Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Jan 1948, p. 13

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1948 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE THIRTEEN - WANT AD SECTION <555%5%5%5 | BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Articles for Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. 37 A ts Wanted ....40 Female Help For Rent ,,. 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports snd income tax forms prepared, secretarial work Phone 1004J. Arthur St. (Febl2) 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bldg. King St. East. Phone 2127. Consulting ac- countant and auditor. b13) Auditors .......... 1 Automobiles 'For Sale Automobiles © Wanted Automobile Repairs 18 fuction Sale ...... 43 Barristers ......... 2 Building Trades _,. 11 Business Oppor: 20 Insurance 2--Barristers Business Oppor- Male Help LOUIS 8 HYMAN, Mortgage Loans Phone 67. Li 3051. (Febl1) OONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, AL- lin F. Annis, K.C.,, 71; Simcoe Street South, Phone 4, Residence 769, (Febl) A. W. 8. GREER, KC. BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 King Streat Phone 3160. Residence 3514. partner WwW, ©. Pollard, EC, GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, Jarrisiers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building, (Feb.1) R. D. 8, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc, 6 g it. West. Phones: Office 814; residence 3207. Money to loan. (Febl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Pebl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14'; King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Febl) TER, 2 Bimoos anted " Chiropractors Dentists . : Dressmaking 16 Employmet sessseses 41 | Optometrists . Wanted CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS "bove rates apply only to original INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Wanted ... Funeral Directors . 8 Gardening and Supplies .. Household Repairs Houses For Rent .. Sale Instruction ... Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. Legal Notices .. Nursing Setyice 4 THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ..... EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION vers mew original order. Pets and Livestock Radlo Repairs ..,. Real Estate Agents Real Estate For Real Estate 2 Wanted ........ Real Estate Exchange Rooms For Rent .. Room and Board .. Room and Board Wanted ..... Veterinarians ..... Women's Column . Wanted to Rent .. Wearing Apparel .. AD RATES 2 Words Each Ade Ada1 0 a5 . 05 25 O13 orders for consecutive insertions. at a jatar date constitute a staeeresdes : 0314 i per month for Each initial letter, abbreviation, All Classified Advertisements before publication. Office hours: and $5.00 20 words or less. 20c additional for all words over 20. full word. Box charged 10c additional. $ and c sign, figure count as a MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Daily 8-6, Saturday 8-5. ERNEST citor, 11 King E Office 55. MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- Room 2. Phones 3687R. (Feb2) . J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, loans, National Phone 1614. Res. 1975). 23--Women's Column 25--Real Estate F For Sale hoy CHARIS--HAVE YOUR FIGURE PROB- | lem solved by professional adviser Phone Mrs. Blatter, morning or eve- ing. 2504W. (Febll) ; A LOT 50 ) X 340, BEATRICE ST., $425, Restricted 'ares, A. E. Murdock Real Estate Broker, over Eaton's. (23c) SIX-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, ALL MANNING F. Bolicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. 2BTTW. (Febl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON. 