Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Feb 1947, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE: DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1947 ~ WANT AD SECTION S57 BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Puneral Dir Pemale Articles Por Sale .. 3 Articles Wanted ... 37 4--Auditors Auditors THAN TESSIS, ACCOUNTANT AND, saditor. Apply Box 27, be BICELE, Af and income itor, Governmen® gare Rg ed, Phone 1004J. 295 Arthur * Street. (Marl3) 8. T. HOPKINS, GEN- accou! 29 Alger BL Eing tant, e! i East. Phone 2127. Consult 5 countant and auditor. 2--Barristers Sale .. vee 32 utomobiles Wanted .ceeeeeee 33 L] a North. Phone 67, sl, Lastly ANT & ANNIS, srs AL- So E. Annis, K.C., Ti 8 Street South. Phone 4. iemdoncs 730 (Maris) ETC., q Simcoe y er D. jcitor etc., oes Office ® gia; oney to loan. JAMES R MacBRIZN, BARRISTER end Solicitor Sulte 201 70 King mast, Genosha Hotel. Phone 349, (Mar: JOSEPH P. MANGAN, EC. BARRIS- Solicitor. Money to loan. Siti 14%, King St. Bast, Oshawa. Phon 445. Res, Phone 837. (Marl) Li- EST MARKS, B SOLI- ony 11 King E. Room 2. Phones: Office 55, 3687TR. ic] Wa ao og ry "of. Md Bulld- ing. Phone 99. ols ; ARKHILL, BARRISTER, . tong oan, Moons Sone 2 . 4 (Mar?) er --erTL LITT MANNING P. SWARTZ, BARRISTER, tary. 0] Lg Re No. 4. Phone 282. Res 28TTW. C., BARRI (Marl) 4--Chiropractors TECKLEY HEALTH Sno. ¥orth, Phone ug) 0 phaetis igor. 2501 bath treatment. Practicing 22 years. Consultation sree. 9 am. to 0 p.m. dally except rrp and Friday. 5--Optometrists TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, erly Hours 9 to 12. 2 t0 8. bist 3 1518. AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS JURY AND oY pam. to pm Bue 12 Phone 8. | sma AR a Drugiess 6--Insurance phone needs. All classes of BE ie owe wa pa 8--Funeral Directors ALTON ( 146} 24517, " | session, Real Esta CR 38 Gardening and Supplies Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent ,, 28 seveee sssssscscece 39 Board - Wanted ........ 308 Veterinarians .... 7 Women's Column 23 ° Wanted to Rent ., 31 Wearing Apparel ., 39 INJERTIONS ordered st & later Professional and Each initial letter, abbreviation full word. Box All Classified Advertisements CLASSIFIED AD RATES INSERTION ....co000000000 THRER TIONS . or ADDITIONAL INSERTION 25 to original order. Subsequent insertions date constitute a new original gn pig lly ge RL mg gt Bn § and ¢ sign. figure count as a charged 10c additional, before publication. Office Hours: Words Each Add? or Less Word 02 03% 05 HY A0 a5 order) per aonty for MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. 14--Household Repairs 29a--For Rent FURNITURD BEFAIRED AND upholstered. for materials Jesovering. D. v. Daiton, » Chitles Phone 40! RE- |S UN LAMPS FOR RENT. SUN KRAFT ultraviolet, using cold uartz tube. $6 per month. Meagher's, Simcoe North, 18--Automobile Repairs (Mars) 30--Room and Board SMITH'S RADIATOR REPAIRS, RE- coring, rebuilt 251 John St. Phone 1048 Oshawa. (Mar20) 22--L ost and Found to loan. Bas- | ROUND, oT may Cl law Groceteris, Simcoe 8. t for ad. