Daily Times-Gazette, 15 Mar 1947, p. 8

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gp PAGE EIGHT >-- "4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE \__ SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1947 Week-end Radio Programs Smith ph Hu ber Yesterday 30----Jim Hunter, News AS--Re! in the News p a of tae Isles :45----Bongs '48--Songs America 8 AS-=Wes, MeKnight's 8 Lorne Greens #90---~Cuckoo Sys House Hive Believe Ballroom Ao Interiude 3---Racke et gs v7 Binaies, 18 30-Cavalcade of Music 30----Vaught Monroe Orch. 30--Once n :30--Alfred SE Canaan-Helrs Trump Davidson's Orch, Mart Kenney's Orch, udy Canova Show This is Holl Stan Patton's Orch. 0:30 Musie ie' wn lon Hoedown 0°; 30--grana Ole Opry 0:35--0 Ontario Hold ntario (8) 0:40--Joe Chry, o, Bporte 0: 4S--Frontier. Pageant 0:45--~The Three Buns 0:45-~Dance ro Chere CKEY 10:A5--Press News CKDO 10:58-Headliners CFR 11:00--~New. New, WB! 11 :00-- Dominion Network News CJ. 100--News id Feature WOR :00--Red Rive: CBL 00---News | hye "Tomorrow Ww 1 Tips 'n Tunes 110 Rendesvous :18--Late 3 A 11 8 for i 1:15 eo ry 1: Hit Preview ; Footnote IAB 30--Martin Tobins Tune Time For :30--Art Hallman's Oreh. OBL :30--Cuy Lombardo Orch, WBEN 30--Martin Tobin's Tune Time WOR :30--~Carmen = Cavallero WKBW Cog Rvney Oroeh, CFRB CJBC 'WBEN 30--Del :30--Dance 12 :00--~New. "ran --cPRE-- 20 Hews--say It With Musio bY 10:00~Church in Wildwood 10:00--8Songs from Heavens Alrways 10:00-Message of Israel WKB J000 gan to Worship LEA 10:00--Sun Morning Serenade 10:00-=Ni ational "Radlor Puiu 10:03--News WEEN hurch 10: a3 --heron Harbor 20:50--Press News hi glenn Fontiienl gro 11 00 Eglinton United Churol wan Serv 11:00--Churen Service 100=P People's Church Som cariion United Church 00--~Christian Sclence Poi hda 00-Fine Arta Quarte 1:30-=The Concert yi SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00-BBO News, Commentary CJBO--OBL Musto OK M CKEY Cl CFRB CIBC CIB 1 1: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iu WHEN--CKEY , News "Listen In" . . . When The "HALLIDAYS" Salute THE "IRISH" "In Honor of Ireland's Patron Saint! ~Featuring-- THE HARMER SISTERS "Lorie"--"Shirley'-- and "Betty" ...In Irish Songs and Music CKDO -- 124 On Your Dial March 17th-7] p.m. 30--Children's Theatre :30--Music to Remember EEE EEEES 00---New, '00-- Broadway Melodies B--rhe Mayor Reports ayor 1:00--Pe Htecostal Church Service o0--Wayn Ring Show ayne Hirsh, oF J "L. 'Pink--WBEN i 15--Br.-Israel Fed. CFRB Time CKEY to Remember WKBW : Stories , 0 1 Are 4:00---World's Most Honored Mute, L 4.00-Bible Society CHUM 4:00--News CKEY CKEY .15--Dave CHUM :15--Cor'nne Jordan :30--~The Green Hornet : p-Reliywood Open H 30---Quiz of Two Cities WBEN 4:30--This Week Around the Won CJB! 4:30--Personality Profiles in Music CFR! WGR CBL - That CKDO 4:45--Music in the Modern Manner 5 3 A Musie in the Modern Manner je With Jack Bmith CHUM 3 00--0n0 News CB 5:00-8ymphony of the Air WB 5:00--A Half Hour with the Bible CJBO WKBW CHUM CKEY 00--The * pamny Hour CFRB-WGR 03--John Fisher OBL CKEY WKBW CKEY CHUM 5:35-Off the 45--William L. Shirer 5:45--Moon Dreams 45--News SUNDAY EVENING 6:30--Norman OC) 6:30--Nick i ped :30=-C} adi Stories Court of Missing Ree Record Shop Maitland Farmer OBL 00-~Albert St. nited Churoh UKDO I Baptist CFRB :00-~Clone Au Show WOR of ng Helrs CJBO 7:00--Jack Benny Show WHEN Frat Lh 8h CKRY. wh EN arr OW, ---WBEN 30--Music for Canadians OBL 7:30--The Clock WW Ey 8:00 WOR CKDO News #:00-Advent, of Sam Spade : :00-8alon Concert 8.:00--"Books and Us" Calmer News News CEDO Winchell, News WEKBW CKEY WGR--CFRB 'Round WBEN Your