MONDAY, MAY 17, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN Hunt For Valued Uranium Now On In Canadian Areas Ottawa, May 17 -- (CP) -- A half-century after the Yukon gold rush of '98, hunderds of prospectors are combing Canada's soil for Ur- anium -- the new glamor metal in the realm of mining -- and several private firms are nearing the 'pro- duction stage. The hunt for this major source of atomic emergy has hits its stride in many parts of the country two months after the government threw the prospecting and development of radio-active materials open to private individuals. Spurred on by a government gua- minimum price for the next five years, it is a hunt broken into three phases by regulations of the atomic energy control board, fuarfian of the known ur- anium deposits in the hemisphere: 1. No special order is needed for prospecting as long as no minerals 4p than samples for analysis end hand are removed. Hun- dreds of prospectors are engaged in the search. In one week, 'more than 100 chunks of klack, heavy minerals that had given radio-active reac- tions were mailed into geological survey headquarters of the mines department for assay. Others go to provincial laboratories 2. Specific orders are needed for exploration by diamond drilling, surface work, test pitting and pre. liminary 'underground work. A re- lative few -- "not in the dozens'-- have passed into this stage. 3. Further orders are needed for mining. So far, no private firms have entered this phase but "sev- eral are getting near the edge and one iy very near," officials said to- day. One of these is at Wilberforce, near P h. The others are in the northwest territories, site 'of the government's pioneering Eldor- ado Mine on Great Bear Lake. Ottawa cannot disclose any pri- vate development, but the persons involved now can do so themselves, The hunt is only vaguely reminis- cent of 98. The sourdoughs panned their gold from the river beds 'in one general area. The prospectors of 48 may find uranium- anywhere, Western HARDWOOD FLOORING Floors Laid, Sanded and Finished Phone 3744W1 M. LEGGETTE GRAVEL & LOAM FOR SALE! Phone 2727W - 2726 even a Cavan. sioh deposits -- but rarely in quantities that would justify the necessary commercial exploitation. They wander across Canada with their battery-powered, portable Geiger counters, complicated de- vices equipped with dials, ear. nes or built-in amplifiers. Uranium occurs In at least 50 as coppef, iron or lead. Most of the minerals are rare and many others have low uranium content. The most important is pitchblende, a dull black, metallic, massive min- eral without crystal form, texture or cleavage. It si britile and heavy. Other sources include uraninite, Euxenite and Vetafite. The government, through its con- trol board, still is master of the whole scene. It has opened the door to private activity because it shares the American view that that is the best 'way to find uranium. But results of all assays must be reported to Ottawa. Site and thar. acter of all discoveries also must be reported. All uranium-bearing ores and concentrates must be turned over to the government after they are mined. A minimum uranium con- tent a to 10 per cent by weight of uranium oxide will nor- mally be required. The price will be based upon the uranium content of the ores or concentrates and will be at the minimum rate of $2.75 a pound of uranium oxide, F.O.B. rail. Higher prices may be paid "under circumstances." T To Our Patrons: Coal will definitely be in short ly. Order your fuel now so we can give best serv- ice. Coal, coke, briquettes and wood. MALLETT FUELS PHONE 3060 COLAL-COKE wWoOoD : Immediate Delivery ARMSTRONG FUELS 59 Church St. Phones 272TW--2726 minerals and ores in the same way |° STOKER SALES & SERVICE Top Quality Anthracite, Bituminous and Coke. Hard and Soft Wood. he ROBERT DIXON Ce. Ltd. hone 262 Oshawa FELT BROS. Established 