Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Jan 1947, p. 12

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RRR So omimonsuiors son a. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors GRAHAM BICELE, ACOOUNTANT AU- ditor, Government reports and income tax forms prepated, secretarial work. Phone 1004J. Arthur Street. (Feb.13) A 8. T. HOPKINS, CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 aiger Bldg. Xing Bast, Phone . Consul - 5 ¢ and auditor. - (Febl3) 2-- Barristers UIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, ETC. nly Loans aIranged, 25 'Simcoe | North. Phone 67, nce BL a Articles For Sale .. 36 Articles Wanted ... n Wanted ... 40 Auditors, gress or } Automobiles Wanted ......... 33 Repairs 18 Auction Sale .... & Garden Barone Insurance Instruction sseesese 3 Barristers Bullding Trades 11 Oppor- 2 a 4 f+ Cad Ty gd it. 8. Wa. one bt: By Annis, BA, LLB. £0. (Pedl) el GREER, K.O. BARRISTER Boustior ., #6 King Street Phone 3160 R 3514. R t ) K.C. Uzbridge. W. C. Pollard. ahridus, ONE INSERTION TWO INSERTION! t, 0! THREE INSERTION pry Evry RIERSON, CREIGHTCS & FRASER, ator eto. Bank of Commerce (Febl) {Above rates apply only to INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Funeral Directors 8 Pemale Help . Wanted ......... and Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent ses ne. Loan Wanted ... Lost and Found .. 23 Legal Notices ..... 43 MVanted .. ...... ® Male or Female Help Wanted ... 30a Money to Loan .. Nursicg Service .. 13 Optometrists ..... 8 CLASSIFIED AD RATES = EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION Physicians and eres 38 » srvereeee. WM sevens sevnisscses 38 Real Estate Wanted ...ce.eee 38 tT Rooms For Rent .. 20 Room and Board., 30 Room and Board Wanted .. ..... 30a Veterinarians .... 7 Women's Column 33 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel ,. 30 20 Words Each Add? or Less Word 02 03% 00 05 25 0134 ordered at a later date tl order) LD. HUMPHREYS, K.C., Bolleitor etc. 6 Simcoe St. Phones: Office 814; Money to loan. AMES R MacBRIZN, BARRISTER pin Solicitor Suite 201 10 King East, ha Hotel. Phone 349. (Feb13) JOSEPH P MANGAN, EC. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor Money to loan. Office 141; King St. Earu. Oshawa Phone wort All Classified Advertisements Professional and Business lstings--§5.00 per month for 20 words or less, 20c additional for all words over 20. Each Initial letter, abbreviation § and ¢ sign, figure count as a full word. Box charged 10c additional, before publication. Office Hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day 445. Res. Phone 837. (PFebl) EST 'MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLI- ny 11 King E. Room 2 Phones: Office 55, 388TR (Feb2) . N. SINCLAIR. K C., BARRISTER a Boltotor; Bank of Montreal Builld- ing. Phone 99. (Febl) 25--Real Estate For Sale 4-ROOM HOUSE, LIGHTS, GOOD well, g e, built-in cupboards in kit- chen, double lot. Phone HOTW. (19¢) 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW, ROSS- land Rd. E., bullt in 1040. Attractive 35--Wearing Apparel MAN'S HORSEHIDE COAT, SIZE 40, Good as new. Also used motor rug. Telephone 4660W. (20b) TWO CREPE DRESSES, POWDER blue, sizes 12 to 14, skating , 12 to 16. One heavy ski jacket AJ PARKHIL., BARRISTER. ETC. mortgage loans. Act loans. Simcoe North. Phone 1614 (Febl7) |B living-room with P nr Oil h alr dit} ed, panelled recreation room. Large lot, arage. Price $10,000. Terms. lon 30 days. Exclusive listing. Nolan Real Estate Broker, Phone 4153. (19¢) 5-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE. LIGHTS, water, good b t, fron d 5 jon arranged, Apply 26 arage. Possess! Sronara Ave, North Oshawa. (171) We Have The Keys-- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NNING P. SWARTZ, BARRISTER, Bo estor, Notary. Money to loan Bas- wett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282 Res 287TW. (Febl) 4--Chiropractors ELEY CLINIC, 146 Jecs Ty i ian, 234. Drugless practice including El vapor bath Ay t ineral en or) years. Consultation free. white, red trim, szie 12 to 14, Wil- liam West, (20b) ONE NAVY BLUE SKIRT, ALL WOOL, size 8. 