-- : SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1946 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE FIVE NEWS OF WHITBY AND THE SURROUNDING DISTRICT ' The Literary Society Prize Donated jointly by the Board of Education and the Literary Society. Awarded to the student who obtains the highest aggregate marks in any five papers of the Upper School Won by Milton Mowbray. The Times-Gazette Prize Donated by the Times-Gazette. Awarded to the student obtaining the highest standing in Upper School Mathematics. Won by Milton Mowbray. First Carter Scholarship Awarded to the student in On- tario County who makes the high- est total in ten Upper School pap- ers, which must include English, Algebra' and Geometry. Of the value of $100. Won by Milton Mowbray. The Rotary Prizes Donated by the Whitby Rotary Club. Awarded to the pupils rank- ing highest in grade IX. Grade IXA--Maxine McGary. Grade IXB ~--Goldie Majcher. The Kinsmen Club Prize Donated by the Kinsmen Club of Whitby, Awarded to the pupil rank- ing highest in the graduating Com- mercial Class. Grade XII--Fern Hess. The LO.D.E. Prizes Donated by the Viscount Green- wood Chapter of the I.O.D.E. for proficiency in History. Grade IX-- Norman Levine. The Emily Macdonnell Prize for Grade X--Barbara Thomson. The Viscount Greenwood Chapter L.O.D.E. War Memorial Scholarship Awarded to the pupil of the Ma- triculation Classes of Grades XII and XIII who writes the best essay on a patriotic subject chosen by the chapter. Won by Olivene Nadeau. The Law Prizes Donated by Mr. Ivan Law for highest standing in Agricultural Science. Grade IX--Archibald Bar- nett. Grade X--Betty Peake, The Whitfield Trophy Donated by Mr. G. B. Whitfield. This trophy, together with the Nel- son Shield is awarded to the most outstanding pupil of the school as determined by a vote of the student | gia . Winner for 1946-47--Leonard Strathcona Medal Best Rifle Shot in Whitby High School--William Wilde. ATHLETIC AWARDS The Maundrell-MacDougall-Harden Cup Awarded to the pupil winning the greatest number of points on Field Day. Won by Gerald Bracey and David Haire. Girls' Senior Championship--Won by Joan Archibald. Girls' Intermediate Champion- ship--Won by Marion Rowe. Girls' Junior Championship--Won Rosevena Church. Girls' Senior Runaer-Up--Won by petty Emorey. % Girls' Intermediate Runner-Up-- Won by Teresa Jordan. Girls' Junior Runner-Up--Won by Maxine McGary, and Norma Shear- er. # Snelgrove Prize--Donated by Mr. W. C. Snelgrove. Awarded to the girl winning the highest number of points on Field Day, without getting other awards. Won by Betty Peake. Boys' Senior Championship--(Jos- eph King Cup)--Won by Gerald Bracey. Boys' Intermediate Championship «Won by David Haire, Boys' Junior Championship-- (Jack Hutchison Memorial Trophy) «Won by Norman Levine, . Bays' Senior Runner-Up--Wona by 'Douglas Ross. ' Boys' Intermediate Runner-Up-- 'Won by Robert Purdy. Boys' Junior Runner-Up--Won by Elmer Lick. | Bassett-Stainton-Davey-Cameron- den Cup (one mile)--Won by Bracey. Langevin-Sebert - Stainton - Blow- Northam - Harden - Harden Cup ' {quarter mile) -- Won by Gerald Bracey. Stiner Cup-- (cross country)--Won by Gerald Bracey. Inter-Form Shield--Presénted by the Girls' Athletic Association to the Form winning the highest num- ber of points on Field Day, in pro- rtion to enrolment -- Won by Intermediate Certificates Intermediate Certificates are pre- { i Whitby Classified burner installed, ready I a or use. Vigor Gas Station, Brock street north ) POR SALE_SEATES FOR SALE, ALL Sizes. Apply Director of Recreation, side door, Library. FOR rar (Dec16) and A ae oy SA condition, Apply 100 Cen La Street south, thy, or phone 453. : (Decl6) For SALE--40 PIGS FOR SALF 170 pt on PRY Arthur Hubbert, Myrtle on BE Whitby. Phone 2139, #OR SALE--SMALL QUEBEC HEATER oven, ped ater