PAGE TWELVE . THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1947 WANT AD SECTION < BREET , BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1-Auditons BlOKLE ACCOUNTANT AU- Articles For Sale .. 3 Articles Wanted .. 37 Agents Wanted ... 40 Auditors ......... 1 Automoblies For Bale ....iiv000000 33 Automobiles tax forms Phone. 1004. Ber Arto Be (t Lh) 8:7 Joss, hy SR LED @ SEN 21, Meer Bag. King eral St, East. Phone 2 countant and auditor, (Sept. 5 Automoblle Repairs 18 © Auction Sale ..... 63 Barristers ........., 3 Bullding Trades .. 11 Instruction 2--Barristers LOUIS 8. nay, iy Spanged 3 : Neen. 11) tunities ......... 30 anted n InP f 5 ECT Tana AL Soyth. Phone 4, Renton s a0 739. (Sep.19) ONE INSERTION TWO CONSECUTIVE INS Shore fates apply withots 3 Professional and Business ge py lg ey RL Each initial letter, abbreviation INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Funeral Directors § Ferhale Help Gardening and Supplies Loan Wanted ...... fa Lost and Found .. 23 Legal Notices ...... 4 bin sersscnee 3 Male or Female Help > Wanted see a Money to Loan .. § Nursing Service Optometrists «...... 8 CLASSIFIED AD RATES TIONS THREE GONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS . EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTIO! full word. Box charged 10¢c addtional All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-2 CORT PET sessenee 18 Real Estate Wanted .coveeeces 38 - Real Estate BXChADES ..o0..00 37 Rooms For Rent .. 29 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board Wanted ......... 308 Veterinarians Women's Column . 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 sesesee 10 eeenes 7 20 Words Each Add? Less Word orders for consecutive insertions. at a later date constitute a .00 per month for for all words over 20. $ and ¢ sign, figure count as a KO, "Solicitor Bank of Montreal Bulld- . Phone 99. (Sept) Pi BARRISTER, ETO. e_ loans, tional Housi; A 28 Simcoe Norta. Phone 1014. (Augl?) (8ept1) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons DR. BAPTY, SURGEON, 153 BING 2 E., Oshawa. Phone 3832. Hours: 0 Swerve and a pad Wed. and 'Sty ). to 4 and 7 to 8 (Sept.13) 4--Chiropractors HEALTH OLINIC, y eral tment. 9 am af 8 Tea CA ro and Friday, ©. Lt | 22--Lost and Found ) 29--Rooms For Rent LOST, BILLFOLD, VICINITY FOOD Shop and Ritson Rd. Sum of money, car license. Reward. Phone 968W. (194c) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, LOST, AT OSHAWA LAKE, SATUR- day night, a bay team, finder Pjoase phone 1586M, (183c) 23--Women's Column tral, garage, continuous . hot water. Phone (194c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, ONE BLOCK from bus lines, quiet home. 559 Masson St. Phone 2764W. * (194¢) TWO ADJOINING, GROUND FLOOR rooms, North end, Bo: CHARIS FOUNDATION GARMENTS. ay Siretat, corrective ae how brassieres. fio Bitter, AER, 2504 W. (Spel) 24--Personal BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW, MODERN decorator's colors, custom made, less up to thirteen feet, any Length. Write Acme Rug, 188 King West, Ham- {iton. (Augas) 2 LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, WORK- Ey couple gPreterred, Central. Fri 4 id Albert 8 FURNISHED BED - SITTING and kitchen. Suitable for 2 single Spicnal, Apply 164 Elgin phone 1 rls, (1830) FURNISHED BEDROOM, MAN PRE- ferred. Close to Motors. Phone aw. ic 4 | 25--Real Estate For Sale LARGE SINGLE AND double Bedroom CEN. ; bed ICE KI M | ticall 3205 34--Pets and Livestock 36--Articles For Sale SPANIEL PUPPIES COCKER FOR