PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1947 Ta - On the Air Tonight and Saturday TORONTO CKEY 580 BUFFALO WGR y (CBS) HS "CEL (NBC-CBS) TORONTO CFRB (CBS-CBC) (MBS-ABC) 860 (NBC) #30 1010 WEEN oe "CHUM CKDO WRBW (ABC) 1050 40 1' gp -- FRIDAY EVENING 6: 100-1050 Serenade :05--Make Believe Ballroom 0--€l! Settell DO DEER PY Sn Pr 7 oa the Wir ol 0 . )--Tune Time CFRB )--Quiz-O-News WGR }--Short 8 hort CHUM 5--Jim Wi Sporw whi 5--Tune Prat GR :15--Blackstone, the Magician Orin 5--Tello-Test WEBW ; Farm et CBL :20--Safety Clinic CJBC CKDO CHUM WBEN 3h 3 S i $ 30--8ig. Smith Sports im Hunter--News Serenade Ralph Hubbell Sports Club ii] 6:35--1050 Sereguade 6:40---Wes. McKnight Sports 6:45--BBC News 6:45--Lowell Thomas WBEN 6:45--Richard C. Hottelet News WGR 6:45--Foster Brouks WEKBW 6:50----Did | Say That? CFRB 6:50--C.R.A. Reports CEDO 6:55~Int, Sommehtary CBL in' 7:00--Jump! acks 7: i POS ante 7:05--Music of Manhattan 9:10--Joe McCarthy--Sports 7:15--Perry Como 7:15--News of the Worid 7: i5--Oanadian Open Golf Tours, L nt 7:15--Jack Smith Show OPRB--WGR 7:15--Accent on Music WEBW 7:25--Off the Beaten Track CJBC 7:30--Inter House Party WBEN 7:30--Boyd Valleau 7:30--Make Believe Ballroom 7:30--Bob Crosby Show 7:30--News 7:30--Ethel and Albert 7:50--The Lone kanger 7:20--Request Performance 7:30--~Mystery of the Week 7:35--~World of Sport 7:45--H. V. Kaltenborn 7:45 -- Home Folks Frolle 7:45--Robert Trout--News 'Til 7:45--Toronto Today %7:45--Song Styles 7:45--Request Performance 8:00--Columbia Record Shop 8:00--On Stage 8:00--Hawk Larabee 8:00--Summer Concert 8:00--The Whistler 8:00--Highways in Meloay 8:00--The Fat Man 8:00--Clary's Sawite 8:15--Exne:t Opin CHUM 8:30--Save the ehildren-Pund, Talk 8:30--Recl! +CBL 8: B0--The "Time, the Place and the WBEN 8 1 Roth 8:30--Robert 0! 8:30--Treasure 830--This Is Your PBI1 8:30--New: 8:35--south American Wi ross Soc 8:55--Bill_Henry. News 9:00--To Be Announced 9:00--Serenade to America 9:00--Press News 9:00--Arthur's Place 9 the CBL CEKDO WGR Goes CEEY 9:00--Break the WEBW 9:00--Light up and Listen CJBC-CFRB 3.4% Buchel . CEKEY 5--Record Review .CEDO 930 Waita Time OBl--WEEN 9:30--Western 9:30--Victor Record Album CKDO 9:30--Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts N | 12:30--Me! 1, | 12:30--Musical © Program 10:30 Heritage of Music Holiday 10:30--Ontari 10:30 Baseball Game J a Brown Orch, i :30--N¢ 0:40--Report from Parliament Hil 10:40--Joe Crysdale i 10:45--@Government Talk WBEN CKDO yo i '00--Buddy Clarke's Orch. CBL 300 Dormiaion Network News CJBC i :00--New. WEBW-WBEN-CKEY-CFRB 31:00 News Reporter WGR 11:05--Mic! key CKEY 3 6 Remlisss ing to the Records a3 Adem Soon Sowa 11: J3-gou Ww S5--La hd 11:1 te Sports 11:15--Cristle's Wax Works 115d 11:30--Carmen Cavallero Orch. 11:30--Martin Tobin's Tune 11:30--To Be Announced 130 Winhipes Drama 11:30--Music Room WEBW 12:00--News--Bay it With Musio to 250-80 News Bulletin CBL 12:00--Ni CFRB-WBEN-WGR 12105 Virginia oh Orch, WBEN 12:05--Noc' CFRB 12: Martin Tobin's Tune Time --won jail3-1.awrence Welk Orch. 12:30-- CFRB 12:30 Tree Suns Trio WBEN 12:45--Uelham Health Orch WBEN 12:55--News WBEN 12:55--News WKBW 1.00--~News WGR SATURDAY MORNING : B 8: 13--cint Buehlman WBEN 8:15--Musical Clock (Stu Renny) 20" usicas March Past