Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Jan 1947, p. 9

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FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE NINE a BEAUTY FOR YOU-- Bathing Is a Beauty Rite BY HELEN JAMESON Addicts of the cold bath who "run around bragging about tak- {pg shivery showers may be en- titled to medals for courage and mina, but they aren't always as clean as they think they are. Cold water does not remove dust, oil and dead scales from the hu- man hide; only soap, warm water and heavy friction will do that. The icy deluge puts pep in the system, makes one drag big gulps of air into one's lungs sets one up. But as a cleaning agent it is null and voll, Besides keeping one's self-res- t at par, there is another rea- son for the daily scouring. No telling how many bacilli are pres- ent on the skin surface waiting for a small abrasion to give them entrance into the tissues, Soap and water form a mild fairly ef- fective antiseptic, As an organ of elimination for waste fluids, the skin is first as- sistant to the kidneys, Subtle poi. sons lurk in deposits left upon the skin by sweat -- ugic acid among them, All this debris should be removed daily, if one fs to enjoy perfect health, have an appearance of freshness. The bath fiend who would rather miss her breakfast than her dally scrubbing shows her well-washed condition in the good coloring of her complexion, A necessary item in the beauti- fying equipment is a bath brush with bristles so firm and heavy that they take hold like the pangs of a guilty conscience, It is only by means of friction that dead shin scales, which carry an un. pleasant odor, can be thoroughly removed, The water should be warm, so that soap lathers freely. By resting in the bath for a few inutes before starting the fric- on with the brush, skin debris will be loosened, the cuticle will soften, and the bath will be a true renovation. The girl who leaps into the tub, swishes around a washcloth and leaps out again might just as well not bo- ther. Every particle of soap should de laved away. A stimulating fi- Detcibund by Kang Festonss Sradicone. luce Addicts of the cold bath aren't always as clean as they think they are, * OP nal flourish is the alternating hot and cold shower, Drying should be thorough, es- . pecially in the winter season. The body surface can chap, the same ag the surface of the face and hands. Don't rely upon a dainty damask towel for this purpose. Use a heavy Turkish towel and rub like all get ut, "They" tell me that some of our loveliest movie stars realiz- ing the benefits of the bath, make it a rule to take a warm sudsy scouring at bedtime and a quick cold shower in the morning, The benefits to the complexion are manifold. Step Lively The other day the crowd in a busy subway station in London was moving toward the exit at an even slower pace than usual. A porter watched them with despair written all over his face, but instead of shouting he beg: tune, Gradually the crowd, Are too many doctors as bad for the patient as too many cooks for the ? Hollywood, repeatedly being diagnosed as being in a de- ciine, is probably worried about this latest threat with so many persons bursting into print with causes and cures for the illness, Latest: diagnosis comes from Variety, the trade paper with its fingers always on the entertainment pulse, which lays the blame on lack of original story material because most Hollywood writers are afraid to take a chance on their own creativeness." Bogle Doesn't Show "Dark Passage," the latest film starring Humphrey Bogart, doesn't show him until the last reel but Lauren Bacall, his co-star, is seen throughout. The film uses the same technique of having the camera as the eye of the principal player which Robert Montgomery uses in "Lady in the Lake." British Troubles The British film industry's high~ pressure campaign to convince the public that British pictures can more than hold their own with Hollywood--has run into unexpect- ed difficulties, ing a move for amend- ment of present legislation, the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Associa- tion of Great Britain and Ireland has asked the government to reduce the quota of British films they are required to show on the grounds available, ' The Experts Say By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer Ottawa, Jan, 23--(CP)--As far as 1947 is concerned it looks as if Can- ' wdian housewives will continue their Jrek from store to store, hoping to {ind a stray pound of shortening. Internationa] trade in fats and roasting time, Such dripping may be used in meat and vegetable dish- es and for pan frying. Looking for something new with which to fill the cookie-jar? Here economists of the department of agriculture. Ingredients: 3% cup clarified smoked or fresh pork fat (or other shorten- ing); % cup brown sugar; 3% cup honey; one egg, well beaten; % cup thick unsweetened a : W i baking baking powder; teaspoon teaspoon * hutmeg; % teaspoon Salt; one cup shopped raisins (optional). Cream fat and sugar thoroughly. Add honey, mixing well. Add egg and beat well, Add applesauce in Which soda has been dissolved. Sift together the dry ingredients and d with the raisins to the creamed ture. Drop by teaspoonful on a eased baking-sheet. Bake in a t oven for 20 minutes, The Quantity makes between five and 8ix dozen. _ ..Yum-yums are good as their . hame--Mix together 1% cups flour, _'% cup butter, 2 brown sugar. Mix and pack in a square ® pan, Then mix 1% cups brown su- #ar, one cup rolled cocoanut, 1 cup {of nuts, two 'eggs well beaten, pinch | of salt, one teaspoon vanilla. Spread | «On top of first mixture and bake in & moderate oven. British Scouts To Fight Crime 3 "London, Jan. . 