sale. Phone 3337W. (193¢c) CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3-PC. APPLY 25 A Avenue, i (194a) le TR Exyrocker champion. * 0] Phone 3903W. SPANIEL 's outstanding at rices. % Rigacs BE : with reservoir. Dif- D.V.A. credits Mengher's, Mima North. . ZANELS, 'REGISTERED es an: wn Reasonable. pp er tied. Waubena Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Highway, (Sept16) 35--Wearing Apparel Sept) 3 dea Mi HOUSE . FULLY EQUIPPED, good condition} Phone 930. . (194b) THERIQUE PORTABLE PERMANENT wave machine, Steamer, Hallawell, Dryer. Apply 43 Colborne St. E. (194c) SPRING CHICKENS, 25c PER LB, alive, cucumbers, all sizes, Phone 66W11, (194c) (GERATOR, EXCEL- Apply 357 Jarvis St. (194a) QUANTITY OF GYPROC, ALSO COOK or Sa" Oldfield, RR. No. 1, North Osh- (194a) ELECTRIC lent condition. ST. COOK AR), Phone 4643W. (GURNEY good condition, a) 3 store, (Sept8) CEMENT 10 bags, 1.30; 30 bags, 1.25; 100 bags, 1.20. Delivered in Oshawa and vic- inity., Phone TORONTO MIDWAY 4876 Reverse Charges (1901) ft. Measured Hk By) George ur and M Red Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Aug23) 'CUMBERS, CARROTS, 1150 Shino ed. Fri) TOMATOES, CU! ete. Coakwells', Phone 4488J. MEDIUM SIZED good condition, Hall St. Flehirticlos Wanted (of T, TANK AND ELECTRI Gi 8 Oldfield, R.R. No. ' Oshawa, (1948) as ' CRIB. PHONE VODDEN, 4798J. (194b) PORTABLE: GASOLINE POWER COM- pressor. Phone 4314M. (194b) spoT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED 8 "TRUNK, reasonable. Apply a3 (193¢c) GENERAL ELECTRIC, 7-TUBE, TABLE model Fadlo, good condition, Apply 243 Quebec (194a) SMALL TARY OUTBOARD MO- tor boat. Can easily be rowed. Real ice box, ebec_heater, cook stoves. 94 Bond West, Phono 3 no gooD USED Joo voles, ©o0k 8 WANTED and heaters. 56 King West. (Sept3) Cheap. Apply 254 Clarke St., b 5 and 7.30 p.m. (Wed. SLi FULL SIZE BED AND MATTRESS, and springs, 2 dresser#and Kitehen table. YA th 'Gladstone. (194c) WASHING MACHINE, GOOD CONDJ- tion. Deforest Crosley mantel radio. 20 ft, 2x4" 3' wire fence. 112 Celina 8t., Oshawa. (194b) CHESTERFIELD SUITE SIMMONS double bed and spring, kitchen table. Phone 3721W, (194a) 16 GAUGE ITHICA PUMP GUN. NEW condition, 30-40 8, Singtel Gite. Good condition. Phone (194b) NG, 100 Te TCE-BOX, PRAC- new. Well insulated. Phone (193b) COMBINATION AUTOMATIC RECORD pisyer and radio. Also records. New. hone 3410M. (193b) ONE PR. FRENCH DOORS. FROSTED glass, oxi, complete, 162 Burk St. (193b) BUILDING 2236 2200 a SUARE FEST 2 apartments u; - For gt, phone aw, To (1941) EN LAND, N. 2; ACRES, GOOD GARDEN mile Elec- free. t Monday §--Optometrists (Sept) @. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST, Oshawa. 2.3 os Zaone 1516. Evening A Sept5) OFFICE, city limits. tricity, phone. A lovely place to bully your home, overl the N.E. tion of the city, Phone 4231J. (1940) Anish HOUSE, LIVABLE, NOT QUITE fi 1 acre land, JURY AND nr Dori ars ® am. to 6 pm, Wednesday 9 to 1. Johnson. Optometrist. 28. BR a (Aug4) garage, mile north Tooley's Hill, Courtice. A ly R. D. Barraball RR. No. 3, Bowmanvill lle. (1941 8 ROOMS, SUNPORCH, FRUTT UIT TREES, Ee reurarey CE St. lot. Pri os, $5000, Je mediate. "possession. Apply 21 Conant . i SOLID harawood foors, 4 ALL GENERAL INSURAN ee Shou North, over Life, Accident, "Automobile Surety Bonds, Plate Glasd, Etc, (Sept2) PEACOCK'S INSURANCE sEmvioR Sous us Tor auy of Inge. afi King street 7--Veterinarians DR._B. H WEBSTER. LARGE AND small animal . 