM FIRST AID = "69: BEAUTY TOTS WOMEN Ci. Os KOicX : BOX of 12's 33: TOOTH BRUSH a A ES Ba N MPS EEL ATOR. DAL, ENE