LY THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, "WANT AD SECTION <Z255%5 INESS - PROFESSIONAL )IRECTORY "Auditors 4 SICKLE. ACCOTNTANY AU- prepared, i work. (Novi2) Household @ouses For Hous 1004). 205 Arthur St. pony Ta Be Ue St, Phone 2127. Consulting ac Sntabi and suditor. (Novis) isters 8. HYMAN, BARRISTAS, ETO, on ©." Residence 3051. es (Nov1l) be AoE Bs AL 4 hone 4, Residence 739. (Novi19) GREER, KC. BARRISTER, heat ense 514. Residont Uxbridge, ©. Pollard. K.C. fi R. MacBRIEN, BARRIST. licitor Suite 201 70 King Bast, i Hotel. Phone 349. (Decl) P. MANGAN, K.O., BARRIS- ONE INSERTION .. TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTI Professional and Each initial She, INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Puneral Directors 8. Pemale Help Wanted 4080000 0000000000000000000000000000 * THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ecsssses 1.00 EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION +... 35 above apply to orders for Birr ofr Bre rf grog MgB T : --mow- original order. Bitsinsle lisilags $8 20 words or less, 20¢ addition. or as abbreviation a figure count as & ull word. POs § 280.9 Nats acu All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day beture publication. Office hours: PSargeons ov i secenseneee sesersees 38 sessesee 18 Repairs 14 Rens .. 8 gen consecutive constitute a & mouth for Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. ; King E. Room + 5 Residence 3687R. (Decl) | Simcoe St. 8., or phone Res. | ing, rest 25--Real Estate For Sale 34--Pets and Livestock CANARIES. FOR SALE, GOOD BING- ers. Apply 400 Montrave Ave. Phone 2862J 258h) REG. FOX TERRIERS (SMOOTH) REG. Sikes Spans hud, Tox Monge, oY. i 0 3 ve Foints, Wa. (Dec.3) 35--Wearing Apparel GIRL'S KENWOOD THREE - PIECE coat set, rose, size 4-6, excellent con- dition. Wine parka jacket, navy ski- pute, size 4-6, sult girl or boy. Apply Aberdeen, Apt. 3. (262b) sterilized, cleaned. and like ore TL BB coats, ; St. suits and pants. 21 Bond W. Sam Swartz, 36--Articles For Sale UPRIGHT PIANO, WHITE skates, size 7. 1033 Kingston Rd_E. Phone 3M8-J-i. _ (262a) BEACH COOK STOVE, GOOD CONDI- tion; also house for sale. 253 Bloor E. Phone 3340-J. (262¢c) DRY 'WOOD, FOOT LENGTHS, $15 cord. Ray Michels, RR, 1, Ponty- pool. (262¢) '45 INTERNATIONAL KB8. 5 TRUCK chassis, in good condition. Mrs. A I. McBrien, phone Brooklin 55, (262c) 1 LARGE KITCHEN CABINET, VERY reasonable. Apply 83 Westmount Ave. (262b) 1 WHITE ENAMEL STOVE AND large size Quebec heater. Apply 63 Avenue St. Phone 311-M. (262c) 3.PC. GIRL'S OUTFIT, SIZE 3; ONE chesterfield suite. Phone ETT y C FIG URE | A 36--Articles For Salo 750 FT. HARDWOOD FLOORING FOR MOFFATT HANDI CHEF, ALSO ELEC- tric two-burner plate Phone Ci ' (260c McCLARY COQK STOVE, GOOD CON- dition. Apply 26 Orchard Ave. North Oshawa. (260c) PLAST-I-GLOSS PLASTIC FOR ALL your floors, dries in one hour, ends waxing, polishing, hard scrubbing. Pro- tects, beautifies, waterproofs, is crystal clear, will not crack, chip or peel. We deliver. Phone* 3235, Glecoff's Groc- meateria. 