Daily Times-Gazette, 19 Dec 1947, p. 11

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\ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE ELEVEN Mrs. McKenzie Elected Head Highway W.A. MRS. B. OKE Correspondent ". Courtice-Ebenezer, Dec. 18 -- To the staff, correspondents, 'and sub- scribers of The Times-Gazette, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. : ! The Woman's Association on the Highway, held its December meet- ing on Wednesday afternoon at. the home of Mrs. Eddie Warburton, with an attendance of 23 ladies and two children. The president, Mrs. Johnston, oc- cupled the chair, and opened the meeting with the singing of Christ- mas Carols "Hark the Heald Aye 1s Sings", "It Came Upon the Fon Clear" and "O Come Al Ye Faithful". Prayer was offered by Mrs. Harry McLean. A Christmas reading was given by Mrs. Warbur- ton. The secretary reported and also read messages of thanks received from many. The treasurer gave a very satisfactory report. It was decided to hold the Christ- mas party on Tuesday evening, De- gember 30, which will be a pot-luck lunch. Each member is to bring a small gift, which will be distributed during the evening. A magazine is to be sent to Mr. Pemberthy at Cobourg, and other items were also arranged for. Officers Elected Mrs. Barrab:.l was asked to pre- side for the election of officers for 1948, which resulted in the follow- ing being elected:- President, Mrs. Jos. McKenzie; 1st Vice, Mrs. Bob Barber; Treasurer, Mrs. Scorgie, Secretary, Mrs. Cecil Adams, by ac- clamation; Assistant, Mrs." Cecil Simmons; Pianist, Mrs. Clarence Penfound; Assistant pianist, Mrs. De Coe; Flower Committee, Mrs. Antil and Mrs. Warburton; Quilt Committee, Mrs. Choate, Mrs. Earl McLean, Mrs. Fred Balson and assistants; Buying Committee, Mrs. Gearing, Mrs. Geo. Barber and Mrs. Ear] McLean. The retiring President, Mrs. Johnston, thanked everyone for the fine co-operation extended to her during her term of office. Mrs. Barrabal voicel the sentiments of all the ladies for the splendid ser- vice rendered by the president dur- ing the past two years. "Silent Night" was sung and the W.A. motto was repeated for clos- ing. Refreshments were served by the committee composed of Mrs. J. Gearing. Mrs. Earl McLean, Mrs. Reg. Stevens and Mrs. Scorgie. The program was arranged by Mrs, Ed- die Warburton and Mrs, Harry Mc- Lean. Watch for announcement of the Sunday opening and hot supper be- ing served, for the opening of the new Sunday school and church in the New Year. Sympathy is extended to Donald and Mrs. Thompson in the very sudden passing away of Donald's mother whose funeral is being held today (Thursday. The many friends here extend sympathy to the family of the late Mrs. Wesley . Glaspell of Taunton who is being buried at Zion Ceme- tery today (Thursday). She passed away quite suddenly at the home of her daughter Mrs. Geo. Hiltz, Osh- awa. W.M.S. Meeting The December meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was opened by the president, Mrs. A. J. Oke, with a short reading, after which a hymn was sung, followed by prayer. It was suggested the president and Mrs, H. F. Osborne, be in at- tendance at the board meeting. The Canadian Friendship Carol Service was conducted by Mrs. G. F. Annis as leader, assisted by the following ladies--Mrs. Ross Pearce, Mrs, El- ton Werry, Mrs. Esli Oke, Mrs. H. F. Osborne, Mrs. Hopkins, dnd Mrs. H. E. Courtice. Each representing a foreign country, Two vocal solos were contributed by Mrs. Lloyd Down, an Indian lullaby and Af- rican Carol. The Christmas lesson was read in unison, and closed with prayer by the president Mrs. Oke. Christmas Carols = were sung throughout the service. The present officers who will carry on for 1948 are as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. R. E. Osborne; Past President, Miss Louise Os. borne; President, Mrs. A. J. Oke: 1st Vice Pres. Mrs. H. F. Osborne; 2nd Vice-pres., Mrs. A. J. Gay; Recording and Corresponding Sec- retary, Mrs. R. Gay: Treasurer, Mrs. Elton .Werry; Stewardship s Secretary, Mrs. H. F. Osborne; Temperance Secretary, Mrs. Ross! Pearce; Missionary Monthly Secre- tary, Mrs. W. R. Pickell; Supply Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Osborne; Lj eratie Secretary, Mrs. K, Hop- ; Press Secretary, Mrs. R. Gay; Community Friendship Secretary, Mrs, Cecil Found; C.G.IT. Leader, Mrs. Glen Pickell; assistant, Mrs. K. Hopkins; Mission Band Leader, Mrs. Stanley Coverley, Miss Gwen Osborne; Baby Band Leader, Mrs. K. E. Courtice! Four Baptised Sunday services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. F. Yardley, who told the story of "The Wise Men", The choir contributed suitable mu. 8 During the morning service, four wee tots were christened, namely-- Victoria Lynn