539 King E, Phone 2535R. (19a) WHITE SHEER EVENING DRESS, long sleeves, worn once, size 14, pr. lady's tube skates, size 6. Phone 1L0R. (17c WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, 1 and p like new. Carrying a big stock of ) (SILENT GLOW THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten Give BLASTMORE AN | HEY! INCH IN ANY KIND OF \JOU KEEP IN LINE! I CAN'T, HEY 2 WHO'S GONNA STOP ME ? CANTCUT IN / I'M IN A HURRY AND I'M NOT WAITIN' LIKE THAT: AROUND FOR ANY DROOPS OH, THAT'S PERFECTLY ALL RIGHT! I'M IN NO HURRY AND BESIDES P) YOU'RE SUF- 5 | FERING J XN THAN T AM Ld 25 ) 36--Articles For Sale BLACK SEAL COAT, SIZE 16, GOOD condition, also kitchen cupboard. Phone 2906W. (17c) 55¢ PER installed. George 66 Bond West. (Jan23) REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS TAKEN now' for the N a3 55 Jdeaaured dnd Reid. Phone 2104. KINDLING WOOD HARD DRY CUT- tings. Phone 3288J, (18d) Rate for Advertisiag ander this heading--3c per word each inser- tion. Minimum charge 45 cents. DANCING AT THE AVALCN EVERY Wed., ., and Sat. Nine till 12 King West, (Tues-Fri) OIL BURNERS FOR jacket heaters. etc Cooks Electric, Phone A (Jan21tf) cookstove, and Sharp sults and pants. 21 Bond St. W. Sam Schwartz, (Feb?) 36--Articles For Sale $6,200 Naren Ave.-brick house-- cing Monday am. to 0 pm dally except ol good and Friday. ' buy. i 5--Optometrists Westmoreland Ave--8 room $6 50 brick house -- Down pay- 0. i TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, oie oT DL ey p Hours 13. 3 to 8. Phone | ment $2,000, ance J y Debawa. '® (Feb5) | see this now. JURY AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS (If you wish to sell call this office. $47 Shai Binsin BoP, Sih tentl, u 2008 OF 5 ne 3 2 AS) . e have fi % Johnson Optom (Jan24) | we need your listing. For best résults { In -- list exclusively with | S=1nsura EVERETT G. DISNEY SUBANCE SERVICE. yy your insurance | 82 Simcoe S. Real Estate o 2088 "Member, Ont. Real Esta ; Board" toh (Tues-Wed-Frl) 26--Real Estate Wanted R_ RENT house Early possession Res. 3180W. 7--Veterinarians LARGE AND DR. G. R animal . 323 St. Wasi Oia. Thou at "feeb (3 8--Funeral Directors es-Gagette, (20h) N BURIAL COMPANY PUNERAL | 29._Roo e -- Ambulance Service, 75 Oh 2 ms For Rent . Established 1880. Phone 401 LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR : Le TPR) | priate homme, Somat Sox oh Tina: riv. e, cen . » 88 9--Money To Loan . | Gazette. (20c) CLIENTS MONIES first mortgages, A Barrister, Bassett T 282 TWO ROOMS FOR RENT, SUIT AV ALADLE gentlemen, at 116 Albert St. (20b) ock, suite No 4 | FRONT BEDROOM, NICELY FURNISH- (Feb20) | ed and decors all conveniences. Apply Apt. 6, 14% {ing St. East. (20a) WOULD A YOUNG LADY INTEREST- ed in sharing two-room apartment with another lady phone 935W. (18¢) 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW. CLASSES COM- mence each Monday. Shorthand, Typ- |W "2 8 i nin Bape fuin Bookkeep(ug and DOUBLE ROOM WITH all secretarial TWIN BEDS. Gentlemen preferred. Phone 4691R. 157 . | Agnes St, (19¢c) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED to Mo. 19¢c WARM for gentleman. Close SN 11--Building Trades bedroom Jor desired. Phone 5 - CARPENTRY, HOME ALTERATIONS, and general repairs. Call evenings, H. Boyd, 16 William E. Phone S347R. (Feb.21) SILVER - FLEX" INSULATION FOR homes, old attics, Reflective panel work for factories, stores, garages. In- formation phone 1352W. Jan.24) BCREENED SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS fill. H B. Evans Cartage, RR. 3, Bow- manville. Phone 2255. (Feb2) H MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK, 29a--For Rent SUN LAMPS FOR RENT, SUN KRAFT ultraviolet, using cold quartz tube. $6 per