Daily Times-Gazette, 5 Feb 1948, p. 14

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EAA AS we Phone Mrs 'Bing. 2504 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1948 PAGE FOURTEEN WANT AD SECTION <7 5254 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Physicians and Articles for Sale .. Surgeons ........ 38 . 4 Female Help Wanted .....ce0. 38 For Rent ., ....c.. 1--Auditors . GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports and income tax forms: prepared, secretarial work Phone 1004J. 205 Arthur St. (Marl) Ss. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED accountant, 24 AE Bldg., . Phone 2127 Consulting countant and auditor. Puneral Directors . Gardening and Supplies .... ... 18 Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent . Automobiles For Sale sssevene Automobiles Wanted ...... Instruction . Loan Wanted .... Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ..... 42 2--Barristers -| Male Help 39 LOUIS 8 HYMAN, BARMISTS ETC. Mortgage Yoans, arranged. 25 Simcoe 67. 3051. North. Phone Residence (dart) CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- lin F, Annis, K.C., 7}; Simcoe Street South. Phone 4, Residence 769. (Marl) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRanEh, barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. (Marl) Solicitor, Ki! Phones: Office 814; Money to loan. g St. residence 3207. (Marl) ' MacBRIEN, BARRISTER Suite 201, 70 King East, Phone 3 349. (Marl) "E.C., BARRIS- JAMES R. and Solicitor. Genosha Hotel. JOSEPH ' RB. MA! ter, Solicitor. Wi King St. 5. Res. Phone 837. Wanted Male Pamale 41 Wearing Apparel .. 35 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 20 Words Each Add" or Less Word anted ..ceceeee ONE INSERTION .. TWO CONSECUTIVE "INSERTIONS THREE CONSECUTIVE, INSERTI1O EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE IN Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. ional and i i $5.00 per h for 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure count as & full word. Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5 a "MARKS, BARRISTER, citor, 11 King E. Room 2. " Phones Office 55. 368TR. (Marl) AND J. A. YANCH, loans, National A 26 Simcoe North, 614. Res. 1075J. (Marl) A J. P Barris! Ho Phone | 31--Wanted to Rent OSHAWA MERCHANT AND WIFE gently require rental of h apartment. Please phone 1015J, 2 OR 3 ROOMS FOR YOUNG BUSI- 24--Personal HAVE THAT WATCH OR- CLOCK EX- pertly fopeied at the Midtown Watch Shop, 152 Simcoe St. South. Entrance through Vern's Barber Shop. One week's service. (Feb26) IFE UR- use of (30b) MANNIN SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 0 Dea G_F. TER BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW, "MODERN, decorator's colors, custom made, seam- less, up to thirteen feet, any we fn Write Acae Rug Co. 188 King W. c) UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR MAN and wife, references furnis! Christ- 5, | lan home preferred, Call HET (28b) after 5 q 3a--PHysicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: to twelve and {ezs0p% Wed sad Sat.), 2to4and 7 to 4--Chiropractors STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC, Simcoe North. Phone 224. Drugl Electro therapy, mineral B aon bath treatment. Pract! 22 years. Consultation free. dally, except Money (Mar; 9 am. to 9 pm. and Friday. 