PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1947 LATEST NEWS OF THE COUNTY TOWN OF WHITBY Business Office, Miss G. Macpherson; Wm. T. Williams, Editor. Phone 703, All Departments CHILDREN BADLY INJURED IN HIGHWAY ACCIDENT Transport, Car Collide, Three Injured Seriously + Three children were seriously in- jured and a man was less seriously injured in an accident between a milk transport and an automobile on the No. 2 Highway, 11 miles west of here, at the intersection of the Fairport Beach Road, at about | 7:00 pm. last night, according to Provincial Constable Gilbert Rob- ertson, of the Scarboro detachment, The injured, all passengers in the light coupe, were, 13-year-old Lorna Valleau, Spruce Hill Road, Dun- barton, who suffered from severe head and back imjurles; 10-year- | old Marion Valleau, Spruce Hill Road, who suffered a broken left leg, severe head and back injuries; | 12 year -old Ronald Robinson, Spruce Hill Road, broken right leg, severe head and back injuries, and | .the driver -of the car, 19-year-old James Cockburn, 111 Nassau Street, Oshawa, who suffered from a severe shaking up, minor head and back injuries. The driver of the truck, James Kelly, Port Hope, was un- injured. : The injured persons were @at- tended by Dr. Pearson, Dunbarton, who ordered the three children rushed to the Toronto East General Hospital. a ing to Constable Robertson, the car driven by Cockburn, turned onto the highway from a service station on the southeast corner of the intersection of the highway and the Fairport Beach Road into the path of the eastbound Hue whieh ' was approaching over crest o a fire Cockburn told police that he had looked both ways before entering the highway and had not seen the truck approaching. Kelly, the driver of the truck, said that he had not seen the car entering the highway because his * vision was partially blocked by the + hill top. He stated that he had lied the brakes on the heavy Free but that they did not grip the icy surface of the road and "the vehicle slid into the rear of the Cockburn car. The car, which was a light road- ster, was completely wrecked by the impact and the truck was slightly " dam aged. Police said that two of the in- * jured children were riding in the ' rumble seat of the vehicle at the time of the impact. Hospital authorities af a late hour last night had made no statement as to the condition of the injured children but it is believed that there injuries are "very serious." 'Diapers Item -In Black Mart Toronto, March 3 -- (CP) -- It's a wicked world whose black markets extend even into the intimacies of for hundreds of infants in the "good city," said Saturday that though flapnelette is hard to get on the open market he had been offered anonymously "thousands of yards" +at 40 cents a yard, twice the legal prices for best quality material. Resigns Post MARSHAL ANDREI ALEKSAND- ROVITCH ZHDANOV hero of the Battle of Leningrad, who is reported to have asked to be relieved of his post as chairman of the Union of the Supreme Soviet. Zhdanov has been a leading figure in a post-war drive to purge Soviet literature and art of tendencies to stray from their ideological aims. He has been mentioned several times ag a possible successor to Stalin as head of the government. Hospital Bowlers In Close Race For Top Honours The Ontario Hospital bowlers are still at it hot and heavy as the re- sults of league games played last week would indicate. The official standing of the teams indicates that the All-Stars hold a slim two-point margin over their closest competitor Head Pins who have a score of 54. Last week results are as follows: Dodgers, 5; Rinkey-Dinks, 0. High Single, B. Sleep, 288. High Three, B. Sleep, 663. Black Cats, 3; Snaps, 2. Easy Aces, 3; Hurricanes, 2. High single, A, McMinn, 230, High Three, F. Hayes, 519. Happy Gang, 4; Atomics, 1, High Single, N. Gill, 247. High Three, J. White, 535. Head Pins, 3; All-Stars, 2, High Singl, B. Luke, 262. The complete standing of the teams is as follows: LIFE ON MARS Patches of vegitation are believed to have been seen on the planet Rough going for h hero er C1 "hatred hgh i TIERNEY - JESFREYS vowew GILMORE Snow Blocks Bride 14 Weds Groom 20 Roads In Whitby Area The incessant snow fall which be- gan early Saturday eve! + and continued throughout the has caused local motorists and town workmen "a great big headache." This report came from town offic- ials last night after a full night and day struggle to get the main roads in the town into a safe driving con- dition. Police reported the roads as "very slippery" throughout the weekend but added that motorists were be- ing very careful in their driving habits and that the majority of persons had left their cars in the garage and had walked wherever necessary. The roads north of the OPR. tracks and in the southern part of Port Whitby were blocked for a time Saturday night and Sunday morning but snow plow crews im- mediately went into action and