174 Ritson Rd. South. (Dec.6) GLOSSTONE -- GENUINE PLASTIC floor finish. Beautifies all types of floors $1.95 qt. Phone 866J. We deliver. (Nov12) ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY, We advise getting next year's awnings now Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N., Osh- awa. ELECTRIC MOTOR, 25 CYCLE, 14 (260c) WNINGS Phone 2138W, FUEL OIL TANKS, 64 GAL. ALUMI- num storage tanks Apply Harry Per- ry Wholesale, 294 Court St. Phone 2015. (Nov7-20) VENETIAN BLINDS for homes, offices or factories. Custom made. Moderately priced. Estimates and installations free, R. G. TREWIN 59 Division, Oshawa in (Mon, , Wed. Fri.) NEW HOT WATER HEATING BOILER for 1620 ft, radiation, E. M, McGrath. Phone 4364. (257tf) 3531-R CABINET, NATURAL, WITH Good condition. Phone (262b) red trim, 3724-W. 30--Room and Board Good coming in. Ap income 4730R. (262c) 14 ROOMED HOUSE, FURNISHINGS and income Suitable board- 11-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, ON OOL- | A i | borne St., with double lot and garage, ply 809 GOOD HOME FOR 2 OR 3 CHILD- ren or adult. Mrs. FP, E. McIndoo, Mill- brook, R.R. 3, Ont. (260c) YOUNG BUSINESS GIRL TO SHARE \ room and board. Separate beds, ab- stainer. Phone 1073J. (261¢c) SALE, GOOD CON- full length; 6 from 6 to 9. (262c) R TS, CHIFFRO dition; 2 1 Phone 1330J, BE mirro drawers. , CUSTOM ED, SWEET cider for sale.' 50c gallon. LaBalle, North Harmony. Phone 343031. - : __(Nov.10,12,14) 3 home, 6 apartments, Appoint- ment, Whitby 2124. (260c) 31--Wanted To Rent 7 ROOM HOUSE WITH GARAGE ON Church St. Possession Dec, 1st: Phone » SURGEON, 183 KING ST. . Phone 3832. Hours: eleven ' (except Wed. and Sat.), to 8. (Nov13) | | HEALTH = OLINIO, 146° ding Ohbiropractic His 1 M Risctro , mineral vapor bath treatment. 23 years. Consultation free. § p.m. dally except Monday Friday, (Decl) POST OFFICE. Wa. to 2 to 5. Pho Evenings Appointments. (Dec5) Veterinarians WM ery. . Phone 20108 Funeral Directors ALTON BURIAL COMPANY FUNERAL Service 75 Charles Established 1889. Phone 401, | (Nov30) LARGE AND 101 Richmond (Novil) oney To Loan INTE NIES AVAILABLE FOR iy Apply M. P. Swarts, Sister, © Hamett wuts No. 4. phone 283. (Nov20) '$--Instruction 'AR SUPPLIED. $1 WEEKLY for lesson, guitar and music. n from pieces, Dele gu PO '001WO! 5 Towd, OPP TOTES (Novad) [E'S OOL OF DANCING. TAP. and National. Students from five Saturday at St. George's Pat, Building Trades BAGGS AND DYKSTRA. PAINTERS, jdorators, Also industrial Spraying. nteed. Phon % gua . (Dec.10) DNE 2063W, OSHAWA SAND AND 1 supplies for dump truck service. TS, Pin loam, barnyard manure, manure, Pea gravel for Apply 163 Ritson South. (Dec5. = Jeways. SURPLUS PAINTS, ENAMELS lacquers, khaki, green, blue grey, primer paints, mfg, C.IL., Green, Ave., FIX WET CELLARS WITH "AQU- " used in Maginot Line. Leaves sparkling white. Floors cleaned, gaa opie Th 0 app! 5 e fty doors is "Flexotite," nge rubber weather stripping. es telephone Associated > Ajax, Ont. ANSI the new For rve (Nov29) ing ad nl (Nov.19| a §2--Personal Services { Lindsay Highway, 261. (2511) OR EXCHANGE: A COTTAGE ON Lake Simcoe for property in or around Oshawa. Phone 1839W, evenings after Nov, 10. (261b) TO CLOSE AN ESTATE----NEW 8TUC- | G co bungalow in good residential dis- trict; two bedrooms, bathroom, ing room and kitchen on ground floor and two finished bedrooms in attic. $8,000. Terms arranged, Box 122, Times- Gazette. (Nov8-14) LOT ABOUT 50'x135" MASSON ST. NEAR ROSSLAND ROAD On high ground, lovely views. PHONE 3063 (261b) 150 ACRE FARM, HALF MILE OFF New 8 room house, bide, gofiverjericss, Sood suhdings, oughing done. one Ty 299J. (261c) ) | NEW, MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, ready