i . EH op PAGE SIX THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1946 Remarkable Record Of Disbanding Group i ii: 1 3 Bogs 1358 IT «523 a record of irri hy w. Gang" should be justly proud "7 Principals . In Recent Marriage e F. MRS. RICHARD CHARLES McKNIGHT k place in Centre Street United Church parsonage last urday. The bride is the former Marion Louisa Ham, the daughter of Ham, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs, John nd the late Mr, McKnight, ---Photo by Hornsby Studio Knox W.M.S. Honors Mrs. Alex. Tarbet Mrs, Alex Tarbet, who has been an active member in both the Wo- man's Association and the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presby= terlan Church, was presented with a is monberilp in the W.M.8. by Mrs. James Cormack, at the annual meeting of the W.M.S. held in the manse last Tuesday. #¥fts. Charles J. McLennan presid- ed and a Christmas message was to | Masonic Mrs. | Largs Chapter, Scotland, a Christ- $13 BEERS E 2g 1! ; : i : | | i E pif gd 53 HT g E & 2 - ota 3 Ss gg 4] i gE - «8 | ; 1¥ { f g : £ gf ; To- | son gave two humorous readings. If You Please If you expect to have visitors for the holidays or intend going away, the Social Department would greatly appreciate getting the news either by telephone «No, 35) or in writing with the name of the sender signed. The assistance of readers in making this page of special interest at this season would be highly val- ued, Sunbeam Chapter. Holds Yule Party After the regular meeting of Sun- beam Chapter, No. 73, O.E.S,, in the Temple last Thursday , when visitors were present Alexandria Chapter, Tr, Beaverton, Suc- Ottawa, and also from Beaver Chapter, cess Chapter, mas party was held with Sister M. Baxter and Brother L. Wood in charge of the entertainment and Sister M. Osborne and her commit- tee responsible for the lunch. Sister I. Train, Worthy Matron, presided at the meeting and 'wel- oomed the out-of-town visitors, t Worthy Matrons, Past Worthy and members, The program for the party open- ed with a grand march, followed by carol singing. Sister Glenna Wil- Brother Palmer carried off the honors in an amusing stunt put on by six of the men, In the blind- folded eating contest between Sis- ter Baxter and Sister M. Moore, .W.M., the former was the winner, | ily. ding all the ice-cream to her op- fter gifts were distributed from ily decorated Christmas tree, a e was brought in, laden with good things to eat and centred with ge Christmas cake, beautifully with the five-pointed star in the kolors of the O.ES. and sur- roungied by small pink rosebuds. The cake the artistic work of Sister Duncin's staff, The\thanks of the members of Chapter go to the entertainment convenéps and their committee and . Osbourne and her com« the lunch provided by Te --l A CHRISTMAS DELIGHT BLUE GRASS ~ Charmingly gay ond Imaginative are these sets by Elizabeth Arden, Each @ wompliment to her and te your own good _ taste. The fragrance Is the world's most famove--Blve Grass. JURY & LOVELLL COSMETIC DEPARTMENT SIMCOE S. PHONE 68 Mexican Girl Made Vice-Consul, Boston By Mary E. Prim Wellesley, Mass, Dec, 19--(AP)-- The Mexican vice-consul at Boston is a 23-year-old Wellesley College graduate student who wears swea- ters, tweeds, socks and saddle ox- fords. Miss Gloria Gonzalez-Garza Y, Vasquez-Tagle won the consular post early this year by writing a month- long series of examinations, She competed against 50 men-- all lJawyers--and won one of five va- cancies in the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Relations, "It makes me laugh when I hear the girls. moaning about mid-year exams," she said today. After serving six months in the diplomatic department of the Min- istry in Mexico City, she was as- signed here so that she could com- bine official duties with graduate study in political science at Welles- ley where she held one of two La- tin-American scholarships, She is a niece of former Mexico President Roque Gonzalez-Garza, I wanted to be a diplomat from the time I was a little girl," Miss Gonzalez-Garza confessed, "and got my first chance when Mrs, Obregon opened the, university just ag I finished what you would call my high school education." \ Her father, former governor of the federal 'district, inciud Mex- ico City, was delighted with Gloria's career choice, but-- "It took a lot of diplomacy to per-9 suade mother to let me enter the consular service," she recalled, "Now I'll have to become an ambassador as rapidly es possible so that she won't think I've disgraced the fam- " { COUPONS NOW VALID Today you can use: Butter coupons B29 to B35. Meat coupons M56 to M64, Sugar coupons S1 to S38. Each coupon good for 1 lb, sugar or 24 ounces preserves S17 to S21 al- lowance for home canning. 