CJBO WEBW Che Policewoman Quentin MacLean CJ. [heatre Sutil of 1 the Alr, WKB jabriel Heat CKEY °e 383, 0: 0:30--Kenn 0:30--The Baker CFRB mund Hackridge Show CJBC Me at Parky's WBEN Reverie CFRB Composers CBL CFRB Hour WKBW Network News, CJBC It with Music, CKEY WGR---WBEN~CFRB Take Over With Music ford of et apap atot--~ ~~ ro --- 1 11 Russell's Music 11:30--Sunday Serenade 11:30--Once n A Tune WGR 11:45--Music You Know WGR 12:00---News; Say it With Music SEY 12 00--usical Showcise WKBW 12:00--New -~WRG--CFRB 12:00--CBO News Bulletin CJBO--CBL 12:05--Blue Barron Orch, WGR--CFRB 12:30--Vaughn Monroe Orch. WGR 12:30--News CFRB 1:00-~News CKEY-WGR MONDAY MORNING 00--Say Lid With Musio )--Now: ay i "It ii Music 08--Top"o! the Morn roing '10--~Clint Buehiman : Farm Re) poral Hiren New: usic in the Morning WEKBW 140 Wake Up and Sing CKDO 45--New 451080 Roundup 45--Ciospel Singer :00--~News; Musical Clock 3 News fm Clock Bo--Pioas New: 7:30~CBC News and Interiude om 180---~News Reports :35--Lew Par er Comedy :35--1050 hog up A0--Top he Morning "40--Percolator Parade HUM '45--Music in the Morning WKBW GR :50---News wi 35--Meindy Highlight OBL :35--Ne CHUM 0=Jim "Hunter, News CFRB 00 Dena, Manners WEBW :00--Ralph Snyder Show WGR 100--CBG News and Interlude OBL A arediar 2 ade CEDO :00--M Monty A CHUM :10--Hal Kelly Ra CKEY Livestock Review CFRB :15--Coffee Time CFRB H Clock (Kenney) CKEY :15--Clint Susu WBEN : votions CBL in the Mornl: WKBW W---CHUM 30--The. Teuimpeteers CFRB :30--Press CKDO SMaleal" March Past CBL :35--Hits of Today CHUM on Parade CKDO :45--Music in the Morning WKBW 45---"X 3darks the Car" CHUM Musi :30--News CFRB WGR CFRB--WBEN--CREY }00--Breakfast Club WEBW---CJBO :00--CBO News D0 {00--Church. the Wildwood CKDO CHUM BHO Vie Vie int :00--R er Show WGR CKEY 105--All Prime' Hit Parade Liebert Oklahoma Soundup t Cl Melody '1 Incorporated Clevelandaires 9: 30_Morning Mem BW of 45--Catholle Lenten Talk § samt Gi 9: Nowa he ate 10:00--New: 10:00 Waite Time ASPIRI RELIEVES AND PAINS OF iP ACHE ¢ P Win As IN MARKED THIS WAY L | 11 IN OUR TIME Released by Nov Bre Mtorprises By Howie Hunt "And there I was with only one grenade and surrounded by Japs!" 10:00~-My True Story WEBW Jo :00---CGive and Take Believe Ballroom Bands 10: 15 Depe. of Highways Rd, Bey? 10:15--Susan Booker 10:15--Tello-Chain 10:15--Nelson Olmsted 10:17--8outhland Singing 10:25--Hymns of all Churches 10:30--Kate Altken 10:30--Ethelwyn Hobbes 10:30--~Rom, of Evelyn Winters 10:30--Press News 10: 30 News 0 Melodies Road of Life Plano Interlude Morning Melodies Music in Marchtime Novelette Jane Weston David Harum ime 10:45--Joyce Jordan, 3; 55--Memory Test 1 /00--Consumer News CEDO 4 kfast Hollywood WKBW 00--Arthur A odires WGR-~-CFRB :00--~Road of Life CBL :00--Morning Varieties CHUM :00--Fred Waring Show CJBC--~WBEN 11:05--Make Believe Ballroom CR I 11:15--~Big Sister 11:15---Betty and Bob 11:30--Aunt Mary 11:30--~The Hollywood Story 11: )--Jack Berch Show :30--Chuck Yagon Serenade 30--Crand Sla ; Parade '30---George' s Wife i 35 Stork Club of the Alr 11:40--""Household Counsellor" 11:45--Do You Remember 11:45--Rosemary 11:45--Lora Lawton 11:45--Voice of Memory 11:45--Ted Malone, Columnist 11:45--Laura Limited :50-~News MONDAY AFTERNOON M.D, . Shore yg Digest for Mid-Day Baker Show Ri Bpeaks the Hits 'tween the Lines Music Contest News in Pops Favorites Club Gang Roth Incorporated Malone tt tk a 1:45--Claire Wallace 1:45--3, Tim, 2 00K lernan s News Corner 2:00~Novatime 2:00--Meet the Band 2:00--Joan Baird 2 :00--~News 2:00--The Second Mrs Burton 2.00--Radio World Musicale 2:00--Celebrity Time 20( ny