TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1947 " |Bylaw PAGE TEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE January Meeting A L D Mldida Of Kedron W.A. Kedron, Jan. 3. -- Mr, and Mus. Lawrence Allen, Marie and Law- rence Jr., Oshawa, visited their un- cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. PF. W. Lee on Thursday. Mrs, W. Parish, Brooklin, is con- valescing at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Percy Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Farndale and Polling Subdivisions BATEMAN CAY .|COLEMAN FENWICK HALLIDAY HARMAM bo HUMPHREYS « JACKSON Zz RUTHERFORD GAY WILLSON boys spent New Years with her sis- ter, Mrs. Orville Lawton, Manilla. Miss Jean Cameron has been holi- daying with her parents, Mr. and Mis. A. J. Cameron. « 10e, piane| NOrthwest Ward and Brian, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, | nN, 1.626 Carnegie Ave. ..cevees Zion. H. T. Cole, Marie and Helen were | ny, o_34 Arlington Ave. ..evses. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee on Friday, Master Allan Cameron spent a few days with relatives at Sunder- land. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Glover and Mr, Garnet McKinley were New Years callers at Mr. and Mrs. A. Cameron's. Mr, and Mrs. T. Scott, Mr. and ! Mrs. H. Pascoe Lorraine, Grant and | Douglas, visited their aunt, Mrs, Dr. McCulloch, Orono, on New Year's Grant remaining for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Werry's were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Farndale. Mr. and Mrs. J. Naylor, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Naylor and Janet, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and Cordon and Mr. Boyd Ayre, were at Mr. Harvey Crossman's on New Year's. 3--25 Buckingham Ave. ....e0 4--104 Alma Street .......o00 5--54 Brock Street West .... 6--City Hall cesssssss J--178 Church Street ...ve00. 8--29 Gladstone Ave. .covoeee "WARD TOTAL... Marin Leask 1s spending onrist- | Gauthwest Ward and Billie Leask attended a party at Mr. Russel Gilbert's on Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hepburn, Joan 'and Mary, Miss Luella and Mr, William Hechurn, spent New | Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Merlin | Hezicurn and faaniiy. | Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Davis and | June were New Year's dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralga Davis, So- lina, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ccclkson and Vie- | tor, Maple Greve, were New Year's | suppe: grosts of Mr. and Mis. Wal- ter Dav.s. i Mr. and Mrs. E. Mcantjoy, Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy and girls, | Miss Ela Mountjoy, M:. and Mrs. H. Cannon, Beanie and Lairy, Csh- awa, Miss Lielyn Jones, B.coklin, spent New, Year's with Mrs. H. .Mocurtjcy and faily. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry and fam.y and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Werry and {emily attended a fam- fly gaerrz at Mr, Howard Brown's, Cshawa on New Years Lay. Niizs Olive Luke, Toronto, spent New Year's at h Mr. and Mrs. s Lee gave a small New Year's party for Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterioro. Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Werry and family, were New Year's supger guests cl Mr. and Mrs, A. Ress, Lo.umsus. | Mr. and M.s. E. Love and Doug- las, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Love, Oshawa. | W. A. Meeting The January meeting of the Wo- | mans Association was held at the bume of Mrs. Ciarence Werry on 'thursday, Jan. 2. The devotional pericd was prepared by Mis. Mountjoy and prog:em by. Mrs. F. 