THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE , ___ PAGE NINE pot in the event was of the ark of the cov- from the tent from Mount to the Holy place in the tem- ple. The old tabernacle and the holy vessels were also brought from FE The priests brought in the ark of the covenant, drew out the staves by which they bore it, and came out of the holy place, The Levites house and habitation for Thee dwelling for- turned and hi ; | delivered a sermon, reviewing the blessed the whole congregation, and all the congregation stood to receive his blessing, after which he history of the temple. Solomon had made a "brazen scaffold, of five cubits long, and five cubits broad and three cubits high, and had set it in, the midst of the court; and upon it he stood, and kneeled down before the con- gregation of Israel, and spread his hands toward heaven," and utter- ed the longest prayer to be found anywhere in the Bible. He began, "Oh, Jehovah, the God of Israel, there is no good like Thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; keepeth covenant and show- mercy unto Thy servants, that ore Thee with all their tion, that He would judge His ser- , "by requiting the wicked, by recompensing his way upon his own head; and by justify- ple | ing the righteous, by giving him ac- .| cording to his righteousness." Asked to Forgive Captives "If they sin against Thee (for 'there is no man which sinneth not), and Thou be angry with them, and deliver them over before their enemies, and they carry them sway captive unto a land far off or near," but "if they return to They with all their heart and with all their. soul," Solomon asked the Lord to listen to his people's sup- plications and forgive them. In our last lesson we saw how this really came to pass. Did Solomon forsee that such a thing might happen, although his was a time 'of prosperity for his people? The 119th Psal~ which is part of our lesson today, is' the longest psalm and the longest chapter in the Bible, It has been called "the alphabet of divine love' because its . | twenty-two stanzas, each of eight verses, are designed by the twenty- two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. From the Book:of the Prophet Micah we quote: "Wherewith shall I come before hte Lord, and bow myself before the High God? Shall I come before Him with burnt of- ferings, with calves of a year old? "Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of ofl? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgres- sion, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? i "He hath shown thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." taf Writer Ottawa, June 21--(OP)-- Under de are a lot of side the 'big 'tent of a major Commons shows, a major debate this Health Minister Mrrtin's to. increase old age pen- . By DOUGLAS HOW Canadian Press 8 Hi E The press bore to the public the spectacular charges of the three opposition leadess, the defences of the government, the chants of the back benchers, and con. But it was hard to catch a lot of the little things that went "on in be- ween, * There was, for instance, the chit- back and forh between Mr. Martin and Donald Fleming, the able and sharp-tongued Progres- slve Conservative member for To- ronto Eglinton and stern critic of Launch Darts They would launch their darts with the statement that "the Hon- 8 [i ther same wi thy B%% : government had spent every item for which there was estimate last year. 'grace, Mr. Martin as lawyer met lawyer on medical. of give % Caine of Cornwall, was sentenced a ob jail here wi pleaded y on a charge of . The complaint was by Caine's wife, who charg. a [grande on a charge of [Plan Church Congress In Moscow London, June 21--(Reuters--The Russian Orthodox Church is sum- moning the leaders of other churches, particularly in the Bal kans, to a big congress to be held in Moscow next autumn---first con« gress of its kind to be held since the outbreak of the First World War, it was learned here. This move may aim at renewing the old influerice which in Czarist days the Moscow patriarchate exer- cised over the ans Orthodox churches. It would thus be a paral- lel, in the fe! field, to the ac- tion of the all-Slav committee -- which yesterday completed its sece ond plenary session in Warsaw-- aimed at uniting the smaller Slav countries more closely t> Moscow on racial and cultural grounds: Both the Russian Orthodox Church's foreign activities and the Plan Slav movement, of Czarist days were originally "banned by Soviet Russia, But during the war years they were permitted to start again. Patriarch Alexi of Moscow and All Russia already has renewed relations 'with the Bulgarian and Rumanian Orthodox churches. It was expected