'whe 'Ilmes-Giaze'te classifieu ads, bring quick results. Of Knitting Worsted Do you need a perper-upp | sults and frocks? Knit this jerkin in easy table stitch; everyone will admire your skill. Smartness and comfort combine in knitting. Pattern 7120 has di- rections for sizes 10-12; 14-186, Our improved pattern -- visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions -- makes needlework easy. Send TWENTY CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to Dally Times-Gazette, Household Arts Dept, Oshawa, Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER, : Personals of yuilon. t0_ang_fibm ihe are apprecia 7 chi department TELEPHONES Miss Ads EB Ross, Social Editor AEAXARTR Mr. T. K. Creighton, K.C., MLA, will 'spend |. yy Major H, P. Milne is Spending the Christmas holidays at the of his parents 13 Tnamesving, Miss Elizabeth Pitt, general se- Srepay St the Y.W.C.A, will spend the - holidays with her mother, Mrs. 4 w Ph, Toronto, Mr, John Blair of Brooklin is making satisfactory progress after his recent operation in the Oshawa will be home from St. Catharines, where he is a student embalmer, Miss Margaret fer of the Lle- wellyn Apartments, has gone to Winnipeg to spend the holidays with her sister. * bb : Miss Esther Renshaw of Adelaide House has left for Manitoulin Is- land to spend the holidays with her parents. L238 4 Mr. and Ms, C. PF, Cannon and family will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Valleau, Simcoe Street North, for Christmas % & Miss Mabel Cobbledick of Toronto will spend Christmas with her sis- ter, Mrs. J. H. McKeever, and Mr, McKeever, Athol Street East. Mr. Robert Young "of Belleville is spending Christmas with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Young, Ar- lington Avenue, » 5% Mrs, John Hopkins of Saskatche- wan is spending Christmas and Nw Year's with her mother, Mrs, George 'Bryant, Agnes Street Mr. Charlie Oatnbaarne of Stay- ner is spending the Christmas holi- day with his mother, Mrs, Fred Young, and Mr, Young, Celina Street. Mr, and Mee Po A" wright, Divi- sion Street, will spend Christmas with their son, Major Morley An- derson, in Toronto. Miss Evelyn Tole of Trenton will visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tole of Verdun Road for the Christmas holidays. Mr, and Mi, , % % Widmeyer, Bruce Street, are spending Christmas holdays with the latter's aunt, Mrs, William Auman, Elmira, * PP . Mr, and Mrs, Norman E. Winter of Simcoe Manor will spend Christ mas Day with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, 8, E. Allin, Orono, * & Mrs, Glen Rogess of Napanee and her son, Donald, will spent' Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc- Farlane, Albert Street. Ae Mr, and Mrs. of 4 Rycroft of Whitby will be Christmas Day guests of Mr, and Mrs, C. T. Woods, Sommerville Avenue, + Mrs, A. E. Sampbel, principal of the Cehava Business College, left yesterday for a fortnight's holiday in Toronto aa Hamilton, L I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner, Ritson Road South, will have as their guest, Mr, Paul Chester of the Chester Advertising Agency, Toron- to, who is a friend of their son, Ray. + * Mr. and Mrs, W, 8. Armstrong of ee Avenue and Marie and Jean will spend Christmas in Lind- say 'with Mrs, Armstrong's sister, Mrs, Marie Clarke, * PP Mr, John Richardson, who is studying Commerce and Finance at Toronto University, will spend the Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Everett Warne, Park Road 8. +» Mr. and Mrs. Meiviile Hodgson of Simcoe Street South and their lite tle daughter, Carol, left yesterday for North Bay where they will visit Mrs. Hodgson's parents for the holiday season. * $ Studying Physical Education at the University of 'Toronto, Miss Diana Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Burns, Mary Street, is coming home today il Christmas. * Miss Muriel Kelly, head of the Art Department at Kingsway Pub- lic School, Toronto, will spend the vacation with her mother, Mrs, R. M. Kelly, Simcoe Street North. * » Fit.