Daily Times-Gazette, 17 Dec 1947, p. 14

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1947 PAGE FOURTEEN WANT AD Sed ION it L BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- ditor. Government reports and income tax forms prepared, secretarial work ! Phone 1004J. 295 Arthur St. (Janl2) 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- | eral accountant, 24 Alger Bldg. King 8t. Fast. Phone 2127. Consulting ac- | countant and auditor. (Jan13) 2--Barristers 1S 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. torte age Loans arranged. 25 Simcoe North. Phone 67. Residence it? Sanit) IT & % ANNIS, SRRRITERY AL- i K.C.. 71; Simcoe Street South. Phone 4, Residence 769. (Decl9) A. W. 8 5. GREER, EC. BARRISTER, | Solicitor, etc, 6 Xin Wag Bash hone 3160. d Bone W, C. Pollard, 2 Roi ry Ont. (Janl) GRIERSON, "CREIGHTON & FRASER. baristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. (Janl) ) R. D. HUMPHREYS, KC. _ BARRISTER. | Solicitor, etc, 6 King St. West. Phones: Office 814; residence 3297. Money to loan. (Janl) JAMES R. MacBRIEN, ~ BARRISTER | and Solicitor. Suite 201, 70 King East, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Janl) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., . BARRIS- ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 141, King St. East, Oshawa. Phone | 445. Res. Phone 837. _ (Janl) | ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER. SOLI- citor, 11 Kinz E. Room 2. Phones | Office 55 55. Residence 3687R. (Jan2) | ee gir -- A. J. . J. PARKHILL AND J. A. YANCH, Barrister, Mortgage loans, National | Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe North Phone 1614. Res. 1975J. (Jant} | MANNING F. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. | Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- | sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282. Res 287TW. (Janl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 KING ST E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: eleven to twelve and (except Wed and Sat.). 3 to 4 and 7 to 8. (Jan13) 4--Chiropractors STECELEY HEALTH CLINIC, 146 Simcoe Narth. Phone 224. Drugless practice including Chiropractic Electro therapy, mineral vapor bath treatment Practicing 22 years. Consultation free. 9 am. to 9 p.m. dally, except Monday | and Friday. toaniy | 5--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone 1516. Evenings Appointments. (Jan5) JURY AND LOVELL--OFFICE HOURS: | | ® am. to 6 pm. Wednesday 9 to 1. E. Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28. A ? (Jan24) 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All classes of insurance includ- | fe. 2215 aE Street East, phone | . ¢ Res. 4318R. (Janl) | 7--Veterinarians | DR. E. H WEBSTER, LARGE AND small animal surgery. 101 Richmond St. W. Phone 2010M. (Janl) 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first mortgages. Apply M. F. Swartz, Barrister. Bassett Block, suite No. 4 Telephohe 282. (Jan20) 11--Building Trades BAVESTROUGH AVAILABLE TO PUT | up, free estimates. Phone 382W1. (294d) FRONT END SNOW LOADER AND dump trucks for hire. Grave, sand snd cinders, Apply 163 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 2063W. (Jan.15) CRAGGS AND DYKSTRA. PAINTERS, Decorators. Also industrial spraying Work guaranteed. Phone 3639-4135W 0 (Jan.10) 12--Personal Services 'AYS CLEANED QUICKLY AND | Rd DRIVEW. thoroughly by jeep plow. Phone 3344R. (288t1) P. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS tchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King | treet West. Your patronage solicited ec20) DON'T SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM | or arthritis. get Ru-mex-ol Phone Bawlelgh Dealer 384 Ritson 5, 2TR and) 14--Household Repairs REPAIRED AND RE- | PORNITURE upholstered. See our materials for Bruce R. Dalton. 