THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE 'FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 PAGE TWO Deaths -At 'family residence, tosh Funeral King St. East, on Monday, at 3 p.m, Interment Cemetery. In Memoriam AID--In loving mi of enneth, Ror <0 January 24, 1941. Deep in our hearts lies a picture, Of a loved one laid to rest. In loving memory we shall keep it. Because he was one of the Best. --Sedly missed by Mother and Dad, UAID--In loving memory of our meq father, Kenneth De MoQuald, who passed away, January 24th, 1941, is gone but not forgotten a, er Be r lone! s In hts of him aré always near, sadness will come o'er us Dens may think the wound is healed. Bihar 1 little know the sorrow Sadly within the heart concealed. missed and ever remembered | <4 son Albert, Hilda and grandson MoQUAID--In memory of Kenneth D. Sihaiatd, who passed away January 124th, 1041. father, rest; --1ovingly remembered by son Rus- sel, Rhods and grandchildren. 4 AID--In- loving memory of our ay: father, Kenneth D, McQuaid, who passed away January 34th. 1941, : ur life was brightest, . Jus nen years were best: 'You! were ed from this world of SOTTOW To a home of sterndd rest. . L loved to forgotten by Pheri feabeth and son-in-law Vincent, Cards of Thanks to take this opportunity of thanking my many friends for their expressions of kindness to my wife and myself, during my recent illness. Thank you one and all--James A. Al- dous. Interesting Story Hour Is Planned Let us take a peep {into the Boys' and Girls' Room at the Pub- lic Library on Saturday morning, January 25, A fire is crackling merrily in the grate. Rows of boys and girls are sitting on'benches around the fireplace. Miss Ross and Miss Brooking are there too, ready to tell two fascinating stor- igs over the radio. In the back- ground, Mr. Elliott and the an. nouncer are twirling dials and we hear strains of music coming over C.K.D.O, Everyone is tense with expectation. Finally, the great moment arrives, The voice of the announcer is heard saying "This is the Children's Story Hour at the Public Library." The first tale, told by Miss Brooking, will be a fairy story called Tattercoats, Tattercoats was the granddaughter of a rich old lord, He hated the little girl bitterly and her only friends were her old nurse and the mysterious gooseherd who played beautiful notes on the pipes. Of course, there is a prince in this story and a great ball and-- (but this is a secret) everything ends very hap- pily. Miss Boes will then tell the sto- ry "How the Whale Got His Throat" written by Rudyard Kip- ling. This is the story of the man of infinite-resource-and-sagacity, who was swallowed by the whale. This poor man made things so unpleasant for the old whale that its greatest wish was to get rid of all this indigestion, If you come to the library on Saturday morning you will hear how the man of infinite-resource- and -saggcity finally escaped and just what he did to the whales throat,' The Broadcast will be at ten o'clock. All girls and boys should be in their places shortly after 9.- 80 since the doors 1 11 be closed from 9.60-~--10.16, Albert United (Continued from Page 1) the church. These were answered ank | satisfactorily. and thank A Y , for thelr. faithful attendance. Also to Rev. A. D. Cornett and Rev. J, 8. I _ Wilson.--Dougal Ohituary JOHN HENRY BUh.. A life long resident of this dis- trict, John Henry Burr passed away on Tuesday in the Oshawa General Hospital in this 85th year, He had been {ll since Christ. mas, * Mr. Burr was born near Taun- ton on March 25, 1862, and farm- "ed in this district until his retire. 'ment in 1944, His farm was lo- cated two miles west of Oshawa on the Base Line and since retir- ing he had lived with his son, Cyril, in North Oshawa. He was married in 1889 to Lily Mae Thorne, who passed away in 1903, and in 1912 he married Annie Gertrude Coombe, Surviving besides his wife are two daughters, Mrs, Victor Stor- ie and Mrs, Cleve 'Dyer, both of Pontiac, Michigan; two sons, Cy- ril of North Oshawa, dnd Hugh of Montreal; 12 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. He is survived also by one sister Mrs. Joseph Porter of Lindsay, the last remaining member of his family. One son, Guy Stanley, was killed in World War I. The funeral was held yesterday from the W. C. Town Funeral Home, Whitby, with interment in St. John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. The