PAGE EIGHTEEN , THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, '™47 WANT AD SECTION BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ator. Government reports and income forms prepared, secretarial work Phone 1 1004J. 295 Arthur St. (Janl2) 8 T 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bldg. King St. East. Phone 2127. Consul ac- countant and auditor. (Jan13) Articles for Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. id Agents Wanted ... Auditors ..... . Adiomonii For Fluibnnid Wanted Automobile Repairs 18 Auction Sale ...... 43 Building Trades ,,. il B ines= Oppor- tr CAA 2--Barristers Business Male Help anted. 21 LOUIS 8 HYMAN, yd Te "Residence 3051. (Jan11) Loan: North. Phone toh CONANT & ANNIS. B) B. iT PF, Annis, Way Phone 4, nce 3 (Dosis A. S. GREER, . EC. Solicitor, etc, 6 King Street Phone 3160. 3514. partner W, C. Pollard, K.C., Uxbridge, Ont. (Janl) GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & FRASER, te. Commerce Tags, e on Jan1) BARRISIER: ng Bt, residence 3207. i anl) 'East. R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C., Botioitor, ete, 6 Ki Phones: Mice, 814; Money to loan. AMES R. MacBRIEN, po Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King King East, G Hotel. Phone 349. (Janl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 141; King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Janl) Chiropractors ..... 4 INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help. Wanted ......... Legal Notices ..... Wanted .... Physicians' and Surgeons 3a Personal ,......... Personal Services .. 12 Pets and Livestock. 34 Radio Repairs .... 17 Real Estate Agents 19 | Real Estate For Bale .....co000.. 28 Rent 3 Estate ceeseccs 38 Dentists ..... . 3 Dressmal King seseee 16 e Wanted »vee.rees 41 CLASSIFIED ONE INSERTION . Above rates apply omly to origi Subsequent insertions ordered new ol Professional and Business 20 words or less. ull word. All Classified Advertisements before publication. Office hours: TWO CONSECUTIVE 'INSERTIONS .... THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS . EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERT nal orders for consecutive insertions. 20c additional or all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure count as a fu Box charged 10¢ additional. Women's Column . 23 nt .. 3 AD RATES : 2 Words Each Addl 02 03% 08 01% at a later date constitute a order. .00 per month for MUST be in by 6 pm. the éay Daily 8-6 Saturday 8-5. ERNEST MARKS, | BARRISTER, SOLI- Sor, 11 King E. Room 2. Phones 55. Residence 3687R. (Jan2) A. J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barrister, Mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Sim Phone 1614. Res. 1975J. MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- sett Block, suite No.4. Phone 282. Res. 28TTW. "(Janl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST. E, Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and {stceps Wed aad Sat.), 8 tod and 7 to 8. (Jani3) 24--Personal : 29--Rooms For Rent EE y | line from De Do 22 to December 31, 1947, will be ZW and from January 1, » 1000, gol | | LUCKY "BLANKET "DRAW, . H. H. McGRA- naghan, 243 Drew St. Doll Draw, Mrs. | C. Creamer, 15 Maple St. (295a) ! 1 ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE ( OR TWO | to Orillia, leaving Sunday morning. Will share expense. Phone 3375J. (204c) | 25--Real Estate For Sale MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, ALL ' 1 FURNISHED ROOM, CL BUS line quiet home, 559 Mason. i) ei BED-SITTING HOUSEKEEP- ing room, continuous hot water, clean | quiet home, cential, Business gentle- man or lady. (205a) FOUR ROOMS, MODERN CONVEN- fences, 3 miles north-east Oshawa. Also 2-room cabin. Phone 723Wi2. (293¢) ROOMS FOR RENT, 2 single rooms, newly decorated, in pri- vate home, hot Juter, central. 