5--Optometrists eleven ; 6-ROOMED ) HOUSE, 2-PIECE BATH, | Marl) | chicken house, and pigeon coop. 5 146 jnsulased, furnished. Phone SW 60) ter 5 | PREFERABLY WITH OPTION, 10 TO 20 acres of land, with hydro, on a plowed | road, some buildings requis , but condition immaterial. Box 642, Times- Gazette. (29b 25--Real Estate For ne furnace, large back kitchen, garage, Arge TMENT, SMA! lot, 132 by 38. Possession about March ApAN: for a loMs oO RS BAL ist. Apply 186 Verdun Rd. 0C) away all day. Box 641, Times-Gazette. ROOMS, 11;-STOREY, INSUL- a! So ise) 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, GRILL, Teturned man and wife, no children, abstainers, urgent. Box 643 Times- Gazette. di : iid DESPERATE, IN NEED, PLEASE HEL] us. 5 or 6 room house by March Tt Adult family, careful ,.clean living, respectable ts and abstainers. | Phone 3439W. (28c) $8, 500 ext cash, buys lovely 8- room brick veneer, oak floors, modern kitchen, all conveniences, oil burning furnace. This house is 1h and good location. Possession 30 days. ew 5-room bungalow, oak grand condition, C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 1516. Evenings Appointments. (Marl) JURY 43 AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: a.m. A E. AR Optometrist. Phone 28 (Marl) 6 p.m. Wednesday 9 to 1. | foo 34--Pets and Livestock COLLIE SFUPS. 7 WEEKS OLD. 253 253 | Arthur 8 (30c) aida 5 'TB TESTED, halten broger, milker. Due Feb. 12. Ears, years. Apply Also Fred ath, 'Thomas trie t, Oshawa. (30c) COLLIE PUPS, 8 WEEKS OLD. PHONE 875W12, after 6 p.m. (30c) BROCK'S BIRD AND TONIC SEEDS, Dog and cat foods, bulk, package, tin, Simcoe Pet Shop, 313 Simcoe Sou uot FOR SALE, TWELVE PURE ANGORA rabbi with hutches; one roll chicken wire, , one inch mesh. Phone Sead, COCKER SPANIEL P reds and parti-coloured, males and females. 9 to Reasonable. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa. New Highway. (Feb.16) 35--Wearing Apparel ONE MUSKRAT _ Opa, SIZE 17-18; boucle coat, size 14; 1 's figure skates, size 7, Phone Fu (30a) BLACK, HOODED_ VELVET FIGURE ating dress, size 10. 278 William East. Phone 2516J. (2! FORMAL, SIZE Til "WORN "ONCE. Phone 2469M. (28¢) Bi N MUSKRO FUR COAT. BLUE tailored suit, Men's skates, size 9, condition. Reasonable, Phone a ow. - | 649, . Sam Bwartz. 36--Articles for Sale PERMANENT WAVE GOOD condition, Phone 1873J, (30p) COOLERATOR REFRIGERATOR, NEW. ' Sell for cash, no terms, Box 702 , Times Gazette. (30a) CHOICE ROASTING CHICKENS, CA- pons, dressed ready for oven. Delivered | turday. Phone 1054W or 2967, Bows manville. 30b) SINGER DROP 1} S| G id ness gouple, abstainers., Phone 20NR chine, sxosrient, condition. Apply, 305 | Station. (30 597J. (30b) ONE GENDRON, WHEEL CHAIR, LIK new. Phone 3447J. (30c) HARDWOOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, delivered, $5. and $3. lots. ited supply only. Phone 3288J. (30c) ! MODERN DINETTE SUITE, WATER- fall style. Phone 4467J. (30a) OIL SPACE HEATER, CIRCULATING type Excellent condition. Price A 3 closest offer. Phone 1335W. COAL AND WOOD RANGE, -- condition. Phone 2735J. (30a) Bloor E. Phone 4 D OR COAL, HOT WATER | E. Phone 1020J. (30b) | POTATOES, CARROTS, TURNIPS, onions; Spy, Talman Sweets, by basket or bushel. Choice and Standard Peas, 2 20-0z. tins. Shaw, 262 St. Jullen . 4423J. « (30b) | RANGE, WOO! Jacket. 