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO MEN, near Motors, all conveniences. Phone 39537. (50b) 30a--Room & Board Wanted WANTED BY REFINED ELDERLY man, room and board, vicinity of Whitby, around middle of Mari ch. Ar ply Box 133, Times-Gazette, (50b WOULD FINDER WHO RE UP watch number 263576 please phone LOST, BLUE BUDGIE,' FROM 236 Athol E, Phone 3441W. (47¢c) LOST, FRIDAY 21ST, MEDIUM SIZE, long-haired dog, terrier, part Pom, Hg fawn black fase and one bri (47¢) part color, Tony. 31--Wanted To Rent FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for middle-aged lady. Phone 1693. (500) VETERAN URGENTLY WANTS HOUSE or 3 rooms. Adults, Shatatners, Write Box 143, Times-Gazette. (50c) URGENT: FAMILY OF 3 REQUIRE UN- furnished apartment or flat (prefer THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten WiEN CHUBBINS wAS BIG AS A MINUTE, AND NOT MUCH OLDER MOM THOUGHT THE NEIGHBOR LADIES WOULD SMOTHER HIM WITH ATTENTION -- Now HE'S BIG ENOUGH FOR MOM TO LEAVE - IF SHE COULD FIND ANY- ONE TO LEAVE HIM WIT! | | "Thanks To MARY MANLOUA, DETROIT 27, MICH, Bi =AND, I'LL ONLY BE GONE 10 MINUTES COULD EITHER OF NOU LOOK AFTER OLIVIA, IF THERES A SINGLE THING I CAN DO TO od DARLIN'OVER HIM ws ru lf < I BROUGHT THE LITTLE SOME TOVS I FOUND UP IN OUR ATT UH-WELL YOU SEE, I'M JUST WAITING FOR THE PAPER- HANGERS TO ong AND THEN Loe $0 ME T00. I'M GET- TING READY FORA BRIDGE PARTY,AND "\} BESIDES (HACK, HACK) I THINK I'M COMING DOWN WITH A COLD. / on way A, 9 36--Articles For Salo 39--Male Help Wanted QUEBEC HEATER, MED! Pair boy's skates, size 13. Gifford St. NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE, box top, good condition. 2 Windsor chairs, Apply 113 Church St. (50a) ONE GURNEY WHITE ENAMEL COOK stove. Good condition. Phone 27623, IUM SIZE, Apply 751 (508) REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPE- writer, excellent condition. Phone 3681M. ( 50a) PORCELAIN TOP KTTOHEN TABLE, Phone 2963W. (508) ALL SEASONED PINE LUMBER, 2-4-6- 8-10 inch random lengths. 8 to 20 ft. 4 by 4 ditto. T. and G. sheeting. Ralph M. Smith, contractor, Yard, Neath St. and Wilson Road. Phone 1352J. (50c) OOMBINATION RADIO AND AUTOMA- tic phonograph new, white kitchen cupboard and table, red trim; two red chrome chairs; wardrobe, f jars, and other articles. 351 Arthur StSj0a) CABIN TRAILER, SLEEPS 2, APPLY 356 Drew St., Saturday. (50a) 24--Personal CHARIS GARMENTS, FOR COMFORT, Siyie and beauty. V. M. Mills, Pons HEAR YOUR VOICE; RECORD YOUR voice and musical talent. Record and send messages, ment phone 802. DON'T SUFFER FROM Let 'your Rawleigh Ma help. or users on request. (461) FRANK DANZEY, FOR Tr ducts. Phone 1960 for delivery. It ps; to use Watkins, (March BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW MODERN decorators' colors, seam- custom made, ess, Sp to 185 width, Write Acie Acie Ru 25--Real Estate For bale 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEWLY decorated, oak floors down. We be- Levo luis 4 & sud Buy xv $500. Xx Dos. (500) two te. 9a--Loan Wanted FIVE ROOM FRAME BUNGALOW all conv immediate possession. AN W. TWO TO THREE AN dollars, on property in city. Assessed value over four thousand dol- lars. For further Daruculars write Box 146, Times-Gazette. (50a) 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW. CLASSES OOM- ence each Monday. Shorthand, Typ- 11--Building Trades Apply 378 Verdun Rd. (50b) $1850 CASH, BALANCE OVER :) greetings, For appoint- | J! Jt pays | Wa ) for seven months only--1 April to 1 Nov. e. Box 145, ° Times-Gazette. (50¢) GENEROUS REWARD FOR 4-ROOMED flat, apartment or house. Phone ih 3 ROOM APARTMENT OR FLAT BY oung couple, about Apra 15. Steady nt. ferences, Ihnamers Cc) employmen Phone 4155W. ou HOUSEKEEPING ROOM FOR MIDDLE aged lady. Phone 1693. 4. 