services were conducted by Rev, D. B, Langford, rector of St. John's Church, MRS. SARAH ECKEL Clifford, Jan. 22 -- The funeral of Mrs, Sarah Eckel, wife of the late Noah Eckel, was held on Mon- day afternoon with interment in Clifford cemetery. Rev. L. A. Knox conducted the services. The departed woman was born in Minto township 74 years ago, daugh- ter of the late John Heipel. She was married in May, 1894. Her hus- band predeceased her in 1928. Surviving are four sons and five daughters, Ralph, Montreal; Dr. Harvey, Toronto; Sam, Listowel; Eldon, Hamilton; Laura, Toronto; Gertrude, Burlington; (Vera) Mrs. F. Magee, Toronto; (Florence) Mrs. R. Loos, Oshawa, and (Ruth) Mrs. A. Kruspe, Clifford, Chambers (Continued from Page 1) K. ©, conducted the crown presen- tation which drew & chain of evid- ence around the accused. Detective Anderson testified Chambers was arrested Jan. 3 at 9:30 &. m. on a charge of attempted suicide, The arrest followed his charge from hospital where he had been admitted Dec. 31. He was remanded to jail on Jan, 3 and at 8:30 p. m. was taken to a police office where he was question- ed by Detective Anderson and In- spector Wood. A stylsmes was tak- en in connection with the attempt- ed suicide charge. The detective said Chambers was given the regular police warning about. his statement, Ch 's answered freely and he was not threatened, nor was there any inducement made to him, the officer said. Inspector Wood left the office to obtain sandwiches and cof- "ite Jor Chambers who had requested Detective Anderson said that as he proceeded to question Chambers about his reasons for attempting sui- citle: Chambers sald: "TI want to tell you the whole story." Anderson then summarized the . Story 'as related to him by Cham- "It is a grogt thing to be alive. It is a great thing to be a minister of the Church of Jesus Christ," Mr. Anderson declared. He congratulat- ed Mr. Jones upon being a minister of the United Church of Canada. 382 Pu R. C. Bint gave the report of the Sunday School which has an en- rolment of 382, an average attend- ance of 218 and on December 16 had a maximum attendance of 304. Fif- ty-seven new pupils were added dur- ing the year. Twenty-nine teachers are on the staff. Mrs, George Sanders, treasurer, reported, that the Sunday School raised $094.40 last year. It sponsors the intermediate choir and hys its musie, The Cradle Roll report was pre- sented by Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire and that of the Nursery and Beginners' Department by Mrs, Arthur How- ard, who reported an enrolment of 55. Mrs. Russell Wicks reported 56 pupils in the Junior Department. Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire reported that the Senior Woman's Associa- tion has 53 members and last year gave $800 to the church, $26 to the Missionary and Maintenance Fund and $70 to the Save the Children Fund. Mrs. Kay Clarke gave a brief re- port for the Junior Woman's Asso- ciation which although organized recently, gave the church $150, The Golden Links Bible class, of which Miss Cora Harvey is the teacher, had an average attendance last year of 13, Mrs. Ross Clarke re- ported. The total receipts of the group amounted to $1031.86; of this amount, $500 was handed to the church treasurer. Miss Annie Snudden reported that the total receipts of the Junior Aux- {liary of the Canadian Girls in Training amounted to $107.73 and $25 of this had been given to the church. Mrs, Florence Walker re- ported for the Mothers' Auxiliary of the CG.ILT. R. C. Bint, speaking for the Men's Own, told of the group having sup- plied sports equipment to other groups in need. Mrs. L. W. Currell reported an average attendance of 60 or 70 girls at the Canadian Girls in Training groups and total receipts of $131.40, At Camp Pretoria last summer were 162 girls, many of whom, she said, would not have had this plesant holiday had it not been for the new camp. Mrs. Carl Morgan in her report of the intermediate choir mentioned that it has 24 members and it will sing at the Youth for Christ meet- ing a week om givin TE the Mrs. Ross C e reported senior choir had raised $63.67 last year. Mrs. R. O, Bint, secretary-treas- urer of the Radio Fund, reported that $116 had been received in don- ations. The cost of broadcasting one service is $37, she said. The opin- ion of the meeting was that this service is well