THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, JULY 28, 1947, yPAGE TWELVE Ed i NT AD SECTION 252255 | BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Articles For Sale ., 36 | F [ Articles Wanted .. Female Hel; Agent. . Wanted 1--Auditors ACCOUNT, ditor, Government reports and income forms tax prepared. secretarial work. Phone 1004J. 205 Arthur St. (Augi3) CERTIFIED GEN- eer Bldg., King Auditors ........ Automobiles For Sale ssssacepriene Supplies Automobiles Wanted . ....... Auction Sale ..... Instruction Barristers sessesee, Eulsl BB 283 St, East. g 8c- sountant and auditor. (Augld) Trades .. 2--Barristers LOUIS 8. HYMAN, Mortgage Loans arranged. North. Phone 67. Residence ETO., 25 Simcoe 3051, (Augll) Oppor- tunities ......... Lejm oa (J a +++ A Wanted ¢ Wanted Suwel 8 CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS. AL- In, FP. Annis, KC, 7)2 Simcoe Street South. Phone 4. Residence 739. (Augl9) Suite etc, 6 King Street Phone 3160. Residence i514, er W. C. Pollard, K.C. U GRIERSON CREIGHTON & FRA! Barristers, etc. Bank of Building. R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.Q., Solicitor. etc., Simcoe Phones: Office 814; +Money to loan. JAMES R Mac A and Solicitor Suite 201 70 King East ha Hotel. Phone 349. (Augl3) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, E.O., BARRIS- ter, 'Solicitor. Money to 'loan. Office | East, Oshawa. Phone 141, King St (Augl) 445. Res. Phone 837, D fF ONE INSERGUTON ....00000 vous s TWO CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS P and 20 words or less, Busi All Classified Advertisements Le Gardening and Household Repairs 14 douses For Rent .. 28 Loan Wanted ...... Sa Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ...... 42 Male or Female Help Wanted ... 3% Money to Loan .. Nursing Service .. 13 Optometrists ....... § CLASSIFIED AD RATES THREE CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS ...... ... . EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION .. Above rates apply only to original Srdess for consecutive insertions. al new original order. listin, 20c addition Each initial letter, abbreviation $ and ¢ sign, figure count as a full word. Box charged 10c additional. i before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-2. 8 and Surgeons ........ POrsonAl ....oeeeeee" Personal Services. . Pets and L 36--Articles For Sale 39--Male Help Wanted HAWAIIAN GUITAR FOR SALE. AP- ply 11 King St, East after 5.30. (175a) GENUINE BICYCLES, PARTS AND AC- san 18 | aio Reps Real Estate Agen | Real Estate For * Real Estate A Wanted ....co0cc00 Real Estate 3 Exchange Rooms For essssces esesces 10 20 Words Each Addl Word } 1.00 25 a later date constitute a 5--$5.00 per month for for all words over 20. MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day ERNEST MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- citor 11 King E. Room 2. Phones Office 55. dence 3687R. (Aug?) E. N. SINCLAIR, E.C.,, BARRISTER id Solicitor Bank of Montreal Build. ing. Pohne 99, (Augl) A dP BARRISTER, ET mortgage loans, National Housing Act loans. 26 Simcoe Norin. Phone los : (Aug MANNING PF. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Honlslion, Notary. Money to loan. Bas- 'Block. suite No. 4 one 282. Res. 28TTW. -(Augl) 3a--Physicians and Surgeons BON, 153 KING ST. 3832 Hours: eleven Sat.), ugll) DR. BAPTY, SURG « E., Oshawa. Phone ""to twelve and (except Wed. and tto4 and 7 to 8, (A 4--Chiropractors 14--Household Repairs 25¢c--Farmers' Column FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- lstered. See our materials for a . D. W. Dalton. 75 Charles. Phone 40 (Augs) "| 15--Gardening and Supplies PLANT THIS FALL FOR GOOD RE- TURKEY POULTS, 3 TO 10 WEEKS well started early maturing birds. W. Lawson, Claremont, 3606. (175b) 170 HOLLYWOOD WHITE LEGHORN pullets, 4!, months old. Phone Picker- ing 17 ring 12. (175a) sults, order now for early October del- ivery, compiete guaranteed nursery stock of Evergreens, Shrubs, Hedges. Ornamental and Fruit Trees, Roses, Peonies, Rockery Plants, etc. No down payment required. Landscape de~ signs and estimates free. Phone 13707, Oshawa. (Aug.17) 26--Real Estate Wanted IF YOU HAVE A HOUSE, -FARM OR business for sale or exchange please call, Wilfrid McAuley, Real tate Broker, 150 Division St. Phone 3510M Day or Night. (Augls 20--Business Opportunities 29--Rooms For Rent GOOD RESTAURANT FOR SALE. FULL line of stock, S5-roomed apt. above, h 14 stools and 7 tables. HEALTH CLINIC, 146 North. 