5, 6-ROOM HOUSE, APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished. or 4 rooms. Wanted immediately by family of 4. ble party. Central preferred. Apply Box 21, Times-Gazette. (3481) ASSISTANT MANAGER OF DOMINION Bank y Teuires ave or six- (47c) room house, two children. photo G. ur Broan Telephone 800. URGENTLY REQUIRED 3 OR 4 ROOMS FOR VETERAN MOTHER. (Abstainers) Call R. BUTLER -- PHONE 3100 Time: 8-12; 1-4, (50b) Joase: Oshawa, 19 miles, highway. 9% mediate possession. Apply Boz 2 'AURANT AND EQUIPMENT, 6 aD optional, Going con- house in ex- Apply Box 137, Tinos-tianeiis, ) 10 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, ATHOL East. near Drew St., modern conven- fences and hardwood floors, oil burner, Quick This is a good prop- RESTA room cern, change. LASTERING REPAIRS. PHONE EVE- re Mr. Larson, , 3530W (49¢) GORDON BROUGH, DECORATING a nis, 24 hours service. Phone oe CONTRACTOR, CARPEN- try repairs, remodelling, planning, de- . Thomas Gill, 612 Sommerville Ave. one 1503J, (Mar27) ARPENTRY, HOME ALTERATIONS, C. and general Fepairs, Call evenin Boyd® 16 William E. Phone Re erty, very suitable for renting 2 apart- ments, owner to use first floor. Phone U, Jones, Real Estate or Nolan Real Es- tate for appointment to see and for information. (49¢) FOR SALE -- TEN-ROOMED HOUSE, good location, (six rooms sub-let, in- come $64.50 per month), four rooms for owner's use. New furnace installed January '47, garage, lot 160x146 ft. Owner moving closer to his work. Price $5,500. Telephone 873, Whitby (49h) 9 ROOM } HOUSE, 1 DOUBLE GAR- e, adjoining lot, hot' alr fu Se- 32--Automobiles For Sale MOTORCYCLE PARTS AND ACCES- sories, Phone 4121J "Doc" Berry, (Mar31) '20 FORD SEDAN, SERIAL C4110998, 5 tires. heater, $200. G. Fulton. Phone 180J12, Bowian ille, (50b) 29 CHEV, SERIAL 391006, 5 tires, Price os , Stewart, Oshawa. Phone 4051J. (50) 34 BUICK SUSINESS COUPE, 212173, $468.65. E. 5 tires, heater. Price Tom- COAL AND WOOD RANGE, ALSO Quebec heater. Apply 43 Colborne St. East. (49b) VENETIAN BLINDS FLEXALUM VENETIANS -By Brennan. Estimates Free. 7 Day Delivery. PHONE JIM TURNER, 1906W (39a) OAK DINETTE SUITE, CONSISTING of buffet, table, 6 chairs, waterfall type. Al condition. $69.50, Come and see at 41 Ontario St. Apt. 3, areep 3. 2) GREEN TAPESTRY DAVENPORT, nearly new. Upright Eureka vacuum cleaner. Full size red maple bed, spring, and Zpning fed mattress, good condition, one 3531R. (9c ) FUMED OAK, 6 PIECE DINING ROOM suite. Phone 3382J, after 6.30 p.m. _(49¢) MENDELSSOHN PI. ANO, $75. "PHONE 1140W, Apply 331 Gibbon Street. (47¢c) ONE GONDOLA TYPE BABY PROM, Schick single head electric shaver. Phone 884 after 6 p.m. (47¢) ONE BREAKFAST ROOM SUITE, 6 plece. Apply 259 Court St. Phone 187K, (47¢) VENETIAN BLINDS Highest quality steel or aluminum SEVEN DAYS DELIVERY ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 3331R -- R. G. Trewin (Mon-Wed-Frl) linson, East End Garage, Phone Clark 3320. (50b) foan RANGES LARGE SHIPMENT Just Some with reservolr. Dif- UETTE, IN GOOD REPAIR. SER- ial 168134. $350. S. L. Wilhelm, 464 Athol 8t. E. Phone 4103W (48¢) ferent sizes and makes. D.V.A. credits accepted. Meagher's, Simcoe North. (Mars) DELIVERY BOY, FOR AFTER school and Saturdays all day. Must have bicycle. Apply Food Shop, 42 Simcoe N. (50b) DAYTIME DELIV- Karns Drug Store. DELIVERY BOY, ery, with bicycle. (47¢) Rate for Advertising under this A LEADING LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HAS AN OPENING FOR A YOUNG MAN WHO MUST 1--Have an Inclination and aptitude for outside work and yet be of the executive type. 2--Be married and have deep appre- clation «¢f his family responsi- bilities, J 3--Be prepared to study and work. 4--Be presently employed and highly regarded by his employer. 