Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Dec 1946, p. 14

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AGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, oi Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors SRAHAM | BICKLE, E ACCOUNTANT AU AU- iitor, Government reports and income ax forms prepared, secretarial work. ?hone 1004J, «95 Arthur Street, (Janll) 8 T | HOPKINS CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant. 24 Alger Bldg. King St Bast Phone 2127. Consulting ac- sountant and auditor, (Jan31) Articles For Sale .. 38 Articles Wanted ... 37 Agents Wanted .., 40 Auditors 1 Automobiles For Want Gardening Supplies Household Houses For Insurance Instruction Automobiles Wanted Automobile Repairs 18 Auction Sale .... 48 Barristers 2 Bullding Trades 11 Lost and FP 2-- Barristers CONANT AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS, a Simeoe St. 8., Oshawa Phone 4. in E, Annis, BA. LLB (Janl) A W. 8. GREER, EC. BARRISTER Solicitor, etc, 6 King Sect East P! 3160 35 Tie W. C. Pollard. E.C.. Uxbricee nt. (Janl) GRIERSON, OREIGHTCS & FRASER. Barristers, etc. Bank of Commerce Building. (Janl) R. D HUMPHREYS, K.C., BARRISTER, Solicitor etc. 6 Simcoe S§t. North Phones: Office 814; residence 3297 Money to | loan. (Janl) LOUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER AND Solicitor. 25 Simcoe 8t HMorth Office phone 67, residence 3051. (Jan20) JAMES R MacBRIEN, BARRISTER and Solie'tor Su'te 201 10 King East Genosha Hotel. Phone 349. (Jan13) JOSEPH P MANGAN, KC. BARRIS- ter, Solicitor Money to loan. Office 141, Ring St Eas. Oshawa. Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Janl) ERNEST MARKS BARRISTER. SOLI- eitor 11 King E Room 2. Phones Office. 55, Residence 3687R. (Jan2) A. J PARKHILL, BARRISTER, ETC. mortgage loans. National Houslog Act A North. Phone 1614 loans. 26 Simcoe (Jani?) SINCLAIGt, EC, AND J. C. Nw K C.. Barristers, Bank of Montreal Building. Pohne 99. (Janl) MANNING P. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Soliciter, Notary. Money to loan Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282 Res 287TTW. (Janl) '5--Dentists DR S J PHILLIPS, 12}; SIMCOE ST South. Phone 959, (Jan22) | "4--Chiropractors SIECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC, Simcoe North. Phone 224. piactice including Chiropractic Electro tuerapy, mineral vapor bath treatment Practicing 22 years. Consultation free 9am to 0 pm. dally except Monday and Friday. (Janl) 5--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Ozhawa. Hours 9 to 12, 3 to 5. Phone 1516, (Jan5) AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS to 6 p.m. Evening appointments Johnson, Optometrist. Phone 28. (Jan24) JURY 9am. AB 6--Insurance TEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE. Consult ua for any of your insurance pecds All cldeses of insurance including | 4ife 221% King Street East, phcne 2686 Res. 3180W. {Janl) | 7--Veterinarians G. R. BOOTH. LARGE AND animal surgery. 323 King St. Oshawa, Phone 21, (Janl) DR. Lt small West, 8--Funeral Directors DALTON BURIAL COMPANY PUNERAL Home -- Ambulance Service. 75 Charles Street. Established 1880. Phone tot 30 an20) 9--Money To Loan CLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE FOR | first mortgages. Apply M. Barrister. Bassett Block, suite No Telephone 282. FIRST MORTGAGE | MONEY WE BUY MORTGAGES AND | AGREEMENTS OF SALE North Shore Realty Co. Ltd, 40 ALGER BLUG. PHONE 81, OSHAWA (Tues-Thurs-Sat) 4 Do you require a PERSONAL LOAN for any reasonable purpose? Apply to nearest branch of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Monthly Deposits provide for PF. Swartz | (Jan20) | Business O tunities Chiropractors Dentists Dressmaking ..... Fm ployment seeensnns red 21 4 3 16 41 ONE INSERTION ... TWO INSERTIONS THREE INSERTIONS full before