75 | recovering. Charles. Phone 401. (Jan8) | | ing" on the property, | deres, 'night cabins and a dance pavillion. | ences, Articles for Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted ... 40 Auditors ........ 1 Automobiles For Automobiles Wanted Automobile Repalrs Auction Sale .. Barristers ......... Bullding Trades | ,. Business Oppor- tunities .. . 2 Business O tunities Chiropractors .. Dentists : . Dressmaking . seeere Employment Wanted Insurance Male Help Wanted or- ONE INSERTION INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Female Help Wanted ..... For Rent _...... Funeral Directors . Gardening and Supplies ........ Household Repairs Houses For Rent .. Instruction .. Loan Wanted .... . Lost and Found .. Legal Notices ..... 4 Male and Female Money to Loan ... Nursing Service .. Optometrists .. ... CLASSIFIED AD RATES TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ... THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS : EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .. . Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order. Physicians and urgeons . Personal _ Personal 'Services . Pets and Livestock Radio Repairs .... Real Estate Agents Real Estate For Sale Exchange Rooms For Rent .. Room and Board .. Room and Board Wanted ......., Veterinarians . Women's Column . Wanted to Rent .. Wearing Apparel .. . 39a 9 13 5 20 Words Bap) Addl or Less Wo Bu oh i $5.00 'per month for Prof and 20 words or less. before publication. 20c additional for all words over 20. l Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ and c sign, figure count as a full word. Box charged 10c additional. { All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Office hours: Daily 8-6. Saturday 8-5. | 25--Real. Estate For Sale MODERN BUNGALOW ON LARGE | lot, Gibbon St. All conveniences. Phone 4248J. (2931) | SEVERAL S PLACES WITH acreage, 3, 4 and 5 roomed houses, all quick possession. Several farms for ex- change on city property. Large room- ! ing house for sale or exchange. Apply Real Estate Broker, 139 (294a) H. B. Lines, Albert St. NEW BUNGALOW Beautiful brand new 5-room brick, modern in every respect, finest oak floors, livingroom, dining-room, 2 bed- rooms, and modern kitchen. You can get possession before Christmas. Hurry. Only $7,300. with $3,000 down. Or vacant large 8-room square plan brick home on Kingston Rd. East. This will make a good income or fine home for large family. Very reasonable or will exchange. Terms. W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. Phone 3510M Anytime (204c) 10-ROOM HOME AND RESTAURANT Read All This Ad This lovely detached solid brick home is vacant and has 7 lovely rooms on main floor including completely tiled « lences, . Also 2-room cabin. Phone 723W12. |31--Wanted To Rent kitchen, 3 complete bedrooms. on sec- ! ond floor and 3-pc. bathroom, There is also a restaurant, "hot water heat- known as "Win- is half way nle's", and the location | WORKING MOTHER "AND 14-YEAR- iold boy desire 2 or 3 unfurnished between Oshawa and Whitby on High- | way No. 2. The property consists of 2 plenty of room to build over- Taxes only $35 yearly. portunity for keen business man. Wonderful op- Full | price $10,500. Owner on the premises, "Mr, Irwin" until Thursday, December 18th, or please call exclusive agent P. G. CLARKE REALTOR 1334 Yonge St. Toronto KI. 5000 (294c) "$3,200--5 room brick home, conveni- ences, and garage. Verdun Rd. cant now. « $4,500--6 room frame, all garage. Gladstone Ave. $2,500 cash. $4,500--6 room frame. ences, McMillan Dr. Possession April 1st. $5,500--New brick bungalow, Verdun f All conveniences. Possession May st. $6,000--8 room insul brick, modern kitchen Hot water heating, Alexander Blvd, $7,000--10 room duplex and store, | Simcoe St. South. Will exchange. $7,000--New stucco, 6 room modern home, north east. Vacaht now. $8,500--8 room brick home, Kingsdale Ave. Oil heat. . I HAVE OTHERS W. McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. Phone 3510M Anytime (293b) garage. / , Friday, Saturday, at 87 | would ' rooms with light housckesping. 