101 Richmond St. W, Phone 201 (Sept.11) 8---Funeral Directors East. (Shone 9--Money To Loan 8% FIRST MORTAGAGE MONEY &vatiabie on Bow ow and tapoved proper- of insurance tnctud. | 1 LL) 8, Sar ossession 50 afage, Ave, Apply ay Alber St NICE LEVEL LOT. 615 KING ST, WEST. 00x200. Reasonable price. Apply 585 King 8t. West. (167t0) ROOM HOUSE, 1 ACRE LAND, 200 grabes i Fri trees and nan vi e- sell or exch: or ronto ba, Apply at 197 {ibbon st, w Oshawa, (192c) FOR ae WEST SIDE, DUPLEX, $8000., cash, n lower Shartinedt o one month, For further de- ails ap A. E. Murdoch, Heal" Estate Broker. (192¢) 8-ROOMED NEW BRICK HOUSE, AT 290 Eulalie Ave, Possession Nov, lst. Call after 5. (1921) new house, y Spr; Pg flied mattresses, break- fast if desired, 203 Ritson Rd. 8. Phone 4039R, (193b) | St, MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTOR, 6 H.P. run only 20 hours. Apply 84 Gibbon (193b) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON metal, mattresses. Phone 63% C Metals, back C.NR. Station (Sept) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. ams 38--Fomale Help Wanted GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, NO COOK- ing or washing, 22 Division 8t. (1948) EXPERIENCED "HOUSEMAID, CHARAC- ter references required. 3 adults family, good wages. Phone 2161. VY WANTED BY LARGE INSURANCE Branch office in Oshawa, & junior clerk with commercial or business college training. Please state age, qualifications and salary expected to Box 432, Times- Gazette. (194¢) EXPERIENCED HAIR DRESSER, GOOD hourse, Phone 2583W, (194¢) HOUSEKEEPER, 3 ADULTS. NO WASH- ing or waxing. Apply ww Mrs. E. Don- ald, 64 Brock St. East. (193¢c) WOMAN OR | GIRL children 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE for working couple, Phone i Ee ED So, SUL able for ousekee Ritson South, after 6. P PP i030) COMFORTABLE ROOM, home, harawood 4 Zoom ed, SPIE Tm IN QUIET ly furnish- ast if de- ) | sired, et i Sos A = Times-Gazette. . (192c) USED LUMBER FOR SALE. AP John Alberts, North Oshawa. (193¢) MASTIC TILE, RUBBER TILE, PLY- wood, felt, cement, metal trim, Lev-Le Flor, etc. wholesale prices. Floor Roof and Wall Co. 243 Queen West, Toronto. (Aug2T) DRY MIXED SOFT WOOD, STOVE lengths. by the truck load, Cedar poles. any quantity delivered. PLY posts, Phone 93e) 29a--For Rent a ay ELE BON #6 per month. Meagher" 29b--Summer Resorts LAKE COTTAGE, 20 miles from Osh- (1941) SMALL SUMMER Scugog, furnished, awa. Phone 1170, FOR RENT, RAINPROOF TENTS AND cots. See Con Glecoff, Phone 1840W or 3wW (Sept.5) 30a--Room & Board Wanted GIRL EMPLOYED DESIRES room and board, Central" 'and private. Box 425, Times-Gaget (192¢) 31--Wanted To Rent YOUNG LADY SCHOOL TEACHER, desires small furnished apartment, near Box 435, Times-Gazette. 7-ROOM BRICE HOUSE OAK FLOOR, throughout, newly dscorated, garage, lot 50x11. 225 Beatty A (1891) (194c) URGENTLY NEEDED, 3 OR 4-ROOM apartment or fiat, Phone 4286W1. (193b) vision). Office 23); » Oshawa. Phone 2928J. (Sept2) gus Ss MONIES AvarlabLy FO! Buster Hassett' Hi Bw! (Me Simcoe St. oans. for the Lng Life Assurance | FOR R Tot | $4.80 SALE TWO PARCELS VACANT land at 97 k Road North, 262' in all, at $10 Pa foot. Desirable resi- dential. Apply A. E. Murdoch, Real Estate Bro (191g) Ee S-room brick veneer 0' Sse. All con TWO OR THREE FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms, by young couple, no children. Phone 4351J. (193c) 2 OR 3 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH- ed rooms, flat or apartment, Job school teacher, wife and child. Write A, Win- ter. Box 76, Cobourg, Ont. " (193c) ute, No. 4. (Aug20 