month, Meagher's, Simeop Nott, 'eb.8) 30a--Room & Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home for young man. Not more than ten minutes walk from business sec- Apply Box 941, Tim tion, «Gl TWO | O COOKING APPLES AND POTATOES for sale. Phone 2553J, a (20e) NEW FRIGIDAIRE SLIGHTLY DA- BCE 28) heey Iamibor Avie 3362, evenings 1278, Fion) HOT AIR FURNACE, ale. Apply 303 Hillside Ave. PIANO AND BENCH, MEDIUM walnut, $125, full rir Ty Pat guaranteed by Wilson & Lee, 79 Sim- coe N. Open evenings, (20a) ATTENTION TRUCKERS! USED truck tires, excellent condition, Lo to choose from. Take your pick. Sizes 650-700-750-825 x 20. "Priced to sell. Also complete stock of new tires Sbove Sod all other Low We have St. & Ritson RA. Phone 247. (200) , FOR (208) SOLID WALNUT LI] Ded, walsut. Anish, » nu tress, Phone 71 DRESSER, SOLID Simmons double spring and mat- ress. Pho (208) VA CLEANERS, FOR VM. by Eo TR oft Ihe aC Complete LH 12 2%, of St. & Ritson Rd. Phone 247. " (aoa chats. 82520, , 50x20, tires and tubes, Quantity of used 600 and 650x16 . used tubes, all sizes for passenger and truck. New batteries. Powell's Garage, North Oshawa. Phone 0d, MOFFAT 110-220 BURNER elegiric plate, Bissel carpet sweeper, practically new. Apply 76 Thomas St. (20c) ONE del, CAR RADIO, PUSH-BUTTON MO- perfect condition, Phone 38883, 3 ELM, SOFT MAPLE LUMBER A dar. Please send your orders a quirements for spring delivery, M. roy, Lot 34, Con. 8, Darlington. ( M:LAUGHLIN CUTTER, LIKE NEW, price $35. Circulator stove Findlay. like new. $35, ebec - heater $8. Happy Thought cook stove coal, wood and as combination. A, F. Co: 68 King West. Phone 666. re- Gil- 20c) USED CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 2 PCS. Cheap for quick sale. 34 Nassau St. (19b) COAL RANGES. LARGE SHIPMENT Just received. Some with reservoir. Dif- ferent sizes and makes. D.V.A. credits accepted, Meagher's, Simcoe ° North. (Feb.8) ER ROLLS 68 'Sines WRING! STOCK for all - Quiph. Bid St. N. Phone 3800W (Jan25) VENETIAN BLINDS eo Highest quality steel or aluminum SEVEN DAYS DELIVERY ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 3531R -- R. G. 'rrewin i) (Mon-Wed-Fri) KEPT IN washers, Jack in | 37-- Articles Wanted PAIR OF HOCKEY SKATES AND boots, size 3 or 4, "Tubes". Phone Fh USED SKATES, RIFLES Christian's Electric and Sa Ia coe North. (Wed-Fri-Mon) MANS EOCEEY BOOTS AN; x siz» 7, Phone 1160J, Do A SINGER SEWING MACHINE WANTED in good condition. Por-able ele.iiie prefer-:d. Phone 4245M. (20b) YOUTH'S BED, PREFERABLY MAPLE, Phone 1530M. (19¢c) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON metal, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Metals, back ONR. Station, (Febl) CRO 'WN GEAR AND PINION FOR 1031 Durant, Apply 67 Rosehill, Phone 4039R. (18¢c) BPOT CASR PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook es. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766M. . (Febis» PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH. WIL- son & Lee, 79 Simcoe North. Phone 2368. Open evenings. (Jan24) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED. ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters, 56 King West. 3326W. (Feb5) 38--Female Help Wanted 24 wir a dabl , someone who pendable, Ap- ply Box 945, Times-Gazette. (20b OPERATOR FOR INVOICING MA- chine or we to train for this per- Alr conditioning. Dealer for new idea and Pease Furnaces. Phone 33: (Jan5tf) KEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DE- corator. Also industrial spraying Ex. cellent workmanship. All. work guaran- Phone 3639. (Jan26) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOAM and general haulage Robert Muir, Courtice, Phone Oshawa 77J4 (Jan24) 1841) 31--Wanted To Rent YOUNG COUPLE GETTING MARRIED would appreciate three unfurnished rooms or apartment. Phone 1207J (18¢) TWO OR THREE U ISHED rooms, by young couple, Phone 1814J. (19b) NFURN no children, ; 8 6-PC. KITCHEN SET, BUFFET, TABLE, 4 chairs, double-back chairs, all hard- wood. White, black trim. 44; Simcoe St. N. (19a) REMINGTON, SOISEL ESS, FORTADIE othic type. one be 5 (19) KITCHEN BLUE. Phone 1160M. (192) CHAIRS, PAINTED fat, thi posislon, Excellent hours and salary. Give detalls of Previous ex- X rience and employers, 5 Bim azett (20b) es-G e. EXPERIENCED MAID, OR GIRL TO train as lor maid. No laun or cooking. ferences necessary. 