had the roads in fair shape by noon Sunday, However, officials warned motorists not to drive over the roads in the area because the wind was drifting the snow from time to time. Up until a late accidents had police. Local Hockeyists In Action Tonight On Two Fronts Whitby Red Wings tangle with the Port entry in the second round of the Jr. "C" OHA hockey playoffs tonight at Taylor's Arena with every indication that it will be a real rugged encounter. Whitby, fresh from their two game victory over the Uxbridge Fly- hour last night no been reported to ers in the first playoff round, are! hoping to make it a two in a vow victory over the Port Hope crew but indications from the "Radium City" have it that the high-flying Wings will have a struggle on their hands, Port Hope nosed out the Orono Orphans in their two game tilt concluded late last week. Red Wing officials are in hopes | | that tonight's tussle between the two clubs will draw a sell-out crowd to the Arena. In the other game of local in- terest, the Whitby Legionnaires travel to Lindsay tonight to play the second in a two out of three playoff series with the Lindsay sex- tet. Whitby downed the hard-hit ting Lindsay crew by a 12-4 mar- gin on Friday night last but rumbl- ings from Lindsay indicate that they will have a real struggle 'on their hands if they hape to repeat. Jimmy Ross, manager of the Le- gionnaires, said today that the re- quests for tickets on the bus trans porting the Legionnaires to the game has far exceeded the supply. He stated that a fairly large con- tingent of local fans will make the trip to Lindsay, the majority of them in private cars. Bert Amonde, 59, Scribe, Sportsman Dies At Home Brockville, March 8 -- (CP) -- C. E. (Bert) Amonde, 59, news edi- tor of the Brockville Recorder and Times, died 'at his home here yes- terday. He had been connected with the Brockville newspaper since 1916 when it was the Brockville Times. He was organizer and secretary- treasurer of the Eastern Ontario Amateur Softball Association. Witnesses Hold 'Freedom' Meets Montreal, March 3 -- (CP) -- Members of the Witnesses of Jeho- vah held two simultaneous meetings here yesterday, one in French and the other in English, as part of what a spokesman described as the launching by 500 chapters across the country of a petition "to make secure the fundamental liberties of every person in Canada." Believe Arnprior Man Train Victim Arnprior, March 3 (CP)--William McNeill, 67, was killed Saturday when struck by a Canadian Pacific Rallway freight train while cross- ing the track in front of his home. It was believed the accident occur- red while Mr. McNeill was driving | his herd of cows across the track | to water = the shore of the Otta- | a river. One of the cow - ed by the train, Sows Wee LJ 6 Months' Water All For Free Brockville, March 3--(CP)~--' Public Utilities in ay nounced that Brockville consumers will receive six months' free water service due to a surplus of $10,000 last year. Consumers received four months' free service in 1946. A 14-year-old bride and her bridegroom cut their cake after their wed- ding in Pittsburg, Pa. The principals are the former Patricia Miner, of Morrell, Pa., and Griffith Sullivan, 20, ex-G.I. of Pittsburgh. At the reception, Patty took one look at the four-tiered wedding cake and exclaimed, "Gee! how to cut it!" I never saw a cake like that before. They will live with Sullivan's relatives. I don't know Nazi Plot Suspect 0% Hitler's missing deputy, Martin Bormann, was believed an impor- tant figure in the underground Nazi organization uncovered by U.S, and British officials in the Herford, Germany area. Report. edly armed with a secret bacteri- ological weapon, plotters were said to be planning another Hit. ler-type Reich. Antelope Mine Mystery Unsolved Schreiber, Ont., March 3 -- (CP) ---- Ontario provincial police today still probed the mysterious disap- pearance of prospector Edward Grant and his helper, Mike Duch- eno, missing from their Antelope Mine property near here since Christmas, but they refused com- ment on the latest of a series of rumors sweeping the district. The rumor was that both Grant and Ducheno had been shot with their own rifles. - There still was no official word that police knew the men to be dead although they had said, with- out explanation, that there are cir- cumstances pointing to death. Officers who searched the mining camp where Grafit and Ducheno lived are reported to have found it well stocked with food and clothing and to have turned up a number of Antelope Mining stock certificates. There were no signs of disturbance in the shack and the officers said that if the two men had been killed or died of natural causes, they had not been able to find the bodies. 