36--Articles for Sale WITH ONE MULLION WINDOW, sash, glass and trim, with storm win- dows complete. Phone 1019M, or 29 Arlington Ave. (32¢) PrN : INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS rote | Pio ma Wanted ......... 38 eesessse of For Rent ........., 20a | Personal ., ae' a THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW! [1 wisi 0 oF vou wou umm somog TAGE A 00K A Ti CAN J LICE A JOB FORA OPENER T THINK SOME- | MECIANIC BETTER By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten Bur comes man ENGINEERING PROB- LEM LIKE THIS - PRUE ESSIONAL CTORY Articles for Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted ... 40 " ™ 1--Auditors BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports and income tax forms prepared, secretarial work Phone 1004J. 205 Arthur St. (Marl) 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- Accoun eral tant, 24 Alger Bldg. King 8t. East. Phone 2127. Consulting ac- ocountant and auditor. (Marl) 2--Barristers Auditors Automobiles Supplies .. Wanted ....... .. 33 Automobile Repairs 18 Auction Sale ...... 43 Barristers ....... . 2 Bullding Trades ,,. 11 Business Oppor- tunities ......... 20 Business - Male Help unities Wanted. 21 Wanted ... LOUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. Mortgage Loans arranged. 25 Simcoe North. Phone 67. Residence 3051. (Marl) CO} & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- lin F. Annis," KC, T!2 Simcoe Street South. Phone 4, Residence 769. (Marl) A. W. 8. GREER, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street East. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Resident rtner W, C. Pollard, K.C.,, Uxbridge, Ont. (Marl) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, barristers, etc. Bank of Comumeres a S, K.C., BARRISTER, 6 ing St. West. 814; residence 3297. (arly JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Hotel. Phone 349. (Marl) MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS- JOSEPH ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office Oshawa. Phone 14 it. A Phone 837. (Marl) R, D. Solicitor, etc. Phones: Office Money to loan. P, Chiropractors sees 4 Dentists ......eeee 3 Dressmaking . x Employmen! Wanted cceeesees 41 CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION ........... TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTION! EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE Above rates apply only to original Professional and Business full word. All Classified Adv: before publication. Office ents ours: Puneral Directors . Gardening and Household Repairs Legal Notices ..... 43 Male and Femal Lsssssceessenshecseasensse Subsequent insertions ordered listings 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, Box charged 10¢ additio: Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repairs .... 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate Fora Sale Real Estate Wanted ......... 26 Real Estate > ® veneer 27 Rooms For Rent .. 29 Room and Board ..' 30 Room and Board Wanted ........ 30a 7 Veterinarians ..... Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 «+. 8 | Wearing Apparel .. 35 AD RATES 20 Words Each Addl or Less 'Word 40 2 J5 0314 8 . 1.00 05 INSERTION .... 25 01% orders for consecutive insertions. at a later date constitute a ceeees 3 o . cone 3 $5.00 per month for figure count as a nal. MUST be in by 6 pm. the day Daily 8-6, Saturday 8-5. 4 King #45. Res, ERNEST , BARRISTER, SOLI- citor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55. Residence 3687R. (Marl) A. J. P. AND J. A. YANCH, Barrister, Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. .26 Simcoe North. Phone 1614. Res. 1975J. (Marl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Bolicttor, Notary. Money to loan, Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. 