5--Be resident in either Oshawa or Whitby. If you are not serious and ambitious please do not aprly. BOX 138, Times-Gazette (49¢) PERMANENT SALES POSITION A salaried sales position is to be filled immediately by a large financial coms pany. This is a permanent position offering unusual opportunities for ad- vancement -- Group Life Insurance, Pension at 60 and etc. Applications invited from men between the age of 25 and 45 with good educa- tional background, integrity and broad contacts. Apply giving full particulars, age, education, previous work, telephone number and ete, to Box 122, Times- Gazette. (Feb.20-21-27-28) LINOTYPE OPERATOR Wanted STEADY WORK Good Scale TIMES-GAZETTE Oshawa tn 41--Employment Wanted PIPER CUB J 2, NEW C. OF A, IDEAL for building hours and instructional work. Reasonably priced for quick sale, Apply Box 139, Times-Gazette. (49¢) 33--Automobiles Wanted SILVER - FLEX a or homes, old attics. ve panel +48 3 way wir- ing, 254 Clarke St, (49¢) work for factories, stores, garages. In- formation phone 1352W. (Mar24) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS fill, H B. Evans Cartage, RR. 3, Bow- manville. Phone 2255. (Mar2) H MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK, air 3, sonditioning. Dea Dealer ER new idea (tarsus) $3500, GOOD BRICK COTTAGE, 5 rooms, three plece Dash, furnace, 318 French 8t., now rented. Terms, hal cash, Apply Laverne Clemens, go manville, R.R.1. Phone 2436, (49¢) REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA AND VICIN- ity. It Shisiested in Home, iness or Farm. Contact G. L. Nolan Broker, 25 Prince Street. Phone 4153. (Feb.29) TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters. Variety of colors. Pree "esti mates. Phone collect 653, Bowman- ville, Bromley and Son. (Mar14) EEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DE- corator. Also industrial spraying Ex. | g 26--Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY 5 ROOM MODERN bungalow in good condition, with gar- age, preferably north end, Cash, owners only. Yapply Box 132 es- azette. (47) 200-300) IN CASH FOR USED CAR, rom '31-'38. Private party. Phone 1815M. (46e) SEVERAL USED HEATERS AND COOK stoves. Thoroughly reconditioned. 156 Simcoe 8., before 6 p.m, (Mar190) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCK tor all kes of washers. Jack Bid- dulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Fhens 3800W. Mar25) hi A OIL BURNERS SALES, complete. Reliable Service. Dut-or 0' Spor Casi ¥OB, Dodd's car lot 3344M, YOUR CARS AT 378 Park Rd. 8. Phone (Mar18tf) wn Borro dale. Phone 4046J. (Mar18) YOUNG WOMAN, NEAT APPEAR- ance, friendly personality, experienced cashier, desires full time work in Osh- awa or Whitby, at grocery, hardware, drug or shoe store. Phone 607TW1, Osh- awa, (49¢) DEPENDABLE QUIET LADY DESIRES position 'companion, housekeeper, for gentleman's home, go Protestant, reference. Box 140, Gazette, SILENT GLOW OIL 3URNERS FOR . Jacket heaters. etc. Cooks and Sharp Electric. Phone 4501. (Feb21tf) Cars ted © wrootin, Highest wan! a prices paid. Phone 3362: iy CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales 1271 Simcoe St. North. 4605W. (Mar3) 34--Pets and Livestock BRAY HATCHERY HAS SOME START- and started cockerels, N, H., cellent workmanship. All work teed. Phone (Mar26) HOUSE! 