worth while. $5,000 in Work W. 8. Gardner," church treasurer, spoke for the Committee of Stew- ards on the financial condition of the church, Harold Lemon, secre- tary of the Committee, declared that work done upon the church build- ing last year by the members them- selves had been worth $5,000, but had cost the church only $500. "We owe Mr. Gardner, our treas- urer, a very real debt of gratitude," asserted Mr. Jones who added that to Carol Morgan, assistant treasur- er, a debt was also due. Looking forward to 19047, Harold Lemon presented a budget of $6,700. Before it was 'considered in detail, Mr. Jones explained their responsi- bility involved in accepting a bud- get. Harry Lynch made a motion to invite Mr. Jones to be the pastor for another year and Gordon Shemilt seconded the motion. This was un- animously carried and Mr. Jones ex- pressed his thanks, raying tribute to the "understanding, sympathy and loyal support" the congregation had given him. Proceed with the budget, Mr. Lemon mentioned that it included a substantial increase of salary for the minister. He announced that the church building should be insured, not for $15,000 as at present, but for $30,000. It was decided to make pro- vision for the decoration of the church, ; The" following new members of the ttee of Stewards were elected: E'mer Pixley, George Ma- karchuk, Alfred Beal, Arthur Kor- ry, William 'Gibson, Wilfred Rough- ley and Rusell Wicks. The following will continue as Stewards for an- Haircuts (Continued from Page 1) consultation by the group of six local tonsorial artists who refused to raise prices to 60 cents last week, hereafter to be referred to as "the opposition", it was finally agreed to put the matter to a vote. "The opposition" had come to the tneeting prepared to fight to the death against raising the price of a man's haircut to 60 cents but stated hours. to hold out for the 60 cent | *™ price, although there were several in their ranks who admitted that since last week, they had changed their minds and they now thoughta 50-cent price was sufficient. They finally accepted the sugges- tion of voting whether or not the price would be 50c or 56c and the latter price carried, by a margin of os. ed I price ne was passed, e was passed, puptting the price into Toronto Officials Present Provincial Organizer Larry Drane, of the Ontario Barbers' Association, supervised the meeting, in fact do- minated it until after ten-thirty, while waiting for officers of the O.B.A. to arrive fro Toronto. Presi- Wedding Present Presented by Bar # Religious Bodies Must Sing Anthem In Toronto Schools Toronto, Jan. 24 (CP)--Oivic board of education by a vote of 11-8 last night rejected a motion that religious bodies might use public dent Otto Maluske and E. V. Wark, | had Secretary, arrived eventually and then the actual discussion on the Oshawa lem commenced. Drane lishing vince. "We are not telling a man he has to charge so much but we are ask- ing him to co-operate by establish ing a schedule of new prices, ap- proved by the majority," he stated. The speaker also explained the procedure followed in getting the support and co-operation of the Government in approving codes or prices, for certain zones, He sug- gested that the day was not far off when all Ontario would be one zone. The Government does not set the minimum, they simply ap- prove the minimum, sent to them by the representatives, it was point- ed out, Spe on behalf of "the op- position" to the new 60-cent price for men's haircuts, Charlie John- ston stated that he had not been invited to attend the meeting re- cently when the 60-cent price was set, as he is not a member of the O.B.A. He stated that his group felt that the unsettled employmen and consequent economic condi- tions in Oshawa were such, that a 15-cent or 33% per cent increase was too much and that they were Johnson, Rickes, Jerry Mountenay and Vern E. Trimble. . The fact that journeymen had no right to vote on increase in prices was questioned by "the op- position" and Mr, Drane agreed that this was correct. Tender Resignations The fact that these barbers had not been !nvited to the original price-raise meeting of Oshawa barbers, together with the fact that journeymen were premitted to vote, was not denied, In fact, President Bill Peters and Secretary Ed, McCaffrey of the Oshawa Barbers' Association, tendéred their resignations, As Secretary, Mr. McCaffrey