publication. INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION Funeral Directors 8 Female Help ed Loan Wanted . Legal Notices .. .. Male Help Wanted .. Male or Fema Help Wanted ... Money to Loan . Nursicz Service .. Optometrists CLASSIFIED AD RATES caveves 1.00 EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION 25 4Above rates apply only to original order. ordered at a later date constitute a new original order) nd "20 words A, nly 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation $ and c sign, figure count as a word. Box charged 10c additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Office Hours: S Physicians and Surgeons .. 3a Personal Personal Services * 12 Pets ard Livestock 34 Radio Wepairs ... 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For Sale .! Real Estale Wantea Real Estate Exchange 2 Rooms For Rent .. 20 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board anted ........ Rate for Aavernsag Spdet this heading--3c per wi each inser- tion. 'Minimum charge 45 cents. SKATING EVERY TUESDAY, THURS- day and Saturday nights at Taylor's Arena. Whitby. Special rates for par- ties of 50 or over, (Tues-Thurs-Sat) < and Repairs 14 Rent ound .. 38--Female Help Wanted MORNING STUDENT OR OTHER PART time help, several afternoons weekly. Apply Box 823, Times-Gazette. (113a) YOUNG WOMAN, SINGLE PREFER- red, to assist with bookkeeping. Con- genial sition. Please state experience and references. Box 809 Times-Gazette. (tf) SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR FOR local business firm. Must be experi- enced and well-recommended. Please ive full particulars in letter to Box 08 Times-Gazette. (tn) Veterinarians 7 Women's Column 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 33 39a 9 13 20 Words or Less 40 5 Each Add' word sors Se 05 01% Subsequent insertions | - 39--Male Help Wanted 1 Pept 0-0-4, 370 Guy Street, Montreal, Quebec. (Dec.7- 14-21- 28) WANTED, | BOY WITH BICYCLE "TO deliver after school or in evening, Ap- ply 92 King St. (113b) AT ONCE, FIRST CLASS EXPERIENC- istings--$5.00 per month for Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. J | understands heavy equipment for bus | garage. Good pay, well equipped shop, 14--Household Repairs | employees' benefits. Only thise ex- | 35-- Wearing Apparel ferences need apply. Box 819, FURNITURR REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See our materials for | recovering. D. W. Dalton, 75 Charles, Phone 401, (Jang) 22--Lost and Found LOST--BLUE STONE SILVER RIN downtown, Tuesday noon. Reward Phone 971W (112b) SMALL GRAY AND WHITE CAT LOST | on Monday night Phone 3420W, _ (1132) BLACK LEATHER WALLET LOST, | Christmas Eve, containing money, | identification cards. Return to Post | Office Box 188 or 364 Lakeshore Road. | Reward. (1138) 23--Women's Column SPIRELLA, FOUNDATION GARMENTS Nature's own principle of support and control, for, information phone Mrs Platt 4091J. (Sat ) 24--Personal DOUGLAS BRYCE, 384 RITSON South, | Rawleigh's Geod Health Products livery under: $1. Phone 21TR. "Help Returned Man Get Established PHONE VETERAN'S TAXI 3942J or 2263 24-hour prompt and courteous service. PROPRIETOR BILL (Sat- . : 25--Real Estate For Sale | BECAUSE I NEED MONEY, I WILL sell a duplex at 162 Park Rd. N,, [floors of 4 rooms each and 2 rooms |on third floor, well built, frost proof, double concrete walds, soundproof floor between, flats, wir for ranges, hard- | wood floors, easily heated and com- i fortable, all occupled, partly by owner, | unfinished. Price $4,500. $1,500 cash. y payments for balance. Discount | of 57% for cash above $1,500, Apply | P. D. Bire, 162 Park Rd. N., Oshawa, | atter 6 pm. (112¢) | HOUSE FOR SALE, IMMEDIATE POS- | | session, Apply 353 Verdun Rd. (111cy | | NEW 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NORTH | end of Verdun Rd. All modern con- veniences. Immediate possession, uU. { Jones Real Estate Broker, 6'2 Prince St. (111c) = (V()()\--Huron | Street, new four- bungalow '$ 500 room frame just completed. Modern kitchen and bath. Good sized livingroom with | vestibule, Hot air heating. Hardwood floors. Immediate possession, EVERETT G. DISNEY REAL ESTATE EXCLUSIVE LISTING 82 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 1550 Sat.