Smith, daughter of Claude and Velma (Pearce) Smith, Toronto; Lynda Diane Courtice, daughter of Robert and Iona Cour. tice, Courtice; Susan Jane Millar, daughter of Monty and Muriel (Found) Millar, Harmony; William Gerald Marsh, little son of Wm. and Mrs. Marsh, Courtice. The White Gift service was also observed, but money was asked for in the place of gifts, and was glad- ly given, It will be used to make cheer for these less fortunate than ourselves. Couniry Couples Club The newly 'organized Courtice Circuit "Country Couples Club" held its first meeting. at the home of Elmer and Mrs. Pollard. The first part of the evening, the Citizens' Forum broadcast over C.B.L., was listened to, after which "Peace Treaty with Germany "was dis- cussed, led by Ken Summersford. The President, Wilfrid Brown, dealt. with business items. The de. votional was taken by Rev. F. Yard- ley and was in the f, of a Bibli- cal contest, Mr. and Mrs. Howard a LAFF - A -DAY "Mary Lou wants to see vou without teeth". Cryderman, who had charge of the recreational period, introduced an old fashioned spelling match, with Mrs. F. Yardley being the cham- pion speller. Strawberry shortcake and tea was served by.the hostess and Jean Summersford, Jean Mundy and Kay Hutton. This will no doubt prove to be a very interesting get-to- gether for the young people, and will bring many together, who scarcely were acquainted, and have a tendency for church and other worth while activities. In fact, the number joined up since opening has become too large for house accom- modation and the next meeting will be held at Ebenezer church, on January 14. A cordial welcome is extended to all young, married couples to come and join up with this organization. ~ A jolly skating party was held at Muir's rink on Saturday night, after which all adjourned to the home of Paul and Mrs. Antil, where re. freshments were served, and a jolly time enjoyed together. Charivari Party Harold and Mrs. Osborne were disturbed out of their pleasant eve- ning at the home of the former's father on Saturday night when a goodly number gathered to chariv- arl the young couple. After a noisy time, 'all were invited in, when a Jolly time with refreshments being served were enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Trull, Nanton, Alberta, are enjoying a visit with home folks, making their head- quarters in the lovely apartment over the store, -lately purchased by their brother Earl Monty and Mrs. Millar and daughter of Harmony visited with the latter's parents, Chas. and Mrs. Found. . Frank and Mrs. Worden were re- cent visitors with the latter's bro- ther, Orville and Mrs. Pickell, at Ajax. His many friends ish speedy re- covery to H. F. Osborne, who is quite indisposed. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden, Kedron; Miss Arnold and Mrs. Geo. Pearce, | L were Sunday guests at the Ross Pearce home. . Among those attending the Stok- ley-Van Camp evening at Whitby, when Al. Harvey of Toronto was Master of Ceremonies, were, Lloyd and Mrs. Crago, Wm. and Mrs, Bickell, Norman and Mrs. Down, Mrs. A. J. Oke and Wilburt Bresitt. Mrs. Bresitt was among the lucky ticket holders, receiving a nice gift. Miss Ann Holt was guest of honor at a pleasant party at the home of Jack and Mrs. Kivel at Solina. As Ann has given up her delivery ser- vice in that vicinity, her many pat- rons felt they would like to show their appreciation in some way, so the party, and a lovely presentation of a set of pictures. A quilting was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Barber on Wedn afternoon, when a goodly n of ladies were in attendance. The quilt was finished for a private party. The event. was under aus- pices of Woman's Association. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Warburton | were recent visitors in Belleville, Blake and Mrs. Oke were Sunday visitors at the Jesse Arnott home 8, Maxwells. bs . and Mrs. Herbert Rogers, Elmer and Mrs. Pollard were among those in attendance at the Cana. dian Bank of Commeree dance held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. Groups Get Set To Kill Wolves Peterborough, Dee. 18. -- (CP) -- Good eyes, steady aim and two bullets fired at a range of more than 900 feet today are credited with slicing this district's timber wolf population by one, Cephas Parcels of Dummer Town- ship brought the wolf down near Warsaw, 14 miles northeast of here. He was a member of a 12-man party scouring the area for mar- auding packs. On Saturday, 26 men and 20 will begin a drive to wipe out three | wolf litters known to have been born in swamplands last year. THE FASTEST WAY TO THE o ---- 2% MONCTON -- DN SAINT JOHN, N. B. HALIFAX -- 2g YARMOUTH --_-- SYDNEY ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. *A Round Trip