AGRON GRRE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN U.S. Professor Has New Theory On Modern Ills By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE New York -- (AP) -- Feelings of anxiety--something that both- ered even cavemen society--may often stem from guilt, says Dr. 0. H. Mowrer, associate professor of psychology at Harvard Univer- sity. This idea differs from that of Sigmund Freud, who believed that anxiety and many neuroses of mod- ern life came from repressed de- sires and impulses which a person would like to indulge in, but didn't re. The view that they come from guilt and social fear offers a way to treat them successfully and to rid of the anxiety and neuroses, r. Mowrer said. It would also in- dicate that man's social and moral conscience js getting better, Ancient and prehistoric man probably had the psychological problem of anxiety feelings, he said, There is good reason to be- lieve that anxiety "is the principal reason for modern man's addiction to alcohol, tobacco, other intoxi- cants and stimulants and to gam- bling and gluttony." Such things can bring some relief of the an- xiety. The use of magic, and many re- ligious rites and practices also seem to offer relief, he added. Fear is a dread of something objective, but anxiety might be defined as fear of nothing, or fear of something which the person won't admit exists, Dr. Moawrer explained. A neurosis can be thought of as behavior that reduces the anxiety, by escaping the real- ity of facing the cause of it. Neurotics don't know why they are anxious. Freud's theory, Dr. Mowrer said, was that a person did something for which he was' punished. This leads to an internal conflict be- tween the impulse and the fear of being punished for it and the im- pulse is repressed. But later the impulse tries to re- assert itself. Threatened with its return, the person feels anxiety. This is really fear of the repressed impulse, but only the fear and not the "impulse itself gets into his consciousness. He may do neurotic things to allay the anxiety. "Freud's theory in essence comes from evil wishes, from acts an in- dividual would commit if he dared." Dr. Mowrer, in a report to the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, expressed the view that the anxiety comes from acts which a person has com- mitted, but wishes he hadn't done. "It now appears that in most if not all neurotics the problem is to help th enidividual 'grow up' to the demands of his conscience, not to try to whittle down or dilute those demands," he said. "It brings the scientific theory of anxiety into fundamental agree- ment with the implicit assump- tions of thg great religions of the world concerning anxiety, namely that it is a product not of too littlé self-indulgence and satisfac- tin, but of too much, a produet not of over-restraint and inhibition, but of irresponsibility, guilt and immaturity." The anxiety can be accepted as a "friendly" and helpful sign of something wrong, and treatment can be carried out so that the anxiety becomes ordinary guilt and moral fear, he continued. Realistic adjustment sand new learning can then be accomplished so that the hidden fear is recognized and over- come, "This is in marked contrast to the Freudian imputation that an- xiety is an imposter--foreign, un- friendly, and destructive." This approach opens the way to a more hopeful and healthy con- ception of the nature of psycho- therapy (treatment of psycholo- gical ills) and of education gen- erally. 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WHAT DOES THE BOOK SAY TO DO WHEN YOU GET IN A SITUATION LIKE THAT P THAT'S WONDERFUL, DEAR. I SAW A NEW COAT TODAY FOR $500.09» I WAS GOING TOASK YOU IF I COULD BUY IT, BUT ILL GO AHEAD AND ORDER IT- AY WITH ME, BEING THAT LONG WITH, MOON MULLINS GOOD EVENING, LADY PLUSHBOT TOM. ] BLONDIE 7 lm | DAGWOOD, COME, QUICK ! THE STOOL IS SLIPPING i) AW, SET.DOWN, PUMPHREY. WHAT DA YA THINK EMMY 15° TH' NATIONAL ANTHEM ? 4 -- ht Napping As Usual A= By Chic Young xy : It Cop. 1948, King Featwpes Syndicate, Inc, World rights seacrved. 5: Attractive Caller u LEADERS MEET OUTSIDE METROPOLIS TO PLOT HIS DEATH, JENKINS SENSITIVITY TO IMPENDING CRIME MAKES HIM AWARE wHiLE | YO NDERWORLD OF COURSE, WITH U PROTECTING ME, VM NOT REALLY WORRIED / $0, IF YOUD BEEN N READING THE PAPERS, ZARK , YOU'D KNOW THAT NONE O F TH LEAGUE CLUBS WiLL START TRAINING E 8 ... 'M IN LUCK... TN OZARK IK HAS REBORT ED FOR SPRING 3 Hud? so s0oNT N JUST AS YOU SAID=- IT CLEAR AS ANYTHING! \ A gli >) (I ZR SUT KIN USE TH' TIME T TRY, Aon MAH ARM BACK IN SHAPE. NTY OF TIME TO OFT ARF wes ME PL THE GOODS ON