expres- sed his willingness to accept the entire blame for the lack of in. vitations. The meeting urged him to re-consider his resignation but he refused to return to the office. At a brief election later, Mr. Lloyd Shobbrook was elected Sec- retary, but Mr, Bill Peters was returned as President, with only one dissenting vote---his own, Other Prices Remain The question of the raise of prices of children's haircuts to 40c and shaves to 35¢c was not even discussed until after the con- tentious men's haircut price had been settled, When the matter wag raised, neither 'the opposi- tion" nor anyone else had any ob- jections and it was decided that these new prices would stand. Suggestions that "the opposition" consider the 60-cent price were all flatly refused, In commenting, at one stage, Provincial Organizer Larry Drane stated "This situation is foolish. There isn't any question we should be paying 60 cents, there isn't any question we should be paying 75 cents and how are you going to invite a better class of journeyman to the trade if you don't make 1t interesting for him. "A barber's actual salary, under And present prices, is less than $45.00 & week and less than that, he can not live on it today. If you consider this from the viewpoint of the public's wishes, they'l] have you cutting their hair for ten cents. "Consider yourself first and con- sider the public second", he added in another comment, President Wm, Peters, of the Osh- awa Barbers, in his comments; stated that at the original meeting, he had been in favor of a 50-cent price but when it came time to vote, did not wish to go agalnst the rule of the majority so had favored the 80-cent price. One or two others in the group of master barbers pres- ent stated that this had been their feelings also--"they didn't want to look like a piker" so had voted for that at meetings in school premises proceedings would be opened with a prayer. Trustee Blair Laing said that "any loyal Canadian group whether reli- gious or not should be prepared and proud to sing the National Anthem." in the past we have not in- od spa Edughy existence for 25 years. answer a question as been included in the the first place. Trustee Harold Male said: "If His Majesty were here he would prob- ebly laugh at us." 5 in | the 60-cent price rather than a b- cent raise Offered to Explain to Public President Otto Maluske, of the Ontario Barbers' Association, - gested that his organization run an advertisement in the local paper, announcing the results of the meeting and stating that the deci- sio had been to make the price of haircuts for men at sixty cents. The advertisement would be worded so that none of "the opposition" would have a 'red face', he stated. "The opposition" would have no part of this offer and re-afirmed their refusal to have any part of a 60-cent price, at this time, although admitting that perhaps in a few months, times would permit another increase above fifty cents. At the conclusion of the meeting, "the opposition" signified their willingness to co- operate with the other local barbers, by signing application forms for membership in the Ontario Barbers' Association, Honors Judge (Continued from Page 1) and career in my office, I am sure success will attend his work," said W. E. N. Sinclair, K. C.,, M. P,, with whom Judge Anderson was assoclat- ed in law practice for the past 20 years. Mr. Sinclair recalled that the new appointee to the Bench had been scmething of an "ex-man." He not- ed that Judge Anderson was an ex- mayor of Oshawa, ex-chairman of | pay the Public Utilities Commission and the Town Planning Comission, ex- president of the of Com- merce and the Ontario County Bar Association "He has been a tower of strength in the office for a good many years and he has left a mark on the city," Mr, Sinclair declared, affirming his belief that Judge Anderson was un- Jou qualified to be elevated e judiciary. "We all know the esteem in which the judiciary is held in this country of ours," Mr. Sinclair added. "Peo- ple have great confidence in and respect for that judiciary. The men who occupy positions on the Bench warrant that confidence." A telegram from G.D. Conant, K. C., Master of the Supreme Court of Ontario, who was unable to be pres- ent, offered his congratulations to Judge Anderson. R. D. Arnott, K. C, and A, B. Collins, K. C, both of Belleville, spoke on behalf of their fellow