224. Drugless tice including Chiropractic Electro , mineral vapor bath treatment. 22 years. Oonsultation free. 9am. to § p.m. dally except Monday and Friday. (Augl) 65--Optometrists i CK, POST OFFICE. Ee REAR Rr Phone 1516. Evening Appointments. (Aug) JURY AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening appointments. A, B Johnson. Optometrist. Phone 2 G--Insurance INSURANCE large es extra good. Anyone interested, call at once. Selling on account of sickness. Apply Tony Gikoff, Box 245, | Colborne Onte. Phone 170. (175a) 22--Lost and Found 2-ROOMED UNFURNISHED FLAT. Hai . ple preferred. 112 Brock Bt, East. (174b) FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, Single. Hot water and central. 1 gentle- man. Phone 527TW, (174c¢) LARGE BRIGHT ROOM, FURNISHED, for two. Apply 74 King St. West. (171t1) LOST--WEDNESDAY NIGHT ON PAPER rounte, man's gold filled pocket watch, Gruen, initials on back. Keepsake, Kindly return to Mildred or Howard Aldred, Times-Gazette carries or Phone 1261R. Reward (174b) 23--Women"s Column CHARIS FOUNDATION GARMENTS. two-way stretch, corrective and sur- ical garments, < brassieres. Phone , Blatter, . 2504W. (Augll) 24--Personal MURDOCH'S GENERAL Service, 231, Simcoe St. North, over Baston's. Phone 2928J. phone 2580, Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile. Surety Bonds, Plate Glass, Etc. (Aug) SERVICE 7--Veterinarians DR. B. H ce | 25---Real Estate For Sale SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY designed. Phone Mrs. J. Henry, 2118M Call after 5. (Aug9) ROAD. Phone ( 175¢) TWO LOTS, ON VERDI Sawer and water in.- Price $300. 1471, LOT, CENTRAL PARK BOULEVARD. Cheap to veteran. Phone 2851-M. (175b) small animal 101 Yio ery. St. W. Phone 20106. (Augll) 8--Funeral Directors DALTON BURIAL COMPANY FUNERAL pa Ro rd Service, 75 Charles Street. Established 1889. Phone 401. 4-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, $2500. CASH or terms. Phone 3416W. (174c) NICE LEVEL LOT, 615 KING ST. WEST. 100x200. Reasonable price. Apply 595 King St. West, (167t1) ACREAGE, $100 ACRE AND UP, NORTH side of airport. Phone 920-r-2. (1691) (Aug20) 9--Money To Loan 8% FIRST MORTAGAGE MONEY available on new and improved proper- Construction loans. A. E Murd 2 Im; if Acs t for the perial e ance Co. (Mi e Division). 231% , Oshawa. Phone 2028J. (Aug2) SLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR EE A tt" ME Ry , sul he 282 (Aug2 4. Y Building Trades 0) ROOFING MATERIAL AVAILABLE; Roofs surveyed and estimates free; 10- 3 guarantee; Reference Dun and Bradstreet, Box 310, Times-Gazette. i (Aug.25) PHONE (173¢) PLASTERING AND REPAIRS. 3530W. PHONE 2063-W, OSHAWA. SAND AND el BUphlles for dump truck service. Enders , loam, barnyard manure, manure. Pea gravel for Apply 163 Ritson South. (Augh) FOR 4 YDS. DUMP SERVICE, 'eterans Haulage 'W. Sand. ravel, Generel Use. Bill and Mike Dro- gomots, 775 Albert St, Cumawa, On: TRUCK 3s, workmanship. All work quaran- . Phone 3639, (Aug26) 653, Bowman. (Augl4) WORK, ) |sulated, Phone 4796W. Ire. (Aug?) TANKS INSTALLED, ALSO cementing jobs done. For -in- tion call 3434W. (Augs) GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOAM AND dump trucks for hire by contract or Courtice. Phone Oshawa T77J4 (Augl) , SMALL Phone (J1y30) CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT jobs | contracted. H. Wilson NEW FIVE-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, stone front, nearly complete, built to NHA. Anat 1 Prd session; kitchen bath and hall; Apply 426 hardwood floors, tile floors built-in bath and shower. Jarvis Street. 