THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1948 "THE DAILY TIMES:GAZETTE PAGE NINE U.N. May Bring Peace For Millions In India By DEWITT MACKENZIE Associated Press News Analyst It's mighty fortunate for the world that the Dominions of India and Pakistan have submitted their bitter quarrel over the Princely State of Kashmir to the United Nations, for without the peace or- ganization this controversy might explode into a frightful fratricidal war which would encompass all the 400\millions of the Indian sub-con- tinent--and it's doubtful if such a conflict could be prevented from be- coming global, If this case can be kept within the framework of the U.N. it is likely to give a fine test of the effi- cacy of that. organization. Thus far India and Pakistan have dis- . played good faith and wisdom in working through the U.N. and tact- itly recognizing that the controversy is so complicated and full of dyna- mite that they could scarcely be expected to settle it between them- selves, It's a tragic incongruity that the once peacefully romantic garden- spot of Kashmir should now hang down over the Indian peninsula from the Himalayas like a flaming sword. The trouble grew out of the formation of the independent do- minions last summer. At that time Kashmir, and the other hundreds of native states were given the 'privilege of joining either dominion or being independ- ent. The Hindu Maharajah of Kashmir, Hari Singh, decided to remain free, but he didn't reckon with the fact that 77 per cent of his subjects were Moslems. From the neighboring territory of Paki- stan Pathan tribesmen, who also are Moslems, swarmed into the state with the idea of joining it to Pakistan, There was savage blood- shed and destruction. The Mah- arajah promptly cast his lot with Hindu India and asked for protec- tive troops, which were sent. That's where the matter stands now, with constant danger of open warfare breaking out between Pakistan and India. z The U.N. Security Council has created a three-country commission to study the whole situation and mediate the quarrel. Possibly a plebiscite, carefully supervised by impartial authorities, might be a good precedent. Crown Life Assets Top $100 Millions Reviewing the 1947 progress at the 47th annual meeting of the Crown Life Insurance Company held in Toronto, Friday January 23rd, H. D. Burns, President, point- ed out 'that the past year was a very active one for the life insur- ance business, Our own Campany, he said, par- ticipated fully in the expansion of business. The amount of our poli- cies in force increased during the year by $76 millions to a total of $541 millions. The assets increased by over $11 millions to a total of $102 millions, Both policies and as- sets have nearly doubled in the last five years. Crown Life policyhold- ers mow own over 200,000 policies in force. H. R. Stephenson, Vice-President and Managing Director, reported on the year's progress. Receipts totalled $24,475,940 and included first year, renewal, single and sup- plemental contract premiums of $18,638,735.85 dnd investment in- come comprising interest, divi- dends, rents and profits on sale of securities and exchange, amounted to $3,707,159.36. Policy payments were at' an all- time high for a total of $7,032,223.- 51 made up of Death and Disabil- ity Benefits paid of $2,042,746.75; matured and surrendered policies $2,126,577.07, annuity and deposit account $2,268,795.41; dividends to policyholders $594,104.28. The to- tal amount paid or credited to pol- Teyholders and beneficiaries during 1947 amounted to $18,484,780.17. Of the total assets of $102,000,411 Government and Muni- cipal Bonds accounted for $53, 474,080, Public Utilities, Industrial and other bomds $11,130,553, Prefer- red Stocks, $15,048,257, Common Stocks $3,619,968, Mortgage on Real Estates $16,317,554, Loans on Com- pany's Policies $5,527,460. The av- erage rate of interest realized on the ledger assets 3.77%. Mortgage loans increased by $1,- 556,800.31 during the year. Interest overdue on December 31st was $1,961.78 which has not been in- cluded in the assets. Home Office property of $176,418.21 is the only real estate owned by the Company. Gross surplus resulting from the year's operations was $1,986,450.04. Owen Sound to Pay Cost-of-Living Bonus Owen Sound, Jan. 29--(CP)--A war-time expedient, the cost-of- living bonus, has been reintroduced here to combat the rising cost of living. Certain city employees," those employed by the works department and the waterworks will in future receive a bonus of $2.50 a week, based on the November cost-of-liv- ing index, this bonus to be increas- ed or decreased 50 cents for every two points rise or fall in the index. 