for occupancy on or before Jan. ist. Apply J. A. Bickell, 208 Celina COMFORTABLY FURNISHED, or twin bedrooms accommoda Continuous hot water, Gentlemen ferred. Phone 2089, ; ( FURNISHED BEDROOM, WITH PRI- | vate bath, continuous hot water, suit- able for two. 209 Simcoe South. (262d) SINGLE te four ARAGE, CENTRALLY LOCATED. AP- ply Box 129, Times-Gazette. (262b) FARM, 30 TO 150 ACRES, WITH GOO! buildings, near Oshawa. Phone 4733J. (26 $125--$150. FOR CENTRAL STORE, pay more if satisfied. Immediate poss- ession or sometime in April, must be central Box 120 Times-Gazette. (2458) YOUNG COUPLE, NO CHILDREN, PER- manently stationed in army, require furnished room with light housekeep- ing, as soon as possible, Post office Box 427, Oshawa. ( SMALL HOUSE, 2 OR 3 ed rooms urgently required veteran, wife and one small 121 Times-Gazette. war id. Box (260c) DINING-ROOM SUITE, - | inet, girl's coat set, 16. ) Ave, COO, D | 25534. ) | SERENADER RADIO, OIL HEATER, DELAVAL SEPARATOR and small radio, Apply 607 Rng : J) : ) y ones . (262a) FOR SALE. . AP- (261Db) CONTINENTAL BED ply 240 Burk St. 2 FURNACE BURNERS, - WILL . GIVE contract for oll, Phone 1839W, even- After Nov, 10th. . (261b): KING AND. EATING APPLES. PH. delivered. (261h) YOUNG , WYANDOTTE, Barred Rock, 5 and 6 1ps., $1.65 each. Apply 500 Bloor St. E. (261¢; MODERN BLACK AND WHITE ENAM- el kitchen buffett, $20. "Gdod cOndi- tion. Phone #305J. 4 (261c) ICE BOX, GOOD CONDITION, WHITE 1, 72 Kk. Ave, (26lc) GOOD CONDI- Beautiful stair and hall run- = | mer, with wrought iron rods and fit- 2 standard size venetian blinds. model Hoover vacuum, with at- 11 Hall St. tings, Late : (asic) 3 ROOMS OR SMALL HOUSE BY young couple, one child, Very Wig Phone 4741R (261d) PLAST: , GENUINE floor finish, ends waxing, polishing, IN room house by end of A family, careful tenants, clean respectable help us, Phone 3430W. living, u adic) 8t. Realtor, (261b) $7 50 --cash buys 6-room solid ' brick, nicely decorated, oak floors Rrougho, gum wood trim, ath, y y tubs, built-in sink and cupboards in the kitchen, hot water heated, garage, east end This is a real buy, W. J. SULLEY Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer PHONE 716 (261c) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $3 50 --6-room insul brick, corner ' lot, Rosehill Blvd. $4,500 500 Br Ro $ 4 50 --6-room stucco, Montrave. ' --T7 acres, 6-room stucco, exchange for house. $5 ,20 E. Exchange small house. $6,000 Westmount. 5-pe. bah. $7,000 5e20i8 for investment. $7.50 ion. Street, | Possession now. oil business, truck, 5-room home, large lot, storeroom, Exchange $7,880 Vacant $2.50 cash $8 50 --New modern 13;-storey, ' bi All conveniences, $1,600. wn, $4.80 --6-room brick. Athol St. $6.200 a $7.000 Vermin mona. wew. = $7 50 --Flour and Feed, gas and ' on house. 7-room. $3,500 cash, WILFRID McAULEY REALTOR 150 DIVISION ST. PHONE SA TIME th) A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS West: Four DAIOBASE hetred ! (Nov20) SUPFER WITH RHEUMATISM Er Beals 360 Riteon . LISTING ursing Service valescents, Jo co, 08 Ath °F service, 0] A 16T1W. : (Dec8) 26--Real Estate Wanted $3,900 08 Laxeview caren. | & MS Box 126 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANT- ed for family of 3 adults. Times-Gazette, (261b) Y, Jlevenls accidents, stain- roof, main! a lustrous gloss after ing washed with soap, and water. Saves time, labor and