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to Weve and (S2copt Wed and 8at.), 2to4and 7 to (Febl3) 4--Chiropractors STECELEY HEALTH CLINIC, Simcoe North. Phone 224. ius practice incl Chiropractic therapy, mineral vapor bath RL Fraciicing 22 years. Consultation free. ® am. to 9 p.m. daily, except 3aunday and ) y. _ 5--Optometrists ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 1518. Appointments. (Feb5) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: ® am to 6 pm. Wednesday 9 to A % Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 2 (Febl) 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Conatae us for any of your insurance All classes of insurance includ- ing ite 2 28 Sat Btreet Ro, J Fel 7--Veterinarians DR. E. H WEB! small animal surge St. W. Phone 201 9--Money To Loan frst. mortgages. ADPIY M.-P. Swans : mortgages. Apply Barrister. Bassett Block, suite 1] 4. Telephone 282 bl) 10--Instruction DANCING CLASS! hi Reg! Saturday's in St. Parish Hall, Cent ay St. 11--Building Trades PLASTER BR REPAIRS, OR NEW PLAS- tering. Pree estimate, Phone e7oRa c BUILDING, REPAIRS AND ADDITIONS | to all types ~ buildings, Riemer cu e 1352W. 5a; | LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Febl) Phon DO 4 FORTHE ks on bor available for all Cement work, Blocks laid, underpinning, ete. Lloyd, Whitby. Phone 927. (Feb.8) nT (i, TOTES A or re. rave) sand and cinders. Apply 163 Ritson Rd. 8. Phone 2063W. nL CRAGGS AND DYKSTRA. Decorators, Also hg 2] raying. Work guaranteed. Vhike 363 DE BW 0 Febl0) 12--Personal Services HAULAGE GENERAL DUMP TRUCK Service. Thos. Siblock, 253 Fourth Ave., Oshawa, Phone 1993R. (Feb. 14) P. A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS 5 at Street West. Your AA eototia oN (Febl) SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM arthritis. get Ru-mex-ol, Rawisizh Dealer 384 Ritson . BT Messtousehou Repairs weeks only. Eg Bruce Ch Phone 401. 18--Automobile Repairs lig CK, CORES LDU "Ficoe th re- ton. Phone Call us for starting your car or truck. 24-hour service, NAIMAN'S GARAGE 18 ALBERT ST. PHONE 4463 (201) ] 24--Personal . "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! YOU'RE | gt, Ww. cr | Thousands peppy at 70, Os- trex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For rundown feeling many men, women call "old", New "get acquainted" size only 50c. At all drugg (Jan28,20,30Feb 25, 26,27TMar.3,4 8) | k: HAVE THAT WATCH OR CLOCK EX- | Bhop, Japeired at the Midtown Watch | Shop, 152 Bimcoe St. South. Entrance ' through Vern"s Barber Shop. week's service. One ! (Feb26) | | LOO! NEW, MODERN, decorator's colors, custom made, seam- ess, up to thirteen feet, any length. Write Ac'ae Rug Co. 188 King W., Ha- milton. (Feb.8; THUNA'S HERBAL NERVE TABLETS ALL HERBS -- NO DRUGS 'NERVES ON EDGE? Jumpy, irritable, easily excited, poor sleeper? Send for Thuna's Herbal Nerve Tablets. $1 postpaid. THUNA HERBALISTS 298 Danforth Ave, Toronto (Jan.16,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29) $1 ,20 Highway, East $2,000 recta" avenue. oo |4 $2,700 5 wien ma veer? $3,500 6000" 2/3 vere amar | ences. Verdun Road | 29 $ 4, 500~¢ 0 room frame, Conven- $4, 9002 em brick. North West --5-room brick. Verdun Rd. Furnished. $ 6, J 00 ent 5 Double Rie garage, Some W. McAULEY REALTOR PHONE 3510M ANYTIME (23) WM apie: Fla Tamale pa Douse, vase, lights, stool. $4, 50 rey Rh, 4-room insul stool. Immediate $6 5003300 cash, 8-room brick bd 25--Real Estate For Sale --2 acres land, fruit trees, ---5-room cottage, electricity $2,200 and water. 2nd Avenue. $ 4, 00 --3S-room frame, convent. | iences. Central, section, $5,00 --9-room, frame, store on Property for sale and exchange. listings wanted, 150 DIVISION ST. 5-ROOM, INSUL BRICK, NORTH OSH- $1, 80 --$700 cash, 4-room frame brick house, water, lights, possession. house, all conveniences. Celina St. Immediate possession. $5, 20055 cash, 6-room 'nsul . brick house. Eldon Ave. te possession. $4. 