2 gentle- men. 52TW (293¢) 4--Chiropractors - HEALTH CLINIC, 146 Simcoe Narth. Phone 224. Drugless practice including Chiropractic Electro therapy, Juthoes yapor bath Jreanmant. garage and Wo! | Immediate possession. Phone 3000," | $5,800 BUYS 5-room brick bungalow on Burk St. Hard iwood floors, 3-pc. bath. Hot alr Large lot. Close to Practicing 22 years. { $ am. eg pm. Ratly except Monday | and (Janl) ORs 1516. Evenings Appointments. (Jan35) AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult us for any of insurance i Site 223% Eing Street East, phon e. 221 , phone 25. Res. 4318R. (Janl) 7--Veterinarians King | see exclusive agent : | Phone 4248J. your of insurance includ- |! , Garage. St. For terms and possession, G. BARROW Real Estate Broker PHONE 3165W (2958) MODERN BUNGALOW ON LARGE lot, Gibbon St. All conveniences. (2931) 25 BURKE NEW BUNGALOW Beautiful brand new 5-room brick, modern in every respect, finest oak floors, livingroom, dining-room, 2 bed- rooms, and modern kitchen. You cam . | old ROOMS FOR MEN, BREAKFAST IF ired. Apply 64 Ar Ave, Phone . (27611) 33--Automobiles Wanted 36--Articles For Sale 36--Articles For Sale '| 36---Articles For Sale LAKESHORE AUTO. WRECKERS Cars wanted wrecking Highest prices pald prone 583: eventass 1318 (Jan15) 34--Pets and Livestock WANTED, A GOOD HOME OUTSIDE of the city for a spaniel dog. Phone 4128M2 (205¢ 5c) TWO LARGE DOLL BEDS, 85. EACH. Phone 3066W2. (295b) CONTENTS OF SIX-ROOMED house, en-bloc or separately; Norge refrigerator, 7 cu. ft., 2 months old; -spin dry washer, nearly new; Norge oil space heater, large size; bed- room set, spring mattresses; odd" beds, CANARIES, REGISTERED CONTEST roller, consistent winners at all lead- 1; song contests, Trained to sing. ng Reasonably priced. 34 Nassau 8t. Phone 1038J, (295¢) | Tim 5 ie tin. Sosaper rg . live weight. Cheaper lot. Laying pullets, Hybrids and Rocks. Also new lald eggs. Apply 473 Ritson Sou (205¢) SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPY, BLACK, 3 months old, one 11; years old, black and white, males. Thoroughbred spa- niel female, 215 years, black and whe Apply 473 Ritson South 295¢) ROLLER CANARIES. STARRED singers and hens. Hear these birds be- fore you buy. 88 Gibbon St. Phope 1121M. (203¢) BEAUTIFUL FEMALE COCKER SPA- fel, 4 months old and housebroken. Phone 956J. (203c) LLIE PUPPIES FOR XMAS. TRI- color collles, stock. Males, $10; females, $5. as delivery, Phone 3430J1, (293c) PUPPIE PALS FOR CHRISTMAS AT Knowlton's Kennels. Reg. Fox Terriers, Reg. Cocker Spaniels, pu Plas and grown dogs. Five Points, hava. ° Jan, OVERCROWDED, WILL SELL peed tered cocker spanlels, various ages, blacks, reds and partis, lovely puppies. Some sired by champlons. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, Queen | Elizabeth Highway. (Dec.29) CANARIES. FOR SALE, GOOD SING- ers and hens; also cages. 400 Montrave ave. Phone 2862J, (Jan.4) an.4) BABY BUDGIES, ALL COLOURS, REA- REA- dy for training. Canaries in full song. Beautiful Christmas gifts. Phone Si. Dec27) 35--'Nearing Apparel white porcelain kit- chen coal stove; floor coverings, and other articles. These will be sold rea- sonable as party Is Jesving Ontario. Phone, name and address to Box 405, es-Gazette. (293c) CHILD'S JEEP, NEVER USED, SACRI- fice. 181 Albert St. (294d) LADY'S HIGH WHITE TUBE SKATES, size 7. Worn thre times. Phone 4344R. (294c) BEAUTIFUL - PIECE BEDROOM suite; oc BRS "end table. 373 Sim- coe St. B. (294b) LARGE CHESTERFIELD, GOOD CON- dition. Apply 73 Bond St. West., af- ter 6. (294c) 7 FT, CHALET SKIS harness, poles and ski boots, size 8. Lady's C.C.M. speed skates, size 6. Men's C.C.M. speed skates, size 8. Phone 2047TW. (294b) MEN'S TUBE SKATES, SIZE 10, USED twice; four kitchen chairs, $1. each; dandy Singer sewing machine, oS 58 King St. E., rear door. 204b) FULL PORCELAIN ENAMEL ht wood and coal Gurney cook stove with high shelf and reservoir, Phone 3205J. b TREES, SPRUCE. LEE'S 1198 Simcoe North. Phone (294c) GIRL'S BICYCLE, $25.; ONE GIRL'S coat, size 12, ; one extension kit- chen table, $7. Phone 1313W. (204b) Grocery, 1852R. CHRISTMAS TREES 75¢ TO $1.50*EACH DELIVERED Over five hundred to choose from. Or- der early. Avoid disappointment. 