Building Trades MACHINE SHOP. ALL KINDS FARM tier ORG ete Phone 13, Courtice. (190t1) ROOFING MATERIAL AVAILABLE; Roofs surveyed and estimates free; 10- Reference Dun and guarantee; id Box 310, Times-Gazette. (Aug.25) 'A, BAND AND pay "tor or dump boii service. manure, . mushroom manure. Vurnya gravel for driveways. Apply 163 Ritson South (Sept5) 4 YDS, DUMP TRUCK SER POR 5 TRUCK VICE, Haulage" 4653W Sand Generel Use. Bill and Mike Dro Dro- Albert St. Os ont. $6 500-0 brick veneer house, ' all Sonveniences, Central. Immediate possession, $1, 2 um nice summer cot- Close to Oshawa. I have some bh farms, would con- sider house in exchange, also the fol- lowing businesses for sale: 2 general stores, one flour and feed business, one service station. Enquire about any of the above. Make appointment to see ti W. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 716 25c--Farmers' Column (194b) YOUNG SOW, DUE Supt. 1st; ol bred concession, ( 193b) 26--Real Estate Wanted REAL ESTATE BRONER aa Sat) r |W. J. SULLEY, and A Auctioneer. Listings wan Phone 1352W. ( Sept.9) METAL WORK Dealer for new ides Phone 4505J. (Sept8) small cementing Jobe done. or in. Sept8) SAND. GRAVEL. VE Comes Tom An trucks To re contract or Muir, Courtion Phone ou Baber € (Septl) MIXER FOR RENT, SMALL onntracted. H. Wilson. Phone (Aug30) 12--Personal Services VON GUNTEN, A at 46 King lest. Your patronage solicited 5 (Aug20) ORDER YOUR PURE PEPPER, CINNA- mon and Watkins Jroducte, Da special price. Phone 4491 (Sept.6) or nhs JS Ru-mex-ol, 5] Rawleigh 384 Ritson 8. 2ITR (Sept3) 14--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED A ND RE. ERE 0 ll ul (Sept) : 20--Business Opportunities HI WOODWORKING 2, for pe. Good person lle 2703 Tor appoint (193¢c) ors ROOM WELL BUILT BUNGA- low with all conveniences in north or south east section. Box 431, Times- azette, (193e) 4-YRAR- 35 FORD SEDAN, Apply 234 Division St. URGENTLY REQUIRED We need a home, my eight-year-old son and I. Can you help us out? House preferred but would be thankful if we could get three un- furnished rooms, two unfurnished rooms with board, or even board would be a great help. I am steadily employed. Can furnish references. Apply Box 433, Times-Gazette (194c) 32--Automabiles For Sale PONTIAC SEDAN. PERFECT CON- dition New motor. 610 Athol St. Whitby, (194b CONDITION. (194a) '41 PLYMOUTH COACH, EXCELLENT shape. Phone 2143R, (184b) '34 MASTER CHEV, COACH. APPLY 122 Park Rd. 8. Phone 1087J. FORDSON TRACTOR sale, Phone 1652W11. FOR QUICK (194a) '28 CHEV., NEW TIRES, BEAM lights, Apply 117 Huron St. (194b) TIMBER LIMITS WITH OR WITHOUT land, write to Box 430, Fimes-Gazetie. e Ep re 2 ; EX 8 > (192¢) | ditto '47 FORD TRACTOR, WITH PLOW scoop and pulley. D. Mit- chell. 89 Burk St, (193t£) Fox 412 Simcoe N., Oshawa (194c) |G: ONE LARGE, ONE SMALL, QUEBEC heater. G. McMahon, mile north, town line east. (1 93b) TOASTERS, IRON MIXMASTERS, coffee makers. All i stock. Whitting- ton Radio Apppliances, 5 Bond So (191e) LApply Tod's Bread. Care two good wages. 84 Cadiline South. GIRL AS MOTHER'S HELP, SEVERAL afternoons per week. 15 years or over. Reliable and accustomed to handling children. Phone 420. (193¢) 39--Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR MEN'S clothing store, Stas wages. Apply Box 427, Times-Gazet (183b) SALESMAN a BREAD ROUTE. (193b) WANTED AT ONCE! MAN OR WOM- to rvice customers for famous Watkins "Products in Save, Estab- lished Susie rings weekly aver- age, startin lately. No invest- ment. Box 423 er ett, (Sept15) (193¢) THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten ST NHAT, MANADO I; I DIDN'T HEAR YOU Lm = A XU CRIN DEAF? I YELLED THREE : "TiMco! 