617 King St. CHESTERFIELD, WINE VE- | mm RT, RUMMAGE SALE, SCOUT HALL, ATHOL E., Friday, February 6, 2 p.m. (30b) 'A VALENTINE TEA, A HOME COOK- ing sale, at Westmount United Church, Saturday, February 7, at 2:30 pm, (30a) REGULAR SEATING NIGHTS AT TAY- ! lor's Arena, Whitby, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday, at 8 p.m. Special matinee Saturday afternoon at 2 (Tues. Thurs..8at.) OLD TIME SQUARE DANCING, SCOUT Th Athol St. West, Sat., Feb, 7, at (28d) LOOK OUT LIZZIE", scouT HALL, Athol St., Friday, February 6, 8 Dam, Auspices 16 Aux. Cub Pack. (29h) Is 9c) - 36--Articles for Sale KITCHEN CABINET, OR COMPLETE 6- piece kitchen suite, Phone 4567J. (28¢c) ood | 37--Articles Wanted i¢) | PIANO, GOOD CONDITION, APART. ment size. Phone 3585J. 29h) AMERICAN ORGAN, SUITABLE FOR small church, state size and price. Box Times-Gazette. (3 oe) BREEDING AND CANARY CAG wanted, Be Box 645, Times-Gazette. PIANO, ' ANY CONDITION. N | writing Box "Gar; state make and price ! wanted. Times-Gazette. tat) SEWING MACHINE, SINGER DROP- head only, wil 2y $20. and up. Box [== Times-Gazet (2 1) oa) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PAPER, Jstiresses, iron and metals, id out of town calls picked up Phone 635, Cedardale Iron and East of C.N.R. i rags, Local an 1 | Metals, 100 Ann is St. (Mar2) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes. cook stoves and heaters - 56 | King West. 3326W. (Mar5) | pranos WANTED FOR CASH WIL- m & Lee. 79 Simcoe N Phone , 2388, (Feb27) | spoT OASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box viutbes heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond Wi Phone loo Fe 38--Female Help Wanted REFINED GIRL WANTED FOR JEW- ish home, Sood Apply Mrs. Winesteln, 137 Rusho oie RA" » Torgmto. | WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK, ONE DAY a week. Phone 3583W. (30b) WANTED, JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER, to assist in general office work. Ap 4 {forts Junior Ltd., 30 Richmond ( 290) floors, modern kitchen and bath. Alr- conditioned, oil furnace, leaded glass | windows, only $2,900 down, balance like rent. Immediate possession, 115-storey brick veneer, 5 rooms on first n rooms upstairs, built in 1946. This is in grand condition, Immediate 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- me 2% King Street East, aaone Res. 4318R. (Marl) J--Veterinarians DR. E. H WEBSTER, wad imal surgery. St. W. ne 2010M. 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS MONIES AvalLaBLE FOR first mortgages. Apply M. F. Swarl Barrister, Sassen: Block, suite Mart) 4. FI RST MORTGAGE MONEY we BUY MOR TOAGES AND GREEMENTS OF SALE North Shore Realty Co, Lid. 40 ALGER BLDG, PHONE 81, OSHAWA (Tues-Thurs-Sat) 10--Instruction DANCING C CLASSES --- BALLET, TOE and Top taught by Hele Harvey. Register Bega Mrs ApInY .. Georges 11--Building Nae LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Marl) | ELECTRICAL WIRING, INSTALLA- ions ha and epalre Phone 3913R. (29¢) Be TIP to lps oo b RD ADDITIONS uf en cu hone 1352wW. (Feb.23) DO IT NOW--MATERIALS AND LA- all Semen work, Blocks laid, underpinning, etc. Lloyd, Whitby. Phone 921, (Feb.8) FRONT END SNOW JOADER, AND dump trucks for hire. ravel and cinders, Apply 163 Ritson Phone 2063W ( CRAGGS AND D Decorators, Also industrial spraying. k guaranteed. Phone 3639-4185W (Feb10) ILIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE artz, | results, (Feb.6) | | jon. Small down payment, bal- ance like rent. oak floors, all modern. 