Daily Times-Gazette, 3 Mar 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1948 WANT AD SECTION <5 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY uditors BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ernment reports and income me prepared, secretarial work ,1C04J. 295 Arthur St, (Aprl) OF, HOPKINS, GEN- Articles for Bale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted ... Auditors .......... Automobiles For Sale For Rent ,, Automobiles Wanted .. Automobile Repairs Auction Sale .. Barristers .. Insurance . Instruction CERTIFIED gant, 24 Alger Bldg, King Phone 2127. Ci ace nd auditor. ters nt - (Aprl) | ing Trades ,,. 1 Business Oppor- tunities ......... 20 Busicess 1 - Male Help anted. 21 N, BARRISTER, ETC. arranged. 25 Simcoe Phone 67. dence 3051. (Aprl) ! CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- lin BR Annis, K.C.. 7}, Simcoe Street South, Phone 4, Residence 769. (Aprl) "A. W. S. GREER, K.C.. BARRISTER, tor, etc., 6 King Street East. Phone 8160. 1d. é 4. gartoer , ©. Pollard, K.C., Uxbridge, t. ' (Aprl) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, Rurristers, etc. Bank of Commerce ding. (Aprl) R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C.. BARRISTER. Solicitor, _etc., King St. West. : Office 814; residence 3297. (Aprl) Money to loan. orl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor, Suite 201. 70 King East, G Hotel. Phone 837. (Aprl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office 4); King St. East. Oshawa. Phone "5. Res, Phone 837. (Aprl) Chiropractors .... al Nursing Ser ONE. INSERTION . TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTI Pr 1 and 20 words or less. Each initial letter, abbreviation, full word. Box cha All Classified Advertisements INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help Wanted ......... Funeral Directors . Gardening and Supplies .. Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent .. 28 Loan Wanted Lost and Found .., 22 Legal Notices ..... Help Wanted Money to Loan Optometrists, ...... CLASSIFIED AD RATES ONS . THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTIO! Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a mew original order. i listings $5.00 per month for 20c additional for all words over 20. before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. Physicians and urgeons ..... Personal .... Personal Services .. 12 Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repairs ..,. 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For Bale ............ Real Estate Wanted ...c.0... 26 Real Estate Exchange . Rooms For Rent .. 29 Room and Board .. 30 Room and Board Wanted Veterinarians ..... Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 cee 38 4 sisiiee 8 coves 10 oa LH mal vice 20 Words Each Addl Less Word $ and c sign, figure count as a rged 10c additional MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day , BARRISTER, SOLI- g E. Room 2. Phones 35. Residence 3687TR. (Aprl) LL AND J. A. YANCH. National G_F. SWARTZ, BARRIST Notary. plone to loan. , suite 6:4. 'Phone 283, Eh, ) Fy i ans and Surgdons | 28--Women's Column SPENCER SUPPORTS INDIVIDUALLY designed, Measured at British Knit store, 64 King Street West, Phone 2118M or 873J for appointment. (Marl9) CHARIS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BREAK in that new garment before the warm weather arrives. Call Mrs. LZ ar.10) CHARIS--FOR SPRING FASHION IN expert fitting, in girdles, corselettes and brassieres. Phone Mrs. Blatter, 94W. Mar.11) ( 24--Personal DRIVING TO TORONTO DAILY, NEW car, Phone 402W after 6:30 only. (53 "RVICE. insurance Ace includ- phone (Apel) LASSE AND 101 '®ichmond (Apri) E. H, WEBSTER, small animal surgery. St. W. Phone 2010M. 9--Money To Loan "VIGORINE weak, nervous, exhausted. Helps restore pormal youthful pep, vitality; look, feel ter, stronger. 