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH PHONE 3235 (Dec.10,11,12,17,18,19,22,23,24) TAILS, SIZE 36, INCLUDING ACCES- sories, worn once. Price $18. 181 Albert St. (295¢) | ONE NE NEW YELLOW EVENING ( never been worn, size 14. Phone 1187R. (295b) POWDER BLUE BOX Tuxedo front of Brown Beaver. Excel- lent condition, size 16-17, $15. Phone 1J. (295¢) 30--Room and Boarc NICE ROOM, GOOD BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Phone 445. 0 (295¢) FOR REFINED LADY IN GOOD HOME; would consider semi-invlaid or con- valescent. Apply Mrs. E. Wicks, Box 116, Bowmanville. (204c) 31--Wanted To Rent YOUNG MARRIED BUSINESS COUPLE would like one or two bed-sitting rooms with light housekeeping. Phone 896W. Be BUSINESS oun EX dh urgently requ! or or Phone 3599M between : ovis rs om or apt WORKING MOTHER AND 14-YEAR- boy d rooms. Phone 2798W. DR. E. animal St. W. Phone 2010M. 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mortgages. Apply M. Swartz, Barrister. Bassett Block, A 8 Xo x F RST MORTGAGE MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE North Shore Realty Co. Ltd. 40 ALGER B LDG. PHONE 81, OSHAWA (Tues-Thurs-Sat) 11--Building Trades BAVESTROUGH AVAILABLE TO PUT up, free estimates. Phone 382W1. , (294d END BNOW LOADER , AND dump trucks for hire. Grave,® sand | and cinders, Apply 163 Ritson Rd. 8. Phone 2083W. a 15) CRAGGS AND Decorators, Also industrial" Avis "raving Work guaranteed. Phone 3639 gy: i0) LOOK 'We can attend to your painting and paperhanging at once. 25 years' experience. PHONE 3393) (295c¢) ge. Terms. W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. Phone 3510M Anytime (294¢) ENT, A VETERAN, WIFE small children living-in or sleeping room. Can't someone help us out with 2 or 3 rooms. Please call Mr. Hepburn, 1168J. ! (293¢) 32--Automobiles For Sule 1946 DODGE, 1,-TON PANEL TRUCK, good condition, mileage good condition, mileage 15,000. May be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, at 87 Ji . h, Trade or Terms. 10-ROOM HOME AND RESTAURANT Read All This Ad This lovely detached solid brick home is vacant and has 7 lovely rooms on main floor including completely tiled kitchen, 3 complete ms on sec- ond floor and 3-pc. bathroom, There | is also a restaurant, "hot water heat- ing" on the property, known as "Win- nie's", and the location is half way between Oshawa and Whitby on High- way No. 2. The property consists of 2 acres, plenty of room to bulld over- night cabins and a dance pavillion. Taxes only $35 yearly. Wonderful op- portunity for keen business man. Full price $10,500. Owner on the premises, "Mr. Irwin" until Thursday, mber 18th, or please call exclusive agent P. G. CLARKE REALTOR 1334 Yonge St. KL 500 25c--Farmers' Column WOULD RENT OR BUY CHEAP FARM with barn and stables; also would buy hay and straw. Box 404, Times-Gazette. (282c) (204¢c) Toronto | St. 26--Real Estate Wanted 12--Personal Servicee MODERN HOUSES WANTED FOR | with cash. List your property | DRIVEWAYS CLEANED QUICKLY AND thoroughly by jeep plow. Phone Sun P. A VON GUNTEN. watchmaker. t 40 King Street West. shop a Your patronage "he DON'T SUFFER WITH RHEUMA' or Arthiiila gos Ru-mex-ol. Phone Rawleigh er 384 Ritson ka +3 14--Household Repairs TeCoV Charles. or | empty. Reply stating phone number, address to Box now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- ranged. one Shou ad I win Sm and inspect your 5. hy Auley, Realtor, 150 Division Bt. amis) ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! PRO- perties