Daily Times-Gazette, 16 Dec 1946, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE DAILY TI MES-GAZETTE MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1946 f Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS and Articles Por Sale .. 36 | Puneral L Articles Wanted ... 37 ves 40 uted 1--Auditors BR So i, ernment tex forms prepered, secretarial work. Phone 1004J, 05 Arthur Street. (Janll) 6 T HOPKINS 'CERTIFIED GKN- eral accountant 24 Alger Bldg. King St East Phone 2127 Consulting ac- countant and suditor, (Jan3l) > re CONANT AND) Anne, Tig Simeoe ot 8 EE ri GRIERSON, _OREIGHTC A & FRASER, Barriaters, of Comimerse Jan. rides RD UMPERETS, EO. Bolict Simcoe Sotictsor " Sitice ® sit: residence Money to loan. (Jan) LOUIS | 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER AND, Solicitor, 25 Simcoe St. Forth Office phone 67 3051. (Dec20) ES RB MacBRIEN, BARRISTER JAMES i Suite 200 0 Kine East Genosha Hotel. Ph Phone : 349. __(Jan13) JOSEPH P MANGAN, TBC. ~ BARRIS- ter, solieltor Money to loan. Office 14'y King East. Oshawa. Phone 445. Res, ay BARRISTER, St. North 3201 8317. (Janl) ) Gardening an: Auditors ...... .. Bupplies Aulomoblies Por Bale Autoioblles Wanted ........ . 33 Automobile Repairs 18 Auction Sale .... 4 Instruction Business - tunities Wanted 21 ONE INSERTION ...... TWO INSERTIONS THREE INSERTIO) Pemale Help Wai Household Repairs 14 Houses For Rent Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. Legal Notices ... Male Help ° Wanted .. ves Male or Female Help Wanted ... Money to Loan .. Nursing Service .. 13 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1.00 EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION .25 P Surgeons ...... 38 Persons) ......... 24 Personal Services 12 Pets and Livestock 34 Radio Repairs .. 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate Por Bale .........000 28 Res! Estate Wanted ......... 20 Real Estate Rooms Por Rent .. 20 eevee 18 3 sien "8 seeses 10 we OB 2 .- 2 ' 39a . } Women's Column 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel'... 39 20 Words Each Add% or Less Word 03% 05 Nig order, insertions {Above rates apply only to date a new order) ordered at a later Professional and Business listings--$5 20 words or less, 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation § and c¢ sign, Sure count as a full word, Box charged 10c additional, All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day before publication. Office Hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. 00 per month for ERNEST MARKS BARRISTER, SOLI- eitor 1 Kinz E Room 2. Phones Office 85, Residence 3687R. ____(Jan2) J PAREHILY, Li, BARRISTER, ETC. HL loans, National Housing Act loans. imecoe North. Phone 1614 ofl (Jan17) ¥. 5 1 SINOLAIK, E.C., AND J. C. Anderso! KC. Barristers, Bank of Montreal | Building. . _Pohne 9. (Janl) MANNING | P SWARTZ, BARRISTER Eoi.citor, Notary. ney oan . satt Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282 Res 287TW 5 (Jan1) $--Dentists 8. J PHILLIPS, 13% SIMCOE ST South Phone 959. (Dec22) 4--Chiropractors SIECKLEY HEALTH North. Phone 146 end_Frids "5 Optometrists € 8. TUR, OPPOSTIE POST "un | West of Oshawa, close in. H. Couch, in| (SRS MBY Fax Fa %. (0 hawa. Hours 9 to 12. 2 to 8 Fhon Bio. (Jan5) Joey AND LOVELS, -- OFFICE HOURS ® a.m. to 6 pm Evening appointment: | A. B Johnson, Optometrist PROT. i lo C. 6--Insurance PEACOCK'S INSURANCE SERVICE. Consuls uy" tor any of your insurance 24--Personal | 36--Articles For Sale Records can RECO! ability, player. Phone JOcON oint- 3¢.20) | pL BRYCE, 384 RITSON South. for a RD YOUR VOICE AND MUSICAL (CHOICE. SPRUCE CHRISTMAS be Fiaved on any for sale, all sizes. Priced reasonable, |tion Bagot St, (104c) 873W. TREES |33 ENAMEL GAS STOVE, 4-burner, side oven, Filler pilot. Good | Rawleigh's Gong Health Pr livery under $1. Phone 217R. 25--Real Estate For Sale INSUL BRICK, SEMI - ALOW house for sale, 333 Muriel gg fii 360 Park Rd. N. {NEW MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE, "a piece bath and