160t1 BARN FOR SALE Near cor. Bloor St. E. hnd Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa. Building mate- rials and' frame timbers. Apply to G. D. Conant, 1050 Simcoe St. 8. or Conant & Annis, 7% Simcoe St. 8S. OSHAWA : (Aug 30) 29a--For Rent : SMALL FURNISHED CABIN, SUITABLE for two, by week or month. Apply Barnhart's Pavilion. (1750) Ultraviolet, - using cold guarta babe raviolet, us CO u! ube. Simcoe North. (Augs) $6 per month. Meagher's. 29b--Summer Resorts COTTAGE FOR RENT, LITTLE LAKE, electric. Phone 811 Bowmanville, ys; 2900 awa, evenings. (174b) LAKE DALRYMPLE, SH , 14 [ORELINE, LOTS at reasonable prices. Apply Fred Baker, Sivan, Glen Beach, RR. 3, Brechin, (July31) 30--Room and Boarc ROOM AND BOARD, MEN PREFERR. Share room. All conveniences. A 289 Court St* Mrs. Cain, (1 31--Wanted To Rent YOUNG COUPLE WITH BABY, UR- gently require three or four unfurnish- ed rooms, Box 314, Times-Gazette. (174b) ELDERLY COUPLE REQUIRE 3 OR 4 rooms, apartment or small house. Pane . ) 3 ROOMS WANTED BY 2 ADULTS, BY September 1 or sooner. Abstainers. Phone 1281M. (173¢c) THREE ADULTS REQUIRE 3 OR 4 roomed flat, apartment or small house. Urgent. Box 312, Times-Gazette, (174c) 31a--Exch. Accommodation FIVE-ROOMED DUPLEX, FENCED IN back yard, in Peterborough, will ex- change for small house near or in Oshawa. Box 249, Times-Gazette. (1711) 32--Automobiles For Sale 1939 HUDSON COACH, PRIVATE. 65 Third Ave., off Albert St. (175b) 1936 CHEV, COACH. APPLY 107 GIB- bon Street. (175¢) '31 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE. APPLY 379 Gibbon St., before 6. (174b) ly a) 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, WEST- mount arca, 24 x 40, all conveniences, double lot. Garage. Phone 1120) 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, HARDWOOD floors, 3-pc. bath, newly decorated, bar- gain $3800 cash or terms arranged. Ap- ply 129 Barrie Ave, (171¢1) 6-ROOM STUCCO, NICE GARDEN. 2900. Half cash. 26 Orchard Ave. N. Oshawa. (1741) 10 ACRES LAND, NORTH OSHAWA, 4 miles from King and Simcoe, $600. Phone 1894J. (174b) "33 MASTER DELUXE CHEV. GOOD condition. 26 Orchard Ave, N. O (174b) '41 FARGO DUMP TRUCK FOR SALE, ood condition; Everything new. Apply 90 Bloor East. (178) 1939 INTERNATIONAL, DS35,"4 YD. Dump Truck, 2 speed axle. New motor and tires, 825-20. Price $1650. Box 407, Times-Gazette. (1731) '46 STYLE MASTER . SEDAN, low mileage, excellent condition. Apply L. Kahn, Kingsale, Ontario. Phone Claremont 85r2, (173¢c) NEW MODERN 6-ROOMED, 1l;-storey brick home, just completed, hardwood floor throughout, tile floors in kitchen, bath and hall, Built-in bath and shower, Stucco front hall also living and dining-room ceilings. Built-in cup- ards in kitchen. House is i e 912 ACRES GOOD GARDEN LAND, 4- room house, and chicken house, garden lanted, about 4 miles northeast of hawa sacrifice for $2300; 7 acre tile drained lot, north of Winnie's Inn, one '31 DODGE SEDAN, 192 ANNIS ST. (173¢) '34 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, EXCELLENT condition. all new tires, two spares. Apply 195 Albert St. (173¢) old, from Government approved blood- | 24 tested stock. Your opportunity to get | - L. | CHICKEN 'COOP, cessories. on all Bl Way 4491M. ~ SALES PLUS A makes, Lowest for rent 10c per hour. cle, 595 King West. Phone (Aug3 OIL BURNERS complete reliable service. Out-of-town customers solicited, W. Borrowdale. (Aug.18) STEEL BLINDS S5¢ PER ft. Measured and installed. George Reid. Phone 2104. 66 Bont, West COAL RANGES. LARGE ust received. Some with reservoir. - t sizes and makes. D.V.A. credits er's, Simcoe North. (Augs) GENUINE PLASTIC FLOOR FINISH Plast-I-Gloss. Saves your floors, Order now, we deliver. Phone Oshawa 4538W, Associated Services, 23 Bond Street West. (Aug24) TIC TILE, RUBBER TILE, PLY- wood, felt, cement, metal trim, Lev-L- Flor, etc. wholesale prices. Floor Roof and Wall Co. 243 Queen West, Toronto, ug27) GOOD, CLEAN USED BRICKS, 2l4c each. Phone 1241M. (174¢c) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash- ers. Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Aug25) 2 COOK STOVES. 6TH HOUSE, CITY side, Wilson Rbad North, . (173¢) SPONSON CANOE, COMPLETE WITH backs and paddles, new cond:- tion. Phone 1201M. (174b) BLUE PRAM, GOOD CONDITION Cheap for quick sale. Apply 458 Albert St. (174b) 2 HEATERS, HIGH BACK SINK, USED | totlet: complete. 