wanted. We sell quickly for cash. Call G. Barrow, Real Estate, 3165W, (2891) 28--Houses for Rent BIX-ROOM HOUSE, FULLY FURNISH- ed, until end of May 5 Yo $125, Jet month or lessee has option of buy- ng all of furniutre and renting, house name and i a oy 406, Times. (203¢) '39 INTERNATIONAL HALF-TON PA- nel truck. J. E. Hinkson, Phone 3041J, call evenings. (204c '39 Mercury sedan, equipped with radio and heater. coupe, new motor. '32 Plymouth, 4 cylinder. "46 Hudson, with radio and air-condi- tioning. these cars in excellent operating condition and appearance, They carry our guarantee. Will accept trade and arrange terms. HACKNEY MOTOR SALES North Oshawa Phone 4488W (295¢) 20 OLDS. COUPE FOR SALE, HEATER and defroster fan. Best offer. Phone 311TW. 20 Maple £ Street. (295a) '35 DODGE, GREY, , GOOD TIRES AND motor, $475. Phone 450W. (205a) "37 FORD COACH, HEATER AND RA- dio, excellent tires, mechanically A-1. Can be seen after 6 Friday. 52 Division (205b) '3 BUICK SEDAN, MIDDLE SERIES, 5 good tires, motor overhauled, South- wind Heater. Apply 310 Buena Vista. Phone 3499. (295¢) "37 FARGO HALF-TON PANEL TRUCK, perfect condition. Phone 3628M. £. (295c) 1938 CHEVROLET, % TON PANE PANEL truck. Applye426 Simcoe South. Phone | 249. (295¢) 34 SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. Cheap for cash. Phone 3823W. (204b) '28 CHEV. SEDAN, FAIR CONDITION, $90.00. Best offer. Phone 3822W. (204b) 35 CHRYSLER SEDAN '34¢ CHEV. SEDAN '32 PONTIAC SEDAN '31 DURANT COUPE '36 INTERNATIONAL %-TON PANEL TRUCK Trade, Terms or Cash NAIMAN'S GARAGE 181 ALBERT ST. (293e) 33--Automobiles Wantec BROWN MUSKO, FUR MUFF, LIKE new, $5. Phone 1919J. 423 Simcoe South. (294c) EVENING GOWN--PINK BROCADED satin top--net skirt, size 14-15, worn once. Phone 1868W. (294b) LIME GREEN EVENING GOWN, SIZE 12. Worn once. Phone 3775W. (294b) MAN'S ae TRCOAT, SIZE 36, $10. 37 Bagot 8 (294b) WR Se AND SELL U sterilized, cleaned. and pressed like a big-: big stock of Winter new. Carrying a coats, sults and Bond W, Sam Swartz. (Jan?) 36--Articles For Sal. NI REFRIGERATOR, A TRI- cycle, dojl carriage and 2 coats, size 6. Apply 308 Division St. (295a) COMBINATION COAL AND GAS stove, oven will bake with coal or gas separately, automatic gas lighting, beautiful cream and black baked ena- mel finish, late model. For quick sale, must move Saturday. Phone 1094. (295¢) BABY TENDA, GOOD CONDITION, $10. Jape. croquinole board; $3. Fone _(295¢) TWO COATS, SIZE 14, MUSKRAT, IN excellent condition, cost $450. Best offer. Blue grey cloth made to order, never worn. Phone 1588W before seven. 5¢) TIRE, TUBES, 600 X 16, 4, LIKE NEW. Phone 2422W. (295a) LADY'S C.CM. TUBE SKATES, SIZE 6, like new, $5.; baby's bassinette un wheels, , $4. Phone 45377. (205b) MAN'S "BICYCLE, "ALSO DELUXE MO- del walker, both used one summer. Call 4355W or 18 Gladstone Ave. (295b) MEN'S BICYCLES. WE HAVE JUST recelved another shipment, just the gift for him for Xmas. May be pur- chased on our Thrifty Budget Plan if desired. B. F. Goodrich Store, King and Ritson Rd. Phone 247, (295b) USED KITCHEN CABINET, PORCELAIN work top. Phone 3987W. (295¢) ONE PAIR WHITE | FIGURE | BEATES, size 5. _Phone 3201W. (2958) PIANO $135. APPLY E. W. YOUNG, Director of Music, Public Schools. 306W. (2958) CHOICE 80 SCOTCH, PINE XMAS TREES, 3 to 7 ft. While they last, 50c to 75c. 390 Ritson Rd. South. Phone 2009M or 3148. (295¢) A oE EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFT, 8EC- ond hand goalie equipment, reasonable, Phone 2803. (295a) McCLARY'S "ELECTRIC } RANGE. $85.; Genuine Alpine man's overcoat, size 40, $18. Phone 18002. 295a) "TREES, SPRUCE, BAL- sam, 75c to $1.50 delivered. Phone 2128M. 153 Conant St. 12958) MARCONI SINGLE ELECTRIC RE- cord player, in good condition. 