28TTW. (Marl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and (except Wed and Sat.), 2to4and 7 to 8. (Marl) 4--Chiropractors STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC, 146 Simcoe North. Phone 224. Drugless ctice 1 C actic Electro therapy, mineral vapor bath treatment. Practicing 22 years. Consultation free. ® am. to § p.m. dally, except Monday and Friday, (Marl) 5--Optometrists ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 31516. Evenings Appointments. JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: ® am. to 6 pm, Wednesday 9 to 1. 4 E Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 25. (Marl) (Marl ), 24-- Personal -| 33--Automobiles Wanted NERVES ON EDGE? Jumpy, irritable, easily excited poor sleeper? Send for Thuna's Herbal Nerve Tablets -- ALL HERBS. $1.00 postpaid THUNA HERBALISTS 298 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO (Jan.31,Feb.2,7,9,14,16,21,23,28) 25--Real Estate For Sale $9,000--BUYS REPAIR GARAGH AND service station equipment and stock, included, together with 5 room house, all in good state of repair; well located on No. 2 highway. Apply exclusive agent, W. J. Sulley, Real Borate Broker and Auctioneer. Phone 716. Listings Wanted. (33¢c) 8-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE FOR BALE. Must be sold this week. Possession one week. 146 Tyler Crescent. (301) 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE. Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- life. 221; King Street East, Res, 4318R. phone (Marl) J--Veterinarians DR. |i. H, WEBSTER, small animal surgery, Bt. W. Phone 2010M. 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first m A ly M. F. Swartz, Barristers t "Bl ite No. 4. Telephone 282. is wilte (Marl) 10--Instruction DANCING CLASSES, BALLET, TOE and Tap taught by Irenie Harvey. Re- ida¥, Christ Church Parish , Hillcroft and Mary Sts. © (Mar.5) LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Marl) i . © 11--Building Trades Ly in G CONTRACTOR, PLANING -all types of remodel- bullt-in furniture, etc. sand » © ing, kitchens, (Mar.7) Tomas Grill, Phone 15033. (Mar ING, REARS AND | SDDITIONS all t Of u! 88, en cup- Pounds. Phone 1352W. (Feb.23) FRONT END SNOW LOADER AND dump trucks for hire. Gravel, sand and cinders, Apply 163 Ritson Rd. S 2063W. (Febl5) { GGS AND DYKSTRA. PAINTERS, tors, Also Industrial spraying. guaranteed. Phone 3639-4185W, : (Febl0) 12--Personal Services RGE , AUTHORIZED e Sales and Service. Merrill Ross, Station. Phone 33R14, Brooklin. (M#.5) P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS , Repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage solictiad tis, Ru-mex-ol, Bavieier Boal: 384 Ritson 8 2 14--Household Repairs , REBUILT, RECO- vered. Like new. ry pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar- an o-8383W. (Marg) iM JERS NOW. TWO 0 in| mattresses com- "letely robutlt, like new. farshall, Beautyrest Specialize Finish Ontario (Feb24) rep: ck service. or | ROOM & $2,600 WILL BUY NEW 5 ROOM BUN- galow. Bullt-in cupboards, taxes $12 a year. Immediate possession, Phone 3410M. (32b) 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, ALL conveniences, garage, large garden, west. Immediate possession. Apply 6 Bond W. (32¢) W. Sam Swartz. HAVE TO $300 CASH FOR CAR. What have you to offer? Phone UR, $10 SELLS YOUR CAR Become a wealthy pedestrian, We have many cash buyers waiting for your car. For $10 we will sell your car at your price. BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. OSHAWA (18t1) 34--Pets and Livestock WANTED NICE MALE KITTEN' PHONE 1090W, BROOK'S BIRD AND TONIC SEEDS, (33b) Dog and cat foods, bulk, package, tin. Simcoe Pet Shop, 373 Simcoe South. (Feb.24) COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, BLACKS, reds and parti-coloured, also several 3 to 16 months. Reasonable. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa. New Highway. (Feb.16) 35--Wearing Apparel STOP « » » and Investigate the Greatest ~ FURNITURE VALUES EVER OFFERED... at - WILSON'S 'Gigantic . FEBRUARY SALE! LOOK! at these TREMENDOUS VALUES! Spring-filled Mattresses reg. $32.50, 19.95 3-Plece Bedroom Suite, reg. $109, $05 End Tables, reg. $3.95 ..i..... 1.99 Studio Couches, reg. $59 ... Unpainted Chests, reg. $16.50 .... $11.9. Cocoa Matting, special, yard .... $1.75 10-plece Living Room Suite, reg. ye. And Many Other Sensational Savings! LISTEN! Folks! We'll guarantee that you'll not find greater values anywhere! Now is the time to start dressing up your home for spring. Shop now for that new furniture at , . , Wilson's FURNITURE COMPANY (Everything For The Home) 20 CHURCH ST., PHONE 768 (Feb.9,10,11,13,14) RECORD PLAYER, WESTINGHOUSE, Phone 4627J. (32¢c) COOKING APPLES AND POTATOES delivered. Phone 3467J2. (321) 2 SINGLE BEDS, COMPLETE, 213 Olive Ave. (32¢) VALENTINE TEA AND SALE OF work, Holy Trinity church, Tuesday, February 10th, 3-5 p.m. Auspices Women's Auxiliary. Price 35c. 31c) OLD TIME SQUARE DANCING, Hall, Athol St. West, 8at., Feb. 7, 7:30. Arrange with your friends make up a set and enjoy the fun. + Tickets may be obtained at the door. Proceeds for Scout Work, (20d) DANCING AT THE AVALON, EVERY Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Nine till 12, King West. (Sat.; Mon.) 38--Female Help Wanted FOR FINANCIAL OFFICE: JUNIOR typist and file clerk, not necessarily experienced. This Josiion offers good opportunity for advancement. Apply Box 605 es-Gazette, giving particulars, ( { 39--Male Help Wanted ull 32¢) 5 | SALES AND SERVICE MAN, WITH some knowledge of farming. Must have car or light truck. Give particulars, Box 704, Times-Gazette, (31c) LINOTYPE OPERATOR For setting straight matter good rate of pay with steady employment. Apply H. COWLEY TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA, ONT, (tn 39b--Male and Female Help SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. AVERAGE an Familex necessi- ies to the people in your neighborhood. Write today for complete details of our time-tested plan for fast, easy, direct-to-cutomer sales, Catalogue free. Famllex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, (Mon, Wed, Fri) 41--Employment Wanted GESTETNER DUPLICATING MACHINE First Class Condition, CENTRAL ONTARIO CREDIT EXCHANGE ~ Alger Bldg. bi (33¢) CONSOLE STYLE HEAT CIRCULATOR with oil burning unit and automatic draft control. Will sacrifice, 339 Sim- coe St. 8. Phone 1092 (32¢) BEICY LATIN Li) ASOT Sep iis 1 ridi 00 size 3, one 32289. is 2 (32¢) ized, Carrying a b! suits and pants. 21 Bo 8 ROOM FRAME HOUSE' Large Lot, Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Apply 489 CUBERT ST. (33a) LIST YOUR PROPERTY ' FOR SALE with Jones and Nolan, Real Estate | Brokers, 6'2 Prince 8t. We get quick | results. (Feb.6) | BRICK BUNGALOW, SIX YEARS OLD, all conveniences. Open for offers. Ap- ply 922 Brock street south, WEIDY at) $5 600 Gren Bt, 5-room stuc- | ' co bungalow, hardwood { floors, built-in bash, modern kitchen, | hot air heating, large lot. Owner leav- | ing city. See this and make offer, --near G.M. North Plant. | $5,50 5 rooms, brick, semi { bungalow, Built-in cupboards, hard- | wood floors. Possession arranged. JONES & NOLAN, BROKERS WE WELCOME YOUR LISTINGS. (32b) Lee, 3-PIBCE STRO! 36--Articles For Sale PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR ALL our floors, the modern floor finish. ries in one hour, no more waxing or olishing. We deliver, Phone 4538W. 'e also will apply Plast-I-Gloss. As- Services, 23 Bond West, corner (Feb.13) sociated Bond and Prince street, * | STEEL VEN ETIAN BLINDS S550 PER ft. Measured and installed. George Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond Jeo +4 USED R.C.A. VICTOR RECORD PLAY- er, 1 only, Special $11.95. Wilson and , 9 Blincos St. N, Phone 2388. (33a) , CONSOLE MODEL, PIANOS, WALNUT 37" high, 57" wide, like new. Charles H. k, 80 Simcoe St. N. Phone CHESTERFIELD, WINE VEL- our; 9-pe. dining room suite; 3-pc. bed- room suite; plano, 201 College Phone (33b) 3278R. STOVE, IN EXCEL- after 5. 254 Ritson COAL AND WOOD lent condition. Call Rd. 8. (31¢) NEW tid B range. Hea ul Congr $108.50. West. OF 1" WATER PIPE, USED. blower. Phone 1634, after 5 o'clock. \ (31c) MBERG - CARLSON COMBINA- tion radio, recent model, Bently used. $149. Meagher's, 5 King St. W. (31c) MAHOGANY WITH BENCHES, URNER ELECTRIC with automatic oven eagher's, 5 King St. (31c) 45 FT, Furnace 3 to choose from. Charles H. Peacock, 80 8im 8 coe 8t. N. Phone 251. (33t1) NUMBER OF NEW AND USED HEAT- ers and Quebec cook stoves. 