PAGE FOURTEEN \ THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE. ae WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1371, vom T AD SECTION <5757%5%%5% BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors ACCOUNTANT AU- and income secre Arthur St. (Febl2) Articles for Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted ... 40. Auditors .......... 1 Automobiles For Sale For Rent . Supplies CERTIFIED GEN- countant and 'auditor. (Feb13) 2--Barristers Male Help U1S Loans. sirauged BARRISTER ETC. v4 3 25 Simcoe dence 3051. Nori Phone on." Rests (Feb11) CONANT & ANNIS, BARR TER lin P. Annis, K.C., 72 Simcoe Street South. Phone 4, Residence To, (Jan19) A. W. 8. GREER, K.C., BARRISTER, Soc 0 etc, 6 King Wo East. Phone er W, C. Pollard, go. Uxbridge, Pa (Febl) GRIERSON, GHTON & FRASER. of Commerce barr! tc. Bank ng . (Feb.1) R. D. 8, K.C., BABRISITRE. Solicitor, etc, K 8 Phones: Office 814; Money to loan. JAMES R. MacBRIEN, B and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Febl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1s King St. East, Oshawa. Phone Res. Phone 837. (Febl) ONE INSERTION THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERT! INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help Wanted ......e0. Funeral Directors . Gardening and Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent .. 28 Insurance ..... Instruction ... Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ..... Wanted ........ . 39 Male and Female y ees Nursing art . Optometrists CLASSIFIED AD RATES TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS .... 10NS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .... Above rates apply only to original erders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date coustitute a t new original order. 208 g | Personal Services .. Pets and Livestock Radio Repairs .... Real Estate Agents Real |] Estate For es 8 cees 10 9a Rooms For Rent .. Room and Board .. Room and Board Wanted Veterinarians . Women's Column . Wanted to Rent .. Wearing Apparel .. 42 20 Words Each Addl or Less Word srsssessssssss 40 vessessne +13 «1 25 EN o 14 i 00 h for before publication. and $5.00 per 2 words or oy 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure count 2s a full word. Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. p27 MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- ecitor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55. dence 368TR. (Feb2) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barrister, Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North, Phone 1614. Res. (Febl) MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res. 287TW. (Febl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to Twetve and Sutcapt Wed and Sat.), 8 to4and 7 (Febl3) 4--Chiropractors HEALTH CLINIC, 146 . Phone 224. Drugless practice including Chiropractic Electro , mineral vapor bath treatment. 22 years. Consultation free. ® am. to 9 p.m. dally, except Monday and Friday. (Febl) §--Optometrists ©. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 1516. t. (Feb5) 25--Real Estate For Sale 34--Pets and Livestock $7, 000 rn $3,800 cash, buys large brick and insul brick building, containing two 5- roomed apartments and store. Store now used as confectionery; doing nice business. Stock and equipment can be bought extra, located on Simcoe St. Will take house in exchange. W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer 346 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 1716 Listings Wanted Exclusive Agent. (304a) FIVE COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES for sale. Phone 3828W. (303b) FOR SALE, 1 STACK "HAY, 4 Tice straw, one cow, 3 heifers, "milking: Phone 416J12. (303 3b) THOROUGHBRED GERMAN N SHEP- herd (police) pupples. Apply 445 Mil- ler Ave. or phone 4663M. (30: 2¢) SHOOTING MATCH, 50 8, January 1st, 10 a.n. 12 gauge