246 Court St. (204b) TREES, SCOTCH PINE delivered. Phone 4 1878. (29: 3e) CHRISTMAS and spruce, GOWN, | Wes FACTORY CUTTINGS, or $3 lots. Also hard- delivered in $5 (293c) wood blocks. Phone 3288J. "STYLE COAT, | MOFFATT COMBINATION COAL AND gas stove, ivpry and green. Combina- tion book and china cabinet. Phone 45. » (293c) SINGLE SIMMONS BED, SPRINGS, spring-filled mattress; one small dres- ser; one oval table; one Morris chair. Evenings after 7. Phone 3859M. (293c) APPLES, BY BASKET, BUSHEL OR barrel, dellevered. Apply 288 Festubert. Phone 3530W. (293c) ONE MAPLE, 6-PC. BREAKNAST suite, good condition, Reasonable. Ap- ply 84 Oshawa Blvd. (204a) 45-GALLON DRUMS, SUITABLE FOR stove oll, $3.50 each. Phone 20R. (293c) CHOICE TURKEYS FOR SALE OR- ders in before 22nd of Dec. Phone 2639 Bowmanville. (2931) COAL AND WOOD RANGE, WHITE enamel, good condition. 145 Central Park Blvd. evenings. (293¢c) JUST ARRIVED, LARGE SHIPMENT of coal ranges. No tax. All sizes, and prices to choose from. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe North. (Jan.13) SEWING MACHINE, ELNA +EUBCTRIC portable. C let th Easy terms. Immediate Diack Phons 4180J2. 93c) SILVER FOX FUR, FRAGT y new, $18; 10" Arcade band-saw, stand and 5 new blades; 6" driver bench- saw and 2 blades; pupples, $5., small house breed; carrots, $1.15 bushel; Wall What-Nots, 3 shelves high, $1.15. Phone 436W12. (293c) 750-20 DUO TRUCK CHAINS, HEAVY duty, never been used; also Hadees truck and bus fan, 181 Albert ot os ) (293c CIRCULATING OIL HEATER. FIRST class condition, $65. Apply "Bell Taxi, Whitby, Ontario. (293c¢c) DORMEYER FOOD MIXERS, ONLY A few left. Importation from States ban- ned, one only to a customer. Meagher's. Phone 42 (Jan.5) GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOR BABY Doll Prams, Kindergarden Sets, Tri- cycles, Wagons, Rockers, Kiddie Cars, Cradles, Sleighs, Automobiles, Desk Sets, Rocking Horses, Baby Prams, Cribs, High Chairs, Commodes, Walkers. FOR AIM Smokers, Lounge ' Chairs, Cellarettes, Bed Lam] Table Lamps, Magazine Racks, Bi dge Sets, Sara bles, Book- cases, Desks, Blankets. FOR HER Sewing Cabinets, Cushions, Electric Tea Kettles, Chenille Bedspreads, ters, Irons, Coffee Tables, End Tables, Lamps, Sparkling Mirrors, Tri-Lite Lamps, Ce- dar Chests. GIVE FURNITURE -- THE LASTING GIFT ul Ki Ch 1d Sultes, modern lovely walnut Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Suites, Marshall Spring-filled Mattresses, Famous Beauty Rest Mat- tresses, Studio Couches, Occasional Chairs, Hall Trees, Chest Drawers, WHITE ICE-BOX, CAPACITY 50 LBS. Excellent condition. Reasonable, Phone 4685W. (204 ONE PAIR CUSTOM-MADE FIGURE skating boots and skates, size 3. Excel- lent condition, $16, Phone 0 - ) LADY'S 17-JEWEL, WHITE GOLD wrist watch, table lamp, chair, other articles, good condition. 320 Athol East, (205b) 18--Automobile Repairs 29--Rooms For Rem MonEy RACE, CORNER YERDUN Expert repairs to hg (Jan13) 22--L ost and Found THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ALL Sonyehiences, north end, for respect- coupl?. Abstal only, Box 411, Times-Gazette. (295a) WOULD LIKE '37 TO '41 CHEV., PON- tiac_or Plymouth, Have cash, Phone 3344R. (201t1) COMBINATION WOOD OR COAL AND electric Moffat range. Phone E117 sia) Drapes, Pictures, Gateleg Tables, Rugs, Rangettes, Coal Stoves, Refr HICKORY, CABLE |A CO! SWEET CIDER FOR SALE, 75¢ GAL- lon. Order for Christmas Phone 343091. Loin Pork Chops or Roasts Ib. 43¢ Lean Minced Round Steak 1b. 45¢ Teabone, Wing or Sirloin Steak tessesersisinenraeansenes IDs 470 Fresh Pork Liver ........ 2 1b. 89¢c Fresh Stewing Lamb .... 2 lb. 25¢ Shoulder Lamb Chops .... 1b. 29¢ Fresh Minced Hamburg .. 3-lb. 49¢c Smoked Bacon Squares .... 