I Dreaktast fn Bedlam WGR | 12 Li 3 12 30-Lorze Greene ( CK COMPLETE LOCAL AND WORLD WIDE NEWS BRUANCAST DAILY BY General Motors of Canada Limited 630 AM. 730 AM. 1230 P.M. ON 1240 ON YOUR RADIO DIAL DO 8:40--Percolator Parade CKDO 8 CFRB 9:00--CBS Morning News WGR 9:00--Unity Viewpoins CHUM 9:00--News B---WBEN--CEKEY 9:00--~C.B.C. bay CBL 9:00--Wake Up & Smile WEBW--CJBC 9:00--Church in the Wildwood cgno 9:05---AH Time Hit Parade :05--Morning Melodies )--Novatime VOVVOOLL FRgRRES :15--This Rythmic e 30 Calling All Girls 9:30--Ni 3:30 Renfro Valley Folks Morning Melodies C! 9 30--Music for Madame CBL 9:35--Music in the Modern Mood 9:45--Mother Goose Wor 9:45--Uncle "Ben's Club WBEN 10:00--News CKEY 10:00--Advent. of Frank Merriwell WBEN--CJBC 10:00--Fred Robbin's Record Shop WGR 10:00--Music Shop CHUM 10:00--Music for Madame CBL 10:00--The. Johnny Thompson Show WEKBW :00--Barnyard Follies CFRB :05--Make Believe Ballroom CKEY :15--Children's Theatre WEKBW 10:30--Advent. of Archie Andrews WBEN 10:30--News CHUM 10:30--Press News CKDO 10:30--Curtain Calls wor 10:30--Mary Lee Taylor GR 10:30--Junior Junction WEBW--GIB0 10:30--Melody Whirl FRB 10:35--Music Sho 10:35--Morning Melodies 10:45--Music in Marchtime 11:00--Teentifhers Club 11:00--Calling All Children 11:00--Warren Spesney, News 11:00--Morning Varieties 11:00--News 11:00--Tune Time WEBW--CJBC 11:00--1240 Bandstand CEDO 11:05--Let's Pretend WGR 11:05--Make Believe Ballroom CKEY 11:15--String Ensemble WKBW 11:15--Folk Songs for Young Folk CBL 11:15--String Ensemble CJBC 11:30--Home is What You Make It WBEN 1 30 Pistio Playhouse ©7BC~-WHEW 11:30--New! 11 30_Adventurer's Club Non 11 0--Miciophonie Be Mopper CBL 11:30--Chuck enade 11:35--Stork chat 2 the Alr 11:45--Junior Red Cross SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00--N. 12 '00 Theatre ot Today 12:00--Symphony of Melody 12:00--Music Shop Hits CHU) 12:00--BBC News and Commentary Ay 12:00--Tropical Echoes 12:00--N. Shore Farm Digest CEDO 12:00--Texas Jim Robertson WKBW 12:05--Pick The Hits CKEY 12:10--News CHUM 32: 15--Reading 'tween the Lines WBEN :15--Melodies to Remember WKBW---CJBC Shops Hits CHUM ports College CBL Luncheon usio CKEDO 's Holiday CKEY WEEN MeCarien ews) Y CFRB CHUM CBL CKDO CJBC 12:45--8ingin' Sam CKEY 12:45--John 8. Hall, Gardening CFRB 12:45--Walter Bowles CJBC 12:45--Luncheon Music 12:55--Hits of the Day :00--Nature Sketches :00--Lean Back and Listen 3 Inc. : 0--Grand Central Station 3 zz Lab 12:30--New. 12 30_Melody Magic jodies Eid Juniors 12:30--Press N CKDO CJBC WBEN CFRB WEBW WGR CH! 1:00--Music of the notions 1:05--Tops in Pops 1:15--World Ohuteh News 1:15--Better Business Bureau 1:15--Saturday Matinee 1:30--Hits of the Show 1:30--Geo. Sterney's Orch. :30--Veterans Advisor 0--Coun uty Pair hp et etd ram arieties ANAHAIAA EEEIE EEE, 2 < : g 1 S5_mit Par: 1 45_Buftalo. News from we '2:00--Easy Rhythm 2:00--Give and Take Wor 2:00--Our Town Speaks WEKBW 3 :00--Harlem "Hospitality Club Ge 2:00--News 2:00--~Celebrity Time with Johnny 2:00--Quarter Hour Concert 2:00--Farm and Home Hour 2:00--Music Makes Pictures 2:05--Jerry Burke Show 2:15---Time Was 2:15--Jerry Sears Orch. 2:30--David Cheskin's Orch. 2:30--The Hilltoppers 2 :30--This is Jazz Ray Block Presents 'The Baxters Parade of Meiwdy News