156 Sim- coe St. 8., before 6. (Feb.7) ONE DINETTE SUITE, GOOD CONDI- tion, complete set registered golf clubs and 3 woods. Phone 4462R, 116 West t c 26--Real Estate Wanted ALL CASH FOR 5-ROOM HOUSE, write full particulars to Box 703, Times- Gazette, (311) MODERN HOUSES WANTED FOR clients with cash, List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- ranged. Phone 3510M and I will call and inspect your property. W. Mec- Auley, Realtor, 150 Division 8t. (Feb.16) 2Y--Rooms for Rent FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR one gentleman, single ro all con- veniences. Apply 10 Centre St. (33a) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, KING- ston Rd. West, Whitby, Phone 822, Whitby. (32b) FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR | gentleman. Close to Motors. 124 Afnes . c | LARGE BRIGHT ROOM, | if desired. Phone 4039R. HEATED CABINS, SUITABLE FOR housekeeping, Penguin Club. Phone 820, Whitby. (2911) 30--Room and Board BOARD FOR TWO SINGLE girls. Phone 1104J. (32c) 30a--Room & Board Wanted 'AST (31b) utomobile Repairs GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN Expert repairs to G.M., i Specializing, re- Enos ei . (Febl3) 22--Lost and Found TERRIER, FAWN COLOR WITH black nose, vicinity of Westmount. Phone 1319M. JISM. (33a) months. phone 3832, 23--Women's Colum VE (31¢) BLACK BITCH, SEVEN | GOGOD ROOM AND BOARD OR ROOM required by young man in steady em- ployment. Preferably south' of Four Corners. Box 709 Times-Gazette (32c) 31--Wanted to Rent 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR APT. BY young couple, no children. Phone 3030M. AE (33b) 2 OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS by business couple, about March 1st. | Phone 2025R. Seta if YOUNG COUPLE REQUIRE 2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms or apartment. Phone 3200. =~ (31¢) 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, GRILL, refreshment booth, (311) | $229 Ave. OLD STREET CAR, SUITABLE FOR PLANER 12 or 20" thickness planer 15" band saw, 10" tilting arbor saw; jointer 6 or 12". These machines are all ball bearing, and low priced. Write Giffin Machine & Supply Co. 928 Elgin St. W, Toronto, Ont, (291) OIL B SALES PLUS complete reliable service. Out-of-town customers solicited. W. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Feb18) AWNINGS. ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY available, Order now. Chairs and tables for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa. (Mar.4) JUST ARRIVED, LARGE SHIPMENT of coal ranges. No tax. All sizes, and rices to choose from. Meagher's, 92 Bimeoe North. (Febl3) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack 'Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Feb25) ete, 90 days to remave. . Apply at Pres- tonvale Tourist Camp, 3 miles east on No. 2 highway. Phone 1761W3. (32b) BEDROOM SUITE WEEK AT BRADLEY'S Choose yours from our large dis- play. All Sets reduced in price for this special event. $90.50--Lovely 4 piece ensemble, Bed, chiffonier, vanity and bench, Two tone walnut with router carving. A real buy. \ $108--Modern 3 plece suite in Rub- bed Walnut. Large bed, drop- centre vanity and Roomy Chest. | Wonderful value; . . . $119.--Genuine Walnut veneers, Large Plate Mirrors. Bed, chest, and dresser. Compare this value. $135.~Lovely 3 plece suite in matched walnut. Double waterfall design--swing plate mirrors. Your choice of Vanity or Dresser, Chest and Bed. A genuine bargain, $155.--3 smart pleces. Creamy matched walnut, oversize Plate Mirrors. To see this is to want it. $199.