1b.29¢c Smoked Fillets, Bonless .... lb. 83¢ Rmoked Ereakfast Bacon .. lb. 55¢c 174 RITSON ROAD 8. PHONE 3235 FREE D) (Dec.10,11,12,17,18,19) PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR ALL 300 GALLON WATER TANK. BE. Mo- Grath, Phone 4364. (202tf) MAN'S C.CM. BICYCLE FOR $25. Phone » 660W. vic; | AWNINGS ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY. | We advise etting next Jeary awnings 'ox, 412 Simcoe' N. Oshawa. (Dec.27) now. Cleve 37--Articles Wanted SMALL DOLD CARRIAGE. PHONE . _ (295p) {G "CAROLS BY OANDLE- light," Northminister Church, Dea. 18, 8:15 p.m. by Northminster Oho 41--Employment Wanted be GAME, GOQD CONDITION, Phone 2776J. (295a) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W. (Jans) SPOT CASH furniture, stoves. 34 PAID FOR GOOD USED ice box, Quebec heater, cook Bond West. Phone 3766M (Jan13) your floors, ends wax! Phone 4538W, 23 Bond West' We deliver. (Jan.9 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Zon metal, mattresses Phone 635 C Metals, back "E.N. R. MPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. W, Phone 3800W. (Dec25) TURKEYS FOR XMAS From 12 to 25 lbs. All raised on wire, milk' finished, CAPONS .......... from 5 to 9 lbs. ROASTING CHICKENS : sesssssnesess from § to 8 lbs. BOILING FOWL .. from 5 to 7 lbs. FRYERS ..¢000.,. from 2 to 3 Ibs. GEESE ..s¢40... from 12 to 15 lbs. DUCKS .......... from 3 to 4 lbs. Place your order before DEC. 20, 1947 for New Year's delivery. / We also draw ready for. oven. PHONE 4394M R. LITZ POULTRY STATION 117 BLOOR EAST (290h) OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service Out-of-town customers solicited. W. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Jan18) ALE, (Dec23 )" CHRISTMAS TREES spruce and balsam, 33 Hall St. WINTER POTATOES CARROTS, WAX TURNIPS, ONIONS APPLES--Spys, MacIntosh, Tolman, Sweet, Wealthies Choice and Standard Peas By the case, 24--20-0z. Tins F. SHAW 262 ST. JULIEN ST. PHONE 4423J } (Dec.16,18,19) NEW AND USED ARMY TYPE HEAT- ers. Used Quebec heaters and cook stoves. Dominion Furnishing hp iy Simcoe 8. STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 550 i 20 5 ft. Measured and installed. George Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Dec23) THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW. The modern way of floor finishing !s with Plast-I-Gloss, the Genuine Plastic wonder finish, No more waxing, polish- ing or hard scrubbing. It is in your store now. Plast-I-Gloss is not a wax, shellac or varnish, but takes the place of all three, plus many added features. It absolutely ends waxing and all the hard labour, time and cost, which goes with wax. Positively non-slippery, pre- vents accidents, beautifies, waterproofs, stainproofs, protects, and crystal | ing. clear, does not turn amber or black. Plast-I-Gloss is a quick drying Plastic preparation that maintains a lustrous | gloss after being washed with soap and | water, wet rubbers, umbrellas, snow, | boling water, etc, does not harm Plast-I-Gloss Dust and dirt does not penetrate this hard pliable Plastic sur- | face. Once you have applied Plast-I- | Gloss. in the proper manner your floors will never need resanding. This plastic will not crack, chip or peel providing you remove all' the old wax with wash- ing soda. Plast-I-Gloss wears and wears and wears. Plast-I-Gloss can be applied to all your floors baring none, and most types of painted surfaces. No thinner is necessary, you do not have to walt days for it to dry. Plast-I-Gloss dries in one hour, ready for use. There are other so-called plastics on the market, many folks class these all as one, but there is a vast difference in Plast-I-Gloss. It has been approved by the largest concerns in Canada and United States, and has proven itself worthy of being backed by a guarantee from those concerns handling same. There is no other Plastic finishing which is equal in price which can equal "Plast-I-Gloss in quality. Price $1.95 per quart. $6.95 per gallon. Make sure you get Plast-I-Gloss and be de- lighted, not