361 Vérdun Rd. Phone 96W (173¢) 8 X 10, "DOUBLE floor, 12 homer pigeons, 98 Alexander Blvd. Phone 2763, + (174c) 4-BURNER BLEQTRIC STOVE, WITH {oven, also large ice-box, Phone saw, (174b) CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 POS, NEAR- ly new. Half price, Phone 2000W, eve- | aings. (174b) PRAM, (SUNSHINE DELUXE), LIKE new. Colour wine, Phone 4052). (174c) 127 HOWARD WARM AIR FURNACE, 18" firepot, factory reconditioned. Pipes and hot air registers. Water heating coll, $50. Phone J1, after 6. (174c) WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT sale, Phonc 3634W. WAR ASSETS Blackboards, desks, filing cabinets, 16,000 barriers of laminated paper, some foil lined; electric lanterns, and head lamps, R.C.AF. steel marking sets, lettérs and numbers, screw drivers, Excelite handles, large 15" extension bars, for 3% drive socket, cable tension gauge and splicing tool, 45' link belt con- veyor, welding tips and wire tip cleaners, mixing leads for torches, face shields, canvas hoods, air pres- sure chipper, air motor, air cylin- j ders, air duster guns, eyelet ma- chine, etc. For further information PHONE 3288-J (174c) FRESH PICKED RASPBERRIES, FOR sale, 23c pt. Phone 66J3. (173¢) FOR (174b) OUTBOARD MOTORS Two Johnson Fives. One Johnson Streamlined Five, One Johnson Sixteen. One Evinrude Zephyr. One Martin "60" Demonstrator, VICTOR'S SPORTS & CYCLE 34 King West -- Phone 918 AWNINGS. WE CAN NOW SUPPLY A limited number. Order early. Cleve Fox 412 Simcoe. N., Oshawa. (Aug) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Special price to July 31st. Made to measure in various colors and ma- J terials. Free estimates and instal- {ations anywhere. Direct Factory Sales J. W. MELLEY rnone 4101W--Oshawa P.O. Box 421 37--Articles Wanted SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone doom Augl3) GOOD USED FURNITURE WAN ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W, (Aug5 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR IRON metal, Tr mattresses Phone 635 Cedardale Metals, back C.N.R. Station. ( (Augl) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388 (Aug24 38--Female Help Wanted SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR -- SOME typing and filing, no shorthand, must have good pe:sonality, Stenographer-- shorthand and typing required. Both Jobs pay the best current salaries with NEW INDIAN MOTORCYCLES . USED motorcycles Parts and accessories. Tires, oll and ; gular increases. rience not ne- cessary but will be rewarded. Apply Box No. 237, Times-Gazette. (168tf) Doc Berry, 313 and 202 Open evenings. Phone 4121J. 33--Automobiles Wanted Pine Ave. {Augl5) acre strawberries, one acre $2100. W. McAuley, Real Estate Boker. 150 Division St, Phone 3510M. (174c) $1 2,000 50s two acres of land i 2 highway, on which is a nine-roomed brick house, hardwood floors in lving-room, hall and dining-room Bullt-in cupboards and sink in kitchen. 3-pc. bath, fur- nace, 1 d tubs, and electric pump Cement by bag or carload. Glazed sewer tile and fittings. Gyproc, lath, and sheets. Chimney flue lining 8% x 8% -- 9% x 13. General Building Supplies G4 RITE-WAY BUILDING SUPPLIES . 382 Parliament St. Toronto. Randolph 1965 Evenings, Adelaide 4066 Share Tord (1701) 12-=Personal Services D MOTHERLY CARE GIVEN n over 3 years, year round on " Pontypool, 30 miles from Osh- and we keep them in | 245. Times-Gazette, or Bcthany M4ri21 (174e) V1 SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM rinritis get Ru-mex-6l Phone "ah Dealer 384 Ritson 8 217R (Augd) YAN NUNTEN EXPERT SWISS sr. Renal shop at 46 King --+ wast Yeur patronage solicited (Aug20) ace, y which supplies the water. Also large re- freshment booth, known as Winnie's Inn, doing large business, a grand place for tourist house, cabins and service station, W. J. Sulley REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 716 25b--Farms for Sale $1 1 7007® acres, 8-room brick ' house, modern plumb- ing, inlaid linoleum floors, also new five-room frame house; large bank barn, drive ghed, poultry house, several brood- er houses and turkey shelters, small bush, ever-running stream. L. W. LAWSON CLAREMONT or W. A. LAWSON 115 GREEN ST., WHITBY Ontario's Farm Selling Specialists (175a) (174c) 25¢c--Farmers' Column FOR SALE, PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD, AP- WILL PAY REASONABLE PRICE FOR car '36 to 42. Box 308, Times-Gazette. (174c) '38-'41 CHEVROLET, PLYMOUTH OR e. -In good condition. Write Box 307, Times-Gazette. (173¢) WILL PAY UP TO $2000. FOR '47 CAR, Chev, Pontiac, Dodge or Plymouth. Ap- ply Post Office Box 16. (173%) LAKESHORE AUTO Cars wanted for prices paid. Phone wrecking Highest 3362; evenings 