Bar members from Hastings County and welcomed Judge Anderson as a wor thy successor to former County Judge and now Justice of the Ex- chequer Court, His Honor C. A. Cameron. Judges His Honor Judge J. A, McGibbon of Victoria County and His Honor Judge | the municipal T, K. Creighton, KC, MLLA,, who made a second presentation of a as counsel of all the best traditions of his pro- fession." "He has also shown in large measure that affinity which our profession has for public service and he deserves tribute for the he has played in community life," Mr, Creighton sald. The speakers were introduced by chairman R. D. Humphreys, K. C,, newly elected President of the On- tario County Bar Association. Head table guests included: His Honor Judge MoGibbon, His Judge Anderson, Mr. ya, Mr, Sinclair, His Honor Judge Cole man and His Honor Judge S. L. Smoke, For quick results--Times-Gazette Classified Ads, are best, a Ask Government Stop Lifting Of Price Controls At a meeting of the General Mo- tors Division of Local 222, U.AW.- C.1.0., on Wednesday night, a reso- lution was passed calling upon the federal government to stop any further lifting of price controls at this time and to give consideration to a program of subsidies aimed at rolling back prices. The text of the resolution is as follows:-- WHEREAS: during the war price control proved an effective instru- ment in stabilizing our cost of liv- ing, we view with concern the re- cent action of the Federal Govern- ment in lifting the price control on hundreds of essentials which is now being followed by widespread price increases, , and WHEREAS: we recognize that price decontrol is part of the Gov- ernment's policy "to return indus- try to the free competitive position it held before the war," we also con- sider the recent lifting of prices contrary to the promise that de- control would be gradual so as not to create hardships on the Canadian people and also consider the lift- ing of prices unwarranted at this time in view of the 9% increase in the Cost of Living Index during the past year, and WHEREAS: during 1946 Canadian workers were forced to seek wage demands to offset loss of take home and the increase in the cost of living at that time, we feel that similar demands which will again strain labor-management relations will be necessary unless a halt is called to the lifting of price con- trols, be it therefore RESOLVED: that Local 232 Unit- ed Automobile Workers of America, Oshawa, request the Federal Gove ernment to stop any further lifting of price controls at this time and to give consideration to a program of subsidies aimed at rolling back prices. Lets Contract Despite Threat St. Catharines, Jan. 24--(CP) -- Threatened with issuance of writs against every member of the Board, and application for an injunction to restrain awarding of a contract for the new $875,000 collegiate addition, St. Catharines board of education last night defied the threat and au- thorized entering into an agreement with the contractor and the imme- diate start of construction. The board acted on the advice of the Ontario Municipal Board and the city solicitor after an unnamed group of ratepayers, represented by a local legal firm, had protested to board chairman against the awaiting of the contract and had threatened issuance of writs and application for an injunc- tion, The action follows the calling of tenders in 1946 for an addition to Work | the collegiate, after the electorate had approved a bylaw for $200,000 to building. erect the y Having insufficient funds on hand, the board appealed to city oouncil the old bylaw was with- drawn and this year a $375,000 by- law was passed by the electors. Those now seeking to upset the awarding of the contract contend that a new bylaw having been pass- ed, new tenders should be called. SINGING ON RADIO Miss Laurie: Harmer, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Willlam Harmer, is going to Galt with Ken Sobel's talent troupe for a concert tonight. At 5:30 pm. on Sunday next she will be heard singing over CHML, Hamilton, > a London Lad Drowned; Seek Body London, Ont, Jan. 34 (OP)~--Oity firemen and a Royal Canadian Navy vohunjiser oA sesumed id sea; today for body ve- year-old Bobby Avery who was in the Thames River here Last night's efforts. in which searchlights were used had to be when show cut visibility to lonely river stretch- west London. Today's search