floors. We de- diver. Phone 4538W, Associated Ser- vices, 23 Bond West, (Dec8) 2 FRENCH DOORS 20"x68' 7", one plain door 30"x6' 8", Jute lass mirror 45" fone Toeten tad, RT Jide v 3: o "Pr. skates," size Phone Tois: (261b) RESPECTABLE ENGLISH AIR veteran, wife and infant, need a ent or rooms. Please phone Y 4 ings. (2611) 32--Automobiles For Sale '40, 3-TON DGE » TRUCK, LONG wheel base, 15 foot platform. Mechan- ically ik Bast offer, Ray Michels, RR, No. 1, Pontypool. (262e), '35 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDITION. Phone 2302, Bowmanville, (262¢c) 20 WHIPPET, GOOD TIRES AND heater, Apply 329 Court St. (2620) 3 PIECE SUITE, $30. Apply 31 Elena St. (261c) CUSTOM BUILT TRACTOR, ON RUB- ber, very powerful. Phone 289J13, af- ter 6 (Nov7-20) CHICKENS, 6 AND 7 LBS, 35c LB, OR $1.50 on foot, order now for week-end delivery. Phone 4739W. (Nov6,10,12,13,17,19) BEST QUALITY HAND PICKED OYS- ters, $7.50 per half barrel box, F.O.B. here, pRed C.0.D. if desired. John- son 1 McLeod, Tabusintac, '30 PLYMOUTH COUPE, NEW BAT- ery , spare tire, sealed beams and hydraulic brakes, best offer. Apply 84 Buckingham after 6. (261c) '37 FORD COUPE. APPLY 960 SIMCOE 8t. N. (261c) FOR YOUR WEEK-END SELECTION '47 ROADMASTER BUICK SEDAN '46 STYLEMASTER CHEV. SEDAN '41 PONTIAC COUPE, radio and heater, '40 CHEV. MASTER DeLuxe Coach '40 PONTIAC Silver Streak Coach '40 CHRYSLER WINDSOR (radio, heater, foglights) '39 CHEV. COACH '39 PONTIAC COUPE '39 FORD DELUXE SEDAN '3¢ CHEV. STANDARD COACH Many more models to choose from, Be sure to see these cars at * BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING ST. WEST (260tsr) TON STAKE and fills racks, tail gate, Good Tal ovr » 8 0Or out. URGENTLY WANTED BY WAITIN clients, houses of all sizes. Phone G. Barrow, Broker, 3165W. (262c) ON HOUSES Motors, tate Broker. Alice St (261b) MODERN HOUSES WANTED FOR clients with cash. List your property now and get action. Mortgage loans ar- d, one 3510M and I will call ousehold "Repairs REPAIRED AND RE- oD. Oulton. 18 My i ; (Dec8) 'hone 401. |7--Radio Repair: AND APPLIANCE SERVICING, Boo and satisfaction, pick up and Reasonable role a Ct Wo ler, (Nov.28) 8--Automobile Repairs "S GARAGE, CORNER VERDUN Gl to GM, A er MN | (Noy13) #2-- Lost and Found VILL PERSON WHO TOOK WRONG, dl-weathér coat, from Masonic Hall, friday, ase return to 86 Albert St. hone 17§2J. (262¢ EEY CASE CONTAINING CAR KEYS nd lice: tag, on Golf, Alexandra St., jimcoe North. Phone 3908J. (262a) 23--Women"s Column CER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY ned. Call Mrs I. Henry. after 118M. (Novi2) PE! and inspect your . W. Me- Auley, Realtor, 150 ori 8t. (Dec.6) LISTINGS WANTED List your property with an experienced Real Estate Broker. Selling real estate in Oshawa for over 20 years. Property sold in October, total sales $63,800.00. Could have sold as many more .if we had tHe properties for sale. BERT PEYTON Real Estate & Insurance 13 BOND ST. EAST PHONE 3399 (261c) 29--Rooms For Rem DOUBLE . BEDROOM TWIN beds, suitable for 2 gegtlemen. Central. | Apply 265 Albert 8t., after 6 p.m, (261c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR RENT. Phone 1950J. . (261b) LARGE FRONT ROOM home, for busi man, AE ision St. (261b) a Ahat. 5. | 1 BEDSITTING ROOM WITH KITCHEN privileges. Apply 163 8t. E JHARIS | POUNDATION GARMENTS Jorréctiverand surgical garments, bras- lerers. Phone