15-day trial, $1.00 av 11's Drug Store. Mar.3,31,Apr.14, May12) PROOM RUGS, NEW MODERN tor colours, custom made, seam- ip Up thirteen feet, .any length. Acne Rug Co. 188 King W,, 1ton (Mar.18) ID AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! YOU'RE azy! (Thousands peppy at 70, Os- rex Tonic Tablets pep u les lacking iron. For rundown feeling ma men, women call "old". New "get acquainted" size only 50c. At all druggists. (Jan28.29,30Feb.25.26,27Mar.3,4,5) | 25--Real Estate For Sale $6700--2-STOREY HOUSE, QUEEN ST., { Bowmanville, 7 rooms and bath, solid brick, large garage, hot-alr heating, g furnace, fully insulated; early possession. Phone Bowmanville 494. =~ oo ___(53t1) | 5.-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, LOT 206 X j95. 82.800, 2866R. (52) | 26--~Real Estate Wanted { HARMONY 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE, OR !lot, on highway between Wilson Rd. and Harmony four corners, or between | Harmony four corners and Harmony | Public School. Will also exchange city house {r one in Harmony. Apply 325 Celina Bt. ~~ (511) | URGENT. I NEED HOUSES, LARGE i { and businesses for clients, some with ! all cash, Phone 3510M today and get | acidon, W. McAuley, Realtor, 150 Divi- sion St. | 20--Rooms For Rent ROOM, ALL CON- preferred. Phone t (53b) { FURNISHED BED. | veniences; gentleman 3184M. 65 Elgin Eas! REFINED COUPLE HAS LOVELY | | front room, for two business ladies; | must be seen to be appreciated. Board { optional: 100 Gladstone. (53¢) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT | two working girls, grill privileges. Ap- I ply 139 Albert St. (53a) ONE FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT SINGLE person. Phone 1985. (511) 25-----Real Estate For Sale 29a--For Rent CHOICE LOT, 40 X 140--58 HIGHLAND Ave. Phone 648J. (53b) NEW FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW AT 434 Louisa St., one minute to bus; all insulated, hardwood floors, tiled bath- room and kitchen, with built-in cup- boards, linen closet, three clothes closets, electric fixtures --Twenty-four Fain cash, balance twenty-four dol- i lars per month. Apply on job or phone | 4691R. } (53b) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mo . Apply M. F. Swartz, s t Block, suite No. 4. by one . . (Aprl) 10--Instruction DANCING CLASSES, BALLET, and, Tap taught by Irenle Harvey. Re- day, Christ Church Parish t and Mary Sts. (Mar.5) PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN LATEST mori \ dances Including Fox Trot, Wy umba, Tango, Samba, Jitter- e 4666J. (Apr.3) ilding Trades AND PAPER-HANGING, RE- eo 4498J12. (Apr. 1) PAINTER AND DECOR- 1435M. 17 Park Rd, South. \ ee (Mar23) ND DYKSTRA, PAINTERS, . Also industrial spraying. guranteed, Phone 3639 - A185, . (Mar.18) CONTRACTOR, PLANING , all types of remodel. built-in ' furniture, etc. Phone 1508J. (Apr?) Op at 40 onage solicited (Apr) RHEUMATISM REBUILT, RECO- : pay more? Our Ble. Satisfaction are B3W nights, J, / (Aprd) PAIRED AND RE- our materials for ice RB. Dalton. 75 401 (Apr8) g and Supplies B AND SHRUBS, be taken care of at Phone 2178. (4841) bile Repairs Th : 8 My. Specializing, - n. Phone > 7 ye (Mar13) s Opportunities RENT § with good equipment, ] hased at wholesale business is showing Fnover, and owner will reliable man _ No living phone information ctio E. HOLMES | BROKER NTARIO ST. OSHAWA (53a) 'and Found DWN LEATHER WALLET, nity of CGenosha Hotel. rd. Phone 3932J. ___ (35a) SPRINGER SPANIEL, old, white front and "Dixie". - Phone 3713W. nen's Column INS WASHED AND 'AINS private home.' Phone ) (52h) 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, S0 CLOSE to General Motors, your wife can call ou to dinner; yacak, Soesetslon April . R e, GARAGE FOR RENT, APPLY 25 Brock West. (53b) SUNLAMPS FOR RENT, COLDS, 'FLU, health-giving, natural rays of the new G.E, sunlamp. nt one now from Christian's. Phone 1000. (53¢) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR EITHER MAN or girl. Phone 14947. a | ROOMERS WANTED, MEN ONLY; reasonable rates. Phone 3376W. Break- fast if desired. (53a) y | 1st; $1,500 down at $5; lesser offer considered. Apply A. E, ; Murdock, Real