Waxin' with Jackson Choir Stand 43 This is You :45--Camp Meetin' :00--Treasury Band 3:00--Stage 1050 :00--Treasury Band Stand :0 y Show Case Bi 00--News :00--Speak :00--On the kd Bon :05--Jerry Burke Show :15--Stage 1050 :30---News :30--Your Host is Buffalo WBEN--CJBC 3:30--The Seth Greiner Show CFRB 3:30--Sunset Roundup 3 30 Meetin' with Keaton 3:30--The Jive Hive Eo Ly 1050 3:35--Parade of Melody 4:00--Henry Russell's Music 4:00--Musical Program 4:00--~News 4:00--10:10--~Swing Club 4:00--Races at Empire Track 4:00--Horse aces 4:00--Stage 1 4:05--Club 580 4:15--Henry Russell's Music 4:15--Canadian Open Golf 4:15--Baseball Game 4:15--High Tide f 4:30--Musicana J 4:30--News or 4:30--~Names of Tomorrow 4:30--Meetin' With Keaton 4:30--Adventures in Science 4:30--1010 Swing Club 4:30--Treasury Show :35--8 H tage 1050 4 :45--Natlonal Track Mect Finals National AAV, Track and Fleld Meet WGR 5:00-Saturday Concert 5:00--Cross Section U.S.A, Topics Bails My Hands Concert 'Tomlinson Orch. J Afigeno Orch, % Afternoon a e Ww WGR Gata iia S:0-Sarhide 5:30 ree Sons Tr! 5:30--Make Believe Bi :00--S: g KEY | 10:00--Mystery Without Murder WBEN McC CBL 5:30--Dave Rose Orch 5 e-file Cole Trio Ss Sus 1050 3 Twin Plano Time H 45 Cocktails for Two CEDO CJBO--WBEN CHUM CKDO CHUM SATURDAY EVENING pi lg A 6:00--Supper With Sinatra / : jOl--Cahidlelight and Sliver ess News pe i RItmO Tropical" 6:00--Jimmy Blair 6: :05--Make peiieve Ballroom } umpin' Jacks 6:20--Supper with Sinatra 6:20--Musical Interlude 6:25--Weather, Sports News G30 Lomom me Party 6: SE h Sports 6:30--Ralph Haber, Bports 6:30--Musical Memories 6:30--Dick Jurgen"s 6:30--Serenade 6:30--Remember Yesterday 6:30--Jim Hunter | 6:35--1050 Serenad 6:40--Wes, Mek night's Sportsviews CFRB 6:45--Not in the News 6:45--Bill Downs--News 6:45--C.1.0. Program 6:55--The Movie Man 7:00--U., of B. Round Table 7:00--St. Louis Municipal Opera WGP--CFRB 7:00---Vincent Lopes CKDO 340 News 7:00--News, Lorne Creens 7:00--~Cuckoo Clock House 7 :00--1050 Varieties )--Leave It to the Girls y j-Bfaxe-Delisvs Ballroom :10--Crosbytim: :15--Racket Chase : 5--The Waltz trees On :30--Cavalcade of Music 7:30--Challenge of Yukon 7:30--Candid Microphone 7:30--News 7:30--Songs at Eventide 7:30--~The Old Ranch House 7:30--~Make Believe Ballroom 7:35--World of Sport 7:45~This Week 7:45--Jean Sablon Sings 7:45--Request Performance 8:00--Wayne and Shuster Show WBEN--CBL 8:00--I Deal in Crime WEKBW 8:00--Twenty Question CEEY-CJBC 8 :00--Syncopators CFRB 8$:00--Winner Take All 8:00--Life of Riley 8:15--Expert Opinion 8:30--Pralrie Schooner 8:30--Sweeney and March 8:30--The Better Half :30--Ted Steele and Novatones CKDO :30--Famous Jury Trials WEKBW :30--To Be Announced WGR CHUM WBEN 6-30 a "'00PR. 1947, KING FEATURES SYNDICATE, tac, WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED) "We never should've let Mom come here alone, For All those boys . . . and SHE picks a GIRL!" - Jiwestock Revs Toronto, July uly 18--(CP)--Cattle prices were 15 to 25 cents a hun- dredweight lower in dull trade on the livestock market here this week. Calves were a shade stronger while hogs gained 25° cents, spring lambs 50 cents while sheep were steady. The cattle run of about 4000 head including 800 stockers and milch cows, leaving only 3,200 slaughter