70 --$2,000 cash, 4-room new | frame Bungalow, Louisa St. Immediate possessio: | $: 4, 200% pn frame house, one acre of Hand. Picker- ing. "Immediate possessio; M. HENNICK REAL 'ESTATE BROKER 442 SIMCOE ST. 8S. (23a, LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE with Jones and Nolan, Real Estate Brokers, 62 Prince St. We get quick 21--Business Opportunities LUNCH COUNTER, IN OSHAWA, splendid business, new equipment, rea- sonable Lot long lease, ed rea- or quick sale. Box 617, Times ( 22b) 23--Women's Column sonable aa. Announcing New Home Service for my lady HAIRDRESSING done in your own home. For appointment PHONE 185J ANNE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE (22b) Times-Gazette classified ads pay «Why not try one today. $7.20 (Feb.6) --part cash, buys modern S-room : brick veneer, un- finished attic, all conveniences, In choice residential district. Immediate possession. East end. $8, 50 --part cash, buys 8-room ack veneer, all conven- jences: oak floors, modern kitchen, oil P 30 days. $7. 90 --part cash, buys S5-room brick veneer bungalow, Rew. Everything 1 modern. on furnace. $7, 500 yer: cash buys Duiquie business and two 5-room apartments, Bosseagion 30 days, All but one apart- $6,70 *W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer 346 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 1716 LIST WITH ME FOR QUICK SALE (23¢) --Part cash, buys 9-room house, with confectionery ! Phone 3439W. (2 con hardwood floors down- tairs. Very central. Immediate posses- sion, Apply Mr. R. Walker, 63 Athol (22¢) 98. CENTRAL (22¢c) LOT FOR SALE, 40 X ¢ Park Blvd. Phone 3641J. | 26--Real Estate Wanted SMALL GROCERY STORE IN COUN- | try or what have you. Cash. Box 625, | Times-Gazette. 23c) | MODERN HOUSES WANTED - FOR clients with cash, List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- ed. Phone 3510M and I xi call { and inspect your property, W. Mc- Auley, ly 150 Division St. (Feb.16) md Column WANTED, YOUNG CALF FOR VEAL- a Call E. Sipe, 416J12. (22b) 29--Rooms For Rent FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT middle-aged couple, no children. Phone 2942J. (23¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, "ONE BLOCK from bus line, quiet home. 559 Masson St. Phone 2764 Le _(23c) 4 3-ROOM APARTMENT, CENTRALLY located, mo children. Possession Feb. 1st. Phone 42737. (23t1) 3-ROOMED APARTMENT, KITCHEN with built-in cupboards, 3-plece bath, separate entrance, heated, vacant now, prefer middle-aged couple, no children. Box 622, Times-Gazette. (22b) LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR COUPLE. No children, Unfurnished. Phone 35278 ) LARGE BRIGHT ROOM, GENTLEMAN | desired. 203 Ritson Rd. S. Phone bi Cc FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for one gentleman. Near Motors. Phone 1683R. (a y FURNISHED BEDROOM, CONTINU- ous hot water. Gentleman preferred. Phone 4374J. (21c) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD, SUIT ONE GIRL. Phone 3374W. (23¢) 31--Wanted to Rent ' HOUSE ON ANY HIGHWAY. PHONE ood. eRe) DESPERATE, IN NEED, PLEASE HELP us. 5 or 6 room house by March 1. Adult family, careful ,clean living, jespeciable tenants and abstatner 2¢) 32--Automobiles for Sale 9 NASH SEDAN, "MOTOR JUST overhauled, $200, Apply 237 King St. W. Phone 507. (23¢) '36 FORD V-8, HALF-TON PANEL truck, good mechanical condition. A: 2 Bowmanville Cleaners, 77 Kings t. C) | NEW INDIAN MOTORCYCLES, , USED motorcycles, parts and accessories. Tires, oll and batteries, etc. Repairs. Information now available on 1948 Mo- dels, Scout, Arrow and 74. Also on | new low priced motorcycle. "Doc" Ber- ry, 313 and 292 Pine Ave. Phone 4121M Open till 8 evenings, "46 PONTIAC COACH, 8,000 MILES, $1,700 cash. Phone 928M after 7 eve- nings. (22b) 1933 FORD DELUXE COUPE, HEATER, new battery. Apply 50 Queen' St. (22b) | 47 OLDSMOBILE, 8 CYL. SEDANETIE. (23c) | | 52--Automobiles for Sale '33 FORD SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION, winterized, heater, also new battery. For price and particulars, phone 3261M. an28,30) 35 OLDS. IN GOOD CONDITION, good tires Phone 3541W. (238) BILL NICHOLLS The Quality Car Lot We Have 47 Ford 1 ton Pick-up This truck is* new '36 Chev. Panel. This is an Outstanding value, like '46 '40 Chev, Sedan. Here