that church lead- ers from Bulgaria, Romania, Yugo- slavia and Albania would attend the forthcoming Moscow' congress. \ Questions such as disestablish- ment of the church under the new - | Balkan constitutions or confiscation of church property under the land reform laws are being settled more or less amicably. Won't Put Up With Moscow «= Nonsense London, June 21--(AP)--Foreign Secretary Bevin vows that in launching a co-operative effort Jot European economic recovery under the Marshall plan he intends to brook no delays such as those which stymied the recent Foreign Ministers Conference in Moscow. Eagerly awaiting a response from a joint Anglo-French re- quest that Soviet Union par ticipate in drafting and aid-to- Europe program, Bevin declared = ' Ne House Commons "the guiding principle 1 shall follow in any talks I have on this matter will be speed." "I spent six weeks in Moscow :| trying to get a settlement," he as- . "I shall not be a party to up the economic recovery of Europe by the mess of proced- ure, terms of reference or all the Pstaphernalia which may go with "The reply of the Soviet govern- ment is awaited, and the House will understand that until it is re- | celved there is nothing I can usual- ly say on the subject today." FINED. $1,000 Montreal, June 21--(CP)-- Alols Kilburtus, 40, was fined $1,000 and costs with the option of three months in jail by Judge Omer Le- conspirac and attempting to circulate hed terfeit tramway tickets. LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH REGULARLY The Golden Text The dedication of Solomon's temple. "Me (God) will teach vs His ways, and we will walk in His paths." ~lIsaiah 2:3. GOSPEL HALL 22% SUNDAY --Y P.M. Gospel Service . Speaker: MR. H. McCREADY of Guelph, Ontario WED., 8 PM.--BIBLE READING. FRI, 8 PM.--PRAYER MEETING A Very Hearty Welcome to All LISTEN TO CKDO, THURSDAY, 9.15 P.M. ~ THE SALVATION ARMY Corner Ok and Simcoe Streets - MAJOR AND, MES. H. G. ROBERTS, Commanding Officers. 11:00 a.m.--"MAKING RELIGION ATTRACTIVE" 2:00 p.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASSES :00 p.m.--*"THE ALL-SUFFICIENT SAVIOUR" Music by the Band and Songsters EVERYBODY INVITED CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church -- 64 Colborne St. B SUNDAY SERVICE AT 11:00 AM. Subject: » "Is the Universe, Including Man Evolved By Atomic Force?" BUNDAY SCHOOL 9:40 AM. v "THE BIBLE'S MOST FEARFUL PREDICTION" , will be the Sunday evening subject by REV. A. SLATER at THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 11:00 a.m.--"THE ROYAL FAMILY" MONDAY, 8:00 pr.--C.A. YOUNG PEOPLE WEDNESDAY, 8:00 p.n.--PRAYER PASTOR R. A. BOMBAY KNOX CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) Rev. H. F. Davidson, M.A, Minister Mr. David Jenkins, Organist and Choirmaster 10.00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 AM. and 7.00 P.M, : PUBLIC WORSHIP Preacter for the Day the REV. NEIL G. SMITH, of Toronto. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH "INDEPENDENT---EVANGELISTIC~MISSIONARY"" Centre and John Streets Rev. ALBERT H. WHITEHEAD The New Pastor, Will Preactk At Both Services. 11 A.M.--"Jehosophat the Backslider" 7 P.M.--"Why The New Birth?" 9.45 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL. TUESDAY, 8 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING. WEDNESDA {, 8 P.M.--RECEPTION FOR NEW PASTOR AND FAMILY. SATURDAY, 8 P.M.--PRAYER MEETING. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, B.D., Minister C. J. W, TAYLOR, D.C.M,, Organist and Choirmaster SERVICES OF WORSHIP, SUNDAY, JUNE 22nd 11 a.m.--Rev. George Murray, B.A., of Keene, Ont. 11 AM.--THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIPS WITH THE CONGREGATION. 7 p.m.--United Service in Simcoe St. Church A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER KING AND MARY STREETS PASTOR--REYV, RALPH F. WILLSON ORGANIST AND CHOIR LEADER----MRS., F. VANDER-VOOT 9.55 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 A.M.--SUFFICIENT GRAC BROADCAST CKDO 7.00 P.M.--THE PLEASURE PROBLEM A HELPFUL PLACE TO WORSHIP SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. A. D. CORNETT, M.A, D.D., O.B.E, Minister R. G. GEEN, LT.O.M., Organist and Cholrmastae ' DIVINE SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 2:ND 11:00 a.m. ~PUBLIC WORSHIP OF GOD Rev. C. W. DeMille, D.D. of the Ontario Temperance Federation, > 11:00 a.m. --~SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 pm ~"THE HAR" SST OF THE SPIRIT" 8t. Andrew's will worship with us. - June 25th- Sunday School Picnic at C.G.IT. Camp You Are Cordially Invited to Attend These Services | Free Methodist Church wan SUNDAY SCHOOL "Boys and Girls spending their Holiday Season in Oshawa are especially invited to attend our school" "Special Summer Messages" 3822wW IN SERMON 3 7 P.M. IN SONG : - REMEMBER ! ANNUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL CENTRE ST. UNITE MR. NORMAN WILLIAMS Organist and Choir Leader 201 College Ave. Phone 3278R HURC Pastor--Rey. T. H. P. Anderson 169 Athol St. E. \ Phone 3135R 11:00 a.m.