shot- guns, rifles, shells supplied. Rain- Cabins, Newcastle. (304a) CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF CON- sumers, open meeting, Centre St. School Auditorium, Friday, January 9, 8 pm. (304a) 36--Articles For Sale GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS 7 Day Delivery Made to measure by expert craftsmen of Met-Wo Industries Limited. Free estimates and installation any- where. P.O. BOX 421 . PHONE 4101W--J. W. MELLEY OSHAWA (2051) FOUR-BURNER GAS STOVE, TABLE top, in excellent condition, Phone 4056M. (303b) FINDLAY COOK STOVE, GOOD LARGE oven, first class condition, 6-plate, reasonable 159 Verdun Road, ___(303c) FINDLAY ELECTRIC RANGE, THREE- burner, 6 years old; also jacket heater. Phone 3174R. (303c) LADY'S ~ WHITE SKATES, SIZE "7, good condition. Phone 3540W. (303c) 37--Articles Wanted BOY'S SKATES, SIZE 4. PHONE a854W, co eer (304R) USED ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE, private. Phone 3641W. (303¢) 12 GAUGE DOUBLE BARREL SHOT- gun. Call 4256M (302¢) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. King West. 3326W. (Ja nd) SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves, 24 Bond West. Panne 31604 anl. PUPPIE PALS FOR CHRISTMAS AT Knowlton's Kennels. Reg. Fox Terriers, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR JSRON metal, rags, mattresses. 635 Reg. Cocker Spaniels, p and grown dogs. Five Points, Oshawa. (Jan 4) CANARIES FOR SALE, GOOD SING- ers and hens; also cages. 400 Montrave Ave. Phone 2862J, (Jan.4) $3 oy -room brick, conventences. Va- ant. $4 ,300--5-room brick bungalow. West- mount. $ 4.5000. -room frame. All conveniences. Central. $ 4,500--6-room frame. All conveniences. Gladstone Avenue. $ 5,000--5- §-room brick bungalow. Ver- $ 5,500--5- room brick bungalow, Ver- un, Rd. $ 6,000--8-room semi bungalow. West- JURY AND LOVELL OFFICE HOURS: 2am, to 6 pm, py dilsday so 1 A, E. Johnson, Opto metrist. Phone 28. (Jan24) ~ 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE. Consult us for any of Eso insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- Sig, ue. 2 Ring Street East, phone (Febl) 7--Velerinarians DR. E. H, WEBSTER, small animal surgery. Bt. W. Phone 2010M. 9--Money To Loan MONIES AVAILABLE FOR es. Apply M. F. Swartz, t Block, suite No. 4. ¢ (Febl) LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Febl) CLIENTS? first m Telephone 282. 11--Building Trades FRONT END SNOW LOADER dump trucks for hire. Grave, sna and cinders, Apply 163 Ritson Rd. Phone 2063W. (Peb1s) CRAGGS AND DYKSTRA, PAINTERS, Qeorators, Also industrial sp! DIYing. Wi guaranteed. Phone 3639-41 (Feb10) 12--Personal Services $ 7.000--10-room duplex and store, or exchange. $ 7,300--5-room brick bungalow, New $ 8,500--10-room Colonial duplex. Four years old. $10,000--15-room brick, 2 bathrooms. y. $19,000--12-room large Estate, Whitby. I HAVE OTHERS W. McAULEY 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE 3510M ANYTIME (303¢) 25¢c--Farmers' Column WOOD LOT, !4 ACRE, BIRCH, POPLAR and Cedar, accessible to trucks. Phone 292174. (304b) 26--Real Estate Wanted WILL PAY FROM TEN TO TWELVE thousand cash for modern 6-room bun- galow, semi-bungalow or house. Will exchange for larger modern home. Nice residential section. Box 434, Times- Gazette. __(304c) MODERN HOUSES WANTED FOR clients with cash. List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- DRIVEWAYS CLEANED QUICKLY AND thoroughly by jeep plow. Phone 3344R. (288t1) P. A. VON GQUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS A shop at 46 Ki Street West. Your patronage solicited. (Jan20) DON'T SUFFER WITH RHEUMATI Baviciah Dealir, 320 Biter #73 14--Household Repairs Upholstered. Ges ering. Bruce bi Charles, - Phone 401. ged, Phone 3510M and I will call and inspect your property. W. Mc- Auley, Realtor, 150 Division St. (Janl2) 29--Rooms For Rent 2-ROOMED UNFURNISHED APART- ment with sink, .gentlemen