WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1947 XA THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE. PAGE NINE Oshawa Library Adds Books To Its Shelves The following books were added to the shelves of the Oshawa Pub- lie Library during November:- ' Tales Of The Past Baker. Paris of Troy. Best. Whistle, daughter, whistle. Kem- roff. Feast of the jesters. Seeley. Woman of property. Slaughter. The golden isle. Strong. Jessamy John. Woodruff. The wild sweet witch. Mystery and Intrigue Fast. Walk in shadow. Fischer. More deaths than one. Gruber. The whispering master. Harding. Age cannot wither. King. Lethal lady. Marsh. Dull the sharp edge. Scott. The dead tree gives no shel. ter. Other Novels Baldwin. Gvie love the air, Car- roll. While the angels sing. Coryn. Alone. among men. Davenport. Bel- vedere. Davis. Harp of a thousand strings. Duffield, Wise is the heart. Dumbrille. Deep docrways. Hstes. The echoing green. Farnol. Heri- tage perilous. Goodis. Nightfall. Hall. Mr. Jory. Hilton. Nothing so strange. Jameson. The black laurel. Eern. Wife's eye view. Laskier. Un- seen harbor. McCourt. Music at the close, Miller. The sound.-of chariots. Newcomb. Anchor for her heart. Renault. Return to night. Roberts. Roger the lodger. Robinson. Man. on's daughter. Sedges. The angry wife. Shriber. As long as I live. Steinbeck. The pearl. Tabor. He never came back. Weekley. Ledger of the lying dog. Wetherell, Run sheep run. : " Worthwhile People Andrews. An explorer comes home. Beaman. Fat man in a phone booth. Benet. Thackerray. Brittain. Arthur Quiller-Couch. Caldwell, Henry Ford. Cardus. Autobiography. Cox. Canadian spring, Eaton, Da- vid Livingstone, foe of darkness. Hoffman. We lead a double life. 'Kingsbury. Shanty paradise. Lin Yutang. The gay genius. McCrack- en. Frederic Remington. MacDon- ald. Undercover girl. ackenzie. Robert-Houdin. Manners. Father and the angels. Meany. Babe Ruth. Pretorius. Jungle man, Stryker. For the defense. Sports and Pastimes Affelder. How to build a record library. Alexander. Model railroads. Barrington. Women without money. Batchelder. The art of hooked: rug making. Brill. Modern painting. Crause, Home guide to repair, up- keep and remodeling. Griffith. My life with the Redskins. Hambleton. Hunter's holidays. Haskel. The bal- let annual. Johnson. Airplane mo- del building. Lambert. Adventure of Canadian painting. Spears. Paint. ing patterns for home decorations, Thompson. Leathercraft. . This Canada of Ours Gibbon. Our old Montreal. Hark- ness. This nation called Canada. Jaques. Canadian spring. McInnis. Canada, a political and social his- tory. Roy. The Scot and Canada. Other Lands--Then and Now lanshard. Democracy and em- pire in the Caribbean, Cha rlin, European. pit. Chase. New England. Day. Big country Texas. Evans. Reindeer trek. Gardner. Western highlands. Glick. Swords of silence. O'Connor. Irish miles. Seymour. Design for giving. Styles. Unusual facts of Canadian history. Sulkin. Continent in limbo. Taylor. Richer by Asia. Von Hassell. The Von Hassell. diaries. Wilson. The new North in pictures. Literary Works Brooks. The times of Melville and Whitman. Hoffenstein. Pencil in the air. Kronenberger. The portable Johson and Boswell. Lockert. The best plays of Racine. Mantle. Best plays of 1946-47. Mott. Golden mul- titudes. Pratt. Behind the log. Just For Fun Brown. Insides out. Conroy. Mid= land humor. Cragg. Father on the farm. Davies. Diary of Samuel Marchbanks. Malcolm-Smith. Grass is always greener. Cookery Allen. 'Food for two, Malone. Cookbook for brides. Metzelthin. The modern cook book. Powers. The party table. Rudy. Simplified dia- betic manual. Sparkes. Home freez- ing and storage of food. 0 Education Butler. Recreation areas. Fine. Our children are cheated. Funda- mental education. McCutcheon. Public education in Ontario. The World Around Us Deval. Speaking of animals. Lem- mon. How to attract the birds. Platt. Our flowering world. Science Dewey. Cycles. Eidinoff. Atomics for the millions. Gamow. One two three infinity. Country Living Gould. The house that Jacob built. Taylor. Bar Nothing Ranch. Wells. The Owl Pen, Miscellany Bauer. Stop annoying your child. Cheskin. Colors, what they can do for you. Hooke. Thunder in the mountains. Hoover. The story of the FBI. Justement. New cities for old. Lockridge. Adopting a child. McLeod. Pigtails and gold dust. Oursler. The precious secret. Paul. Linden on the Saugus branch. Podolsky. The thinking machine. Rowere. Howe and Hummell. Sbar- baro. Marriage is on trial. Selig- man. The voyage of the Cap Pilar. Spon. The science of physiognomy. Thane. The bird who made good. Trotter. Charters of our freedom. Christ's Ambassadors Met Monday Night The Christ's Ambassadors meeting was held at the Pentecostal Church on Monday evening. The singing 'was led by Arnold { LAFE-A-DAY Ra 2-17 rv ---- * Copt. 1917. King Features Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved, © "But if we're here to help, others, what are the otherr here for?" Bowler, Clare Shank offered the opening prayer. The Scriptures were read by Miss Mary Hughes. Miss Doreen Clark sang a solo, "Af- ter." Mr. Allen Shank brought the evening message entitled "Setting Our Affections Wholly On the Lord". ] The meeting was closed in prayer by Miss Jeanette Lawrence, Sing Carols At Home and School Group Meeting MYRTLE M. DYER Correspondent Columbus, Dec. 15. -- The De- cember meeting of the Home and School Association was held in the school with the President Mrs. J. L. Miller presiding. Considering the slippery roads there was a very good attendance and after the busi- ness period was conducted Christ- mas carols were sung and a con- test between those present caused a lot of merriment. Mrs. Naylor gave a reading on Christmas customs in other lands and Mrs. Laviolette contributed a humorous reading. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. G. Evans for her convening the excellent concert which was held in the Township Hall last week. Refreshments were served by Mrs. C. Naylor and Mrs. W. Spry. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 6. The death occurred on Wednes- day, Dec. 10, of Mrs, George Hayes at the home of her son, Mr. Harold Hayes, in her 88th year. Mrs, Hayes suffered a fall some years ago and had never regained her health. Mrs. Hayes was the daugh- ter of the late John and Frances Adams. The deceased was born at Columbus Dec. 12th, 1859. She was married in Oshawa on Dec. 22nd, 1880 and with her husband farmed in Reach Township in the Myrtle district' until 1905 after farming in East Whitby Township Mr. and Mrs. Hayes returned to Columbus in 1917. We are pleased to see that Mr. P. G. Purves is able to be out again after his recent illness, Predeceased by one son Frank in infancy, her husband in February, 1923 and a son Clarence in April, | 1940, Mrs. Hayes is survived by one son Harold, also surviving are eight grandchildren and seven great- grandchildren. The funeral was held on Satur day, Dec. 13th, at 2 o'clock from the home of Mr. Harold Hayes with the Rev. Mr. Gardner conducting the service. Five grandsons, George, Ray, Bill, Frank and Jack Hayes and Wal- ter Beath, acted as bearers. The sympathy of the community goes at this time to Roy Cory, family and friends in their very sudden sad bereavement. John Lambert had the misfor- tune to meet with an accident at his work one day last week. We wish him a speedy recovery. Next Sunday morning the serv- ices in Columbus Church will be in the form of a carol service with Christmas carols interspersed with the sermon. There is room for ev- eryone who would like to enjoy this service. Frank Dring is still in the Osh- awa Hospital and we hope his health will soon be restored. Don't forget the Sunday School is having a Xmas concert on Moa- day, December 22nd. "BURY ME SUNDAY" Mount, Cornwall, England-- (CP) --After sending the undertaker a note to "come over" as soon as possible and "bury me on Sunday", Jack Wherry, 65, committed suicide by hanging. FARE AND A HALF Good going:--Saturday, De- cember 20th, 1947, to and including Thursday, January 1st, 1948. Return Limit:--Leave desti- nation not later than mid- Dish Wednesday, January 7th, 1948. Tickets and complete informa- tion from any Agent. | CANADIAN PACIFIC COME TRUE LADIES' WATCHES A FAMOUS MAKE Gold filled Case with 17 jewelled movement. Reg. price 73.50. Sale price, plus tax A FAMOUS MAKE 17 jewelled movement with Gold Filled Case. Reg. price 45.00. Sale price, plus tax THOUSANDS || OF DOLLARS IN AND WATCHES BEFORE CHRISTMAS ONLY DAYS LEFT NEVER in the History of Oshawa Were Prices So Drastically Reduced! D. J. BROWN 20 SIMCOE S. PHONE 189 WE OFFER TT SPECIALS! For your benefit we will show you (in this advertisement) how we work out the prices of these 11 specials. .. and you will soon see for yourself the huge savings a purchaser makes for his or herself. Take for example the first dia- mond shown. Under ordinary circumstances we would sell it for 400.00 (plus 25% or 100.00 govt. tax) but this is the price we are offering you TOTAL Reg. Price .............. $100.00 SAVINGS Less Sale Reduction of 25% or .... FOR PURCHASER $500.00 $375.00 $125.00 97 312 A LIMITED SUPPLY ONLY! FASHIONABLE 55 LADIES' WATCHES 100.00 : Reg. 25.00. Our Special Sale $300.00 Plus Gov. Tax Incl {Ingluding 351.50 hx 328.25 Tre 281.25 "rx 234.50 "an 187.50 Ro 178.25 RO" 164.00 SALE PRICE 140.75 125.00 SALE PRICE 17.25 REGULAR PRICE ™** £5" 100.00 SALE PRICE gum 93 75 THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME If its a Diamond Ring you want here is the chance of a Lifetime. REGULAR RRICE ™* #5" 375.00 REGULAR PRICE ™* 15" 350.00 REGULAR PRICE ™* 725""* 300.00 REGULAR PRICE ™* 15°" 250.00 REGULAR PRICE ™* 5""* 200.00 REGULAR PRICE "* 75" 190.00 | ot Jig ene 175.00 "REGULAR PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE REGULAR PRICE Ot igen 150,00 ngipgos REGULAR PRICE * jzseane Oagiagir Price, Plus Tax weather proof cases. Reg. price 85.00. Sale price, plus tax A FAMOUS MAKE A LIMITED SUPPLY ONLY! Just the Gift for that friend of .yours. Handsome in design. Reli- 95 J Don't miss this chance to buy him or her that Lifetime Gift With go!d filled case complete with able in time. at a PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD. A FAMOUS MAKE 3 75 17 jewelled movement. Reg. price Reg. Price 25.00 Fine 17 jewelled movement in 1 a0 50.00. Sale price, plus tax Sale Price, Plus Tax iia ET EE A Se ES o