was concentrated in the west end cove area with holes being cut in thick ice in sec- tions were the body may be trapped. Capt. Harry Beattie was'in charge of the fire department river squad. Chief Petty Officer Bob Turner of HM.C.8. Prevost here headed the navy crew which was using its own eit, equipped with an outboard mo Ice-Jam Threat At Cornwall Cornwall, Jan. 24 -- (OP) *-- * | Threat of an ice-jam similar to the one that drove about 16 East Corn- wall families from their homes last spring was seen here today as huge ice blocks once more began to pile up on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. The severe cold snap earlier this week caused the ice to heave and thrust upon the banks, but township police officials hoped that milder weather today would end the danger, ; Over $21,000 (Continued from Page 1) "War Memorial Organ" and the Organ Fund account now shows a balance of $6,582.38. O! this am- ount, $2,610.36 wag collected during 1046, including donations of $1,000 from the Woman's Association and $218 from the Choir. During the year the screen for the organ was purchased at a cost of $065.60 and further plans were made for the installation of the or- gan. The report of the treasurer, Geo. PF. Shreve, showed a total of $11,- 540.07 oollected during the year. This was in addition to a sum of $1,500 contributed by the Woman's Association, $1,000 of which was transferred to the Organ Fund and $500 to the general fund. Offerings during the year total- led $10,00291, of which $893.43 was frcm plate collections, $7,002.66 from envelopes, $1,313.21 from anni- versary offering, and $883.61 from thankoffering. - This total com- pared with $9,04792 In 1045, $9,- 975.76 in 1044 and $7,783.38 in 1043. It was pointed out, however, that there had also been an increase in membership during these years, Opera expenses for 1946 am- ounted to $11,350.46, including a contribution of $1,000 to the Pen- sion Fund Campaign out of the cur- rent™ #ecount, Assets $10,311.60 Liquid assets at Dec. 31, 1946 to- talled $10,311.60, consisting of $7,000 in Dominion Government bonds, $2,737.38 in the cwrrent account and $574.31 in the savings account. , For Missionary and Maintenance, a separate fund, the church ex- ceeded its quota of $2,600 by some $40. ximately $06 was also raised for the Benevolent Fund during the year, bring the balance at the end of the year to $145.19, The , Rev. J. V. McNeely reported 102 baptisms during the year, a record number of marriages, 73 in all, and 38 funerals. The meeting stood as he read the names of the 13 members, 24 adherents and two intunis who had passed 1946. of appreciation for their work in the ghurch was extended to Mr. and Mrs. McNeely on behalf of the congregation by the recording steward, R. A, Wright. The reports of the various organ- izations all showed & year of en- thusiasm. The Woman's Associa- tion with over 160 members, raised a total of over $32,714 during the year, $2404 of this being raised by the six groups. The organization ended the year with a balance of $1,232.61. The four member organizations of the Women's Missionary Society raised in all $1,453.63 for missionary endeavour, The Baby Band, with an enrolment of 82, gave $30.68; the Mission Band, with a membership of 73 and an average attendance of 58, nearly $00; the Alice Jackson Af- ternoon, with a membership of 44, $380; and the afternoon auxiliary, approximately $953. Sunday School Report The Sunday School report, given by E, J. Goodman, secretary, show- ed a total enrolment of 781 with an average attendance of 300 during the winter months and 125 during the two summer months. The am- ount of money raised by the Sunday School during the year was $5680.71. Its membership is composed of 40 teachers and ofteess, 22 pews, 12 young people, 16 senior \ senior boys, 85 intermediate girls, 26 intermediate boys, 59 junior girls, 64 junior boys, 60 primary, 65 be- ginners and 271 cradle roll. The Onward and Upward Bible Class reported: nearly $100 raised during the year In addition to a box of clothing sent to the West, valued at $85. The Fidelity Bible embers and an The report called Pathfinders, showed a year of varied activities with an average evenings provided Honor Formal tribute was paid at the mee to four retiring members of-the Official Board in an address read by W. G. Bunker. These were E, Frank Cawker, Harvey N. Hager. man, Murray