is a genuine bargain ,,........... $995 '37 Buick Sedan. The car you would love to own '36 Chev. Coach, radio, heater $595 new tires, outstanding motor '39 * Pontlac Coach. Immaculate in- side and out. Oustanding car . '38 Ford Deluxe Coach. An outstanding buy 47 Plymouth Special De- luxe Sedan. Almost new .. $ 1 195 '35 Pontiac Coach. This is truly a bargain. The little family car '34 Buick Sedan. special for today '31 Chrysler Coupe. Just right '$ 1 95 for two. The price is right . And over 40 more to choose from. 71-73 King West Phone 3008) $1.550 $495 (23a) 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY { Motor Sales 121 Simcoe: 8t. North Phone 4695W. _(Feb3) { LAKESHORE AUTO -- 'Cars wanted for wrecking Highes prices pald Phone 3362: bag; 0) $10 SELLS YOUR CAR Become a wealthy pedestrian, i We have many cash buyers waiting | for your car, For $10 we will sell your car at your price. BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. OSHAWA (18t1) 34--Pets and Livestock COLLIE PUPS, 7 WEEKS OLD, APPLY 353 Arthur St. (23d) BLACK AND TAN MALE FOX HOUND for sale, Apply 207 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 2936J. __(22b) | SIMCOE PET SHOP, CANARIES, FOR- eign Finches, baby Budgies, Goldfish, bowls and aquariums (birds Pozred); 373 Simcoe St. South. (Feb24) | COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, BLACKS, | reds and parti-coloured, also several males and females. 9 to 16 months Reasonable. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa. New Highway. (Feb.16) | 35--Wearing 'Apparel | WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING | sterilized, "cieaned. and pressed like new. Carrying a e stock of Winter coats, suits and Bond Bt. i W. Sam Swartz. (Feb?) i 36--Articles for Sale Fal | 4-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, BUNGALOW size, cheap Apply 133 Agnes. (23a) REED BASINETTE WITH HOOD, MAT- | tress, removable basket, excellent con- $15. Reasonable, PHons (23a) | dition, cost 3203J. 36--Articles for Sale SMALL MANTLE RADIO Spartan, nearly new. PHONE 3808W (238) ARRIVED, LARGE SHIPMENT of coal Lis bi No tax. All sizes, and rices 00se from. Meagher's, 92 imcoe North. __(Feb13) STOVE OIL STORAGE TANKS, M- ete with taps. Ha Perry Wholesale, Boe Court St. Phone 2015. (Feb.7) OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service. Out-of-town Phone 584J. (Feb18) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER "5 ft. Measured and installed. George Reid Phone 2104. 68 Bond West (Feb23) POTATOES, CARROTS, TURNIPS, onions; Spy, Talman Sweets, by by ous maket or bushel, Choice and Stand 24, 20-oz. tins, 262 Fr Janes 8t. 4423). (22d) JUST Shaw, BRADLEY'S As low as 207% down payment on all house- hold furniture. Largest as- sortment of carpets and floor covering in Ontario. $7.95 $39.50 $64.50 2'x4 Oriental design Belgaum Axminster 4'6"'x7'6" Axminster 6'x9' Axminster Rich Wino Oriental design Seamless | 776""x9' wine seamless English Axminster 9'x10'6" rose tone-on-tone Canadian- made seamless Axminster. A truly beautiful carpet .... Battleship linoleum... Per square yard eceeeceeescicces. 300 Congoleum and Feltol Rugs $3.50 2 and 3 yd. wide Congoleum Bradley's Two Stores 156 Simcoe St. South -- Phone 3413 40 King St. West Phone 271 (221) 37--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. King West. 3326W. (Febs) | PIANO3 WANTED FOR CASH WIL- son Lee. 79 Bimcoe North Phone 2388. 