-Mon.-Frl.-Sat.) 29--Rooms For Rent TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. Phone 4396J. (113b) TWO ROOMS, FOR LIGHT HOUSE- (Jan?) URST Ues-thurs) | keeping, private entrance, ground floor, | near collegiate. Phone 2513R. (113¢) 2 ROOMS SUITABLE FOR LIGHT Jhousekeeping, Steam heating. 581 Rit- 'son Rd, S. (111c) | 31-- Wanted To Rent 2 LIGHT "HOUSEKEEPING | ROOMS | wanted. 2 adults, Quiet, Abstainers. | Write Box 821, Times-Gazette | TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms, by young couple, Phone 2767W1. (113¢) = Low Rates -- Life Insurance arranged and paid for by the Bank covers all loans in good standing. RE 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW mence each Monday. Shorthand, Typ- ing, Bookkeeping and all secretarial subjects. Oshawa Businiss College, 18 Simcoe St. North Phone 1314W (Jan?) 11--Building Trades PAINTER AND FTRST-CLASS PECORA- | tor. P. Danniels. Phone 2718R. (Tues-Sat THE SILVER - INSULATE TODAY, Flex way. Reflective panelling work, 3 jjactories, garages, stores formation, Phone 1352W (Jan24) | | "SCREENED SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS il B. Evans Cartage, RR. 3, Bow d le Phone 2255 (Jan. 2) OSIER SHEET METAL 'WORK, onditioning. Dealer for new idea Pease Furnaces. { KEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DE- ¥4 corator. Also Industrial spraying Ex. ft % gellent workmanship. All work Eyarsns ec. teed." Phone 3639, (D SAND. GRAVEL. CINDERS oa) and general haulage Robert Muir (Dec24) | Courtice. Phone Oshawa T1334 TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPER1 setters Variety ot colors Pree estl- retes Phone saliect 653. Bowman- ville, Bromley and Son, (anand) | ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS FLOORS laid. sanded, finished Old floors re. finished. Phone 3434J,-4277J, (Jans) Personal Services po {0 TUNING AND REPAIRS VIC | Reid. Phone Pickering 1R23 or write CKDO Oshawa. Tune in CKDO, 9:30 pm. Sundays. (Dec.31) P A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS watchmaker. Repair shop at 46 King Street West Your patronage solicited (Jan20) NEW ; SERVICE CLEANERS --- 5A Ontario St. Phone 707. (Jan2 | | YOUNG CLASSES COM- | ) | cas FOR YOUR CAR. For further | Phone 4505J. | (Janst) | 34--Pets and Livestock MARRIED COUPLE Desperately in need of Three Roomed APARTMENT ® NO CHILDREN ® NO ANIMALS ® QUIET FOLKS Bott members go to business. T. L. Wilson, Phone 35 Will furnish further information. (113a) | 33-- Automobiles Wanted | Motor Sales North | Fhone 4695W. (Dec30) | SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS | AT | | Dodd's car lot 278 Park Rd. 8 Phone | 3344M. (Jan18te) LAKESHORE . AUTO WRECKERS -- Cars wanted tor wrecking. 1271 Simcoe St Des two | (113a). ! "BRAMLEY | ONE DRESS | SUIT, SIZE 38, PERFECT | Gazette, (112¢) condition. Call 3343R, (113¢) | PR_OF BROWN MOTOR BOOTS, SIZE CIVIL SERVICE 2 113a) | > 5 : . Good condition. Phone 2060' ( 38) | INAMINATIONS | QUANTITY OF KNITTED GARMENTS, | first size (6 months), For Baby irl. 2 | Apply 2 as onths 1f2c) | Erevare NOW for Spring Examina ons | 36--Articles For Sale | service MIN. HONEYWELL DRAFT "REGULA- | | tor for furnaces. Used one season with 'all attachments; Chesterfield chalr; 2 l electric light fixtures with coloured | bulbs. 