shower, hardwood floors |ana hot-air furnace. Possession for January. Half cash, Apply 154 Verdun /Rd." Call after 6 pm. - (103b) $2800, 2 ACRES, GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE small hip roof barn, Good basement, hydro, furnace, strawberries and other rul $2000 cash, Balance InortEag our chance. U. Jones, 6 hone 2667 or Nolan 4153, 26--Real Estate Wanted | VETERAN WILL PAY CASH FOR 2 acres good land, No, 2 Highway, East oi age, This is Prince St. (102¢) | Park Rd | COMFORTABLE, WARM FURNISHED or Close {Motors ge for rent, Prone, 06, | BLUE PRAM FOR SALE, PHONE 3801W (103¢) | PORNISHED BEDROOM. Oa, ous wr water. Very central, Phone ; 1874W. cds All closses Pe 22\~ King street Bast, phcue 2684 Res. _3180W. 'Jan1) "Veterinarians ko By BooTR AND | animal su i Ring." 51 est, Oshawa, P! HA on ant) $--Funeral Directors ,TON BURIAL COMPANY PU NERAL - Ambulance Service, 75 Shaties Stroet. Established 1880. Phone 40 9--Money To Loan | BED SITTING ROOM, SUITABLE FOR | two girls, or married couple. Kitchen | privileges. Phone 4453J, (103¢) SHED ROOM. | LARGE, FURNI APPL® 364 King St. West. (103b) (Jan?) | |ayPROC, ts. In the village of Enniskillen, | 1 EDGERITE CIRCULAR SAW ----- 127"'x42", Apply 84 Gibbon St. i: le. Apply 198 Church | st, (102¢) 12 INCH | PLASTER BOARD nels, 2 1. wide and various lengths. { hone 37712M. Mr. Newton, _(104b) | 3-PC. BILVER TEA SERVICE, LIKE new. $35. Phone 4019W, (1048) REMINGTON PUMP 12 "GAUGE GUN, man's winter coat ew tweed sport | acket, sizes 36 Ladies' Sliver fox mulf, lack shoes, size 51%, two pe. frees | dress, like new, size 15. Phone After 6. 349 Elm Grove Ave. (1 % mattress, good condition, Phone 30284, 04a) 04n) APPROXIMATELY 20 rrEnoL08mD 2388 SIZE STEEL BED, SPRING AND |Sta THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten ; 48 UNTIL THE BOARD J DROPPED IN FOR A THAT'S MADE SOME - OF TAX ASSESSORS PROVEMENTS, GON WAS T LUCKY V7 2 ' WE'RE FROM THE Oe OrF ice \ WD ~ - MITA CAN'T CALL THAT COW-SHED YEAH! SWELL , HUMIDOR! YOU'VE ag GOT Some JOINT . g WHAT! NOU CERTAINLY BER HAS SHRUNK SO THE WHOLE JOINT LEAKS LIKE A SIEVE ALREADY. CAN'T HEAT IT EITHER, I MAY HAVE TO "Thanks To WY WALLEN, PULAELAUIA IN OUR TIME Released by New Sra P:terprises By Howie Hunt Howe JIT; "Hello, chief--You k 'w that clothes burglar I captured a few minutes ago--." 37--Articles Wanted D, MAROON OR Must be in good condi- also croquinole board. Khane ) WANTED IMM IMMEDIATELY. ELECTRIC refrigerator, typewriter, sewing ma- chine, piano, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, radio, Please phone pole (Dec.19) GOOD USED PURNITURE WANTED rs Boxes radine ond stoves. 56 Kine West, Phone 3326W, (Jans) SPOT CASR PAM FOR GOOD USED | furniture, ice box Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Fhone 3766M (Jan13) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR [RON metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale [ron Metals, back CNR tion, (Janl) PIANOS WANTED FOR CASH WIL. son & Lee, Simcoe North Phone Open evenings. (Dec24) 3 PC. wine valour, track, 3 pair or | Also guitar, 93 Alexandra Street, ry TOP (104b) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR IN GOOD EXCELLENT CONDITION. Size 2, ons or boy's also boy's, size 8. Best quality, Phone 378. ( on-Wed) !120 BASS HOHNER PIANO ACCORD- ian, like new, Apply 28 Lloyd St. (103c) CHRISTMAS TREES, 0 PER HUND. red, or 50c each, 10 Edward St, Afax. (103¢) ROASTING © CAPONS FOR SALE, OSH- wa 4082W or Bowmanville 2639. (103c) BLUE CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGE, PER- fect condition, Reasonable price. Phone 4276M. (102¢) 29a--For Rent DOUBLE GARAGE FOR COMMERCIA] purposes at 227 Simcoe 8, Phone sa 31--Wanted To Rent FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, duplex or apartment for newly CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR firsy orhges, Apply M. P, Swarts Barrister, Bassett Telephone 282. married Box 812 Times-Gaz~ ette, (104¢c) ID ROOMS Ol . Phone 4470J suite No 4 Pelept (Dec20 10--Instruction REGISTER NOW, OLASSES OOM- mence each Monday. Shorthand, Typ- secretarial 488084, af Bookkeepiug and all jects. Oshawa Businsss College, 18 St. North. 