1278. (Augl$) RELIABLE GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with housework. Good wages, 2 hours off afternoons, every evening free. Enjoy balance of summer in Mus- koka. Transportion provided. This is an excellent opportunity for anent or temporary ition, Phone . After Jul; th write Box 75, Port Carling, Ontario. g (173e) RELIABLE WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEPER for father and son. Apply 147 Olive Ave,, after 6. (174b) YOUNG WOMAN OR ACTIVE OLDER person to assist with '"Woman's Page" of Times-Gazette. Good education and leasing pe: ality are essential. Apply first | instance, with references, by letter to W. Ford Lindsay, Times- G " O: 3 (174t1) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe Bt. No: Phone 4695W. (hugh 34--Pets and Livestock COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES AND grown dogs. Registered, reasonable. Also dogs tri 1 and Ny Kennels, mile west of Oshawa, Queen Elizabeth Highway. (174b) TWO COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, 3 grown cocker spaniels for sale. Phone 3337W or apply 124 Park Rd. N. '(173b) DOGS BOARDED. TWIN BIRCH Kennel. Phone Whitby: 839, (Augl2) 35--'Wearing Apparel WE BUY AND SELL HING, sterilised. * cleaned. end. pressed Ni FA I Ka J 3 a W. Sam: Swartz, ds (A 36--Articles For Sal. ply D. McGrath, Lot 10, Con. § T. . East Whitby. Phone 239WS$, .(J1y26,28,30) CHIFFONIER AND VANITY, condition. Apply 191 Centre St. (175c) GOOD | t CASHIER, EXPERIENCED PREFERRED, not essential. Apply C. Marsh, Genosha Grill. (173c) EXPERIENCED LEGAL STENOGRAPH- er. Good salary. Hours 9 a.m. to 5.30 .m.; Saturday, 1 pm. Reply to "Advertiser," 90 Edgewood Ave., Toron- to. Phone Howard 4112. (175a) STENOGRAPHER, SOME - perience preferred. Good opportunity. rmanent position. « Apply A. R. Allo- way, Times-Gazette, (tf) EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WANT- ed. Must be capable of taking care of complete set of books, Good pay to right party. Apply Sportrite Junior Ltd. 30 Richmond St. . (3rd F100R) (168tf) 39--Male rlelp Wanted YOUNG MAN TO LEARN NEWSPAPER advertising business. Excellent oppor- tuntty- for right person. Good educa- tion and pleasant personality main essentlais, Apply in person or by letter 0 A Alloway or T. L, Wilson, es-Ciazette, (17088 ) ticulars inquire (174c) {7 TED | ends, quantity pipe fittings, ) {from 34" to 12" furnace grates, Blower, ) [metal reflector, SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT wanted. Must have references. Steady gattion, Apply Vigor Oil, 78 Bond St. est, x (174b) BARBER TO HELP OR TAKE CHARGE of business during illness, further par- J. Drinkle, 65 Nas- sau St. BRICKLAYERS Wanted for large battery of WILPUTTE COKE OVENS No lost time, work under cover of large building, 6 day week. Experience in fire brick work not necessary. Excellent wages and working con- ditions. Transportation to job paia after one month's work. COKE OVEN CO, of CANADA, LTD. Box 210, Hamilton, Ont. c/o The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., (July3l) 40--Agents Wanted 20 MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED TO introduce sensational new clothes line requiring no clothes pins, direct to householder! Large commission paid dally. No sales experience necessary. Phone Ed. May, Genosha Hotel, ir i 5 C 41--Employment Wanted WIDOW WITHOUT ENCUMBRANCES, desires position in adult home, prac- tical nursing experience, Available Aug- ust 1st, Box 309, Times-Gazette. (173c) REPAIRING ELECTRIC RANGES, HOT plates, all other electrical appliances. Frank Snudden. Phone 2887R. (Aug26) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- conditioned, machine ground. Called for and delivered. Lawnmowers bought, any condition. Stan Fudge, 236 Eulalie Ave, Phone 3030M. . (Aug.22) LAWNMOWERS, SHEARS SHARP- ened and repaired. We up and deliver. Phone 2164W. C. , 6368 Somerville Ave. (Aug26) LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired, shears and other sdged tools ground A W. Simmons, 95 Patricia Phone 3168R. (Augs) 42--Legal Notices. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, JULY 28, 1947, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by any- one other thah myself without my writ- ten order. Dated at Oshawa this 26th day of July, 1947. Signed Murney E. McFarlane. 