463 King E. Phone 3021W. (113a) | MILK-FED CAPONS, ROUGH DRESS- | ed, 39¢ per pound, well finished, young birds. _Phone Bowmanville 2688. (113¢) | ONE PR. GIRL'S WHITE "TUBE skates, size 6, in good condition, cook stove, cheap. Phone 3488W, (113a) ONE PAIR MADSHUS NORWEGIAN racing skis, 7 feet, excellent condi- | | tion, Price $14. Phone 2544R. (13a) | | WHITE ENAMELLED KITCHEN CAB- | | Inet. Good condition, oven. Applv 184 Simcoe 8. (113b) | ORDER YOUR CHICKENS NOW FoR | je New Year dinner. Phone 416J12, School, Toronto 10, Ontario. | 39a--Male or Female Help WANTED IMMEDIATELY Rink Managers. Require adults with experience in group man- agement. Duties include super- vision of outdoor rinks, and rink houses, hockey teams, and gen- eral public skating. Reply in writing with references to {COMMUNITY RECREATION | ASSOCIATION ROOM 215 HOTEL GENOSHA (113a) | HARDWOOD CUTTINGS FOR KINDL- | ings, $3.00 per load. Phone 32830. ( c) 168 BOX (100 LBS.): COOK "STOVE; dishes; cooking utensils; chairs; tables; -- | studio couch. Phone Whitby 2124. 41 Employment Wanted . (1138) | ELDERLY WOMAN SEEKS GOOD {ONE "FINDLAY CONDOR STOVE, ALL | steady home, small board and witn | enamel Phone 238TW. (1138) | ight help afforded at once. Town pre- | ferred. Box 822, _Times-Gazette. (113a) 42-- Legal Notices | NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS In the Estate of John Kotowski, Labourer, deceased. All persons having . claims against | (113b) at Picadilly Room. Warren Ave, MOVIE PROJECTOR 8 MM. WITH $75 worth of films, including Joe | {Louls' fights, Good senatyen, 135 ( Phone 2209. 1138) | the estate of the above mentioned, | 4 USED TIRES W 600/16, | late of the City of Oshawa in the Phone 1062 "ip to i TUBES, | amis. | | Sound of Ontario, who dled at the | sa. sald City of Oshawa on or about the A 'QUANTITY "OF "USED GA GALVANIZED [13th day of September, 1946 are re- iron sheets for sale, Phone 416W1. | quired to file proof of same with the (112¢) 'undersigned on 2d before the 15th day {CAR RADIO FOR FOR § SALE. © COMPLETE | of January, 1947 After that date the Public Trustee | 1st class condition, Phone 2037W. (112¢) | will proceed to distribute the estate | having regard only to the claims of CHOICE ROASTING CHICKEN DA dressed and delivered. Phone Sn Decem Phone 2380. 27 | (113a) which he then shall have had notice. TED at Toronto this Sth day of ber, 1946 PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Administrator, (Dec. ONE VELOUR C CHESTERFIELD | SUITE | | one wine, and one green chair, almost | new. _Apply 16 'Maple St. (111e) | WINTER POTATOES AND COOKING onions delivered. Also Blenheim, Starks McIntosh and Spy apples, Phone 4423. Shaw, 262 St. Julien St. (111e) 5 Days s Guaranteed Deli 14-21-28) | Try a classified | for quick results- y on DO YOU WANT TO GET AHEAD? | Operate your own Business? If so, ap- | y to Famous Products Corporation, | ed licensed mechanic who thoroughly | perienced fast and thorough with re- | Times- | Write M.C.C. Civil Service | advertisement | A.R. Ford Western U. Chancellor London, Obt, Pov. .» Dec, 28--(CP)-- 'Arthur R. Ford, editor-in-chief of the London Free Press and one of Canada's best known editors, has been named chancellor of the University of Western Ontario, succeeding the late Hon. G. How- ard Ferguson, First London resident to be- come chancellor of Western, Mr. Ford was elected at a special joint meeting of the university senate and board of governors this afternoon. He has been a member of the board of governors since 1928, ac- tive in many branches of univer- sity affairs. He took a leading part in the establishment, a year | ago, of the university's School of Journalism. He is z!so president of the Ontario Cancer Founda- tion, Native of "oint Edward, Ont., near Sarnia, and a graduate of Victoria College, University of Toronto, Mr. Ford has long been chairman of the arts committee of the board of governors