preferred. Box No. 433, Times-Gazette. (304a) BED-SITTING ROOM, AND "KITCHEN- ette, partly furnished, suit one or two, working ple preferred. Near G.M.C. Phone 1 (304a) ONE FURNISHED ROOM, GENTLE- man preferred. Apply 87 Queen ea ) 03c LARGE gi HED Ty itable for two, no 16--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA 115 Alice 8t. Soin) 18--Automobile Repairs MOREY G! GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN Suites Boe ai En re' 22--L ost and Found " wers to A 1708W. Reward gay A DOUBLE STRAND OF PEARLS LOS' Tuesday t 5 between Bond St. Fi Simcoe S St. 645W. Reward. (303¢) LOST, ON Fro. 25, BLACK AND TAN male hound, between beag! fox hound, Phage 4052W. le and AY Sn brown leather wal er let containin - val identification card, leave ticket, ete. Finder etc. Finder please phone 4317. _ (303b) LOST. BLACK FEMALE DOG, Scottle and Terrier, w tag N Novis and jacket. Phone 1511R. Reward. (303b) STRAYED FROM LAKEVIEW GAR- - dens, Saturday, Beagle id, male, tan, white, an, white, black k, Phone 87 ows. (303c) LOST. MOTHER OF PEARL BROOCH, mice, North, Finder phone Phone (304c) iexeeping. 209 Simcoe South. (302d) 30--Room and Board GENTLEMEN BOARDERS. 208 DREW St. Phone 3692J. (3048) ROOM AND BOARD, VERY CENTRAL, 3 min. walk from Ra Phone 787J. (Janl3) FOR CHILD BETWEEN 3 AND SCHOOL e, good care and home cooked mea . A. I Clarke, 173 Celina. (303¢c 31--Wanted To Rent APARTMENT, ROOMS OR FURNISHED rooms by vetéran wife and child, Osh- awa . or suburbs, Urgently needed. Phone Whitby 613, reverse charge) QUIET YOUNG COUPLE REQUIRE three unfurnished rooms, with immed- iate possession. Box 428, Times an] URGENTLY WANTED, 4 OR 5 UNFUR- nished rooms or house. Phone new. C 3 OR 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED APART: ment, by by young ouple, he Do children, Apply Box 432, Times-Gazet' YOUNG COUPLE dill E APART- ment, flat or 3-4 unfurnished rooms. Box No. 501 Times-Gazette. (3021) 32--Automobiles for Sale 23--Women's Column CHARIS--HAVE 5 RIS HAV YOUR FIGURE PROS. Phone Mrs. alng. 2504W. 25--Real Estate For Sale ROWE STREET six-reom brick home, Jarge Jes (303c) '37 CHEV. COUPE, HEATER, EXCEL- lent condition. Apply 153 Chureh St. ( '34 CHEV. MASTER COACH, ' NEW tires. Cash or trade, $385. Phone 1062W. (303b) 46 BUICK SUPER 2-DOOR, WHITE wall tires, small mileage must sell, Best offer takes it, Phone 3903; ove- nings 1278, ans '38 PONTIAC SEDAN, RADIO AN heater. Phone Bowmanville 8473, (oa) | Lovely Ing and di: through ated by hot air Hi anitor, This out, with electric home wl Ye available for occupancy te to inspect .@ only through this of ce. Be BRETT G. DISNEY 1 Estate--General Insurance 82 Frere St. South -- Phone 1550 "Member Ontario Real Estate Board" (3044) 33--Automobiles Wanted 40 TO 42 CHEV, "OR ll Fie dan, ha ' San ve cash, K. Vanoow pH A | CARS SOLD ON "00! "John" today at Pow North Oshawa, North Oshawa. Phone in Ion To FOR "ar Jui ate Srioes panzed for o Try a classified ad im The Times, Gazette--It will get io results, Lo wa 1 35--Wearing Apparel LIGHT BLUE EVENING DRESS, SIZE 14-16; Black seal coat, good condition, Best offer. 317 Simcoe 'South. aut WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHIN sterilized, cieaned and pressed ike new. Carrying a big stock of inter coats, suits and pants. 21 Bond W, Sam Swartz. (Ji ant) 36--Articles For Salo SIX EL ELECTRIC MOFFAT HEAVY DU- ./ hot-plate, single element stoves with 3-speed switch, also washing machine and coal heater, 58 King St. E., rear apt. (304a) GIRL'S FIGURE SKATES WITH white boots, size 7, reasonable, Phone 3590W. (304a) OAK NO, 1 FLOORING, CAPACITY for about two rooms. Apply 159 Verdun Road. Phone 53W. (304a) BOOTS AND SKATES, IN GOOD CON- dition, size 3 and 6, $2. each. Phone 3692R. (304) TYPEWRITERS, NEW HERMES BABY portable, weight nine lbs. Full size key- board. $65. . Phone 4180J2. (304c) GOBLIN VACUUM CLEANER, GOOD Sondition. Apply 63 Avenue St. Phone 311M. (304: a) FOUR BURNER MOFFAT ELECTRIC range, side oven, like new. Apply 361 Richmond East. (304a) WHITE "SKATES, SIZE 6%. PHONE a LESS Port (302¢) 300 GALLON WATER TANK. E. Mc- (292t1) Grath, Phone 4364. ech and A VENETIAN BLINDS for homes, offices or factories. Custom made. Moderately priced. Estimates and installations free, R. G. TREWIN 59 Division, Oshawa oo (Mon. Wed. Fri.) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers, Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. =~ (Jan25) HERE IT IS, THE MODERN WAY OF finishing floors. Plast-I-Gloss Plastic. Dries in one hour. Ends waxing. Phone 3235. Glecoft"s Grocmeateria, We deliver, €Jan.9) pic BARRELLED shot-gun, twelve gauge. Perry 171rl4. Tobin, 3531-R SEWING MACHINES Be Thrifty-- Buy an ELNA Portable Electric Today ELNA saves you more money. For free demonstration in your home PHONE 4180J-2 (3048) PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR ALL your floors, ends waxing, polishing. Phone 4538W. 23 Bond West, We dove an.9) JUST ARR LARGE SHIPMENT of Som1 ranges No tax. Al nue, and m. prices (Jan. 13 Simcoe North. ROOSTERS FOR SALE Fresh killed roosters for sale. Apply 473 RITSON RD. SOUTH (303b) EGGS Daily laid fresh eggs, graded and candled. Apply 473 RITSON RD. SOUTH (303b) -- SALES PLUS A service. Out-of-town W. Borrowdale. rs em as B18) N BLINDS S5c SER and installed. George 66 Bond West (Jan23) OIL BURNERS con. 'lete reliable customers solicited. Phone 584J, Te. VEN 2 Rady Reid Phone 2104 4 glam onses, glasstops and mirror ov R, On sliding doors, two sizes. Hh feeb I ise 80" long x 35" high x ad sine 50" Jong x 35" high x 4 Shiy Ly LL HUMIDIFIERS Hestrohome Humidifiers, Oak wit \ ag motors. sige 28" a x 18" wide. Suitable -- office or home, CASE AY mason show- A Ts ong xn Bish x 24" fre 91 high ¥ 14"; Storage Ry 4 Tag! HN. VICR Ward's Dry Goods Store Phone 982 - 9831 (Dec.31,Jan.3) hse vee In Phon Metals, back CNR. Station. (Febl) h1anos WANTED MOR CASH. WIL- & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. Sage 38--Female Help Wantea HOUSEKEEPER FOR TWO ADULTS and 104year-old child. Light house- keeping, modern home, all conven- fences. Pleasant room available, Sleep in or out. Permanent position. Phone 2855, Mr. Balley. (304b) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AND EX- perienced dishwasher for full time work. Apply ( Grand Cafe. (303e) PERSON AS "COOK GENERAL, FULL or part-time, Apply Mrs. Eric Henry. Phone 1385R, (303c) COMPANION HOUSEKEEPER. WITH practical nursing experience, 2 adults, city. Phone 1679, 1 to 2 or 6 to 7 p.m. (303c) WAITRESS, EXPERIENCED, GOOD hours and wages, no night work. Apply Commercial Hotel. (3031) GOOD ~ GENERAL ~ WOMAN N WANTED for upstalr work, good wages, steady position. Apply Queen's Hotel. (302¢) WANTED, EXPERIENCED, PART-TIME waitress, Apply Queen'; 's Hotel. __(302¢) WANTED, A GOOD CLEANER FOR kitchen work, Apply Queen's Hotel. (3020) STRONG WOMAN FOR LAUNDRY, 13 Celina St. (302¢) 39--Male Help Wanted WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED PORTER and furnace man. Apply Queen's Hotel. (8030) 40--Agents Wanted TWO MEN WANTED TO SELL WAT- kins' household products. No experience necessary. Apply immediately to Box 318, Times-Gazette, (Jan.4) 41--Employment Wanted MARRIED MAN, EXPERIENCED IN general farming, desires work on farm, free house, fuel and milk, Mr, Albert Nicholls, Orono, Ontario, (304¢) 'Highway' Church. To Be Dedicated Next Sunday By Staff Correspondent Kedron, Dec. 30--Especially fine was the sacramental service at Ked- ron Sunday afternoon when eight young people joined the church. A beautiful begonia loaned by Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, a gift to them on the occasion of thélr diamond an. niversary, and a Christmas tree, from Mrs. Farmdale, were appreci- ated decorations. On Sunday, January 4, preaching service