THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETT OSHAWA Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle | WHITBY OL. 6--NO. 20 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 Price 4 Cents F OURTEEN PAGES FE STOLEN FROM LOCAL STORE \d Bar Association Honors J udge J.C. Anderson Tray Is s Presented To Former Oshawa Lawyer At Banquet - Joining in significant tribute to the record and ability | of His Honor Judge J. C. Anderson, the Ontario County Bar - Association and the Judges of Judicial Distriet No. 6 honored him last night at a testimonial dinner in Hotel Genosha in recognition of his recent eleyation to the Bench of Hastings County. + "No appointment to the Bench would have pleased me more," de- clared His Honor, Judge D. B. Cole- man, County Judge of Ontario County, in presenting a beautiful sliver tray to Judge Anderson. 4 Honorable Record "Judge Anderson's record here is Jong and honorable known to you all" Judge Coleman said. "He is type of man that always leaves client satisfied and to whom * his opponent bears no ill will," he sommented, referring to Judge An- derson's long career in the legal Here 18 Years Died Today Well known as National . Railways city ticket agent here since 1929, avid Clement Forrester | dec this morning at his home, 45 Robd South in his 61st year. Monty had not been enjoying health during the past tw his_ friends were shocked & this morning. Mr. Forrester was active in the F Riwants Club, serving as treasurer for 13 years, being forced to retire from this position in 1945 owing to health. 2 was born ia Clinton, Ont., son of the Jlate David and Elizabeth _ Forrestef, and was married to Mary Blinn in 1022. Mr. and Mrs, Forres- ter celebrated Seis 25th wedding ust a week wef ago: jsubiiveisaty b) Just. 8 eek dl wt "the CNR. for over » Jears | ed entering the employ 0. as a young man at Port Credit. He | was then transferred to London and . also saw service at Buffalo, Montreal and Toronto before coming here in 1920. ving besides his wife are two Denver; and two brothers, Roy of Orono and Fred of Exeter, Oat, The funeral will be held from the Luke-McIntosh Funeral Home on hioon, hasins Lown Bete jite t wn Cemetery. ; nes meet if will be conducted by : ne JV. of services wil King Street United Ch of which Mi" | Forrester was a member. Teach U.A.W. Public 3 Relations # Cleveland, J jan, 24--(AP) -- The . United Auto Workers (C10) today ~~ laun an Officials sald the meeting mark- ed "the first time an American la- for union has deliberately undertak- scale to use profession- ally the and devices that have hitherto been the major in- Struments of advertising agencies fad public relations firms." 1 'Died This Morning 'DAVID ©. FORRESTER. t for the Canad. ways here since a val who died this morning. The , who had been in poor health for several years, was treasurer of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club for 18 years prior to relin- quishing these duties in 1945. Deny Small Powers Voice; Reds Firm London, Jan. 24--(AP)--Russia stood firm today in rejecting small- power demands for an equal voice in writing the German and Aus- trian peace treaties, declaring that the Big Four powers "paid in blood" for the right to dictate peace terms. Peodor T, Gousev, deputy Soviet Foreign Minister, sharply challeng- ed claims by Canada, Australia and others of the smaller powers to the right to full participation in the de- puties' conference, now preparing preliminary treaty drafts for the Big Four foreign Ministers meeting in Moscow in March. "This right to draft treaties was not grabbed," Gousev snapped at | witness, last night's session, authoritative American sources reported. "It was Bough with the greatest amount of BOO ealln's Col. W. R. Hodgson had protested that the smaller pow- ers were given scant opportunity to determine what went into the trea ties for Italy and other axis satel- lites and now were being denied a full voice in the German and Aus- trian settlements. Canada took a similar stand. Informants sald Gousev declared that the Big Four made the major decisions during the war and should {Putin to 40.20 In tie Peace prea Three Collisions In Three Days Is Shunter Count Local motorists hoped today that the well-known 'adage about "three times and out" would ap- ply to the Oshawa Railway Com- pany's shunter. In the third similar accident in the past three days, Bernard Se. gal; 68 Arlington Avenue, report- ell to police that he was driving west on Bloor Street East: early yesterday afternoon when he col- lided with the front left corner of the shunter, which was travelling south, Mr, Segal sald he stopped at the stop sign first before proceed- ing across the tracks, Conductor. H. Allan, 55 Highland Avenue, was in charge of the shunter. The shunter was undamaged while the auto had the front right fender and hub cap dented. OVER $10,000 IS RAISED AT ALBERT ST. The annual meetin, meeting of -Albert Street United Church last evening showed that 1946 had been a year of marked progress with an increase in membership of 37 and total re- ceipts for all purposes over $10,000. The allocation of $600 for the Mis- sionary and Maintenance Fund