1314W (Jan7) J) SHuilding Trades GRAVEL, CINDERS an Evans AY RR. 3, Bow. RR "Phone | 2255, (Jan.2) {H. MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK, 'Air conditioning, Dealer for new idea and Pease Furnaces. Phone 4505J. (Jan5tf) KEITH CRAGGS, PAINTER AND DE- corator. Also industrial spraying. Ex. cellent workmanship, All work iE) teed, Phone 3639, 'AINTING AND NaNO. oy grlor. 1 repel Grining 8 8, Pegho meral re ys Hu or, ny Eu spel Decl6 i 16) | Fhone 4695W, UNFURNISHED R_ SMALL ) house in Oshiaws or suburbs, by tiie) y URGENTLY Kn "OR 4 ROOM- ed apt, unfurnished, by business man in Oshawa. Best of references. ter six, (103c) BUSINESS MAN AND WIFE WOULD like 3 or 4 roomed unfurnished apart- ment, Total abstainers. PO aout | Times-Gazette. WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE | or 3 unfurnished rooms wanted, Phone 67WI, __(103¢c) 32--Automobiles For Sale '33 CHEV, COACH. SERIAL 602382, 5 tires. Price $250. E, Snudden, North Oshawa. Phone 582W1. (104¢) 350580 Spare. tire. #i3s ADPly SB. # ® e Bvans, 210 Court urt St, PP Joan) 33-- Automobiles Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe St. Suh ee "SONS, FBG CON- AL "You name it, we bulld it" one 1640J, (Janl) SPOT CASH FOR TOUR CARS AT Dodd's car lot 278 Park Bd. ' Phone 334M, Dec18tf) {ANE GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOM 'and general haulage Robert 'Courtice. Phone Oshawa 77, T7134, (Dood) TILE FLOORING LAID BY EXPERT setters. Variety of colors. mates Phone collect 633, ville, Bromley and Son. 'PAINTER AND PFTRST-CLASS DFCORA- 'tor. P. Dannlels Phone 2718R. (Dec16y ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS, "FLOORS laid, ed, Old floors re. sand fin! ,Anished. Phone 4349. -- 2713. (Jans) '12--Personal Services T, ORVILLE MITCHELL, "YOUR , sonal Secreta Phone 2859J, apt small accounts kept up.to- eograph Service. (Dec.20) A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT sl at © Ki n { Street West. Your patronage solicited. (Dec20) 'NEW SERVICE OLE = Ontario St. Phone 107 © © °° (Dense) UR PER. " Book- | FIV WE BUY, SELL OR ADS USED cars and tucks. Cash or terms Sign: est cash paid make model Ar, Garage, 181 Albert, Phone 4468, (Dec2s) 34--Pets and Livestock CANARIES FOR SALE, FEW LEFT AT $9. Those 517M. = (1040) RUPP FOR SALE. APPLY 451 ontrave Ave. (104a) E YEAR OLD CO UE MARC! 10, and winter A Dog Stevenson Road South, next HOLSTEIN _ COW, , 4 YEARS iy Fresh. M. Morgan, Taunton, (1048) ! 14--Household Repairs : FURNITURM REPAIRED AND RE- for : recovert D. . or Daiton, 3 A (Jang) 13--N ursing Service ATTENTION ARTHRITIC RHEUMA. (816 "Patients! Don't suffer. Phone Re- nurse, Whitby 2124, for free and valuable information. (102¢) 22--Lost and Found OAT LOST, ORANGE WITH 8 STRIPES, yicinity 629 Carnegie Ave. Reward. | Phone 2876). (104b) BuULOVA WATCH LOST VICINITY DI- , Alice and King to Drew. Vion Simon Liberal reward. 268 Jarvis | or phone 2438R (104b) EAA BAG cg ; ker? EA TaDspOIt, be- Ee an a Toronto, Re -- Toronto, ose) | ) Q OBIAWA, FORT PERRY, tire. Dominion' 756.20 ngs 1 on im, Reward, Ri 3c) A) yovio THE | THE TWO GRNTLEME N WHO is Ss Tis J a reer de OCCULT STUDENT WISHES TO BO) i Wea on Geawitienn and etapa Wo fake ania iant esrs of ma GWA Books, Box 919, Times: THREE MALL MALE PUPPIES, weeks old. $5 each, Apply 2 Wilson Rd. South. REGISTERED ples, grown dogs. ronges, rti-coloured. Reasonable. ennels, mile west OBA, Elizabeth Highway. FOX HOUND PUPPIES, a ri male, one female, 2 yrs. old. Apply ! AINING FREIGHT | R. Fralick, Port Perry, RR, 3. (1031) BOSTON TERRIER PUP, PEDIGREED, 3 months, clean habits. 510 Palace | Street, Whitby. Phone 729, Wn ier c) 30838R or 4081J. (Decl4) 300 PULLETS, 5§ MONTHS OLD. PHONE | 35-- Wearing Apparel {PR. GIRL'S WHITE BOOTS | skates, sizt 3, $3.50. Prone 1759R. (ion) LADY'S BROWN COAT, FOR {size 14, fur trimmed, with hat and muff, 122 Rosehill Blvd, oa ) |Two FUR COATS, LARGE SIZE, AL- | { s0 | 403 Mitchell Ave, (104b) 's. |BUY AND SELL USED Bia Sighs rices' paid for used Jlothing. 