cattle. Top for weighty steers after Monday was $15.50 with most sales from $15 downward. Butcher steers were $10.50 to $14.75 and heifers mostly $1425 down. Butcher cows were $10.50 to $11.50 with canners downward to $5. Bulls at $12. Fed yearlings were down to $15.75. Stockers moved slowly at lower prices with a few loads unsold. Plain to medium stockers were $10 to $12.25 with picked lois up to $13. Ordinary quality milkers and springers brought $85 to $140 each. Choice veal calves were firm at $15.50 to $16 with plain to medium CKEY CHUM | vealers $9 to.$14 and thin grassers CHUM 8: Ned Calmer, News WGR 8:55--New: CFRB 9 {00_Adventures of Bill Lance WEBW 9:00--The Mighty Casey BC H 00--Flight Te the Past A 9:00--Press - New. CEDQ 9:00--Bil Goodwin Show CFRB--WGR 9:00--Your Hit Parade WBEN 9:15--Songs by Sinatra DO 9: :30--High Adventure CJBC 9:3 and Mr. 9:30--Northern Ramblers 9:30--"Can You Top This?" 9:30--Date for Dancing 9:30--Vaughn Monroe's: Orch, 9:30--Music from the Pacific 10:00--Bert Yaris Orch. UM | 10:00--CBC_N ews 10:00--My Friend Irm Jo! :00--Frank Bogart' Orch. 4 10:10--Ed. urdy Sings 1 :30--Paul Page's Orch. :30-- News 10:30--Hayloft Hoedown 10:30--To Be Announced 10:30--Grand Oel Opry :30--Iiawallan Harmonies :35--Ontario Holiday :40--Joe Chrysdale, Spo :40--Jimmy Shields Sings News Dominion Network News News and Feature Story Alberta Ranch House-- CJBC WGR EEEEss858555 i of RI Tory Works Tune Time woe 's Orch, BL Tobin's Tune Time WOR WKBW 2:00--New: GR--CFRB--WB! 12 00--News---8ay 1 0 With Music 'o 7:00 a 12: 0-80 News "Bulletin 12:00--New: 12:05--The ® Cte Orch. 12:05--Nocturne 12:10--Musical Show-Case CFR Ww 2 12:15--Martin Tobin's Tune Time WGR 12:15--8kitch Henderson Orch. CFRB 12:30--News 12: 30--Three Suns 12:45--Pelham Heath Orch. 12:55--News 1:00--News 'TURKEY'S PRODUCTS Fruit, cotton and tobacco are widely cultivated in Turkey. "ART HALLMAN Returns! "Wed., July 23rd JUBILEE PAVILION $8 to $10. A light run of hogs sold at $22.50 for grade A, $22.10 for Bl. Sows were $16.50 to $17 dressed. Good ewe and wether lambs brought $17 to $17.50 with the bulk at the higher figure. Bucks were at $1 cwt discount. Sheep sold from $4 to $6 for culls and $9.50 for good light ewes. The wholesale price ceiling of 30 cents per pound on spring lambs will be continued to the end of August. JOAN FONTAINE HURT Hollywood, July 18-- (AP) -- Movie actress Joan Fontaine and GR | a horse she was riding fell down a 30-foot embankment in the Santa Monica mountains today when the mount shied at a rattle- snake, The star received minor facial cuts and was believed to have suffered two broken ribs, B | her studio said, HEDY DIVORCED Los Angeles, July 18--(AP)-- Film actress Hedy Lamarr was granted a divorce yesterday from John Loder, British bn n screen player, when she testified "he was extremely indifferent to me." sold from $9.50 to $$11.50 with tops CLERTRNCE | 3A Laughterrific LA MICKEY ROONEY LEWIS STONE SARA HADEN - LINA ROM FAY HOLDEN « BONITA GRANVILLE COMPLETELY "AIR CONDITIONED Ration SoS Goes Gradually Ottawa, July 18--(CP) --The ration administrator of the Prices Board is gradually disappearing from the Canadian scent and ra- tioning of sugar--the only re- maining rationed item--is being taken over by the sugar adminis. tration, a