1 WANS TOR 1" 60 70 NNN » AN 3 By PHILIP TURNER LONDON --(REUTERS)--The British Overseas Airways Corpor- ation has started an all-out "ser- vice and civility" drive to attract customers, With new routes increasing and fare-paying passengers taking the place of service or government officials, the corporation is aware that old staff hands must be 're- freshed" in the art of .handling customers, and newcomers given thorough initiation. B.0.A.C, operates some of the longest routes in the world and special technique is necessary to ensyre that passengers are ad- equately catered for in varying climates and under extreme and difficult conditions. At the corporation's training college the staff is taught by lect- ures, practical demonstration and films how to cope tactfully and courteously with any that may arfSe during a flight. The course lasts from three to six months according to the aptitude of the pupils and no employee is D d out" until his superiors CAR RADIOS. IMMEDIATE DELIV- ery. RCA, B. F. Goodrich, GM. Whit- tington Radio Appliances, 5 Bond St. West, (191e) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Aug25) GHOUSE MANTEL RADIOS, WESTING! $20.75, $10 down and $5 per month. (Sept.15) Meagher's, Simcoe North. AWNINGS. WE CAN NOW SUPPLY A limited number. Order early. Gee ept9) CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance, first qual- ity for double and single beds in beautiful two-toned colours, worth double the price. Money refunded if not satisfied. Sent C.O.D. plus postage in Canada. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal 18, Que. (Aug.13,16,20,23,27,30) IC FOOD MIX- on budget terms, Ten dollars down, and five dollars per month. Meagher's, Simcoe North. (Sept.15) GLOSSTONE -- GENUINE LASTIC floor finish. Gives linoleums, hardwood floors beautiful hard-wearing plastic finish, Phone 90-M-1. We deliver. (Septll) JUST LIKE NEW Frigidaire Stove, late deluxe table- top model, cook-master, time signal, and all latest accessories. Will trade for modern apartment model or sell for $325. or nearest offer. Phone 4651W DO] RMEYER, ers, now available (194a) TO SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS, EVERY- day cards paper, seals, ribbon and calendars, etc. also personal cards, 12/$1.00 and 25/$1.00. This is the finest and most complete line in Canada. Ex- cellent commission and fast service. For sample and literature, write at once to W. V, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 86 Kensington Ave, N., Hamilton, Ont. t.6) 1) FURNITURE SALESMAN WANTED Must be experienced, steady position. Apply WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. {183¢) 39b--Male and Female Help HELP WANTED FOR CANADIAN Grimsby Canners, Free transportation, Good wages Phone 1352W. (193d) EXPERIENCED COOK FOR SMALL hotel, good ages sod J jigs for right Retson, Dretera iy ears old. Apply Hote! AT lewcastle., Phone Clarke 3304 for appointment. (1891) 40--Agents Wanted THREE NEW FAST SELLERS, FISH Hook Disgorger, Crankease, oY iiistor, Auto towbar att: without tools, Attractive as proposi- tion. Victory Manutaciuring Company, Cornwall, Ontar (Aug.16) a 4 Employment Wanted G ELECTRIC RANGES, HOT plates, ATRING other electrical appliances, ank Snudden. Phone 2887R. (Aug26) ENUINE PLASTIC FLOOR FINISH will mot oti Saves your floors, ink wi not stain, en waxing, polishin id hard scrubbing. Dries in one hour Order now, we deliver. Phone Oshawa 4538W. Associated Services, 2 Bond Street West. Aug24) OIL BURNERS -- SALES Yrs A reliable service. Out-of-town '38 WILLYS SOUPS GOD) 'D CONDITION, good tires, $600. cash. Apply after. 