Estate Broker, over | Eaton's. (53c) | 7 ACRES, RICH GARDEN SOIL; GOOD !8-room house, hydro, telephone and | excellent well, barn suitable for 300 chickens. Priced to sell for cash, Ex- cellent bargain. Phone 723R2, Oshawa. (Mar.2,3,6) West section, 6 room brick with attic finished, hardwood down, good garage, vacant, possession. Terms. Lot, business section, Kinz St. East, 24' x 165' with sidewalls, 13' x 60' com- pletefi, this is an opportunity to start a gents or ladles' ready to wear store. } JONES and NOLAN 'BROKERS { 313 Al 2 ugh Phong $4,000. on da conve] Apply, (52¢) RES, NEW: 3-ROOM HOUSE, NO. a3 382W1. (52b) $2,200. OR THE BEST OFFER n payment, 6-room frame, All liences, garage, work shop 12x20. 325 Celina St. (512 --25 acres, S-room frame house, near Myrtle. --312 acres, 3-room cottage, 2,40 near Oshawa. 7 acres, S5-room frame $3, 50 ~ house, barn, electric, wa- ter and telephone. $4,5007% acres, on highway East, No buildings. A good spot- for home or business. May divide. $2000 DUPLEX A brand new, brick, upper, pays $52, per month, Possession of lower if ne- cessary, present revenue over $1,300, per ear. Economical hot water heating. is is a real bargain. $10,500. Half cash, if --New, 5-room, extra large $7 20 bungalow, now under constijiction, finished in May. Only down. MUCH | $1,900 I HAVE OTHERS. W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M ANYTIME (52b) STUOCO, STOREY AND A rooms, 11 HALF, § basement, 8 years old. , mile west of Oshawa. $2,400. | 31--Wanted to Rent WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3 OR 4 MORE rooms, preferably unfurnished, central district, newly married couple, abstain- ers, Phone Mr. Moss 628. (53c) VETERAN URGENTLY REQUIRES IN- formation leading to bedsitting-room and kitchen. Furnished, privileges. Couple only. Phone 3873M. (53a) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR APART- ment, by quiet young couple, no child- ren. Urgent. Phone 3030M. (Mar.1,3,5) 3-ROOM APARTMENT OR FLAT, BY April 15, young couple, no children. Phone 1449J. (52¢) APARTMENT FOR ENGLISH COUPLE, 2, children, ages 4 and 6. Box 832, Times-Gazette (52¢) ONE OR TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for man and school-age boy. South-end | preferred. Box 813, Times-Gazette. el a (Mar.2,3,5.6,) FURNISHED BED-SITTING ROOM AND kitchen, grill and phone privileges. Ab- stalners, two business people only. Box 643, Times-Gazette. (Mar.3) 31a--Exchange Accom'd'tion OSHAWA - TORONTO, ATTRACTIVE unfurnished flat 2 rooms, with modern kitchen, private bathrooms; will ex- | change for similar accommodation or apartment with two bedrooms in To- ronto; east or northeast end preferably. Box 838, Times-Gazette. BTR oh AB iad stride A IRs 32--Automobiles for Sale "47 STUDEBAKER TRUCK, 3-TON, EX- cellent condition, covered 1,000 miles. Phone 2829J1 after 5. (52c) GOOD CONDITION, ly 637 Ritson Rd, S. | (52) '39 BUICK SEDAN, SMALL SERIES, good appearance, cash buyer. Phone 3927J. (53c) 33--Automobiles Wanted (53c) '20 PONTIAC, Best offer. App 36--Articles For Sale CAMERA, VOIGTLANDER BESSA, F, 3-5 Lens = Compur - Rapid from 1 sec- ond to 1/400, trigger shutter release, mask for 16 exposures, self-timer and flash synchronizer built in case. Phone 648J. (53b) POTATOES, SPY & TALMAN SWEETS delivered. Phone 4423J or 4832W. F. Shaw, 262 St, Jullen St. (53¢c) CREAM AND GREEN MERIT COOK- stove in good condition----$25. 10 (530) MAN'S Neath Street. ELGIN DELUXE WRIST watch, just cleaned. Phone 4784J. 53) ( v BICYCLE, HEAD-LIGHT, BAGGAGE rack, never used; bedspread, hand- crocheted, star pattern, popcorn stitch. Phone 4784J. (53b) 6 FT OF KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, IN two sections. Phone 3642M. (53b) WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, WATER- fall design, springs included. Cogswell type chair, studio couch. Bundle door and window stops, 398 Division. (53¢c) 4-BURNER GAS STOVE, WHITE ENA- mel, large oven, milkshake machine and cups, large fan suitable for fish and chip store. Call 2639R. (53c) CONSOLE RADIO, GOOD CONDITION, 60 or 25 cycle. Phone 239J12. (53a) DINING ROOM SUITE IN BEAUTIFUL walnut, eight pieces, upholstered chairs. Must be seen to be appreciated. Never used. Original cost, $350. No reasgn- able offer refused, Terms. Christief's. Phone . 