--New 5 piece bleached walnut veneers--a truly beautiful set for the larger room, ~--4 pc. The charm of 18th : This Week's Bradley's Special Complete 10pe. Kitchen Group Everything you need for the new modern kitchen, consisting of 4 black and red leatherette upholstered chairs. Masonite top table with rawer, Chrome enamel ovenette, Metal kitchen stool, Toaster Sandwich Grill White enamel steel utility cabinet. ALL FOR $99 Phone 3413 Phone 271. (314) 156 Simcoe South 4) King West 37--Articles Wanted century styling. Lustrous dark mahogany Poster Bed, Vanity with pediment mirror, chest on' chest and bench. Beautifully GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W. (Mar5) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M YOUNG WOMAN, EXPERIENCED, wishes steady employment. Must sleep in. Phone Brooklin 111W. (32b) WASHING AND IRONING DONE IN own home; also curtains. Phone BU Cc WILL DO OGRAPHY, OFFICE work, or etc., In exchange for use plano for practice, mornings, after- noons or gvenings. Box 650, Times- Gazette. ' (31¢c) REPAIRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical appli- ances, Frank Snudden, 107 Athol E. Phone 919W. (Feb13) Arctic Rescue Epic of Skill And Gallantry This was the dramatic October- November combined operation into the Arctic to rescue Canon John Turner, an injured missionary, from his Baffin Island mission and bring him' back to civilization, The assignment was successfully carried out by small army and air force teams, but Canoh : Turner died later in Winnipeg. Neverthe- less, it stands out as an Arctic epic of two-service skill and daring in the bleak, eerie wilderness bet- ween Hudson Bay and the North Pole. d The scope of the task over the vast area of the far north can be A | measured by the 15,000 miles which the air force flew on this job. The combined army and air force report, obtained by The Canadian Press, tells of the perils of dropping paratroopers into the rugged coun- try near Moffet Inlet, where the mission was located. It tells of the air force battle with the weather. It explains the omin- ous silence which blanketed the op- eration for days when the rescue party's wireless sets failed. It tells of the paratroopers abor- tive efforts to move Canon Turner by sea to a Hudson's Bay Company post and of the day-and-night struggle of the army medical officer to keep his patient alive. The arduous search through the wasteland for a suitable landing fleld for the R.C.AF. rescue plane is described in detail, Camped In Snow The experiences are related of the paratroop leader who camped in the snow for ll days near this lake preparing the landing strip. Caught in a blizzard he had -to remain in his sleeping bag for two days with- out heat or light to walt out the storm, The story concludes with the dog- team sled ride in 24 below zero to take Canon Turner from the mis- sion to the plane, waiting on a froz- en lake 23 miles away. The report narrates these events in unadorned language which makes this peace-time saga of Ca- nada's military forces all the more dramatic, "Operation Canon" actually began the report said, on Sept. 26 when national defence headquarters ree ceived a telephone call from the de- partment of national health and welfare, saying a missionary had accidentally shot himself at Moffet Inlet, on the northeast corner of Baffin Island. On Sept. 30, the health department said that im. mediate aid to the missionary, Can- on John Turner, was required. An army-air force conference was called immediately in Ottawa and THING NEEDS TIGHTENNG ¢ 2 Put POP AND JUNIOR TOGETHER AND THEY CANT SAVW THE SIMPLEST KIND OF TET OA ¢ REPAIR SHOP- AND FRAZER! | HOUSEHOLD GADGET WOW! OUD THINK THEY WERE KAISER 1 TIGHTENED TUE BOLTS. THINK OUR SNOW i in it. land. On Oct. 2, with plans completed, the R.C.AF. Dakota aircraft flew from Rivers to Churchill, Man., on the first leg of the rescue. The air force team was composed of FO. Race, FO. K. O. Moore of Vancouver, FO. C. C. McMillan of Winnipeg, Fit. Lt. A. B. Morabito of Creston, B.C.,, and Cpl. J. P. Rae of Cupar, Sask. The army team, which was to drop was composed of Capt. IL. G. D'Artoi of Richmond, Que, who won the Distinguished Service Or- der for his exploits with the French Maquis after parachuting into France before D-day in Normandy, Capt. R. W. Willoughby of Toronto, who was the medical officer, Sgt. W. W. Judd of Port Arthur, Ont., and Sgt. H. C. Cook of Edmonton, Capt. D'Artols was the ground force com- mander, On Oct. 3, the two parties in the one plane reached Coral Harbor on Southampton Island, south of the western end of Baffin