29--Rooms For Rent {| COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3-ROOM | suite, to adult couple, for two weeks. : Walking distance from Hospital. Fhons 1906M. 94a) TWO LARGE FURNISHED Pn a for rent, business girls preferred. 139 Albert St. . (294a) FOUR ROOMS, MODERN CONVEN- 3 miles north-east Oshawa. (293c) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, 2 single rooms, newly decorated, in pri- vate home, hot water, central. 2 gentle- men. 527TW. (293c) LARGE FURNISHED EB ROOM, i ground floor, suitable for two, no housekeeping. 299 Simcoe South (292d) | ROOMS FOR MEN, . BREAKFAST IF desired. Apply 64 Arlington Ave, Phone 896J. (276t1) 30--Room and Boara FOR THREE MEN, SEPARATE BEDS, all conveniences. Near Motors. Phone 3953J _ (Dec. 17,19) FOR REFINED | LADY IN "IN GOOD HOME; would consider semi-invlald or con- valescent. Apply Mrs. E. Wicks, Box 116, Bowmanville, (294c) YOUNG MARRIED 'BUSINESS COUPLE like one or two bed-sitting Phone 896W. (204c) BUSINESS CX COUPLE, NO « CHILDREN, urgently require 2 or 3 rooms or apt. Phone 3599M between 8 and 6. (294d) rooms, Phone 2798W. (293c) URGENT, A VETERAN, WIFE AND 2 small children lving-in or sleeping room. Can't someone help us out with 2.or 3 rooms. Please call Mr. Hepburn, 1168J. (293¢c) 32--Automobiles For 3Szle 5. 1946 DODGE, 15-TON PANEL TRUCK, good condition, mileage good condition, mileage 15,000. May be seen Thursday, ohn St. Cash, (294b) Trade or Terms, {39 INTERNATIONAL HALF-TON PA- | Va- ! conveni- ! All conveni- | jie price. Box 409, Times-Gazette. nel truck. J. E. Hinkson, Phone 3041J, | call evenings. (294c) '34 CHEV, SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. Cheap for cash. Phone 3822W. (294b) | ] '28 CHEV. SEDAN, FAIR , CONDITION, $90.00. Best offer, Phone 3822W, (294p) | "35 CHRYSLER SEDAN '3¢ CHEV. SEDAN '32 PONTIAC SEDAN '31 DURANT COUPE Trade, Terms or Cash NAIMAN'S GARAGE 181 ALBERT ST. (293e) 33--Automobiles Wantec '41-2 BUICK SEDANETTE BY RURAL mail carrier, in good condtiion, sens- (204a) '40, '41 OR '42 MODEL CAR, WILL pay cash. Phone 1782W 18--Automobile Repairs 25¢c--Farmers' Column MOREY'2 GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN and Gliddon. Expert repairs to GM. Chrysler products. Specializing, re- building knee action. Phone 657 (Janl3) | 22--Lost and Found LOST. SPRINGER SPANIEL, 9 MONTHS old, colour, chocolate and white, an- swers to name Rex. Reward E. Wilson, 21 Warren Ave. Phone 2195M., (294a) LOST -- LADY'S " GRUEN WRIST watch, between Park Road South and Regent Theatre. Call 2794W. Reward. (293c) LOST, LARGE WINE COVERED BUT- | ton, Sa star in centre. Finder please | call (293b) | LOST ON SATURDAY, BETWEEN 11 and 1, a lady's small yellow gold wrist watch. A war widow's gift from her late husband. Finder please call 1890J. Reward. (293c) ! WOULD RENT OR BUY CHEAP FARM with barn and stables; also would buy hay and straw. (292c) | 26--Real Estate Wanted 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, MODERN AND landscaped. Would like fairly central location with possession. within 30 days. Apply Box 407, Times-Gazette. (293b) MODERN J "HOUSES V WANTED FOR clients with cash. List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- | ranged. Phone 3510M and I will 5 and inspect your property. W. c- | Auley, Realtor, 150 Division St. ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! PRO- | perties wanted. We sell quickly for | cash. Call G. Barrow, Real Estate 3165W (2891) | 28--Houses for Rent 23--Women's Column CHARIS--HAVE YOUR FIGURE PROB- lem solved by professional adviser Phone hl Blatter, morning or eve- ning, 259 (Janl) rary { ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE OR TWO to Orillia, leaving Sunday morning. Will share expense. Phone 3375J. (294c) HOSPITAL AUXILIARY DOLL DRAW -- Miss Susan Ebbs, Simcoe Manor, 59; Miss V. Pearson, 180 Athol E., 2388: Mrs, J. Fleming, 146 Simcoe N., 2416; Mr. Fred Maundrell, 281 Division, 1718; Mrs. O. MaclInally, 170 Albert, 1040; Seles, 313 Ritson S., 514; Mrs. R. C. | Mrs. J. Callahan,' 106 Ritson, 6004; Mrs. | Heron, Brooklin, 3432; Mrs. John Chap- | pell, Connaught S8t., 3349; Mrs. R. K. | Adair, 185 College Ave. 3424; Mrs. J. A. Smith, Newcastle, 2165; br. A, K. ' Meighton, King E. 5852; Mr. C. A. Schofield, 442 Athol E., 4848; Mr. John Fitzpatrick, 113 Victoria, Toronto, 2539: | Mrs. R. H. Jewell, 20. Drew St., 364; | Miss Doreen Muir, Felt Bros., 1856; Mrs. Irene McEacheran, 67 Taird Ave., 3598: 8. Henderson, 82 Lloyd St., 2753; Miss | Mr. G, B. Wilkinson, Dupltae Glass, ns; Mrs, Dean Patte, Elgin E., 4500 (291a) | 25--Real Estate For Sale MODER® 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, ALL conveniences, garage and workshop. Immediate possession. Phone 3080; | | | | (204c¢) | | SIX-ROOM HOUSE, FULLY TURNISH- | | 343001. ed, until end of May (5 months) per month or lessee has option of buy- | PUPPIE PALS FOR CHRISTMAS AT ing all of furniutre and renting, house ' Knowlton's Kennels. Reg. Fox Terriers, Reply stating phone number, | Reg. name and address to Box 406, Times. | grown dogs. Five Points, Oshawa. (293c) empty. Gazette. Box 404, Times-Gazette. | Vhs | Tore you buy. 86 Gibbon St. | {| Phone 9! WOULD LIKE '37 TO '41 CHEV. PON- tiac or Plymouth. Have cash, Phone 33 344R. (291t1) CARS SOLD ON 'CONSIGNMENT. _ SEE "John" today at Powell Motor Sales, North Oshawa. Phone 4694J. (Janll) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY | Motor Sales 1271 Simcoe 8t. North Phone 4695W. (Jan3) | LAKESHORE AUTO - Cars wanted for wrecking Highes prices paid. Phone 3362: evenings | | an 34--Pets and Livestock | ROLLER CANARIES. GUARANTEED singers and hens. Hear these birds be- Phopz (293c) UTIFUL FEMALE COCKER SPA- 4 jaonthe old and housebroken (293c) | BEAU niel, COLLIE PUPPIES FOR XMAS. TRI- soi collies, good stock. 'Males, $10; females, $5. Xmas delivery, Prone (29 Cc) Cocker Spaniels, puppies and (Jan.4) | ser; Advertisers Know Tha} THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! 32--Automobiles for Sale : overdrive. Bargain winterized. Phone You Too '39 CHRYSLER| ROYAL heater, radio. new motor, new, radiator, 'We had no trouble at all in selling our car, in fact we had at least a dozen calls," can get results from classified advertising, and it's so easy. Daily Times-Gazette. "gn, quick WITH for sale, Simply call 35, The | 1--Office, 12' x 12', Electric wired, | with racks. Heater and chains. Gone | 1--12-ton truck, scale platform, 18 34--Pets and Livestock 36--Articles For Sale CHOICE COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, pet prices. Deposit will hold 'till Christmas. Phone 3903W. (Dec.17,19) TWO ROCK HENS AND ROOSTERS (yearlings). 373 _Simcoe St. 8. (2940) OVERCROWDED, 'WILL SELL REGIS- tered" cocker spaniels, various ages, blacks, reds and partis, lovely puppies. Some sired by champions. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Highway. (Dec\29) | CANARIES FOR SALE, GOOD SING- | ers and hens: also cages. 400 Montrave . Ave. Phone 2862J, (Jan. 4) BEAUTIFUL / AFGHAN PUPPIES. THE ideal Christmas gift. 425. and up. Twin Birch Kennels, Whitby 839. (288g) BABY BUDGIES, ALL COLOURS, REA- dy for training. €anaries in full song. Beautiful Christmas gifts. Phone sab (Dec27 35--'Nearing Apparel BROWN MUSKO, FUR MUFF, LIK new, $5. Phone 1919J. 423 Simcoe south: 94c) EVENING ( GOWN--PINK aha satin top--net skirt, size 14-15, worn | once. Phone 1868W. (294b) | LIME "GREEN EVENING ( GOWN, 12. Worn once. Phone 3775W. MAN'S OVERCOAT, SIZE 36, $ no hi Bagot 8t. 4b) | MAN'S BROWN LE. LEATHER pr size 36. Phone 1368W. (293b) ! | FoR COAT, BLACK "CARACUL, SIZE | 20, $10.; Boy's winter coat, brown, 12 | | years, $5. Phone |1905W before 5. | (293b) | 'COAT, | (29: 3b) | (294b) | | LADY'S TURQUOISE WINTER size 17. Phone 459TW. EVENING GOWN. BLUE LACE AND net, size 14-16. 