which re. commends academic appoint. | ments, He has been chairman of | several other committees, At 66, he is a widely-travell writer and active editor. He has served on the Stratfor¢ Herald, the Ottawa Journal, a New York financial daily, the Winnipc3 and th Toronto Nws, H was as- sistant to the Canadian correspon- dent of The Times of London be- fore he joined the Free Press. He headed a group of three Canadian nwspapermen who visited Austra- lia and New Zealand, in 1942, on a goodwill tour. He covered the 1945 United Nations Conference at San Francisco and the assem- bly meeting which adjourned re- | cently at New York. | He was president of The Cana- | dian Press in 1944 and 1943, Veteran Well Welland 'Printer Is Dead Welland, Dec. 27 -- (CP) -- Al-| | most 51 years a printer with the | | Welland Tribune, Arthur C. Fisher, | 68, died early today following a | | stroke. Beginning as a printer's devil in 1896 he became foreman makeup man when The Tribune and Tele- graph amalgamated in 1921, and had been assistant makeup man | | since The Tribune became an eve- | !ning daily in 1929. Two sisters survive, Mrs. W. H. Honsberger of | Welland and Mrs. C. B. White of Fonthill, | Beaverton Girl Wins Three Scholarships Orillia, Dec. 27.--The presentation | of three scholarships to a Beaver- ton girl, Miss Ruth Haines, featured the recent commencement exercises at the Orillia Collegiate. Miss Haines received the Domi- | Scholarship for the Lions | nion - Provincial fifth form proficiency, | Club scholarship for i standing of Orillia pupils and the Carter scholarship for the highest {sanding for Simcoe County. { VENETIAN BLINDS { Made to measure. Free estimates | and installation. la. W. Melley. Phones: Days, "287; { Noon or Ev'1ings, 4101W. Distri- butor for MET-WO Industries Ltd. (Tues- Thurs- -Sat) | STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS S53c PER sq. ft Measured and Installed. George M. Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Dec23) | COMPLETE LINE OF WOODWORKING | machinery: reasonable. Apply 3 Ed- ward St, Ajax. (1091) | USED COAL STOKER CHANGING TO (oll. In perfect running condition. Phone 1062 up to 9 p.m (100t1) SOLVE YOUR COAL PROBLEM. PE assured of heat, easily regulated. Dis- tributors for Imperial Heating Co. for province of Ontario. The famous | Wonderglow Oil Burner for ranges and furnaces. For further detalls agencies write Brisson Bros, Office, 9 Marlboro St. N. Cornwall, tario (1101) REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS TAKEN now for the remote installed modern household Refrigerator Bell's Refriger- ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 2959W. J Jan12) SILENT GLOW OIL 3URNERS FOR cookstove, jacket heaters etc Cooks and Sharp 'Electric. Phone 4501. > (Jan2itf) VENETIAN BLINDS Highest quality steel or aluminum SEVEN DAYS DELIVERY CHRISTMAS ORDERS TAKEN NOW -- ESTIMATES FREE PHONE 3531R -- R. G. Trewin u (Tues-Thurs-Sat) OIL BURNERS SALES, PLUS A | complete. Reliable Service Out-of- town customers sollelt W. Borrow- | dale. Phone 40464. (Jan18) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN | IN STOCK | for all makes of washers Jack Bld- | dulph, 68 Simcoe 8t. N. Phone JB00W (Jan25) CROSSWORD HORIZONTAL 44. . drifts to. leeward 6. .in bed . augment . . Anglo-Indian nurse . uncommon . by way of less dangerous military assistant formal objections equal ' air: comb. form = 4 48. 50. 54. prices paid. Phone 3362: evenings 1278 (Janis) REGISTERED 'COCKER SPANIEL PUP- ! Jles, grown dogs. blacks, blondes, reds | parti-coloured. Reasonable. Waubensa | Kennels, mile west Oshawa, Queen | Elizabeth Highway, (Jan. 11) | LARGE MILK- FED, FRESH KILLED ROASTING CHICKENS Dressed for the oven. Deliver- ed. Order this week for New | Year's. | PHONE 1652W11 _ (12) | 35--Wearing Apparel BUY AND SELL USED "CLOTHING, | Highest prices paid for used clothing | Sterilized, cleaned and pressed Like | | new. Large stock of sults, winter coats, pants windbreakers, single jackets and | vests all sizes and colors. Ladies' id] | fur coats. Also new goods; large sto to choose from. A call will aonvines you. - 21 Bond St. W, Samuel Swartz (Jan6) . Amazon estuary . disputes 55. 