wag exceeded by $100, Mrs. Francis Johns reported, The pastor, Rev. E. Donovan Jones, was invited for an- other year with a .substantial in- crease in salary. There was a large attendance at the meeting. Preceding the business, a short sing-song was conducted by Mr. Jones with Mrs. Carl Morgan at the piano and prayer was offered by Harry Lynch, Mrs, Gordon Shemilt, clerk of Ses- sion, presented the Session's report which showed the membership at the end of the year was 254. There had been ten baptisms and 15 mar- riages. Three members had been removed by death. A steady increase in attendance at the quarterly com- munion service was noted with much satisfaction, Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, fulfilling the duty of Presbytery 'toward a pastoral charge, was present and asked the clerk of Session the re- quired questions about the life of ALBERT UNITED (Continued on Page 2) Chambers Committed To Trial St. Catharines, Ont, Jan. 24 -- (CP)--Sidney Chambers, 34-year- old stationary engineer, today was committed for trial on a charge of murder in the Christmas week slay- LB of nine-year-old Marion Rus- Be hive James Anderson said at the preliminary hearing that Cham- bers told him Jan_3 that he strang- ied the child in 'the room of dormitory at a canning factory Dec. 23, the night the girl disappeared. The committal was ordered by Magistrate H. D. Hallett after hear- ing evidence of six witnesses. The hearing requited about 45 minutes. The court room was crowded to ca- racity and scores of curious were unable to gain admittance, Chambers was transferred later today to the county jail where he will be kept under day and night guard until he appears at the Su- preme Court. jury assizes scheduled to open Feb. 24. Chambers, dressed in a brown Jacket and trousers, blue sweater and white shirt, open at the neck, remained quite calm and almost disinterested throughout the pro- ceedings. His gave was fixed thro the court room windows into the market square and at times there Jas almost a half smile across his ps Following the evidence of each Magistrate Hallett asked the prisoner, who was not represent- ed by counsel, if he wished to cross- examine the witness. Chambers re- plied: "No sir." After Mrs. Betty Smyth testified, Chambers, when asked if he wish- ed to cross-examine the witness half hesitated and almost began to say something, then looked away and answered "No sir." Crown Attornéy E. H. Lancaster, CHAMBERS (Continued on Page 2) Dr. Harris To Testify Ottawa, Jan. 24--(CP)--Dr, Henry Harris, Toronto optometrist, is ex- pected to take the box in his own defence this afternoon in a county court non-jury trial in which he faces two cha of conspiracy arising from an alleged attempt to obtain false Canadian passports for Russian agents, County Judge A. G. McDougall granted defence counsel A, W. Bea ment of Ottawa an adjournment unti] 2:30 p.m. after rejecting his motion for of the charges. The Judge ruléd that Crown evi- ence that Harris came to Ottawa wice -with Sam Oarr, alleged Rus- sian agent, was evidence of an overt act. He also ruled that a literal interprrtation of the affected sub- section of the Official Secrets Act --which Harris i§ ¢harged with con- to breaks-showed that it was covered by thé presumptions of the act regardless of whether the charge was one of conspiracy or of directly breaking that act. Sinclair, K C, M.L.A,, a Bencher of the Law Society of Upper "Canada. Ontario County Bar Honors New Hastings Judge Tribute to his high ethical | standards and service to the community was voiced last sight when the Ontario : Bar Associ d a testimonial dinner to His Honor Judge J. C. Anderson, recently elevated to Son County Court Bench of Hastings County. Judge D. B. Coleman of Whitby is shown presenting a beautiful silver tray to Judge Anderson as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the members of the Bar of Ontario County. In the foreground are R. D. Humphrey, K.C., President of the Association and W. E. N. --Photo by Campbell's Studio Commission last night for its Plan Better Lighting King, Simcoe Streets Outside Business Area Authorization was given by the Oshawa Public Utilities manager to proceed with the his | preparation of plans for improved street lighting in the area adjacent to the business section and also on Simcoe Street South and King Street East, outside the business area. The plans will be presented to the Com- mission for its consideration. It will be remembered that last year's City Council granted blanket authority to the Commission to pro- ceed with the erection of greatly im- proved street lighting on King and Simcoe Streets, in the business sec- tion and also authority to proceed with the improvement program in the residential areas as money is available. It was agreed at that time that the Commission would foot the bill for the installation while the City would repay this ex- penditure through larger payments for each light. Prepare For Installation Mr. Shreve, manager of the Com- mission, last night said that plans are being pushed forward in prep- aration of the new installation in the business section. This work will include new