5 OR 6 ROOMS, ALL CON- PAINTING, BRUSH AND SPRAY, DE- good location, reasonable. Phone 13068. between 6 and 9. = (47c) ed p LS. by NH, BR. by NH. and Black Australorps, Order dayolds Jor 8 Tag delivery without delay, t La 8 TE oper Pho wry: A er ly PAINTER AND FIRST-CLASS NECORA- tor. P. Dannlels. Phone 2718R.: (Mar15) 29--Rooms For Rent M, SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOAM and general haulage Robert Muir, Courtice. Phone Oshawa 77J4 (Mar24) finished. "Phone 34347 --42773 12--Personal Services PA VON GUNTEN. watchmaker. Repal Sireet West. sg patron (Marg) EXPER' Hy «© King Ki! nl hed FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING "ROO! near Oshawa Blvd. bus, close to Gen- eral 270 French St. (50¢) 'Wilson, RR. 1, Mysile ig (50a) SANARIES, MATED + PAIRS, READY or ni d equ! mens com- plete to oar ar ou, . BEDROOM, CLEAN, bright room, newly decorated, central. Business man. Apply Box 141, Times- Gazette. (50¢) FRONT HOT 96 Atho gh THOROUGHBRED COCKER SPANIEL Piipples for sale, colors black and Phone 2611R. (4 n 4 PUPPIES FOR SALE. APPLY MR. Alex, 24 Celina St, Cio) NaN TIAN. BLINDS S55¢ PER 5 0. d installed. George A ord 3r0%. 66 Bond West. (Mar23) 37--Articles Wanted BOY'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION. Phone 2022M. (508) ONE METRONOME, PLEASE PHONE 1473W, (50b) SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE in good condition. Phone 1450W. (50b) USED SKATES, RIFLES, SHOTGUNS. cos North. s Electric and Hardware, Sim- coe Nor Fri-Mon) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL- son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2388. Open evenings. (Mar24) SPOT CASA PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. PRES SM, I FURNISHED 3 water heating, centrally d on 182 Simcoe St., side entrance. (50b) CANARIES, HENS AND SINGERS. AP- Ply 400 MS IN QUIET NEW SERVICE CLEANER --- oe Ontario St. Phone 707. ®, (Mar20) 21--Business Opportunities EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY MODERN BEAUTY SALON ' On main street in Town of Campbellford. 7 dryers, 1 p.m. .. machine, 4 booths, all chrome , abstainers only. y {aged couple 'preferred. Aj y Box 142, es-G (50b) Ivo LAL ousekee; y T97R. P ROOMS FOR LIGHT oon " sei ie LARGE | i "LIGHT Boys keeping room. Phone 765M. (50a) FURNISHED SITTING sult two girls. i of fully kitchen, electri stove. March 8th, e 33M. abstainers only. Phone Phon Ave. Phone 2862J. (46d ) 35--Wearing Apparel SIZE_ 16, PERSIAN LAMB COAT, cloth coat like new, 18, red unlined suit, size 15, also suede shoes, 9B. e 2005J. ( 50a) nl BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, cleaned, and pressed like ing a big stock of overcoats sults and pants. 21 Bond St. W. Sam Schwi (Mar7) 36--Articles For Sale Station. GOOD USED FURNITURE W L ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W. (Mar5) PIANO, IN GOOD CONDITION, WILL pay cash, Phone Z195M. (49h) 38--Female Help Wanted NURSE OR RELIABLE WOMAN WITH nursing experience for Sunday relief, Capable of taking charge. Particulars to Box 144 Times-Gazette. (50¢) HAVE YOU ANY ODD JOBS, YOU would like to have done, if so phone 2472W. (461) EXPERT REPAIR ON ELECTRIC ranges and all other electric 'house- hold appliances. Frank Snudden. Phone 2887R. (Marll) 43--Auction Sales AUCTION SALE, I WILL SELL BY public auction for Mr. Wilkins at 140 Nassau St. Oshawa, on Saturday, March 1, 1947, all his household effects, con- sisting