--PUBLIC WORSHIP and SUNDAY SCHOOL On behalf of the Ontario Temperance Federation, Mr. Pitcher, Secretary of the Big Brother Movement will be the guest speaker. 7:00 p.m, --WEDNESDAY -- C.G.LT. "Not as we. take, but as we give: Not as we pray but as we 'live, These are the thing that make for peace Both now and after time shall cease," The Friendly Church "The Church With a Challenge" Corner Albert & Olive -- Rev. Donovan Jones, B.A, Pastor SPECIAL SPEAKERS! THIS SUNDAY 11 am.--REV. R. A. WHATTAM 7 pm.--REV. R. E. WEBSTER Rev. Jon:s will preside at both Services " Come to These Outstanding Worship Services Tomorrow! KING STREET UNITED CHURCH | REV. J. V. McNEELY, M.A. B.D, WALTER H. JACKSON, Organist and Choirmaster SERVICES OF WORSHIP 11:00 a.m...~HOLY COMMUNION : Church School Meets During Morning Worship = 7:00 p.m.--"A FRIEND IN NEED" COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH COR. SIMCOE AND ARLINGTON Rev. B. 8, Morwood, Minister Kelvin James, A.T.C.M, Organist 11:00 a.m.--MORNING WORSHIP THE REV. W. P. ROGERS OF BOWMANVILLE 7:00 p.m.-- EVENING FELLOWSHIP THE REV. R. B. HARRISON OF BLACKSTOOK The Junior Church School meets at 11:00 a.m, in the auditorium C.C.F, NEWSPAPER 65 in Cornwall Are Blood Donors tablishment of a C.C.F. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 150 ALBERT ST. Rev, N. Kritsch, ? 10.00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 aan.--Morning Service TWO UNEQUAL SONS 7.00 pm. Evening Worship Regina, June 21 -- (OP) -- Hs- | daily Cornwall, June 21--(OP)--8ixty- five male employees of Courtaulds (Canada) Limited here were typed as tive * blood don- ors, as e two local hospitals launched a campaign to increase their sourdes for blood transfusions. Need for additional donors has be- come urgent, the hospital said. Among those who became a vol- untary donor was Camille Charle- bois, war veteran who lost both legs overseas, and wohse life was saved 4 by blood transfusions, Agriculturalists Are Honored Guelph, June 20--(CP)--Fiftéen agricultural representatives with long service records 'with the On- tario Department of Agriculture, | were honored at a dinner at the Ontario Agricultural College here marking the . fortieth annie versary of founding of the sere vice. The event was held in cone nection with the conference of re- presentatives which has béen in progress three days. Dean of those honored was C. W. Buchanan of Napanee, representa- tive in Lennox and Addington, who bas been 36 years in the govern- ; ment service. Salisbury, England--(CP) -- City Council has refused 20 aluminum bungalows offered by the Ministry of Health, newspaper because of the "gross discrimination" shown by the "re- actionary press of Saskatchewan" rwas urged in a resolution passed at a Regina constituency C.C.F. convention, TWO-YEAR TERM Brantford, June 21--(CP)-- Or- val Hannon of London, Ont., who pleaded guilty to a charge of car theft here was sentenced to two years in penitentiary, GIBBON STREET GOSPEL MISSION EVENING SERVICE AT 7 PM, under direction of VETERANS' CHRISTIAN FeLLowsip from London, Ont. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 3 pm. YOU ARE WELCOME The Public Are Cordially Invited To Attend the : DECORATION DAY SERVICES at the _ UNION CEMETERY, SUNDAY, JUNE 22 - -- 3:00 p.m. -- "Under Auspices of the PENDENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS 'Rev. H. D. Cleverdon SPECIAL SPEAKER Christ Memorial Church Choir Will Also Be in Attendance! , In oase of rain, the service will be held in the Oddfellows Hall, 81s King st. est at 3 p.m. holy place." Enduring Contributions of Nation "And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the Lord unto His place, to the oracle of the house, into the most ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--II Chron. 5-6; Psalm 119 By Alfred J. poarch | 108-112; Ksalah 2:1-5; Micah 6. Sy [2 The Levites, which were the singers, were robed in white, with cymbals, psal« teries and harps, and with them one hun. dred and twenty priests with trumpets. ' \ he And the king (Solomon) turned and blessed the whole congrega ing, "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel," and all the congregation of Irsasl stood Solomon "kneeled down upon his knees before all thé congregation of Israel, and spread his hands toward heaven" MEMORY VERSE-Isalah 3:3. s face . n, saye f