Daily Times-Gazette, 29 Jan 1948, p. 13

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1948 \ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN Maple Grove Auxiliary _ Instals Officers Maple Grove, Jan, 26.--The Ev- Auxiliary met on Thursday , January 22 at the home of Mrs. E. Twist, The installation of the new officers was in charge of Mrs. Twist and Mrs, Clifford Swallow presented the program, Mrs, Lloyd Snowden read the Scrip- ge followed by prayer by Mss. 54 Mrs, C. Swallow gave the chapter of the Study Book, Ma. as Mundy, : presiden , condu e business period. closed with hymn and the Mizpah benediction. Lunch ing were read and approved, The Nl call for their meeting was one of a hostess to her guest. erine Campbell asked to be re- of the duties of press report- d Jenny Beckett was named successor, . A, Sands, club leader, dis- and demonstrated the mak- d serving of tea and sand- hes, The next meeting will be held on Jan. 29 at 7.30. At this meeting Miss M. Hart, of Women's Girl's Clubs will be present. Mrs, Harry Freeman and Mrs. Wallace Mundy attended a meet- ing of the executive of Oshawa Presbyterial Women's Missionary Soclety together with the presi- dents of the Auxiliaries within the Presbyterial which was held in St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, on Friday, Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Mundy couducted the worship ser- ce. . Miss Bdna Swallow is visiting re- Iatives and friends in Toronto this week, 3 Hi] 18 Enniskillen MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN en Enniskillen, Jan, 26--The Service Club ladies met Jan. 20 at the home of Mrs, F. Becketts with 12 members present. The evening was spent sewing for the hospital. The meeting closed with the serving of lunch by Mrs. F. Beckétt and her group, Next meeting at Mrs. Mar. wood Heards, Feb. 3. Mr, Howard Steven's has under. gone an operation in Bowmanville hospital, We wish him a speedy re- covery, and baby Wallace | ing, The meeting | Werry. |] AUTO RADIO SALFS & SERVICE George spent a few days in To- ronto. Miss Jean Robbins, Mrs. Verna Wood, Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs. 8. R. Péthicks. Mr, and Mrs, O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles with Mr, and Mrs. IL G. Travell's, Oshawa. Dr. and Mrs, C. W. Slemon and Dr. and Mrs, Keith Slemon, Bow- manville, were guests at Mr, and Mrs. T, M. Slemon's, Mr, George Reld visited with friends at Port Perry. Rev. and Mrs, R. M. Seymour were guests at Mr. and Mrs, Ar- thur nts. Miss Jean Werry, nurse in train- Peterboro, visited with her Francis Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mills and family, Mr, and Mrpg, Francis Wer- ry and Teddy visited with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mills, Maple Grove. Mr, and Mrs, Don Carr and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Everett Beech, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson, Murray and Ray visited with Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Wrights. parents, Mr. and Mrs. - R. J. MCCONNELL Motorola Auto Radios G.E. Radios and Appliances Philco Warranty Service COR. KING AND CENTRE Phone 266 Institute. | = PHONE 262 The Robert Dixon Co. Ltd. 313 Albert St. Oshawa WOOD Immediate Delivery ARMSTRONG FUELS 58 Church St. Phones 272TW--2726 FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 188¢ 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH © RADIOS and Electrical Appliance Repairs _ ® Household Wiring and Electrical Fixtures ® ALL PARTS AND WORK- MANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR 9 DAYS Warner Williams 78 Simcoe N. Phone 736) KITCHENS OF DISTINCTION * SINK CABINETS * FLOOR AND WALL CABINETS * PLANNING SERVICE Let us call and assist you with your remodelling, DRY KINDLING Phone 2410w 160 KING ST. WEST Mrs, A. Leadbeater PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled wie AS MITCHELL'S DRUG "STORE 9 Simcoe N. Phone 48 INSULATE AND SAVE! Fuel-oil burners report up to phone: SEALTITE INSULATION $08 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA, PHONE: 3136R or 3258W HARDWOOD FLOORING Oak, Maple, Ash . Now Available, Hardwood Floors Laid, Sanded and Finished "Estimates Free" M. LEGGETTE PHONE 3744W1 WE REPAIR ® WASHING MACHINES ® RADIOS ® VACUUMS S All Work Guaranteed CONNOR WASHING MACHINES Limited number available for Immediate Delivery LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR THE HOME Hundreds to Choose From PITTS' Electrical Agencies 12 BOND ST. EAST OSHAWA Phone 3287 Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHL!N COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS call CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & [TARDWARE PHONE 1000 LLL ERIN WASHERS WORK (S148 14 J WASHER SERVICE QUICKER CHEAPER BETTER Phone 3800W BIDDULPH AUTHORIZED ye eg SRALIR 68 SIMCOE 87%. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front" STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works PHONE WHITBY 552 318 Dundas St. E Whitby £2 By Dudley Fisher COME ON IN, SLUG / (TAKE OFF YOUR MAT AND STAY AWHILE / EM iN, DUKA, THAT) WILL BE ALL, MY DEAR, HOW WE GONNA ) TELLHIMTHE EXPLAIN THIS A TRUTH.HE'S PHANTOM '{" OUR PARTNER, BUSINESS TO | ITS HIS HEAD- THE PRINCE? ACHE ToO. Fal BUT IF HE DON'T BELIEVE US, YOU KNOW HOW QUICKTTM HE IS WITH THAT /TNo1VouS CHOPPING ENOUGH BLOCK! SHUT UP! By Alex Raymond THERE'S NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF/ 1S YOUR NAME ? ax NOW, NOW, LITTLE FELLOW. Af #1 dss TH sr ViL GET 1 THE MOTHER.,. JGE PALOOKA By Ham Fisher TREATMENT "Ss" DID TH' JOB, BOSS" -GOOCH IS NOW A 100% COO- _ ¢ COO/7- HERE'S TH' PROOF --HIS » S en 4 HYARS TH' FIRST O TH' NEW 'FEARLESS FOSDICK" SECRET AGENT X9 MR. SPORRIGAN, MR. COTZER 16 HERE.., I MEAN== OH-N-H! Facing the Music SERIES, UL ABNER 77 JB By Al Capp AH LOVE THIS 7 By Mel Graff' AS PHIL PAUSES AT THE DOOR, HE SEES -- SPOTZER' INTING! SONATA MUST BE WISE! = WAITING=AGAING T THE WALL! Paging OKAY = PLAN TWO! HERE ALL RIGHT, CORRIGAN == GET CASPER, I'M WORRIED SICK ABOUT THE PIPPINDALES' SUING ME=-I'M JUST A POOR MAN---IF THEY s WIN, I'M RUINED -+- ALFRED, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A Cf WISH-~ "SEE A LOAD OF HAY, MAKE A WISH AND TURN AWAY, CASPER, IT'S TOO LATE NOW TO MAKE THE WISH I'D LIKE To, BECAUSE 1 wAS JUST WISHIN' I'D NEVER reserved. Bon Voyage Gift! By Brandon Walsh" HONEST, ZERO - J HAD THE SWELLEST DREAM~I DREAMT I SAW MRS. MEANY STANDIN' ON THE SEASHORE TALKIN' TO A TERRIBLE TALL, NICE- LOOKIN' SAILOR= = Su CTT MRS. MUTTER WHO LIVES UP TH' STRE! Y GREAT SCOTT. JENKINS WAS RIGHT. THERE ARE HOLD-UP "Sh MEN 'IN: THE BANK--RIGHT NOW. THIS IS TOC GOOD TO BE TRUE. \" PARDON ME, GENTS, BUT I JUST GOT A HOT THEN THE SAILOR SEZ," TAKE MY ADVICE -TURN AROUND AN'GO BACK TO YOUR POKY OLD | YOULL NEVER SEE AN AGAIN"~ CAUSE |" NIE EY (AN WHEN [ WOKE UP [ WAS LAFFIN' AN' LAFFIN' AN' HOLLERIN; HURRAY, HURRAY AN' I SAID, "6EE, WOULDN'T IT BE SWELL IF THAT DREAM : WAS TRUE ?!* obo LOE NTE Advance Notice TIP ON A HOLD-UP) . By Jerr WE NEVER By Chic Young Ti REMARKABLE HOW HE CAN BE SEN y Siegel

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