of 3-plece chesterfield suite, 9-plece dining room suite, floor lamps, end tables, 7-tube Marconi radio, sew- ing machine, two beds, dresser, chest of drawers, wardrobe, kitchen table and chairs, dishes and cooking uten- sills, bedding, garden tools 70 foot gar- den hose, high chair, baby carriage, etc. The above is a nice clean lot of goods, Sale at 1:30 p.m, Terms, cash. W. J. Sulley, auctioneer. (Wed-Fri) 3c per word each inser- tion, Minimum charge 45 cents. HARMONY WILLING WORKERS ARE sponsoring the Corinthian Players in "Sugar Foot Minstrels," Harmony Public School, Wed, March 12th, 8 o'clock. Adults 50c, , (Febh.28 Mar8) DANCING AT THE AVALCN EVERY Wed.,, Fri, and Sat. Nine till 12 King West, (Tues-Fr1) DANCE, CLUB ESQUIRE MASONIC Temple, Feb. 28th. Admission $1 a couple, Couples only. (47¢c) PROFESSIONAL CARD READING, Mrs, Elliott, 89 Nassau St, Phone 2010W for appointment. (461) 42--L egal Notices CHANGE OF NAME ACT, 1939 NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant to the Change of Name Act, 1939, that the application of Donald Leslie Pitman, residing at 628 Christie Street, Oshawa. Ontario, to change his name to Donald Leslie Rfthardson, will be heard by His Honour Judge Coleman, Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario, at the Division Court Office Oshawa, Ont., on Mon- day, the 17th day of March, 1947, at the hour of 10.20 o'clock in the fore noon. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, February 5th, 1947. MANNING F. SWARTZ, Bamister, Solieltor, &c., Suite Ni Bassett Block, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant. (38a) 43 Auction Sales DURHAM COUNTY SHORTHORN Club 26th Annual Sale, Thursday, March 6th,~to be held at the farm of A, J. Nesbitt located 2 miles east of Brooklin Continuation School or 5 miles north of Oshawa and 1 mile west. Write or phone 8. Chas. Allin, secre- tary-treasurer, Bowmanville, Ont. for catalogue, (50a) I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction, for Herbert M. Mackie, 15 mile west of Lakeview Park, on Sat- urday, March 8th, all his farm stock. Implements( tractor equipment), Hay, Potatoes and some furniture. Sale 12:30. See bills. Terms cash. Elmer Wil- bur, Auctioneer, THE EASIER WAY (Brandon Sun) A quarter had to be removed from a man's lung by surgeons when any bill collector could have made him cough it up. BRAZIL'S MONEY Brazil's monetary unit is the cruze- iro. Are You BUILDING? CALL... RAE R. JONES Concrete Contractor For quick, courteous service. With new metal forms | assure you of satisfaction. Quotations free. Phone 4408 M PHONE 762 WE ARE CONTRACTING ACREAGE FOR PICKLING CUCUMBERS Caradon' Timed BOWMANVILLE Today's Short Story THE REFORMER By Ted Kimball EVEREND" Samuel E. Toblas, better known to his friends as Slick Sam, brought the revival Tee; to a resounding conclusion with e Singing of one of the three i e remembered from nis distant and somewhat hazy childhood. He stood on the raised platform at one end of the tent, under a flaming red banner er enquiring suc Sues cinctly: ARE YOU gazed down upon his congre, ua with an expression part avaricious- ness and part evangelistic fervour. The avariciousness was at the thought of the collection plate, which had returned to him over- flowing beyond his fondest hopes The evangelistic fervour was for the benefit of Mr. Steadman, the bank manager, who occupied a Prom) row seat with his teiler, Mr. a Mr, Steadman's presence lent tone to the meeting, and besides