Ticket Saves You 109%, 4 * ras ENGER ¢ AIR MAIL * AIR EXPRESS TELEPHONE ADELAIDE 5231 TORONTO OR YOUR TRAVEL AGENT TRANS-LANADA 1: fics ILEL LRAT TE RET INTERNATIONAL T RA Bible Class At Kedron Names Officers Kedron, Dec, 17 -- The annual Adult Bible Class meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Werry Monday evening. Miss Mur- iel Werry by request, presented the worship service which opened with ayer was offered . Werry, Hn the Windows"; "Christmas An Experience" C. r Werry, superintendent, pre- sided over election 'of officers in the absence of the pastor. Officers elect- ed were: president, R. E. Lee; vice- Juesiann:, Russell Down; secretary, ora Werry; -and assistant secretary, Mrs. R. Down; treasurer, Everett Mountjoy; pianist, Mrs. H. A. Wer- ry. Teachers--rotary system, mem- bership committee, C, Werry, E. Mountjoy: devotional committee, Mrs. C. P. Werry, Miss Luella Hep- burn, Mrs. John Glover; social com- mittee, Mrs. Howard Farndale, Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Mr. Walter Davies, Mrs. E. Love. Recreation and delicious refresh- ments contributed to a pleasant so- cial period. Mr. Everett Mountjoy voiced appreciation of hospitality to the host, hostess and family for the pleasant evening, Christmas concert at Pereman's - | School Friday evening promises to be an interesting event, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Miss Irene Crossman, Mr. Boyd Ayre were Sunday visitors, and for dinner, with Mr. and Mrs. John Naylor, Oshawa. There was an attendance of 25 at Y.P.U. Sunday evening. Miss Mar~ ion Mountjoy told of Christmas in other countries and Christmas hymns and carols were sung. On Sunday, Dec. 21, there will be a car- ol service in the afternoon, with special Christmas gifts for M. and M. honoring the birthday of Jesus, at Sunday School. There will be special Christmas exercises at Sun. day School. Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Lee attended the Ruby wedding celebration, hon- oring Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Allin, Bowmanville Saturday evening. Mr. R. Down visited his mother, Mrs, Edwin Down. Mrs. Down cele- brated her 80th birthday recently at the home of her son, Wilbur, Base Line. We offer congratulations. Mr. Ray Smith is having a ten- day holiday. Mrs. James McGrath, Marmors, is visiting her son, Mr. Desmond McGrath and faenily, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Hoskin and family were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Harold Werry's, Mr. and Mrs. E, Mountjoy visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Parish and Mrs. Percy Mountjoy Sunday evening and for tea. We are pleased to re- port Mrs. P, Mountjoy is much im- proved in health though she may require some time to be fully restor- ed to carry on her regular activi- ties. Mr, Claire Crown spent the week- | urd end at his home, Reaboro. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott enter- tained pleasantly on Thursday even- ing with five tables of Lost Helr.. Mr. Ross Lee and Mrs. Leask were winners, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert L. Gibson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Like Saturday afternoon and for ea. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. J. Luke and John, Miss O, E. Luke, Toronto, spent Sunday with their parents. We extend sympathy to the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Wesley Glaspell, nee Fanny Mitchell, of Zion, who passed away LAt the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Hilts, Osh- awa, Tuesday morning, We remem- ber Mrs. Glaspell for her cheerful, friendly personality and one who Gordon was always ready to assume a full share of responsibility ana work in church and community projects. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner and Peggy, Mr. Clare McNinley, Port Perry, at Mr. A. J. Cameron's, Sat- ay. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe ene tertained a family dinner party Sate urday evening, guests including Mrs, Frank Crossman, Mr. and Mrs, Norval Orossman, Miss Lorraine Pascoe, Mr. Philip Morrow, Oshe awa, Mr. Jim Nokes, Miss Jean Crossman, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Miss Irens Crossman, Mr. Boyd Ayre. SYRIA OUTLAWS REDS Damascus, Syris, Dec. 19 --(AP) --Syria outlawed the Communist party today and ordered the close ing of all its clubs and hi ers, At the same time the Russiane Syrian Cultural Association dise banded in protest against Russia's vote in the United Nations for the partition of Palestine. \ - 7 OF 264 King St. West Cabs are ventilated and fresh air can be circulated by installing the Fresh Air Heating and Defrosting unit. Seats are adjustable 334". 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