22.4 Car Output Drops Due To Gas Curb At Plants In U.S. Detroit, Jan. 29 -- (AP)--A curtailment of industrial gas to the Detroit area made idle an estimat- ed 200,000 factory workers wed- nesday but the effect on auto pro- duction this week probably will be less severe than originally antici- pated. Ward's Automotive Reports esti- mated the production loss for the week will total about 15,000 cars and trucks in the United States and Canada. The agency said that while Chrysler faced a possible loss of more than 10,000 passenger cars output this week, Ford and General Motors are not affected materially. DUSTBANE SWEEPING - COMPOUND ABSORES GERM-LADEN \ DUST! ..J/ Do you know about "C.R. you?" The people of Oshawa and district are invited tion ceremony will be held. There will be "Open to the official opening of the Community Recreation House" with a chance to see the recreation facilities Association Headquarters Building, 100 Gibbs | this "many purpose" building offers. Cialis A. and what it means to | Street, next Saturday, January 31. A brief dedica- Speed Money Bill For Royal Couple London, Jan. 29 -- (AP) -- The House of Commons Wednesday gave third reading to a bill grant- ing Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip £50,000 ($200,000) annually. There was no opposition. Approval in the House of Lords, to where the bill now goes, is a foregone conclusion. So is royal assent, which will make it law. The money largely is tax free. Family Reunion Disrupted As 20-Year Savings Taken Kitchener, Jan. 29--(CP)--Just as it seemed about to come true, the 20-year-old dream of Michael Mas- lanaka, 48-year-old native of Poland, was shattered with discovery that his hard-earned savings--$1,350 in bonds--had been stolen, The bonds were intended to pay ocean passage for his wife, whom he hasn't seen for 20 years, and his son, whom he's never seen. The son was born to Mrs. Mas- lanaka shortly after her husband came to Canada. The going has been tough for Maslanaka, a leather worker, and it took 20 years to save enough to reunite him with his family. He found yesterday that the bonds--all unregistered--had been stolen from a small wooden chest in his boarding-house room. Mas- lanaka isn't even sure when the theft took place. He said the last time he looked in the chest was last May. DIAMONDS POPULAR Until modern times only roy- alty and near royalty could display fine diamond rings, but today most married women wear them. Bacon Prices Raised In UK London, Jan, 29 -- (CP) -- The 'Food Ministry increased bacon prices up to 13 cents a pound yes- terday because of rising costs. A government decision not to in- crease food subsidies above the present £392,000,000 ($1,668,000,- 000) infl d the decision. Pres- ent bacon prices vary between 36 cents and 40 cents a pound, de- on the cut. Civilians are pendin : two ounces a week by ra- allowe tion. \ Defence Minister A. V. Alexan- der told the House of Commons that home-based sailors will have their meat rations trimmed 12% ounces from a little more than two ounds a week. Bacon rations will e reduced from seven ounces weekly to 2% ounces. To compen- rate, tho sailors will receive an ad- d'tional 2% ounces of fat and 3% ounces more of sugar. Alexander estimated the change would save: £2,750,000 a year and "bring service rations broadly in line" with civilian worker rations. SALADA TEA BAGS LOBLAWS GRADE "AR" LARGE GRADE "A" LARGE STRICTLY FRESH EGGS GRADE "A" MEDIUM GRADE "A" PULLETS CIRCLE BRAND Doz. 53¢c BRAND 2K Doz. 49c Busse oz 48c Doz. 47c CASTLE BRAND COTTAGE BRAND PEACHES PRUNE PLUMS APPLESAUCE APRICOTS o Canned LOBLAWS BREAD PRIDE of ARABIA COFFEE PURITY FLOUR o Canned Fruits o VALIA BRAND CHOICE HALVES LOMBARD PLUMS KEIFFER PEARS 'Voi SEA ROCK STANDARD HALVES STANDARD PEAS MIXED VEGETABLES cvoct 2 02' Tis 25¢ DICED CARROTS crocs CUT WAX BEANS cvoct 2 o's 270 = 10, " SL we 37. or fin 35 oz mn 16¢ orn 14 orn 2c or Tin 17. on 37. Usegotablos. ot ks &5e AYLMER CHOICE B.C. cHoict AYLMER FANCY ewoter D 07" Tivs 15e 207s 150 PORTERHOUSE WING, SIRLOIN BONELESS ROUND PRIME RIB ROAST = 1.43: CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 2.7 Tis 31c SOCKEYE SALMON STRAWBERRY JAM STOKLEY'S CATSUP Loblaw Quality Bef FANCY QUARTERS. TIN aor ae 43c oz"5ome 28c or ROASTS ~ 49. TASTY SLICED BEEYF LIVER SLICED 3-LITTLE PIG PORK SAUSAGE 1b. 3c 1b.45c¢ 1b. 32¢ SMALL CASING SMOKED WEINERS SKINLESS = 1b. 37c CEREAL wer 12 QUICK OR REGULAR QUAKER OATS we 27 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE wie 29 AMERICA DRY GINGER ALE oz' Sorne 11. PLUS DEPOSIT MONARCH BABY ROLL CHEESE ib. Gd FOR RESTFUL SLEEP [ Ovaltine ww 58 TIN + WHEN . AVAILABLE IVORY to. mea. FLAKES 29: CHIPSO LARGE 29: «a Baby & Junior Foods fic. AYLMER BABY FOOD AYLMER JUNIOR FOODS : vi. 3 of is 23 - ely oo 24 VARIETIES STRAINED LIBBY'S BABY FOODS HEINZ BABY FOODS SWIFT'S STRAINED MEATS SWIFTS JUNIOR MEATS : vome CAMPBELL'S BABY SOUP STRAINED NUTRIM BABY CEREAL JUNKET RENNET POWDERS ~ EVAPORATED MILK DURHAM :-« CORN STARCH CREAM OF WHEAT REGULAR OGILVIE WHEAT HEARTS BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP ROGER'S GOLDEN CANE SYRUP CLUB HOUSE RICE FLOUR CREISSON OLIVE OIL APEX ABSORBENT COTTON CHRISTIE'S HOLLAND RUSKS WESTON'S ARROWROOT BISCUITS ova: GIBSON TISSUES ~~ 20- PETROLEUM JELLY 2: 15 Fruuts. & Vegetables EAT MORE ORANGES FOR HEALTH © HIGH JUICE CONTE NT © EXCELLENT QUALITY AN ABUNDANT SUPPLY IN ALL STORES ONTARIO RED RHUBARB ONTARIO CARROTS RUTABAGAS COOKING ONIONS MESSINA LEMONS WASHED GRADED WAXED TURNIPS NO. 1 GRADE ose vorvivssss HOT LEMONADE" 2 5.FL. 3 OZ. TINS 25: 3.0L § VARIETIES 2 TINS" HOT-HOUSE GROWN "FIGHT COLDS WITH 300's 2 ® » . , *-e *y » - 15 SFL. OZ. TINS > RES bE J 29: 19: ae Qe wor 45. 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