2 unfur- 32--Automobiles for Sale '30 CHEV, SEDAN, 5 GOO Good condition. Phone 3810W. fi '40 CHEV. TRUCK, 14 FOOT BODY, , cab, body, motor, tires, very good atigpe. } Offer. Phone 4430W, c) 1939 LIGHT SERIES BUICK SEDAN, excellent condition throughout, heater ' L MAID WANTED, SLEEP-IN, Apply Mrs Marks, senior, 389 Simcoe St. N. RR » 170. (28¢) {| 39--Male Help Wanted | YOUNG MAN BETWEEN 16 AND 18, for warehouse work, must have 2 years high 'school education. Wages small to | start. Box 647, Times-Gazette, (30a) TRUCK DRIVER, BETWEEN 18 AND Min ;ENERA lour, 3-plece bedroom suite, 2-plece | on out. m suite, 9-plece dining-room | suite, plano, Moffat electric stove, all furniture in new condition. Apply aster 6 p.m., 201 College, (30 3-PC. STERLING SILVER DI Vi Set. Never use¢. At a fraction of the cost. Phone 2176W. (29b) | AWNINGS, LY | W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer 346 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA -- PHONE 716 Listings Wanted--Clients Wainng and cigarette lighter, private. Apply Box 701, Times-Gazette ( 1941 FORD COACH," RADIO AND EX- tras. Price $975. Phone 4122W. (30a) NEW PONTIAC SEDAN Delivery, Heater and defroster. 1947 Pontiac Sedan, radio and heater, 1947 Ford Sedan, radio and heater. Several others, Cash or terms. DODD MOTOR SALES PHONE 2812W 8-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE FOR SALE. Must be sold this week, Possession one week. 146 Tyler Crescent. (301) with Jones and Nolan, Real Estate Brokers, 62 Prince St.. We get quick --5-room- frame, Verdun IN !1$4,00 Rd. Conveniences. $5,500 1% Sm re $6,500, hom, 4 $7, 800 on. new brick, storey 1 2; 000 --Restvursat, fully equip- 31 1 a good Wet 8 Joos', shove: (29D) Buy Now and Save! --9-room frame home vin! Car Prices are Rising eniioreln font. Immediate We are clearing out present stock _180-acre farm, large bank U0 Make way for new spring stock. barn and 8-rcom home. 43 CHEV, STYLEMASTER SEDAN Near "Enfield. Creek and bush. (New) Heater and radio, $1, 2002 lot on Highway * "47 OLDS. SEDANETTE TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE SEE (New) Heater and radio. W. McAULEY D SEI REALTOR Heater nd radio, fog lam. 150 DIVISION ST. "e SED ? PH 350M (200) | Slip covers and heater. A beauty. 9, Eh 41 CHEV. CLUB COUPE LOT X 98, CENTRAL Bork Bid. Price $450. Phone 30417 Heater, (280) '40 OLDS. SEDAN Heater and radio. Brand-new motor, '40 HUDSON SEDAN Heater and radio. (No reasonable MODERN FARM Consisting of 150 acres good loam soll, bush, 12--Personal Services SURGE AUTHORIZED Surge Bales and Service errill Ross, le Station. Phone ETH Brooklin. (Mar.5) HAULAGE GENERAL DUMP TRUCK | Service. Thos. Siblock, 253 Fourth Ave., Oshawa. Phone 1993R. (Feb.14) P. A VON GUNTEN EXPERI SWISS shop at 46 Eing Street West Your patronage wheited I" CHESTERFIELDS, vered. Like new. rates are Feasonaple. anteed. Phone 3: recov: Charles Phone 401. Er Jo Sresomaking DRESSMAKING AND AQTERATIONS. Phone 3117J. (28¢c) 18--Automobile Repairs a VERDUN e action rh ing," (Febl13) | | 22--Lost and Found E ON KING ST, of money, valuable papers, way, Phe 1 LOST, N'8 ELCO ATOR, EXPAN- , sion Toby Genosha, on Tuesday. Phone 173. Reward. (30c) T0eT, aRoOwN pignt hand 4 Joous. & "LEATHER Mrs, 1ukow, 3365M. (30c 23 Women' s Column CHARIS--HAVE lem solved 'Db; adviser " or eve- prof al ¥,: MO] ring creek, large bank offer refused on this car, '890 PACKARD LIMOUSINE '38 DODGE SEDAN Heater and radio. '88 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE 37 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Radio, 37 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE '85 CHEV. SEDAN i 34 STUD. SEDAN a rare opportunity, Near highway. real money maker . Possession 2 weeks. full price | only. S100. 