get the so-called and be disgusted. Phone Glecoft's 3235, 174 Rit- son Rd. South. We deliver. For success use the best. For the best uee Plast-I- Gloss, If you desire expert information i) 8p) lying Plast-I-Gloss phone 4538W. -Gloss can also be Puichased ned I this number, 23 Bond St. We deliver. (Dec. hr) RANGETTE IN GOOD CONDITION; also mauve crepe dress, size 20, worn once. Phone 1236W. (293¢c) HERE IT IS, THE MODERN WAY OF finishing floors. Plast-I-Gloss Plastic. Dries in one hour, Ends waxing. Phone 3235. Glecoff's Grocmeateria, We deliver. (Jan.9) CREAM ENAMEL RANGE COOK stove, also 3-burner Coleman gasoline stove. Phone 1088R4, between 6 and, 9. (293c) Electric Heaters. OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY BUDGET TERMS WILSON FURNITURE CO. : 20 CHURCH STREET OSHAWA, ONTARIO " (Dec.23) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS : 7 Day Delivery Made to measure by expert craftsmen of Met-Wo hd Sy Limited. Free estimates and installation any- where. x 40 P.O. PHONE AOTWT, W. MELLEY OSHAWA (205t1) \ CARS SOLD ON CONSIGNMENT. SEE "John" Joday at 'Powell Motor Sales, North Oshawa. Phone 4694J. (Janll) LARGE NISHED EDROOM, ground floor, suitable for two, no P Simcoe South (292d) LADY'S CHANGE PURSE, CONTAIN- ing $16, between Parking lot Com- mercial Hotel and Ontario Motor Sales. Please return to 188 Conant St. Re- ward. (205b) LOST. LADY'S "GOLD WRIST WATCH, Gruen, black bracelet. Vicinity Smith Transport, Simcoe 8t., or . Northway Court. Reward. Phone 135. (2053) LOST _ SPRINGER. SPANIEL, 9 9 MONTHS old, colous, chocolate and white, an- swers to name Rex. Reward, E. Wilson, 2} Warren Ave. Phone 2195M. (294a) LOST -- LADY'S GRUEN "WRIST watch, between Park Road Bouth and Regent Theatre. Call 274W. Reward. (293¢) LOST ON BATURDAY, BETWEEN 11 and 1, a lady's small ellow gold wrist watch. A war, widow's gift from her late husband. Finder please call 1990J, Reward, (203c) 23-- Women's Column CHARIS HAVE YOUR FIG PROB- (Janl) BE Plone is. Sands professional adv ad in The Times. , morning or will get good results. CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Motor Sales 1271 Simcoe North Phone 4695W. (Jan3) THE DAILY TI CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisers Know That. ... 34--Pets and Livestock MES-GAZETTE | BRING RESULTS! $10. "Sold the very night or ph and it's You Too CANARY, GOOD SINGER AND 0AG2, people were really pleased." can get results from classified adv: Daily Times-Gazette, one the ad appeared and the 80 easy. Simply call 35, The eo" " N I MS EEL A YOUTH'S ROLL TOP DESK, LARGE size; 12-key toy plano, like new; metal microscope, powerful lenses. Phone 2063J. (295a) PIANO (PLAYER) MASON & RISCH. Rolls and bench in first class condi- tion. Apply 30 Beatty, Ajax, after 5 p.m. (295¢) 1--Office, 12" x 12', Electric wired, finished with beaver board inside. -One Dodge Truck--3-ton stake body with racks. Heater and chains. Gone 20,000 miles. Good condition. One large coal loader with electric motor attached. 3 H.P. Single face, runs on 220 line, Small quantity of cedar. poles, 14 and 25 ft. long. 1---12-ton truck, scale platform, 18 ft long. For further particulars, phone or write BOWMANVILLE FUELS & SUPPLIES Bowmanville, Ont, OR. DER", 313 ALBERT ST. SPECIAL The last few cars of range and Per Coke we received, came through at a special price. are pleased to pass this saving to the consumer. PRESENT STOCK of RANGE and PEA COKE sz $7 350 rm ro The ROBERT DIXON We grind 262 ifrnN4 Station. (Janl) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. (Dec27) 38--Female Help Wantea TWO GIRLS DESIRE ANY KIND OF work, evenings and Saturday. Phone 24127 or 247TW, after 5. (Deo. 11,15, 18) BABY SITTER, AFTERNOON AND EVE. ning, Phone 3896W. (2941) 42--L egal Notices GEALED TENDERS addressed to the unders! d, and end d "Tender