43--Auction Sales I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction for Alex. Konapacki, 13 mile north of Courtice, on Friday eve- ning, August 1st at 7 p.m.: 2 horses, pigs, 100 spring chickens, wagon (steel new); seed drill, hay rake, portable silo, gang plow, gravel box, hay, etc, also a Ford Fergueson (47) on rubber, with electric starter, 2 furrow plow, 10" scraper, cultivator and power take-off. Terms cash. Please note time of sale, .m, P ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. (J1y28,30,31) I have received instruction from C. H. Tuck, 74 Burk St.; to sell by public auction Wednesday, July 30th, 1847, at p.m.:--The following Dining-room Suite, excellent condition; 2 kitchen tables, porcelain tops; 3 kitchen chairs; small desk; rug 7° x 9'; sewing ma- chine; 2 feather mattresses, 2 felt mat- tresses; 2 arm chairs; stands; end table; elactric san=wich toaster; Smoothing Iron; Percolator; Assorted dishes and glass ware; kitchen curtains; rengette; mantel radio. ERS SUPPLIES--goose necks, gate valves, rad traps, elbows, stop cocks, shut off valves, basket of assorted elbows, nip- ples, reducing elbows, plugs, tees, unions, 2 sink braces, sink stand, 2 sets of boller legs, 150 to 200 pipe cover bands, basket pipe caps, plugs nickle floor plates, lead etc. 2 steam rad fece new galv. pipe 16' long, pieces with elbows , ETC. pick Wi with General Electric dust proof motor and vapostadt. ICAL MATERIAL --basket porcelain, 4 metal conduit boxes basket switch boxes double and single, round 'boxes, plug boxes, covers metal elbows, etc.--2 green glass shades, toddle switch, basket of porcelain parts, green ceiling boxes, 3-wire stove connection 6'. 3 large commercial Jn with hangers, large globe, 13 round globes verandah or kitchen, 4 brass fixtures would break up to tubing of different types, toaster, 4 porcelain electric weights with pulleys, one ele- ment plate. CARPENTERS' MATERIAL --2 transom adjusters, transom window, plece walnut 4'x22", piece red pine 3'x- 9", folding table top hinge to wall with 2 hinges for legs, 2 benches to match approx, 45 sq, feet heavy oak flooring. varioug other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash, Frank Stirtevant, Auctioneer, (174c) VILLAGE HAS BONANZA IN CHEESE, NOT GOLD Madoc (CP).--Eighty years since it was a bustling centre for bonanza seekers, Fldorado -- "the golden place"--today is reaping wealth and prosperity producing mellow cheeses for world pantries. 9 Where once grizzled prospectors sunk shafts and watched their golden dreams founder on "nuggets" of rose and white quartz, herds of dumps and grass-covered pits. Today's villagers can tell you a thing or two about fine cheddars-- but little of the south-eastern On- tario district's past. They're even indifferent. School teacher Jack Thompson teaches pupils the ways of the farm, but ignores mining. Strange enough, letters still are received addressed to the Eldorado Iron Mines--the gold searchers found more iron than nuggets and seized on that as a final effort to "strike it rich." But it, too, played out. Gold? Who cares for it. when the iron-tinged Moira River carries away the soil? That's why farmers are planting more trees along its banks--to save their real wealth, THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! : J sLEE-1p GENTY Hep sor pure, reer SLEE-LP CETUS LEE -EEP, LEE EP 4 \ Et Lig §Z7ee Z / TIE ny Ban X Vv 'By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten MAW/ KIN {7 HAVEIA ICE § CREAM 'CONE 9) "KINI, HUH rr 4 M AW. 4 Zz % Looking Ahead In Ottawa By The Canadian Press Ottawa, July 28--(CP) -- Legal quarters in the Government are talking about the possibility of a Dominion-Provincial Conference of law officers, some time in the dis tant future, to take up the weighty task of revising Canada's criminal code. The code, seriously outdated in many of its sections due to the in- creased tempe of living and other developments in the years since it was drawn up, is badly in need of revision, a task which may take many months once it is started. Suggestion Suggestions that the code be brought up to date were made at the recent session of Parliament while study was being given to amendments but Justice Minister Ilsley