'See me now, don't delay! Fair warning. W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M (30c) "26--Real Estate Wanted | 29--Rooms For Rem | FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GENTLE- >| man, Phone 3873M, LOST, SOMEWHER! Monday night, wallet contalning sum | FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE |-_- Will finder | fOr one.or two, south end. please return papers and wallet revall 2W. 4. (30b) | iLARGE BRIGHT ROOM, UNFURNISH- rows ROOM, SUITABLE ONE LINED | or two. 142 Patricia Ave. Phone 4174R. eat King St, ghuci, | i preleonar PROB- | 30a--Room & Board Wanted (Febll) | and board. Phone 1540, before 5. (200) gE RL EY mmedia . . Puons 156. y. aly 5 Aloe "32 . COACH $2,800 BUYS 30 CHEV. COACH Lovely 5-room cottage, Alexander 29 GRAHAM SEDAN Blvd, good basement, lights and water, kitchen cupboards, only Best trade-in allowance on your car, TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET $1,400 dows, balance arranged, BELMONT MOTORS ' st; 137 KING WEST G. BARROW 3165W Open Evenings (300) REAL ESTATE (30a) MODERN HOUSES WANTED FOR clients with cash List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- ONLY LIMITED SUPP! available, Order now. Chairs and tables | for rent. Cleve Fox, 412 Simeos Oshawa. ar.4) | GO-CART, BLUE, va NEw, Price $20. 122 Bloor E. 9b) ICE-BOX, 75 LB. CAPACITY; fons Moffat Annex. 175 Celina St, (29Db) ! MEDIUM SIZE PAINT SPRAYER WITH nk, also 6-inch Whetly jointer. Both ris Poof Apply 213 Pine St., WHY: ELECTRIC MOTOR, 10 H. J 550 VOLT; Algo oil burners, pipe, dies, modern Moffat annex. Phone adds, (29¢) JUST ARRIVED, LARGE SHIPMENT of coal ranges. No tax. All sizes, and prices to choose from. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe North. (Feb13) 3-PIECE CHROME STUDIO SUITE, wine, good condition, 247 St, Jullien St, before 9 p.m. oe ) MANTLE RADIO, R.C.A, VICTOR, cellent condition. _181 Albert, This Week's BRADLEY'S SPECIAL Complete 10pc. KITCHEN GROUP Everything you need for the new modern kitchen, consisting of 4 black and red leatherette upholstered chairs. Masonite top table with drawer. Chrome enamel ovenette, Metal kitchen stool. Toaster Sandwich Grill «White enamel steel utility cabinet. ALL FOR $99 156 Simcoe South Phone 3413 40 King West Phone 271 (291) * (Bae) Why pay' $6 a month rent for a sewing machine when $10 a month buys one? See ELNA, world's finest electric portable, having free arm for mending, darning, sewing, etc. For demonstration in your home PHONE 4180J2 (28d) UPRIGHT PIANO AND BENCH, GOOD Spndion; FALL also baby's crib, $8. Phone 1 (380) OIL = oidf - SALES PLUS A complete reliable service Out-of-town Phone 584J. (Feb18) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts. for all makes of ash ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe 8S Phone 3800W. STOVE OIL STORAGE TANKS, COM- plese § with taps. Ha Wholesale, urt St. Fohions 015 (Feb.7) NUMBER OF NEW. AND USED HEAT- ers and Quebec cook stoves; 156 Sim coe St. 8., before 6 (Feb.7 ) PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR ALI your floors, the modern floor finish Dries in one hour, no more waxing or polishing. We deliver. Phone 4538W We also will apply Plast-I-Gloss. As ranged. Phone sion ane, v wil sa and inspect your ropert cn 33--Automobiles Wanted on %t. (Feb. 6) esas PARTY ---- WILL PAY CASH for used car. Phone 1726W. (30c) | siNGLE, FURNISHED BEDROOM. ALL | i jos BRAMLEY | conveniences, somal, breakfast if awaired, Phone MI16R (30c) | Auley, Realtor, 150 Divis! (28¢) Phone md $10 SELLS YOUR CAR 5) , Become a wealthy pedestrian. We have many cash buyers waiting your car. For $10 we will sell HSE, A URES Hon you vi 8 yo: i 820, (29t1) BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. OSHAWA