5 usm | HIGH BACK SINK AND TAPS | sate. 22 Ritson Rd. 8. ( {R.C.A, VICTOR PUSH-BUTTON TUN- {ing car radio; Mauser rifle, elevated , sights, point 303. Phone 2599R. (23¢c) R | 2) | #fWHITE ENAMEL FINDLAY COOK | stove, with shelf, coal or wood, good | ! condition. Apply 458 Floyd Ave. (23c) WHITE PRAM DELUXE STYLE, GOOD condition. Maple play pen. Phone 3871W, 48 Hillcroft. (23c) FULL SIZE BED, SAGLESS "SPRINGS, Beautyrest Mattress Apt 4, 281 Sim- coe South Phone 2743 (23b) i | SHOEMAKER'S PATCHING MACHINE in good condition. Apply 216 Park ts a) | LONCH ROOM EQUIPMENT, CC COUN- ter, stools, sink, grill, canopy, etc. Phone 3510M. i & (23b) MAN'S BICYCLE, EXCELLENT CON- dition, reasonable. Apply 181 Ae atts i ~ LADIES, ATTENTION! | Do you sew, mend, or darn? If so, enjoy the thrill of sewing, mending or darning on an ELNA electric portable sewing machine. ELNA saves you more money. , Only $29 down, For demonstration i PHONE 4180J2 | (23a) | | ONE KITCHEN SUITE, BRAND NEW; | one Easy washing machine, good con- | up- | 23c) | dition, Apply 134 Simcoe St. 8, | stairs, ( model 90 Hydr tic, small mil like new, $3,000. Eq; ipped with all | accessories. Phone 3362, evenings = Don't Wait gil Spring Prices Will Zoom! Belmont Motors Offer these good used cars at reduced prices to make room for our spring stock. '46 Chev. Sedan, perfect shape. Reg. $1875. Sale ........ $1,725 '41 Buick Sedan, completely equipped. Reg. $1,550. Sale $1,325 | 38 Custom Dodge Sedan, radio and heater. A beauty. Reg. $895. Sale .. '37 Plymouth Sedan, radio. Reg. $750. Sale ...... SOME REAL BUYS '30 Chev. Coach '30 "A" Model Coupe 20 Graham Sedan (A perfect car) '35 Chev. Coach. "Mechanics Chance", $345 takes it. Easy Payment Plan. Highest trade-in value on your car. «+ $795 seassane Buy Now and Save Belmont Motors 137 King West Phone 3344R COMBINATION COAL AND GAS range, new, two months. Upholstered rocker. Call evenings. 200 Celina St. (20) CHESTERFIELD SUITE IN GOOD CON- St West. expansion table. Call at 74 ns ORBIT VACUOM CLEANER, CYLIN- der type with attachments. $15.00. Phone 1264. (2281) X 3115, COM- '38x32, complete. (22h) 'STORM SASH, 501} 3 '591% lete; one lower sash, Phone 3642M. HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, delivered in $5 and $3 lots, Phone 3288J. _ (22) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS 7 Day Delivery Made to measure by expert craftsmen lot Met-Wo Industries Limited. estimates and installation any- ! where. P.O. BOX 421 PHON™ 4101W--J. W. MELLEY OSHAWA" (205t¢ CHILD'S CRIB WITH SPRING MA1 tress, $10; invalid's commode chair, $0 small chesterfield, convertible to Sing bed, $20. F lly new. C J (22) PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR AI Jour floors, the modern floor finish ries in one hour, no more waxing ¢ polishing, We deliver. Phone 4538V. We also will apply Plast-I-Gloss. A soclated Services, 23 Bond West, corn Bond and Prince street, [Ren RANGETTE, 2 BURNERS, , WITH OV. baby pram, maroon, white TBO lined Both like mew. Phone 3976W: a a VENETIAN BLINDS for homes, offices or factories. Custom made. Moderately priced Estimates and installations free, R. G. TREWIN 3531-R (Mon. Wed..Fri.) NUMBER OF "NEW A AND USED HEAT- ers and Quebec cook stoves. 156 Sim- coe St. 8., before 6 (Feb.7) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N Phone 3300W. (Feh25) 59 Division, Oshawa ! 1 | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON metal, An natirceste. Phone BU Cedard So Sour 38--Female Hp Wanted Phone 4733J. COOK GENERAL, REQUIRED ) IMMEDI - ately. Pleasant home, mother away, 2 children attending school, ages and 4 Nurse employed full time. Excellent wages. References. 189 Inglewood Dr, Young and St. Clair district, Toronto. Hyland 4958. (22¢) | HOME COOKING SALE, SHORE GAS THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW! By Al Pagal and Harry Shorten R NOW, AND ne 16 THE KIND OF MEMORANDUMS GETS ~ HOME BAKING SALE, FRIDAY, JAN- uary 30th, 3 p.m. Hill Cornish Elec- tric, 12 Athol eat, Northminster Junior Group W.A. (23a) office, Friday 2:30, i George's Wom- en's Guild, Group 4 (23a) 42--Legal Notices 7 NOTICE TO_ CREDITORS (ARE MARK of MARY IRRIEW, All persons having. claims against the estate of Mary Markiew, late of the City of Oshawa, in the osunty of Ontario, Married oman, who died on or about the "16th. red of August, 1947, are hereby notifl to file such claims, ether with full par- ticulars thereof, with the undersigned solicitor on or before the J25th day of February, 1948. Immediately