-Lieut. Bill Mason, R.C.A.F., stationed at Rockliffe, will be home on Saturday to spend five days' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. G, Mason, Arthur Street, * PP Mr, Ralph Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Jones, Simcoe Street North, who is attending Osgoode Hall, will be at home for the Christmas vacation, Mr. and Mr, £ % Young of North Bay are spending the Christe mas season with their son, Mr. Wallace Young, and Mrs, Young, Lauder Road. Mr, Lawiense Wrage who is do- ing post-graduate work at McMas- ter University, Hamilton, is spend ing the holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wragg, Jarvis Street. a Mr. and Mrs. G. | York, Buck- ingham Avenue, have as their Christmas guests their sons, Eldred Why So Serious, Little Lady? SUSAN ELIZABETH POWELL born in Ventnor, Isle of Wight, is the daughter of Constable J. D. Powell of the Oshawa Police Force and Mrs. Powell, James Street. ~--Photo by Meyers Studios from Ottawa, and Owen and Don- ald from Toronto, bv Mrs, George Surby of Toronto will spend Christmas week-end in Oshawa, the guest of her nephew, Mr. L. 8. Peacock, and Mrs, Pea- cock. ; LE BR J Chriftmas guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. W. McDonald, Ag- nes Street, will be Mr. and Mrs. Donald McNaught and Mrs, John McDonald, all of Toronto. L J Mr. and Mrs, Masson Street, will have as their guest for Christmas week Mr. Mc- PFadyen's father, Mr. Norman Mec- Fadyen of Montreal. L 2 +» +» Mr. and Mrs, Robert J. McCon- nell, King Street West, will spend Christmas in Kingston, the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Harold Anglin, and Mr, Anglin, \ * bb» The C.G.I.T. groups of Oshawa are holding a Vesper Service next Monday at 7.30 p.m. at Simcoe Street United Church, Everyone is invited. * +» Mr. and Mrs. Leo White of Night Hawk, N. Ont, have arrived to spend the holidays with Mr, he | White's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Tim White, Gladstone Avenue, LE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. John Noble, all of Little Britain, and Mrs, Helen Allan of Toronto will be guests of Mr. and Mrs, F, W, B, Wood, Rit- son Road South, og Chaistuns Day. Miss Phyllis Lamon, who is study- ing at the School of Nursing, To- ronto Western Hospital, is expect ing to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Lamon, Connaught Street. > 0 A graduate of Toronto University and student in Dentistry at McGill University, Walter Poloz, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Poloz, Bloor Street East, is expected home for Christ- mas. > > P Mr, John Hogarth, who is study- ing Applied Science at the Ajax Division of Toronto University, and Mrs, Hogarth of Ritson Road South, are spending- Christmas in Toronto, ww» PP Mr. and Mrs: D, C. Forrester, Rit- son Road South, will have as their guest for part of the Christmas holidays, Mr. Bill Hossack, who is at Victoria Qollege, University of Toronto, with their son, Warren, oe de Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Yarrow, Alexander Blvd, and their children, Ronald, Ernest, Leonard and Wayne are spending Christmas with Mr. Yarrow's sister, Mrs, Clifford Mer- ney, and Mr. Merney, Bloomfield. * > Miss Vera Kochanski, who is tak- ing a special Art Course at the Central Technital School, Toronto, will spend Christmas with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Koch- anski, Mill Street. LA Miss Esther Marder, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Morris Marder, Som- merville Avenue, who is taking Oc- cupational Therapy at the Univer- sity of Toronto, will spend the Onifistmas vacation in New York y. 0 SK J Mr. and Mrs, D, C, Forrester, Rit- son Road South, will have as their guest for part of the Christmas hol- idays, Mr, Bill Hossack, who is at Victoria College, University of To- ronto, with their son, Warren, * + Mr. Geoffrey Ades who gra- duated from the College of Phar- macy and is now employed in Tor- onto, will spend Christmas day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. An- drews, Ritson Road South. Mr, Vaughan SecNeety, son