ed. Mrs. Hammond, 97 Simcoe St. (2 GENTLEMAN WOULD LIKE ROOM Services, 23 Bond West, corner | Boe and Prince street (Feb.13) VENETIAN BLINDS SS¢ PER Measured sited and installed George Bad Phone 04 66 Bond West 'PLANER 12 or 20" thickness planer 15" band saw, 10" tilting arbor saw, jointer 6 or 12". These machines are all ball bearing, and low priced. Write Giffin Machine & Supply Co. PBF. IW, Toronto, Ont, (201) { (Fens) 125 years of age, Must have previous ex- : perience in pauding merchandise and must be willing go to another ir i Wied Box 648, Times- Gazette. (30a) SALESMAN BETWEEN 22. AND 30 years, must have had previous exper- ience selling merchandise and be will- ing i050 to another branch if required. Box 6 Times-Gazette, (30a) LINOTYPE OPERATOR setting straight. matter good rate of pay with steady. employment. Apply H, COWLEY For TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA, ONT, 41--Employment Wanted WILL DO STENOGRAPHY, OFFICE work, or etc., In exchange for use of plano for practice, mornings, after- noons or evenings. Box 650, Times- Gazette. : (31c) GHTS, REPAIRING TRILI RANGETTES, ranges, all household electrical appli- ances, Frank Snudden, 107 Athol E. Phone 919W. (Feb13) BABY SITTING, ANY NIGHT EXCEPT Saturday. Phone 2466J. __(29p) TRAFFIC MAN Ex-RCAF Equipment Officer of Montreal desires position in the Oshawa area with progressive firm. 81 years of age, married, and graduate in Industrial Traf- fic Management, 10 years' ex- perience, shipping, customs, im- port and export work, etc, BOX 644 TIMES-GAZETTE (30c) Will Probe Life In Ocean Depths Hamilton, Bermuda --(Reuters) --Mysteries of life 8,000 feet be- low the surface of the ocean will be explored by an expedition which will conduct the first large deep sea research in the western waters of the north Atlantic this summer, Starting in. June this year the expedition will be under the aus- rices of the Chicago Natural His- ory Museum in collaboration with he Bermuda biological station. iredges and dragnets will be used o explore the ocean depths. Doctor Dugald Brown, director f the Bermuda station, said that recause of the great depths from which animal life and fish will be brought in some cases, it will be impossible to keep them alive al- though they will be transferred to special high pressure tanks as soon as possible. "It is hoped, however, that cer- tain still .alwe and available for s.udy under pond vil equivalent to the two-ton per square inch pressure of the great depths, During this summer and next work will take place a few miles be needed to assess the results, It will be the first: intensive study | sine 1880, Doctor Brown said. A ; 'THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten THE SHow Toba WAS A CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE-MOM WAS RIPE FOR A HECTOR! FOR PITY'S SAKE! ig LEASE, STOP THAT RACKET! MY HEAD 1S SPLITTING? I WISH NOUR FATHER WOULD HURRY HOME $0 I PoP FINALLY PULLED IN- | LOOK WHAT HE V0, ( A mv Radar Equipment Directs Pilots {To Safe Landing Edmonton -- (CP) -- Pirst of the "G.C.A." or ground controlled ap. proach units purchased by the R. C.AF. to help pilots to land when visibility is poor is in service at the | station here, where Canadian air- men are understudying Americans in the use of the equipment, bought in the United States. G.C.A. was used extensively by the United States Air Force and the RAF. during the Second World War, and is one of the few radar devices which have had an exten- sive peacetime