3 Whitby News In Brief Accounts of social events and of visitors to and from the town are appreciated by this department TELEPHONE The Young Women's Group of St. Andrew's Church, have plans com- pleted for a Children's Party to be held on Wednesday, April 9. LE Mr. Leslie McFarlane, of the National Film Board, Ottawa, On- tario, formerly of Whitby, was in town this week and called on old friends, BAR COASTING Campbellton, NB. -- (CP) -- A warning has been issuéd here by the police department that R.C.M.P. with take action to keep children from coasting or playing on the streets of the town. It was em- phasis2d that, with high snow banks along most of the streets, it is im- possible for car drivers to keep a Jook-ouk for youngsters in all direc- ons, Announcements DON'T FORGET TO RESERVE THE dates,- April 17th and 18th, for the Rotary Club Minstrel Show. Watch for further details. ROUND and SQUARE DANCE Friday, March 7, 1947 8.30 p.m. WHITBY TOWN HALL Admission--50c per person Proceeds for a good cause HEADACHE pi GENUINE ASPIRIN 1S MARKED THIS WAY BOYS or GIRLS Wishing profitable work after school hours may apply for TIMES-GAZETTE PAPER ROUTES to Miss G. MacPherson at the Whitby office of THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE v7). orl s yz sting" the why thousands of motorists prefer thats = T3]3 one of many reasons Es] NA T:2 1150 1 BY COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KIND Lintner Tops Scorers In Jr. "A Loop The complete unofficial scoring statistics for the Whitby Red Wings, local Junior "C" OHA. entry were released today showing the individusl point records of the team members up to and including the last game of the regular sched- ule. In addition to the point scores shown other points were gathered and two playoff games to date. The records show that Tod Lint- ner was the leading scorer for the Red Wings, duplicating his feat of the previous year. Lintner had a total of 29 goals and 23 assists for 52 points to lead McCloskey to the wire by 6 points. McCloskey scor- ed 25 goals and assisted on 21 others. In addition to being the leading scorer Lintner also scored more goals and had more assists. His closest competitor in the goal scoring department was Gates with a total of 27 to his credit, Williams had 22 assists to rank second in this department. Forbes McEwen, local custodian of the twine, was the only net minder in the league to register a shut out and he has two to his credit. The Wings scored 164 goals dur- having 33 scored against them. The complete record is as fol- 52 Williams ..... L. YU op» Lynn Fair, B.S.A., Guest Speaker At Rotary Tuesday The guest speaker at tomorrow's regular weekly luncheon meeting of the Whitby Club will be the 'recently appointed Agricultural Rep- resentative for Ontario County, Lynn Fair, B.S.A. Mr. Fair, who recently succeed- ed Fred Campbell as Agricultural Representative in the county, was formerly the Agricultural Repre- sentative of Hastings County. Although a newcomer to this area, Mr. Fair is quite well known in rural areas because of his con- nections with the various seed and livestock fairs in Ontario, Mr, Fair is expected to address the Rotary Club on matters per- taining to agriculture in the coun- ty as well as to give brief outlines for proposed fairs in the Whitby- Oshawa area. Kitchen Shower For Recent Bride Mrs. George Ross, nee Christine Robertson of the Ontario Hospital staff, was the guest of honor at a kitchen shower, at the home of Miss Marguerite Ross, Green Street, last Friday night. Over 30 of the bride's friends at- tended and enjoyed a most delight ful evening. A wide variety of very useful and beautiful gifts were pre- sented. . 'The evening closed with the serv- ing of appetizing refreshments by Mrs. John Harkness and Miss Ross of Whitby and Mrs. W. F. Lindsay of Oshawa. Whitby Classified ANTED---DOMESTIC HELP W. at once. Apply Hotel Whitby. WANTED---DOMESTIC HELP W. Phone Whitby 2207, Whitby. AND by the team during three exhibition | ¢ ing the 13 game schedule while Town To Chamber of Commerce To Make Survey In Aid Traffic At a special meeting of the Board of Directors and Executive of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce held Friday night in the Town Hall a request was received from the Town Planning Board requesting the Chamber of Commerce to make a survey of business sources in the wn. The Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, D. J. Cuddy, stated that the request was made by the Board in an effort to come to a logical solutioh to the existing parking con- gestion that exists in Whitby dur- ing peak business hours, He added that the request from the Board specified that the Town Planning Board felt that a canvass of merch- ants and other business men in Whitby would go a long way to establishing just what was needed to rectify the local situation. In the request from the Board it was stated that the Town Planning Board wanted to know fairly ac- curately how much of the business done in Whitby came from local citizens, how much from citizens of the outlying communities and how much from transients. The parking problem existing in the town was brought