2 | Ser rized. Heated and pressed. 0 ne to choosel from. you. 21 Bond St. W., NArticies For Sale CH ELECTRIC RANGE. 4-BURN- 5? Pod condition, Phone 2599J. (102¢ | Phone | hold, nstall R. track. | { Bousehold Borrlgerator Belts Rett 24 FINE NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, ns, Sxoelient stock. 6 months old. Phons Sollection of toys and h "| Bum % Bd | CHRISTMA reds Balsam, Waubena | Shee and d orholesal Queen | attr 30 Bn 30 «p | | 5 | hing | 37--Articles Wanted FOR SMALL Junior goalie pads. Phone 4618W. |POY. Size 12 or 1. Phone 4255J. (104s) (Jano) | | { delivery, TURKEYS Order your Christmas turkey now. We also handle all kinds of fowl, hens, roasting chickens, capons, up to 8 lbs. R. LITZ, Poultry Station 117 Bloor St. E. Phone 4394M KITCHEN SUITE, NATURAL FI NISH. Nearly new, also bed, spri ngs, mattress and floor congoleum. Apply 732 Albert. (102¢) REFRIGERATOR 7 GILSON ~ HOUSE- size. New. 1 only. Bell's 182 Simcoe 8. Phone 103b) 1 Refri rater, ° 2959 SPRUCE CHRIS CHRISTMAS TREES, WHOLE- sale, also retail. Prices reasonable, Ape ly to Ashmore's Garage, Thornton's orners North. Phone 3392W1. Free (Dec.17) MPLETE LINE WOODWORKING equipment for sale. Apply 3 Edward 8t., Ajax. (100) CHRISTMAS TREES FOR _ SALE, Spruce. 33 Hall 8t. Orders taken for schools and churches, Phone 2714J, (Dec.24) SILENT GLOW OIL 3URNERS FOR cookstove. jacket heaters. etc Cooks and Sharp Electric. Phone 4501. (Dec21tf) FRESH OR WELL ROTTED PIG MAN- ure for winter flower bed re rotection. Two-fifty yd. up. Phone J. (Decl?) STEEL VENETIAN pliNDS 55¢ PER ft. Measured and talled. George Reld. Phone 2104. ) Bond West. (Dec23) OIL BURNERS For- STOVE & FURNACE Immediate Installation IRISH & DREW 184 SIMCOE S., PHONE wow (87t0) rN Tea KR 3, STOCK makes of wi ers, Bid. dulph, 63 Simcoe 8t. N. hone. NW (Dec25) SERATORS = ORDERS TAKEN for ti od now | ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8. ® 3 an12) 'SLEIGH WITH j Sabres: rails, toddle carts, express wa- and wheel-barrows Ste the large its Sor iy, at adley' ing West. 56 ___(Dec.24) KINDERGARTEN SETS, all members of the fi hoo South Stores, 40 "TREES, SAVE DISAP- polntment, DNs now for your Christ- tree delivery, Dec. 15 to Sholce Scotch Pines. Phones 3148, or Ristson Rd. South. (Dec21) WOODEN AEE ALMOST NEW. Capacity twenty gallons, suitable for pickles, . cider, sauerkraut, p Poking meats, etc. Glecoff's, Ritson Sauth Phone 3235, " (Dec) boxes a aresnis } JUST RECEIVED A NUMBER OF | coal and wood heaters, cook stoves, like | new, suitable fof your home or busi ness quarters. - Now on dizplay"as at the Bradley Furniture Co, re. OIL BUR! | complete, | town customers solicited. dale. le. Phone 4046J. bail SALES, PLUS liable Service Outofs W. Borrow. (Dec18) {SKATES AND BOOTS TYPEWRITER WANTED Will pay good price Apply TIMES-GAZETTE | 38--Female Help Wanted | WOMA South | who died at 54 brought 4,097 babies AN OR GIRL ' TO WASH DISHES and assist in private home Christmas day and day liowing, Good hourly wage. 75¢ per hour. hone 17, (103c) WOMAN WANTED FOR LAUNDRY h#p. Steady job, Apply Star daundsy, 13 Celina St. (103¢) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS ~ WANTED. Good hours and ast; Apply Kwan's Restaurant, 19 King W. (102¢) WOMAN FOR en HELP, APPLY Central Grill, (1021) YOUNG WOMAN, SINGLE PREFER- red, to assist with bookkeeping. Con- genial Please state experience and references. Box 800 Times-Gazette. (tn SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR FOR local business firm. Must experi enced and ot a §ite, sul full partictlary in letter to Box imes-Gagzette, (tf) 41--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED JANITOR, REPAIR man would like full or time job. art Reference if required, Phas 4010J. ( Christmas Tree And Concert At Harmony On Wed. MRS. KENNETH FLETCHER Correspondent ' Harmony, Dec. 16--The attend- ance at Sunday School yesterday