ornamental standards, the removal of poles and the plac- ing of wiring underground. Asking the direction of the Com- mission in regard to further im- provements, he said that it would be possible to provide better lighting for other sections of thé city as time passes by using the present poles with better type equipment. At the suggestion of Mayor F. N. McCallum, the Commission decided that after the business section at- tention should be given to Simcoe Street South from the business sec- tion to the dual highway, and King Street East, from the business sec- tion to the city limits. This de- cision was reached as both these streets will be heavily travelled with the opening of the new highway. Plan Year's Work All members of the Commission were in agreement with Commis- sioner Willlam Boddy's suggestion that a plan should be drawn up at the beginning of each year of what it was planned to do during the year, These plans would be sub- mitted to City Council and in this way that body would be fully ac- quainted with what the Commission planned. Members of the Commission also favored the placing of .better light- , Bond and. Athol oS . adjacent to the business section as it would serve as an in- centive to an expansion of the busi- ness area. THE WEATHER Variable cloudiness and milder foday. Cloudy and colder Saturday. Winds southwest 20, light tonight and Saturday. Temperatures falling from 32 tonight to 25 Saturday af- ternoon. Summary for Saturday-- cloudy and colder, Rooms Ransacked Nothing Taken At King St. School In another mysterious school break-in, several classrooms at King Street Public School were ransacked last night or early this morning, but nothing was report- ed missing, Entry was gained through the east door by breaking a window pane, police said. It was thought that the thief was the same oné who broke into both the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Insti. tute and St Gregory's Separate Jehioo} early in the morning of Walter Howard, caretaker at the school, discovered the bieak- in and attempted theft at 7.30 this morning, "I can't understand it," said the member of the school staff, "Ev- ery drawer opened and nothing taken at all." Bar Association Names Officers At its annual meeting which pre- ceded the banquet in honor of Judge J. ©. Anderson, last night, the Ontario County Bar Association elected its officers for: 1947. - President of the Association is R. D. Humphreys, K.C. Other of- ficers elected were: Neil C. Fraser, K.C,, vice-president; W. R. Scott, C.8R., secretary-treasurer and li- brarian. Named to the Board of Directors were: His Honor Judge D. B. Cole- maf, R.. J. Harris of Uxbridge, Charles McGibbon of Oshawa, and R. D. Ruddy of Whitby. Edger Bastedo, Ernest Marks and R., D. Humphreys were Zppomte members of the purchasing com mittee, __ HOSPITAL RATE UP Welland, Jan, 24--(CP)--Fa- ced with mounting deficits, Wel- land ty General Hospital Board of Governors has decided to increase rates for ward and semi-private patients by 50 cents per day. The ward patient rate "now will be $3.50 per day. Priv- ate rooms are to be available at rates based on "comparative dis- ability" with the minimum charge . 47 per day, Ni Case Rests Against 0 And Aides Toyko, Jan, 24--(AP)-- The prosecution today rested its case against former Premier Tojo and 25 other wartime Japanese lead- ers, Today's was the 160th session of the International War Crimes Tribunal which began hearing the case April 29, Only 25 of the original 28 de- fendants were in court. Former Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsu. oka and Admiral Osami Nagano, one-time chief of the navy Gener- al Staff, died after the trial open- ed, Dr. 'Shumei Okawa, a propa- gandist, was declared insane and confined to a hospital., Okawa is being tried in absentia on the pos- sibility he later might be pro- nounced sane, The defence Monday will pre- sent a motion for dismissal, If- that is denied, the Tribunal has promised the defence a two-week adjournment to prepare its case. Baptist Leaders Conference Here This Week-end The second annual Leaders' Conference of the Fundamentalist Baptist Young People's Associa- tion of Ontario and Quebec is be- ing held here this week-end. Dele- gates from every part of the pro- vince will be attending. The main speaker of the con- ference will be the Rev, S. F. Logsdon; Pastor of Central Bap- tist Church, London. Other speakers during the con- ference period from - Friday to Sunday include, Rev, D, A, Love- day, Brantford; Rev. Richard Ad- amson, Fergus; Rev, C. P. Van Duzen, Toronto; Mr. K, Bicker- ton, Brantford; Rev. George Simpson, Ajax; Rev. John Rus. sell, Toronto; Rev. Norman Pike, Simcoe; Mr, Norman D, Lea, Tor- onto; Rev. Clarence M. Kean, To- ronto; Chas. Hare, Dundas, On- tario and Rev, Ray Poludaiak, Toronto. President of the Association, 8. L. White, of Brantford will be chairman of the conference, The theme of this year's conference is Baptist Young People in past his- tory. Present proBlems and future outlook. All sessions will be held in Calvary Baptist Church, except for the Saturday evening dinner in the Hotel Genosha. HUSBAND SAFE Kirkland Lake,, Jan. 