6 pm. 579 King St. East. (193c) '36 PLYMOUTH COACH, GOOD tion, $550. Phone 4717J. CON=- (193b) P.200 BAVE HOUSE FARM OR |i business for Rh 30h ngy call, Wifrid MeAul Broker, 130 Division 85 Phone 3510M. Day (Augl$) Win pul- 41 FORDeON NE ACTOR on, stem, beh Tights. plow, ult ator. a ley, hydraul tion. Phone Bowmanville 2840. (193e) We have a special buyer who will pay cash, for 5 or 7-room bungalow, must be in good conditions well lo- cated. PHONE 169 BRADLEY BROS. (1988) 57--Real Estate Exchange UIPM] R GRO- d buy for person start- 34 Richmond E., (193¢c) plex in Oshawa to exchange for suit- able rommodation, ton. Phone 3608 after five, (183c) HAVE FOUR-ROOMED UPPER DU- [5 '34 hoynac SEDAN, 4 NEW TIRES. Apply 358 Kingsdale Ave. Phone WN c) 31 FORD Coupe. 3 SORD Coun: ac! 38 GHEY. Coach, '37 FORD Coach, 40 PONTIAC Coupe. 42 Army Ford Truck. CASH TERMS or TRADE NAIMAN'S GARAGE 181 Alpert St. (194c) 33--Automobiles Wantec ic scoop. All in A-1 Sond! | : Borrowdale. Phone 584J. . (Aug.18) GENUINS BICYCLES, PARTS "AND AC- mn all makes Lowest prices. B Bicycles ni ed 10c per hour. bi id Cycle, 595 King West. Phone (Sept3) ~ Wilson's Furniture Co. AUGUST FURNITUKE SALE CHESTERFIELD SPECIAL 10-pc, Chesterfield ensemble, spring filled, smart good wearing upholstering, consisting of 3-pc Chesterfield suite, 2 fancy cushions, table lamp and shade, Smiber, end table, 'and hassock. Special 10-PC. BEDROOM SPECIAL $119, Modern water-fall style vanity, chiffonier bed, spring, felt mattress, 2 feather pillows, bed lamp, 2 pictures. Exceptional value. . 10-PC. KITCHEN OUTFIT $70.50. Smart Eitchen Suite, consisting of buffet, table, OASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe St. Phone 4695W. * (Soptd) Phone 3362: evenings 1 ER ugis) nd and Livestock SAANEN me OLEING ood, 1 en in Nov r, also riding plow. ene SET er ao (193c) REGISTERED SOCKER § SPANIEL PUPS, 151 Tresane 1 'ree! (1920) 4 Seuidy chairs, electric iron, et gailage container, and stool. Excellent value. BABY PRALIS Choice selection of new 1947 styles and colours, convertibles and prams, also play pens, high chairs beautiful cribs and mattresses, doll prams, etc. Visit our large baby department. Wil- son's prices are lower. Wilson's Furniture Co. 20 Church St. (1940) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS ENED AND conditioned, machine ground. Called for and delivered. Lawnmowers bought, any condition Stan Fudge, 236 Eulalle Ave. Phone 3030M (Aug22) 42--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of ALEXANDER DURIE, Deceased. All persons having claims against Alexander Durle, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, In- surance Agent, who died on or about the 5th day of July, 1947 are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of September, 1947, full particulars of their claims. After the sald date, the Ex will the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to Slats of which she shall then have no DATED at OSHAWA this 11th day of August, 1947, Gh LOTTE DURIE, Executrix, c/o Louis 8. S. Hyman, Barrister 25 Simcoe set North, Oshawa, Ontario, (Aug.13-20-27) 43--Auction Sales FURNITURE SALE The property of Mrs. Levi Ellins, unbus, Ontario, Saturday, August 23. Terms, cash. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. (193b) MOSTLY OWN FOLK Stockholm -- (CP) -- More than 940,000 tourists are visiting this capital this summer, Of that number 60,000 are from the Uni- ted States and United Kingdom, while the remaining 800,000 are from provinces and rural dis- tricts. ) |give the Socialist are convinced that he has reached 'the very high standard set by the corporation. A stward must be young and A steward must be young and fit, combining the efficiency of a maitre d'hotel with. the qualities of a first-class club waiter. He must not only know how to deal with awkward passengers tact- fully and firmly, but he must have a knowledge of dietics, be capable of preparing a bottle for a baby, Civility Refresher For Airway Workers situation | Rattlesnake Pete Praises Pioneer Prairie Women Cochrane, Alta. -- (CP) -- Robert "Rattlesnake Pete" Dixon, 87, pio. neer resident of this district, about 19 miles northwest of Calgary, be- lieves he knows more about this country than anybody -- even the RCMP. An "undercover special" and range rider for the Mounties in the early days, he came to Canada from Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1880, He knows about all of the old timers of the West--""good and bad"--and the tales he can tell about the "early days" are countless. Dixon says he used to report to his commanding officer whenever he "felt like it." "If I didn't want to give information, the devil himself couldn't get it out of me." Because of his duties he had to rely on memory, rather than written reports--it was a good thing, too, because he neither reads or writes. Few people in those days knew "Pete" was connected with the Mounties, because he wore no "red coat" uniform and had no regimental number. "I could tell a lot about the rascals of the early days--it was my job to find out--but if I did some of the descendants of these men would read about it and I'd be accused of story-telling." Dixon got his nickname be- cause of hils interest in snakes and for cutting out the tongues of poisonous reptiles. One time he killed 180 snakes and later skin- ned them and sold them to a harness nmaker for novelties. Hhe holds the greatest admir- tactfully watch the interests of lone women travellers and be pre- pared to answer any question ranging from the geographical to what kind of transport will meet the plane at Capetown and--he must never be wrong, A B.O.A.C, official policy of "service" is ation of their "sales campaign." A new training film is to be made for the corporation at a cost of thousands of dollars to illustrate unusual yet actual exigencies which has cropped up, and the methods which should be used to deal with them. One sequence shows how a tactful bar steward can discour- age the attentions of a bore on unwilling listeners, Another how to handle the passenger who is "finicky" or unreasonably part- icular about diet. Staff is reminded that courtesy does not mean servility but the operative words are "calm and quiet--aquiet voice, quiet manner, no fuss, but a friendly efficiency delivered with a smile." In spite of the high standard demanded from employees of the corporation and the gruelling course they are all required to undergo there is no dearth of re- cruits. "We are inundated with applications," an official said, On one point the corporation is adamant: any 'idea by recruits that their work makes them "glamorous" is strictly discour- aged. "You are not a romantic figure," they are told. "You are servants of the public." insists the the found- Tokyo--(AP)--Premier Tetsu Katayama's government, now in the middle of a comprehensive