21--Britain turned fo the Boy Scout today for aid in 'Combatting a growing crime wave. Scouts will be recruited trained to help the nation's over _Warked police force. Scotland Yard BN planning a eity-hy-cliy round- of 'more than 21,000 known Bri- ftish and Allied Army deserters. : Lord 'Rowallan, Britain's chief Scout, said a special drive had been started to select 100,000 Boy Scouts ior detective training. Only Scouts tween 15 and 18 years of age uw accepted. Training - {ready have -been established {Cambridge and Hertfordshire, ro 'rs are planned. B, Seout trainees will be instructed y 'chief constables in the arts of shadowing, detection of clues, and observation Classes will be held in the evenings. WHAT SHOULD 1 The Beginning of Letters? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs. Beeckman: Will you please answer the fol- con letter- lowing questions beginnings? Each is to settle a dis- | re cussion. 1, Why shoukin't one begin a let- ter with "I"? I think it's quite na- tural to start g letter with bg if you wish to. Do you®agree? 2. What is the correct salutation Sf 9 letier siarmmed Wo OES dot: 3. Which salutation is considered more formal, "Dear Miss Brown" or "My dear Miss Brown"? . to Boy no attention 2. Dear Doctor Bryant is correct. much the best form not to ab- are very devoted cy his friend who was best man at our and to my friend who was maid of hon- or, there are very special reasons why we would like to have two other friends of ours as godparents to our baby. We had definitely decided to ori Be them when someone on whose social judgment we have great de- pendence, told us that the best man X hy but the baby's parents have they | ha! DO ABOUT-- and honor attendant at the Nedaing should be asked to be godparents for the couple's first child, Is this ally so 2. Also, is the baby's mother sup- poisd 10 give & gifs W Whe babys godmother 3. My ond says it is his re- sponsibility to give the fee to the who performs the chris- tening. I was under the impression this was the duty of the godfather. Which of us is right? Hike, a No, this is not at all obligatory, customary. Occasionally it is the right to invite anyone think yg the first 2. No, But it is customary for the baby 's godparent to give a christen- hf gs gd . le 3. Your husband is 5 Sg The baby's father is responsible for any SXpulises connected WHR Wie Cun. g Sin aosta Boy... She Speaks First Dear Mrs Beeckman: Iem a 15- -year-old girl siteniing I meet on the street a If you do not know the boy very well, you speak first. He will be ex- that you will speak first. But usually, when a boy and girl are = Joly endly terms, the gree INVITATION COURTESY Remember that you should reply I Do? submitted by readers.) Operation Relieves Ringing in Ears By HERMAN N BUNDESEN, MD. AT one time or another nearly all of us have had at least a brief experience of "ringing" in the ears, In such cases it is a passing thing but even that should give us more sympathy for these un- fortunate people--the great com- poser Beethoven was one of them --for whom these head noises, which doctors call tinnitus auri- um are a day-in and day-out af- fair, Constantly plagued in this way, they suffer so severely that they are unable to concentrate on their work, become nervous and upset and are unable to sleep.' A Careful Study Dr. Julius Lempert of New York has made a careful study of this condition, He concluded that the ringing in the ears might be the result of inflammation of some structure within the middle part of the ear or the tympanic cavity, He found that when a per- son has an acute inflammation of the middle ear this same struct- urt becomes acutely inflamed and ringing in the ears results. When the acute inflammation subsides the ear noises stop. He also found that when a per. son has a long continued infect. fon of the middle part of the ear this structure is destroyed and ringing in the éars no longer oc- curs. The structure which seems to be responsible for the difficulty is a group of nerves known as the tympanic plexus, Hence, he con- cluded a cure for head noises might result from an operation to remove these nerves, He car. ried out the operation on 15 pa- tients who had suffered from tin. nitus aurium over a long period of time, In three of these pa- tients there was also deafness due to damage to the structures of the middle ear as a result of in- fection, In all three patients the ear noises disappeared. In Five Patients In five patients the tinnitus oc- curred even though the hearing was normal, The operation clear. ed up the dufienlty in only three of these, In four of the patients the tin- nitus was accompanied by deaf- ness due to complete