prices board official su1a here, The spokesman said the pro- cess had been going on gradually for several months and was high- lighted by the closing, June 30, ot the ration administration's head- quarters in Moatrea,. The process would continue over the naxt fev months, Under the process, rationing staffs across the country are eith- er released or absorbed into the sugar administration' or the ze. gional offices of the board, J ...,... Is DANCE HARRY CHARUK AND HIS 7 Piece Orchestra WILLIAMS POINT PAVILION Caesarea EVERY SAT. RA a life Sugar Officials Said Using Heads For Hat Racks Ottawa, July 18 (CF 18 (CP)--Opposition attacks on sugar control were launched in the Commons last night as Prices Board estimates came up for consideration in the late hours of the session. W. Chester 8. McLure (PO- Queens) said sugar control officials were using their heads for noth- ing but "hatracks" ' while John Blackmore (SC-Lethbridge) accused the controller of "sabotaging" the beet industry. Mr. McLure based his charge on refusal of the sugar controller, for "no legitimate reason" to grant a sugar allotment to a Charlottetown cranberry dealer for processing. If the sugar was not obtained, he said, the merchant would have to throw out his cranberries and take a loss of some $5,000 at the same time, canned cranberry sauce from Boston was selling in the Maritimes. Finance Minister Abbott prom- ised to look into the matter and said that "justice" would be done. FHEATRES TODAY Biltmore -- "Captain Caution," 2.22, 4.59, 7.36, 10.13. "A Chump at Oxford," 1.22, 3.59, 6.36, 9.13. Last complete show at 9.13. Marks -- "Just Before Dawn" at 2.00, 400, 6.15 830, 1045. "Heading West" at 1.00, 3.05, 5.20, 7.30, 9.45. Last complete show at 9.35. Regent -- "Love Laughs at Andy Hardy" 1.30, 3.25, 5.25, 17.25, 9.25. Last complete show 8.25. Jn SoLUMSI ust Be A PICTURE Male . Mos MBER - + KOSLECK + BARME The West's top action partners | 4. o Sun winite Aug. 3 With MYRNA BIG Dancing NIGHTS (Cedar Beach Park (MUSSELMAN'S LAKE) Dancing To GEORGE SMITH And His Orchestra sid o Friday Aug.1 e Saturday Aug. 2 e Monday Aug.4 MAY, Vocalist Dancing Every Wed., Fri. and Sat. "The Most Danceable Band in the Land" BOYD VALLEAU AND HIS ORCHESTRA Featured Vocalists : SHIRLEY HARMER - WALTER SCOTT STEVE SALMERS FRIDAYS LADIES 35¢c -- GENTS 50c PRE-WAR PRICES ER A SE SE AEA AE A AE AA AEA SATURDAYS LADIES 75¢c -- GENTS $1.00 REGULAR PRICES JUBILEE PAVILION EASTERN ONTARIO'S MOST UNUSUAL BALLROOM MENU MAGIC Ea PFRTECT SERVICE kL THRILLS SMASH HITS! RIOTOUS FUN! As The Worlds Funniest Comedians Break Loose With Streamlinéi Insanity! --Any Evening At The-- PENGUIN Remember the Address, 212 miles West of Whitby (on Old No, 2 High- way) CLUB ; We Specialize in ® Evening and Sunday Dinners ® Private Parties ® Banquets, Etc. Served From 7 a.m. to 1 am. ( Dining Room Closed Mondays! |) Why not drive out any evening . . . or this week-end and treat the family or guests to a really sumptuous dinner cooked and served just the way youll like it! COLINTRY CLUB 18 HOLES OF PAY-AS-YOU-PLAY Excellent Cuisine--Full Course Meals or a la Carte CLUB HOUSE FACILITIES AVAILABLE | ; 4 4 LOCATION . . . EAST FROM TORONTO ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY TURN SOUTH TO LAKE AT LANSING CUT-OFF 4