economig¢ program, is fast losing support of a public which ex- pected miraculous solution of its living problems, Some Japanese political experts premier only three months to buttress his gov- ernment in office by proving he can lighten the economic burden on the little man. Less than two months ofter he assumed office, amid popular op- timism, Katayama now is en- countering public impatience that seers to be growing more evid- ent daily, Labor, once his strong- est support, is "outspoken in its criticism. Delays in distribution of ration- ed foodstuffs have increased pub- lic impatience, By mid-July, Tok- yo was more than 20 days behind in official distribution, The average Japanese is solely dependent on black markets for sustenance during periods when moderately-priced rationed food is unavailable, Even when govern. ment suplies come through, the people are forced to buy about one-third of their food at inflated black market prices. Labor began turning against the premier when its demands for an average wage. of 2,600 yen ($52) monthly were cut to 1,800 yen ($36), Its attitude hardened when th. government's economic white paper charged, in effect, that labor was not doing its share to help economic recovery, The Communist party and other leftist - groups charge that Katay- ama has "sold out" his Socialist principles for an office hobbled by conservative safeguards against radical planning. Katayama's government has won praise from many Allied rep- resentatives here for its apparent sincerity in attacking accumulat- ed economic problems. The cab- inet, after explaining the situat- ion thoroughly to' the public, has inaugurated comprehensive wage- price changes, closed all restau- rants serving black market food, promised tighter controls to con- iserve raw materials and to insure A People of Japan Sour On Their Government By RUSSEL BRINES Ne equitable distribution of ation for pioneer women of Ca- nada. "They are theSgnest wom- en that ever came to any coun. try," he says. "I give them credit --all nationalities--I saw what they went through." At that time his territory ex- tenaed from Manitoba to British Columbia and Oregon and he contends that the men wouldn't have stayed in Canada or endured the hardships had it not been for the women who came with them. Pete describes the early Praire ie scene like this: Manitoba had geese and ducks so thick they covered the skies at times.. Fish and antelope abounded in Saskatchewan. In Alberta, dozens of different fish stocked every small river and stream, food. Conservative politicans have shown they have enough power to block any important alteration in the present economic organ- ization of Japan, They also are sitting back, waiting for the op- portune time to return to power. It is clear they yielded the premiership in.belief that the Soe- ialists would be unable to retain public support because of the economic problems, which are basic and too big to be solved completely. The main opposition comes from the Li"eral party, headed by former Premier Shigeru Yoshida, which has remained outside the government. A substantial bloc of the Democratic party -- which holds seven cabinet posts -- has shown a disposition to side with the Liberals, Even the Democrat- ic ministers have split with Soec- ial Democratic colleagues WANTED MAN with connections in ad- vertising departments of automobile industries. Strictly confidential. BOX NO. 428 no fuss - no muss no bother - no dirt vse Pres-to-logs THE CLEAN FUEL Af W.J.D oe Coal e 91 BRUCE ST. D