188¢ 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHL!N COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPVARCE REPAIRS CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & ITARDWARE PHONE 1000 WE CAN SUPPLY SAND e GRAVEL e¢ LOAM CINDERS e¢ YARDS LEVELLED D, R. BROWN CONTRACTOR RR. 1, Oshawa « Phone 3744W5 @ RADIOS and Electrical Appliance Repairs @® Household Wiring and Electrical Fixtures @ ALL PARTS AND WORK- MANSHIP GUARANTEED * FOR 9 DAYS Warmer Williams 78 Simcoe N. Phone 736) MAKES OLD WASHERS WORK LIKE MEW Guaranteed @® Asphalt Shingling ® Built-Up Flat Roofing ® Materials and Work- manship Guaranteed! BIRD ..:r PHONE 30554 INSULATE AND SAVE! Puel-oil b: x . i» ome heii For frpe TION $08 SIMCOE 8. WA, ONT. gssw PHONE: 313% or ARMSTRONG FUELS CONNOR WASHERS Our easy terms will enable you to enjoy the benefits of a Connor in your home today. In a few months your savings will pay for your Connor, and then your family wash will represent a welcome dividend each week, If You Have An Old Washer Trade It In On A New CONNOR Yow'll Appreciate Its Time And Labour Saving Advantages. PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND ST. WASHER SERVICE QUICKER CHEAPER BETTER Phone 3800W Jaa astnonizes J3E0y eraria 68 SIMCOE S1\. "Look for the Store wit the Yellow Front" JOE PALOOKA Settle Back an' Listen WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE MATTERY..T TOLD [5 1L ABNER INJURED AN' ) WHAT A TERRIBLE Soa. THING, AMNESIA f LIFE KIN BE BEAUTIFUL, WIF YO" BY FL3 (oR J J -- WELL, ED.WE FOUND Him! THIS 15 THE PRIVATE SNOOP WHO COULDN'T KEEP CORRIGAN! SOME OF THE BONS LIKE TO SOUND ToueH ! ACTUALLY, 'THEY WOULDN'T SLAP KNOWING THAT FIXXER'S MEN ARE KILLERS, PHIL DECIDES TO ACCOMPANY THEM... . But, HIDDEN IN A CLOSET WITH A WIRE RECORDER, WILDA HAS RECORDED MORE EVIDENCE AGAINST FIXXER.. TOOTS and CASPER IGNORE HIM, ¢ J ATER! HAHA! FANTASTIC THAT, IN THESE WORTHLESS, POVERTY-STRICKEN HILLS, THERE EXISTS THAT PEARL MR. CORRIGAN AND T DON'T WISH 70 BE DISTURBED, MIKE! REMAIN OUTSIDE THE DOOR, IN CASE-- IN CASE WE NEED SOME GINGER MB! OUR FIELD OFFICE & " MAN SAID HE'D RUSH RIGHT OVER! OH, PHIL = P") WATCH YOUR STEP TILL WE GET THERE = DO IT FOR ME} Dress Rehearsal By Jimmy Murpliy I SURE GET WEARY OF PUNCHING A TIME CLOCK---1'D LIKE TO WAKE UP SOME MORNING AND FIND MYSELF RICH! STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works Open Every Day. And Evenings PHONE WHITBY 552 318 Dundas St. E Whitby MYRTLE By Dudley © Eisler i | | | MEANDY-~ 8% 3 WON. THE MATCH--BUT THE BEST | I COULDN'T BE ib 10 RAJS PALACE a~] TTR THE DEFEATED BILLY} I'M GOING TO FIND RED FEATHER E DENTON SLINKS AWAY-- I'M MOT GOING TO PAY THAT SILLY MIRANDY THE BAG O'GOLD-- / LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY CASPER, YOU'RE A SIGHT---OR IS "THAT WHAT YOU CALL THE IF A GQUY 1S RICH ENOUGH HE CAN DRESS AS HE PLEASES. FI EVER GET RICH, 1 PROMISE To TREAT YOU TO ENOUGH EXPENSIVE CLOTHES TO UPHOLD TOOTS, NEVER MIND THE NEW LOOK-+-T CRAVE NEW WEALTH! SORRY FOR THE POOR OLD MAN- NO HOME - NO FRIENDS -- HONORABLE SAILOR VELLY SICK IN HEAD -YOU COME VISIT, HONORABLE SAILOR GET VELLY MUCH I FEEL TERRIBLE You HONORABLE SAILORS FRIEND-EVERYBODY VELLY FINE FRIEND OF HONORABLE 4 [SAILOR - HEY YU MAKEE VELLY FINE MEDICINE = VELLY SOON MEDICINE MAKE HONORABLE SAILOR PUSHEE SICKNESS FROM HEAD- ! BE GRAND-, secu --_ THET TO. re THE PHANTOM ENTERS THE |: WHAT is THE MEANING OF) THIS? » W 4 1] JBL TRIAL, YOUR HIGHNESS IS LOVELY THIS TIME OF THE YEAR, ISN'T IT 2 d BLONDIE F AND WHERE'S TH' Vij) DIME FOR TH! KID, BUD? fm ze SUPERMAN BY GETTING POLICE TO CHECK HER ABSURD STORY: THAT SUPERMAN'S ADOPTED DAUGHTERS REQUESTED HER TO BREAK THEIR WINDOW, LOIS E HOPES TO GET A SURPRISE PHOTO OF TH CAMERA-SHY BLONDES, WE'LL SOON SEE I YOLI WERE HIRED TO BREAK | THAT w Dow, SISTER Oo TURNED ON THAT COLD WATER? EH THiS HERE NG LADY SAYS BEN THAT You-