Mrs. Blatter, Manager, Iternoonp and evenings, 2504W. (Decl) So Sad: Laie) BEDROOM FO! WITH SINGLE beds, suitable Tor 2 gentlemen, Cen- tral. Phone 2035. {200c) , Tear condition through o lakes it. Pow Motor Sues NL 3 (261c) 42 , BUICK SPECIAL SEDANETTE condition, torpedo body, disc dbs iiid ) ELECTR! ers, now available on APPLES, BY BASKET, BUSHEL OR barrel, delivered. Apply 288 Festubert St, Phone 3530W. (257g) HARDWOOD Maple Hardwood and slabs, Stove lengths. Immediate delivery. Phone 481 B. W. Haynes -- 30 Park Rd. N. (Dec8) WOODEN BARRELS, CAPACITY 20 gallons, suitable for cider, sauerkraut, wines, meats, strong, sturdy, clean, De- livered, 174 Ritson South, Phone 3235. (Nov, 24) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Made to measure in various colors and materials. Free estimates and installations anywhere. Direct Factory Sales J. V . MELLEY Phone 4101W Oshawa PO Box 421 TRICYCLES, NEW, AT REDUCED Jiless, to clear, also bicycles. Buy now or Christmas. Phone 4491M. (246tf) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER ft. Measured and installed. George Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Nov23) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St N' Phone 3800W, (Nov25) A OIL BURNERS -- SALES PLUS A complete reliable service; Out-of-town customers solicited. W. Borrowdale. Phone 584J, v18) COAL RANGES. T ust received Some with reservoir. Dif- . D.VA credits Simcoe North (Nov9) soft THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten MOM NEARLY CALLED OUT THE RIOT SQUAD TO GET BRATELLA NEAR A PIANO ' QV Le © 60 SHE FINALLY 6OT THE KID TO LEARN A TUNE OR TWO AND HOW DOES SHE TELL IT! HEM, HEH! GE A LISTEN NANCY BARRINGTON, PASADENA, CAL. [I H J ALL LIBERAL WOMEN OF OSHAWA are invited to attend meeting, Wed- nesday, November 19th, 8 p.m. Cen- tral Hotel, Or and of Officers. (Nov.10,14,15) RUMMAGE SALE, KING ST. CHURCH, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1:30. (2628) BAZAAR, 8th MOTHER'S AUXILIARY, Athol St. Scout Hall, Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 2:30, (Nov.10,11) RUMMAGE SALE, ST. GEORGE'S PAR- ish Hall, Tuesday, November 11, at 1:30 p.m. (261b) 37--Articies Wanted WOULD LIKE BESCOVEY DUCKS, dressed, for Christmas use, Apply Box 128, Times-Gazette. (262¢) PIANO WANTED, ANY MAKE, WHEN writing please state size, description; make and price wanted. Box 124, Times-Gazette (Noval) CHILD'S AUTOMOBILE. PHONE 1530M. (260c) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, SIDE WALK bikes, any size or condition, also white skates. Phone 4491M. Rmgswar. Socios. ov. 15. FSPOT OASH PAID ralture, box. Quebec a cook 3 . Quel A 5 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M (Nov13) JH. PIANO3 WANTED FOR CAS WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. ' (Nov24) AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYER, REA- gonaple, good condition. Box, on Three only Minneapolis Honewell Damper controls. 1 only Philco 1947 Electric refrigerator, 9 cubic Feet. Also three only 1948 Toastmasters. Two only GE. electric Blankets, blue. see these at ,... 17 WHITTINGTON RADIO PPLIANCE rife on ajo sori (261c) dg: terms. Ten dollars down, and five dollars per month. Meagher's, Simcoe North. (Nov15) WILSON'S GREAT FALL FURNITURE SALE NOW ON CHESTERFIELD SUITE SPECIAL .--New 3-plece Chesterfield Suite. 