said the job could not be undertaken because of any one gov- ernment because of divided juris- diction within the code itself. It would be necessary, said Mr. Ilsley, for the Dominion and the provinces to get together on a re- vision because the code sets out the various fields of jurisdiction for the Dominion and the provinces in the various classifications of law. Benevolent Fund It is expected to be.a month or so before any announcement is made of the personnel of the five-man board that will supervise use of more than $9,000,000 available for a benevolent fund for army veterans of the recent war. Names of the unsalaried members and of the permanent staff are ex- pected to be announced in time by Veterans Minister Mackenzie, now on a visit to his Vancouver Centre riding. They will include repre- sentatives of the Canadian Legion and the National Council of Vet- erans Organizations. Relief Banned The fund, recommended by a special Commons' committee, will correspond roughly to those already established for veterans of the other two services and their dependents. With outright relief banned, the money--it came from wartime can- teen profits, sale of kitchen dis- posals and the like--will be used for something like the next 50 years to aid veterans who happen to need financial aid for various compas- sionate reasons. The amount available for all three services is roughly $13,000,000, more than three times that on hand after the First World War. Glen Better Resources Minister James Glen reports himself feeling "very fine" now that his convalescence from a heavy illness hds advanced to a stage where he can be up and about around his summer home in Riding Mountain National Park in his own Province of Manitoba. In a letter to his office, he said his only re- Bret was that he could not yet play golf. Meanwhile, Parliament Hill per- sists . in . rumors that he will be going. to. the Senate and that Re- construction . Minister Howe will take. over the mines and resources portfolio. on. a. permanent instead of the present temporary basis. Cab- inet colleagues of Mr. Howe say he already has an amazingly broad grasp on the ins and outs of the department. . e-------------- NIP NUT BLAZE Vanscoy, Sask. -- (CP) -- The rays of the sun, focussed through a bottle of vinegar, recently set fire to a carton of peanuts in a store in this village, 18 miles south of Saska- toon. A passerby saw the fire and warned the owner who arrived in time to prevent the blaze from spreading. re ------------------ "CRACKED TAMALES" ---- 3 Weyburn, Sask. -- (CP)--""Crack- ed wheat tamales," dreamed up by Mrs. M. Pohl of Weyburn, recently won first prize for a Saskatchewan dish at the Weyburn fair. Ingrédi- ents are cracked wheat, chopped cooked meat, tomato sauce, salt and onions. * CATTLE INSURANCE New Delhi-- (CP) -- Considér- ed essential for encouraging the breeding of better types of milch ttle and development of dairies in rural areas, India is taking steps to evolve a scientific basis of cattle insurance, Hungary's Works For Budapest--(AP)--You lean your elbows on billion-pengo currency, which decorates the glass top of the bar, and ask the curvesome, dark-eyed countess on the other side to pour your favorite drink. You inquire about the health of her mother, the princess, and what's, happened to her uncle, the baron, and how things are in the waiters' union to-which she belongs. Her delicate fingers fly from bottle to glass, from ice tray to glass, all evening and as the pile of drink-chits grows in the till, her smile unfolds like a new rose. Not Fancy This isn't fantasy. It's a Budapest hotel. And Countess Marianne (Mimi) Szechenyi, 23, is perhaps the pret. tiest barmaid in Europe. In France, fair aristocrats once jolted to the guillotine, and in Russia, a generation ago, they stood before bearded firing squads. Hungary's Republican conversion from a kingdom without a king, however, has left its nobility in good health. They may have little, if 'any, cash in the bank, but they are free to go to work for a living, and do. The farewell to fortune for most blue-blooded families was written by the Land Reform Law of 1945. Anybody with more than 1,000 acres lost all of them. Those with smaller holdings could, in some cases, keep up to 300 acres if