destruction of the ear nerves. In three of ree the operdtion cured the tin- nitus, In the three remaining patients there was damage to both the middle and internal ear and the operation relieved only one of them of the tinnitus, It would seem that if persons have ringing in the ears and medical measures of treament do not bring relief the operation sug- gested by Dr, Lempert might be worth trying. VACATIONS-- It has become possible, the ad- vertising pages reveal, to buy a va- cation at the department store and charge it, or, if one prefers, pay for it on the installment plan, so much down, so much a month, meanwhile having the use of the vacation without waiting. Whether the cus- tomer's money will be cheerfully refunded in case the purchase proves unsatisfactory we don't know, nor do we quite understand just how a patron who finds that his Palm Beach vacation doesn't fit will be to exchange it for a San Diego one. But the skilled minds that devised this answer to a universal want have a ed for these contingencies, no doubt. To- there are not enough British films| p morrow are going shopping for & montly in Bermuda. Glamorizing Arm Loveliness for Evening Whether you are a housewife or business girl, your hands need wnstant applications of a good protective cream, J * Black evening gowns seem to be the crying rage at the moment. They form a distinct background for hands and arms, that must be in perfect copdition, What about yours, pretty one? Let us hope your arms are not showing goose flesh; if they are you must get at them with soap suds and a heavy brush to normal- ize circulation, after which treat- ment you must give your fins a five minute creaming, stroking, rubbing, inching, A talcum friction before dressing for the merry evening will give them a soft, velvety look. Sprinkle it on freely, then rub it in with a large Jamb's wool pad, Not enough siiention is given to arms, as a Chapped Hands Chapped hands are a beauty curse, if ever there was one. The time when ladies sat on a cushion and sewed a fine seam is beyond the memory of even the ancient and honorable among us, Hands are busy these days, doing, all kinds of work, and they need xtra special * * care. What are you doing about yours? Are you plying the hand lotion or cream once or twice a day, as you should? If you are the active housewife, doing heavy work that falls to the lot of all of us these days, lotioning ig necessary to make up for the loss of the natural oil because of many hand washings, Have A Some day when you are giving yourself a few hours of delightful relaxation at the beauty factory, have a hand and arm massage. It does wonders to help along the good work of keeping the paws from looking old. A soothing cream will be applied with firm strokes from shoulders to finger tips. Special attention is given to the elbows that can al- ways do with a bit of bleaching, The cream is frictioned into the ocu- ticle surrounding the mails, After the massage, moist hot towels are applied to loosen dead cuticle. Then comes the manicure and the ruby glow for the finger tip sheaths, Dog's Life Not Bad If The Dog Is "Rip" Vancouver, Jan. 22 -- Whoever complains of being forced to lead a dog's life apparently never heard of Rip, a little seven-year-old wire- ired terrier living in Victoria. Rip is currently lolling in the lap of luxury, master of all he surveys. And he surveys plenty, a beautiful mansion set in landscaped gardens overlooking picturesque Beacon Hill park. The dog was the surprise benefi- clary when the will of his late mistress, Mrs. Marguerite Ethel Spratt, president of Victoria Ma- chinery Depot, was probated in su- preme court. Monthly Income He was awarded a monthly in- come of $75 for life, the right to sleep in a satin-covered bed in Mrs. Spratt's elegant boudoir and to .| bathe in her tiled bathroom Just to make sure Rip gets his meals on time and his every whim will be catered to, he will have the services of a trained nurse. Anda when the terrier finally leaves his earthly possessions, he will be bur- ied in the garden of the Spratt home among the trees and bones he loved so well. According to Mrs. Spratt's will, the dog must not be bathed in any laundry tubs nor be kicked into the basement at night. Beds and Bath 'The will states: "Rip must be per- mitted to use and occupy my bed in my bedroom and shall be bathed in the bathroom adjoining my bed- room and shall be allowed the same privileges (he) now enjoys." Miss Alice Cartwright, the train- ed nurse who looked after Mrs. Spratt, hag been left $1,000 a year if she will care for Rip in the Spratt mansion. At the dog's death she will receive an additonal $5,000. The nurse wil be allowed one other person in the house, but only one, and when the dog dies the home must be sold, Mrs. Spratt, who had no direct relatives, left the bulk of her $470,- 403 estate to charity. MONKEYS DON'T WASTE FOOD The monkey will not pull a ba- nana from a tree until he intends to make use of it. On the other hand humans have grain rotting in one place and bread lines standing in others, LIBBY'S BABY FOODS EXTRA EASY TO DIGEST Homogenization, a Patented P a Patented Process Developed by Libby's, Helps Reduce Baby's Digestive Upsets