cof tty Electric Ironer, almost new, mo- double bed with mattress, kitchen e. Apply 309 Dunlop Street, Whi Prone 2139, P e A RG cons a Bandas Street east, Whitby. Py FOR _SALE--QUEBEC COOK STOVE, gomplete with oll burner and 35 gal- n drum, $40.00. Phone 604, Whitby. D SALE--BUILDING _ LOT 9sx1ag, Centre Ritny, POE | Ln (domestic mL Bring atatners, Phone Brooklin wg py i REWARD FOR ANYONE FIND- FOR street, second lot $250.00. Phone a suiteble apartment or house for Beaton and family. Phone oh ANTED TO BUY -- ALL KINDS OP uitry. also new and old feathers hest market prices. Apply J. Parker. 21 Brock St N. Phone 486 RENT -- SIX-ROOMED HOUSE _ Prize Winners At High School sented to pupils who have success- fully completed the prescribed courses for grades IX and X. The following pupils have qualified: Faye Branton, Catherine Brough- ton, Ruth Carson, Margaret Craw- forth, Ardath Curl, Elizabeth Davis, Jean Fallow, Marjorie Harris, Mary Jermyn, Jean Kerr, Gladys Laur- ence, Ina Law, Irene Lee, Marion MacLeod, Renee Matthews, John Moss, Geraldine O'Connor, Beverley Pascoe, Betty Peake, Marjorie Rints, Louise Ritchie, Marian Rowe, Pat- erson Shewan, Daisy Slessor, Bar- bara Thomson, Eileen Twist, Elisa- beth Witzke. a 3 Rehoal Grad Diplomas The following pupils have com- pleted successfully the courses for Grades XI and XII: . Joan Archibald, Helen Ashby, Gerald Bracey, Joyce Field, Joan Foster, James Gaine, Joyce Grylls, Fern Hess, Doreen Holley, Shirley Jermyn, Bert Kahn, Elizabeth Kell, Harold Levine, Verda Packer, Ed- ward Pegg, Robert Peiry, Eugene Quantrill, Thomas Richardson, Janet Wells, Isabelle Wood. Commercial Diplomas Helen Ashby, Fern Hess, Doreen Holley, Isabelle Wood. Secondary School Honour Gradu-~ ation Diplomas Awarded to pupils of grade XIII who have obtained standing in at least eight Upper School papers. The following have qualified: Elizabeth Appleby, Marion Dis- ney, Everett Fleming, Wilmot Gates, Mary Gledhill, Ruth Heron, Milton Mowbray, Norma Neal, Jean Pegg, Verna Sonley, Evelyn Steen, Ada Thompson. tion Merit Crests Merit crests are given to students who have a good standing in their school work, and who have taken an active part in school activities, The following graduates have been selected by the Students' - Council to receive these awards: Helen Ashby, Mary Gledhill, Mil- ton Mowbray, Norma Neal, Lyn Mill Sold Recently In Operation Over Century Elliott's Mill, Hampton founded just over 106 years ago, changed ownership the last week of Novem- ber, 1946, when Gearge Farncomb sold the property and goodwill to R. C. Metcalf, Toronto and his bro- ther H. C. Metcalf, Guelph, who will continue the business under the name of Hampton Milling Co. The story of this mill, written by the late Dr. Jabez H. Elliott, des- cendent of the founder, appeared in The Statesman in Jan. 1937 and later appeared in booklet form. Some of the highlights of this his- tory are recounted below. The mill has been in continuous operation for this long period of time and has changed ownership only twice until the present sale was made. Founder Founder in 1840 by the late Hen- ry Elliott J. P, who was born in Cornwall , England, in 1809, the business remained in the Elliott family until 1910. It was then sold to the late Chas. Horn, who later took into partnership his son, Edgar Horn, who still lives in Hampton. He sold the mill to George Farn- comb, son of a prominent Newcastle family. Operated by the Elliott family for 70 years, by the Horn family for 26 years and by Mr. Farncomb for 10 years, the total of 1068 years of continuous, succcessful operation in such few hands is considered some- thing of a record. The new owners have a high tradition to maintain, Changes Only two major changes have taken place in the property during its century of operation. The ori- ginal mill was reconstructed