Sam was grateful to Mr. Stead- --Illustrated by E. L. Sonne In ten minutes the job was done, Sam slipped the chisel into his pocket. man for information gleaned dur- ing their frequent talks in the manager's office, information re- garding the workings of the ancient vault of the Beamsville Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, That information had required a considerable amount of pumping, on 2 high ethical plane. Sam had pointed out that the proximity of so much money must be a temptation very difficult for the bank's em- ployees to resist, even for Mr. teadman, who was the manager and not the owner, He had admit- ted, truthfully, that he himself would have been tempted. So Mr. Steadman had explained that the time-lock was always set by two eople, usually himself 'and Mr, Pr as a check on each other's honesty. Sam had agreed that that was very fine, and he had thought privately that it was also very fine to note that the ramshackle door could be opened somewhat more simply by the skilled em- ployment of a chisel. When the last hymn had been sung, Mr. Steadman arose and thanked Sam for conducting the meeting, and expressed the hope that he would be dropping in at the bank. "Thank you," Sam said, "I will." And he did, just as soon as he had clearéd the stragglers out of the tent and folded it and packed it into the rear of his car, be- cause it had only been borrowed for the occasion. These details took up nearly two hours, and it was well after mid- night when he approached the bank. Beamsville's main and only street lay sleeping-and deserted. In front of the bank stood the mane ager's car, but he had expected hat, Mr, Steadman lived across the street and normally parked it there, Sam pulled in behind it and got te expected to be undisturbed. The time-lock was always set for nine in the morning, and there was no night watchman. These facts, too, he had obtained through patient questioning of Mr. Hi rhe bank's front door presen= ted no problem. A child could have opened it. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Have ing memorized the building's ine terior geography, he movec with= out difficulty through to the rear where the vault was. He worked expertly with his chisel. It was almost too easy. He felt a little badly at the thought of what this was going to do to Mr. Steadman's faith in his fellow man, Stll, any bank man- ager ought to have more sense than to leave a treasury shipment of new bills in a vault which wouli have offered little resis- tange to a well-operated can- opener, In ten minutes the job was done. Sam slipped the chisel into his pocket and swung open the door of the vault, The vault light was on. Under it stood Mr, Steadman and Mr. Leary. Mr, Leary was holding & bulging black satchel. Sam looked at them and th looked at him. It was Mr. Stead man who first found his voice. "Well, Reverend," he said with heavy sarcasm. "I suspected that if we waited here we'd catch you red-handed." Sam thought he looked mighty startled for a man who had been expecting someone. He recalled Mr, Steadman having spoken of certain personal financial reverses, But he didn't call ettention to either fact. They held the cards and he knew it. "It was the temptation," he said, . trying to make his voice sound properly repentent. "I mens tioned it before." Mr. Steadman pursed his lips jue diciously. "Yes, you did," he ade mitted, "and I should have known." He made an unobtrusive signal to Leary. The teller