was well over the hundred mark-- 120 to be exact. It was nice to see s0 many in the Bible Class, and to see some who have been absent through sickness for some time. The Intermédiate girls class had the highest attendance, so were the banner class. Everyone entered into the carol singing wholeheartedly -- the Bible Class especially seemed to be putting everything they had into it and we all enjoyed it. Plan Christmas Concert The annual Christmas concert and Christmas tree 1 ill be held at the school on Wednesday evening, December 18, commencing at 7.30 sharp. There is to be no charge made at this concert, although a sil- ver collection will be taken. This year the Sunday School is putting on the concert and much effort and planning has been put into it to make it a success. A feature of the program will be carol singing and, of course, a visit from Santa Claus, who will dis- tribute gifts and candy. Plan to attend this concert. Everybody wel- come. Personals Mrs. Ida Jameison, Bowmanville, visited with her daughter and other relatives here over the week-end. Mrs, Frank Michael is in Madoc, where she has been staying with her smother, who is recovering from a fall. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. M:rle MacKie 3,0 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dear- porn, Simcoe St. North, passed away within a few days of each other. Mrs. Dearborn dicd on Saturday, December 14, just three days after her husband was buried. Remember to phone us if you have any contributions to this col- umn, Hitchin, n, Hertfordshire, England-- (CP)--Nurse Charlotte Lovegreen 103b) into the world without losing & mother, FOR SALE! EMPIRE STOKER In perfect working condition. 3 controls. On Display . . . ARCADE STORE 454 SIMCOE S.--PHONE 1062 (o1en) 'Face Britain CS O3DIW Big Problems During 1947 By JOHN DAUPHINEE Canadian Press Staff Writer London, Dec. 16--(CP)--British industry is near its goal of 100- per-cent reccnversion to peacetime! output but enters 1947 with the; warning it must boost production ! for export or the country will "come a real cropper" in a year or two, This dire prediction, from 8ir Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of! Trade, comes at a time when multiple shortages handicap industrial activity and the British people, after seven years' austerity, clamor for more goods at home. "We are short of materials, short of coal, short of timber, short of labor," said Sir Clive Balillieu, pres- ident of the Federation of British Industries, And while the manufacturing trades resume their normal opera- tions, agriculture still is on a war footing. Faced with an acute world food shortage, British farmers still must ccncentrate on growing grain instead of turning back to cattle, hogs and poultry. Shortage Greatest Problem Government spokesmen have termed the over-all Tabor shortage their greatest problem--so pressing that manpower, like finances, are goin to he budgeted next year. From a total working population of about 20,000,000, the same as in 1939, the government must find twice as many men for the forces and peacetime conscription and raising of the school-leaving age will keep youths out of industry. Women are quitting their jobs in large numbers to go back into the home and elderly persons who kept working through the critical war years now are retiring. Already the export Industries, with 1,344,000 workers, have almost 50 per cent more staff than before the war. They need at least 600,000 more to reach the country's export goal--three-quarters more by vol- ume than in 1938. Lifting of wartime labor controls has complicated the problem since workers no longer can be directed into essential jobs. For instance, agriculture must rely on German prisoners-of-war for 15 per cent of its labor force, despite an increase in the farm-worker's minimum wage of £4 10s. ($18) a week. Critical Fuel Shortage Shortage of fuel is critical. Fuel Minister Emanuel 8hinwell has predicted a 3,000,000-ton gap be- tween production and demand, cut- ting