on its present site in 1851 and modern machinery has been installed to keep pace with the times, Erected on the creek flowing through Hampton. Elliott's Mill was but one of 35 mills and factories using the water power of this stream. Only two have survived, the Hamp- ton mill and Vanstone's Mill, Bowmanville, both today at the peak of production, Established 14 years before a rail- road reached Bowmanville, when the present province of Ontario was known as Canada West, and 27 years before Confederation, Elliott's Mill served the needs of the farm- ing population of north Darlington and continues in that capacity to- day. chopping business the mill produces 3x Pastry Flour which has a wide market. Paid in Full In announcing: the change of ownership, Mr. Farncomb. spoke highly of the farming community that has accorded faithful patron- age for the past decade in a cen- tury of prosperity for the one mill Extending credit running into thou- sands of dollars he closes his books with scarcely a dollar outstanding. With his thanks to a fine group of farmers go his wish for continued confidence in the new comers. OIE I OX O) WANTED! 1 DEAD HORSES © and CATTLE I For Free rickup Telephone Toronto Picgering .. Brooklin . ...... Jlaremoni We Fay Phone Charges -- YOUNG LTD. sesres 89 62 TORONTO oEIor=--------=j0rI0r=--"x Aside from general feed and BAND En Ne=NOTES (By RAYMOND COLLINS) All 30 members of the Kinsmen Boys' Band were out for the prac- tice on Thursday night at 7.15 p.m. and they spent the period practising for their Christmas concert. "O Come All Ye Faith- ful," "Silent Night" and "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" were three of the carols they worked at, and they had the mo-. trou- ble with the last of them. After an intermission of a few minutes 'they settled down to work again, but still found the same carol difficult. The prac- tices between now and Christmas will be spent in learning these ca- rols, which will be given on Christmas morning at the Onta- rio Hospital, the Cou.ty Home and, for Whitby people, at the Four Corners. Next practice will be on Tues. day night at 6.45 p.m, The Whitby Boys Band have received a donation of Five Dol- lars from Mrs. E. A. Graham which was gratefully appreciated by the band management. In Memoriam RISEBROUGH--In loving memory of a dear wife and mother who passed away Dec, 15, 1941. None knew her but to love her, None named her but in pra 3 --Ever remembered by husband and family, OF WHITBY Vote TODAY and ELECT JOHN 6. STRATHY Councillor for 1947 POLLS OPEN UNTIL 7 P.M. "SHOP EARLY AND AVOID DISA = Store Hours: Daily 8.30 to 9 p.m. Sunday 12.30 to 5 p.m. Ajax Delivery Service. for rent, between Whitby and Ajax,' ¥ 3h TL Levine, Phone 779 (Dec.14) . i For Her COSMETIC SETS PERFUMES BRUSHES COMPACTS GIFT STATIONERY PLAYING CARDS BILLFOLDS XMAS CARDS GIFT WRAPPING For Him SHAVING SETS RAZORS TOBACCOS ee 00000000 LEATHER GOODS PPOINTMENT CUTEX & REVLON SETS PEN & PENCIL SETS CIGARETTE LIGHTERS JJR.B 'THE REXALL STORE, PICKERING Ry START NOW... to give yourself that smart look with an up-to-the-minute Permanent Wave from-- The Style Shop PHONE 679 133 BROCK ST. WHITBY WHITBY! (on the New Highway) { "The Most Modern NIGHT CLUB ¢{ in the District" { J a a -- There Will Be --- DANCING , -- Every -- TUES., WED., FRI, & SAT. FOR TABLE RESERVATION TELEPHONE 971 WHITBY or write to CLUB BAYVIEW, Whitby CATERING TO SPECIAL OCCASIONS AND FUNCTIONS! We Offer a RADIO Repairs Made tc All Makes of Electrical Appliances. VICTOR BLUEBIRD ® Our Large Stock of Good Records Is At Your Disposal. New Radios are AVAILABLE! "WE HAVE A NEW SELECTION OF PLUSH DOGS AND PANDAS FOR YOUR SMALL CHILD. ATTRACTIVELY PRICED. Gift Suggestions * RECORD ALBUMS % LAMPS * ALUMINUM WARE * ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Phone 383 WHITBY