Island. With a total load of 31,120 pounds, the Dakota took off for Moffet Inlet the next day. "The navigation problems were numerous," the report . continued. "Due to the proximity of the track to the north magnetic pole, mag- netic compasses were usgless and were noted to be continuously swinging over arange of 30 to 40 de- grees. "This meant that the sun must always be visible in order to fly the dstro compass course. Maps were fairly accurate, but the scale con- siderably out." Seen Through Fog The mission was finally located through a hole in the fog. It was situated on a small strip of land some 70 yards wide, jutting out into the inlet from the base of a 600- foot cliff. "This was obviously no place to drop men and supplies due to open water on both sides of the mission," the report said. A message was dropped to the mission along with two fluorescent signal panels. If the rescue party was still in time to help, Canon Turner, one panel was to be laid out on the snow. If the party was too late then two panels were to be displayed. One panel was laid out. With the plane's gasoline supply being used up, it was necessary to find rapidly a dropping zone for the paratroopers. An area on a frozen lake was discovered five or six miles from the mission and dropping began. Down went a 250-pound drum of gasoline. Then a 150-pound gen- erator, Then Sgt. Judd with a port- able radio set, followed by Capt. D'Artols. The main radio: set, with batteries and spares, weighing 880 pounds drifted down next by para- Cte, On the last pass thi the opping zone, Capt, oughby and Sgt. Cook jumped. w The men and supplies landed safely and FO, Race returned to Coral Harbor, At Moffet Inlet, Capt. D'Artois was first to reach the mission, where he found Mrs. Turner, her two children, John Cormack, the Hud- son Bay Company factor from Arc- tic Bay, 70 miles north of the mis- sion, and Canon Turner, who, the report said, "was unable to speak with clarity", Canon's Condition When Capt. Willoughby arrived with his medical supplies he exam- ined the missionary. "Canon Tur- ner's left side was completely para- lized," the report continued. He had no control over his bowels or bladder and there was a large bed sore on his lower back. Generally, his condition was much better than was expected. The most imminent dangers were the probable develop- ment of meningitis and the exten- sion of the bed sore. "Treatment which then commenc- ed and continued throughout the seven-week period consisted of reg- ular dressing of the bed sore, ad- ministration of penicillin every three hours day and night, as well as ad- ministration of sulpha drugs and The drop had to be made in- Bay in which two boats were em- ployed. After a good deal of difficulty, the missionary was put aboard a whaler which started at eight a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 10. The second boat left an hour later. The whaler's defective motor and rough water and ice slowed prog- ress. At nightfall the party anchor- ed in a small inlet for protection. During the night the whaler was frozen in, but was finally released by the second boat. The whaler's motor again failed and Capt. Willoughby explained that in view of the patient's long exposure, it was necessary either to complete the journey immediately or return to the mission. Meantime an Eskimo reported it was impos- sible to proceed because of ice conditions, Return fo Mission The party then turned back. The return was made hazardous by thickening ice and the necessity of towing the whaler. The missi-n was reached in mid-afternoon, C.t. 11, The attempted trip had aggravat- ed the patient's bed sore and Capt. Willoughby had to operate on Oct. 11. The sore, which was two inch- es deep and five inches across had become gangrenous and the doctor had to cut away the devitalized flesh, "Although it was not possible to administer an anaesthetic, the Can- on displayed remarkable courage and stood up well under the ordeal. The operation lasted about 20 min- utes." Several days were spent, without success, trying to repair the long- range wireless sets, which