will be held at 1.30 p.m. and Sunday School at 2 pm. Rev. G. W. Gardner will attend the special service dedicating the Highway Church, Courtice. Mr. Ross Brown, Toronto, home for Christmas holidays. Messrs. Gordon Tripp and Elmer Parks entertained Christmas Day. Mr. Jack Blight, from Sudbury, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Wray and family and attended Conlin's School concert. . Kedron W.A. New Year's meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Everett Mountjoy on Wednesday, January 7, at 2 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hepburn, Joan and Mary 'Hepburn were Christmas supper guests of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grills, Co- lumbus. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Donald and Joan Scott, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Douglas and Lynda Anne, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, George Scott and Miss Grace Scott were Christmas supper guests at Mr. Clarence Werry's. Mr, Arthur Osborne and Miss Aura Osborne, Ebenezer, spent Christmas at Mr. Jesse Arnott's. Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Lee entertain- ed a family party Christmas Day. Mr. Frank Lee, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Mr. Donald Scott and Miss Joan Scott, Goderich, have returned to their homes after holi- daying with Mr. and Mrs. Lee and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Miss Irene Crossman and Mr. Boyd Ayre joined a family party at Mr. Clifford Naylor's for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Miss Lorraine Pascoe, Grant and Doug- las Pascoe enjoyed a family party with his parents, Mr: and Mrs, H. L. Pascoe, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ogle, Mr, Jack was Arnott were Saturday evening guests at Mr. Blake Oke's, Courtice, honor- ing Mr. Jesse Arnott on the occasion of his birthday. Miss Irene Crossman was a per guest at Mr, Alf Ayre's, Zion, Christmas evening. . Messrs. Ronald Flett, Edwin Down, Douglas Love, Lawrence Mountjoy, Lorne, Tregunna and Grant Pascoe are taking the holi- day short course at O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. Jack Blight has returned to Sudbury, taking his mother .,with him for a few weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Werry, Oshawa, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover and John spent Christmas. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Pengelly, of Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lynde and family joined the family party un- dre the parental roof, Mr. Frank Lynde's, Ashburn. Mr. W. Hepburn and Miss Luella Hepburn held a family party on Christmas Day when a pleasant time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and family visited relatives at Highland Grove, Bancroft and Peterborough for Christmas and over the long week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Love, Osh- awa, were Sunday tea guests at Mr. C. E. Love's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wray and family and Mrs. Chas. Blight, Mr. Jack Blight, Sudbury, were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Davidson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Gibson and, Alan, Mr. Chas. Gibson, Miss Olive E. Luke, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Miss Julia in, Mis" Nora Werry joined a f y part® at Mr. W. L. Mountjoy's, on Christ- mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy spent Christmas . Day with her mother, Mrs. M. H. Langmaid and members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mountjoy joined the pany during the afternoon and for ea. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Love had the pleasure of having all their children and grandchildren with them for Christmas Day. Miss Nora Werry spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W, Charles Werry, Oshawa. Miss Irene Crossman was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Met- calf, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Miss Lorraine Pascoe and Douglas, at- tended the emerald wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Pascoe, Monday evening. The brothers and sisters and family hon- ored them on this occasion and a very pleasant social time was spent with music and cards. Beautfiul flowers conveyed messages of love to the young couple, for in spite of, or because of, 55 years of wedded bliss; Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe are youthful in outlook and largely so in physica' fitness. Mr, and Mrs. Pascoe sper ® their active years in business ac Kedron and were highly appreciated members of the community. We join in heartiest congratula- tions and wish them many more years of health and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor, Stanley, Brian and John Naylor, visited at Mr, H. A. Werry's Satur- day, for supper and the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farndale, Douglas, Bob and Billie, spent Christmas Pay with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bell, Audley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and June joined Christmas family par- ties at Mr. James Cookson's, Maple Grove, for dinner, and Mr. Ralph Davis', Solina, for Supper. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Werry and family, Mr, and Mrs. H, A. Werry and family enjoyed Christmas Eve festivities at Mr. H, M. Brown's, Oshawa, Tuesday evening. Misses Evelyn Jones and "Enid Blackburn joined the Christmas party at Mrs. Harold Mountjoy's. Kedron YP.U. meeting was in charge of Miss Betty Scott, Sunday evening. Interest keeps up with an attendance of 22. We have been highly fayored by weather conditions this Christmas season and roads have been good, with a few patches of ice in our im- mediate vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Ball, Donna and Billie, Mr, and Mrs, Mel Mor- gan and Glenna Morgan, Glen Wiseman were Friday evening visi- tors of Mrs. W. J. Leask and family. We wish all our readers a very happy New Year. HATED TO GET WELL Calgary--(CP)--The idea of leav- ing hospital didn't appeal to one Calgary man. Told his discharge had been ordered because there was nothing medically wrong with him after a 10-day stay, he threw a cup at the ward supervisor. Police were called to persuade him that much- needed hospital beds were for the sick only. [to accompany him on a world cruise in an 80-foot ketch, he received 520 applicants, 30 of whom were women, No women were taken. STAG CRUISE Melbourne, Australia (CP).--When a Melbourne artist anyounced re- cently that he wanted a crew of 20 CRAGGS & DYKSTRA PAINTERS and DECORATORS (SUCCESSORS TO G. E. GILLILAND & CO.) 113 ALEXANDRA BLVD. PHONES 3639--4185W See Us FIRST About Your Painting and Decorating Problems No Job Too Large Or Small--Domestic Or Industrial! Prompt Service! -- Expert Workmanship! WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A Happy and Prosperous New Year! \ u MID-TOWN TAXI KING ST. W. OSHAWA And as the New Year dawns-may your joy be unbounded and your success constant Phones: 200, 384 A GOOD CITIZENSHIP LJ 4d NEW YEAR'S-- RESOLUTION TIME Here it is--another new yeaf--and a chance for a fresh start. There's no point in making great resolutions we ow won't be kept. concentrate on the smaller thin stick to them. :Let's resolve to It's better to --and more tolerant and friendly toward all the people we meet. Let's resolve to take an interest in everything and everybody in the community. Let's plan to be "Good Citizens" during the coming year; You can help this public service effort. Make a note of some of the little things which, in your opinion, contribute to Good Citizenship. Sponsored by BRADING'S Capital Brewery Limited, Ottawa d to help make your community the best place to live in.