1441; Olive Ave, Ly | WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHIN 1) sterilized. cicaned and pressed ike new. Carrying a big stock of Winter roats suits and pants. 21 Bond St W. Sam Swartz. (Jan?) 36--Articles For Sal. atop. sin, ome Stn CHILD'S JEEP, NEVER USED, SACRI- fice. 181 Albert St. (294d) LADY'S HIGH WHITE TUBE SKATES, size 7. Worn three times. Phone 4344R. adenine (284c) ELECTRIC COMBINATION PHONO- Ra N. and radio. Apply 31 Stevenson | (Alrport Rd) (292¢) | BEAUTIFUL 3 - PIECE BEDROOM suite; wardrobe; end table. 373 Sim-= coe St. 8. (294b) | | LARGE CHESTERFIELD, "GOOD CON- | dition. Apply 73 Bond St. West, af- | ter 6. (294c)-| '7 FT _CHALET | SKIS H HICKORY, , CABLE harness, poles and ski boots, size 8. | Lady's C.C.M. size 6. | Men's C.C.M. size 8. | Phone 2047TW, (294b) | MEN'S TUBE "SKATES, SIZE 10, USED twice; four kitchen chairs, $1. each: dandy Singer sewing machine, $35. 58 | King St. E, rear door. (294b) | LLOYD PRAM, PERFECT "CONDITION. | Phone 386. (294a) | CHILD'S C.CM. . TRICYCLE, . SMALL | size. 105 Roxborough. Phone 3631J. 4 (294a | speed skates, speed skates, NO. 3 HOT WATER BOILER, ALSO | coil for furnace. 69 John Street. Phone | 3693W. (294a) | ery | FULL PORCELAIN ENAMEL FINISH, wood and coal Gurney ccok stove with | high shelf and reservoir, Phone 3205J. | (294b) | ONE ° "SERENADER _ MANTLE" RADIO. | Six tubes. 270 Division St. (204a) CHRISTMAS TREES, SPRUCE. LEE'S Grocery, 1198 Simcoe North. Phone 1852] (294c) MARCONI & RE- cord player, 246 | Court St. (294b) | ELECTRIC RANGE, PERFECT CONDI. | tion, $100, 387 Beverley St. (2048) | -- MAN'S C.C.M. BICYCLE FOR SALE, | $25. Phone 660W. (294c) | WHITE ICE- BOX, "CAPACITY 50 LBS. Excellent condition. Reasonable, Phone 4885W; (294b) GIRL'S BICYCLE, $25. ONE GIR coat, size 12, $20; one extension Kkit- | chen table, $7. Phone 1313wW. (294b) CHRISTMAS TREES, SCOTCH PINE delivered, Phone 4187R. and spruce, (293e) HARDWOOD I FACTORY CUTTINGS, delivered in $5 or $3 lots. Also hard- wood blocks. Phone 3288J. (293c) MOFFATT "COMBINATION "COAL AND gas stove, ivory and green. Combina- tion book and china cabinet. Phone 745. (293c) SINGLE "ELECTRIC in good condition. CHRISTMAS TREES 75¢ TO $1.50 EACH DELIVERED | Over five hundred to choose from. Or- der early. Avold disappointment, 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH PHONE 3235 (Dec.10,11,12,17,18,19,22,23,24) ENTIRE CO CONTENTS OF 'SIX-ROOMED house, en-bloc or separately; Norge refrigerator, 7 cu. ft., 2 months old; Easy-spin dry washer, nearly new; Norge oil space heater, large size; bed- room set, spring mattresses; odd beds, chrome chairs; white porcelain Kkit- chen coal stove; floor coverings, and other articles. These will be sold rea- ( sonable as party is leaving Ontario. Phone, name and address to Box 405, Times-Gazette. ( 293¢) SINGLE } SIMMONS BED, SPRINGS, spring-filled mattress; one small dres- one oval table; one Morris chair. Evenings after 7. Phone 385M. (293¢) 8.8. STEWART "SPANISH GUITAR, like new. $35. Phone 3728W. (293b) ONE PAIR OF 'SKATES, SIZE 8, USED one winter. 97 Colborne St. East, side door. (293b) | APPLES, BY BASKET, BUSHEL OR barrel, delievered. Apply 288 Festubert. Phone 3530W. (283c) 63, FOOT SKIS WITH POLES AND harness, in good condition. Apply 176 Roxborough. Pp (2030) SPACE HEATER, LARGE SIZE, NEW | condition. Pipe and oil drum. Cheap. 