SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES:GAZETTE iw PAGE ELEVEN BOB Hi-Tide RIFE r second go under the "Hi-Tide" and if you of the present "series ... (BD~you are lucky.) ... 'just remember that our little "plece de resistance" goes in every Wed- yheste) and Saturday, twice a week t y : Dance owe the ball rolling on "this dance affair we might remind all those who have not bought their «tickets yet, that they are out of *Juck, for the sale had to be counted "s0 that the numbet of persons to » «be fed could be calculated, So nat- urally if you haven't got a ducat now, you can't get in, Details # Just to prove that. we are defi- nitely Irish ,.. (no kiddin', it's true) .., we shall discuss the mat~ ter of this dance and how we ob- tained admittance to same. Faith, and we were approached by the prexy herself and she asked us if Zwe'd be up to helpin' the cause a wee bit. "Sure and we would, we sald, and so now two strong 'Irishmen are stationed at the doors tickets, The other "be- being Raymond O'- ' + Well, there will be quite a few of the more prominent of the Fifth Form doing forme there will, of course, be some tof the beauties of the fourth ... (girls that 1s) to help them out. We must not forget that there will be a large group of sandwich-makers assembled all day Monday to pre-|. | pare the eats, These persons in- clude not only pupils, but members of the cafeteria staff who have kindly donated their time and ener- gles to the success of sald same dance. Decorations will be in tone with the date and there'll be little Irish spuds sticking their eyes out all over the place, and colleens and young men of the Emerald Isle, and last but by no means least, Salomey's Irish cousin of the genus "Hammus" Faith and Begorras. Notice The Congress will, of course, meet next Thursday at the Collegiate and indications are that it will be one of the old-time type of sessions, with lots of the old spunk and sputter, Sports The O.C.V.I. Senior team went down to Trinity College last Wed~ nesday night and the boys came back with a score of 61-51 to think over, The T.C.B8, lads swept to a very nice win and deserve full credit for their work, Jack Foster ana Gord, Hanna were the hotshots of the night for Oshawa as the latter potted 17 points, while the former, .| a converted Junior, piled up.a to- tal of 13 to be second best on the Oshawa squad, On the same bill Peterborough R.C.M.P. Buys Planes For Canadian Bases Pictured are two Beechcraft models 188, purchased by Canada's famous Royal Oanadian Mounted Police, heading north from the Beech Aircraft ( tion field in Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A, to their bases in Canada, During 1046, Beecheraft r.odel DISS twin-engined, 6 to 9 place exevu.ive transports were delivered tc private owners and governments In 13 foreign countries and to the territories of Hawall ang Alaska. and s0 let's all get out and make this sport go over with a bang ... That, Second form party that was scheduled for this coming Monday has been postponed on account of the St. Pat's dance the school is hav ... Rumors are flying that the basketball will have an exhibition game against some North Toronto Collegiate be- fore they start for Queen's Univer- sity and the annual invitation bas- ketball tourney that is held there, ..» What prominent member of the Senior basketball team seems to take a delight in landing on his after quarters in the auditorium, whenever a chair is pulled out from under him? Have You Heard Dept, This week's choice for second best took the Lakeshore Senior Cossa crown by coming through with two quick baskets with but one minute to go and the score tied Pete's 47 to Cobourg 47, to win 51-47, As far as we know at this writing the Bantam team will now lose its chance of becoming the only Osha- wa team in the Cossa playoffs since they cannot get enough cars to go to Peterborough and play. Tough luek, fellahs, Chatter Well, it comes time for another relief teacher to leave the institute and this time it is Mr, Burt-Ger- rans, thé second man to take over for Mr, Waugh and the second man to receive our congratulations on a job well done .., Boys Interphra- try Basketball will start next week Pater is Shaw's rendition of "Little ", It is one of the better ef- forts of "Mr, Shaw's" brass section and we think you should bend an ear to this cookie the next chance you have. The Listening Tide While pondering over what to Toaze mentioned on the madhouse that is Club 580. Little JoJo was using a whistle on the wolf key at this Oshawa teen-ager as she mod- elled some of the latest fashions Here's withing her lots of luck in this profession which she must by now realize is one of the toughest yet, She definitely has the ability bore you wits this day we happen- | tio; ed to hear the name of Eileen|- and the looks for it, and we for one think she'll go far in this field, ' Event The Skating Carnival is sched- uled for this week and if it is any- where near ag good as last year's it will be a bang-up show, Lots of skaters from the Collegiate will be donning costumes in this year's ex- travaganza, so it will be well worth your while to na on either day night to see the show. (Aside to all wolves Fellal1s, this Yvonne ghermean, she is ... aaa- umn, Puzzle Another old friend and worst enemy reminds us that the follow- ing will come true scme time next week, "M.LI1B. 11.05-CKEY" If that doesn't make sense to you we will explain it in Wednesday's col- YT The Latest We are sorry that we haven't got an Irish ear-splitter for you today, but this one may do ... The local political machine was holding a meeting and they did everything they could to make it a success, A large hall and a good speaker had been engaged. When the latter arrived, he seem- ed in a crabby: frame of mind, Looking around he motioned to the boss of the gathering. "I should like to have a glass of water on my table, please," he sald, "To drink?" was the idiotic ques- n, "Oh no," was the sarcastic retort, "when I've been speaking for half. an-hour I do a high dive." ... Well, there it is, see you Wednesday, AEGEAN WINDMILLS Mountain passes funneling the steady Aegean winds have long been favorite sites for windmills on the island of Crete. et down to the Are- || Huiesday or Wednes- ed to be poisonous, only as g decorative garden plant, ONCE THOUGHT POISON The tomato originally was bellev- ; and was grown AMERICAN BIRD -- American bird habitat is North America. Have Those Spring an Summer Clothes If you're too busy to bring them in, then JUST and We'll Call for and Deliver ! New Service Clea ners OSHAWA rv ") ~ Easter Seals For the first time in Ontario the sale of be held commencing March 20, to raise funds for the work of The Ontario Society for Through this 2-week sale The Society hopes to raise procéeds for expansion of this work, will In Oshawa the Rotary Club has undertaken the sponsorship of this campaign. Organized to help crippled children regardless of their race, color or creed. The Society is celebrat- ing its 25th Anniversary. November 28, 1922, was. the date that representatives met in Windsor and formed the society. During thie past 15 years it has cared for more than 49,432 physically handicapped. A letter containing seals has been forwarded to every resident in Oshawa, Won't you please reply promptly! W. R. BRANCH, Chairman, EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Crippled Children. -- ---------- A dren In nurses is required. AA ht A AN, NA Robert Crippled Montreal, Oshawa, Ont. YEA i In south western Ontario 5 the Province of the Ontario So- y Children, With more than 15,000 rippled chil- Ontario these nurses have far more duties than they can efficiently handle. To cover the territory adequately, especi- ally in the Northern and Eastern sections, a staff of at least 14 Remittances are to be made to Argo, Treasurer, Easter Seal Fund, Ontario Society for Children, c/o Bank of bow" | A EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN IN AID OF THE y CRIPPLED CHILDREN J, ONTARIO SOCIETY OF Many children, it they received proper care and treatment, especie ally In the early stages of afflicti'n, would be spared suffering and their chances of recove ery greatly enhanced. BT