the nation's stocks far below the safety level. Arthur Horner, general secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers, has .pre- dicted widespread factory shut- downs unless output goes up. - Among materials, steel is the danger-point. Strikes in the United States slashed expected imports from that country and lack of steel now is being felt in a dozen direc- tions. The motor trade already has had to reduce its 1947 program. British steel exports have been brought down to rock-bottom. Labor disputes have become more numerous and 300,000 more working days were lost during the first nine months of 1946 than in the same period of 1945. But Britain has avoided the dislocation experienced by Canada and the United States through. strikes in basic industries. Manual Wages At Peak Wages of manual workers in the manufacturing industries reached peak levels. The average weekly earnings of all workers now are just over £5 ($20) compared with only £2 13s 3d ($12.65) in 1938--a boost of 89 per cent. Almost 7,000,000 men and women were discharged from the forces or from war production jobs in 15 months but large-scale unemploy.- | ment has been avoided. The most serious feature of the "country's un- employment "pockets" is that they are mostly in the so-called depress- ed areas where unemployment was heaviest between the wars. A threatened revolt. over farm prices by the National Farmers' Union was averted when Prime Minister Attlée's Labor government promised an early review of the price structure to iron out: inequal- ities. Farmers won the concession that their own work and that of their wives will be taken into account in measuring the level of agricultural profits. A * Wadhurst, Sussex, England--(CP) --Rear Admiral Cosmo Moray Gra- ham, 59, one of the Royal Navy's fiyltg pioneers, has died. IrN4 Hashes Of Life Paris.--A diamond cross of the Legion of Honor was presented to Marjorie Lawrence, Metropolitan opera star, in a private ceremony at the Paris Opera after she sang ithe role of Amneris in Verdi's Opera, "Aida." LE BE Hastings, Sussex, Eng.--Abe Yanofsky of Winnineg will represent Canada at the inter- national chess masters' tourna- ment beginning here Dec. 30, the Hastings Chess Club has an- nounced. He will face competi. tion from Great Britain, France, The Netherlands and Iceland. o* BP Newmarket. -- Lorne Castator's story about pugnacious muskrats attacking his geese wasn't good enough to get him off on a charge of shooting the animals, The Weston man was fined $20 after a game warden testified that he had never seen the muskrat with enough courage to attack a goose, which has a long enough neck and sharp enough beak to take care of itself. oe Be Hamilton, -- A curious court never did find out why Fred Hackman, 58, wanted to steal one overshoe. Hackman was given a three-month sentence here when he admitted the theft after a police officer saw him with the booty protruding from a coat pocket, * PP Fort Erie--Park custodian Wil- liam Randall commented happily that he'd rather cut grass in De- cember than push a snow shovel. Two years ago he was battling snowdrifts in Oakes Park. Lately he was cutting high grass in the baseball outfield, LE Windsor.--A "useless" fire hy- drant delayed firemen in a fruit- less attempt to cave the small frame home of Mr. and Mrs. David Small from fire, Deputy. Fire Chief George Guenot said here. A neighbor told Guenot the hydrant had been out of order since it was struck by an automobile more than a year ago. * rb Detroit.--A Marine Corps Vet- eran law student at Highland Park Junior College, who could not get along "in the style in which I am accustomed" on a $20-a-week gov- ernment allotment, has confessed 15 break-ins in the Palmer Park district, police revealed. They said Percival V. Hobbs, 20, had accumulated a $500 bank ac- count and quoted him as saying: "As a 'B' law student, I owe it to myself to act in my own defence." Ln -- Two th d loyees of National Biscuit C y sued in federal court today for $500,000, claiming that amount due them from the com- pany in back wages for 15 min- utes daily spent in donning uniforms and arranging tools, and 20 minutes in washing flour from their bodies and dressing for the street. oo Bop Mason City, Ia.