of Rev. and Mrs, J. V. McNeely, King Street East, will arrive home from Queen's University in time to cele- brate his coming of age with his parents today. * Dr. and Mrs, *wiliam Cornett from Stirling, Ont, will spend Christmas day with his parents, Rev, and Mrs. A. D. Cornett, 8im- coe Street South, in a family re- union, A Mr. Don Joon. 9 of Mr. and Mrs. F. B, Jackson, who is in his third year of Architecture at Unt- versity of Toronto, will spend Christmas at his home on Athol Street East. Lh Mr. Jim Noxon, who is taking Journalism at Carleton College, Ottawa University, will spend Christmas with his = parents, "Mr. * » N. 8. McFadyen, and Mrs, Gerald Noxon, Arthur Street, LE 2K. Mr. and Mrs. BE. M, Yourth, French Street, will have as their Christmas Day guests Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bateman of Leaside and Mr, and Mrs, Maxie Yourth of Bow- manville and their little son, Brad, * dH Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Wray and their daughter, Efleen, of Hampton and Mrs, Sherwood Rundle and the Misses Marjorie and Jean Rundle of Bowmanville will spend Christ- mas with Mr, and Mrs, C. J, Wray, Gibbons Street. * * Mrs. Edna Cain, mother of the bridegroom, assisted in receiving the guests at the reception at the Davies-Cain wedding last Saturday. She wore a street-length black crepe dress and a corsage of yellow chrysanthemums, * +» Mr. and Mrs, OC. E. Young of Eu- lalie Avenue will have as their Christmas guests Mr, and Mrs, Gor- don Young of 'Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Daniel and their son, Robert, of Kingston, and Mr, and Mrs, B. G. Johnstone of Burlington, LE IR RY Mr, and Mrs, W, L. Morrow, Sim- coe Street North, will have as their guests for the holidays, their son, Vincent, of Flint, Mich., who is just back from the Far East, and their cther son, Paul, and his wife and child, also of Flint. * + » Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Owens of Brockville and their little son, John, are spending the Christmas holi- days with Mrs. Owens' parents, Rev, and Mrs, George 'Telford. Mr, Ownes is principal of the academic department 'of the Rehabilitation School at Brockville, do bb Mr. Tom Kinlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kinlin, Aberdeen Street, will be home from Loyola College, Montreal, to spend Christ mas with his parents and also his three brothers from Queen's Uni- versity, * *P Coming home for Christmas from the University of Western Ontario, London, are Messrs. Charles and Alan Rundle, sons of Dr. and Mrs, F. J. Rundle, Harmony; and Mr, Peter Janetos, son of Mrs. Bessie Janetos, Bonniebrae Point, . ee * Miss Dorcas Beaton, M.D., daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, J. H, Beaton, Connaught Street; who is -at pres- ent an interne in Toronto Western Hospital, is coming home for the holiday at New Year's, * ee Mr, and Mrs. J. H, Beaton will have as their guests on Boxing Day Capt. W. R. Rogerson, Capt. John Rogerson and Major E, A. Roger- son, all Mrs, Beaton's brothers, who will be accompanied by their wives. * +P Miss Evelyn Swartz who grad- uated from University of Toronto in Fine Arts, and is now on the staff of the Art Gallery, Toronto, will be home for the vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swartz, Park Road North. LER BR J Miss Joan Tennyson, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Tenny- son, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, will spend the Christmas holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, William Grose, Colborne Street * Miss Margaret Pellow, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. V. Pellow, Col- borne Street East, will be home for Christmas. Miss Pellow graduated from Toronto University in Physi- cal Education, and is now taking a special course at the Ontario Col- lege of Educalion, Returning from Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, to spent Christmas with their parents are Mr. Ross Alloway, son of Mr. and Mfs. A. R. Alloway, Simcoe Street North, and Mr. William Warne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Warne, Park Road South. * +e Out-of-town guests attending the Eliott-Petrie wedding today Toronto will include Miss Jean Middleton, Buffalo; Mrs. Sydney Hymel, New York City; Mr. and