Babies' first fruits and vegetables often cause digestive upsets, even when they are strained. This is because they contain coarse fibres, and cells which must be penetrated before nourishment can dssimi- lated. Libby's exclusive Homogenization Prectes explodes the food cells and reaks up the coarse fibres--makes it possible for Laby to digest Libby's 'oods in 30 minutes, while foods which have been only strained re- quire about two hours. Homogenization is a ented process developed by Libby's to When shopping for baby, don't forget Libby's Homogenized Evap rated M "Milk and Libby's "Gentle Press" Sate pi safeguard your baby's health, Only Libby's Baby Foods are Homo- genized FREE BOOKLET on Infant Feeding A full description of the benefits to be derived from Libby's Homo- genized Baby Foods will be found in the free booklet, 'Healthful Feeding for Your Baby". Send your name and address to Libby's, Chatham, Ontario, for your {ree copy. ONLY WI BABY FOODS ARE BOTH STRAINED AND HOMOGENIZED English Nurses Study in Canada Toronto, Jan, 22--(CP)--Canadian Red Cross outpost hospitals offer a rich experience to nurses in the opinion of two English girls now enrolled at the University of Toron- to. They are Miss Elsie Stephenson and Miss Eileen Reese, who came to Canada together on Florence Nightingale International Founda- tion scholarships, Miss Stephenson received recog- nition at Christmas when she at- tended alone at the birth of a baby at Lion's Head Red and the Cross pri- soner-of-war food parcels and me- dical supplies in Germany. Miss Reese worked in hospitals in Egypt, Palestine and Malta. During the recent Christmas holidays she was stationed at the Bracebridge outpost hospital, 'The girls are scheduled to return to England in the spring, but first intend to devote the money earned while on hospital duty in Ontario to visit the Canadian Rockies. Pretty Worker S14, 16 7 L.40, 42 M1820 BiL.44, 4 It is possible to be practical and pretty too, and Pattern 4628 proves it. 'A tulip pocket and scallops are distinctly decorative on a very use- ful coverall apron. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4628 in sizes Small (14- 16), Med, (18-20), Large (40-42). Ex. Large (44-46). Small, 2 yds. 35-in, Send TWENTY CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to Dally Times-Gazette, Household Arts . Oshawa. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. The Quality Tea ORANGE PEKOE Fashion Hashes JUST ABOUT the most versatile garment we've seen in many a moon is a three-quarter-length lounge coat of black silk moire, cut with a full swing back and a de- mure Peter Pan collar and fasten- ed with big jewelled buttons. Can be worn at home over satin pyjamas, and is equally good as a Spring evening wrap or with an important afternoon dress, * Sb» THERE'S NOTHING more pic- turesque or becoming than the hat with graceful scarf drapery, An evening winner is a gold lame tur- ban with maline draping that ex- tends into a graceful scarf, Tiny butterflies of gold lame are caught in the maline veiling and in the drapery folds. many of the new dress and coat twosomes readied for early wear. Black and white silk printed in an amusingly outlined elephant and howdah design is used for a dress that has a high yoke that curves to one side and is fastened with green, jade-like buttons. Jade- green woolen is used for the coat, which is cut on swinging, back-dip- ping lines, has capelets on its Sjssves; 834 is med WHE We dite NEW INTEREST 5 achieved by fashions, due to lifting of fabric restrictions. Navy blue wool en is used for a reefer cut on prin- cess lines, The skirt swirls in 110+ inch fullness from a tiny waistline, High-placed peaked revers and nar- Tinks turn-back cuffs with jewelled THERE'S NOTHING like smart simplicity for an all-day frock. Fine gray wool jersey is used for such a frock made with short sleeves and a neckline that curves diagonally to the side-buttoned line of the bodice, Relieves Distress of GENERAL MOTORS DELCO-HEAT AUTOMATIC HEATING EQUIPMENT OIL BURNERS -- COAL STOKERS FINE QUALITY COAL -COKE - FUEL OIL THE ROBERT DIXON COMPANY LIMITED 313 ALBERT ST. TELEPHONE 262 CKDO, 1240 on your Dial every Monday, 8:00 p.m« Highli! hfs from the 57th Annual Report for the year ending DECEMBER 3lst, 1946 INSURANCE IN FORCE $192,624,294 =~an increase of $20,831,088 in the year (being 48.3% greater than the previous record gain established in 1948)... TOTAL ASSETS $38,876,285.14 for security of our policy t is C $3,077,439.17 higher than assets at January lst, 1946. PAID TO POLICY OWNERS $2,069,200.30 of which $888,482.92 was in DEATH Claims, and $1,180,717, 38 to Jvisg owners in ma policy or other benefits. A STRONG NEW INSURANCE $30,077,247.53 (including reinstatements, etc.) effected on the lives of new policy owners... This is an increase of 40% over 1943 issued policies. INCOME FOR YEAR $6,766,126.52 --/ | --being $887,752.58 more than 19485 total income, an increase of 15%. You are invited to ask f " complete Annual Report. Simply mail your request by letter or postoard to: REG. F. AKER, C.L.U. Branch Manager Alger Building, OSHAWA, ONT. LEVEY, COMPANY XTTITTE

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