said, "I'll go put this old satchel out in your car, Mr. Steadman," and left the vault like a frightened rabbit. "Now, Reverend," the manger continued, "I presume that this is a first offence, and so I am going to give you another chance, on the understandir.g that you will leave town without delay." "I will," Sam promised, making his gratitude as obvious as pos- sible, "and you won't regret it." He began backing out of the vault. Leary returned, and he and Mr. Steadman stood at the vault door impatiently watching Sam's re- treat. - Sam made it a hurried one. He ran from the bank and drove ra- pidly out of town. He drove all night, In the morning he bought a paper from the first newsboy he saw, and then went to a secluded spot along an unused road before stopping to read it. The story was there. FAKE REVIVALIST ROBS BEAMSVILLE BANK It vsas reported to police early this morning by Robert Stead- i{ man, manager of the Farmers' & Merchants' Bank of Beams- ville, that the bank vault was broken into during the night and a large guentity of money stolen. The robbery was discovered by Mr. Steadman, who lives across the street from the bani Edward Leary, a teller, went with Steadman to the bank and made the discovery. The exact amount stolen will not be known pending a further check-up. Sam sighed. Mr. Steadman had seemed like such a fine, honest, upstanding man. SAVAGE CUSTOM Hair dye has been used from earliest times by savage tribes. ' JULY'S EMBLEM 'The larkspur is the flower for the month of July. a GENERAL 313 ALBERT ST. MOTORS DELCO-HEAT AUTOMATIC HEATING EQUIPMENT OIL BURNERS -- COAL STOKERS FINE QUALITY COAL - COKE - FUEL OIL i THE ROBERT DIXON COMPANY LIMITED TELEPHONE 262 CKDO, 1240 on your Dial every Monday, 8:00 p.m. \ "EX"--THAT SPOT X marks the danger-spot, in your weakened Tires. Let us chalk-mark that fabric weak- ness--Vulcanize it back to full strength. Thay} the way to avoid Tire trouble! -- Tire menace. The way to avoid waste, too -- and to obtain many added miles of low-cost service! NEWLY , CON- veniences, hot water, for two. Apply 299 Simcoe 8. (50D) furniture, attractive bar, stock and equipment, worth alone apprex. $3,000. Make an offer, must be sold this week. PHONE 624 OSHAWA | FURNISHED Suteabr ® BY 2 y. Yap Aj or or Box 135, 'Times-Gasette. oi man referred. 3 3363 - Appl, err one or 476 St. Rl HARDWOOD CUTTINGS FOR KINDL- ing. $3-per lot, delivered. Phone -- ( ONE INTERNATIONAL ACE BOTTOM gang plow, like new. ' Apply 1225 Sim- oe St. S. (50a) 3 STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS NEVER used two, 61 inches wide by 50 inches, one a yooh. wide by 59 inches, Phone 4 (50a) a a SINGLE BED, KIDNEY table, small living room table, electric hone (50a, plate, also' one horse sleigh, P ) | mond St. West. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, KINGS- way Sandwich Shop, 25 King East. (50b) EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL BY the day. or live in, better than aver- age wages. Telephone 1446. (474) GIRL ISTAN' AS ASSISTANT PROOF READER, good education required. Apply Alger Press. (47c) OPERTO} WANTED WITH KNOWL- edge In operating power machines, also irls for general work. Apply Sportrite unior Limited, 3rd Floor. 30 Rh PHONE 341 Hill -- Coil ELECTRIC Agents for DUNLOP TIRES "THE WORLD'S FINEST" 25 ALEXANDER BLVD. Expert Vulcanizing and Recapping IRWIN AUTO PARTS "Oshawa's Largest Tire Doctors" PHONE 1094 .

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