application. It's not difficult to recognize the unit here. It consists of two large vans on one of the runways. They actually are combined trucks and trailers, gaudily painted in a blue- and-white checkerboard pattern. The unit can be moved to any runway, depending on wind direc- tion, The forward section houses two generators which power the trailer holding the radar and com- munications equipment. The highly rte such as hearts will be ! off Bermuda but. three years will | technical apparatus which makes up the unit lines two walls of the trail- er. Most of the operating now is done by US.AF, technicians. Sev. eral Canadians are working with them. The unit can be manned by a team of two operators and one mechanic. One of the men, known as the search controller, probes for aircraft up to 30 miles' away. On a specified pattern he brings the pilot of the aircraft in to the final approach, roughly 10 miles from the awrield, ORIENTS AIRCRAFT From there the secohd or final operator takes over. He orients the aircraft, giving it its position right and left of the runway's centre line, and corrects its elevation where this is Shove or below the proper guide pat] G.C.A, enables pilots to receive highly accurate alterations for cor- rect altitudes and headings. Ex- perienced operators can direct a pi- lot to a runway until his wheels are ready to touch down when a field is blanketed by fog or, as the airmen say, "socked in." Operators can visually pick up an incoming aircraft, which is repre. sented on a lighted screen. By grid rings operators can tell ex- actly how far a plane is from the runway. Plane-to-ground contact is estab. lished orally by wireless. The pilot is told at what height and at what headings to fly. Once he is being brought in, he is directed to say no operator's voice. The operator keeps up a steady stream of chatter, giving small cor- rections of degree headings and rate of descent. All this while he follows the white speck on his screen. If it should happen that the pilot fails to hear the operator, he says so, then pulls up to a préscribed height to come in for another ap. proach. GUIDE GETS MEDAL Toronto, Feb. 5--(CP)--Fourteen- year-old patrol leader Betty May Van Alpen of Esquimalt, B. C., has been awarded the Gilt Cross by the Dominion executive of the Cana~- dian Girl Guides, it was announc- ed yesterday. Betty was in a row. boat last May 11 when she noticed that four-year-old Garry Fanthorpe had fallen into the water over his depth after cutting his foot. She jumped into the water and rescued the boy. FATALLY WOUNDED Welland, Feb. 5--(CP) -- William Smart, 56, was fatally wounded Wednesday when a shotgun was dis. charged accidentally as he cleaned it in a shed at the rear of his Dain Avenue house. The tragedy was dis- covered when Mrs. Smart went to the shed to call her husband to din- ner. Dr. Malcolm MacLean, coron- | er, said there will be no inquest. more unless he falls to hear the Times-Gazette classified ads pay --Why not try one today. J1HYY ENO'S 'FRUIT SALT' WORLD FAMOUS FOR RELIEF FROM DULLNESS SICK HEADACHE ACID INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION BUY A BOTTLE OF ENO'S TODAY! E18 53:30 4 ETNA Important Notice To The People Of Oshawa! On and After February 1st. 1948 THE UNITED TAXI WILL ASSUME THE MBULANCE SERVICE: ow iOF mn The Armstrong Funeral Home As Well As The Luke-Mcintosh Funeral Home! In Future Please Phone 404 For Prompt Ambulance Service! UNITED TAX 60 KING ST. E. OSHAWA

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