Ciilidien :0 erry Burke Show EY 3 Yor ena, Page of the Alr WEEN ter Hour Concert CEKDO ack Berch Show :15=-Dr, Paul :15--Ethel and Albert :15--Perry Mason 2:15--~Woman in White 2:28--~Masquerade 2:30--Styles In Song 2:30--~News 2:30--Jerry Sears Orch. 2:30--Bride and Groom Show 2:30--~Lone Journey 2:30--~Pop Concert 5.30---Spring Serenade 5.35--Designed for Dining 2:40 a tr drtrtade, FTE TRe 2: 2:45--Tropicana 2:45--Light of ie ond '00--Ladies Be Se: :00--Parade of B 0--Make Mine Music 0--1050 Matinee 2'00--Telln-Test 3:00~Life Can Be Beautiful; WBEN 3:05--Jerry Burke Showe 3:10--Western Songs 3:15--8alon Concert 3:15=~Melody, Inc, 3:15=1050 Matinee s 3:15--Lucky Seven Quiz 3:15~"Ma Perkins" WBEN--OBL 3:30--"Pepper Young's Family" WBEN-CBL 3 :30--Music a La Carte CJBC 3 inner Take All CFRB 3:30--New: CHUM 3730 Moettn' with Keaton WGR 3: 1050 Matinee CHUM 3:45--Lucy Linton CFRB 3:45--Hollywood Studio Tour CJBC 3 ome to Happiness WBEN--CBL 4:00---Four O'Clock News CFRB 4:00--News 4:00-1050 Matinee 4:00--~Tommy Bartlett Show 4:00--~Backstage Wife --CBL CKEY Si 4:10---Music For Monday 4:15--Stella_Dallas 4:15--High Tide 4:15~Womens News Commentary CBL 4:18--Tropical News and Views oy J0--Adventure Parade 30--Lorenzo Jones, Serial 30--News 30--News 0--Proudly We Hall ai BB WEBW. 4:45--Norm_Wullen, Organist 4:45--Tea Dance 4 outa Widder Brown 5:00--New: EH] {00--Superm 5:00--~Terry and the Pirates 5:00--8chool of the any KBW---CJBC WGR ARN... Now Available at Meagher's Electric OAL RANGES Both New and Used WIDE RANGE OF MODELS Suitable Terms Arranged . . . D.V.A. Credits Accepted 92 SIMCOE N. MEAGHER'S ELECTRIC PHONE 4600 00-It's 5 O'clock :00--When a Girl Marries Classics 05--8tudio Party 5--Tello-Chain Carmen Cav! BEEECBES: 15--8ky K! 5 Gendors a "Sidelights 20--Make Belleve Ball New! ry Time 1 ust Plain Bill, Serial 35 Design ed for Dining or Snop Quartet '45--Lanny and Ginger :45--FPront Page Farrell n Messe 'S0--Puttin' on the Dog Hold Party To Raise Funds For New Projector W. M. PIPER Correspondent Ajax, March 14--In the Ajax church tomorrow at 11 a.m., Rev. Norton will speak on "Prelude to Penitence", At 7 pm. the subject will be "The Loneliness of the Cross", Keep in mind the St. Patrick's Card Party under the auspices of the Ajax Home and School, Mon- day, March 17, at 8 p.m. in the vil- lage school, Bridge, euchre and 500--3 lucky draws. Refreshments, The proceeds are to help purchase a projector for the school. All boys between the ages of 10 and 15 years, interested in athletics, are asked to be at the Community Hall, Monday, March 17, at 7 pm. r | Geo. Greenough, president. Fred Bush, 15 Windsor Ave,, one time ugard for D.IL., has been re- cently taken to hospital. His neigh- bors and friends are wishing him a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Upton and daughter, Margo, were the week- end visitors of Mr. Upton's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Upton, Wel- lington. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ogston, Billie and Barbara of Ontario Street, spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. Wall, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Ruth of Streetsville, spent Sunday with the Lewis of Ontario St. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arnold, Toron- to, called on the latter's sister, Mrs. S. Sandercock of Ontario St. on Sunday. Dr, Humphreys, University den- tist, making a call on York 8t., left his car out front and found it being driven away on his return--sequel unknown. DEMOBILIZATION COMPLETE Canberra -- (CP) -- Australia has discharged 525,000 men and women from the services and demobiliza- tion is complete now. Strength of the interim peacetime forces is 60,- B | 000, SATURN IN CLOUDS The planet Saturn is enveloped in a heavy, clouds approximately 16,000 miles thick. {1 The inimitable Maurice Chevalier impenetrable layer of | Melodies By PAT USSHER Canadian Press Staff Writer New York, March 15--(CP)-- is back in New York for the first time since 1934 and his songs and showmanship were received this week with an enthusiasm which gladdened his Gallic heart. Much has happened, including a world war, during the 13 years since the Parisian singer with the straw hat and the jaunty air was last on Broadway, Chevalier has been cleared in France of charges that he was friendly with the Nazis during the wartime occu- pation period. He is 58 now. But the audience at Henry Mil- ler's Theatre applauded his even- ing of songs and impressions with a warmth seldom shown by New York theatre-goers, Chevalier told his second-night audience that he was "very happy" at the reception the critics had given him and ob- viously he meant it, His performance is simple. He sings some half-a-dozen songs, most of them in French. He ex- plains the French songs in Eng- lish first, a routine which delights the customers as much as the numbers themselves, Irving Act- man accompanies him on the pian ane light night-club type enter- tainment, {t {s superb. However, Canadians who want to see him in person probably will have to do some travelling. At this writing, no arrangements have been concluded for him to appear in Montreal or slsewhere in the Dominion, Revival Vogue Revivals are in vogue this sea- son. The musical version of El- mer Rice's classic, "Street Scene," is the outstanding example among current productions, Then there's comedian Bobby Clark, houncing his way through the Vie- tor Herbert operetta, "Sweet- hearts." The latest such vehicle, "The Chocolate Soldier," opened this week at the Century Theatre, It proved a pleasant affair, Milestone Department It's milestone week for several successful Broadway shows, "Ok- lahoma!" today reached fits 1,- 700th performance and "Carous- el" its 800th , . . Eugene O'Neil's "The Iceman Cometh" closes its local run tonight, It will go on tour . , . The American Repertory Theatre's production of "Yellow Jack" also folds up tonight, The critics approved it but public backing was insufficient to meet costs. CCF. FORUM GENOSHA Hotel Sunday, March 16 8.15 P.M. SPEAKER: -- ANDREW BREWIN &.c. SUBJECT: "Battle of the Budgets" Discussion Invited! COME ON- YOU PROMISED YOUR' WIFE AT LEAST \ SS NR Drm 7) ZZ, DO YOU MIND IFWE SIT THIS ONE Out % roar oLD EXCUSE OF YOURS AGAIN- BACKACHE ~WHY DONT } YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT? [Sess JIIIII1/ 721727 7E77FE7777727777, MAY WE SUGGEST YOU USE Dodds Kidnev Pills To HELP RELIEVE THAT BACKACHE When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and poisons og in the system, Then backache, headache, oni rest, or that "tired-all-the-time" feeling x soon follow, To hel keep kidneys working pro- yo in Tr ondition, Dodd's , to help them regain a normal ¢ aia help wen vega » Brive) evadiion, unt | use 153 A Special Invitation! To All Irish Gentlemen...and Others... St Dtvich: y2rh 4 12to 2 +» » Sure 'tis a foine meal ye'll miss if ye don't come! Phone 1790 For Reservations! To Partake of Our... DINNER--SUNDAY at the... Served p.m. All Shillelaghs, Bricks, etc.,, Must Be Checked at Desk! Irish Musio Will be a Feature : At Dinner! « +» + In Honor of St. Patrick's Day on March 17th Note! St laliicks DAY

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