1000. (53¢) ~ BARGAINS IN USED RADIOS Radlo console, used, new guarantee. Regular $79.95. Special $39.95. Terms. Radio mantle, used, excellent per- formance and condition, built-in aerial, new guarantee. Special $24.50, CHRISTIANS 11 SIMCOE N. ! and small farms, small acreages, stores ; (Maré) | rheumatic .pains, etec., respond to the | (52b) | - | customers (53¢) PORTER CABLE SPEEDMATIC SAW. One h.p. with cord. Almost new. Phone 44510 (51c) 4-BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE, MOF- | fatt, large oven. 21 Bond St. E. (52¢c) | WHITE TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS; PHONE 1000 | EUCHRE, THURS. MAR. 4, AT CEDAR- dale School at 8 p.m. Good prizes. a EUCHRE, ORANGE HALL, THURSDAY, 2:30. Auspices, Oakleigh Lodge. 25 cents. Good prizes. (53a) "THE HOT WATER HERO", 3-ACT lay by Ebenezer Young People, Kin t. United Church, Friday, arch 4 38--Female Help Wanted GENERAL DOMESTIC TO SLEEP OUT. Please phone 3421, between 7 and, 9 (52¢) STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER Experienced Preferred! Steady position and advancement to right party. References requirec'! Apply to PARKHILL & YANCH BARRISTERS 26 SIMCOE ST. N. (4611) 39--Male Help Wanted WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. WE Kroehler chesterfield bed and 2. oc- casional chairs; 2 lady's winter coats, size 16. Phone 1639W. ~~ (52c) COOK STOVE, PERFECT CONDITION. Apply 344 Simcoe St. 8. (52¢) VENETIAN BLINDS | Made to measure and guaranteed, freé | estimates and installations anywhere. i J. W. MELLEY | PHONE 4101W ANYTIME | BOX 421, OSHAWA, (Mon. Wed. Fri) _ | Fem AND FRESH EGGS FOR cubator and 2 cocker spaniels, 6 months old. Phone 436J3, or apply 64 Orchard | Ave, North Oshawa. ~~ = (52b) BUNK BEDS AND MATTRESSES, $12. Phone 2168M. =~ ~~~ ~~ (52c) 7-TUBE RADIO, WITH RECORD PLAY- er, bargain. Phone 4473. (82) FROSTKING ICE-BOX, GOOD CON- | dition. Phone 3163M. ~~ (52¢) | NAVY BLUE AND WHITE SUNSHINE pram, like new. Phone 4892W. (52¢) | chi also 400 capacity oll-burner in- ELNA Sewirig machines are really super. | ELNA drans men's socks with wool. | ELNA makes mending easier. | ELNA mends silk stockings, and | Nylons, too! Elna requires only small down payment, balance over 16 months. For ELNA demonstration in your home PHONE 4180J2 Sra eae a (52) PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FLOOR FIN- ish for all your floors. No more waxing. Dries in one hour. Glecoff's Grocmeat- eria. We deliver, Phone 3235. (Mar.26) PLAST-I-GLOSS, THE MODERN FLOOR finish. No waxing, polishing or hard scrubbing. Non-slippery. Prevents ac- cidents Beautifies. Dries in one hour. ! We will apply your Plast-I-Gloss and Guarantee it not to crack, chip, or peel. Expert information for applying free of charge. Assoclated Services, 23 Bond Street West, at Prince. We Deli- ver. Phone 4538W. (Mar.35) VENETIAN BLINDS | for homes, offices or factories. Custom made. Moderately priced. Estimates and installations free. R. G. TREWIN 59 Division, Oshawa ie. {MoOn.Wed.Frl.) | NO, 5 NATIONAL PRESSURE COOK- ers, large, suitable for canning, now avallable, also Presto Cookers, all sizes, Meagher's, 5 King West. (Mar.24) TYPEWRITER, UNDERWOOD STAN- dard, In perfect condition, $75. Terms arranged. Christian's, Phone 1000. (43tf) OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service. Out-of-town solicited. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Mar18) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makés of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Mar25) APARTMENT SIZED WASHING MA- chine, most modern design. $69.50. Meagher's, 5 King West. (Mar.19) AWNINGS, ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY avallable. Order now. Chairs and tables Cleve Fox, 412 Sim 3531-R for rent. coe N., Oshawa. (Mar.4) CASH FOR YOUR CAR, BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe 8t. North Phone 4695W. (Apr3) 34--Pets and Livestock GOOD MILK COW, DUE TO FRESHEN, also 75 pullets Jaying; Apply A. Fulcher, Lakeview Gardens. Phone 4264J3. (52b) COCKER BPANIELS, REGISTERED, blacks, blondes. and partis Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, on new highway. (Mar,28) SIMCOE PET SHOP, CANARIES, BABY Budgies, Foreign Finches, Goldfish. New bird cages. Budgie ladders. Simcoe South. (Mar.26) 35--Wearing Apparel Large . Hardwood thr hout. Phone 1770M for appointment. (Feb.27-Mar.5) $6 50 --buys 6-room brick, King- ' ston Rd. Hast. in lovely condition. Quick pcasession. --Lovely 5-room, storey and $7.00 fences. Garage. --8-room brick, all conven- $6,800 fences, garage, central. $5 60 --5-room brick bungalow. ' Modern kitchen and bath, furnace, garage. Close in. Quick possession. $8 50 --8-room modern brick, all ' conveniences, oak floors, oll furnace, near Collegiate. I have also a meat and grocery store, doing good turnover. All. modern equip- ment. Also a Service Station, repair garage, on No. 2 highway PHONE 716 FOR APPOINTMENT. W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker & Auctioneer List your wants with me for uick action. Clients waiting with cas S2b) ( half, all modern conven-, hardwood floors, | LOVELY MOUTON COAT, SIZE 16, worn only three times, cost $99, will sell $70. Phone 3778W. (52b) LADY'S COAT, SIZE 20; 2 CHILDREN'S coats, sizes 9, 10. Like new, Phone 549W. (52¢) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING sterilized, cieAned and pressed like new. Carrying a big stock of Winter eoats suits and pants 31 Bond 8t W. Sam Bwartz, (Apr?) 36--Articles for Sale WHITE ENAMEL COOK STOVE, $30. Phone 4470W, i (53a) ONE GURNEY COAL & WOOD RANGE, also kitchen cabinet, for sale. Phone (53a) CHRISTIANS BARGAINS IN FURNITURE Chesterflelds, 3 pieces, floor sample, regular price $207. special $114.50. Terms. Bedroom suite, 6 pieces, regular $195., special $99.95. 3 Mattresses, only a few left, reduced to clear from $7.95 up CHRISTIANS 11 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 1000 (53c) pecially at STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER 83. I Measured and installed. George id. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West 37--Articles Wanted (Mar23) CHILD'S CRIB, IN GOOD CLEAN CON- dition; also 2-wheel box trailer. Phone 1808W1. (52b) PIANO FOR STUDENTS' HALL, SMALL' size preferred. When writing please state make, height and price wanted. Box 820, Times-Gazette, (Mar.1-13) SEWING MACHINE, SINGER DROP- head only. Will pi twenty dollars and up. Box 828, Times-Gazette. (Mar.1-13) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West Phone 3766M (Mar13) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, rags, mattresses, iron and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635 Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St. East of CNR. Station. (Apr2) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes cook <toves and heaters 54 King West. 3326W. (Apr5) 38--Female Help Wanted RETAIL STORE CLERK, JUNIOR MAT- riculation required. Apply Box 838, Times-Gazette, stating experience, age, etc. Permanent position... (534) ASSISTANT TO ACCOUNTS RECEIV- able bookkeeper, ideal working condi- tions, 5-day week. Times- Gazette. _ , (53b) TYPIST, WITH SOME GENERAL OF- fice knowledge, an asset but not es- sential; 5-day week; ideal working condition. Box 839, Times-Gazette, (53b) TWO POSITIONS "OPEN, ONE BOOK- keeper, one invoice cletk. Exserlence not essential but valuable Good wages Apply stating address, age, e<'1cation and © experience to Box 803, Times Gazette (44t0) Box 839, - | vancement. { have a fine opening in Oshawa for the {man who wants to start in business of No experience necessary. | his own with opportune fee for ad- | Apply Box 837, Times-Gazette. (53c) | SALES SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Wanted by large electrical manufac. turer for Oshawa, Whitby area. Full time position. No investment. Must have car, be married, bondable, over 25 years of age, resident of either place, experienced in home contact. | ing and capable of earning $300 | monthly. Successful applicant will be fully trained, factory and field. Give full information, also present income dn reply which will be trea- ted confidentially. BOX 833, TIMES-GAZETTE (52b) SALESMAN TO CONTACT MEDICAL profession, dentists, hospitals, etc. Com- mission basis, may be carried as a sideline. Apply by letter, Eastern Me- dical Equipment Ltd., 46 St. George St. Toronto. (52¢) JANITOR FOR OSHAWA GOLF CLUB, daily cleaning of club house. Hours: 7 am, to 11 am. Commencing ap- proximately April 15 to November 1, Box 825, Times-Gazette. (50d) 40--Agents Wanted WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY TRAV- el among consumers in Oshawa. Per- manent connection with large manu- facturer. Only reliable hustler consid- ered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-C- 310-131, Montreal, Que. (Mar.3,11,17,29) 41--Employment Wanted HOUSEWORK, BY DAY OR HOUR, 600 per hour, Phone 2458J. (53m) AVAILABLE. YOUNG MAN, EXPERI- enced, recapping, vulcanizing and gen- eral tire service. Phone 3846 f ( 3b) REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical appli- ances. Frank Snudden, 107 Athol E. Phone 919W. Mari13) Blacksmith, welding, repairing. 283 BYNG Ave. (Feb.28,Mar.1-13) To Publicize Anglican Work London--(CP)--A new organiza. tion to make Anglican church work better kncwn is to be discussed by Britain's Church Assembly at its spring session next month. A cen. tral information board of 20 mem- bers is reccommended, which will make use of all generally.recogniz. ed means of publicity. The cost of this new organiza. tion is estimated at £14,000 ($56, 000) a year. It would include a cen- tral staff, comprising a chief infor. mation secretary with an assistant, a press officer with two assistants, publishing officer and visual aids officer. The board would advise the archbishop of Canterbury on pub. lic relations and stimulating press information and contacts in each diocese in Britain. It would also develop a liaison with publishing houses and organize the use of films and lantern slides, as well as modern exhibition techniques. Hornet Sting Caused Death Bloemfontein, South Africa (CP) --"Death as the result of a hornet sting" was the verdict after an in. quest here on Gerhardus Lauren. tlus Van Es of Glen, formerly of Holland. The evidence was that he had been stung on the back of thé neck by a hornet. Mrs, Johanna G. L. van Es, the widow, said that she had tried to treat the sting, which looked like a blister the size of a pins head, with ammonia. An hour and a half later his face began to swell and he died suddenly. NEW" Hero, of Alexandria, invented a whirling steam-actuated engine. Twenty-one centuries later in 1883, it reappeared as the Parsons steam turbine. Great Glemham, Suffolk, Eng- land--(CP)--Mr, and Mrs. Fred. | eric. Eastaugh, 93 and 91 years old, Admission, adults 35c, children 20c. (52b) | have been married 70 years. THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten "TUE WAY CLAMBAKE PROPOSED IT. SOUNDED LIKE A SHARE -THE-WEALTH NN D Bur im oioN'T TAKE | HER LONG TO FIND OUT THE ONLY SHARING SHE DOES I THE FAMILY TOWEL "Thanks O~ MRS ANNE COHEN, ST. LOUIS, HO, NO! NOT ANOTHER * RED CENT! [ DON'T CARE WHAT YOU") WANT IT FOR! THE ANSWER IS nz i" Parisian Youth Too Poor to Go Night-Clubbing By IAN FRASER Paris--(Reuters) -- Crippling taxation, huge overhead expenses and above all an impoverished younger generation are treatening to produce a serious slump among the "boites de nuit," the famous Paris night clubs, known to "visi- tors from all parts of the world. Already there is talk of closing down--although the manager of any individual club will deny it-- at a number of the 170 registered night clubs