'ele- (186) MANUFAC- phone Mrs, Cameron, No. 3. ARMENT turer wants, ambitious women, to be BUSINESS , EXECUTIVE REQUIRES rooms or adurtment. Adults only. Box 939, Times-Gazette, (18b) ONE, TWO, OR THREE or unfurnished rooms, light housekeeping, required TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters Variety of colors Pree esti- mates Phone collect 653. Bowman- ville Bromley and Son. (Janl4) OXPARIO MOOR SaNDER3. FLOORS , San nished. Old flo: finished. Phone ~42773. (Jang) 12--Personal Services P A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 Ki Street West. Your patronage solicit: (Feb20) NEW SERVICE CLEANERS -- Ontario St. Phone . (Peb3t) 14--Household Repairs REPAIRED AND RE. See our materials for 'W. Dalton, 75 Charles, (Feb8) FURNISHED, suitable for by refined Times-Gazette. (17¢) 3-ROOM APARTMENT WANTED, UN- furnished, by war widow and child of three. 1elephone 157J. (17¢) 32--Automobiles For Sale 1935 + MC. ONE-TON PANEL TRUCK. Bramley Motor Sales, 1271 Bimcce North. Phone 4695W. (20a) 1923 CHEV SEDAN, GOOD TIRES AND Phone 4€64J 33--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS -- FURNITURB upholstered. recovering. Phone 401. 18--Automobile Repairs SMITH'S RADIATOR REPAIRS, i coring, rebuilt. 251 John St. er 1942R, Oshawa (Feb20) | CASH FOR YOUR MN De Motor Sales, 1271 20--Business Opportunities |Fhone 4695w. (Jan30) TAXI BUSINESS IN WI oon | SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS AT location, going concern, Tw sary CQ3 | Dodd's car lot 278 Park BA. 8 Phoue on, i 90 i esnsts Reason for | 3344M. : (Jan18tf) selling, ealth. one t] | by 53. | 34--Pets and Livestock 22--Lost and Found BLACK COCKER SPANIEL, FEMALE, FOUND, STRAYED TO 1ST CONCES- 3 ironths old, $10. Phone 3503R. _(20c) D CAR. Simcoe quiet business couple. Apply Box 933, |O ter Pe well' y . |IBLACK AND WHITE Phone ; u Cataes, Nora i Ruud heater. 196 Celina St. 8t. North 2 LARGE OAK OFFICE DESKS AND al book-case, various assis, complete with tubes and s er. Cabinet, also avall- able Way: ess double spring, ba- by Walker, Phone "4. (19a) NE BRAND NEW GENUINE FORD, hot water heater, and defrosters, fits '46 Ford and trucks, $33. A. F. Cox and Son. 168 West, Phone 666. (19¢) BREAKFAST SUITE IN NATURAL le as window frame and sash, axe, 5 rake, shovels and miscellaneous , hoe, at 216 St Julian St. Must be sold week. (18¢) COOK STOVE, (18b) USED CAR RADIO, $1695; 2 NEW South Wind car or truck heaters: one used South Wind car or truck heater. New and used genuine Ford . A. F, Cox & Son, 168 King West. Phone 666. (18¢) . SPRING AND MAT- , also Ruud gas hot water heater. 116 Division St. (18¢) SINGLE BED, FOUNDATION G. e, with Box 936, Times-Gazette. (19¢) POSITION OPEN FOR sales girl. Apply_Tod's Bread. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, sleep in, Mrs, W, 8, Mill- man, Phone 3 (Jan.31) 39--Male Help Wanted CED (18¢) TWO AGGRESSIVE, CLEAN CUT sales-minded men, Ages 22 to 45, to train for life insurance representatives. Men that are dissatisfi resent earnings and future are id promotion assured to Dn; Apply Box 935, Times-G erie. OLIN PLAYER FOR OLD TIME Koy VIO dancing, also a plano and play es-Gi es. Apply Box (Thurs.-Fri.) 39a---Male or Female Help APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR posi combined Choirleader the position of le United Ap- SEVERAL USED HEATERS AND COOK stoves. Thoroughly reconditioned. 