'Taompson. Mrs. R. Lee cpened the mee~ng with a piano socio. In the absence cf tne }.2sident and pro- gram comniitee, srs. H: Farnua.e, vice p.esident, conducted tlie meet- ing and read a poem iollowed by hymn and scriptuse. Psalm 119 read ty Mis. rn. Pascce and prayer by Mrs, C. Werry and a saort reading by Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Cards of thanks were read for Chiisumas cheer boxes. Reports ol past year were read by the secre- jary, Mrs. H. Werry and treasurer, Mrs. H. Cressman. Owing to bad 102d; tere were only twelve an- swered roil cali Mrs. Ross Lee gave a very inter- esting paper entitled "Dont Short Change in the Littie Things of Life." Group 5 and the hostess served a hot supper. Mrs. E. Mountjoy gave an invitation for tne next meeting. Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Columbus, recently visited ai Mr. W. L. Mount- joy's and Mrs. H. Mountjoy's. Miss Nora Weiry visited with re- latives in O.hawa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts and children Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Stvppeiso and Joan, Mrs. Henry Roseits and Miss Margaret Wray, C:hawa, were New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wray and family and Mrs, Chas. Blight. Herrings Slow Liner America £outhampton, Jan, .--~T7(Reuters) ~Herrings -- thousands of them -- delayed the\24,000-ton America on her latest voyage, it was made krowh teday. ¢ Chief Engineer Pat Brennan, talk- No. 9--7/8 Burk Street ....ve000. 10--195 Burk Street .....00000 11--211 Gibbs Street ........ . 12--176 Mill Street ....cco000s » 13--161 Mill Street ......... . 14--65 Nassau Street ........ . 15--Centre Street School .... . 16--179 Centre Street 17--34 Fairbanks Street ...... . 18--15 Mill Street .....c000000 WARD TOTAL .. . Nertheast Ward No. 19--North Simcoe School .... No. 20--419 Masson Street ..,... No. 21--76 Elgin Street East ...... | No. 22--140 Mary Street ...... 000 No. 23--25 Ontario Street ........ No. 24--355 Mary Street .....e000e No. 25--98 Alice Street .....v0000 H. No. 26--192 Alice Street ........ No. 27--202 Alice Street No. 28--160 Elgin Street East .... No. 29--Mary Street School ...... No. 30--65 Division Street ........ No. 31--155 Oshawa Blvd. ........ No. 32--55 Ritson Road North .... No. 33--67 Oshawa Blvd. ........ WARD TOTAL ... Southeast Ward No. 34--59 Celina Street ........ No. 35--173 Celina Street ........ No. 36--218 Albert Street ........ No. 37--311 Celina Street No. 38--Simcoe Street Squth School No. 39--634 Albert Street ........ No. 40--186 Bruce Street ........ No. 41--118 Tylor Crescent ...... No. 42--269 Court Street ........ No. 43--176 Olive Avenue ........ No. 44--236 Bloor Street E. ...... ing to reporters before the crack | No. 45--221 Arthur Street liner set cut on a return trip to New York, said the vessel slowed down to 19 knots comrafii with the usual No. 46--Ritson Sct.ool Yeensee 23 or 24. Nozcdy could figure it out. | No, 47--287 Athol Street E Cn arrival, it was discovered that abcut four tons of the fish had bean hauled in by "scoops" in the £h'p's betteen used to take in sea water for cccling engines. No. 48--155 Ritson Rd. S. ........ No. 49-283 Ritson Rd. S. ........ "Both the port and starboard con- | No, 50-207 Verdun Rd. densers were crammed full of the fi2," said Brennan. "It took us five hours to shovel them out." LIGHT OF LIVE Every room in a dwelling or working place should have at least one outlet, giving adequate light, sunshine and fresh air, Na- tional Health authorities say that WARD TOTAL .., the combined glass-area of win- ; dows of a room should never be Cedardale Ward Jess than one tenth the area of the floor. No. 51--Cedardale School BODY HEAT No. 52--Cedardale School Activity is advised by National Health authorities for those who No. 53--Cedardale School . 00 would keep warm this winter. 'Unless you are unwell, don't hug the hearth or heater" say 'the ex- perts, "The body provides natural heat." The authorities advise sen- sible dressing in cold weather to CRE IEEE RRR seeccene WARD TOTAL ... avoid chills, In Guatemala, citronella and | lemongrass oils are used in making Soap and perfumes, if | GRAND TOTAL... S83B3a8BgVRS 30 70 58 63 73 13 79 " 38 34 31 92 57 74 " 32 974 1079 2444 3369 3806 1326 4206 1774 1795 2177 2696 3490