had not functioned at all. On Oct. 17, the, RCAF. plane made another flight over the mis- sion dropping more supplies near it. It was required to fly a dangerous route alongside the 600-foot cliff. Another radio set was dropped, but it fell in the water and was dam- aged. On Oct. 18, however, Sgt. Cook finally got a composite wireless set going and made his first contact with the outside since Oct. 4. The station he reached was Arctic Bay, which was in contact with other Arctic stations. Capt. D'Artois was by this time making daily trips from the mis- sion in search for a suitable landing area where the plane could come down to pick up Canon Turner. He covered approximately 300 miles in his search with thin and shifting ice always a danger. Once, he fell through a lake and nearly lost his life. But an Eskimo boy pulled him out. 23 Miles From Mission Finally on Nov. 2, Capt. D'Artois discovered a lake 23 miles south of the mission where the R.CAF. plane, which had continued to make flights from Coral Harbor over the mission, could land. "For 11 days, the ground force commander camped at the lake in a tent, preparing the strip with markers and panels and checking the snow and weather conditions. "This information was forward- ed to Sgt. Cook for relay to the RCAF, "During this period a blizzard prevented an Eskimo from reach- ing Capt. D'Artois with fuel for his stove and lamp. In addition, a high wind smashed the tent pole and Capt. D'Artois was forced to live for two days without either light or heat. He remained in his sleeping bag throughout the two days, waiting out the storm. Meanwhile, preparations were made at air force base to send in the Dakota to the make-shift lande ing strip on the lake. Weather delayed the flight for days, but on Nov. 21 it was decided to make the trip. "Navigation at this point was even more limited due to the short daylight hours and by the fact that the sun never rose above the horizon at Moffet," the report said. Difficult Landing The difficult landing on the lake was made successfully and the mise sion was informed by wireless, "Meanwhile, at the mission the patient was wrapped id furs, blank- ets and a sleeping bag and placed on a dog sled. The temperature was 24 degrees below zero. The fastest team was used to move the patient. A second team took Mrs, Turner and the two children while & third team was used by Sgt. Cook who closed the mission before de- ing. "The intense cold was a danger to the patient but the precautions taken and the excellent time in which the dog team made the trip --three and one-half hours--had no serious ill effects on Canon Turner." After the patient arrived, it was necessary to wait several hours for weather to lift at Coral Harbor bee fore the plane could leave the lake, A flare path was lit and with the aid of landing lights a take-off was made. Coral Harbor was reached and the next day the rescue party delivered Canon Turner to Winnie peg. . The unemotional report conclud- ed that "this entire operation wes undertaken at the very worst time of year for Arctic flying and navi- gation aids were very few--except for adverse weather condtions there were no serious obstacles encounter ed . . . the aircraft serviceability was excellent and the Dakota once more proved itself very versatile and dependable for Arctic flying." \ SCOUT TRAINING CENTRE ' Toronto, Feb. 9--(CP)--Establish. ment of a special boy scout training centre near Ottawa where scout leaders from all parts of Canada will be given summer training courses was announced Saturday at the annual meeting of the On. tario Council of the Boy Scouts As. sociation. Purpose of the courses will be to improve standards 'of scout leadership. ASK _EOR MARGARINE Toronto, Féb..9--(CP)--In a letw ter sent to Prime Minister Macken. zle King and made publie Saturday the Canadian Restaurant Associa. tion recommended "that immediate steps be taken to legalize the man. ufacture and sale of oleomargarine in Canada. A slight burn may be removed from varnished table top with a linseed oil and rottenstone treatment. Mix rottenstone or powdered pumice