Mrs, Earle James and Mr. and Mrs, Kelvin James, Oshawa; Mrs, Percy House, Hamilton, and Miss Isabel ',7ackett of London, Ont, LAR BR Attending the Monroe » Hurrie wedding last Saturday from out of-town were Mrs. Royal Aitken and Bruce, and Mrs. George Mac- Donald, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Russell nish and Mr. and Mrs, Donald Monroe, all of Whitby, in | China to Mrs. Bridgman, Toronto; and Mrs, 8. A, Taylor of 8t, Oath- L 2% 4 Prom Trinity College, University of Toronto, the following students will be home for Christmas: Mis Nancy Schell, daughter of Mrs, H, P, Schell, Simcoe Street North: Mr, Dick McLaughlin, son of Mr, and Mrs, Ewart McLaughlin, North Oshawa; and Mr, John Bea- ton, son of Mr, and Mrs, J, H. Bea- ton, Connaught Street. . tL 2 2 J Mrs. W. H, Evans, Jr, a Dutch wartime bride, was invited to a Christmas tree party at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs, George Parfitt, arid was greatly surprised when she. found the party was & shower, She received many accept~ able gifts, such things as she had not seen for six years, greatly impressed with Canada, and perfectly opulent to Sele here, Miss Joan Carnwith, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, J. F. Carnwith, King Street East; Miss June Umphrey, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, E. J. Umphrey, North Oshawa, and Miss Joan Mills, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Mills, King Street West, all from Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, will be at home with their parents for ue Christus holidays. Among thosé in the Faculty of Applied Science, Toronto Univer- sity, who are coming home for Christmas are Mr. Fred Prell, son of Mr, and Mrs, R, A. Prell, Mc~ Laughlin Boulevard; Mr. John Mil- ler, son of Dr| and Mrs, ©. O. Mil- ler, Simcoe Street South; Mr. Bob Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs. Fraser Smith, Kendal Avenue; Mr, Ken Richardson, from the Ajax Division Everett Warne, Park Road South, > PP The students of the Oshawa Business College presented Christ- mags gifts to their staff before clos- ing yesterday morning for the Christmas holidays, On behalf of the girls, Miss Marjory Cobb pre- sented to the principal, Mrs. A. E. Campbell, a glamour pin set with brilliants, and Tom Krout, on be- half of the boys, gave Major H. F' Milne a bllifold. Yesterday afters noon the staff and students enjoyed a theatre party at the Regent Theatre. Mrs. Kenneth Trethent, the for- Indless, and Mr, fet supper held at Gordon Duncan, York Mills Road, bride, and the gifts, arranged to form a large three-tier. wedding cake, were brought in on a tea wagon by Master Bobby Burns, nephew of the hostess, The only from out of town were Mr, and mother of the bride, * Pb Students in the Faculty of Medi cine, University of Toronto, who are expected home for Christmas in- clude Miss Sylvia Shields, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Shields, Agnes Street; Messrs. Grant and Bruce Bird, sons of Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Bird, North Oshawa; Mr. Jack Davidson, son of Mrs, C. A. Quan- trill, Athol Street East; Mr. Ian Al- ger, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Al- ger, Drew Street; Mr, Harry Hor- wich, son of Mrs, Joseph Horwich, Sommerville Avenue; Mr. Ted Gla- zier, son of Mr. and Mrs, Manus Glagler, Simcoe Street South; Mr. Robert Miller, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Miller, Simcoe Street South. * +e Students returning from the Lone don Bible Institute for the Christ mas season include Miss Margaret Alloway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Alloway, Simcoe Street North; Miss Helen Spires, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Spires, Bruce Street; Miss Mildred White, daughter of Mrs, William Scott, Mill Street; Bhe 1s | Simcoe from school for the holi- boggy To Dorothy Ho daughter of Mr, and Mrs, 1 , 1 Jor Credit, Students of 'Queen's Kingston, coming home mas include Miss M daughter of Mus, Aberdeen Street; daughter of Mr, Storie, Simcoe University for Christ. Adeline Cho " James, Miss Joan toy and Mrs a Street North: Elizabeth Hart, daughter oi Mis H, P, Hart, Masson Street; Mis Joan Waite, daughter of wy and Mrs, Oyril Waite, Connaught Street; Mr, Boyd