118 8 Sutherland 8t. (293b) 45-G GALLON DRUMS, SUITABLE FOR stove ofl, $3.50 each. Phone 280IR. (293c) finished with beaver board inside. One Dodge Truck--3-ton stake body 20,060 miles. Good condition. One large coal loader. with electric motor attached. 3 H.P. Single face, | runs on 220 line. | Small quantity of cedar poles, 14 and 25 ft. long. it long. ' For furfher particulars, phone or write BOWMANVILLE FUELS & SUPPLIES Bowmanville, Ont, (294b) | 4180J2 | 41807: | CAPONS . {FRYERS .. FOR "SALE. OR- | ders in A of Dec. Phone 2639 Bowmanville. 931) 14 HP: ELECTRIC MOTOR: Boas. tioned. d. Apply 31 Elzin E A (29: 3b) COAL *AND WOOD RANGE, WHITE enamel, good condition. 145 Central Park Blvd. evenings. (293c) WESTINGHOUSE TABLE MODEL COM- bination with automatic record Thang. er and lift out radio. Regular $1 Price to sell $99. 156 Simcoe St. 0 ) (292c JUST ARRIVED, LARGE SHIPMENT of coal ranges, No tax. All sizes, and prices to choose from. Meagher's, 92 Simcoe North. (Jan.13) VENETIAN BLINDS for homes, offices or factories. Custom made. Moderately priced. i Estimates and installations free. R. G. TREWIN 59 Division, Oshawa (Mon. , Wed. Fri.) SEWING MACHINE, ELNA ELECTRIC portable. Complete with attachments. Easy terms. Immediate delivery. Phone Cc CREAM | ENAMEL RANGE COOK stove, also 3-burner Coleman gasoline stove. Phone 1088R4, between 6 eng ( Cc) | SILVER , FOX FUR, "PRACTICALLY | new, $18; 10" Arcade band-saw, stand and 5 new blades; 6" driver bench- saw and 2 blades; pupples, $5., small howse breed; carrots, $1.15 bushel; Wall What-Nots, 3 shelves high, $1.15. Phone 436W12. (293c) 300 0 GALLON WATER "TANK. E. Mc- rath, Phone 4364. (292t1) CHOICE 3531-R CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $4.99 Manufacturer's clearance, first quality, "in all colors, two-tone, or solid, for double or single beds. Worth double the price. Also ladies' chenille house- ts, $5.39--very closely tufted, in blue, | rose. wine, turquoise. Sizes 14-20. Sent C.0.D., plus postage. Money refunded | lif not satisfied. HANDICRAFT DISTRIBUTORS 254 Sherbrooke St. West, ' Montreal, Que. (Der.6,10.13,17.20,24) us0-20 DIJO TRUCK CHAINS, HEAVY duty, never been used; also Hadees truck and bus fan, 181 Albert St. (293¢) | CIRCULATING OIL HEATER. FIRST class condition, $65. Apply Bell Taxi, Whitby, Ontario. (293c) RANGETTE IN GOOD CONDITION; | also mauve crepe dress, size 20, worn once. Phone 1236W. (293c) | HERE IT IS, THE MODERN WAY "OF finishing floors. Plast-I-Gloss Plastic. | Dries in one hour. Ends waxing. Phone | 3235. Glecofl's Grocmeateria. We deliver, (Jan.9) SWEET CIDER FOR SALE, T5¢ GAL- lon. Order for Christmas, delivery. Phone 3430J1. _(293¢) | Loin Pork Chops or Roasts b. 43c | | Lean Minced Round Steak 1b. 45¢ | Teabone, Wing or Sirloin Steak ++» Ib. AC Fresh Pork Liver 2 lb. 39¢ {| Fresh Stewing Lamb .... i 1b. 25¢ Shoulder Lamb Chops .... lb. 29¢ | | Fresh Minced Hamburg .. 2 lb. 49¢ Smoked Bacon Squares . 1b.29¢ | Smoked Fillets. Bonless .... 1b. 33¢c Smoked Breakfast Bacon .. lb. 55¢ 174 RITSON ROAD 8S. PHONE 3235 FREE DELIVERY (Dec.10,11,12,17,18,19) BUICK '38 PARTIAL MOTOR, MODEL 40, consisting of block, crank shaft, head, clutch assembly and manifold. Phone 2025R (293b) TURKEYS FOR XMAS From 12 to 25 lbs. All raised on wire, milk finished. ... from 5 to 9 lbs. ROASTING CHICKENS vihvessisseiens from:5 to 8 lbs. BOILING FOWL .. from 5 to 7 lbs. . from 2 to 3 lbs. GEESE .. . from 12 to 15 lbs: DUCKS .. . from 3 to 4 lbs. Place your order before DEC. 20, 1947 for New Year's delivery. We also draw ready for oven. PHONE 4394M R. LITZ POULTRY STATION 117 BLOOR EAST (290h) PLAST-T-( GLOSS | PLASTIC FOR ALL your floors, ends waxing, polishing. Phone 4538W. 23 Bond West, We deliver. (Jan.9) DORMEYER FOOD MIXERS, ONLY A few left. Importation from States ban- ned, one only to a customer. Meagher's. Phone 42, (Jan.5) GUARANTEED VENETIAN : BLINDS Order her Venetian Blinds for Christ mas. Custom-made by expert craftsmen of Met-Wo Industries Limited in var- lous materials and colors Free estimates and installation anywhere. J. W MELLEY Phone 4101W Oshawa P.O. Box 421 7-Days Delivery (273t1) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Dec25) OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service Out-of-town customers solicited. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Jan18) "GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOR BABY Prams, Kindergarden Sets, Tri- cycles, Wagons, Rockers, Kiddie Cars, Cradles, . Sleighs, Automobiles, Desk Sets, Rocking Horses, Baby Prams, | Cribs, High Chairs, Commodes, Walkers. FOR AIM Smokers, Lounge Chairs, Cellarettes, Bed Lamps, Table Lamps, Magazine Racks, Bridge Sets, Chg Tables, Book- cases, Desks, Blankets FOR HER Sewlffg Cabinets, Cushions, Electric Tea Kettles, Chenille Bedspreads, Toasters, Irons, Coffee Tables, End Tables, Lamps, Sparkline Mirrors, Tri-Lite Lamps, Ce- dar Chests. GIVE FURNITURE -- THE LASTING GIFT Beautiful Kroehler Chesterfield Suites, modern lovely walnut Bedroom Suites, Kitchen Suites, Marshall Spring-filled Mattresses, Famous Beauty Rest Mate tresses, Studio Couches, Occasional Chalrs, Hall Trees, 'Chest Drawers, Drapes, Pictures, Gateleg Tables, Rugs, Rangettes, Coal Stoves, Refrigerators, Electric Heaters. OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY BUDGET TERMS WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET OSHAWA, ONTARIO (Dec.22) Doll ) | THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten 4 (1) AW,NOU KNOW I HAVE A LAME cy AND IF SHE EVER SAW HIM TOTING A 20 LB. | GOLF BAG AROUND A 36 HOLE QOueE WE WOULD BE! a) \ Sg CONSTANTLY COMPLAINS ABOUT HIS ACHING BACK, THE MISSUS PRESENTING "CAROLS BY CANDLE- light," Northminister Church, . Dec. 18, 8:15 p.m., by Northminster Choir. | | (293c) | | | 36--Articles For Sale CHRISTMAS _ TREES FOR spruce and balsam, a3 Hall St. (Dec23) CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE. 61 Brock St. East or Phone Dave Brady, | 3866. (2891) NEW AND USED ARMY TYPE HEAT- ers. Used Quebec heaters and cook stoves. Dominion Furnishing Co. 156 | Simcoe S (Dec.22) | STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER sq ft. Measured and Installed. George | M. Reid Phone 2104 66 Bond West | (Dec23) | AWNINGS ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY. | We advise getting next year's awnings now. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N. Oshawa. | (Dec. 27) STOVE, OIL STORAGE ° TANKS, COM- | plete with taps. Harry Perry Wholesale, | 294 Court St. Phone 2015. (Decl?) | 37--Articles Wanted CHILD'S T# TABLE, TWO CHAIRS; ; ALSO | patterned rug, about 4'x7'. Phone | 1906M. (22 ta) 00D USED FURNITURE WANTED | ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters 56 | SALE, furniture, ice box. Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M (Jan13) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON | metal, rags, mattresses 'Phone 635 Cedardale [ron Metals. back CNR Station. (Janl ) PIANO3 WANTED FOR CASH WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North Phone 2388 (Dec27) | 38--Female Help Wantea YOUNG LADY, SEVERAL MORNINGS | per week as' mother's help, references | | required, Phone 420. (2%1a) {| HOUSEKEEPER FOR TWO ADULTS and 10-year-old child, light housekeep= ing. Modern home, all conveniences. Pleasant room available, .Sleep in or out, Phone 419M, (294b) J9--Male Help Wantee BISCUIT SALESMAN! MANUFACTUR- | er of fast selling line of Marshmallow | Biscuits, attractively packed in fancy | containers, requires good salesman call- | ing on retail stores. Commission basis at first, and excellent contract will be given to producer. Oshawa area. Will be glad to hear from salesmen in other | towns. Box 410, Times= Gazette, (294c) 4TH CLASS FIREMAN REQUIRED, age 35 to 50, references; one dish- | washer, age 35 to 50, one wall washer. Apply Business Manager, Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. (291b) | SALESMAN FOR REAL | ESTATE, GOOD | opportunity for honest, ambitious man with good car. Phone 3510M for ap- pointment_ (293c) 40--Agents Wanted SALES AGENT FOR "X-L JAVEL"" concentrate and other household chem- | ical products to retail stores in Oshawa | and vicinity. Good commission. Write X-L Chemical Company, Box 278, To- ronto 1. (294a) | TWO MEN WANTED TO SELL WAT- kins' household products. No experience necessary. ply immediately to Box | 318, Times-Gazette, (Jan.4) 1--Employment Wanted BABY SITTER, AFTERNOON AND EVE- ning. Phone 3896W. (2941) Seven Airmen Die In Plane Collision Norfolk, Va., Dec. 17--(CP)--Se- ven naval airmen were killed Tues- day and one escaped with cuts and bruises when a Corsair fighter plane and a patrol bomber carrying a crew of seven collided in the air and | crashed. Naval spokesmen said the single- seater fighter plane collided with | the right wing of the bomber. The | sole survivor, a crew man aboard | the bomber, was thrcwn from a [gun blister when the plane crashed | in swamp ground 300 yards frcm {the Corsair .whose pilot burned to | death, | FOR YOUR WIRING AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS call CHRISTIAN'S ELECTRIC & ITARDWARE PHONE 1000 STAFFORD BROS. Monnmentzi Works PHONE WHITBY 552 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHL!N COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 W. L. Borrowdale "The Oil Burner Man" We Recommend and Install 'he "REX OIL" Automatic Oil Burner Immediate Installation. FUEL OIL FOR NEW CUSTOMERS PHONE 1092 Res. 584J FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Specialty FELT BROS. « Established 188t 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH King West. 3326W. (. 5) | 51 Harmony Rd. S. SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD ven | hassssssasas E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C Dealer for STEWART WARNEL RADIOS 78 SIMCOE N. PHONE 736J ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS LAID ee SANDED FINISHED e OLD FLOORS REFINISHED All Machines are Vacuum Equipped! PHONES 3434) . 4271) Xmas Trees ROW! AT | ARMSTRONG FUELS 59 Church St. Phones 272TW -- 2726 For your... . Appliance * Repairs Radio & Electrical SEE US!!! Parts and Workman- ship Guaranteed for 90 days Iicten to "Console Capers" Popular Organ Melodies. Mondays, CKDO, 7 to 7.15 p.m. WARNER WILLIAMS LEVY'S FLOOR SERVICE ® LAYING ® SANDING ® FINISHING Old Floors Made Like New! WE REPAIR ® WASHING MACHINES ® RADION ® VACUUMS All Work Guaranteed Mastic and Rubber tile laid. Estimate Free! Guaranteec work! CECIL H. LEVY (Successor to B. W. Haynes) Kingston Rd, E. Phone 161J4 Tue collision occurred at'an alti- | tude of 100 feet. STILL IN USE The modern pen had its origin in the reed or calamus, which is still used in the East. HARDWOOD FLOOR SPECIALIST CI 7.8 4 8.°( + SANDING. M FINISHING LEGGETTE PHONE 3744W1 Connor Washing Machines Limited number available for Immediate Delivery Lighting Fixtures For The Home Hundreds to Choose From PITTS' ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND ST. EAST OSHAWA Phone 3287 'WASHERS [RONERS DL airs * POLISHERS Phone 3300W Jock BIDDULPH Avmontzes JGEETG S1ALIR 68 SIMCOE S%'. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Front" XMAS EMPLOYERS ATTENTION University of Toronto Ex-Service Students at Ajax want Christmas Employment DEC. 20th TO JAN. 3rd Selling, Construction Work, Odd Jobs of all kinds for good workers "ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL LOCAL 104 PHONE: STUDENTS' PICKERING 81,

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