HOUSEKEEPER FOR TWO ADULTS and 10-year-old child, light housekeep- Modern home, all conveniences. Pleasant room available. Sleep in or out. Phone 419M. (294b) 39--Male relp Wanted BISCUIT SALESMAN! MANUFACTUR- er of fast selling line of Marshmallow Biscufts, attractively packed in fancy containers, requires good salesman call- ing on retail stores. Commission basis at first, and excellent contract will be given to producer, Oshawa area. Will be glad to hear from salesmen in other towns. Box 410, Times- Gazette. (294c) 4TH CLASS FIREMAN "REQUIRED, age 35 to 50, references; one dish- washer, age 35 to 50, one wall washer. Apply Business Manager, Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. (294b) SALESMAN FOR REAL ESTATE, GOOD opportunity for honest, ambitious man with good car. pointment, WANTED Man with car to make rural delivery of newspapers for ap- proximately one hour each afternoon. Apply J. H. HARE TIMES-GAZETTE (293c) (295t1) 40--Agents Wanted AVAILABLE AT ONCE. RAWLEIGH | business. 1,500 families. Only reliable hustlers need apply. Good profits to | willing workers, No experience required to start. Write today Rawleigh Dept. ML.L.-310Z, Montreal. (Dec! 6, 13,18) TWO MEN WANTED TO SELL WAT- kins' household products. No experience necessary. Apply immediately to Box 318, Times-Gazette, (Jan 4) For Harbour Repairs (Centre Pler) Port Hope, Ont." will be. recelved until 13.00 pm., Wednesday, January 7, 1048, | for Harbour Repairs (Steel Pile Har- bour Wall, Centre Pler) at Port Hope, Durham County, Ontario. Plans, form of contract and specifica- tion can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief | Engineer, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, at the 'office of the District { Engineer, G.P.O. 36 Adelaide Street | East, Toronto, Ontario, and at the Post Office at Port Hope, Ontario. Note: Upon application to the under- signed, the Department will supply blueprints and specification of the Phone 3510M for ap- | work on deposit of a sum of $20.00 in | the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The deposit will be released on the return of the blue- prints and specification within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied | by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, payable to the order | of the Honourable the Minister of | Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or B~arer Bonds of the Dominion of "Canada or of the Canadian National Rallway | Company and its constituent com- | panies, unconditionally guaranteed as | to principal and interest by the Do- | minfon of Canada, or the aforemen- | tioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Becretary, | Department of Public Works, | Ottawa, December 12, 1947. Times.Gazette classified ads pay ---Why not try one today. MORE MONEY! IF YOU HAVE GOO», HEAVY, WELL-FATTED CHICKENS OR CAPONS -- SEND THEM TO PICKERING FARMS at Whitby, Ontario And You Will Have More Money to Take Home We sell'direct te the consumer and can afford to pay you a higher price for your good chickens and capons. LIVE CHICKENS LIVE CAPONS 8 Ibs. and up mn. J0¢ Ib. 33 7 Ibs. and up We also pay highest prices for DRESSED POULTRY -- TURKEYS -- CHICKENS DUCKS -- GEESE PICKERING FARMS LIMITED WHITBY 336 -- WHITBY, NIGHT OR DAY N ONTARIO WANTED CHIEF of POLICE and CONSTABLE TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY Applications will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock | noon, December 23rd, for positions of Chief of Police and one Constable, Applicants to state age, qualifications under police | regulations, education and salary expected. D. F. WILSON, Clerk, 110 Park Road North, Oshawa, Ontario. TURKEYS Order Your Christmas Turkey NOW PHONE 39 Small Deposit Will Hold Till Xmas OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE 81 WILLIAM Sh W.