--From 5,000,000 to 7,000,000 bushels 'of the United States 'bumper 1946 potato crop al- ready had spoiled and the loss may amount to 38,000,000 bushels, A. E. Mercker, federal official in charge of the government's potato price support program, said here, Los Angel STOVE & NUT COAL Now Available For Immediate Delivery! PHONE 24918 WALL'S COAL London, Dec. 16--(AP)-- Sources close top Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street expressed a pleased, off-the-record interest today in the possibility of Princess Elizabeth's marrying Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark--but emphasized that persiste.# 1umors of an engagement still were only rumors. Although the rolitical aspects of such a marriage were debated heatedly in left-wing circles, where a strong faction disapproves of the present Greek Royal Family, there was a widespread tendency to 'keep politics out of it" so far as possible and at the same time to play down rince Philip's connection with Greece, Rumors Are Flying... And Seem To Be True 'Bout Princess, Philip Such is the feeling of most Bri- tons for the Royal Family that there would be strong support for the 20- year-old Princess' marrying whom she chose unless the government, whose approval is necessary, or a substantial section of the public re- garded her choice as definitely un- suitable, Britain's upper crusters appear solidly in favor of 25-year-old Philip, and the current outbreak of stories about him in the newspapers could be interpreted, in part, as a campaign to "sell" him to those elements of the population whose distaste for King George II of Greece might affect their feeling for his second cousin, young Philip, Canada==U.N. (Cortinued free Page 3) principle of functional responsibility outlined by Prime Minister Mac- kenzie King some years ago. "That principle, as I understand it, means that nations should be judged by the contribution they are able and willing to make to world peace and well being, and not mere- ly by geography or population ..." "District progress is being made," sald Mr, Bracken before leaving New York. "If international in- spection as to troops and arma- ments should become a reality, as now seems possible, it will be the longest step forward ever taken to- ward the prevention of war." Mr. Coldwell aid the meetings of the assembly this last week "have given us cause for a good deal of optimism." "The long discussions earlier at times seemed discouraging," he add- ed. "The amount of unanimity in the assembly this past week sur- prised, I think, everyone. "The great powers are some dis- tance apart still but they are coming closer together." Mary: "So you bought a new fur coat after all. I thought you sald your husband could not afford it this year." Jean: "So I did, but we had a stroke of luck. My husband broke his leg and the insurance company paid him $300." LONDON--(CP) -- Lord Kinder- sley, 74, has resigned as president of the National Savings Committee because of ill-health, ITy a classified advertisement for quick results! ONLY 7 MORE SHOPPING DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS For the Convenience of the CHRISTMAS SHOPPER CHRISTIANS will be Open Evevy Night Until CHRISTMAS Act Now for WINTER DRIVING with SUMMER COMFORT Our Complete WINTERIZING SERVICE Includes ® warmth. Heater Service -- to give you quick, steady LJ starting. Battery Service and Tune-up -- for easy Elimination of draughts . . . by proper fitting of doors and windows. . Cooling System and Engine thoroughly checked... Complete Lubrication Service and Accessory Service. Make An Appointment Now! ONTARIO MOTOR SALES TUNE IN CKDO -- 8.45 "SINCERELY KENNY BAKER" MON., TUE., WED., THURS. & FRIDAY Mm. 86 KING E. PHONE 900 { '

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