after the sald date the assets of the sald de- ceased will be distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitor then have notice to the exclusion of all others. TED at Oshawa, Dota, this 20th day of January, A.D. AR R we . GREER, KC, 6 King ¢ Beet 'East, Oshaw: tario, Sollottor for me 'above Estate Jan.21,28,Feb.11) 43--Auction Sales Having received instructions from the Executors of the Estate of the late Mrs, J. Kewin, 163 Simcoe St. S., I will sell by public 31, at 1:30 p.m., quantity. of household furniture including: combination gas & coal stove, Treasure beds, dressers, kit- chen furniture, tables, chairs, cup- boards, lamps, odd tables and chairs, sofa, quanti y dishes, cooking utensils and many other articles too numerous to mention. Note--This sale" will be held inside. Terms, cash. Frank Stirte- vant, Auctioneer. (23¢c) 44--Tender FUEL OIL AND GASOLINE BUSINESS FOR SALE Londen will be received 2 the office W. R. Strike, K.C., Ring 5% Suess | Bowmanville, until 12" o'cloc | ohare h, 1048, for the ers | jouer | uel oil business of the late eC. | in the Town of Bowman tne Gi tank car storage facliliti 3 together with all delivery trucks, also 'ncluding 2-tank delivery trucks, -also lease of retail gas and service station | together with purchase of equipm and supplies in service station. yr Jallonsge Sold--fuel and, stove oil 301,- 159- 31,140--h st or aby | '39--Male Help Wanted TEEN AGE BOY, TO WORK IN STORE from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. Apply Box 620, Times-Gazette _ (22) "| ATTENTION SALESMEN! We will only consider a man who is capable of earning a minimum of $5,000 per year, as this is the average income between 7 and 8 Wednesday 10 to 5 and 7 to 8 Thursday. ATTENTION MR. IRWIN GENOSHA HOTEL (23b) 39a--Male or Female Ish { tender og our men make. Appointments || pection of Sy uipment on the premises. Tenders mal or deliver to be! plainly marked as such and to contain certified cheque for 5% of provi Price. ABSTAINED 97 YEARS Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthen Wales -- (CP) -- Evan Jones, 97, has been a teetotaller and mon- smoker all his life. FINE WATCH REPAIRING . Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 188¢ 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH FOR YOUR WIRING AND APACE REPAIRS CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & ITARDWARE PHONE 1000 BOOKKEEPER, MUST BE EXPERIEN( ed in general office work, asp: ing, Better than average salary. Chr lan's Electric & Hardware, Head Office, | Oshawa. (Mon. Wed.Fri.) ,| EXPERIENCED OFFICE ACCOUNTANT. | Christian's Electric and Hardware, Head | Office, Oshawa, Ontario. (Mon.Wed.Fri) | SPLENDID _ OPPORTUNITY. AVERAGE $45.00 weekly for man or woman to supply more than 250 Familex necessi- ies to the people in your neighborhood. Write today for complete details of ur time-tested plan for fast, easy, Iirect-to-cutomer sales, Catalogue free. -amilex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. (Mon, Wed, Fri) H--Employment Wanted /ABY-SITTING EVENINGS, BY RE- able young woman. Phone at c) 'EPATRING TRILIGHTS, RANGETTES, ges, all household electrical appli neces, Frunk Snudden, 107 Athol E. theb1s) hone 919W. PRACTICAL, NURSE, AVAILABLE, housekeeper, look after Shiiaren 2} a | day or week. Phone 839, Whitby. | Times.Gazette classified ads pay --Why not try one ay. Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHL'!N COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 COAL-COKE WOOD [Immediate Delivery IRMSTRONG FUELS 59 Church St. Phones 272TW--2728 vowvv ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDERS e Laid e Sanded Old Floors Refinished} Phone 3434J or 4277J 51 Harmony Rd. South Alter Boilie At Hampton M. HORN Correspondent Hampton, Jan. 27--Extensive alterations are being done to the building occupied by J. R. Reynolds in lower flat and M. L. Davy in he upper apartment. Len | Eliott, plu er, of Bowmanville, and D., othwell and Sons, of