and Miss Margar. of Valleau, Son wna daughter of Mr 0D, A, Valle mcoe Street North; Mr, " Marion Cornett, son of Rev, and Mrs. A, e Bure gg oyce, son of , and Mrs, Joyce, Yonge Street; Mr, Ray Mo. son, son of Mr, and Mrs, P, G, Ma- son, Arthur Street; Mr. Donalq Souch, son of Mr. and Mrs 1, M Souch, Athol Street; Miss Joan Bowra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Chas, Bowra, Simcoe Street North: Messrs, Bernard, Lawrence and Bjlj Kinlin, sons of Mr. and Mrs, Ste. phen Kinlin, Aberdeen Street; My, Ray Trew, son of Mr, and Ms, R. Drew, Brock Street East; Messrs, Donald and Alan Cameron, twin sons of Mrs, D. R. Cameron, the Madison Apts; Miss Vivian Soley, niece of Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Kent, Simcoe Buea Naren Among the students returning from Victoria College, University of will be a guest of Mr. amd Mrs, [DV Mrs, Allin PF, Annis North; Mr. , and the home of Mrs, Mr. guests and Mrs Milton McIndless, father Lions Meat Coupons Total Stands at 12,846 The local Ration Board, 66 Sim» coe Street North, reports this morn- ing that only 46 valid coupons were turned in this week, so that the total is now 12846, At this busy time it may be impossible for housewives to attend to this little matter, but when:the holiday sea- son is over, during which much un~ rationed poultry will have been consumed, the coupons and tokens should start coming in again. AUSSIES GET MORE GAS Canberra, Australia--(OP)--Prt- vate Australian motorists will get more gasoline this month, The ra- tion will be increased to the British scale, which gives about 270 miles & month. Commercial users will re- celve an increase of up to six gale lons a month, Miss Melba Dodd, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, A. H. Dodd, Park Road South; Mr, and Mrs, Walter Mills, North Oshawa; and Miss Jean Social Notices Marriage Announcements $1.00 Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mr, W. 8. Armstrong, Miller Aven-. Home for the Sistas vaca tion are the following students of University College, University of Toronto: Mr, Murray and Miss' Florence Swartz, son and daughter of 'Mr, and Mrs, Paul Swartz, Park Road North; Messrs, Peter and Jerry Walte, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Waite, Connaught Street; Mr, Charles Lamon, son of Mr, an Mrs, C. A. Lamon, Connaugh Street; Mr. Sidney Burns, son of Mr, and Mrs, Emmanuel Burns, Simcoe Street North; Mr. John Phillips, son of Dr, and Mrs. 8..J. Phillips, Simcoe Street North, ahd Mr, George Wallace, son of Mr, and Mo. Chas, Wallace, Athol Street oy Li A : The following students in resi- dence at Llewellyn Hall, King Street East, are going away for their Christmas holidays: Miss Mavis Knight of Honan, China, to her mother living in London, Ont; Bryce and Glen Owen of West Gilbert Graham of Central India to Toronto 'relatives; Neil and Keith Buchanan of Central India to their parents in Toronto; Douglas Quirk of India to his grandmother, Mrs, Quirk, in Toronto; Bill Buck of Bolivia to his sisters in Toronto; Miss Carol Swann 'of Trinidad to Mrs. James Endicott, Toronto; Miss Monica Gulley of Jamaica to Dr, and Mrs, Montgomery, Toronto; Misses Ruth and Elsie Arrol to their Engeg $1.00 ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Peter Byrne; Perth, Ont, wish to announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Erma Helena, to Robert, son of Mr. James Devine and the late Mrs. Devine, of Oshawa. The marriage will' take plage in January, : Causes of Buckuche By W. H, KARN, Phm.B. There are various and sundry reasons for backache, but because this is a symptom which comes' and goes and seldom Seems | Serio, | many people neglect the A physician's diagnosis will get you right, should you be ome of those who complain of backache. It could be that your eyes mre under too much strain, possibly your posture is bad, per there is something yet more ous, Only a doctor can tell, The backache may not be too ar ii wi sends ou discomfort may be Very mors ant, and also easily o Be sure that all prescribed medication is of first quality and purchased from a reputable druggist. This fis the 43rd of a series of Editorial Advertisements 'appeari! "in this paper each Saturday. " home in Tobermory, Karn's Drug Store * We Among the students retwming { .