they had been Royalty Now A Livi "anti.fascists," but othewise 100 acres was the rule, ' Do Own Work Lords and ladies of the manor do their own plowing and wood-chop- ping now, or it doesn't get done. . In Metropolitan Budapest, Tillie the Toiler, likely as not, has a titled family tree. The Szechenyils are a comely illustation. Mimi has been a bar- maid for two years and earns $60 a month, plus tips. It's virtually as much as the salary of papa, Count Balint Szechenyi, who 1s in the Na- tional Ministry of Agriculture, Mimi's 20-year-old sister, Alex. andra, was an interpreter after the war for the Russian occupation army, but decided to make a career in the hotel business and took a clerical position at $30 monthly. Szechenyi, the former Czar. ist Princess Maria Galitzen, just keeps house. In Budapest's classiest shopping district, bounded by Vacl Utca and the Danube Corso, there are count- esses in every block. - . But not all aristocrats are in trade. Countess Ilona Andrassy, wartime nurse, is an assistant in a medical laboratory. ' Countess Erzsebet Szapary is busy in an experimental school for de- linquent young boys, where she is associated with Countess Michael Karoly. Fed Sitting Bull 'Heir Demands U.S. Pay $13,000 Bill Moose Jaw, Sask.--(CP)--Sixty- six years ago, John Legare fed Sit ting Bull and a ban dof Sioux Ine dians. Today, his grandson, E. N. Legare of Moose Jaw, is trying to collect $13,000 which, he says, his grandfather spent on the Indians. After the famous battle .of the Little Big Horn in 1877, when Gen. George A, Custer and 264 men of the 7th United States Cavalry were slaughtered by the Sioux under Sit- ting Bull, the famous chief and his 'warriors fled north to Canadian territory to escape pursuing Ameri- can troops. Legare conducted the tribe back to the United States territory after a four-year stay in Canada, and his family now claims the $13,000 which he said United States military au- thorities agreed to pay him. But the United States government has ruled that military officials had no auth- ority to make such an agreement. Legare was a trader at Wood Mountain, 80 miles south of Moose Jaw on the American border, when sitting Bull and his band reached Canada and claimed sanctuary. Confronted by R.C.M.P. officers, Sitting Bull is said to have pulled 3 large medal from beneath his blanket and sald: "My grandfather got this for fighting for King George in the American revolution and now in the hour of danger for my people I have come to claim sanctuary from his granddaughter." For four years Sitting Bull and the Sioux lived in Canadian teiri- tory, although the area was the home of their: traditional enemies, the Blackfeet, Cree and Assiniboine Indians, When United States troops pre- vented herds of Buffalo from mi- grating north and intev-tribal frice tion increased because of the scar- city of food, the Sioux agreed to accept amnesty and go home. They gathered at Legare's ranch to prepare for the trek, and during the trip to the United States were fed by Legare. His descendents are still trying to get paid for the food, although the Canadian government awarded Legare $2,500 compensa= tion, AFTER 29 YEARS Vancouver (CP) Arnold Budd, a veteran of the First World War, has his sleeping bag back but he still is puzzled. He lost it when he went "up the line" at Arras, France, in 1918, and recently it was returned to him by Ottawa authori- ties without any explanation. It is still in good condition. i init mt. MALE OPTIC DISEASE More men are said to be color. blind than women. lonted Prize Winners In Last Week's - Misspelled Word Contest RIF | as prize The following were by the judg winners for the Misspelled Word Contest in connection with the contest published in The Times-Gazette on July 21: » 1st Prize--Miss Audrey Avery, Raglan 2nd Prize--Mrs. P. Gallagher; 137 Simcoe St. N,, City 3rd Prize--David Wetmore, 250 Groom Ave., City THEATRE GUEST TICKETS Edna Martin, 195 Burk St., City Blanche Taylor, 204 King St. E., City Repairs ......co0000000n Cleaner .. Available ... Freezers .. Miss May Brooking, R.R. No. 3, Oshawa Mrs. F. Marshall, Thomas St., ¢/o Cedar Dale P.O. Mrs. E. C. Sutherland, R.R. No. 4, Uxbridge, Ont. The correct answers were as follows: - «+++ Naiman's Garage . Jack Biddulph i