which, much more than the night clubs of London and other European cities, are the tra- ditional places of revelry of rich and poor alike, Frenchman and foreigner, policeman and "spiv." Some of the well-known places in world-famous Montmartre and the less well-known districts of Montparnasse already look dilapi- dated, A recent tour of a number of the better-known '"boites" showed that 90 per cent of the male clients were middle-aged men and that the age of all was well over 30. The young men who brought the "boites" their gaiety in happier times today have no money to spare for pleasures such as this. "Young people have been coming less in recent months," the waiter behind the bar of the "Florence" said. "Sometimes we have the son of a regular customer or a young man with money from America or Belgium. But more often it is the older folk." Foreigners, especially in the money-no-object clubs of the smart Champs Elysees district, were much in evidence. Americans, Swedes, all the hard-currency- country tourists are the best cus- tomers of night-club proprietors to- ay. At some of the less chic and more demi-monda in haunts, a prominent feature was the man in the flashy clothes and brightly- olished American car, known in ondon as the "spiv." Some of the "'boites" visited were only half full and even those which had large crowds--mainly those with floor shows and scantily-elad dancing girls--were not doing a great trade in the one article which brings the proprietor his revenue-- drinks, for the Paris "boite" does not usually charge an entrance fee. "This is not just the after- Christmas depression," one pro- prietor said. "The slump began after the November and December strikes. People are economizing because they lost earnings and are afraid they may lose more." The Parisian, uncertain of the future, prefers to sip champaigne by the glass at $3 a round at the bar to sitting down at thetable--which en- tails the obligation to buy cham- paigne at $18 a bottle. Night club proprietors have to worry not only about existing taxes amounting to one per cent of the rent, six per cent of all sales after 12.30 a.m., 25 per cent of cabaret takings and 12 per cent of gross takings, but also about a new head- ache which the government is pre- paring for them in the shape of a quarterly night-club tax of about $800 as part of its anti-inflation programme. One proprietor said: "It costs me about $1,600 to dress my, chorus of 10 girls, and nobody could say that the dresses took much material. Nevertheless, there is a general impression among night-club own- ers that if they can get through this year there will be more money about in the future and taxation-- especially emergency -taxation-- will be less burdensome. SPLENDID R.O.P. RECORD Hazel's Royal Carnation--123743 red and owned by Weodlands statents Limited. Oshawa, which is managed Ly Howard Farndalz, Secretary of the Ontario Jersey Club, has eompleted an splendid R.O.P. record. Royal Carnation went on test at six years of age and in 281 days preduced 10,203 lbs. of milk, 597 lbs. of fat, with an average test of 5.83%. She is a daughter of one of the former herd sires at the Woodlands In. vestments Farm, Edgeley Stangard Atistocrat. (CROSSWORD - - [ prem -- / - By Eugene Sheffer) Cl .-. Zz Ca % HORIZONTAL "43. disclosin 1. mournful 47. street ral , 4. dry, as wine ways (abbr.) | 7. utter 48. excess of 112. personality solar year 13. macaw 49, observe 14. analyze 50. Scottish Ji grammatice explorer ally 51. indentations male cat 52. bombycid fogginess moths South-Eurge 53. Japanese coin 16. pg £ J" VERTICAL " 10. S-shaped "8 worm l 11. thing, in law, 17. in addition, 10. varieties 22. variety of lettuce 23. fondlers * 24. goddess of malicious, mischief, 25. foot-li ¢ 1, bristle-like 2. ago (poet.) 3. rules arro- gantly 4. identical 5. silkworm 6.a star 7. overflowing 8.furl, asa sail 9. before © bd pean plant narrated . cotton cloth Answer to yesterday's puzzle. organ 27. retires 29. characters ATE . lose heat