Greentree and R. Ar- thur Wright, whose years of service altogether totalled approximately All had been members of the mother church, Metcalfe Methodist, and the length of time they had Worked in the church ranged from 40 to well over man Their unbiased pan strong convictions, intense earnest- ness and untiring zeal have won for them the confidence, respect and esteem of the entire congregation as has been shown by their being returned to office year after year without a break. The privilege of serving awakens & keen sense of responsibility to do our work faith. fully in our Master's sight." One of the oldest active members of the church, Mr. Cawker, had been a member of the Board of Stewards and of the Official Board continu- ously for over 25 years. He was chairman of: the Board of Stewards and also of the Finance Committee during the difficult days of the de- '| pression. Mr. Hagerman, a faithful mem- ber of the congregation for over 40 years, had been a member of the Board of Stewards and the Official Board for about 35 years and his activities have also included being treasurer of the Sunday School for over 25 years and in charge of the ushers for over 30 years. Mr, Greentree had served on the Board of Stewards and Official Board for approximately 20 years, making "a splendid contribution to the governing body of the church." Hé was also chairman of the Ene velope Committee for some seven years and was grading officer for a number of years. Mr, Wright started his active work in Metcalfe Church in 1903 and had been a continuous member of the Official Board since 1917, He was also active in the Sunday School, teaching many classes and serving as junior superintendent and also associate superintendent for & number of years. He has now resigned from the position of recording steward of the CL a position he had held since Each of the four men was present- ed with a copy of the address. The largely attended meeting fol- lowed a dinner served by members of the Woman's Association. During the evening a musical program was given by Miss Orma Fleming, vocal- ist, of Whitby and the Thornton's Corners Quartette composed of Miss Margaret Mosser, Mrs, E. L. Pipher, William Harmer and R. Mollen. Community singing was led by Ver- non Osborne, von Papen Faces Court Nuernberg, Jan. 24--(AP)--Franz ven Papen went on trial before a German denazification court today after unsuccessfully challenging the Bavarian tribunal's right to hear the case, The seven-man court proceeded with the trial of charges that von Papen was a supporter of Adolf Hitler in the palmy days of the Nazi regime. Conviction can mean 10 years at hard labor for the 69-year-old Ger- man diplomatic ace, who once serv=- ed at Hitler's vice-chancellor. Public prosecutor Werner Fiebig pin the court he intended to prove 1. von Papen helped Hitler to power and "sustained" Nazism fin- ancially and politically." 2. von Papen, as creator of Hit- ler's first Cabinet, promised the Fuehrer he would dissolve the Reichstag and lift the ban against the wearing of the uniform by storm troopers. J 8. von Papen dismissed 24 high administrative officials because they opposed the Nazis. 4, von Papen "undermined" Kurt Schussnigg's Austrian gvernment and thus paved the way for ane schluss. They'll Study Seaway Plan-- But Carefully Ottawa, Jan. 24--(CP)~--External Affairs Department officials said yesterday that before making any comment they would have to give very careful consideration to a sug- gestion that the ed St. Law- rence Seaway and power projects be made self-liquidating. The plan was advanced Wednesday by chairman Arthur Vandenburg of the Ameri can Senate foreign relations com- mittee, Mr. Vandenburg sald the suggestion would involve tolls .on overseas traffic but not on other trafiic. The Canadian officials sald there were many angles that would have to be studied before any comment could be made on the suggestion. Canada has made no. move to- ward carrying out her share of the multi-million dollar project, pend- ing approval of plans by the United States Congress. Once Congress has given its stamp of approval Canada will take legislative action to carry owt her part of the agreement sign- ed in 1941, wountiog| Report More Meat Slaughtered Here In December * Animals slaughtered in Oshawa houses during December totalled 220 as compared with 140 in the previous month, Board of Health 