and raw or boiled linseed oil to a paste, then apply to spots,' rubbing with grain of wood. Of if the burn is deep, you will be co! to have the table top ed. issue of Feb. 2, 1948: Prize Winners In Last Week's Misspelled Word Contest The following were select.d by the Judges appointed as Prize Winners in the Misspelled Word Contest in The Times-Gazette 1st Prize--Mrs. J. Alberts, R.R. No. 1, Oshawa 2nd Prize--Mrs. H. Balson, Taunton P.O., Ont. returned man and wife, no 'children, abstainers, urgent. Box 643 Times- Gazette. (28t1) J , 3 OREWAN. SUN. 32--Automobiles for Sale viiG FOR Ex b. 15, via U.S, and 31 CHEV. 1, TON TRUCK. APPLY innipes; take one or two pas- | 210 Lakeshore or Phone 2806W. (32h) References iki Lad '35 CHEV. MASTER DELUXE SEDAN, J Ve adware ry Dn e9 1) [good condition. Phone 3467J2 (32¢) ATE CAR GOING TO TORONTO, | iio CHEV, TRUCK, 14 FOOT BODY, Ry 2 2 GK TL Pela cab, body," motor, tires, very od , . ne | (32¢ am. and Toronto 12 noon. Phone | Shape. Offer. Phone 4430W. | 2a SIRE TT i, y Raw. WATCH GCL ('¢) | 33--Automobiles Wanted at the Midtown Watch |CASH FOR' YOUR pertiy repaired ) . Simeoe St. South. Entrance | Motor Saies 1371 ich vera. Burver Shop. One |Phone 465W. Weeks service, (Perit) | aKESHoRE "avo wmEcEERS Try a classified ad in. The Times. as wan or wrecking anest Gazette--Jt will get good results, | Prices paid Phone 332; evenings 1778 3rd Prize--Miss O. McMillan, 117 Byron St. N., Whitby THEATRE GUEST TICKETS Mrs. L. Hall, 68 McMillan Dr., Apt. 4, Oshawa Mrs. B. Cucknell, 346 Eulalie Ave., Oshawa Mrs. S. W. Miller, Box 877, Whitby Mrs. Ellen Cairns, 152 Agnes St., Oshawa Elsie Barton, 611 Athol St., Whitby . The correct answers were: rebuilt .... galvanized . labour .... DUY oooeesccccoconsecsensse general nursing care. Capt. Wil- loughby carried out the' necessary treatment during the day. Difficulties were encountered with the wireless equipment the rescue party brought in and contact could not be made with the Arctic sta- tions standing by to pick up the signals, Mr, Cormack suggested on Oct. 6 that the injured man be moved to the trading post at Arctic Bay where accommodation was better. Bad weather prevented departuie the next day and Canon Turner's boat was nearly wrecked in a storm. Then follows the story of the un- successful attempt to reach Arctic Rev. M. 8. Flint, who had lived at Moffet Inlet, was flown from To- ronto to give advice about the area. Then the Joint Air Force at Riv- ers, Man,, was selected to carry out the rescue. FO. Bob Race of Van- couver and Maj. George Flin of Outremont, Que., were put in charge of the air force and army teams re- spectively, Water Hazard Briefings took place at Rivers. and a studyof the rescue area show- ed it was obvious no parachute drops could take place close to the mission because water temperature was 29 degrees, which would rapidly prove fatal to a paratrooper landing , morning or eve- (Febl1) styled at a price you.can afford. $240--3 pc. The newest creation of one of Canada's finest makers, 7 ply matched butt walnut. Bev- elled Plate Mirrors. Outstanding Value, MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS. LAY-AWAY PLAN, BRADLEY'S 2 Modérn Stores 40 KING ST. WEST 156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH (31t1) (Feb13) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, rags, mattresses, iron .and metals. Local and out of town calls picked up free. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron and Metals, 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station. \ , , (Mar2) 38--Female Help Wanted, DOMESTIC HELP, SLEEP IN. PRI- vate room. Phone 3787 after 6 p.m. (33¢c) GIRL OR WOMAN FOR LIGHT housekeeping in private home, 18-55 years of age. Sleep in or out as pre- ferred." Phone 1309. (Mon-Sat) AVON PRODUCTS WILL TRAIN CAP- able woman to service customers' in good lefenoy. Earn while you learn. easant, part-time, Apply Box 707 Times-Gazefte, : (32e) olved Lo professional . adviser irs. atter, ersonal Bishop's Radiator Repairs essesasssses. Ec MeGrath .+.. Libby Plumbing Co. (Mar3) .. Bramley Motor Sales * LJ