156 Simcoe S., before 6 p.m. (Feb.10) WINTER POTATOES AND COOKING BE a rs 3 cIntos| an ne 4423J. - Shaw, 262 St. JuliaR BS Tap. Cedar Creek Rd., two'| BRAY STARTED COCKERELS, hound dogs. ay y _prov- immediate shipment. ing Property and paying for ad. Phone } need some of these, Chicks Pak RE Todi 0 | grou, BE i CAO ued I a tm ---- - e 3 WILL PERSON \wHO PICKED . UP | ment urges early chicks, Po school books and fountain pen sets, in patticulais from agent L Wilson zippered case. DY, Jnistake at Ihe Arena alsam R.R. My Stn. (20a) 4 one RTE ARTI RAE ----- 1oiow, Huarter Pp P(i9b) | BLACK AND TAN POX HOUND. 10 te ng n, serums an 23--Women's Column wormed. Phone 3603, - - - CER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY 5J bd © (19a) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL PUP- ned. Phone 3445 i (Pebd) part grown dogs, blacks, Blondes, reds 24--Personal pennels, mile west Oshawa, 30s DON'T SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM, ) Let your Rawleigh dealér help, Names of Euterul users on request. Telephone 217R. (Feb 5) THOROUGHBRED . POLICE for sale. Apply 466 Albert St. be sm imams 35--Wearing Apparel BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW MODERN ; gevorators' colors, custom made, seam. |ONE LADY'S BROWN FITTED COAT. less, up to 13ft. width. Write Acme Rug %2¢ 14. Good condition. Cheap. Phone 188 King West, Hamilton, = (Marcha) | 1385W or call at 60 Prince St. (19h) I ET YT ------ ENT'S HEA UE WINTER OVER- 25--Real Estate For Sale gu size 40, Call after 7 pam. hone Be ---- lan. 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE WITH EX- as aah i: ea {fot2h tid Sais, Mavens seuss | MANUTOXSROr gE 3 TARTS y C + 0 ¥ Ste en hag 'coat, box_style, size 16, Al oi ) fireplace and electric water tank. e. Phone 1433J. 200) good condition, Phone 2478M, PUPPIES . (176) CEE ARETL AEs WT OIL BURNERS --- SALES PLUS complete, Reliable Service. Out-of- town customers solicited. W. . dale. Phone 4046J. (Jan18) DESKS! DESKS! DESKS! We are now able to offer you & com- plete range of Omice Furniture for im- mediate 4 18x24 U. q 34x60 Real Oak Office Desk ...... Single Chrome & Leather Office ODBIT <sesssvsessszoesss ceiver sd 998 a Le Office Arm IF, seesesssenssns All Steel Filing Cabinet We also feature a selection of In- dex Cabinets, Desk ps, and mise cellaneous Furniture for the Office. Please send remittance with order, COOPER'S DESK SHOP ~ 325 Queen W, Torouto ) |VACANCY. RAWLEIGH pe! A | tablished. 50 | fenced in 00 | 2887R. ts will state age, qualifications, Bxperience and salary * expected. also when service available. Apply W. Patterson, Newcastle. (20a) 40--Agents Wanted BUSINESS in Oshawa. Trade well es- Excellent opporsunity, Full 8. a AWleigh's Dept. -A-310-189, Montreal, Mhea310 19: M {Jan10-14-24-28) 41--Employment Wanted now Oo Time. Write at once. WOMAN, DE- employment, Exper- al, ae k. References exc! - > Box 942, Times-Gazette, (18c) EXPER' REPAIR ON ELECTRIC Jenges id all other electric house- hold appliances. Frank Sgudden, Fhons CULTURED sires part time sec 43--Auction Sales NY ill be sold by Public Auct'on, ow rie ay, Janay 31st, By, jar ents, hay, in, poultry equip- Je eme: la furniture includin new 'Beatty washer, north t of I e at . 'erms cash, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 7 (Fri.-Mon.-Tues ) The Times-Gazetle classified ads. fir) W Irn4 bring quick results, 42--Legal Notices THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I WILL not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name by Mrs. Muriel Trowsse my wife, without my written authority. On and after this date, January 23rd, 1947, Mr. Edward Trowsse. (20a) NEW SOYA INDUSTRY Canberra-- (CP)--A soya bean industry is to be established in Australia and the government has allotted £10,000 (33,000) to help development. A growers' and manufacturers' association has been formed in northern New South Wales, London (CP).