to the atten- tion of the Town Council at a receht meeting and at a subseouent meet- ing a by-law was passed regulating the parking limits on the two main traffic arteries here, Brock and Dundas Streets. Earlier this week Chief Constable J. W. Elliott stated that he had been making a day to day survey of cars parked in the area near the four corners in - Whitby and had found that an average of 70 auto- mobiles were parked on .the two main streets during the day. He added that during the peak rush periods and on Saturdays this num- ber was considerably increased. He added that in his estimation this created a definite traffic hazard. Although the new parking regu- lations have not been enforged to any extent as yet it is understood that the police departments officials are awaiting the .arrival of signs which will inform the public of the new regulations, Chief Elliott stat- ed that it was of no use trying to enforce the rule until the signs had arrived but stated that immediately following the erection of the signs a trial period would be inaugurated during which violators of the rule would be warned. He said that following the trial period the police department would begin a policy of imposing fines on all offenders of the new regulations. The Times-Gazette Classified Ads Bring Quick Results. RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED -- IMMEDIATE BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE 130 Brock St. N., Whitby Tel. 707 WHITBY PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS Dentist DR. DETLOR DENTIST 812 Dundas St. W. Phone 357 Legal . D. J. CUDDY, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money To Loan WHITBY 109 Dundas Street West Phone 2214 Undertaking WwW. C. TOWN Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 410 - WHITBY Murray A. Robinson AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR and FURNITURE DEALER Phone No. 24 Brooklin Medical DR.J. 0. RUDDY Physician and Surgeon Cor. Mary sand Brock Sts, Whitby PHONE 587 Dr. Frederick A. Cuddy PHYSICIAN PHONE 712 Corner Byron and Colborne Sts. Taxis BELL TAXI WHITBY PHONE 364-465 BOWSER'S TAXI DON ABRAMS Day & Night Service PHONE 333 FLOORS CLEANED, W. Jlished, electric waxer and one 897, Whitby P.O. Box 94. MEN USE "VIGORINE" IF WEAK, rundown, nervous. Get renewed pep. vitality, 15-day treatment $1.00. At Snelgrove's Drug Store. COOK warm- reser 1ino- table, FOR SALE -- LARGE stove with reservolr, white trim, ig closet; Syobes Cook Stove, voir, excellent condition, 16 yards leum, marble top table, all mall box, , Beat er. Percy two miles west of Whitby, on hway. R Pascoe, No. 2 Hig FOR SALE --. MAN'S BICYCLE FO! sale, in good condition, Call at 416 John Street West, after 6 p.m. EXCHANGE--WILL EXCHANGE A 60 cle 14 HP/Motor for a 25 Cycle 4 HP. 'Phone Ragner Steen 484 Whit- by before Thursday morning. FOR SALE--OANARIES, SINGERS AND hen birds. Apply 114 Green street, Whitby. : FOUND--RONSON LIGHTER. OWNER may have same x proving property and paying for vertisement, Apply 319 Centre street north, Whitby. FOR SALE--MARCONI RADIO, § TUBE cream table model. Phone 2116, Whitby, PIANOS TUNED. PHONE 808. (4lf) FOR BALE--MIXED SLAB WOOD, NO extra charge to Gshawa, Brooks, of Phone 352 Whitby Veterinarian Veterinarian and Surgeon DR. A. S. BLACK TELEPHONE 6 BROOKLIN + ONTARIO Printing THE MUNNS PRESS Creators of Fine Printing 214 BROCK ST., SOUTH TELEPHONE 431 WHITBY, ONTARIO HARRY LADE SIGNS ! PHONE 25R13 BROOKLIN Monuments ax. Brunton Lumber v hitby. (tf) WANTED TO BUY-ALL KINDS OF Poultry, also new and old feathers Highest market prices. ApDIY J. Parker, 321 Brock St. N, Phone 480. WANTED--WANTED TO BUY, POUL- try, highest market prices pald, also feathers and horse halr, Apply N, Lemberg, Bruel street south, Wily. Phone or 992, Whitby, N. W. STAFFORD Dealer in Imported and Canadian Granites First class work at moderate prices BROOKLIN Office of Dr, H H. Armstrong Tuesdays 2 to 4 p.m, Wednesdays 7 to 9 p.m, Phone 70 W. J. HARE, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Office: 110 BROCK STREET N. Telephone 392, Whitby R. DONALD RUDDY. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Office at the Court House Money to Loan Phone 339 - Whitby, Duncan B. McIntyre Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Office: Brock Street South Phone 606 . Whitby W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 103 COLBORNE ST. W. WHITBY TELEPHONE 689 Insurance L. W. DUDLEY SICKNESS, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT 300 Walnut St. Telephone 568 Radio Repairs WILSON RADIO and ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Satisfaction Guaranteed BROOKLIN North of Tp. Hall Phone 25R-12 Optometrist M. HOLLENBERG, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIS1 Office Over Allin': Drug Store Telephone 671 102 Dundas W. Whitby Cartage W. G. UNDERWOOD GENERAL CARTAGE Sand, Gravel, Wood Cutting Phone 462 Whitby 309 Burns St. E. Phone 523