24-- (CP) --A newspaper story that a wife had reported her husband '"mis- sing" for a'week has helped to re- unite the couple, The husband, Tolvo Haaikkala, telephoned yes- terday Irom nearby Larder Lake and sald he was safe and well ind was to start work in a Wine) there today, More Than $660 Cash and Valuables From Singer Office Smashing a pane of glass In the side door, thugs enter- ed the office of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario Street, early this morning .and carted off a small green-colored safe weighing over 300 pounds and containing more than $660 in cash and valuables. Leaving scarcely a trace of their handiwork, the burglars evidently reached in through the broken low- er left-hand pane to slip back the door catch and then carried the relatively small safe out to a wait- ing vehicle. Police said that one man could possibly have done the job. James Taylor, assistant manager, discovered the break-in when he opened the store at 8 o'clock this morning. Employee's Money Gone Included in the missing cash which totalled $260, according to manager J. M. Dresser, was an en- velope holding $103, the personal property of Mrs. Keith Branton, R. R. 1 North Oshawa, an employee of the firm. Hoping fervently for the recovery of the cash, Mrs, Branton said: was putting it by for a new sewing machine." Valuable papers, record books, surgical stitching needles and other equipment, estimated at $400, were in the safe, Mr. Dresser sald. "Just about everything," added an em- ployee dejectedly. Noting that everything else in the rear office remained apparently untouched, Mr. Dresser said the break-in could have occurred any where between 10 o'clock last night and 8 am. this Jmoralig. He report- ed that a sewing school had been in until 10 last evening. Tha sade seit was. described as). being omy 18 Hans wide and 30 Just two 'weeks ago today, safe- SAFE STOLEN (Continued on Page 3) DIFFERENCES ARE SETTLED BY BARBERS (By GEO. H. CAMPBELL) The days when the vaudeville tap- dancer finished off his routine with that little bit of rythm which the schoolboys interpreted verbally as "Shave and a haircut--two bits!"-- those days are no more! That fact, and one other, that the barbers of today are supposed to "I| think of themselves first and the public second if they hope to earn a decent living and "stay off relief", were the two items of information "for sure" which were led last night at a meeting of the mas- ter barbers (shop operators) -and journeymen held at the Commercial Hotel, where after four hours' dis- cussion, it was finally voted, that beginning this Saturday moming, haircuts for men in Oshawa will cost 55 cents. Finally Put to Vote The meeting, which started get tired of talking. Sc So, after a brief HAIRCUTS (Continued on Page 2) King Street United Church Congregation Raises Over $21,000 a year in which work among the returned men and wom- en was a feature, reports presented at the annual meeting of King Street United Church last night showed a membership increase of 106 and financially a grand total of over $21,000 raised in all depart- ments of the church during the year. This amount was in addition to balances carried forward from the previous year. In all, 195 new members were re- ceived into the church during the year, 171 being by profession of faith. Seventy-seven were trans- ferred from .the membership roll and 12 members died 'during the year, bring the total membership at December 31 to 1,458. Work among the returned service personnel had been sponsored by a special rehabilitation committee and W. L. Pierson reporting for the committee, pointed out that 30 of the returned men had , been re- ceived into the membersip of the church during the year. Purchase New Organ One of the most important under- takings of the year was contracting for a three-manuel Casavant pipe organ which is to be installed this year. This is to bear the title of OVER $21,000 (Continued on Page 2) Conference Speaker REV, 8. F. LOGSDON Pastor of Central Baptist Church, London, who will be the principal speaker at the annual leaders con- ference of the Fundamentalist Bap- tist Young people's Association of Ontario and Quebec which is being held here this week-end. %* LATE NEWS BRIEFS Ottawa: Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced today that the government has decided not to continue to enforce legislation permitting the deportation of per- sons of Japanese origin. Timmins: Officials of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers (C.1.0.) announced today that union men are being recruited in Timmins, Kirkland Lake, Sudbury and Malartic to reinforce Noranda picket lines, London: Karl Gruber, Austrian Foreign Minister, said today his country would be unable to pay reparations to anyone. Téronto: Squads of police fanned out through the west Toronto area today in a hunt for two armed men who robbed a bookkeeper of $3,200 in the daring daylight holdup of D. Viev Plastics Ltd. Berlin: Russian authorities today announced arrest of 30 Germans who allegedly have been lootin sector of Berlin and communities in the g the Soviet oviet occu- pation-zone while disguised in, uniforms,