56. labor type of wildcat OIL BURNERS | For By Eugene Sheffer 8. put off 9. antipathies 10. refuse 11. impetuosity 17. disappoints 19. donkey 21. American diplomat 22, withal 23. club-shaped 24. wide- mouthed 57. Scotch cap 58. being 59. for fear that VERTICAL 1. weaken 2. wine vessel 3. pike-like fish 4. form 5. curves 6. exclamations of derision 7. epoch about price . adopt . our globe . speed contests . sister of Ares . house addition 26. dilatory . prominent , person . river in the Tyrol . lyric poem 5. alone . bird of peace . paddles | STOVE & FURNACE | | - Immediate Installation IRISH & DREW | 184 SIMCOE S., PHONE 4442W (108t1) | 37--Articles Wanted | GIRL'S FIGURE SKATES, SIZE 13 OR 1. Phone 2883M. (113a) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West. 3326W (Jan3) | 8POT © CASA PAM VOR GOON USED | furniture, Ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3766Ms A A =| Z|m (2 aim IUD DURES Answer to yesterday's puzzle. pitcher 27. guillemot 28. harem room 30. oil: comb. form 31. mid-day 33. came together again 38. despondent 41, sharp moune tain ridge: 43. force back 44. slight quarrel 45. extent 46. mountain aborigines RIRENO AIMIOIC| OEM ®|ZIm|o VimERo|-imiZEReZ|m (Janid) mi - AB Z| nme 39. new: comb. 47. insulate ris>E oor nm Vioimi-in|> Clo ZImi4 pAle)() OIMIOIC [|= [=> HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON form PI<|-l0ENZ|>! Z|-I<H nim] >|r|Clolm 40. distress metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back CNP | Station' (Jan) PIANOS W WANTED | FOR CASH WT .- son & Lee. 79 Simcoe North Phone 2388. Open evenings, (Jan24) . Mohamme. dan cleric . malicious burning Average time of solution: 25 minutes. Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. signal 51. ogle 52. bitter vetch 53. rodent Telegram, the Winnipeg Tribune ! the highest | Australian Race Policy In Question By WILLIAM STEWART Canadian Press Staff Writer Sydney, Australia, Dec. 28-- (CP) --The "White Australian" policy, criticized by Indian. and Chinese delegates before the United Nations trusteeshjp committee, is an Aus- tralian tradition that has been the subject of Soestic talk during the past few months largely as a result of the war, The subject was raised in con- nection with immigration plans in- tended to bring 70,000 persons a year into Australian which has a population now of about 8,000,000 and is believed able to carry up to | 25,000,000 or more. During the war Australian ser- vicemen fought a number of cam- paigns as Allies of Pacific native peoples and Asiatics who are near neighbors against the Japanese. Now that the war is over many Aus- tralians feel that steps should be taken to break down any atmos- phere of racial discrimination Aus- tralia's immigration regulations may arouse, There still remain, however, strong defenders of "White Aus- tralia" who contend the country's "98 per cent British" population has | meant fredom from race and color problems. The "White Australia" policy has been given effect by the Imemigra- tion Restriction Act, passed in 1901 WINDOW CAULKING and GLAZING! Now fis the time to have thos windows Saulked and WH FOR SUiCK SE VICE pies Phones 4338j--3888w { G. McENIGHT An Electric Portable SEWING MACHINE in Your Own $5 Per Home Month SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 16 Ontario St Phone ET TUT on ye "Are those three women prone to be sisters?" as one of the early measures of the first federal Parliament. Its enact- | ment was