11 spring construction--carved show- wood fronts and arms, deep restful feats, smartly sophisticated in design-- argain. 180. --It's a Kroehler beautiful suite-- w Spilling cushionized construction. See it, try it, sink down deep in its billowy comfort. You will be proud to cwn this gorgeous suite, exclusively Kroehler, OUR LOCATION: SAVES YOU MONEY . LOVELY BEDROOM SUITES $88.3-plece styled in the modern manner with smooth, streamlined wa- terfall fronts, beautifully finished in walnut, sturdily constructed through- Put with roomy - drawers. Wonderful uy. $127--The beauty and richness of this Jettecity matched walnut Bedroom ite will take your breath away--Real distinctive lines, large plate mirrors, luxurious suite--Come in and see for yourself, OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY BREAKFAST SUITE ~Bright, modern: 6-plece Breakfast +7 Here's a suite that features every at a price that rep- 1 xt 1 BEST OFFER 1941 Pontiac Silver-Streak Coupe. Heater, radio, new tires, excellent condition, BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING WEST PHONE 3344R (25011) a real buffet, 4 chal; -| $179.--Beautiful ing. ra Spi rs, jack-knife table. nette Suite in gen- uine walnut. Newest styling for the modern new home. YOU WILL BE THRILLED WITH THIS VALUE, OUR LOCATION SAVES YQU MONEY STUDIO COUCH $44.50--For fitting up an "extra bed- room" or for the small apartment or bed -sitt! room---here's solid comfort. 100% sp: h construction. Has roomy 33--Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe orth Phone 4695W. = orth USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD, call Oshawa Car Sales 3008J King West. " ® (Novasy LAKESHORE AUTO - Cars wanted for Hines prices paid Prone BE: evento TS SEE US BEFORE SHELLING We will pay top price for your car. BELMONT MOTORS 137 King St. West '(258tL) 34--Pets and Livestock CANARIES, BORDER AND LLERS, all colors, in full song, Seals will held for Christmas. Phone storing extra bedding-- smart covering. $13.95--Folding bed--Just the thing when company comes--A real space saver--Folds into a convenient size for storing when not in use. BABY PRAMS Choice selection of new 1947 styles and colours, convertibles and prams, also play pens, high chairs, beautiful cribs, and mat 1! , doll prams, etc. Visit our 'large baby department. Wilson's prices are lower, --GIPT SUGGESTIONS-- Give furniture -- the lasting gift. We have many beautiful walnut tables for your selection. Coffee Tables, End Tables, Smokers, T cy hy iner Chairs, Bede room Chairs, Hampers, Blankets, Bedspreads, WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 Church Street Yo (261k) (Nov.10,11,12,14,15) WELL ROTTED WEEDLESS MANURE. three seyenty-five per yard, three yards for ten. Oshawa Nursery, Phone 3234; (Nov. 11.) ORNAMENTAL IRON PORCH RAILINGS Made to. Order. Quick Delivery Estimate Given PHONE 1305R imes-G HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON metal, rags, méttresses. Phone 635 C Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Btation. (Decl) GOOD USED FURNITURE WA! ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W. (Dec5) 39--Male Help Wanted PIN BOYS WANTED, 16 YEARS OR over, $25-$30 weekly; for good live boys. Apply Motor City Bowling Club, 5215 Simcoe St. N. (260e) MEN WANTED TO SELL WATKINS Household products, , Earnings from $45 up.» Apply Box 113 Tme-Gazenie. DELIVERY BOY Delivery boy, part and full time. KARN'S DRUG STORE (2601) 39b--Male and Female Help WOMAN FOR PLAIN COOKING, MAN as handy man and help in beverage room, good home and good wages for right couple. Apply Mr. Taylor, Hotel Elmhurst, Newcastle. Phore Mist) 41--Employment Wanted HANDYMAN WANTS WORK, BUILD- ing trade, some experience laying brick, glaze tile, carpentry, age 37, Bri- tish immigrant. Write H, Hale, Cour- tice, or phone 4794J1. (260c) WOULD LIKE TYPING, ADDRESSING or duplicating work to be done at home. Phone 2175J, (262b) to help you ¢ Have you ever stopped § and wondered WHY you suffer those sudden Sabe ? those joint and muscle pains It may be Nature's best method of were working well. purities from the body. settle and accumulate in the delay when you get warning a medicine made Pills, This valuable remedy can be relied on to_help in toning and enlivening the kidneys to function the better and assist Here is a medicine made specially Ja warning that all is not well with you. Pain may be caused by waste matters that should have been cleared from the system. They should have been cleared if the kidneys These all-important organs must be helped to function normally 0 that they can get on with their ceaseless work of helping to eliminate harmful im- If these are left to trouble in the form of a crippling attack of sciatica or lumbago may develop. So don't specially for your trouble--DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder, For over half a suf- serious £, C. DeWitt & Co, Ltd. P.O. Box 549 Debt, R6) Adelaide St., TORONTO Please send a free trial of De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. Address ....ccisssessssssssserassssssass in z the sy DEWITT'S PILLS For Kidney and Bladder Troubles ®. 60 cunts (40 pis, LARGE SIZE $1.00 100 Servants Share In Winant's Estate Concord, N.H,, Nov. 10-- (AP) --Friends and employees were liberally remembered in the will of John G. Winant, former Am- bassador to Great Britain and three times governor of New Hampshire, who shot himself to death last Monday. The will, tiled for probate, val- ued personal property at $50,000 and real estate at $25,000. The document, dated Nov. 18, 1940, left two-fifths of the resi. due to his widow and the re- maining three-fifths to his three children. The 68-year-old diplomat pro- 42--Legal Notices FITTINGS, LIMITED DIVIDEND NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a semi- annual dividend of thirty cents (30c) per share has been declared on the outstanding Convertible Class "A" Shares, No Par Value, of the Company, payable January 1st, 1948, to shareholders of = record, Tiidey the 5th day of December, 1947, By order of the Board. D. D. STORIE, Secretary-Treasurer. Dated at Oshawa November 7, 1947, (262a) vided for the care of his aged mother and also for a year's sale ary for all servants with three or more years of service, : His personal adviser, J, Bere nar" Teulon, was left $20,000, and bequests of $5,000 each went to two housemaids, a former sec- retary, and to Arthur J. Coyle, Texas oil man and "buddy" of Winant in the first world war, TIRES and ACCESSORIES on TIME! 9 Bond St. West Phone 623 Oshawa, Ont. *Buy Round Trip and Save 10% Adelaide 5231 Toronto Telephone ¢ AIR EXPRESS TRANSCONTINENTAL * CI 4 1% wm A v W when you Hy FREQUENT FLIGHTS | J fi \ DIRECT NE! OR YOUR TRAVEL AGENT * PASSENGER . y 0 * AIR MAIL TRANS-CANADA Ao) NON-STC Yea, ~9 4-1 C1133 tor SRZEBVEEE E> ARAWWI NN eal