Maple Grove, carpenters, are the work- men employed. A number f our citizens have been sufi....g from severe colds. We welcome to our village Mr. and Mrs, Theron Mountjoy, fornfer.. ly of Haydon, They have moved to the home formerly owned and oc- cupied for many years by his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mountjoy. Congratulations are offered to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downey, of Bowmanville (nee Vera Kerslake, of Hampson) on the gift of a daughter, Margaret Anne Marie, 3} She t! 5 Bowmanville Hospital on an, 16. Misses Ruby Clatworthy and Velma Gay of the Bowmanville Hospital staff, visited Mrs. Austin Barron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phair, Cour- tice, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Luke on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wrdy, Gib- hone Street, Oshawa, on Saturday, it being the occasion of their son's birthany. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Port Perry, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.'Harry Wilcox. Miss Bessie Blackburn, Salem, visited her parents; M; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, on Sunday. Mrs. J. Ennis visited her daugh- ter in Oshawa last week. Miss Margaret Purdon, Cherry- wood, spent the week end with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purdon. Ted Kersey, Marion Johnston Joyce Scott, Toronto; Mr. an ' Mrs. Reg. Kersey and son Ronald, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and | plat Oshawa; Lloyd Kersey, Dowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Haro Ashton, Enniskillen, were visitors | at. S. Kerseys, Mr. Will Stuart, Cobourg, for- ! merly of Hampton, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull and renewed friendships in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron and daughter, Erlyne, were in Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Mrs. Roy Van. camp, Base Line, and Mrs. Charles Wood, Orono, were visitors with Mus, Lorenzo Trull. LIBRARY READERS DOWN Library ' book circulation' in Canada during the war years fell over 10 per cent for adult fiction, non-fiction, but fell only about five per cent for ., INSULATE AND SAVE! Fuel-oil burners JeTom up to 10% saving in oil. Enjoy extra warmth by Insulating YOUR home now. For free estimate phone: SEALTITE INSULATION 508 SIMCOE 8,, OSHAWA, ONT, PHONE: 3136R or 3258W STAFFORD BROS. Monnmentzl Works PHONE WHITBY 552 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby ® RADIOS and Electrical Appliance Repairs @® Household Wiring and Electrical Fixtures ® ALL PARTS AND WORK- MANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS Warner Williams 78 Simcoe N, Phone 736J = Oak, Maple, Ash Now Available. Hardwood Floors Laid, Sanded and Finished "Estimates Free" M. LEGGETTE PHONE 3744W1 WE REPAIR © WASHING MACHINES © RADIOS eo VACUUMS All Work Guaranteed CONNOR WASHING MACHINES (imited mumber available for Immediate Delivery | LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR THE HOME Hundreds to Choose From PITTS' Electrical Agencies 12 BOND ST. EAST OSHAWA Phone 3287 a ® LAYING ® SANDING ® FINISHING Old Floors Made Like New! Floors Mastic and Rubber tile laid. Estimates Free! Guaranteed work CECIL H. LEVY (Successor to B. W. Haynes) Phone 16134 > MAKES OLD WASHERS WORK [S43 14 J WASHER SERVICE QUICKER CHEAPER BETTER Phone 3800W BIDDULPH Avrnonizen B3E505 oraLIR 68 SIMCOE S87. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front" TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, Feb. 2nd, 1948; for a Caretaker For Harmony Public School Duties to commence March 1sf, 1°48. Lowest or any fender not nécessarily accepted. Copy of specifications outlining the duties of the caretaker, may be had by applying io CLARENCE A. GREENTREE 775 King St. East, Oshawa., Sec.-Treas. of S. 8. No. 1, East Whitby. WANTED A -- as i § rope--Em------------ &

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