--A £1,000,000 Vic- tory Club for ex-servicemen and women will be opened, in the West End in the late spring in premises previously used as an American Red Cross Club. Keep Bee Colonies At Same Number No further expansion of bee col- onies- was recommended by the 1946 Dominion-Provincial Agricul- tural Conference. With the present number, and the yield equal to the five-year 1940-44 average of 175 polinds per colony, the 1947 crop of 40 million pounds would be the second largest on record. If however yields return to the pre-war aver- age of 93 pounds per colony a rec- ord crop of 50 million pounds will be harvested. In recommending the present level of colony numbers for 1947 the Conference also gave con- sideration to the fact that the pres- ent almost unlimited demand for honey was due in great part to the shortage of sugar and scarcity of jams, jellies, and syrups. That demand has been further strengthened by the rationing regu- lations which permit purchases of four pounds of honey per coupon compared with 24 fluid ounces of jams and jelly and one pound of sugar. With the relaxation of sugar rationing, a sharp drop in honey consumption as well as in price is to be expected. The disposing of the Canadian crop of honey at prices which would give producers a reasonable return under conditions of normal sugar supply is largely a question of dis- tribution and grading. Considerable attention is at present being given to that subject by various trade and government agencies. Many people who formerly were not users of honey are now buying considerable quantities as a result of sugar rationing. To maintain that de- mand in competition with jams, jellies, and other competitive sweets when rationing no longer exists will require a marketing system which will ensure equitable distribution and a uniform; well-graded product. SEARCH FOR RUBBER Out of the 3,500 plants of Russian dandelion analysed by the Botany and Plant Pathology Division, Sci- ence Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture, 376 were retained because of their high rubber con- tent--12 per cent or more. ALSIKE CLOVER Production of alsike clover seed in Canada in 1946 was 7,712,000 pounds, 2,650,000 less than in 1945, and was mot enough to meet domestic and export demands. Can~ ada is the chief exporting country of alsike clover seed this season, when world requirements exceed supply by a considerable margin. The potential export demand for this seed would appear to justify increased production in 1947. FOR KELVINATOR SALES & SERVICE Domestic & Commercial PHONE 87 Eastern Electric Construction Limited PHONE JIM LOVE For a Safe Comfortable Ride © DOWN TOWN ® AROUND TOWN ® OUT-OF-TOWN CALL MID-TOWN TAXI 384 For Fast Courteous Round-the-Clock Service "We Serve the Best People in Town-- OUR CUSTOMERS." JIM MOORE | --", FOR QUICK RELIEF FROM £2 MUSCULAR ACHES Tired, Achy Muscles © Sprains + Strains SLOAN"S LINIMENT 4, by ¥) 4 gl 77» 7k = 4 i /3 V THE FARMER--a Conservationist The farmer, in knowing the difference between harmful and useful birds of prey and in pro- tecting the latter, helps both himself cause of conservation. Ii! Nord "SNOWY OWL" by T. M. Shortt, Ornithologist. ' The above illustration shows the snowy owl in his southern surroundings. Down from the icy wastes of the Arctic, the Snowy Owl glides into a farmya . Driven from his northern home by the periodic scarcity of lemmings, his favourite rodent food, the valuable bird seeks rats, mice and other despoilers of food and grain. Thus the snowy owl earns protection from us by helping to conserve dur food supplies. * "The people of Canada can perform a useful service to birds by providing food and shelter . . . when their food becomes temporarily inaccessible." ® An excerpt from--CONSERVATION AND WINTER HELP MOR OUR and the fcorvriGHT BY CARLING'S, 1943 BIRDS, AJ L. Baillie, Jr., one in a by The ling Conserval AR series of pamphlets LING published » THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO AND WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO,

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