'ood '® included 80 visits to dairies, 27 to dairy farms and 70 to slaughter houses. At the dairies a total of 114 sediment tests were conducted. Three poultry were inspected for householders, . '| oats 53-56¢; activities | Farmers' Market Local Grain -- Local selling prices for gran $29 $30 ton; shorts $30-$31 ton; baled hay $18-$20 ton; straw $16-$18 ; pestry flour $2.85 a bag; flour $2.90 a bag. Dealers are paying no set price. Wheat, $1.26 a bushel barley 65c; b 75-80c. : | Produce -- Toronto, Jan, 24-- (CP)---Produce prices in the spot market here day were reported as follows: Eggs: Trading dull, receipts in fair volume, larger proportion going overseas, wholesale to retail, A large 40-41, A medium 38, A pupilet 35, B 34-35, C 32-33; country ship- pers quoted graded eggs, cases free A large 36, A medium 35, A pulle Bon hd » No. un cream unchanged: 1 1b. 41 FOB, 45 delivered, plus 10 cents subsidy. : Butter: Unchanged, 1st grade sol= ids 40, 2nd grade solids 39, prints, 1st grade 42, 2nd grade 41, 3d grade 40. Hogs -- report ing early today: Stratford, to farm« ers $21.60, to truckers $21.75, deliv- ered; Hull $22 delivered, Brantford $21.60 delivered. Fruit -- Toronto, Jan. 24 (CP)--Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices were une changed here today. Change Date Of Council Meetings In Darlington The members-elect of Darling- ton Township Council were duly installed on Jan, 13 and were ad- dressed by Rev, E, 8. Linstead, who delivered a very fine address Deputy Reeve Millson moved & vote of thanks to Mr, Linstead. Communications were read from Dept. of Planning and De- velopment, the clerk to investi gate this further and reoprt; from the Ontario Good Roads As- sociation in which membership was renewed; from Salvation Ar- my asking for grant. $100 was granted to the Salvation Army. Council adjourned for dinner to resume business at 1.30 p.m. Seven copies of the Municipal World were ordered for members of council and officials, . Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Col- lector asked for a raise in salary. On motion of R, W. Nichols and A, Millson the salary for clerk. treasurer be $1,100, tax collec tor's salary $660, : Fred Honey, Road Superintend- ent, will be responsible for opera. tion of angledozer and to ngtify the councillor in which division he is moving to do snow removal work and find out if there is any urgent work to be done, Council decided to purchase snow and ice track for tractor and snowplow with two wings at once, also radiator guard, R. K, Squair and A. Millson are a committee to go to Toronto to purchase same, Council meeting day was chan- ged from the first Saturday to the first. Thursday of each month, These bills were paid, City of Oshawa, relief ..$ 198.30 Dr. C. D, Russell, treat, =. 30.00 F, L, Byam, groceries .. 14.13 Cawker"s Grocery, groc, 7.66 Bell Telephone, service .. ' Coun, Treas. hospitaliza, G, F. Annis, sheep insp. Sidney Worden, sheep da. Claud Smith, relief a... Mrs. M. Marchant hskpr, J, D. Hogarth, ex. and pst. Good Roads Assoc., fee . Municipal World, 7 subs. Safe Stolen (Continued from Page 1) crackers attempted to smash open the safe at the National Employ ment Office here but were foiled by its sturdy construction. In this * latest break-in, there was apparent. - ly no attempt to smash open the safe on the spot. Tenants in the apartments direct ly overhead said they heard no unusual noises during the night, 'There's usually so much of doors and noise in general that yoy wouldn't notice anything in particue lar," said Mrs. D. T. Govan. Mrs. Eva Taggart, living in another apartment over the Singer Sewing Machine offices, reported that she aan heard any breaking of glass either. : Three Have Grief Over Gun Sales Kirkland Lake, Jan. 24--(CP) --A revolver which changed hands three times last week and then allegedly was used in a gun. fight v th law officers was a for. mer police weapon, it was reveal. ed here today. Three local resi. dents yesterday paid fines of $110 altogether for illegal transact« fons over the gun, Police said today that one of tho three, Dennis Wheeldon, fin, ed $10 and costs Ww,as & formep member of the Teck Township police force and one-time chief conBtabl: of nearby Larder Lake, WARMTH GREETS COURT Magistrate Frank Ebb's ultima. tum, "no heat--no trials", apparent. ly a pronounced effect. was amazingly well heat. milg morning, although