due to disturbances in-| volving Chinese during the goldrush days and protests against low pay and living standards accepted by South Sea Islanders on Queensland | sugar plantations which now are worked by white labor exclusively. The immigration Restriction Act | draws no color line but has achiev~ ed its cbject by permitting immigra- tion officials to pick and choose | people seeking entry to Australia| tiirough a dictation test. The Ammi- | gration officers have discretion as | to which cf "any European lan- | guage" will be chosen for the dicta- | tion test in a particular case, Pros-| pective immigrants regarded as un- | desirable are tested with a language that they don't know. 1 "ne 1imes-GAze*'td cl ads. bring quick results. | | classitie | A | KARN'S DRUG STORE For Prompt Delivery PHONE 78 -- 79 | Next to P.O. ha APPLIANCE REPAIRS call CHRISTIAN'S ) ELECTRIC & HARDWAKE PHONE 1000 | FOR YOUR WIRING AND | | { FINE WATCH REPAIRING Our Spgcialty FELT BROS.' Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH [3 WATCH MINOR AILMENTS Minor ailments should be given immediate attention. "Mere cold" has grown into such afflictions as sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. We Stock and Sell PLUMBING and HOT WATER HEATING New or Repair Work! 349 Louisa St. Ph. 4296 Groomsport, Northern Ireland (CP) --Senator W. 8. Kingan, form- er high sheriff of Down County and a member of the Ulster Senate since 1940, has died, Oshawa's Leading Sportswear shoppe 33 Simcoe N. Phone 3518 USE GAS . ... CHEAPER . . . FASTER MORE EFFICIENT Ontario ) Shore Gas 1S KING sr.' E PHONE 3300 so ) Watch and Clock REPAIRS Guaranteed Service! Oshawa Clock Shop 504a Simcoe St. S. -- Phone 4475) PRESCRIPTIONS Quickly and Accurately Filled --- AL - MITCHELL'S STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works PHONE WHITBY 552 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS Terms in Accordance With Ware Time Prices & Trade Regulations. 32 King St. W. Oshawa Phone 389 Auctioneer Guaranteed, Results! Frank y Stirtevant Hall st. Phones 2714J or UB MACKIE "THE MOVER" AND STORAGE ocal and Long Distance Moving Lowest Rates Telephone 678 Quick, Safe Service All loads insured free! ® SsNDED ® FINISHED Old Floors Made Like New! New Floors Made Like Glass! ESTIMATES FREE GUARANTEED WORK! CECIL H. LEVY (Successor to B. W. Haynes) Kingston Rd. E. - Phone 16174 Brantford Roofing and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED Phone 1246 Floor Sanding M. LEGGETTE PHONE TO 3744W1 When In Need of Drugs POWELLS "DRUG STORE 35 Simcoe St. North Phones 1360 - 2259 PROMPT DELIVERY FISH & POULTRY PHONE 815J Fresh caught today Lake Simcoe White Fish Order your Xmas Poultry early e Deliver WASHERS IRONERS CLEANERS POLISHERS PROM ATTENTION CXPERY SERVICE BIDDULPH Avrnomizi Beatty PTIALER 68 SIMCOE ST. N. "Look for the Store with the Yellow Fron." Is YOUR Battery 0.K. oh ...for Winter? If it isn't, then you'd better have us instal a new "HART" today. Remember zero weather is on the way so make sure YOUR car WILL start. We'll also rebuild and recharge your battery as well as Rental Service! WE PICK-UP and DELIVER STAN BLIGDON 35 Gibb St. Phone 960 SERVICE American Anthracite (Stove or Nut) NOW AVAILABLE! We have just received a large shipment ready for Immediate Delivery'! 59 CHURCH PHONES 2727w -- 2726 Largest and most varied supply in Oshawa. REPAIRS OIL BURNERS 39.50 T0 ALL APPLIANCES 63 ich double burners. PITT'S ELECTRICAL AGENCIES 12 BOND ST. E. -- OSHAWA -- PHONE 3287 Plus For stoves. installation ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOOR SANDERS @® Floors Laid ® Sanded @® Finished ® Old Floors Refinished All Machines are Vacuum Equipped! PHONES: 34347-42773 51 Harmony Rd. 8. We Supply and Lay TILE FLOORING!

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