clelr]/ 30. topaz hums § Hlo o . excel Glelo ming-bird E / |W . mistake Zinio 31, female ruff yiR 32. ship's tim . angry . sharp moun. tain spurs . loud sleep & N 7A niXi~joln]a £ Vv £ PlE|SERE Vv £ piece 34. town in 37. predatory, / nocturnal' afmirimin ClAls noises . Russian ERAT] bird i measure of 710 distance intrigue 34. w R I 5 / | G 39. web-like membranes 40. German city 41. denomination & by 5 2 35. bronze 4 vy money J id S 42. grows old \ 7i0})/ 36. bright & ETE 43. primary color 14 £ L £ 38. Italian EIST AED RRD 44. slender finisl T|E|R fargily of nobility s 41, stitches 42, donkeys Average time of » Dist, by King Fea 3-3 S £ £ 5 45.advance "I guard : 46. new: comb, *) form olution: 26 minutes, tures Syndicate, Inc. Ohio Scientists Probe Mysteries Of Human Nature By KEN DAVIS Yellow Springs, Ohio.--(AP)-- A jittery mother can make her unborn child a nervous wreck, scientists at Fels Institute believe after exhaustive studies of Ohio mothers and fathers. Dr. John I. Lacéy, head of the Institute's psychophysiology divi- sion, explained it this way: "When a prospective mother be- comes nervous or upset, there is a change in the function of her en- docrine glands and in the composi- tion of her blood. "Such changes are passed on to the fetal bloodstream and act in a stimulating or irritating manner on the brain and nervous system of the baby." Human development probably is charted more closely and at greater length at this comparatively un- known institute for the study of human beings than at any other place on earth. Fels researchers begin studying their subjects when they are yet unborn, perhaps six months before that event. By the time their sub- jects are born, they have exhaus- tive records of their heart actions and movements through delicate in- struments which simultaneously record the heart.and nervous action of the mother. = . These records. are continued in regular sequence through the first 18 years of their lives and will be extended #ntermittently in the years beyond. Prchably nowhere else are human, records kept so dili- gently, so completely and on the same persons over such a long per- icd, ~~ | Samuel S. Fels, a Philadelphia soap manufacturer who wondered what made his friends tick, found* ed the institute 18 years ago. Dw. Lester W. Sontag directs its work, following the "longitudinal meth- od" of keeping records over long periods on the same subjects, the type of experimentation stipulated for the institute by its founder. Most Fels scientists do not anti- cipate appreciable progress for a couple of decades, but already, in 18 years of research, they believe they can distinguish a few of the blaze marks along the right path. They believe, for instance, slowly but surely they are penetrating the mystery surrounding the tie-up be. twen mind and body. Through the most extensive and complicated series of physical measurements and records ever at=- tempted, they feel they have added still one more refinement in the age-old attmpt to assay the rela- tionship of physical make-up~--the distribution of such tissues as fat muscle and bone--to behavior an personality. People are not what they seem from the outside, says Dr. Earle L. Reynolds, who heads the Insti- tute's physical growth division. "For example," he explains, "two girls may have exactly the same outward measurements and weight. One is athletic, energetic, fast-mov- ing, aggressive; the other slower moving, not particularly energetic, perhaps of a retiring nature, "X-ray examination of those girls might reveal entirely differ- ent interior distribution of fat, muscle and bone. Possible the ag- gressive girl would have a greater proportion of muscle and less fat than the more timid girl." London -- (CP) -- Dame Anne Loughlin is the first woman elected general secretary of the National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers. In 1943 she was the first presiding president of the Trades Union Congress.

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